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The effects of the Peace Project are irreversible to the planet, and its
success depends on all beings to be born with a great ability to love oneself. In
fact, at all times, the various traditions of the world have always emphasized
conception, pregnancy, childbirth and the first years of life as fundamental to
the birth of a being endowed with brotherly love, the love that embraces
Science notes that, today, through numerous surveys conducted over
the years in various subject areas, such as pre- natal and peri-natal
epidemiology, neuroscience, psychosocial history, to name the most
fundamental in this broad area. It is confirmed that the lessons highlighted by
these traditions should be passed on to young people at least a decade before
becoming parents. A Brazilian researcher Eleanor Madruga Luzes sewed this
knowledge in all these areas into a single discipline, which she calls the
Science of Beginning of Life is vital in order to build a culture of conscious
With knowledge of information that involves mental attitudes, spiritual
and food, motherhood and fatherhood conscious allows for a planet full of
self-love and neighbouring, the intent will not be polluted or damaged by
other hurtful factors, being careful of oneself and the like, this is what
Eleanor Luzes calls "homo sapiens frater" - this term is already being
recognized by the international scientific community, as the author
cites American Giuditta Tornetta, in a book published this year
"Empowering Journey Through Pregnancy and Birth ".
Today, conferences are beginning to emerge in which the conclusions
are clear: it is urgent to teach young people to be parents. A generation that
consists of children with new levels of energy is able to change the frequency
of the planet. Everything in the cosmos is a frequency and frequency change
on a large scale has never been done in human history, only in small groups,
which have always had excellent results. Right now, with all our available
information, we can now make this happen on a large-scale, preferably worldscale.
This project is aimed at creating conditions for the maternity and
paternity to teach peace. Beings are born and can transmit to their
descendants the gold chain of connection with all creation - BIG LOVE. In the
next two generations there will possibility be PEACE ON EARTH, all beings
possessing good will.

Based on the revolutionary new Science of the Beginning of the Life: this
project for World Peace is borne of the country of Brazil and starts with
conscious conception.

About the Project

Project Luzes is a scientific and pedagogical project that aims to
divulge scientific information to laymen of all cultural, educational, and social
backgrounds worldwide about research findings that point to the need for
awareness in order to ensure world peace. It is the practical application of
preparedness for parenthood to ensure homo sapiens frater.
Based on more than four decades of research in Humanities and
Medical Science that has brought us precious information linking the way the
human mammal comes to the world with the psychic, emotional, and physical
conditions each human being will develop during his lifetime. The recently
developed Science of the Beginning of Life is at the base of Project Luzes
which is the logistical project of its implementation. According to the Science
of the Beginning of Life, the wellness of humanity, individually and as a
society, including macro-relationships between nations, has its roots in five
fundamentally important pre- and first stages of life which are: conception,
gestation, childbirth, breast-feeding and early years of life.
The objective of the Project Luzes is to make available its wealth of
information on the internet and via as many multi-media channels possible to
spread this knowledge and ensure a peaceful society at every socio-economic
level and in every nation, starting today. The pressing current need is to have
the Project Luzes translated into as many languages as possible and to have
the means to create simple DVDs and related material to encourage the
education of multipliers who can bring up the consciousness of their
communities, no matter how simple.
Dr. Luzes compiled her research into a trans-disciplinary doctoral
thesis also entitled The Need to Teach the Science of the Beginning of Life
Dr. Luzes defended the research behind the development of this new science
for the first time at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in August of 2007.
It was developed from the body of knowledge gathered in the last four
decades from the areas of anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, ethnology,
embryology, cellular biology, and clinical medicine (obstetrics, neurology,
endocrinology, cardiology, psychiatry).
According to Dr. Luzes, the essence and teaching of The Science of the
Beginning of Life is as trans-disciplinary as life itself and is for the benefit of
both rich and poor, educated or not. The method of trans-disciplinary
pedagogy has been indicated by the Organization of the United Nations for
Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) as the most effective way to reach
goals in education for peace.

Education for Peace
Aligned with the proposal of UNESCO, today the application of Science
of the Beginning of the Life is achieved through the Project Luzes which,
translated into English, means Project Light. This has resulted in an action
plan which provides direction in education through the teaching of The
Science of the Beginning of Life. The main theme is to address human
wellness by teaching methods of preparation to new parents prior to the
conception of the children they plan to put into this world.
It therefore provides information to couples who intend to have children,
via classes and courses, paid or free, which has as its goal a broad knowledge
base and approach that addresses various aspects of the human condition, in
mind and body: psychic, physical, emotional and spiritual.
Courses to prepare multipliers (teachers who teach other teachers) are
already being ministered to interested individuals in monthly classes set up in
various cities in Brazil at all levels of society, although, given the possibility of
improved financial means, these can be greatly improved. Implantation of a
broader educational project foresees teaching an integration of The Science
of the Beginning of the Life both in public high schools and simultaneously
in Brazilian universities.
To accomplish this, the Project counts on important partners such as
non-governmental organizations, as well as local state and federal
governments (still in process). The Project Luzes observed through literature
a practice that occurred in Bombaim, India some 35 years ago, where new,
prospective parents received orientation in meditation before, during, and
after the new baby gestation process a program based on Vedic text
teachings. The goal was to increase new prospective parents concentration,
promote inner harmonization and, consequently, to ensure healthy
conception of children soon to be born. According to researcher Kelkar in
2002, the results were impressive: "among six thousand observed couples,
more than 70% of the newborn children exhibited harmonious yet firm
temperaments; they were more alert, attentive and intelligent".
The application of Science of the Beginning of Life provides
fundamental information, for instance, about feeding, physical exercises for
the preparation of childbirth, in addition to techniques for natural childbirth
without unnecessary obstetric interventions. It also teaches about the benefits
of breast-feeding, and culminates on the importance of the early childhood
relationship between mother and child.
The objective of Project Luzes is to encourage world governments to
integrate Science of the Beginning of Life into their school curriculum, in
both High School and University Level, so that a society of mothers and
conscious parents are prepared to educate the Homo Sapines Frater children
that will come naturally from couples who have this awareness.
About the author

Eleanor Luzes is a medical physician who practiced obstetrics for
a period of three years. She became a psychiatrist and has been a
Junguian analyst for the last 36 years. Eleanor completed her postgraduation in Transdisciplinarity at the International University of
Peace (UNIPAZ). At the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she
gained a Masters in Psychology followed by a PhD at the Institute of
Psychology, with her Thesis entitled The Necessity of Teaching the
Science at the Beginning of Life which discussed its teaching at high
school and university. This material was new and transdisciplinary,
combining Art, Science and Religion with the five topics: Conscientious
Conception, Healthy Eating and Imagination of the Mother, Natural
Birth, Breastfeeding for nine months with the Mother close to the baby
for the first three years.
This thesis is based on extensive scientific documentation,
containing over 2000 references and more than 1,500 pages, warmly
approved by the scientific community at the Federal University of Rio
de Janeiro (UFRJ). In view of the data collected, it is vital that the
Science of the Beginning of Life becomes a matter of public knowledge
in the largest way possible. Much is already known about the genesis of
many diseases of adulthood, antisocial behavior, and self-destructive
drug addiction. In the last three years, international forums have been
clamoring for the appearance of such matter, and in April 2007 in
Moscow, "The Moscow Manifesto," signed by the scientific community,
pointed to the need of a science education that prepares the young for
maternity and paternity awareness as the best strategy for the
encouragement of physical, mental and spiritual health. It is known
that the best conditions of birth are benefited with a fullness of life.
This implies that the earth is inhabited by a new fraternal humanity.
Since 1992, Dr.Luzes has been researching and developing,
through couples orientation, the psychology she calls "preparation for
conscious maternity and paternity". She is member of Association of
Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH) in the United
In Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Luzes is a member of the nongovernmental organization Humanized Childbirth National Network
(ReHuNa). She has also been invited to lecture in National and
International places to a group of people interested in understanding
how to educate for peace. Eleanor gives courses based on modules from
her thesis for the training of these instructors who work in the
communities of young people within Brazil and internationally.
Eleanor Luzes is a member of the Association for Prenatal and
Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH), an organization that has
existed for 25 years, and the National Network of Humanized Delivery
(Rehuna), an organization active since 1993. She is also a collaborator
member at LISE (Laboratory of Social Imagination and Education) at
the Institute of Education, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Additionally, she teaches courses on modules from her thesis for the
training of volunteers that work with young people in communities

nationwide and internationally. Finally, she is a worthy partner of
ANEP (National Association for Pre-natal).

