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Client's Name
Course Name
Instructor's Name
xx September 2012
Frances Perkins involved herself in social works that advanced the interests and
circumstances of women. During her studies, she went to various local factories where she took
an interest in the issues of the workers, especially of the underprivileged workers. She fought for
the rights and conditions of the poor ones by focusing and devoting herself into helping the poor
and improving their quality of life. The life of Perkins as a social worker reflected the core
values of service, social justice, and worth of the person. She believed that poverty can be
resolved only if the resources would be evenly distributed. She served the poor people without
any hesitation for she understood their equal importance as human beings.
Whitney Moore Young Jr., on the other hand, was an advocate of anti-employment
discrimination movement in America. He fought for the underprivileged and deprived people's
equal access to socio-economic opportunity. He put emphasis on the importance of human
relationships, service and social justice. He worked to alleviate the health and welfare of the
Harry Hopkins, like Young and Perkins, devoted himself to helping his needy fellowmen.
He developed different programs, such as the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration
(TERA), and the Works Progress Administration (WPA), to improve the lives of people. He
helped the homeless, jobless, and those who sought medical assistance, specifically during World
War I. He exemplified the values of service, competence and integrity.


Del Anderson was another social work pioneer who changed the services available for the
veterans. During his leadership in the Veteran's Administration, he transformed the kind of
treatment and rehabilitation they provide to people by having his people understood the
importance of people's medical and social environment. He emphasized the importance of
positivity and life in treating veteran patients rather than focusing on their illnesses. Competence,
integrity, service and worth of the person were the core values that best described Anderson as a
social worker.
Edward Franklin Frazier was an advocate for social justice and education. He had a
significant contribution in promoting the black social work. He was a social work activist who
contributed a lot to the black movement during his time. He fought against racial discrimination
in the United States. He denounced racism and used his intelligence as his most powerful tool in
exposing the racist practices in America and opening the eyes of his fellowmen to these

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