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Please forward 63 Must-Have Sales Tips to anyone it will help!

2005 Achieve Total Fitness, Inc.

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I just finished reading your 63 Must-Have Sales Tips for Personal Trainers. All I
can say is: WOW! That's some powerful stuff! I was actually taking notes as I
Not only should personal trainers read it, but personal trainer directors, fitness
center managers, club owners...anyone who relies on fitness training sales to
increase their revenue! I wish I had read this when I was managing a fitness
center! I would have made every one of my sales staff read it."
Wes Norris, CSCS
Hartford, CT

"Jim Labadie is a master when it comes to the 'selling' of

fitness services. He's an expert at breaking down the entire
sales process and making it so easy for fitness professionals to
use right away.
I was so impressed with Jim's sales knowledge, I invited him to
be my very first regular contributor to
Bottom line: if you're tired of potential clients slipping through your
fingers, listen very closely to whatever Jim Labadie has to say!"
Ryan Lee,MS,CSCS,

Yes, these tips are protected copyright. And yes, reproduction of any portion of this
special report is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Achieve Total
Fitness, Inc.
However, feel free to forward 63 Must-Have Sales Tips for Personal Trainers to anyone
you feel it could help. In fact, the author would be grateful to you if you did!
And if you enjoy these tips you will love the in-depth FREE ($37value) Mini-Course
found at It covers: emotional selling, developing
trust with your prospects, how and when to talk about money and much more!

Achieve Total Fitness, Inc 2005 All rights reserved.

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Please forward 63 Must-Have Sales Tips to anyone it will help!

Table of Contents
Introduction ....4
Sales basics .5
Prospecting ..7
During the sale .9
Closing the sale ...11
After the sale ...13
More FREE tips ..14
About the author .15
Contact Info 15
The whole enchilada ..16
You dont want to miss this! ..17

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Selling is a critical skill necessary for all Personal Trainers to master.
Whether you like it or not, much of your livelihood will depend on whether
or not you can close the deal. And just like any other skill, you can always
improve on your ability to sell others on you and your services.
People commit to something when they truly value it. And if people dont
pay for something in some way, shape of form then they simply do not value
it. As a Personal Trainer it is imperative for you to understand people who
want your assistance will pay you handsomely for it.
Please also understand selling is also incredibly easy once you get the
hang of it. In fact, when you become good at it, people literally sell
themselves! The tips contained in this booklet are extremely easy to follow
and will improve your sales approach considerably. They will save you
enormous amounts of time and effort. Most importantly, they will help you
earn more money by doing what you love to do: training clients.

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Sales Basics
1) Believe in yourself and the service you provide. Your prospective
clients will feed off your energy and will be much more likely to hire
you if you exude confidence.
2) Understand that money isnt the objection you might think it is. People
will happily pay for your services so long as they value fitness and
believe you will help them obtain the results they are seeking.
3) Selling your services to someone who needs your help is your moral
obligation. Chances are you got into this business to help people. Well,
if they dont hire you how can you help them?
4) Realize that if you have trouble asking people to pay you for your
services you may have a negative belief system around money. You can
help fix that by understanding that money is just a means of trading
value. They trade you money for your time and efforts.
5) Accept the fact that no matter how much money you charge, if you are
good at what you do the client is always getting the better end of the
deal. You only receive money and they receive a happier and healthier
life. Which is more valuable to you?
6) Know the difference between a prospect and a client. A prospect is
someone who may or may not hire you. A client is someone who is
paying you for your services.
7) Accept the fact that selling is an absolutely essential skill for every
personal trainer to learn. The more proficient you are at closing sales
the more people you can help.
8) Know that people often hire Personal Trainers after they have
exhausted less expensive options. You may very well find these people
to be your best prospects.
9) Understand you are free to decide who you want to schedule sales
appointments with. Your time is by far and away your most valuable
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commodity so be sure you are only meeting with prospects who are
very likely to hire you.
10) Know that people almost always make buying decisions emotionally
not logically. When selling it is your responsibility to make your
prospect emotional so you can easily sell them your services.
11) Realize it is only a sale when you have the money in your hand in
some form. You should always plan on having your prospect pay before
your sales appointment ends.
12) Set the sales appointment as soon as you can when speaking to a
prospect. People are easily distracted in todays world so its imperative
to meet with prospects as soon as you can while fitness is foremost in
their minds.
13) Understand people love to buy things, but hate being sold things.
Allow your prospects to sell themselves on your services by simply
asking the right questions and guiding them to the eventual conclusion:
If they truly want to achieve their goals they are going to need your