Curriculum available at LATTES:


Welcomed Life The First Human Right

Implementing the Teaching of
Science of the Beginning of Life
Destined to the Ministry of Education and Culture
The objective of this project is to transform the phrase Brazil: The
Country of the Future into reality. For this to happen we only need to reveal
and develop what we call Science of the Beginning of Life. By doing this the
countrys future will develop in ways which have never been seen before in
any other country.
The future of a country is shaped by the physical, mental and spiritual health
of its citizens, with the picture that future individuals will be conceived from
love and with adequate preparation, with the full support from society for the
mothers. These individuals will certainly be different, for the better.
And if they are still born in the natural way, and receive sufficient
psychological support during infancy, they will as adults be able to do much
more to themselves and to others, and become more creative and cooperative. We will have a society capable of resolving problems easily and
Individuals born with these provisions are healthier, smarter, more
socially aware and have longer working lives, which is of particular interest to
governments which are currently plagued by a relatively short time in which
an individual produces and generates wealth for their society. These
individuals need much less aid and contribute more to social welfare. The
knowledge and application of the Science of the Beginning of Life is essential
for the advent of a healthy humanity, one which incorporates brotherhood,
This project considers that the right to information is essential because
many times life is extinguished by lack of knowledge. Early on, infant
mortality significantly decreased and other mobility rates would also decrease
A society that values education is the same as one that values life. This
will be a big step to change individuals self-destructive nature that has long
been a great hindrance to governments of various countries.
Implementation of The Science of the Beginning of Life gives the following
Reduction of infant mortality and morbidity in all age groups.
Reduction in crime rates and relative costs (lawsuits, imprisonment). The
person who commits the offense is one who did not receive the guaranteed
fundamentals, in other words did not receive appropriate care in their prenatal, post-natal or early infancy phases. The criminal is someone who was
disrespected during pregnancy and birth, and has therefore "learned" to be

disregarding, bringing to society the burden of poor mental training.
Longer working lives.
Heavy reduction (if not complete eradication) of drug use as a result of
Mental illnesses, systemic and autoimmune diseases, as well as accidents,
become the exception.
Both suicide, and violence against others, will see a significant drop.
We will have a society more creative, intelligent and respectful of life.
The Science of the Beginning of Life is a discipline born out of the
merger of previously hoarded knowledge over the last four decades in the
fields of anthropology, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, ethnology,
embryology, cell biology and medicine (gynecology, neurology, endocrinology,
cardiology, psychiatry) and is confirmed by traditions and art. This is
therefore an interdisciplinary field, like life itself. The teaching method
adopted below is that of trans-disciplinarily, which has been proposed by the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
to achieve the goal of peace. There are five phases targeted by the Science of
the Beginning of Life:
1 Conception
Data from international literature recorded the memories of this event,
with a population of more than 10 million people studied, shows that
conception significantly influences the physical and mental health of human
beings for the rest of life. Today, for example, we know that the eating
patterns of parents in this period may determine congenital anomalies, such
as by alcohol (cleft lip), and drugs (brain damage). A relationship has already
been established between excessive consumption of pesticides and the birth of
children with head circumference noticeably larger or smaller than average.
Studies show a correlation between an inharmonious design and the tendency
of depression in adulthood, as well as difficulty in controlling aggression.
2 Pregnancy
The first trimester is crucial for the formation of the body. Today we
know that the genetic code that is structured in the design can be changed for
better or worse during this period. Good health depends crucially on the
imagination of the mother, her inner life, her take on life and food. Extensive
literature demonstrates that if these factors are present, later in life there will
be no occurrences of diseases such as stroke, coronary infarction,
hypercholesterolemia, obesity, diabetes, schizophrenia, or epilepsy. We know
the price that starvation of pregnant women has on future generations from
the aftermath of World War 2. During this time, the Dutch population which

was besieged by German troops, was subsequently starved and lived on very
few calories. This population has been documented for more than sixty years.
It has been noted that these people are more prone to mental illness, possess
antisocial tendencies and have a greater likelihood of obesity, cardiovascular
disorders and diabetes than the rest of the Dutch population of the same age.
Nowadays, we know how a poor diet affects the first, second and third
trimesters of pregnancy. The earlier individuals are subjected to malnutrition,
the more serious the damage caused. Babies disrespected during the first
phase of their intrauterine development are scared throughout life, with
socialization difficulties and a tendency for certain cancers, in addition to the
aforementioned pathologies.
The genesis of the disease or health concern of a human being occurs in
3 Childbirth
Childbirth is a genuine rite of passage. This process "molds" certain qualities
to the heart of a person, as new attributes that are printed in ones
Birth is the first major transition, which is printed deep into the
subconscious of the newborn and stay rooted for the rest of life. We now
know, for example, that a major consequence of the advent of hospital
delivery where mothers use anesthesia has been the emergence of a
population of drug addicts. Drugs have been around since ancient times, and
those synthesized from the nineteenth century, but since the sixties there has
been a considerable increase in drug addicts. No surprise considering we
have just seen the first generation in human history to be born under
sedation. Reports from several countries map correlations between the
emergence of high-tech hospital birth and its consequences, such as the onset
of autism, bulimia, anorexia, tendency to commit crimes and socialization
difficulties. We pay a high price when we forget that it is necessary to honor
4 Breastfeeding
After effective campaigns carried out under government supervision, it
was possible to reverse in Brazil, albeit partially, the framework for the
removal of this human right. From 1950 to 1980, Brazil, like many other
countries, has switched to artificial breast milk. The result was an
exponential increase in allergies, emotional instability and intellectual decline.
To be breastfed, not only increases intelligence and enhances immunity, also
strengthens the sense of brotherhood. The prevailing notion that competition
is better than cooperation is a distortion of physiology. Maybe this is the
most severe consequence due to the lack of breastfeeding. If a human body
functions normally its because the cells in the gut know how to work closely
together. Life is collaboration. Competition creates a lack of ethics, lack of
good ecological conditions, and rampant predatory beings who cannot love
themselves, let alone others and to to an even less degree the environment.

Brazil today is an international example in the rescue of breastfeeding,
however has not reached the target of full breastfeeding for six months (still
optional in private companies) as recommended by leading research and the
World Health Organization (WHO).
5 - The first three years of life
This is the period that lays the foundations for good mental health, a
period of structuring the ego (the center of the will, determination and selfdiscipline). If a lion, a natural leader, needs the mother for two years, the
human being, the most complex of mammals, needs three years of maternal
care and family support.
Countries such as Germany, Sweden and others are beginning to revise
their policies on maternity leave, extending it to more than two years. This is
because they have already seen the damage posed to the nation by a
generation of young people who do not know what they want, who are not
sufficiently structured to leave the paternal home and start making their own
nest, and live and behave as puppies with a weak work ethic, preferring to
channel their energies into unnecessary and often harmful diversions.
Today's generation behaves like the nursery too soon generation. It
has been the subject of studies by sociologists all over the world. Many of
these studies come from European countries, especially England, that show
how a whole generation that has a poorly-structured ego behaves. Such
findings have forced European countries to review their policies in birth
Over the last three years Brazil has seen the number of retirements due
to disability increase three times, especially among young men, and a six-fold
increase in the number federal civil servants. What is important in these
figures, while involving shady elements, is that it points to a generational
pattern of behavior, also observed in Europe, the United States and Japan,
which reveals that young people bend the system in order to enjoy receiving
a retirement life free of "concerns", while letting go of their greater
The strategy of implementing this project is to initially create a space for
the inclusion of Science of the Beginning of Life Nationwide Program of
Development for University Extension. The Ministry of Education and Culture
established the National Education Plan, by Law 10,172, 09 January 2001
with the purpose of implementing this program to all Federal Institutions of
Higher Education in the 2001-2004 quadrennial and ensure that at least 10%
of the total credits required for graduation in higher education are reserved
for the performance of students in extension activities. Therefore, federal
universities across the country must set aside 10% (of hours) of their
The bill proposes that students in federal universities are able to use

