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SITUATION: (For questions 1-12)

Baby girl Marie Buk was born via normal spontaneous delivery. As the nurse caring for
her, you conduct a physical assessment.
1. The first and most important need of Baby Marie Buk as a neonate is to:
a. Maintain adequate nutrition
b. Maintain adequate oxygen supply
c. Prevent eye infection
d. Prevent hemorrhage
2. Baby girl Marie was given an APGAR score of 9 at 60 seconds after birth
a. She had cyanotic extremities
b. Her heart rate was over 100bpm
c. She had a good, strong cry
d. She had active movements of her arms and legs
3. In assessing Baby Marie Buks skin, which of the following observations would
likely require your special attention?
a. Cyanosis of the hand and feet
c. Harlequin sign
b. Vernix Caseosa
d. Jaundice
4. All but one are included in getting the babys anthropometric measurements:
a. Head Circumference
c. Temperature
b. Abdominal Circumference
d. Length
5. In comparing Baby Buks head and chest measurements, which of the following
observations would you expect to find?
a. The chest circumference is approximately 2 in. smaller than the head
b. The chest circumference is 2 in. larger than the head
c. The head and chest circumferences are equal
d. The chest circumference is 4 in. smaller than the head
6. You know very well that Baby Marie may have these mechanisms of heat loss,
a. Conduction
c. Convection
b. Condensation
d. Evaporation
7. When getting the heart rate of Baby Marie, it is best to get the:
a. Radial pulse
c. Carotid pulse
b. Femoral pulse
d. Apical pulse
8. If one of the following were found on Baby Marie, which one of the following
would require special attention?
a. Erythema Toxicum
c. Stork-bites
b. Impetigo
d. Mongolian Spots
9. You also noticed pinpoint hemorrhages on Baby Maries skin, what should it be?
a. Petechiae
c. Caf-au-lait
b. Mottling
d. Ecchymosis
10. As you assess the babys trunk at birth and makes the following observations,
which would alert you to carry out further assessment?
a. Breast engorgement
c. palpable liver and kidneys
b. Audible bowel sounds
d. cord with one artery and a vein

11. Which of the following assessments will you report to the physician concerning
Baby Maries ears?
a. The upper part of the ears is on a plane with the angle of the eyes
b. The ears are set low on the head
c. Incurving of the pinna and instant recoil
d. Responds to sounds with a startle or blink

12. Your answer in number 7 is indicative of what condition?

a. Facial paralysis
c. Down Syndrome
b. Cretinism
d. Sturge-Weber Syndrome
13. Which factor doesnt stimulate the onset of breathing in neonates?
a. Decreased CO2 levels
c. Decreased blood pH
b. Increased CO2 levels
d. Decreased blood O2 levels
14. All senses are functional at birth but the most developed of all is the sense of:
a. Sight
c. Touch
b. Taste
d. Hearing
15. Which option correctly describes the normal anatomy of the umbilical cord?
a. One artery and one vein
c. One artery and one ligament
b. Two arteries and one vein
d. One artery and two veins
16. APGAR Scoring evaluates:
a. Heart rate, respiratory rate, color, blood pressure, and temperature
b. Heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, reflex irritability, and color
c. Respiratory rate, blood pressure, reflex irritability, muscle tone, and
d. Temperature, heart rate, color, muscle tone, and blood pressure
17. A sign of respiratory distress in a neonate is?
a. Acrocyanosis
c. Abdominal movements
b. Nasal flaring
d. Short periods of apnea
18. Which finding is normal for a neonates fontanels?
a. Theyre soft to touch
c. Theyre bulging
b. Theyre depressed
d. Theyre closed
19. Wheres the apical impulse best assessed on the neonate?
a. Second intercostal space, right sternal border
b. Fourth intercostal space, left midclavicular line
c. Fifth intercostal space, left sternal border
d. Apex of the heart
20. A newborns cord is clamped:
a. After it ceases to pulsate
b. As soon as possible after delivery
c. After the newborns respirations are initiated
d. While it is still pulsating
21. Nuchal cord means:
a. Cord around the umbilicus
b. Prolapsed umbilical cord
c. Cord around the abdomen
d. Umbilical cord around the neck
22. If the neonate is to be brought to the nursery immediately, the best position is
one that:
a. Fosters rest and sleep
b. Facilitates frequent observation of the baby
c. Promotes drainage of respiratory secretions
d. Prevents pressure on the abdominal organs

