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Mandala Manifestation

The color rays in this Healing Mandala can assist in the manifestation of an int
ention.The manifestation of dreams and physical conditions occurs thru the harmo
nious union of Attention, Conscious Intent, and direction of Will. The Harmoniou
s Manifestation of desires is assured when the intention is coupled with the agr
eement "for the highest good of all concerned".
INGIGO RAY - color of the 6th or Ajna Chakra, partly because of its position ove
r the Pineal Gland and between the brows, and partly because of it's association
to paranormal "vision" - seeing beyond the capability of the eyes. Whereas Blue
is the color of transition and "the door to the other side", INDIGO IS the othe
r side. The INDIGO RAY is the color of Synthesis, which is the act of assembling
"seemingly" separate - unrelated criteria into a complete or whole understandin
g. This translates through the human consciousness as KNOWING - but not knowing
how you know.
TURQUOISE/AQUAMARINE RAY - color of the High Heart Chakra AKA the Thymus Chakra.
Qualities: Clarity, Divine Perception, Discernment, Lucidity, Vivification. One
of the important qualities that this chakra is responsible for is forgiveness. T
he Thymus Chakra deals specifically with communication with Angels, Masters, Gui
des, our Higher Self and Higher Energies from the realms of light. It allows us
to access the sacred records. It is an activator of higher consciousness, yet it
allows the Higher Mind to meet the Inner Child. It is able to bring belief and
spiritual wisdom down from the heavens while keeping us connected to the earth p
MAGENTA RAY Consididered the color ray of the 8th Chakra aka "Soul Star". Qualit
ies: Harmony, Balance, Assurance, Solidity, Inner Confidence of Divinity. Compri
sed of 2 parts Red and 1 part Blue, this tertiary colour lies "hidden" between R
ed and Violet. Therefore MAGENTA is both the end and the beginning of the Light
Spectrum - representing the Alpha and the Omega - the fullest expression of Divi
ne Love. As such, MAGENTA contains or holds all the other colors including the W
hite Light. Connection to this chakra reveals our reason for incarnating - our D
ivine Mission - and then further supports our energies to actualize it.
WHITE RAY - is the energy of the 9th chakra which holds the Christ Consciousness
. Qualities: Purification and cleansing. White rays reflect sensitivity, sufferi
ng and understanding of suffering. Thru White rays, one is capable of compassion
. Appearance: Shimmering semi-transparent white with flecks of all other colors.
Qualities: Transformation, Transfiguration, Rebirth to a higher consciousness.
Other characteristics include transparency and reflection, the ability to mirror
, and therefore recognize ourselves. White or also referred to as "clear rays" R
EFLECTS all the colour rays, while by contrast, Magenta contains or holds all th
e rays. What we see in others, is what is in ourselves.
A simple but very effective color meditation:
Center yourself by inhaling White Light coming in thru your third eye, traveling
down to the tip of your spine, then exhale the White Light traveling back up yo
ur spine and out the Third eye. Repeat this several times until you feel a sense
of calm. Then ask the color ray you are most drawn to to come into your body. I
magine it in your mind's eye and see it slowly descend into your crown chakra as
a large ball of light. Bring the color into your body with slow rhythmic breath
s. Focus on the attributes of the color as you do this. Strive for a five-minute
session with each color you wish to receive but even 1 or 2 minutes is very hel

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