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The Glorious Liberty in a Seed

Reviving Ancient Ways

for Future Abundance
By Tom Chaffer Atomsound LLC
Intro - Founding Sprouts
Chapter 1 - Water
Chapter 2 - Soil
Chapter 3 - Seed
Chapter 4 - Wordroots
Chapter 5 - Vision Imperative
Chapter 6 - Glorious Liberty by Symbiosis
Chapter 7 - Atomsound
Chapter 8 - Light
Chapter 9 - Seed Revival
Chapter 10 - Natures God
Chapter 11 - You
Chapter 12 - Angels
Chapter 13 - An Agricultural Book for Our Future Earth
Chapter 14 - Pure Station (Psalm 91)
Our Manifesto:
A seed revival is spiraling upward from the ground. The information
age is beginning to swirl around the designed systems in nature. Sprouting
humanity is re-awakening to a seed-centered, easy-maintenance life on Earth and

to the ancient agricultural directives of the Hebrew/Christian Bible and to

themselves as eternal souls. Ours is the opportunity to discover the depths of the
original designs of the Designer and flow there - in timeless abundance.
Our Guiding Principles:
1 - Does it work?
2 - Is it beautiful?
3 - I can do this (the perma-beautiful)!
4 - I'll build Tools that make stuff better!
This book is livicated to Seth Boyer, an architect and storyteller.

Intro - Founding Sprouts

The glorious liberty presented to us within a tiny, un-germinated seed is as
immense and profound as an ocean. We have been given these tiny, little lovebombs these photo-synthesizing, solar panel machines that convert light into
food for everything with the munchies they are ours to wonder at and to employ.
Abundance awakens when that tiny seed
Sprout: verb (of a plant) to put forth shoots, to start to grow, to spring up, to
appear or develop suddenly and in large numbers. #1sprout on Twitter and talk
about your sprouting - and that of others you know.
Humans also sprout. Its what we do.

We've been created as creators who work with the matter and energy in nature to
activate boundless discoveries.
"Of what importance is the human race, that You (YHWH of Israel) should
notice them? Of what importance is mankind, that You should pay attention
to them and make them a little less than the heavenly beings? You grant
mankind honor and majesty. You appoint them to rule over your creation.
You have placed everything under their authority. Psalm 8
Regardless of disputed mutation rates, recent DNA research has determined a
Mitochondrial Eve as the mother of us all.
We share this human experience on planet Earth! Our ever-unfolding mind-body
connection to our ground has yielded an incredibly complex and yet stillmisunderstood genetic bounty.
Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness, so
they may rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the cattle,
and over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move on the earth. God
created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them,
male and female he created them" Genesis 1:26-27 (selah)
We have been fashioned - male and female - in the image of the one, true God,
YHWH of Hebraic lore, and are creators ourselves - tasked to "rule over creation."
According to the ancient, ubiquitous Hebrew book, faithfully kept by God's
people, the Jews, that Mitochondrial Eve and her human seed, the promised
Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus), are destined to subject even the antagonism of planetary
evil to an idyllic future rich with purpose, discovery and regenerative eternal life.
Could Eve have been human 2.0 and Yeshua, with mother Marys female-only
contribution, Man 2.0?
Both Human Genome and the, much more complex, Human MicroBiome research
initiatives trumpet the profound design-work of our Creator and represent the vast
depth of information-processing we are now capable of. We are only beginning to
understand what were made of and how to mine this amazing potential of our
DNA programming.
Biomimicry is a key scientific discipline - especially as it may (and shall, if we have
our app!) interact with and accent the natural processes of symbiosis in our

Cellphones (another thing to thank the Jews for), robots and spaceships are
wonderful, but I contend the fundamental principal of our direct care for creation
remains the most profound discovery of all time.
Our yards await! Within the very ground beneath our feet lies a life of abundance
and beauty unimaginable. Within a few short months, a continuing step-by-step
improvement for another year, and the blessing of YHWH, we can turn our lawns
and neighborhoods into a perennial produce aisle!
The "let there be light" of Genesis 1, God's light and sound creative stuff - what I
call the "atomsound" is locked up within us and within the nature around us. The
atomsound is the Voice inside the atom giving to each particle of connection to us
and our destiny motion and substance.
It spirals within and energizes Earth and time.
That energy, sustained by love, is the seed of our Universe. Coiled up within all of
creation is a unified seed-beginning. Everything is full of God's loving light and
sound and we are bound together by the willing sacrifice of His Son for our
failings. And the "imperishable seed" of His purpose has set our course for the
"You have been born anew, not from perishable but from imperishable seed,
through the living and enduring word of God." 1st Peter 1:23
By this gracious, immaculate atomsound, the complex potential of our and our
planet's DNA-seeds await us.
The questions I hope to answer with this book are What are we making of it all this amazing potential?
How can we maximize it?
And will it last for our children?
Some say we are on the verge of breakthroughs unimaginable. Technologies are
developing - and some are online now - which will thrust us upward into an
"exponential curve" of increasing contextualization and understanding of the data
of our "information age."