23. The purpose of placing the baby on the mothers chest/abdomen after delivery is
a. Maternal-infant bonding
b. Prevents postpartal complications
c. Stimulates utrerine contractions
d. All of the above
24. The elongation of the babys head when it passes the birth canal is called?
a. Nevus Flammeus
c. hydrocephaly
b. Caput succedaneum
d. cephalhematoma
25. The normal respiratory rate of a neonate within 3 minutes after birth maybe as
high as:
a. 100
c. 60

b. 80
d. 50
26. Pimples which develop in the first month and appears on the babys cheeks and
forehead are called:
a. Stork-bites
c. Erythema Toxicum
b. Milia
d. Acne Neonatorum
27. These are flat, pink, red or purple colored birthmarks caused by concentration of
dilated capillaries:
a. Strawberry Hemangioma
c. Mongolian spots
b. Nevus Flammeus
d. Salmon patches
28. Marks caused by high concentration of pigmented cells which usually disappear
in the first four years of life:
a. Erythema Toxicum
c. Epstein pearls
b. Mongolian spots
d. flea-bites
29. The first stool of a neonate is termed as:
a. Transitional stool
c. Breastfed stool
b. Colostrums
d. Meconium
30. A stool which is pale yellow, firm and with noticeable odor is a:
a. Bottle-fed stool
c. Cows milk stool
b. Diarrheal stool
d. Breastfed stool
31. Boxers reflex is also known as:
a. Rooting reflex
c. Moro reflex
b. Tonic Neck reflex
d. Extrusion reflex
32. The most significant singular reflex indicative of a CNS problem for babies
above 6 months:
a. Babinski reflex
c. Parachute reflex
b. Landau reflex
d. Moro reflex
33. A newborn who was born with webbed fingers indicate:
a. Unidactyly
c. Polydactyly
b. Syndactyly
d. Bidactyly
34. This is described as how far the babys hands can be flexed towards the wrist.
a. Scarf sign
c. Popliteal Angle
b. Arm recoil
d. Square Window
35. A nurse tests the newborns Babinski Reflex by:
a. Touching the corner of the newborns mouth or cheek
b. Changing the newborns equilibrium
c. Placing a finger in the palm of the newborns hand
d. Stroking the lateral aspect of the sole from the heel upward and across the
ball of the foot.

36. As a nurse in the mother and infant area of BMC you explain to a first time
mother that the BEST method to activate the milk ejection reflex is to:
a. Apply external breast massage
b. Facilitate infant sucking
c. Drink a glass of warm milk
d. Wear a supportive brassiere
37. You also observed that a client, who is one day post-partum and also
breastfeeding her first child appears to be frightened. The client says, The baby
has been breathing funny, fast and slow, on and off. To reassure the mother,
your best nursing response would be:
a. Thats normal when the baby breast-feeds.
b. Theres nothing to worry about. Im going to take the baby back to the
nursery now.
c. Ill watch the baby for a while to see if there is something wrong.
d. Dont be frightened. Its a normal breathing pattern. Ill sit here while you
finish feeding him.

38. A breastfeeding mother in the room told you that she is beginning to experience
nipple discomfort while breastfeeding. Your first priority in the plan of care would
be to:
a. Have the mother pump until the nipples heal and give breast milk from the
b. Remove the baby from the breast and reposition.
c. Give the mother a nipple shield to wear.
d. Have the mother breast feed only from the nipple that is not injured.
39. A mother in the same room asked you, is it true that breast milk will prevent my
baby from catching colds and other infections? Your best response is:
a. Your baby will have increased resistance to illness caused by bacteria
and viruses, but she may still contract infections.
b. You shouldnt have to worry about your babys exposure to contagious
diseases until she stops breastfeeding.
c. Breast milk offers no greater protection to your baby than formula
d. Breast milk will give your baby protection from all illnesses to which you
are immune.
40. The law that binds the Newborn Screening Act of 2004 is:
a. R. A. 8892
c. R. A. 9366
b. R. A. 8982
d. R. A. 9288

TEST II. FILL- IN THE TABLE. Fill the table of the missing word/s on the different
reflexes of the newborn.





Shining a strong light on the Rapid eye closure


Sucking Reflex

Lips are touched


The baby will grasp the object
Palmar grasp

Lower legs move if infant has an
intact reflex

Deep Tendon Reflex

Foods that reach the posterior



Extrusion Reflex

Newborn pushes back against
the pressue


TEST III. APGAR SCORING. Analyze the given situation below. Give the APGAR
SCORE and its interpretation. (5 pts. Each)
A. Baby Boy Dipatagan was born at 8:40 a.m. and upon delivery he looked pale,
flaccid, grimaces while crying weakly and slowly. When you take the pulse rate,
you only obtained 70 bpm. What is your APGAR Score and its interpretation?

B. Baby Girl Silang was delivered via NSD and cephalic in presentation. As you get
her APGAR SCORE, you observed that shes acrocyanotic, but crying strongly
and sneezes or coughs out. She have well-flexed extremities and her heart rate
is 130bpm. What is your score and how do you find Baby Girl Silang?

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