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"The de-professionalization. No longer need to be reporters for journalists, nor be operators to make
videos. The ease of use of digital technologies and the Web 2.0 allows each player to become a
writer. It 'a sense of what It defines the user-generated content: the content produced by the user.
Educationally it is another step forward, which requires a paradigm shift. We used to think of
having to educate (only) critical readers. Today we have to imagine instead of educating the
responsibility of each of us as the author. Ethics stations takes over the responsibility of any
widespread talk-actor which each of us is the extent to which it can produce messages and not just
consume them. "
The above quote prof. Pier Cesare Rivoltella (which is also found in Relazioneall'Incontro World
Faculty of Communication of Catholic Universities held in Rome il22 May 2008 on "The
communication in the digital age. Prospects of training session.") Emphasizes the fact that in recent
years, the media system has changed, we move from media to we-average. They are a tool through
which to disseminate information and laCultura by fast communication, incisive, which promotes
the exchange of views, ildialogo through blogs and social networks, in an age of inglobandoci
conoscenzacomunicativa already advocated by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin called "noosphere"
.Internet, the network of networks has the great merit of having been able to establish a new way
dicomunicare because it made clear the boundary between media and interpersonal media, between
public and private space, and especially among the media and unidirectional media dialogic,
encouraging interaction with others, allowing, according to Pier Levy, "the intelligence of each
diespandersi on a global scale in the flow of information."
The remarkable "revolution" of Web 2.0 is that the centrality of the subject replaces the centrality of
the media, the user's profile is changed by the user becomes the producer, a "talk-actor". And 'it
occurred, as the prof. Revolver, a de-professionalization of communication. With cell phone or a
camera anyone can take pictures or shoot a video of the events in which he stars, images that serve
as journalistic testimony and that in a few moments can go around the world through the Internet
through sites like YouTube or Flickr. The traditional journalist was accompanied by another figure,
that of the blogger. The phenomenon of blogs can be considered a sort of public journalism, in
which the player participates actively in the process of construction of the news, has full right to
participation, a model based on the ability of individuals to write, publish, discuss; the public
Internet, it is an active public, individuals, between the nodes of a network interact, exchange
messages for the creation and management of a sort of online diary, are connected to each other
what De Kerckhove calls "connectivity minds "But I believe it is essential to consider the negative
aspects of this revolution. Very often the "User Generated Content" is guilty of offering its users an
image of social reality in many ways through twisted and distorted news or images dubious or
otherwise incorrect, without worrying about the consequences on the public, especially the feeling
to be confronted with the description of true events. This behavior is easily implemented even by
simple manipulation of the securities and the images that accompany the article. The victims are
mainly the weaker sectors of the users, ie those most impressionable minors. In fact, they do not
have a sufficient critical sense to oppose the news. The point is that a blogger, generally, we only
report and comment information of other blogs or traditional sources; not goes on the spot, does not
talk to the sources, it does not produce news. Nonetheless. Bloggers who want to check the
reliability of a story are led to do it on the sites of newspapers or news agencies that serve as
traditional filter and despite the criticism still enjoy a reputation for professionalism .; about what
De Kerckhove says that in this society there is a huge need for filters and that "professional
journalism will never die" In some cases, the fake news, synonymous in my opinion of no quality

information, assumes the form of a plagiarism, in others that of an invention by determining a bias
in the evaluation of the information, and then a conditioning; take for example the case Wikileaks
and the little big upheaval that the spread of the secret files has caused diplomatic, international, but
especially the media. Today, then, it is no longer enough to educate the consumer awareness or
attention and adopt a system of shared ethical standards governing the whole system, ie a
mediaetica, which guarantees the quality of communication through solid founding principles. We
need a "New Media Education" addressed to each of us, that educate the individual who is going to
This speech aimed primarily at young people, the "digital natives" that the major task is given to
formal educational agencies of all levels, "the school" through joint projects with non-formal and
informal educational settings. It through targeted education campaigns are called to provide tools to
understand the correct meaning of the new media, to develop in young people a critical awareness
and to produce and publish responsibly and reflection media messages safeguarding human and
civil rights.

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