this 10% of teaching activities of Science of the Beginning of Life to the
youth of the slums and other needy areas.
A second way to include Science of the Beginning of Life in distance
education, is to create an Internet information site, primarily aimed at
teachers, but available to all of interest. One of the fundamental human
rights is the right to information about everything that can provide better
physical, mental and spiritual health, so that each individual reaches their
full potential in life and, consequently, to society. This potential has never
been fully developed in human history, but with what we know today, we can
change the life of all human beings on the planet.
Thirdly, the creation of laws governing the placement of this information
permanently on television by PBS.
Additional, the author proposes that each state includes the Science of
the Beginning of Life in the curricula of secondary and vocational education
as compulsory. The curriculum of the second degree at the jurisdiction of
states. It is important that even after Science of the Beginning of Life is
taught nationally in higher education, educational programs remain on
television since only a small fraction of Brazilian citizens actually reach higher
The NGO Soroptimist International of the Americas working with the Law
Women and Children, in 2009 the governor Salem Maria Graf, sent the
following information: "The Ministry of Education through. no. 2741/2008,
acknowledged receipt of the Enlightenment Project Proposal to the
Department of Basic Education in the Ministry of Education, which was the
response I sent to the Office Minister Fernando Haddad. "In 2011 it was
discovered that the proper place for document would be the Department of
Higher Education. The NGO could not move it and the author no longer
Thus the author lecturing at colleges followed by Brazil and courses
organized by the local people with interest in the subject courses Multipliers.
Today there are many, taking their own projects in communities, groups of
schools, adolescents, couples who want children, etc. ..
It is in Brazil for almost all multipliers due to the DVD release and availability
of information with a thesis on the Internet, then only in two states, Amap
and Acre news is that there are multipliers of the Science of Home Life at the
In 2009 the governor of the NGO Soroptimist International of the Americas
which works with the Rights of Women and Children, Salem Maria Graf, sent
the following information: "The Ministry of Education ref. no. 2741/2008,
acknowledged receipt of the proposal Project Luzes in the Department of Basic
Education in the Ministry of Education, which was the response that was sent
to the Office Minister Fernando Haddad. "In 2011 it was discovered that the
proper place for document should have been the Department of Higher

Education. The NGO could not move it and the author no longer participates
in the program.
Thus the author continued lecturing at Brazilian colleges and courses
organized by local people with interest in the subject. These courses are
called Multipliers. Today there are many people taking their own projects in
communities, groups of schools, adolescents, couples who want children,
Almost all Brazil the availability of this information is spread via DVD, an
online thesis, and only two states, Amap and Acre, that there are no
multipliers of the Science of the Beginning of Life at the moment.


By Eleanor Madruga Luzes
nationwide using digital media (DVD).
Development of emotional and social intelligence allows a better condition to
endure difficulties without falling into patterns of violence. An important
observation has been made; young people who adopt the concept of
"conscious parenthood" opt for healthier changes in eating habits, and
integrate into a project that motivates them to change various other
unhealthy habits.
2 UPDATE WEBSITE ( initially with
materials in Spanish and English On the website there is already the thesis in
its entirety and the disclosure of the courses in three modules, with
distribution methods in respect to programming; national TV interviews and
press releases, links to relevant sites and an interactive art of birth museum.
Ongoing maintenance of the site requires financial support.
The project aims to create course modules for people who want to
become distributors of knowledge on several fronts.
They will receive educational materials including books for teachers and
students, DVDs and coursework, so that there is a uniformity of information.


The distributors should act:

a) with communities.
For 35 years in India, near Bombay city, a study followed six thousand
couples who were prepared for pregnancy. They were interviewed during
pregnancy and for the first year after birth. The result was impressive: the
6,000 children were more intelligent and more socially and emotionally fit
than their peers of the same region.
b) Together with groups of young people in any organization, independent
of any religious inclination
c) Together with companies that want to work with an expanded concept of
health improvement.
We believe that the best way to give children the opportunity to develop fully
is to prepare parents well before they were born.
This plan requires financial support for the distribution in order to assist the
volunteers, at least for transportation and meals, and paid working hours so
that the project becomes self-sustaining (the volunteers will receive financial
help only while they are within the project as freelances).




To prepare teachers who can teach at further and education levels. The
ongoing project will be in distance learning, initially based in Santa Catarina.
Smaller DVDs will be made to aid distance learning, which will be
available in an education portal for teachers. For the construction of DVDs a
partnership needs to be formed with the Laboratory of Social Imagination and
Education (LISE), Faculty of Education, and the Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro (UFRJ), of which Eleanor is a member. This project has not yet been
signed, as they need to receive funding from government agencies. There has
been a partnership with SIFE CEFET / RJ (Students In Free Enterprise Federal Centre for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca).

Due to the theoretical rationale, which covers a large number of areas of
knowledge, including art and traditions, they reinforce the current scientific
findings. As the thesis that introduces to the world for the first time "Science
of the Beginning of Life", this is a base that needs to be updated, as more and
more new knowledge derived every day appears to be linked to the
fundamentals of this science. The findings may be updated within the body of
this material as previously separate areas which were not communicated, but
which shared the common objective, the development of human beings. At
the moment, according to several of these findings which have already been in
the public domain in Europe, new congresses are held to create what would
be the "Science of the Beginning of Life", trying to gather experts from various
fields to form the material to be taught at further and higher education, the
preparation for conscious parenthood in light of new discoveries. Here in
Brazil, a scientist Eleanor Madruga Luzes has studied these issues over
various fields for over 22 years, and has structured this course. She has also
written her doctorial thesis "The Need to Teach Science of the Beginning of
Life, now available in Portuguese at: or
She requires financial support in order to have this thesis translated
into various other languages and made available on a website which already
has the domain name.
It is important that this translation is done in various languages such
as English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish,
Finnish etc. This is because there is already a movement in Europe and the
Americas to attempt to structure this knowledge, which is embodied in the
thesis. There is urgency to make this work available, because at this moment
it is essential that instead of trying to structure physically around the world
we can disclose a real project.
The author attended the Science of the Beginning of Life Seminar on October
18, 2008, organized and financed by the Fundacin Creavis in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. She received the title of Honourable Member of the International
Seminar "Science of the Beginning of Life" by the Life Foundation
International Talents in Buenos Aires. She also recorded a radio program
focusing on the question of self-sustaining society: Argentina Production:, new interview in February 2011. This being invited with
costs borne by the institution for 15, 16 and 17 October by the Dept.. of
Obstetrics Childcare, Medicine Faculty at the University of Conception in
Chile. The Mid-Atalntic Conference on Birth and Primal Health Research,
Third International Conference on the Humanization of Labor and Delivery,
from 26 to 30 November 2010 - Braslia-DF.
In Spain the teacher Maria de Jesus Garcia Blazquez, a biology professor at
the University of Zaragoza, implemented the availability of information about
sexuality, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and the first year of life, in
various summer courses. The work began about 20 years ago, this teacher
and Eleanor have been exchanging letters since then. Today the paper has

