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A Novel Method for Multi-targets ISAR Imaging

Lei Liu1, Feng Zhou1, Yongqiang Guo2, Mingliang Tao1, Pange Sun1, Zijing Zhang1

National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing

Xidian University
Xian, China

Abstract A novel multi-targets ISAR imaging method based

on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and modified CLEAN
technique is proposed in this paper. First, multi-targets are
modeled as several separated group-targets in which
translational motion of each target is analogous. And then,
translational motion of each group-target is modeled as a
polynomial, and the polynomial coefficient is estimated via PSO.
Then focused image of the group-target can be obtained and
extracted via a modified CLEAN technique. Meanwhile, each
target can be segmented and extracted based on clustering
number estimation and K-means clustering algorithm. Finally,
better focused image of each target would be obtained through
Experimental results verify the validity of the proposed method.
Index TermsInverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR); multitargets; particle swarm optimization (PSO); modified CLEAN;
clustering algorithm

In multi-targets ISAR imaging, the motion of multi-targets
can generally be divided into three classes: 1) all the targets
share analogous translational motion; 2) translational motion of
different target differs with each other; and 3) partial targets
share analogous translational motion. It is clearly noted that
class 1) and 2) is just an exceptional case of class 3). Many
effective methods have been proposed. For the situation of
class 1), range profiles of each target almost occupy the same
range cells because of analogous motion parameters. Hence,
sub-echoes of single target cannot be extracted directly from
the coupled range echoes. However, coarse imaging results of
multi-targets can be obtained via traditional mono-target
imaging method [1]-[2], and then different target could be
extracted based on image segmentation. Finally, high
resolution focused image could be acquired through
performing traditional mono-target imaging processing to each
target echo. For the situation of class 2), the Doppler frequency
produced by the translational motion is a linear frequency
modulated signal of which the chirp rate is proportional to the
acceleration of the target. Hence, different target could be
segmented and extracted on the cross-range time frequency
planar [2]-[9]. However, the acceleration of different target
must be distinguishable to guarantee the possibility of
separating them. Several line or curve detection based methods,
for instance Hough transform [10]-[12] and particle swarm
optimization (PSO) [13] are utilized to separate the range
profile of each target directly. Convictive results could be
obtained when the range profile history of different target is
apparently distinguishable. However, the performance of the

978-1-4673-7297-8/15/$31.00 2015

Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications

Beijing, China

proposed methods in [10]-[13] would degrade when the range

profiles of different target wrap seriously. In general, the
methods above can obtain convictive experimental results
under special assumptions on the translational motion.
In practical application, it is inappropriate to limit the
translational motion of multi-targets in class 1) or class 2) in
advance. As mentioned before, translational motion of multitargets defined by class 3) presents more generality. In our
proposed method, multi-targets are modeled as the summation
of several group-targets in which each target share analogous
translational motion. Without loss of the generality,
translational motion of multi-targets is modeled as a
polynomial. PSO is utilized to search the polynomial
coefficients of a group-target. And then the coarse focused
image of one group-target can be obtained after translational
motion compensation using the estimated polynomial
coefficients. To better extract the echo of coarse focused
group-target and reserve that of unfocused group-targets, a
modified CLEAN technique is proposed. Then, clustering
number estimation [1] and K-means clustering algorithm [2] is
utilized to obtain the target number and extract the echo of
each target respectively. Finally, traditional mono-target
imaging algorithm is applied on the echo of each target to
improve the imaging quality. However, high quality image of
each target can be acquired via the repeatedly processing of the
procedures above.
The remainder of this article is organized as follows.
Section II introduces the imaging geometry and signal model.
The corresponding steps of the proposed PSO based
polynomial coefficient estimation method and modified
CLEAN based coarse focused group-target extraction method
are presented in section III, including the clustering number
estimation and K-means clustering algorithm for image
segmentation. Section IV presents the experimental results on
the simulated data to verify the effectiveness and robustness of
the proposed method. Finally, section V draws the conclusion.
Imaging geometry of multi-targets is presented in Fig. 1.
Totally Q group-targets can be observed in the same antenna
beam at the coherent processing interval (CPI) as shown in Fig.
1 (a). Translational motion parameter of each group-target is
expressed by Vq , D q , N q q 1, 2, , Q which denotes the
velocity, acceleration and jerk respectively. In reality, after
translational motion of group-target q is compensated, its
imaging geometry can be simplified as a turn-table model as
shown in Fig. 1 (b). The rotational motion is remained to


achieve high resolution of cross-range dimension. The

equivalent rotational angular velocity is denoted by Z .
Antenna beam

V1 ,D1 , N1

f r denotes the range frequency. The matched filter processing

can be achieved by multiplying (2) with the conjugate of the
frequency spectrum S t .
S3 f r , W

