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The Glory of My Father Is At Hand

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Now the change, why the change, I promise you none of your monies will matter, so why do you
take the change out of the pockets of the poor? Enoch has always been there. How could one say they
are to be revered or Bishop or Paster a flock and not consider the Holy Enoch, The Patriarch, what is
this bible, torah, koran? How can you serve The Father and not consider Enoch in everything, he
wrote everything, was given everything. Stop Playing with my father. All of your deeds are counted.
Who told you the Black seed of the Patriarch was to be slave to you savage amongst man? Thou
shall not oppress! What commands you use in this world when The Almighty gave the Holy Script to
the Only Holy Scribe...Enoch. Enoch was always there, but now the people know that Enoch is there,
and the pulpit must change its tune, because the devil is now piping a different music. It's a screeching
sound of the END.
I will pray it as Enoch wrote it, for the Gates are there, so now Open the Gates and let the winds
blow, for this Kingdom as all are now the Kingdoms of My Father. AwaKe!!!!!! The Sabbath is over,
My Father is now Awake and let every ear with the spirit of wisdom hear, The Sabbath of my Father is
Now, know that not only does he know, he was knowing all the while, for you must have mistaken
rest to mean slumber. Not to work, it was over. Not to rest, it is over. The First and The Last. Wake
me from my rest my Father chose me to do. It was done March 20, 2014. Horus appeared. It was
Whoa to the inhabitants of the earth for you have destroyed that which My Father has made. Do
you understand or can you ever comprehend the life under the waters? Have you even seen all of Life
that is in the midst of you. Life you cannot get to, and how much more is prepared for those who love
my Father exists in heaven.
Why not love the Almighty for it is in my Father that life exist, and there is no life with out My
Father. Why do you eat meat and the blood of animals. Did not Enoch write that man should not do
these things? These things are not Holy therefore are not of My Father. You slaughter that which man
is in charge of including yourselves. Watch for the Holly, the Demons and Fallen Angels version of
Holy. In their Holly Wood man is trapped. This injection of evil spirits straight into the hearts of
man fulfilling their every desire. This Hollywood, extends into music, movie, sports, and all
entertainment as man is being entertained into hell. The same satelites that they are inundated with will
broadcast live pictures in the sky and here comes your Jesus. Enoch is A Black Ethiopian. What is this
white jesus? How did the Jews and Catholics get rid of Enoch, and why?
Why don't the Bishops and Reverends address these problems, why do they do what Enoch says not
to do? Who are these demons? They are the fallen angels, and those evil spirits. So bring the Lord of
Spirits for we will bless them all and forever be blessed for you are all that is worthy. It always in with
their God, their father, their Dollar.
That Bull will Wail. That God that you worship will smoke like brimstone and burn as fire. It will
move and scream but its huffs will not be freed from the ground and you will cry when you see this for
you know that that fire is the fire of all the wealth you stole from the earth, and all you thought you

gained. Your statement will be reconciled to zero. Every profit will burn there, a terrific view, you will
fall to your faces, and cry. You followed it from the days of Moses and the Ten Commandments. You
thought you won,and lead the world to believe that this was all yours to do what you will for my Father
was at Sabbath. He gave you Enoch. Why did you let Rabbis fool you.
Raise up Palestine, Raise Up China, Raise Up Natives, Africa Raise Up, for the Kingdoms of The
Earth are Now that of the My Father. Deliver Up the Unjust and the unrighteous, Deliver up the
Administrators of The Earth for there time is over. The Glory of my father is at hand. For you are
condemned, and corrupted, and my father will bare witness thru me. Remember the Sabbath and Keep
it Holy. Remember that my Father created this for you, so keep the way it is until he continues this.
He Was At Sabbath. That is All. Basically, you ruined what the Father Stands for. None of you can
create from nothing anything, anything that existed on the earth that is here or no longer ere on the
earth. But, you forgot. The church overlooked it for their God.
How can you say you know my Father and not mention Enoch. You can't say you Love my Father
and don't live a life that Enoch put forth. Aspire that this is the day that the Lord has made. Did you
rejoice, and be glad in it or did you serve another God, the Lord of something else, and not my Father.
You are only in the world, not to be part of it. But, you went for it, the gold, diamonds, riches and
wealth that took you away from the Father and his rest.
The best time to rest is when the master of the house rests, because no one should rudely awaken the
master of the house from rest. AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What was this slavery and what is this thing you
rejoiced in the Vietnam and the Kennedy and the King, you went for it all, and did not mention Enoch
not once. I will testify to that, not one of you not Jesse not Al, not one brought the people to my Father.
Forget about what image you were made in, changed it. You took onto yourselves the doctrine of the
fallen as you take on their oaths. Read Enoch. You Only Live Once(YoLo) your god leads you as you
take the Bull by the horns, don't you see. Listen...........horus, just turn the horns and you will see your
god horus. Can you not see, or does the blind continue to be content with the darkness. Don't you
know why they put up the horns because it represents horus, understand this. Those are the people that
my Father made the earth swallow up as they worshiped the beast while Moses was with the Holy.

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