been accepted by the City of Aragon, which deployed it in primary schools.
The author with the help of the city may publish several books including: "La
In Chile, during the 5 - 7 October 2011 she lectured at the College of matrons
and matrons of Chile participated in the IV International Congress of
matrons: "Humanized Childbirth". There is interest both there and in
Argentina, and the Ministry of Health of Peru, the Compendium of Science at
the Beginning of Life.
"WELCOME LIFE" plan that is in the body of this document, page 5. The
idea is that he can prepare the universities at the same time that they
transmit the knowledge to communities. The Ministry of Education and
Culture established the National Education Plan, by Law 10,172,09 January
2001 in order to implement this program in all federal institutions of higher
education and ensure that at least 10% of total of credits required for
graduation are reserved for the performance of students in extension
EDUCATION SECRETARIES ordinance or an equivalent document for
implementing the mandatory teaching of Science of the Beginning of Life in all
high schools in the country. Brazil will then be a model of education to the
world. This is a project for irreversible peace on the planet.
In some municipalities in So Paulo in 2008 the effect of changing the
teaching of sex education caused an increase in the number of teenage
pregnancies, as it caused the opposite attitude in teenagers, but when it
Pregnancy Education was implemented teenage pregnancy fell, which is when
the state government introduced as a transversal theme in the curricula of
Pregnancy Education (Dream Valley Project). This can be extended to the
teaching of Science of the Beginning of Life, as it prepares for maternity and
paternity awareness.
There are similar projects in the federal, state and municipal levels, as
follows: there is a project of the MEC - Health and Prevention in Schools
(SPE), which focuses on teenage pregnancy prevention, Project in Paran, in
Salvador (2009) , Sergipe, Espirito Santo, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina,
Mato Grosso do Sul since 2006 - it seems the oldest project in Brazil, in Rio
Grande do Norte, Tocantins, has the plan of the municipality of Porto Velho,
Cuiaba, Joo Pessoa , Goinia: Health Education as a Tool in Adolescent
Sexual Health, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro the government announced the
It would be a much greater change in the short and long term if instead of
focusing on sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy was taught through the
Science of the Beginning of Life, a more comprehensive view of preparation for
conscious parenthood. The social impact of this would improve the quality of
life in the country after a few years.

STATIONS, as has already been done interviews on Radio Cathedral,
GloboNews on Globo TV and TV Futura, and TV Educativa and Radio
. . It is very important to work with the government to
make them aware of the need for a continuing education program on TV
LISE (Laboratory of Education and Social Imaginary) Institute of Education,
SIFE and Cefet (partnership which generated a DVD) which is being
distributed in the communities of Rio and Sao Paulo, the University, now
UFRGS, will continue to reach out to other institutions to enable greater
Rio Carioca , an NGO working with quality of life and education, which is an
entity of a public utility.
Rio Carioca Institute - NGO - OSCIP and Title of Public Utility.
ANEP - ANEP (National Association for Pre-natal Education).
UNIPAZ - International University of Peace.
UNILUZ - Nazareth University of Light - to be implemented next year.
Movement of Healers in Recife.
Movement for the creation of Gestational Birth centers in Zalapa, Bolson,
Esquel in Argentina (for preparing couples to conceive, cleaning their matirx
and learning about their biographies, a space for pregnant women to
meditate, socialize, center for natural childbirth, and social center for
mothers, families with children up to 3 years, and Wardorf schools).
Movement for the creation of Gestational Birth centers in Botucatu, So
Movement for the creation of Gestational Birth centers in Campo Grande,
Mato Grosso do Sul I'menby: Site:


Science of the Beginning of the Life

Its Five Phases and Considerations about Making a New Life Feel
1 Preparation for Conception to motherhood and Parenting Awareness World
In the Netherlands women aged 18-40, a total of 1206, women are advised by
gynecological-obstetrician. With few consultations aiming for preparation prior to conception.
There have been improvements which face limitations in pregnancy, such as diet, smoking,
alcohol consumption. 80% of the interviewed were interested, answered the letters sent by
those experts saying they would like to participate in such a program. (DE JONG-POTJER et
al. Women's interest in GP-initiated pre-conception counselling in The Netherlands. Leiden,
The Netherlands. Fam Pract. 20 (2): 142-6, Apr. 2003).
In the same country there is another pre-conception counseling programs to reduce
problems in pregnancy. 4,300 patients participated who were between 18 and 40 years old, and
were guided by a general clinic. The study was carried out for 3 consecutive years (2000 to
2003). The participation has been increasing from year to year. With positive outcomes in
pregnancies. (ELSINGA, j. et al. Preconception counselling initiated by general practitioners in
the Netherlands: reaching couples song on pregnancy. BMC Family Practice, 7:41, 2006).
Another study was carried out in the country with where home childbirth has been the
norm for more than 60 years to assess whether counseling program decreased the levels of
anxiety during pregnancy in 466 women, between 18 to 40 years, by Spielberger State-Trait
scale Anxiety Inventory- It showed a significant change compared to the control group. (DE
JONG-POTJER et al.. GP-initiated Preconception Counselling in a Randomised Controlled
Trial does not Induce Anxiety. Leiden, The Netherlands, BMC Family Practice 7: 66, 2006).
Still in the Netherlands, there was a study carried out with couples for the observation of
the levels of anxiety in men and women before and after some preconception counseling and
during the first trimester of pregnancy. The anxiety was assessed with the scale from
Spielberger State Trait Anxiety Inventory. The result was that 83.4% would recommend the
advice to others. (DE WEERD, s. et al. Psychological Impact of Preconception Counseling:
Assessment of Anxiety before and during Pregnancy. Community Genet, 4: 129-133, 2001).
The NETHERLANDS now has 80% of planned pregnancy vs the world average of
In 2013 the NETHERLANDS closed the eighth penitentiary.
Hungary has held 10 years in counseling on preconceptions for couples volunteers until
3 months before birth. 8837 women and men participated in the research of 7600 1984 to 1994.
Maternal age of 25.8/ -3.4 years. 84, 60% of participants with good educational level
Primiparous. The program executed by qualified nurses. There was a reduction of smoking and
alcohol. The rate of major congenital anomalies (20.6/1000) was significantly lower than
expected (35/1000). (CZEIZEL, A.E. Ten years of experience in periconceptional care. Eur J
Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 84 (1): 43-9, 1999).
Sweden is one of the Scandinavian countries coming decades conducting research in the area
pre-birth, perinatal. In the 70s it had high level of suicide, murder and drug addiction and

alcoholism among teenagers. Preconception care programs and remade prenatal, took maternity
leave of 450 days. In 15 years the problems with teenagers, and this figure the first countries in
the PISA (which evaluates educational level of a country), this same example was followed by
other Scandinavian countries, and Finland has been the number 1 for 6 years. Sweden today
notes that the occupancy rate of the country's prison system has been dropping since 2004,
when it closed the fourth prison in the country. And not only this, the Scandinavian countries
have achieved in the same period the assessment being the countries with the best quality of
life. It is widely known by research in large cuts in several countries in the Association of
unwanted pregnancy, complicated delivery, daycare very early, with the incidence of 16 to 19%
from level of criminality among boys, irrespective of the social class.
Finland has been for years in first place in the evaluation of school, along with other
Scandinavian countries.
1 attention to prenatal care.
2 valorizing teacher's qualification.
3-language teaching and the arts, student satisfaction. Simplicity.
4 free education.
Meanwhile the Brazil figure among 65 countries is 54th place in PISA
In the US there are the level of Government a report of recommendations to improve the health
and care of preconceptions. Since early 90.
1) improving knowledge and the attitudes and behaviours of women and men related to the
2) ensure that all women of childbearing age in the United States receive some preconception
3) reduce risks, indicated by a previous negative pregnancy result;
4) reduce adverse outcomes in pregnancy.
Each recommendation is accompanied by a series of specific action steps and, when
implemented, can produce results within 2 to 5 years. (JOHNSON, K, et al.
Recommendations to improve preconception health and health care--United States. The
report of the CDC/ATSDR Care Work Group and the Select Panel on Preconception Care.
MMWR Recomm Rep. 21; 55 (RR-6): 1-23, Apr 2006). Unfortunately shortly afterwards the
role such a report. The US is listed in 34th place in the world in maternal and Child Mortality.
In Iran, national study in 2005 to verify the efficacy of risk-reduction counseling by
providing medical care and mental support. It was known that unwanted pregnancy or the
associated with chronic diseases such as obesity or maternal depression, or with short intervals
between pregnancies, were associated with more complications and had higher risks for mother
and baby. Those involved in the research were women of urban and rural area, with similar
schooling. The advice generated good results in the reduction of problems. (SHAHIDI, s. et al.
Reviewing the effectiveness of pre-pregnancy counseling protocol on pregnancy and labor
indices. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res.; 16 (4): 265-272, Autumn, 2011).
In Germany, more than 100000 women participatde in the counseling Program called
Baby Care (baby care). Among the participants a sample of 3,345 births was taken, controlled
by age, level of parity, multiple gestation, and education. Women who participated in the Baby
Care program had a preterm birth rate of 20 to 25%, less than in the control group.
(DUDENHAUSEN, J.W., et al. Preconceptional health promotion and counselling pregnant

