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Exam #2 Review PSY 100

• Psychoanalytic Theory
o Helped us to understand unconscious mind

o Was developed by Freud

o Idea of bringing the unconscious into the conscious

o Criticisms = too abstract, too negative, too deterministic, over emphasis on sexuality
and aggressive drives
• Libido, cathexis, and fixation

o Libido = emotional psychic energy derived from primital biological urges (part of the Id)

o Cathexis = channeling of the psychic energy into objects, activities, ideas, other people,
or one’s own body
o Fixation = state in which an individual becomes obsessed with an attachment to another
person, being or object

 A lack of proper gratification during one of the psychosexual stages of

Due development OR
to:  Receiving a strong impression from one of these stages, in which case the
person's personality would reflect that stage throughout adult life.

 Examples: objects (baseball cards, pogs, interior design)

activities (painting, writing, composing, teaching)

other people (spouse, political opponent, “heroes”)

ideas (research, philosophy/theology, dreaming)

your own body (erogenous zones)

• Social Learning Theory

o Definition = focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers
that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning,
imitation, and modeling
o Observational Learning = type of learning that occurs as a function of observing,
retaining and replicating novel behavior executed by others

o Imitation Learning (self explanatory)

• Psychic Structures (id, ego, super ego characteristics)

Demands for Gratif.  Reality Demands   Demands for moral beh.

Id Ego Superego

Begins @ 3 – 5 years
1st to develop Develops in 2nd year
[toilet training]


1.) Degree of your will to

act in the world (large
Primitive biological urges and small) Moral component to personality
2.) Sum of all the
“knowledge” you

Operates on both Product of socialization

Psych rep. of biological drives
conscious/unconscious levels (parenting)

Genuine develop @ 6 – 12 as
Unconscious Has no morality cognitive develops and becomes
less egocentric

Manages demands of id, Instigates feelings of guilt &

No morality
superego, and reality remorse

Pleasure principle [wants

Operates on reality principle Social component of personality
instant gratification]

Biological component of
*see defense mechanisms* ___

No distinction between fantasy

___ ___
& reality

o Defense Mechanisms = distort perception of reality to protect ego

• Examples: Regression (unconsciously forget things)

Regression (behavior of earlier life stage)

• Behavioral Theory/Commonalities

o Is the theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through
o Commonalities: 1.) Environment – determines personality

2.) Your personality is learned

3.) Behavior is a reflection of personality

• Psychosexual Stages (oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital)

Stage Years Over gratification (Id) Fixation gratification


Oral Oral aggressive

Oral dependent
(mouth, teeth, 0 – 1 year __ (swear, vulgar,
Alcoholic, smoke, eat alot
gums, lips) blunt)

Anal 2–3 Anal expulsive Anal retentive
Non destructive
(elimination) years (messy/disorganized) (psychologically; (orderly/clean)

3–5 Exhibitionistic Ashamed of
(discovery of Creative
years (Expose bodies) body/genitals

6 – 12
Latent ___ ___ ___

12 + Immature; Immature
Genital Mature sexuality
years Sexually aggressive sexually avoidant

• Classical Conditioning

o Involuntary behavior (i.e. reflexes = heart rate, respiration, glands)

o Pavolv explored it and used the Classical Conditioning Model (see notes)

• Operant Conditioning

o Schedules of reinforcement [not punished/rewarded for every action]

 Fixed interval (Ex: Reward - 2 weeks – Reward - 2 weeks…)

 Variable interval (Ex: Reward - 2 days – Reward - 3 weeks…)

 Fixed ratio (Ex: R/bonus pay - 10 sales - R/bonus pay – 10 sales…)

• Person has to have certain amount of behavior to get reinforcement

 Variable ratio (Ex: R/Win – 100 bets – R/Win – 30 bets…)

o Types of Reinforcement & Punishment

 Positive Reinforcement – receives consequence that maintains behavior (Ex: go

to work, get paid)

 Negative Reinforcement – (Ex: attend class, avoid loss of points)

 Positive Punishment – obtain/receive unpleasant thing that reduces/eliminates

behavior (Ex: misbehave -> paddled)
 Negative Punishment – (Ex: timeout, response cost – baseball card)

o Voluntary behavior (Ex: attending college – get/earn degree, etc.)

• Psychoanalysis - a form of psychotherapy used to treat patients who have a range of mild to
moderate chronic life problems.
o Related to a specific body of theories about the relationships between conscious and
unconscious mental processes

o Done one-on-one with the patient and the analyst

o Not appropriate for group work.