St f r


exp  j
q 1 k 1

4S f r  f c

R q ,k W (3)

In (3), R q ,k W consists of translational and rotational

VQ ,D Q , N Q

motion. Under the assumption of small rotational angle,

R q ,k W can also be expressed as

R q ,k W

V2 ,D 2 , N 2



Group-target q

vqW  D qW 2  N qW 3
 xq ,k cos ZW  yq ,k sin ZW


| rq W  yq ,k  xq ,k ZW
where rq W denotes the translational motion of group-target

q . vq , D q and N q represents the velocity, acceleration and


Fig. 1 (a) Imaging geometry of multi-targets; (b) turn-table model of grouptarget q

Generally, the transmitted signal is linear frequency

modulated (LFM). And then the received echo after range
compression can be written as:
Q Kq
2R q ,k W
S1 t ,W rect t 

q 1 k 1

2 (1)

2R q ,k W
4S f c

exp  j
R q ,k W exp jSJ t 


where t denotes the fast time, and W represents the slow time.
K q is the totally number of scattering centers in group-target

1 t d TP / 2
denotes the range rectangle
q . rect >t @

0 t ! TP / 2
window. R q ,k W is the instantaneous range between radar
and the k-th scatter of group-target q at instant W . f c and J
represent the carrier frequency and chirp rate, respectively.
Perform discrete Fourier transform (DFT) to the received
echoes, one can get
Q Kq
4S f r  f c

S 2 f r ,W St f r exp  j
R q ,k W (2)
q 1 k 1

jerk of group-target q respectively. Generally, a third order

polynomial is adequate to reconstruct the translational motion
in ISAR imaging. Z is the equivalent rotational angular
velocity. xq ,k and yq ,k are the coordinates of the k-th
scattering center in group-target q .
Substitute (4) into (3) and discretize the echo, one can
4S n'f r  f c

S3 n, m St n exp  j
rq m
q 1

4S n'f r  f c

exp  j
yq,k  xq,kZm PRI

k 1

where n and m represents the range and cross-range

sampling index respectively. 'f r denotes the range sampling
frequency interval. PRI represents the pulse repetition
interval. Here the range frequency and cross-range time
domain are also referred to as the data domain while the range
compressed results and cross-range images are known as the
image domain.
A. Preliminaries
According to (4), the discretized translational motion of
group-target q can be expressed by

vq m PRI  D q m PRI  N q m PRI (6)
If the translational motion of a given group-target u
( 1 d u d Q ) denoted by ru can be obtained via the estimation
of the polynomial coefficient, the translational motion of (5)
can be compensated via
rq m

where S t is the frequency spectrum of the transmitted signal.

2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR)


4S n'f r  f c

S 3 n, m exp j
ru m

S 4 n, m
St n

k 1

q 1

exp  j

exp  j

4S n'f r  f c

rq m  ru m (7)

4S n'f r  f c

yq ,k  xq ,k Z m PRI


It is clear noted that translational motion of group-target u

can be compensated completely if ru equals ru . And then the
final imaging result can be attained by the inverse discrete
Fourier transform (IDFT) along range dimension and the DFT
along the cross-range dimension,
I h, l; ru DFTa IDFTr ^S 4 n, m `
I u h, l ; ru  I remain h, l ; ru

dimension which achieves the cross-range imaging. It can be

noted from (8) that final image consists of two parts: the
image I u of group-target u and the remained image I remain of
other unfocused group-targets. Obviously I u is well focused
while I remain is no longer a focused image whose energy is
uniformly distributed in the entire image plane. Hence, the
coarse focused image of group-target u can be extracted.
B. PSO Based Polynomial Coefficients Estimation
Fig. 2 illustrates one simulation result on the variation of
the final image entropy with different compensated
translational motion parameters. There are totally three grouptargets in this simulation of which the translational motion
parameter is (50m/s, -30m/s2), (-50m/s, 40m/s2) and (30m/s,
50m/s2) respectively. Due to the noise and nonlinearity of the
variation function of the image entropy with the polynomial
coefficients, there exists enormous local minimum points as
shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b). Clearly, these three dominant local
minimum points represent the true translational motion
parameter of three group-targets respectively. Hence, the
polynomial coefficients of the translational motion can be
obtained via the estimation of each dominant local minimum
point. The estimation of the polynomial coefficients of a
group-target can be seen as a global optimization problem
min En I ru

I h, l ; r 2 I h, l ; r 2



h 1 l 1

is the expression for calculating the entropy of image I ru .


I h, l; r

is the total energy of image I ru .

h 1 l 1

I ru can be calculated by (7) and (8).