women in choosing their obstetric clinic the further tools in the reduction of preterm deliveries
deliveries. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol.;211 (4): 142-6, 2007).
In Japan under study in 12 villages of the Omoro County, 331 selected married men
who were respondents between 18 years or more. 65.4% of male partners participated in at
least one qualified Care program visit in Pre-conception (where they obtained health
information from a health worker). The mean age was 31.9 years. The benefits: monitoring of
fetal growth (34%) and identification of complications during pregnancy (18.9%). Those who
participated in the program were more able to deal with its partners in the events of pregnancy
and childbirth. (TWEHEYO, Raymond et al. Male partner attendance of skilled antenatal care
in peri-urban Gulu district, Northern Uganda. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 10: 53, 2010).
It was found, from an extensive bibliography from the Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, database of Research Effectiveness (DARE), MEDLINE, Cochrane controlled
clinical trials, PsycINFO, CINAHL, HealthSTAR, bibliographies of comments between 1994
to 2002; with update until February 2003. For these works have an idea of the effectiveness of
behavioral counseling in relation to the use of alcohol among patients in primary care adults
which could provide an effective course on public health approach to reduce the harmful use of
alcohol in pregnancy. (WHITLOCK EP, et al. Behavioral counseling interventions in primary
care to reduce risky/harmful alcohol use by adults: a summary of the evidence for the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force. Ann Intern Med; 140: 557 68, 2004).
There is a lot of knowledge in this issue, given the number of international documents
that focus on the importance of countries in setting up pre-Counseling programs design. That
countries implement educational programs on this topic. After all the expected in life is that
people are moms and dads, and the educational background is practically nil.
Here follows the list of documents already signed where there is reference to this issue:
The Declaration of Alma-ata in 1978, the who's Convention on the rights of the child.
UN, 1989. World Declaration on the survival, protection and development of children in New
York: UN; 1990, Report of the World Health Organization on human rights in 1993, report of
the Fourth World Conference on women, 1995, World Health Day, promoted by who in 1998.
Indicators for monitoring the Millennium development goals in New York: UN, 2003. Familycentered maternity and newborn care: National Guidelines. Ottawa, Canada's health sector of
the Ministry of public works and Government Services; 2005. some preconception care to
improve the results of the maternal and child health in Latin America, by the Centre for
Perinatology and human development, the World Health Report: Redesigning the child care:
survival, growth and development: make every mother and child count, (who, 2005. BOULET,
s. Preconception Care in International Settings. Maternal and Child Health Journal, Volume 10,
Issue 1 Supplement, pp. 29-35, September 2006). And in the MANIFESTO of MOSCOW
April 26 2007 is emphatic on the urgency of information programs for parenthood
awareness in high school. The thesis "the need of the teaching of science of early life" was
written to give body to this discipline by me in Rio in September 2007 at UFRJ.
Even in Brazil only programs to prevent teen pregnancy and prevent sexually transmitted
diseases. Most programs are not known by the population: Health and Prevention Project
"in schools of 1 and 2 Students group Eirunep teachers group. (Amazonas).
Project Dream (Secretariat of Education in So Paulo) zeroed pregnancy in
adolescents. MEC design-Health and prevention in schools Project (SPE), the Ministry of
Health Program: BRAZIL. Fundamental education Secretariat. National curriculum parameters:
third and fourth cycles: presentation of cross-cutting issues. Brasilia: MECSEF, 1998, 2009

project in Salvador, Espirito Santo, Sergipe, Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (2009),
Sorocaba, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Tocantins, Porto Velho, Cuiab, Joo
Pessoa, Goinia (2009), Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro (2007). Program of the Faculty of
Medicine of Marlia-SP. Feizi Milani in Salvador and other initiatives of institutions. In 2009:
On the PROSAD-Integral Attention to Health Policy For adolescents and youth.
The decision was approved by the Ministry of education and culture that created the
National Education Plan, through the law of January 9, 2001 10172, which determines
which Federal institutions of higher education, 10% of the total credits required for graduation
in higher education are reserved for the performance of students in extension actions
(communities). I created the life project Welcome. All material is available on the internet.
Has access to 1400 entries per month, is free. The Life Welcome proposes that one of the
subjects to be taught is the science of beginning of life to University students who teach in
needy areas. In 9/30/2008 Governor of the group "The Soroptimist International of the
America" that deals like human rights of women and children conveyed the "Welcome Life,
to the Education Ministry: Ministry of education of. No. 2741/2008. Secretariat of basic
education in the Ministry of education. Await response.

1. CONCEPTION: The possibility of bettering the genetic pool and the

need to prepare young people to conceive in a better way.
Data from the international literature registering the memories of this
event from a population of millions of studied persons shows that conception
significantly influences the physical and mental health of a human being for
the rest of its lifethus the necessity for young people to conceive their
children in health and harmony.
Studies point to a correlation between an unharmonious conception
and a tendency toward depression as adults, as well as difficulty in
controlling aggressive impulses.
On the other hand, the New Biology has just informed us that our
genetic code has 25,000 genes in its structure, instead of the 120,000 once
presumed. Besides this, this code reacts according to certain environmental
conditions. As Professor Bruce Lipton states, the dogma of DNA as seen by
Darwin has crumbled to the earth. Until quite recently the Darwinian schema
ruled within the idea of the Genome Project, but today one knows that DNA is
a giant working molecule. Another parting-of the-waters phenomenon in the
History of Science and the Evolution of humanity is the discovery of Adaptive
Mutation, presented to the scientific world by J. Cairns, J. Overbaugh and S.
Miller. According to this new discovery, a cell suffering from some stress, like
hunger for example, accelerates its mutability. We now understand why
stress and hunger during gestation can invariably alter the genetic code of the
Dr. Pjotr Garjajev discovered that a molecule of DNA has the potential of
storing three gigabytes. It gathers electromagnetic information from the
environment, stores it and is also capable of emitting energy. DNA is an
organic superconductor that has a natural frequency of 150 megahertz,
exactly the same frequency as human-made radar. This same DNA is the
bodys communicating organ and it interacts with the environment. The most

important of all these discoveries, with practical implications for society, is
the fact that what passes genetically at conception is not definitive up to
birth, for there can be changes for the better or the worse, depending on
how the parents care for and raise their progeny. One of the foundational
proofs of this discussion is the experience carried on in India by G.S. Kelkar,
published in 2002. The thirty-five-year follow-up research irrefutably shows
how preparation for conception made a positive difference in the physical,
mental and spiritual health of six thousand children of couples who were
prepared before conception, even before marriage in some cases, and during
To deal with conception is to deal with the greatest taboo we have. Few
people ask themselves if they were wanted or not. This seemingly unimportant
consideration is the starting point of the personal history of us all and a key
toward resolving many emotional problems and physical illnesses.
2. GESTATION/PREGNANCY: The importance of meditation and the
emotional state of the mother.
The health of the baby essentially depends upon the imagination of the
mother, upon her interior life, upon the way she looks on life, as well as on
her eating habits: meditation and a good emotional state are fundamental.
What the literature overwhelmingly shows is that these factors, if they are well
looked after, prevent diseases such as, for example, brain aneurisms,
coronary heart attacks, high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, schizophrenia,
epilepsy and impaired intelligence.