• Free Association – when patient are invited to relate whatever comes into their minds during
the analytic session, and not to censor their thoughts
o Helps get memories, thoughts, etc. from unconscious to conscious

o This technique is intended to help the patient learn more about what he or she thinks
and feels, in an atmosphere of non-judgmental curiosity and acceptance

• Transference – a process of treatment where the client talks to the therapist as if they are
the victimizer or abuser.

• Behavior Therapy -
• Systematic Desentization -
• Behavior Modification -
• Continuous & Partial Reinforcement = continuous – get too used to it; expect it all the
time. Partial = don’t get enough/often enough

• Person Center Therapy: developed by Carl Rodgers [nondistinctive; client centered therapy]
o Therapeutic Attributes: Congruence (genuineness/realness); accurate empathic
understanding (therapist understanding what you’re about); unconditional positive regard

• Cognitive Therapy – approach that aims to solve problems concerning dysfunctional emotions,
behaviors and cognitions through a goal-oriented, systematic procedure

• Rational Emotive Therapy: comprehensive, active-directive psychotherapy which focuses on

resolving emotional and behavioral problems and disturbances and enabling people to lead
happier and more fulfilling lives

• Medical Therapy/Medication
o Chemotherapy/Drug Therapy (psychotropic medications)

o Major (anti-psychotics)/minor (anti-anxiety) tranquilizers & anti depressants

o Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) – severe chronic depression; suicidal/shock


• Hospitalization (psychiatric – mental health hospital) – stabilize and institute people/start

treatment/diagnose and monitor treatment
• Partial Hospitalization – day treatment programs (structured social recreation &
therapeutic environment). Example = M-F (9 – 3) program w/group & indiv. meetings

• Medical Illness
o Displayed:

 Cognitively (disturbed thinking, neurotic, psychotic)

 Emotionally (anxiety, depression, anger)

 Behaviorally

 Physically (medical complaints with physical basis)

o Caused:

 Biochemical [chemical imbalance = neurotransmitters]

 Conditioning/Faulty learning
 Situational

 Organic (head injury/brain damage, drugs)

o Schizophrenia [1% of population]

 One personality falling apart

 Thought disturbance/disorder = grandiose and “bizarre delusions”

 Symptoms: paranoid; persecutory delusions; thought broadcasting; thought
insertion; hallucinations; somatics; affective disturbance (flat almost robotic
tone of voice/inapp. tone – doesn’t match situation)

o Affective disorders

 Includes major depression, dysthymic disorder [low grade depression], bipolar

disorder [a.k.a Manic Depressive Illness]

 Symptoms: insomnia, hypersomnia, feelings of worthlessness, appetite problems,

low self esteem, concentration problems, decrease in sex drive, thought of
death/suicide, girls are 3xs often suicidal but men succeed 3xs as much. Typical
= white male in his 50s.

• Personality disorders
o Examples include:

 Anti-social P.D. (psychopath, sociopath) – has trouble getting along w/ppl

• Symptoms before 15: truancy, expulsion, delinquency, run away,
persistent lying, irresponsible sex, substance involvement, trouble
dealing with authority

• Symptoms after 18: no financial obligations, inability to maintain

consistent work behavior, don’t plan ahead, not responsible parent, can’t
keep promises, legal violations
 Dependent

• lack self confidence; like “adult child” – haven’t grown up; puts own needs
ahead of others

 Schizoid
• emotionally aloof (loner), social life limited (1 friend), indifferent to
praise; removed from emotion

 Borderline
• raging, “abandonment issues,” high maintenance relationship, splitting

• Anxiety disorders
o Examples include:

 O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

• obsession => recurring thought, image, idea that is unwanted; feel like its
invading consciousness (i.e. hurting child/family member)/ also
compulsive behavior or ritual like cleaning, counting, checking on things –
seemingly purposeful behavior

 Phobias (**agoraphobia = fear of public places w/no escape)

 P.T.S.D. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

• Person confronts recognizable stresser. May have sudden feelings of

situation happening again; hyperalert; feel detached; on guard; sleep
disturbance; survivor’s guilt; avoid activities that bring recollection of

 M.P.D. (Multiple Personality Disorder)

• 2 or more distinct personalities that take turns being dominant (ton of
abuse). “Alters” = alternate personalities (not abused).
• Eating disorders

o Examples include

 Anorexia nervosa – intense fear of becoming overweight even as losing weigh

 Bulimia – binge eating (high calorie food); purging

• Psychosexual disorders

o Examples include

 Transsexualism (more than 2 years symptoms)

 Transvestism (heterosexual male doing the cross dressing)

 Pedophilia (pre-pubertal)

 Fetishism

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