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guide to

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Kids Helpline is a 24 hour, 7 day a week counselling service for Australian young people aged between 5 and 25 years.

Young people can access Kids Helpline by calling 1800 55 1800 or visiting
their website.

Lifeline offer a free 24-hour telephone counselling service. Anyone can

call Lifeline at any time. As well as providing telephone counselling,
Lifeline can provide you with information about other support services
available in your area.

Phone 13 11 14

The Reach Out website 'inspires young people to help themselves

through tough times'. The website provides information on a range of
mental health issues and connects young people through blogs and

Bullying. No Way! is for teachers, students and parents. It provides

information, forums and support to help reduce bullying, violence, harassment and discrimination in schools.

don't be a

what is

If someone you know is being bullied, take ac-

Cyber bullying is any form of bullying (repeated,

tion. Just standing by can empower an ag-

aggressive behaviour intended to hurt another in-

gressor and does nothing to help. The best

thing you can do is try to stop the bullying by
taking a stand against it. If you cant stop it,
support the person being bullied. If the persons
a friend, you can listen and see how to help.
Consider together whether you should report
the bullying. If youre not already friends, even
a kind word can help reduce the pain. At the
very least, help by not passing along a mean
message and not giving positive attention to
the person doing the bullying.

dividual) that uses electronic means, such as the

Internet or mobile phones,. It is repetitive, anonymous, hard to take down and can occur anywhere at anytime.



If you are experiencing cyberbullying it is important to find an outlet

Stay Strong

Learn to deal with stress: Finding ways to relieve stress can make you more resilient so you
won't feel overwhelmed by cyberbullying. Exercise, meditation, positive self-talk, muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises are all good ways
to manage the stress from cyberbullying.
Spend time doing things you enjoy: The more
time you spend with activities that bring you
pleasuresports, hobbies, hanging out with
friends who don't participate in cyberbullying,
for examplethe less significance cyberbullying
will have on your life.

Demi Lovato

reach out for

If you are experiencing cyberbullying an important thing to do it to find support.
Reach out: Having trusted people you can turn to
for encouragement and support will boost your
resilience when being cyberbullied. Reach out to
connect with family and real friends or explore

types of
Cyberbullying takes a number of different
flaming: angry or rude messages;
harassment: repeatedly sending insulting or
threatening messages;

ways of making new friends. There are plenty

cyberstalking: threats of harm or intimidation;

of people who will love and appreciate you for

denigration: put-downs, spreading cruel rumours;

who you are.

masquerading: pretending to be someone else

Share your feelings: Talk to a parent, counsellor,

outing: revealing personal information about a

coach, religious leader, or trusted friend. Expressing what you're going through can make a huge
difference to the way you feel, even if it doesn't
change the situation.

person which was shared in confidence;

exclusion: maliciously leaving a person out of a
group online or ganging up on one individual;

use tools

Dont you worry your

pretty little mind,

Use the avenues or procedures in your community

available to prevent the bullying:
Report bully to authority if threats escalate

people throw rocks at

you should call your local police (with a parent or

things that shine

that prevents the bully from ever contacting you

guardians help) and consider reporting it to

school authorities. This can result in legal action

Bullying is not okay.

Taylor swift

Jim C Hines

use tech tools

Use the tools available on the website or application that the bulling is occurring on, this can be a
more long term solution to the bullying.
Remove messages/comments: Most websites
and applications allow you to delete or flag mean
comments or messages. Removing the rude
messages helps you stop mulling over them and
rudely retaliating.
Block account/contact: Blocking the bully from
contacting you can help stop the bullying from
Change your account/number: if the bulling is
very serious and the above actions do not work,
try changing your account/number and only tell
trusted individuals. This can stop the bully from
ever contacting you.

where is it
Most common?
Cyberbullying can occur through any electron
means however, it is most common on:
Social Media: websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to
participate in social networking. Examples: Facebook, Google+,, Tumblr, YouTube
Twitter and Instagram
Messaging: Websites and applications that allow
users to message other users, messaging can be
through call, email, text, instant message and
video message.

Examples: Google Mail, Ya-

hoo Mail, Skype, Snapchat, FaceTime and



responding to
There are many ways to immediately respond to
cyberbullying, below are two of the most common. The way you choose is entirely up to you
and feel free combine the responds.
Tell the bully to stop: Make it clear to the bully
that you will not stand for the bullys actions.
This works best if you are assertive and after
the message you stop engaging with the bully.
Dont respond or retaliate: Cut off all contact
and do not respond in any way. Some bullys are
looking for a reaction and engaging them gives
them power over you. Being intentionally mean
back can turn you into a bully as well..

factors to
To find a solution that suits you consider:
Who: Think about the individuals involved How
many bullies are there? Is the cyberbully anonymous, and acquaintance or friend? What personality traits do you observe?
What: Consider the bullys actions and remember to record evidence of it What type
of bullying are you experiencing? Are the bullys

stop it before
it starts
Taking some smart precautions can help you stop
cyberbullying before it starts.
Use privacy settings: Before you start using
websites and applications, investigate their privacy settings. Most social media websites allow you
to select who sees your post and private information. Many messaging applications have settings which allow you to block strangers.

actions intentional and repetitive? Do you need to

take legal action?

Think before you put it online: Never forget

Where: Identify the websites/applications the

that what you put online can never be erased.

bullying is taking place what protections are in

place to prevent cyberbullying on that website?
How can you use protections to your advantage?

Be careful of what you send because it could be

used against you.

stop it before
it starts
Keep personal information personal: Dont reveal identifying details about yourselfaddress,
phone number, school, credit card number, etc.
online. Passwords exist for a reason; sharing
them with friends is like passing out copies of
your house key to friends and strangers alike.

if you are
Remember, it is not your fault: It is not your
fault. No matter what a cyberbully says or
does, you should not be ashamed of who you are
or what you feel. The cyberbully is the person
with the problem, not you.

An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure
Benjamin Franklin

There is NO one size fits all solution to cyberbullying: The best way to respond to cyberbullying depends on the personality of the individuals
involved, the type of cyberbullying and the medium the bullying is occurring on.

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