The benefits of meditation and the imagination of the mother

If there is an enrichment of the brains surroundings during
gestaton, the child will be born with more cerebral circuits, and thus
with an anatomically larger brain. In the ghettoes of Caracas, Venezuela,
684 families were instructed to stimulate their fetuses through meditation.
The children were observed for six years. The conclusion of this advice is that
the little ones who brought with them greater neuropsychological development
also had greater solidarity. This result, revealed in 1998 by Manrique and his
team, made the Venezuelan government study the adoption of such a program
in all of its needy communities. In the same year the scientific community
was presented a project carried on by Panthuraamphorn in Bangkok,
Thailand, where 150 pregnant women participated in a program of personal

enrichment, also through the practice of meditation during pregnancy. In
exams of differentiating scales of psychomotor development, the children were
shown to have a level of development superior to the general population of the
same city.
These babies also presented superior social and language
Consequences of food deprivation
Who knows the price that famine, forced on women during pregnancy,
determines for the future generation. A clear example is the following: during
World War II, while the surrounding German army forced a population in
Holland to suffer famine, 300,000 babies, still in the womb, were followed up
by researcher Anita Ravelli. In 1976 she reached the conclusion that these
people had a propensity for mental diseases, had not socialized themselves
adequately, and presented a greater tendency toward obesity, cardiovascular
diseases and diabetes than others of the same country and age level that did
not go through hunger in the womb thirty years before. It should be noted,
however, that serious deprivation in each trimester of pregnancy programs
different diseases in adulthood. The earlier individuals are subjected to a
diet, for example, the graver the damages. What is considered fundamental
today is the development of the brain: it can be in a state of deprivation if
mother-fetus communication and the quality of the nutrients that she ingests
are poor.
Mother-fetus communication and the gestational phases of fetal growth
Mother-fetus communication goes on telepathically in the psyche, but
there is also a physical substratum for it to occur: in the 14th week of
pregnancy the fetus already possesses a gustatory perception of what it
drinks in the amniotic fluid; by the 15th week it perceives smell; sensitivity to
pain appears after 16 weeks; after the 20th week the capacity to hear is so
developed that it can not only recognize its mothers voice as well as choose a
story she told it; still in the 20th week the baby displays dream activity; by 26
weeks it has a perception of sight; between 28 and 37 weeks it is possible to
evaluate certain standards/ routines given the form of fetal movement, since
the fetus laughs, cries, swallows, fights against a test needle, plays or fights
with a twin. Besides displaying these behavioral achievements inside the
belly of the mother, the baby continues them after birth. These discoveries
were obtained in 1980 by DeCasper and, since then, sophisticated studies
have been made, to the point of perceiving that the fetus imitates the speech
articulation of the tongue of the mother and demonstrates familiarity with her
idiom and unfamiliarity with any other that it has never heard before, as soon
as it is born.


A harmonious pregnancy
Pregnancy can be quite different if care is taken as to the intake of
foods, for example, eating fruits and encouraging an increase in Omega 3,
found in many foods, especially fish. Not leaving the stomach empty is
another important action, since it produces nausea.
Practicing exercises indicated for pregnancy help to better the physical
conditions for the coming delivery. As far as how to exercise, most experts
suggest that pregnant women practice something more integrated, allowing
them to reach an improvement beyond their physical condition (joint
movements, tendon strength and blood flow), that she remain more time in
alpha level brain activity, for today it is known that, in this state she is
relaxed, while the fetus enters into an accelerated state of cellular
multiplication, which tends to diminish when there is some stress. Certain
ancient practices are suggested, such as Yoga, which dates back 6,000 years
and promotes improved breathing, fundamental to fetal growth and
facilitating delivery. Other suggested practices are Lian Gong and Qi Gong,
the last part of the vast system of Chinese Yoga. Its practice includes an
aspect called cultivating vitality, where the preparation of a healthy body is
emphasized. As the practice is deepened it is possible to direct the activity
toward the development of the vitality of the sexual and reproductive organs,
which will be beneficial to the couple, the pregnant woman and the baby.
Besides this, Qi Gong may provide an opening to the meditative states where
it is possible to harmonize feminine archetypes at the psychic level,
contributing to the processes of healing that are necessary for a conscious
pregnancy and delivery.
The pregnant woman should also go through experiences with art,
whether painting, music, literature, or cultural crafts. Actively pursuing
artistic expression is a manifestation of the natural desire in many
pregnant women that never practiced any form of art with the hands
working with the hands is analogous to what is happening on the body of
the fetus, creation occurs within, exchanging in miniatures
(microcosmically) and without (outside). It operates as the need a woman
has to be in sync, besides, of course, the fact that it allows for her to be
relaxed, so precious in the growth of the fetus.
The mother-fetus
communication prepares the woman for a harmonious communication
between her and her child, something that is vital for the health of both in the
first months.
When a woman is pregnant it is as if all of society was as wellit is the
responsibility of all. During pregnancy society should protect the couple as

much as possible, for they are the source of one more being that will
contribute to the well-being of the Planet.

The importance of honoring the mammalian nature of those about to
Delivery constitutes a true rite of passage, the first great transition in
life. In this process certain qualities at the heart of the baby are in its blood,
new attributes remain imprinted on its unconscious, notions that remain
rooted for the rest of its life. Today it is known, for example, that a huge
consequence with the coming of in hospital deliveries with anesthesia was the
growth of a population of drug addicts. Drugs have existed since antiquity,
and synthetic ones since the 19th Century, but beginning in the 1960s there
has been a considerable increase in drug addiction, exactly in the first
generation of Human History that was born under sedation. Information from
different countries has mapped the correlation between the rise of highly
technological hospital deliveries and serious consequences, like the
appearance of autism, bulimia, anorexia, a tendency to commit petty crimes,
difficulty in socialization, and a tendency toward suicide. We pay a high price
when we forget that it is necessary to honor the mammalian nature of those
about to deliver. Depriving them of the meaningful emotional experience that
is delivery rips out from the mother-child body a quality of refinement in their
relational tuning.

The presence of the father during delivery

Based on proven evidence many of the procedures used by traditional
medicine have been seriously questioned. In Brazil, the actions of REHUNA
(Network for the Humanization of Delivery and Birth) helped in approving
the Law of the companion, authorizing the presence of the father at delivery

or, as the case may be, of another companion. The companion has a
significant role in reducing the time of delivery, as well as reducing the
number of Caesarean births. The presence of the father and mother in skinto-skin contact is very important in the first hour of birth. It brings a more
solid foundation to the family. Women whose deliveries are respected live
through a special experience that will mark their lives and the lives of their
childrenwhen there are less unnecessary interventions, there is less stress,
and consequently the fear that would weaken the capacity to deal with pain in
the future is as well.

Common procedures in traditional hospital deliveries

Among the unnecessary procedures during delivery is the enema (a
rectal injection of water, or of liquid medicines or for radiological contrast)
that in no way benefits the mother, but might cause a necrosis of the rectum.
Likewise, the practice of the supine position, even though one knows it
increases the intensity of pain, of the effort of the heart causing the reduction
in the return veins, because of the compression of the vena cava, diminishing
the oxygen supply to the fetusthis posture also slows down the delivery.
Fasting during delivery is also not the best of procedures. It has been
justified by the fact that the woman may suck in vomit, but, even if that
occurs (although it is very rare), if the vomit is pure hydrochloric acid, without
any nutrients, the risk of pulmonary lesions is greater. Nonetheless this is
another tradition from the 1940s and faithfully followed until today. In
addition, fasting during the effort of giving birth can result in a condition of
fatigue in the muscle cells that alters the biochemical condition of the blood,
provoking a rapid reduction of glucose (the organs energy reserve), a situation
in which the woman goes on to use her own fat as reserve energy. This also
leads to a diminishing of the uteruss ability to contract. Similar to a
marathon runner, a woman giving birth needs a greater flow of nutrients,
both take longer to digest solid foods, but can use liquid foods to keep glucose
and electrolytes circulating in the blood.
Another element of the hospital routine is the constant maintenance of
an access vein attached through an intravenous connection dropping glucose,
thereby increasing the womans pain, since glucose in circulation provokes a
drop in her pain threshold, which by permeation, will be causing the baby to
be born hypoglycemic, because, like its mother, it will throw more insulin into
its circulation to protect itself from the excess glucose coming from the
mothers blood.
The quantity of glucose that enters into the body
intravenously is greater than what the mother would have taken drinking
fruit juices, for example. This situation could even lead to an electrolyte