And I agree!
Everything I've researched in writing this book tells me that we really are only
beginning to make real sense of our world. We are in the process of radically
reshaping our planet and our systems and it's a good thing! The information and
technologies of the "internet of things" is providing a democratization of the tools
of discovery and implementation - allowing the little people of Earth to
collaborate together to make a really big difference.
This de-centralization of power is already changing the way things are done on this
Sun-circling Rock in education, in science, in commerce and in world view. And the
results will blow our minds.
In this 21st century, Anno Domini nostri Jesu Christi (in the year of the Lord Jesus
Christ), an information-fueled revolution of processes, based on new
understanding of the functions of life at micro and macro levels will give us, pretty
much, new EVERYTHING.
Many will dash about, and knowledge will increase. Daniel 12:4
That time is now. This is the information age, folks.
War tools will soon be retrofitted for peace time - bringing forth technologies that
will last well into the wild west of this new millennium. If a system or process or
widget or field isnt made brand new, it will be vastly improved upon in the next
10-20 years.
All we have to do is
do it.
So pull up a bit with me - into the upper atmosphere (where Superman goes for a
better view) - and observe our humble Earth

from her quiet place, snug in her position in our solar system and spiral

see our privileged planet in her perfectly created symmetry in a narrow

habitable zone of just-right distance from the Suns heat

see her carefully balanced Eco-systems dancing in a bio-diverse symphony

see how the smallest variance in any of the interwoven natural systems could
precipitate a catastrophe

but never does she waver.

We do waver, however.
Recognize that our pale blue dot isn't losing its species at an alarming rate
because of some undefinable intrinsic evil, but because humans haven't been
doing things in a proper, regenerative manner. We've been miserably failing at
"Planet-Handling 101!" And the natural flow of life, with its bugs and weeds, arent
our problem. The way we manage our inputs and nature's abundance-coded
outputs is the problem!
Im willing to bet that lately you've been feeling a gnawing about that planethandling situation as I certainly have.
Our spirits are reaching out for answers - like a spiraling beanstalk reaching into
the realms of heavens giants - where mighty angels swirl around our faith-trees
and eagerly await a roost for the Fathers best-practices.
I feel a particular burden for the planet we give the children of the future. That
yearning is sprouting within me.
Is it within you? Driving you on - to a yet-undefined goal for a more secure future?
We are, as the Bible well notes, only blades of grass sending tender shoots into
the sky - with a fading but beautiful flower... or a Cicada, popping out of it's 17year shell and soaring into the skies for a moment...
Do you have moments when you sense a breakthrough that will root you? Bring
you forth as a lasting sentinel of Earths bounty?
Perhaps youve perceived a SHIFT is happening in and through you.
Everything can be a beautiful garden in your life right now!
We humans were meant to FLOW with understanding and motivation that carries
our will and wishes forward
like a hummingbird in flight.
Learn to attend to that flow - your unique interests and passions.

Theyre what have led you to where you are - or perhaps childhood values and
dreams are being sparked by my plea. Your passion, your ardor and enthusiasm,
your eagerness, zeal, vigor, fire! Your energy-source. The vision that animates your
spirit, frenzy, fervency and love. Your obsession.
Let it drive you forward - in to an indescribably wonderful future of abundance and
Get excited about the prospects of employing the information age - with its
internet tools at your fingertips.
The time is now.
Congratulations, Sprout, youre on your way.
I personally know YHWH, Maker of our planet and of everything seen and unseen,
holds me like He holds you. It has been a long, winding road for me, but I know
now more than ever before that streams of light are opening from the heavens
upon all humanity in 2015 and beyond.
The biggest miracle to me is my response in this somewhat worn-out, half-century
shell! Im being infused with a passion to leave a beautiful, indelible mark on
Earths history and to tell a grand story of redemption.
I feel the wind of a watching host of heaven compelling me onward to find that
flow-spin of energy within that transforms me into what I was meant to become.
I believe theres something better for this planet than the sum total of the current
world systems we have put in place.
And the gift of energy alive within me, a dream and a fire, fuels me.
After all, were not really helpless observers. Right?
Some structures of governance, commerce and discovery are better and some
are worse. And there needs to be some healthy judging between them. But may
we gather together working systems which govern our lives well and, one day,
discard the bloated, broken ones.
And the sprouts - the dreamers and the doers - will fuel us onward!
The United States own founding sprouts like Benjamin Franklin and Frederick
Douglass, social sprouts like Sojourner Truth and Susan B. Anthony, inventor

