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The laws of living matter

Author: George Parascan

Mail Act-ray stelaraFiecarui bioelectromagnetic living cell type organic solar radiation has
a corresponding cell in living cells!

Law dimensional similarity

Cellular organelles were 1 to ½ size of the wavelengths absorbed! (Calculation formula spiders)!
Cellular organelles act as antennas for receiving portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Law chimo-electromagnetic absorption

Cellular organelles and macromolecules containing molecules that absorb radiation
predominantly between 1 and 1.2 in size (the organelles)!

Law organelles evolution of living cells

Any change in the average time of the electromagnetic spectrum (the solar spectrum,
electromagnetic spectrum land ...) will lead to changes in the number of cellular organelles and to
change their physical and chemical structure, resulting in the final route of evolution of living

Law evolutionary life

Both cellular organelles, prokaryotes and eukaryotes as well as single cells or multicellular
organisms will evolve with the evolution of the electromagnetic spectrum close sources (stars,
sun when Earth, the Earth ...)!
Solar spectrum has undergone many changes, which are reference points in the evolution of
terrestrial life.

Appearance of cellular organelles Law

Cellular organelles appeared according to their absorption of solar spectrum and complexity of
internal macromolecular their appearances as the evolution from small to large absorption so that
wavelength, as well as the length of such dimension! Such order is obtained and observed: 1.
DNA + RNA + ribosomes = absorbed radiation "X" 2 = endoplasmic reticulum absorbs ultraviolet
radiation, 3 chloroplast (Granum clorofilian) absorbs visible radiation, infrared radiation absorbed
= mitochondria, cellular body = radiation absorbed microwave and radio ...

Law independence intracellular organelles

Organelles that absorb large amounts of electromagnetic energy (chlorophyll = 41% - visible rays,
Mitochondria = 50% - infrared) of the solar spectrum, creates dimensional substructures and
acquiring domestic pseudocelule cell becoming mothers.

Law: The purpose of living cell

Living cell is intended to facilitate electromagnetic energy directly, or through internal chemical
environment, the DNA (RNA) as well as his defenses.

Law: Destruction of the viral level up

Living cells are physically destroyed by high intensities of electromagnetic radiation incident to the
level of molecules or macromolecules, in which case no dimensional and chemical resonate with
the electromagnetic field, resulting in viral particles identical to portions of DNA, RNA, capable of
ill healthy cells. Such viruses are remnants of destroyed cells, having the ability to integrate
structure and their origin in similar cells.

Law similarity live cell photoelectric effect

Total living cell depend photoelectric effect.
All events comply with the laws of living cells photoelectric effect. (Number of similar bodies is
directly proportional to the intensity of radiation absorbed by these organelles develop the
electromagnetic spectrum intense atomic lines near the solar spectrum, by moving the leaves
may diminish the absorption of radiation, as and when it wants to summon absorb so much
energy needs to maintain the number of organs specified).

Law spontaneity genetic changes at DNA, RNA ...

According to the photoelectric effect, and molecular genetics macromelecular place immediately,
following the subsequent cell to adapt to these changes. Any change in the intensity of atomic
lines in the solar spectrum can cause genetic changes. Variable emission intensity can be born
genetic changes periodically. New frequency emissions can cause major genetic changes,
changing the evolution and cellular structure.

Cell multiplication law sexed bodies

Cell colonies from single cells and forming multicellular organisms, multiply by sperm containing
DNA, RNA and eggs with organic, but not developed a specific DNA. So the father gives the egg
carrier that carries the genetic code pattern. Egg first multiplication result is apt ...
In other words, nature uses a type of bacterial cell (sperm) and a eukaryotic cell type, without a
kernel completed, resulting in the birth of a eukaryotic cell capable of multiplication.

DNA multiplication law

According to the photoelectric effect increases the intensity overlapping electron number issued
ID, like DNA molecules that replicate, under the influence of radiation "X".

Multiplication of cell organelles Law

Cellular organelles multiply starting to absorb the electromagnetic radiation wave length and
lower completed the radiation-absorbing wave length than (DNA, endoplasmic reticulum +
ribosome, chloroplast, mitochondria).
Cell proliferation occurs and similar prokaryotic.

Act memory by hysteresis effect

Electric fields from the sense organs, due to frequency and intensity of cell-mediated currents
occur in spinal and creating a so-called memory effect due to hysteresis type of molecules.
The phenomenon is similar to Fe preserving magnetic field under the influence of alternating
electric current,

Spectral absorption of living cells Laws

Live cells of each type of radiation absorbed by using a certain molecular structure,
macromolecular, or body cell. This legislation respects the photoelectric effect: Change frequency
radiation incident electron is obtained by another power. Thus each with a corresponding
radiation absorbing structure (eg crystal eyes, each one on a dedicated frequency - color - optical

Law: Evolution Spectral cellular organelles.

Any radiation that passes over a certain threshold of intensity
considered establishment of specific measures will create by evolution absorbing structures
inside living cells. The appearance of the organelles is what absorbs the high frequencies to low
frequency absorption, appears unable organelles outside the law. So there was no mitochondrial

Biological communication law:

Living cells can communicate with each other through both along frequency electromagnetic
pulse (intensity, eg colors) as well as perpendicular to them (such a boost is that all resonant
structures in the environment to perceive and react similarly. This explains the plants
communicate with each other even if they are isolated by walls of lead!
Corpuscular matter should be noted that occupy the electromagnetic spectrum that only a small
portion (under light electronic effects).

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