imbalance, arrhythmia, and pulmonary edema. The lack of protein in the
intravenous feeding during delivery leads the woman into a state of extreme
Since, at this point the contractions slow down due to so many
interventions in the mammalian process of giving birth, traditional doctors
usually use synthetic oxytocin (hormone) to stimulate contractions, which
require little noise, much intimacy, darkness and no intervention to occur
The provoked rupture of the amniotic sack is a procedure done to
accelerate delivery; however it can cause complications like infections caused
by instruments.
Without amniotic fluid, the pressure that uterine
contractions apply upon the umbilical chord brings with it a smaller flow of
oxygen for the baby. This is an outdated technique introduced at the
beginning of the 18th Century with the involvement of men as midwives,
together with the belief that speeding up nature is best.
The hormonal complex during delivery and the importance of respecting
the intelligence of the body
Giving birth involves a cocktail of six hormones, oxytocin being one of
the most important. Known as the love hormone, so-named by obstetrician
Michel Odent, oxcytocin is perhaps the most studied hormone in the world. It
is related to a truismfundamental to overcoming the pain of this momentit
allows a mammal to forget itself in behalf of the other. It determines, in the
first moment, the uteruss ability to contract, including interfering in the
quality of pleasure and no pain of the contractions. Today we know that the
fetus also produces oxcytocin at this moment, which also helps the mother
in the birthing process. Oxcytocin is found in the babys bloodstream until
days after its birth.
It relaxes the mother during pregnancy, thereby
replenishing her strength and returns to do this even more intensely
postpartum, thus permitting a comfort zone between the mother and child,
besides being a natural anti-depressive.
Alterations in the levels of oxytocin during delivery are tied to the
appearance of autism, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease, drug
dependency, and criminal behavior as already mentioned. In a certain sense,
oxytocin would be the hormone director of a hormone orchestra that at the
command of the baton would emit their sounds.
Adrenalin, another important hormone, stimulates the reflex to expel the
child. Other hormones make the uterus contract and stop bleeding. Another
hormone of this dance is the beta-endorphin, produced by the hypothalamus
of the mother and child during delivery. It has the function of reducing pain
and has a role in conjunction with oxytocin, which it inhibits when it wants to
avoid premature childbirth; it also intervenes to stimulate prolactin so that
during childbirth the breasts are prepared for nursing. Beta-endorphins also
prepare the lungs of babies to be able to breathe outside of the uterus.
Catecholamine appears at the end, with a volcanic force to eject the
baby from the womb. The baby also has an increase of this hormone at birth,
which helps it to adapt outside the uterus and protects the brain from any
drop in oxygen. Prolactin rises, immediately after childbirth and increases
lactation and the frequency of sucking. When oxytocin
and prolactin are
together in their height, the mothers stress falls, she becomes loving and

gives herself over to her baby. Prolactin is also tied to maternal behavior, to
the suppression of fertility, to the reduction of sleep, to be a natural analgesic.
It is also important in stimulating the immune system, besides diminishing
the libido. It has an important role in the maturation of the babys brain.

Actual practice in hospitals today

When hospital doctors inject synthetic oxytocin in a woman giving birth,
the contractions occur in an insufficient manner, losing their original rhythm
and not allowing the absolute uterine repose promoted by the action of
natural oxytocin. All of this diminishes the flow of oxygen to the baby,
increases the tension in the uterus to such an extent that it could rupture it,
alters the babys cardiac functioning, diminishes the Apgar score (method to
quickly and summarily assess the health of newborn children immediately
after childbirth), increases the chances of neonatal jaundice, hemorrhaging of
the retina and cerebral lesions of various degrees in the newborn. In addition
synthetic oxytocin raises the risk of postpartum hemorrhaging.
We can then infer that inducing delivery results in unbearable,
unnatural pain. The pain is followed by an analgesic solution that disturbs
the entire hormonal event of the moment. Opiate analgesics, besides
causing nausea, sedation, itching, hypo tension, respiratory depression,
affect the cerebral functioning of the baby, since they pass through the
placental barrier and today we know that they activate areas in the brain
changing the same receptors that respond to the use of marijuana
which explains why there is a relationship of those born under the effect of
opiate analgesics with their tendency toward marijuana use. If the famous
epidural anesthesia is used, this complexly immobilizes the woman.
Movement, however, is essential in facilitating childbirth. The anesthesia
inhibits natural endorphins, curiously raising the risk of caesarian section.
Another procedure still maintained, despite its total condemnation
in Congresses and International associations, is an episiotomy, which is
an incision, often by scissors, of the vagina to allow sufficient clearance for
birth. A majority of doctors sincerely believe that this procedure shortens the
expulsion phase, reduces the privation of oxygen to the baby and protects the
cranium as it is pushed against the muscle of the pelvic floor. According to
them an episiotomy prevents lacerations along the trajectory of the fetus and
the permanent relaxing of the pelvic floor that brings with it consequences
like cystocele (prolapse of the urinary bladder), rectocele (sagging in the
posterior wall of the vagina) and Uterine prolapse (the fall or the sliding of the
uterus from its normal position in the pelvic cavity into the vaginal canal).

Another reason defended by them is that an episiotomy maintains the vaginal
tension that would interfere with the mothers sex life.
Well, it has still not been proven that an episiotomy protects the fetus,
and even less that a birth without one results in a prolapsed uterus or in
weakened uterine muscles. Everyone knows, however, that a hospital birth
using an episiotomy leads to third or fourth degree lesions along the
trajectory, while much research verifies that this event is practically nil in
deliveries at home. Another practical realization is the serious damage done
to the sex life after an episiotomy, besides the lesions on the child when the
scissors are used imperfectly. Today there is an international consensus to
no longer do episiotomies, but that consensus has not made the followers of
tradition abandon its practice.
Returning to the use of the epidural anesthesia: In animals like sheep,
the use of this anesthetic makes the mothers not recognize their lambs. In
humans, the use of this anesthetic makes mother-child contact difficult, since
the various hormones that intensify the process are significantly less secreted.
This can even slow down milk production. A Caesarean section involves a
risk to the mother four times greater than natural birth, which is much
safer as the Health Ministry advises in its report. According to this same
advisory a caesarian section also compromises the reproductive future of the
woman, for in following pregnancies there are more chances for a bad
formation of the umbilical chord, a miscarriage, or a rupture of the uterus;
there is a greater risk of being born premature and with respiratory ailments,
besides the fact that recovery is slower and more subject to postpartum
hemorrhaging, infections and pain. Here all the harmony among the
hormones is stifled; consequently there is less oxygenizing of the brain in a
newborn. All of this says nothing about the usual separation that occurs
between the mother and child after the surgery for childbirthprovoking the
risk of post partum depression.
After birth in a hospital the procedures of bathing and brushing the
child to remove the vernix caseous (a cheesy varnish)which in reality
protects the skin of the baby and should be massaged in it instead of
being removed immediatelyand injecting the baby with vitamin K
when in fact the colostrum (the first milk) is rich in vitamin Kare
unfortunately inadequate and absolutely against the mammalian nature
of the child and mother. Nonetheless, the child in the hospital is fulfilling
the routines and these do not include immediate nursing.
In addition to the procedures already cited, birth in a hospital also
includes the introduction of drops of silver nitrate or antibiotic eye drops (that
seriously hampers the childs vision), with the objective of preventing
blindness from gonorrhea, a practice from the 1920s. The routine is applied,
since doctors presume that all women probably have it, and so it is a
preventative procedure.
All these traditional procedures lack scientific
Today everybody talks about medicine based on the evidence. Actually
this is what science should always be. We have discussed the humanization
of delivery and now we should bring love to the act that represents the height
of love for life: birth.
The first notions of human cooperation