50m / s, 40m / s

where I denotes the final image. IDFTr ^`

represents the
IDFT along the range dimension which achieves the range
imaging. DFTa ^`
denotes the DFT along the cross-range

En I ru


30m / s,50m / s

50m / s, 30m / s

Fig. 2 Variation of the final image entropies with compensated translational
motion parameters. (a) 3D variation of final image entropies; (b) 2D variation
of final image entropies

PSO is an intelligence optimization algorithm with simple

model and high efficiency [14]. And it has been applied in
ISAR autofocusing [15]-[17] successfully. Global minimum
point can be achieved via consecutive mutual learn and
information share between particles. In PSO, each particle can
remember its personal best position. Meanwhile, global
optimal can be acquired through information exchange among
the whole swarm. The velocity and position updating
equations of PSO are presented below.
ti I ti 1  c1r1 z ti , pbest  z ti 1  c2 r2 z t , gbest  z ti 1 (a)

t 1

z i z i  i
where and z represent the velocity and position of each
particle. i represents the notation of each particle while I is
total number of the particles. z t , gbest denotes the global optimal
position that the swarm has passed while z ti , pbest represents the
personal best position each particle has passed. c1 and c2 are
the acceleration coefficients whose typical values are 2.0. r1
and r2 denote the random value ranging from 0 to 1. The
combination of c and r determine the relative influence of
the last two terms in (11) (a) which represent the internal
study and mutual information exchange respectively. I
denotes the inertia weight coefficient which is usually set to
0.8. More detailed explanation on PSO can be found in [14][17]. The detailed procedures on the estimation of the
polynomial coefficients are presented below.
Step 1): Obtain the compressed echo S 3 . Set polynomial
coefficient of the translational motion of the u -th group-target
Pu 0 .
Step 2): Initial the total number I of particles and the

2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR)

velocity threshold max . Set t 1 . Initial the position of each

particle z

rand 1,1 and the velocity of each particle


rand max , max

t , gbest

argmin En z
1di d I

t , gbest


zti , gbest



` .

Step 3): Update the position and velocity of each particle

according to (11).
Step 4): Update zti ,gbest

arg min En zit 1,gbest , En zit ,gbest

1 I
i  [ or t ! tmax ,
PI i 1
1di d I
continue the following step. Otherwise, go to step 3).
1 I
i  [ means that the average velocity of the particles
PI i 1
is too small to search better position. And tmax limits the
maximum iterated times.
Step 5): Compute the image entropy E pre based on the
and z t , gbest

argmin En zti ,gbest . If

polynomial coefficient Pu . Update the polynomial coefficient

according to Pu

Pu  zt ,gbest and then calculate the image

entropy Enow again based on the updated polynomial

coefficient Pu . If E pre  Enow  H , output the estimated
polynomial coefficient Pu and the image I Pu . Otherwise,
go to step 2). H is an extreme small value to guarantee the
convergence of the PSO based polynomial coefficient
C. Modified CLEAN based Group-targets Extraction and
Image Segmentation
After obtaining the polynomial coefficient of group-target u,
translational motion ru can be obtained. Then coarse focused
image of group-target u would be acquired by (7) and (8).
Because the translational motion of group-target u has been
estimated and compensated, its imaging result is better
focused, while other group-targets would be severely distorted
due to the uncompensated translational motion. Hence, the
mean energy of the unfocused group-targets is far lower than
that of group-target u. Based on this characteristic, CLEAN [9]
technique can be applied to extract the focused group-target u.
However, a relative high threshold in CLEAN is set to extract
the predominant scattering centers and then an image dilation
processing [18] is utilized to keep the integrity of the extracted
group-targets u. The proposed method is called modified
CLEAN (M-CLEAN). In the experiments, the threshold is set
to 0.3 by experience if the maximum value is normalized to 1.
The radius used in image dilation processing is set to 10 pixels.
The final extracted image of group-targets u can be expressed
Icu imdilation M-CLEAN I Pu

where I



I Pu  Icu


represents the remained image after the MCLEAN processing. Once obtaining the extracted image I cu of

