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“Zodiac signs”

Centro: CP Roces- Colloto

Carmen Clara Blanco Rodríguez

Foreign Language Assistant:

Jack Meaning
Didactic Unit: Zodiac Sings

This is a lesson plan for students in 5th level Primary. They are 23 students. The last unit we
studied was about “Special days”.

Oral comunication
-Use the basic vocabulary they know
-Create real situations.
-Motivate interest for the theme.
-Use the contents in the new situations

Time spending
-Three sessions
1st session 45`
2nd session 45`
3rd session 45`

Human resources
-Foreign language assistant

-Whole group led by teacher and foreign language assistant
-Small groups led by teacher and foreign language assistant

*Talking about Horoscopy.
*Describing objects, animals, persons.
*Expresing feelings .

*Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Pisces …
*Ordinal numbers
*Animals: bull, goat, crab…
*Persons: twins, half man half animal
*Things: balance, jug
*Adjetives: obedient, quiet, shy, brave, sweet, creative…
*When is your birthday?
*I can see …
*Can you see an animal? (thing /person)
*Can this animal run? (swim/ fly/ run)
*Have you got this thing at home? (balance/jar)
*We have the same zodiac sign!
*Have you something in common?
*We are obedient? ( quiet/ shy/ brave/ sweet/ creative)

Study tool
*Felt tip pens

Interactive features
*Zodiac Poster

*1st session
Teacher: Writes on the blackboard the title of the theme.
FLA: Reads” Everyone has got a Zodiac sign. The stars in the sky adopt different positions
depending on the period of the year”.
Teacher: Asks “Would you like to know more about your Zodiac sign?”
Students Talk about their Zodiac sign. Some students know their Zodiac sign, some others
FLA: Asks students in different ways about their birthday date.
-Where were you born?
-When is your birthday?
Students: Answer questions. My birthday is the 28th of March
Teacher: Hands out the cards to students with their Zodiac sign.
FLA: Keeps a conversation with the students about horoscope:
-Repeat new words: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus,
Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Students: they write down their name and birthday on the card and colour it using felt tip
*2nd session
Teacher: Asks students to describe what they can see in their cards:
-Can you see an animal? Can you see a thing? Can you see a human being?
FLA: Pronounces and writes on the blackboard the new words:
-Animals: fishes, sheep, bull, crap, lion, jug, balance twins, woman, centaurius
Teacher: Asks questions “Who has got the same card as (name of the student)?”
Student: Hands up if they have the same card.
*3rd session
FLA: Makes up groups with the students sharing horoscope.
-Asks question “Have you got anything else in common?”
Students: Say adjetives describing themselves.
FLA: Writes adjectives on the blackboard: obedient, quite, shy, brillant, sweet, brave, creative
Students: In groups they decide the one which best defines them, write it down and stick the
card on the noticeboard.
Teacher: Make the poster “Zodiac poster” with students.
-A continuous evaluation while the activity is being implemented.
-Consider the interest they put on it.
-Pay attention to interaction among students.

Reflecting about the process of the unit

Before putting an end to the unit, we leave some time for reflection on the following issues
and to draw out our own conclusions:
• We are aware of having chosen real situations, this has motivated our students.
They had a greater involvement in the tasks.
• The knowledge among them is quiet good so that, they have no difficulty to
communicate and express their feelings.
• They dealt successfully with basic group rules: exchanging ideas, respecting
others opinions, taking turns to talk, etc,
• Small groups work much better than the whole one.
• Making the poster was quite time-consuming. It took us the whole 3rd session.
• Our students get familiar with the universal vocabulary used in many places
like Britain, the country our FL assistant cames from.

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