sprouts like Nikola Tesla, explorer sprouts like Neil Armstrong and entrepreneur
sprouts like Steve Jobs, have all helped to make the world a better place in many
May we be the Americans who gather all those guys and gals info along with
the information and systems that work for us now and go bravely into our future
of abundance with such flourishing!
Pay special attention to the high-minded and exploratory founding sprouts of the
USA. Their insight was given at an extraordinarily key moment in history - with such
a vastly superior education to ours this 21st century! I believe theirs was the task of
delivering the seed from heaven for our next millennium.
And weve allowed a military-industrial complex shadow-government steal away so
many of their discoveries.
They were chiefly inspired by, among other philosophies of governance, John
Lockes clear directives in Two Treatises of Government:
The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth,
and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only
the law of Nature for his rule. The liberty of man in society is to be under no
other legislative power but that established by consent in the commonwealth,
nor under the dominion of any will, or restraint of any law, but what that
legislative shall enact according to the trust put in it. John Locke, Second
Treatise of Government
And, with the seed of their ever-spiraling, course-correcting morality, resolve and
openness to discussion, embodied in the Federalist Papers, gave us a forwardlooking and practical, mutually-beneficial governmental system which is still the
glue holding together our modern world after these 200+ years.
They answered the riddle of self-rule and gave us a way to preserve a people free
from tyranny.
Their vision was Glorious Liberty and its just cause.
And the inhabitants of planet Earth have tasted it!
We are just now beginning to learn how to cultivate and enjoy it with an abundant
LIFE on Earth. Libertys just cause is the force for freedom of speech, freedom of

religion and freedom from tyranny (including religious tyranny).

Libertys just cause is the idea that the Creator of everything seen and unseen is a
benevolent being from whom all that we call true love emanates. Children seem
to be naturally selfless. They serve simply for the enjoyment of sharing a smile. This
is simple proof to me that the most liberating force of all love comes from God.
And from that, men and women seek to establish government a safe place for
their children. A well-governed place where freedoms allow the discovery
necessary to scientifically and socially secure our future.
This Glorious Liberty from above and exhibited through Americas founders is the
fuel for every thriving economy over the last 200+ years an era of planetchanging discoveries, innovation and yet, cruelty.
Libertys cause is now more threatened than ever by forces acting against the
grace, pursuing sprouts world-wide with an evil intent. Those forces can be labeled
and watched closely:

an atheistic and totalitarian marxism

a bloody sharia-law and
a violent, greedy pursuit of everything outside of Earths traditional moral

Such detestable ideas and forces are baseless, nature-abhorrent and anti-human.
Mark well the times we live in. Soberly assess the actions and implications of
today's players. Balance yourself with a conviction to be counted present at center
stage - with Libertys abundant fruit on one hand and a chaos of tyranny
unimaginable on the other....
Which will you choose?
Folks, thats why we have the United States Declaration of Independence. Wow.
Just read that thing, would you? (My reading Full Text)
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people
to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and
to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station
to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent

respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the
causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men
And not just ANY government, mind you, but good government! Its time for each
of us to press upward with the same will and perception those great visionaries
once penned on lasting hemp parchment.
As Im sure many of you are, Im among the children of this nation, the united
states of Amerigo, (thats the explorer/map-maker and his world we were named
after) and I have been blessed to entertain a vision of the future thats simple yet
profoundly sensible.
Sprouting humanity is re-awakening to a seed-centered, easy-maintenance life on
Earth and to the ancient agricultural directives of the Hebrew/Christian Bible and
to themselves as the eternal stewards.
The key word for this simple to grasp, but profound and far-reaching answer is
Permaculture is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally
productive ecosystems, which have the diversity, stability and resilience
of natural ecosystems. (Bill Mollison)
Natures bio-eco symphony clatters with a cymatics of atomsound all around...
intoning to you to get back to the basics.
Be the one who responds. Help Earth to heal and flourish simply by listening much
more closely to your ground.
And then be the educator who awakens the sleepers around you.

Re-mix and improve your world - from the ground up.
Humans, design with Earth!

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