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Professional Competencies

A competency is an underlying characteristic of an individual which enables him/her to deliver

superior performance in a given situation. Competencies consist of clusters of knowledge,
attitude and skill set. Mentioned below is the list of professional competencies that could
enhance your career success.

1) Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal skills are sometimes also referred to as people skills or communication skills.
Interpersonal skills involve using skills such as active listening and tone of voice, they include
delegation and leadership. It is how well you communicate with someone and how well you
behave or carry yourself
a) Communication Skills
b) Negotiation, Perception and Adaptability
c) Conflict Management & Resolution
d) Persuasion Skills
e) Team Building
f) Affirmation Skills
g) Self-Awareness

2) Communication Skills
Every individual needs to be well equipped with the tools to communicate effectively, whether it
is on the personal front, or at work. In fact, according to the management gurus, being a good
communicator is half the battle won. After all, if one speaks and listens well, then there is little
or no scope for misunderstanding. Thus, keeping this fact in mind, the primary reasons for
misunderstanding is due to inability to speak well, or listen effectively. Communication skills are
the set of skills that enables a person to convey information so that it is received and understood.
Communication skills refer to the repertoire of behaviors that serve to convey information for the
a) Written Communication
b) Verbal Communication

c) Electronic Communication
d) Listening Skills
e) Presentation Skills
f) Facilitation Skills for Groups or Meetings
g) Tact and Diplomacy
h) Selling Style and Persuasion Skills
i) Body Language and Nonverbal Messages

3) Technical Expertise
The technical expertise varies as per the field of the professional.
a) External Awareness of Your Academic Discipline
b) Internal Awareness of Your Academic Discipline
c) Financial Understanding and Management
d) Project Management
e) Technology Updates
f) Customer Focused Orientation
g) Computer Literacy

4) Conflict Resolution
It is a wide range of methods of addressing sources of conflict whether at the inter-personal
level or between departments. Processes of conflict resolution generally include negotiation,
mediation, diplomacy and creative peacebuilding.
a) Analysis and Perception Skills
b) Managing Agreement
c) Negotiation Skills
d) Resolution Focus

e) Creativity
f) Communication Skills
g) Counseling Skills
h) Stress Recognition Skills
i) Process Management Skills

5) Time Management
Time management is the act or process of exercising conscious control over the amount of time
spent on specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity
a) Personal Knowledge and Awareness
b) Self-Direction and Motivation
c) Goal Setting Ability
d) Decisiveness
e) Decision-Making Process
f) Organizational Ability
g) Prioritizing
h) Delegating

6) Goal Setting Skills

Goal setting leads to the unfolding evolution of who you want to be, doing what you want to
do, and living the life you deserve to live. Goals, when approached correctly, take you
systematically through a process that allows you to gain the necessary skills, self-love,
empowerment, and balance needed to exit out of an old reality and enter into a new life.
a) Personal Motivation
b) Self-Awareness and Values
c) Creative Thinking Skills
d) Decisiveness

e) Planning and Strategy

f) Vision and Imaging Skills
g) Prioritizing
h) Goal Setting Process

7) Executive Development
Executive development is the whole of activities aimed at developing the skills and
competencies of those that (will) have executive positions in organizations. executive is
commonly used to signify the top 5% to 10% of the organization
a) Political Awareness
b) Social Awareness
c) Vision and Long-Range Planning
d) Mission & Strategic Alignment
e) Creative Thinking
f) Courage
g) Crisis Management
h) Intuitive Skills
i) Leadership Skills
j) Delegating
k) Financial Analysis

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