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Compiled by:
1. Ervina Yuliantika
( 15615211)
2. Nina Tyasningsih Kota Kally ( 15615229)



1. Breastfeed
2. Childbirth
3. Post Natal
4. Pelvic
5. Abdominal
6. Muscles
7. Digest
8. Breast Feeding
9. Pregnancy
10. Nutrients
11. Polyunsaturated
12. Midwife
13. Lubricating Jelly
14. Hormone
15. Vagina
16. Health Visitor
17. Contraception
18. Baby Blues
19. Postnatal Depression
20. Sore Stitches
21. Sore Breast
22. Urine
23. Blood Pressure
24. Stitches
25. Womb
26. Breast
27. Cervical Smear
28. Rubella
29. Immunisation
30. Immune
31. Vaginal Discharge

: Disusui
: Melahirkan
: Masa Nifas
: Tulang Panggul
: Perut
: Otot
: Mencerna
: Menyusui
: Kehamilan
: Nutrisi
: Lemak Jenuh
: Bidan
: Jeli Pelumas
: Hormon
: Vagina
: Tenaga Kesehatan
: Alat Kontrasepsi
: Syndrome Baby Blues
: Depresi Post Natal
: Luka Jahitan
: Luka Payudara
: Air Kemih
: Tekanan Darah
: Jahitan
: Rahim
: Payudara
: Pemeriksaan Serviks (PAP Smear)
: Virus Rubella
: Imunisasi
: Daya Tahan Tubuh
: Cairan Vagina

1. Many women want to have their partner with them so that they will have a
chance to get to know the baby properly, as well as helping with the work.
2. When your probably up at night to feed your baby, and your body is
recovering from childbirth, rest is essential.
3. Do you pelvic floor exercise three or four times day.
4. You can carry on with the pelvic rocking exercise sitting or standing but dont
5. A varried diet without too many fatty foods will help you lose weight
6. A healthy diet is especially important if you are breast feeding.
7. Talk to your midwife or health visitor, if you are up set but remember many
mothers do not feel instant love for their baby.
8. You may want to use a lubricating jelly the first time sex because hormone
changes may make your vagina feel drier than usual.
9. Contraception may have been discussed before you left hospital and should
be discussed again when you go for your six week postnatal check.
10. The baby blues can happen about three or four days after the birth.
11. Baby blues may be caused by hormone changes, tirednes, discomfort from
sore sticknes or sore breasts or even a feeling of anticlimax after all the
12. If these baby blues feeling do not go away it may be that you are simply not
threating your self very well. Take time out for treats, nowever small. A long
lazy bath, your favorite food or visit a friend.
13. Postnatal visit is very important in six wekks after your baby birth to make
sure that you feel well and recovering as you should from the birth.
14. Breast feeding mother tend to lose weight more quickly that those who are
bottle feeding.
15. If you have any discomfort with your stitches, make sure you tell the doctor.
16. In postnatal visit if you have any worries over contraception or indeed any
aspect of sex, now is a good tome to discuss them.
17. If youre feeling very tired low or depressed talk the doctor about this.

1. Give me some example of thing that can do it husband (partners) in
postnatal ?
2. What does of us it abdominal exercise ?
3. Explain the steps in doing abdominal exercise ?
4. Can you give examples of food diet is good for postnatal ?
5. What to do the firts time when you want to have sex in postnatal ?
6. What caused there can be they baby blues ?
7. What can be a partner (husband) to when she had the baby blues ?
8. When and what is the point be a visit postnatal ?
9. Can you give a examples of a possible methods of contraception ?
10. Give me 5 things to do routines do vary a little but this probablywhat will be
done !

1. In chapter is less information about what can happen in the postnatal.
2. In this chapter futher explains about mothes activity in postnatal, food, the
relationship, sex and education, depression post natal and the postnatal visit.
3. In this chapter less information about how the importance of exercised for
mother in postnatal.
4. This chapter should be explain about how to good breastfeeding and ASI
5. This chapter should be explain about how to storage ASI for working
6. In this chapter just explain postnatal depression and baby blues, mean while
depression postnatal have 3 kind of like psycology postnatal, hard depression
postnatal, and baby blues.
7. In this chapter less information about natural methods of contraception like
MAL ( Methods Amenore Lactasi).

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