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14) Schedule a sales appointment/consultation with your prospect to
discuss the possibility of them hiring you. It gives you the best possible
chance of making the sale.
15) Explain exactly how long the sales appointment will take and be sure
your prospect is ok with it. However long it takes you to close a sale is
the amount of time you need to arrange for.
16) Qualifying prospects which would make good clients is your
responsibility. Your reputation will flourish if you only take on clients
who are dedicated to success.
17) Create a list of qualifying questions that work for you. If someone
does not fit the description of your ideal client, someone you typically
work with, feel free to pass on meeting with them.
18) Redirect questions about how much your service costs when you
begin talking to a prospect. If they ask, let your prospect know you have
no idea how much it will cost until you fully understand what it is they
want to achieve and why. And to do that you will need to meet with
them in person.
19) Ask your prospect if youve reached them at a bad time when calling
them. Its never a good time and you want to give yourself the time you
will need to set a sales appointment IF they are a qualified prospect.
20) Call your prospects whenever possible instead of emailing them. Its
almost impossible to find the emotional reason they would hire you via
21) Find some of the emotional reason why your prospect contacted you
to help determine whether they are worth meeting with or not.
Prospects who wont divulge any information whatsoever should
typically be disqualified.

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22) Question whether you should meet with people who have others
initiate contact for them. If a spouse, friend or personal assistant reaches
you for more information, politely tell them you will need to speak
directly with the person they are representing.
23) Discuss with your prospect exactly what will happen during your sales
appointment. Its your responsibility to explain what the process will
24) Ask your prospect if it is ok if the two of you come to a definite
decision about whether or not you will work together by the end of your
sales appointment. This will eliminate them telling you they need to
think it over and will increase the bond between you because you
asked their permission.
25) Explain to your prospect it is more than ok to tell you either yes or no
during your appointment when the time comes to decide whether or not
they will a hire you. It eliminates any potential confusion and makes
them feel more comfortable going into the meeting.
26) Confirm with your prospect when setting the sales appointment they
are 100% certain the day and time you have agreed upon works for
them. Remember, your time is your most valuable commodity and its
theirs, too. Theyll be thrilled to know you respect their time so much.

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During the Sale

27) Talk to your prospect in language they understand. It will make them
feel much more comfortable with you and put them at ease. Theres no
reason to try and impress them with scientific jargon because if they
didnt think you were an expert they wouldnt be meeting with you.
28) Understand that people hire professionals they like and trust. If your
prospect doesnt feel comfortable around you theres almost no chance
of you landing them as a client.
29) Know that your prospect should be doing most of the talking during
any conversations between the two of you. The more your prospect
talks the more emotional they become. The more emotional they
become the more likely you are to close your sale.
30) Emphasize bonding with your prospect if you want to turn them into a
client. One of the best ways to do this is to use the same body language
as they do. Without even realizing it your prospect will feel incredible
comfortable with you because of it.
31) Realize that what you are actually saying matters very little compared
to how you say it. Sub-consciously you will make a much more
intimate connection with your prospect if your tone of voice and
volume matches theirs.
32) Ask your prospect if they have ever hired a personal trainer in the
past. If so, why dont they just hire them again? Their answer will give
you great insight as to whether or not they are a good prospect and can
help YOU decide whether or not youd like to work with them.
33) Re-establish with your prospect immediately upon sitting down at
your sales appointment everything you agreed upon when it was
initially set. Making sure they are still ok with the agreed upon
conditions gives you the best chance of landing the sale.

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34) Draw the emotion out of your prospect by allowing them to talk.
Good prospects are much more interested in talking about themselves
and what they want out of a fitness program than sitting through a
boring presentation.
35) Ask your prospects how much money they have spent on other
products and services they have purchased to try and achieve their
goals. Adding up how much money they believe they have wasted on
these items will often help them realize just how affordable and
valuable your services are.
36) Practice your listening skills often. Your prospect should be talking
70% of the time during your meeting so its imperative you are paying
attention to what they are saying. Youd be surprised how easily your
attention can drift.
37) Motivate your prospect to talk by answering a question with a
question. If they ask you something its for a reason. Give them a
simple answer and then find out why it is important to them.
38) Stroke their ego to learn more about them. People love recognition
and it will help them open up to you. So, for example, when they ask a
great question congratulate them for doing so.
39) Realize it is very much necessary for prospects to hear themselves
explain the emotional reasons they want to achieve a specified fitness
goal. In fact, when possible have them repeat out loud anything that
seems particularly powerful. Helping them understand how much they
need your service will close your sale much more easily.

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Closing the Sale

40) Ask your prospect if they are committed to obtaining the results they
seek. If they are then ask them about the consequences of their failure
to follow through on that commitment. Theres no better way to get
your prospect emotional than this.
41) Talk about money only after you have established what those
consequences are. It will be much easier to close your sale and deal
with any possible objections they may have.
42) Create a list of what your prospect wants help with by asking them.
Only add things to the list your prospect thinks they need help with.
People buy for their reasons not yours, so you will sell them what they
want and give them what they need after they have hired you.
43) Reassure your prospect you can help them with everything on their
list just before you talk about money. Then remind them of what they
told you would be the consequences of their failure to take action. It
will make them even more emotional and help you close your sale very
44) Ask your prospect if they are 100% certain they are willing to do the
work to become a walking billboard for you and your services.
Successful clients are your best form of advertising. Emphasizing to
your prospect you wont accept their money if you dont believe they
are capable of doing so will make them more than eager to prove they
can and will.
45) Emphasize everything your prospect has stated they want when telling
them how much they will need to invest. If a prospect feels they are
paying extra for things, such as value-added features, they do not
want they may start haggling over the price. At the moment they only
need to think they are paying for what they asked for when they made
their list.

