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Prediksi Cadangan Klaim: Metode Chain Ladder Secara Stokastik

dan Bootstrapping

Pada tugas akhir ini, prediksi outstanding claims liability (cadangan klaim)
ditentukan menggunakan suatu model stokastik. Model stokastik yang dibahas pada
tugas akhir ini adalah suatu Generalized Linear Model (GLM) yang menghasilkan
prediksi cadangan klaim yang sama dengan prediksi cadangan klaim yang
dihasilkan metode Chain Ladder standard. Apabila pendekatan stokastik digunakan
maka prediction error dari estimator cadangan klaim dapat ditentukan. Selain itu,
pada tugas akhir ini juga dilakukan bootstrapping untuk menentukan prediction
error dari prediksi cadangan klaim.
Data yang digunakan sebagai studi kasus dalam laporan tugas akhir ini
adalah data segitiga run-off incremental claims (Taylor dan Ashe 1983) seperti
terdapat pada England dan Verrall (1999). Incremental claims pada segitiga run-off
tersebut diasumsikan berdistribusi Over-Dispersed Poisson (ODP) dengan fungsi
link logaritma natural (). Prediksi cadangan klaim yang diperoleh menggunakan
metode Chain Ladder secara stokastik (GLM) adalah 18.680.855,6131 dengan
prediction error 2.945.695,0585. Pada metode bootstrap, dilakukan simulasi
sebanyak 30 kali dengan masing-masing simulasi menghasilkan 1000 pseudo runoff. Diperoleh rataan prediksi cadangan klaim sebesar 18.873.379,3202 dan rataan
prediction error sebesar 3.009.170,2321.

Kata kunci: segitiga run-off, chain ladder, Generalized Linear Model (GLM),
distribusi Over-Dispersed Poisson (ODP), metode Bootstrap.


Claim Reserve Prediction: Stochastic Chain Ladder Method and


In this final project (skripsi), the prediction of the outstanding claims

liability (claim reserve) is determined by using a stochastic model. The stochastic
model discussed in this final project is a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) which
produced the same prediction of the outstanding claims liability of that produced
by the standard Chain Ladder method. By applying a stochastic model, it is possible
to determine the prediction error of the estimator of the outstanding claims liability.
Furthermore, in this final project, a bootstrap method is applied to determine the
prediction error of the estimator of the outstanding claims liability.
The data used as a case study in this final project is a run-off triangle of
incremental claims (Taylor and Ashe 1983) as found in England and Verrall (1999).
The incremental claims is assumed to follow an Over-Dispersed Poisson (ODP)
distribution with natural logarithm () link function . It is obtained that the
prediction of the outstanding claims liability produced by the stochastic chain
ladder method (the GLM) is 18,680,855.6131 with its prediction error of
2,945,695.0585. Applying a bootstrap method, 30 simulations were run and in each
simulation, 1000 pseudo run-offs were generated. From the bootstrapping
procedure, it is obtained that the mean of the outstanding claims liability is
18,873,379.3202 with its mean prediction error of 3,009,170.2321.

Keywords: run-off triangle, chain ladder, Generalized Linear Model (GLM), OverDispersed Poisson (ODP) Distribution, Bootstrapping.

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