group-target u, the number of the targets in group-target u

could be estimated before further processing on each target.
One method called clustering number estimation [1] is utilized
to determine the target number in each extracted group-target.
If the target number is above 1, K-means clustering algorithm
[2] is used to segment each target. However, the detailed
procedures could be found in the corresponding literatures.
D. Algorithm Summation
In conclusion, the detailed procedure of the proposed multitargets imaging method is concluded as below.
Step 1): Set u 1 . Obtain the compressed echo S 3 via
matched filter processing. Transform S 3 to range image
domain via IDFT along the range dimension and calculate the
ratio between the energy of the targets and the whole echo.
Here, the ratio can be estimated based on the M-CLEAN
technique. Then S 3 is transformed back into the range data
domain again. The calculated ratio is expressed by Th .
Consider the possible residual energy of the targets which can
never be extracted, we subtract 0.1 from Th .
Step 2): Estimate the polynomial coefficient Pu of grouptarget u based on PSO as described in part B.
Step 3): Extract the image I cu of group-target u based on
the M-CLEAN technique presented in part C. In the meantime,
the remained image I uremain can be obtained. Estimate the target
number Gu in group-target u by the clustering number
estimation [1]. If Gu is above 1, the echo of each target can be
segmented and extracted via the K-means clustering algorithm
[2]. Otherwise, the image segmentation processing is no need
performed on single target echo. The further processing on
each target could be found in Step 5). Then go to step 4).
Step 4): Transform I uremain from the cross-range image
domain into the cross-range data domain and calculate the
percentage of the remained energy in raw compressed echo. If
the ratio is below 1  Th , terminate the imaging processing.
High quality images of all the targets could be obtained
through further processing described in step 5). While the ratio
is above 1  Th , update the compressed echo according to the
following equation

DFTr IDFTa Iuremain
where IDFTa denotes performing IDFT along the cross-range
dimension and DFTr represents DFT along the range
dimension. Update u by u u  1 and then go back to Step 2).
Step 5): Once the image of each target in group-target u
has been segmented, traditional mono-target ISAR imaging
processing is utilized to improve the image quality.



A. Preparation
To verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed
multi-target imaging method, experimental results based on
simulated data are presented below. Four targets with different

2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR)


translational motion parameter are considered. The utilized

scattering model is presented in Fig. 3 (a). The translational
motion parameter of each target is presented in TABLE I. In
addition to the translational motion, each target occupies the
rotational motion with the rotational angular velocity 0.1 rad/s.
The transmitted signal bandwidth is 300MHz. The CPI is
about 1s. According to the translational motion parameter,
four targets can be divided into three group-targets where
target 3 and target 4 can be seen as a group-target. Fig. 3 (b)
shows the image of compressed echo in range image domain
which can hardly be dealt with via traditional multi-targets
imaging method. Meanwhile, it is hard to determine the
number of targets directly from the compressed echo due to
the severe coupling. Complex Gaussian noises with the SNR
of 10 dB are added into the compressed echo.



Fig. 4 Imaging results. (a) Imaging result of target 1 in group-target 1. (b)
Imaging result of target 2 in group-target 2. (c) Imaging result of group-target
3. (d) Imaging result of group-target 4.

Fig. 3 (a) Simulated scattering model; (b) Range compressed echo

Target 1
Target 2

TABLE I Translational motion parameter of each target

Translational motion
Translational motion
[velocity, acceleration,
[velocity, acceleration,
Target 3
Target 4

B. Experimental Results
The estimation results of the polynomial coefficient of each
group-target are presented in TABLE II. However, these
polynomial coefficients have been transformed into the
expression of velocity, acceleration and jerk according to (6).
Totally three group-targets have been extracted of which the
transformed translational motion parameters are presented in
the 2nd column of TABLE II. Compared with the true value in
the 3rd column, the proposed method achieves satisfied
performance with very tiny estimation error. According to the
4th column of TABLE II, the estimated group-targets are
consistent with the corresponding simulated targets.
TABLE II Polynomial coefficient estimation result of each group-target
Estimated polynomial
True polynomial
[velocity, acceleration,
[velocity, acceleration,
[29.92m/s, 100.01m/s2, [30m/s, 100m/s2, Target
3and 4
[49.88m/s, -59.99m/s2,
[50m/s, -60m/s2,
Target 2
[-50.11m/s, 80.04m/s ,
[-50m/s, 80m/s ,
Target 1


The imaging results of each target are presented in Fig. 4 (a),

(b), (c) and (d). According to TABLE II, there exist two
targets in group-target 1. Hence, imaging results of each target
in group-target 1 are presented in Fig. 4 (a), (b) respectively.
Fig. 4 (c) and (d) present the imaging results of group-target 2
and group-target 3. It can be noted that totally 4 targets are
extracted and the corresponding imaging results are well
focused. However, the effectiveness of the proposed method is
A novel method for multi-targets ISAR imaging based on
PSO and M-CLEAN technique is proposed in this article.
Experimental results have verified the validity of the proposed
algorithm. However, the proposed method depends on the
basis that the incoherence of different echoes is just induced
by the translational motion without considering the phase error
induced by the radar system and De-chirp processing. And this
is the further research point.
The authors would like to acknowledge the anonymous
reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions, which
were of great help in improving this paper. This work was
supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China under Grant No. 61201283, No. 61471284, No.
612310107, and by the NSAF under Grant No. U1430123; it
was also supported by the Foundation for the Author of
National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of PR China under
Grant No. 201448, and by Program for New Century
Excellent Talents in University under Grant NCET-12-0916.
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2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar(APSAR)


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