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46) Remind yourself that selling your services is easy when you
remember people buy for emotional reasons, not logical ones. Because
your prospect is now thinking emotionally it will be much easier to
close your sale.
47) Advise your prospect how much time and money they will need to
invest in your solution to their problem. Presenting a variety of
packages for your prospect to choose from abdicates your expertise and
makes it seem as if you have no idea what is best for them. You are the
fitness expert so you need to decide for them.
48) Explain the solution as an investment as opposed to a cost. The
word investment helps validate the purchase in your prospects mind as
being a wise decision which will yield a positive return.
49) Discuss less expensive options only if your prospect simply cannot
afford the solution you are recommending. Remember you are not
proposing the most expensive option because it will benefit you the
most. Only do so if it will benefit the prospect the most.
50) Handle any objections your prospect might have by repeating their
own words back to them. Remind them of the emotional reasons they
want to achieve their stated goals and the consequences of their failure
to take action.
51) Reassure your prospect you can help them with everything on their
list. So long as there is nothing else they want to add to it, now is the
time to talk about money.
52) Accept their payment before going any further with your sales
appointment. Remember, it is only a sale until you have the money in
your hand.

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After the Sale

53) Exude confidence after accepting your new clients payment. It
reassures them they have made the right decision in saying yes to hiring
54) Explain to your new client immediately after they hand over their
payment what it is they have just purchased. Do so by repeating back to
them everything they listed that they wanted from you and nothing else.
This will help justify the purchase in their mind and prevent buyers
55) Eliminate the chance of a new client backing out of the deal by giving
them one last chance to change their mind before your leave. Do so by
reminding them one last time about their commitment and the
consequences of their failure to take action. If they have any lingering
doubts its best to find out now while they are still emotional and you
have their undivided attention.
56) Ask for referrals right before you leave your meeting. Theres never a
better time to ask because a brand new client is super excited about
their decision and usually wants other people to know what they are
doing to improve their life.
57) Hand-write a thank you card and send it as soon as you possibly can.
This may seem obvious, but hand-written thank you cards are rare these
days and go a very long way in strengthening client loyalty.
58) Give your new client any marketing materials you may have so they
can pass them on to potential referrals. Be sure to include testimonials
as this will not only help garner new business, but will also reinforce
your clients belief about hiring you.
59) Schedule your new clients first session. Be sure to inform them of
everything they need to know and bring. Also, explain what will take
place during their first workout and how they can expect to feel
immediately after the days following.
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60) Provide any necessary forms they need to fill out for before their first
session. Be sure to stress the importance of their completion and
confirm with your new client they will be turned in on time.
61) Find out the name and contact information of their physician(s) so you
can make sure they are medically cleared to exercise, can keep their
doctors updated of their progress and hopefully persuade them to refer
their other patients to you.
62) Explain in great detail exactly how your cancellation/rescheduling
policy works. Its imperative your new client be crystal clear on this to
avoid complaints or hard feeling if you need to charge them for a
missed session.
63) Under-promise then over-deliver. Youve made the smart move
selling your prospect exactly what they want. Its now your
responsibility to give them what they need so they obtain the results
they were seeking.

More Free Tips

If you enjoyed these tips you will love the in-depth FREE ($37value) MiniCourse found at It covers: emotional
selling, developing trust with your prospects, how and when to talk about
money and much more!
Also, feel free to forward 63 Must-Have Sales Tips for Personal Trainers to
anyone you feel it could help. In fact, the author would be grateful to you if
you did!

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About the Author

Author, Jim Labadie, has a dream. He wants to help change the

World by teaching Personal Trainers all over the planet how to sell their
A former Personal Trainer himself, Jim has already taught several thousand
Fitness Professionals the tips found in this booklet with great success. He is
fully aware of the fact the more he teaches, the more clients his students will
obtain. The more clients they have, the more people there are becoming
physically fit. The more physically fit they are, the happier and healthier
they are. The happier and healthier they are, the more they can influence
others to become physically fit, happy and healthy. The morewell, you get
the idea.
For information regarding other products, consulting, seminars, or to book
Jim to speak at your event, use the contact method below that suits you best.

Contact Info
Jim Labadie, Professional Dreamer, Fitness Entrepreneur and Sales Expert
19239 North Dale Mabry Highway
Lutz, FL 33548
Voice (813) 949-0112
Fax (813) 948-8468
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The Whole Enchilada

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Stephen Holt, BSE, CSCS, PES
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Find out what everyone is talking about at:

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