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IDD Cleanup Process

BCO Team

IDD Cleanup Process

Effective 12/08/2015

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................. 3
INBOX PICKUP............................................................................................................................... 3
TRACKING THE ACTIVITY IN NA CRM.............................................................................................6
HOW TO ACCESS IDD.................................................................................................................... 7
HOW TO PROCESS REQUESTS......................................................................................................10
UPDATE ASK TICKET ................................................................................................................... 15

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GOTC will manage the following 3 items related to IDD:
Account Name Change
Address - Change Primary Address Flag
You can make these changes yourself in IDD:
OR in My Lexis (Primary Address Flag):


Navigate to the LNG-DAY-GOTC IDD Changes Inbox.

Open the Ask Ticket email

o Remember work the oldest ticket first
Click the Ask hyperlink in the email

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The Ask ticket opens.

Click the Transfer ticket to another topical expert drop down
Select your name from the drop down menu
Click the Update Ticket button at the bottom of the screen

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After assigning one of the following ASK tickets to yourself you must create a
tracking activity in NA CRM under the Account:
Account Name Change
Address - Change Primary Address Flag
Create an Activity in NA CRM under the customer that is identified in the ASK Ticket.
1. Query for the Customer using the Customer Number (ECM ID)
2. Scroll to the Activities applet and click the Plus sign
3. Using the table below for the Activity Type and Sub-type

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First, go to the IDD website and log in

using your legal ID/Password. You may have to do this twice.
Please only use Internet Explorer or FireFox (DO NOT use Google Chrome)
Select IDD_ECM

Then, go to the Data Tab and click on the Organization Customer under the
Organization Customer Folder as shown then click on Open Query:

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This will bring you to the Organization Customer Search

Here, you will put in the entire Customer Number from NA CRM:

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Then click Run Search.

This pulls up the account in IDD. Please make sure that the account you
choose is identical to the one in NA CRM there could be multiple accounts
that show.
Click Open.
o Check the Status and Customer Class & Industry Class and ensure it
matches NA CRM
This is what you will see in IDD. You are now in the database to make

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GOTC handles the following 3 types of requests:
Account Name Change
Address Change Primary Address Flag
Account Name Change
To make changes to the name, you will do this in the Org Name Variant. This will
show an Alternate and a Current. You will work in the Current under the Name

Once this is highlighted, you will click on Edit, which is the pencil:

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Make sure you make the change to the correct name in the Raw Name:, and
the Name. You will also need to make sure the Lang Code: is: ENG

Once these changes are made, click in the Mark For Save box and click the
check mark to make changes.

Address - Change Primary Address Flag

In order to make a change to the address, Go to Place of Business

Click into the Address

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Make your changes, do not forget to put in the zip code, and check Mark For
Then click the check over to the right

Never leave IDD without making notes.

Go to the DS Notes Tab, and click on New, which is the paper with the plus
sign over it.

Notes should always include who made the changes and include the Activity

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Do not forget to put in your Lang Code: ENG

When done, click the check to make changes. You should be able to see your
When complete, scroll to the top and click the Save button which looks like a

There may be a message that comes up. Never change the dates in the
message. Just click OK to continue with the changes.

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Once this is complete, go back to NA CRM, update the page, and check to see if the
changes were made.

If address changes were made, go to the Addresses tab and check to see if
the address is correct. This should also show on the Accounts page of NA

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Type in your actions in the Add New Information text box of the changes
made in IDD
Include that verified this in NA CRM
Click the Update Ticket button at the bottom of the screen



Go to NA CRM and set your tracking activity Status to Complete

Type in the ASK Ticket Number in the Activitys Comments section


Go to the Inbox and drag and drop the email to your folder under Completed

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IDD Cleanup Process

Effective 12/08/2015

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