In Brazil, after effective campaigns by the government, it was possible to
partially revert the position of suppressing the human right of breast-feeding.
Between 1950 and 1980, as many others, mothers milk was exchanged for
artificial milk. The result was the exponential increase of allergies and
emotional and intellectual problems. Breast feeding, besides broadening
immunity and intelligence, strengthens the sense of solidarity,
brotherhood. The ruling notion that competing is better than cooperating is
a distortion of physiology. Maybe this is the most serious outcome from the
lack of breast-feeding. If the human organism functions normally it is
because its innards, its cells, know how to work in strict collaboration. Life is
Competition engenders a lack of ethics, a lack of good
ecological conditions, unbridled predation, and beings who do not know how
to love themselves, their neighbor and even less their environment. Actually,
Brazil is a world reference in the rescue of breast-feeding, but we have not
reached the social legislation of the six-month nursing leave, considered by
important research to be the minimum time needed.
Less belligerent primitive societies, like the pigmies, are societies where
there is no taboo to breastfeeding of the colostrum. Hospital delivery in the
West simply avoids breast feeding with the colostrum, substituting it with a
very painful injection of vitamin K. As already stated, colostrum is rich in
vitamin K; so two impressions remain with the baby: the denial of the first
moment of eye-to-eye contact (typical of mammals) and the denial of
nourishment for someone that just used up a great deal of physical energy.
Another point to consider is that if the mother just took glucose in the
hospital, the child is usually born with hypoglycemia, one more reason not to
deprive food at the exact time when it needs it most. Even more importantly,
the child passes through painful routines in the hospital, for which mothers
milk would act as an analgesic, one of its properties, due to the functioning of
the beta-endorphins and other factors.

The prevention of diseases through breast feeding.

Lactation is one of the most researched areas in the planets scientific
communities. Brazil, Belarus, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Italy, England,
Singapore, Germany, Tasmania, The United States of America, the Czech
Republic and Slovakia, Scotland, Hungary, New Zealand, Finland, The United
Kingdom, the Scandinavian countries have already contributed to attest to the

importance of breast feeding as a form of preventing diseases, promoting a
better quality of affection and a capacity for forming relationships.
Mothers milk contains endorphins that alleviate the pain of any event
that may produce discomfort in the child. Children nursed at the breast have
less reaction, for example, to the pain of collecting a blood sample. It has
been verified among those breast fed for at least six months that such
children are protected from gastrointestinal and respiratory infections,
asthma and bronchitis, allergies, rhinitis and dermatitis, type 2 diabetes,
high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, hypertension, and coronary
Breast fed children are also more protected from myopia,
orthodontic treatments and cavities, besides presenting less problems in
speech, breathing through the mouth and biting their lips. They present a
greater rate of growth, superior cognitive and academic development, greater
intelligence and half the probability to develop any type of cancer.
Children nursed artificially have a greater propensity toward Type 1
diabetes, more chances to die a sudden death as a newborn, besides having a
poorly developed sense of brotherhood and acceptance, which brings about
more aggressive adults, with a tendency toward depression and criminal
Caresses are fundamental and eye to eye contact at the moment of
nursing provides a stricter emotional relationship with the mother. It is
known that parents who give their children a bottle tend to have them quickly
learn how to hold the bottle themselves, so that the parents can go off to do
something else.
In this case the contact is considerably affected.
Unfortunately in our society there is still a disguised colostrum taboo. This
can only be modified if we inform young people about its importance for the
life of the child and for civilization as a whole.


Forming healthy creative and productive adults
This is the period that corresponds to the foundations of mental health
and the structuring of the egothe center of the will, of determination and of
self discipline. If the lion, destined to lead, needs a mother for two years, the
much more complex human being needs three years of care by the
mother and other relatives to grow in an integral manner. Countries from
Germany to Sweden are beginning to take another look at their maternity
leave policies, increasing them for more than two years, because they have
been counting the damages caused to the nation of a generation of youth who
do not know what they want; who cant structure themselves to be able to
leave their family home and begin to make their own nest; who place
themselves as eternal pups, assuming a weak commitment to their work,
preferring to use their energies in superfluous and many times damning
The generation that behaves in such a way today is the generation
known as the day care too soon generation. It has been the object of studies
by sociologists the world over. Many of these studies come from European
countries, especially from England, showing how an entire generation is
behaving that does not have a well-structured ego. Such observations have

forced European countries to review their policies about birth, given the sad
price they are paying.

Attachment: the structure of a being

The attachment theory, developed from 1969 to 1980 by psychiatrist
John Bowlby, speaks of the universal necessity to consolidate intimate
affective attachments by seeking reciprocity. Human attachment occurs in
the child when it seeks closeness, laughing, and realizes that the adult
corresponds: touching it, holding it, soothing it. These responses make the
child direct itself to an adult in a natural affective way. Hoffer in 1955 had
already perceived that reciprocity in the initial relationship is the heart, the
center of the pre-condition for normal development for mammals and
humans. Mary Ainsworth, Blehar, Walters and Wall are pioneers in the
studies about attachment. They wrote extensively about the topic, since the
end of the 1960s. In a laboratory they studied the patterns of response
between babies and their parents. What Bowlby demonstrated is how these
first patterns of relationship structured themselves as prototypes of
relationships for the rest of life.
Models of behavior
In the last ten years knowledge about brain development has expanded
broadly, promoting greater support for the understanding of childhood
development. At present studies about attachment are overlapping with
neuroscience, with questions about the development of the right brain, with
discoveries about the psychopathology of stress, with psycho-neuro-biological
mechanisms and with the development of the mental health of the child.
Today it is known that when a mother looks at her baby, a true download is
happening in the act of that look and the baby develops nerve connections
that permit it not only to grow in intelligence, but also in mental stability.
The processing of the right hemisphere is non-linear, holistic, visualspatial, specialized in autobiographical information; it sends non verbal
signals that are emotionally intense, it understands and regulates the body,
as if it were a map of the body, and is socially aware.
The processing of the left hemisphere is linear, logical, linguistic,
specialized in cause and effect, linguistic analysis and definitions, right versus
wrong. The attachment between the mother and son grows and helps to
organize cerebral functions. According to Daniel J Siegel and Mary Hartzell, a
secure attachment generates an interactive parental reaction that is
emotional, perceptive and responsive, while an insecure-avoiding one

generates an unresponsive rejecting reaction. The insecure-anxious
attachment has an inconstant response; the insecure-disorganized one, the
fighting and disorganized kind, generates confusion. Nonetheless, the
mother-child relationship helps to mold a response pattern that the child will
be able to follow later in life.
Learning by imitation
Andrew N. Meltzoff studied in great detail how newborns imitate the
adult face in front of them. Actually using ultra-sound such activity is already
rehearsed in the uterus. This researcher perceived that the development of
the human brain depends upon imitation. The act of imitating is, among
other things, an important exercise of the memory. A child perceives the
face of an adult as a mirror that reflects who it is to itself. So it is
fundamental in building self-esteem. In 1992, Meltzoff and Moore, studied
facial imitation in babies from 6 weeks to 3 months. The children tended to
imitate their mothers more than strangers; they imitated both static and
dynamic expressions, but it did not disappear between 2 and 3 months as
first supposed.

The development of the brain of the fetus

Only in the 1960s did doctors and psychologists begin to believe that
babies were developed beyond a primitive level, until Robert Fantz through
the genius of a camera confirmed in 1960 the capacity of the neonate to see.
Babies are able to recognize and select forms. They look longer at figures that
are circular or strips on smooth surfaces. They prefer complex patterns to
simple ones, curved lines to straight. They prefer regular faces, movement,
and have a visual memory. Initially the attraction is intense, but they lose
interest within minutes, though some remain attentive up to 10 minutes. A
newborns vision is better at a distance of 20 to 25 centimeters. If the mother
of an 8-day-old baby places a mask on its face, the baby perceives the change
and frequently looks at her while nursing. The same baby will drink less milk
and when put to bed, will have a restless sleep and sleep for a shorter time.
Sensitive perception in fetuses and babies
Before being born, the newborn has a great capacity for hearing; it
distinguishes among sounds, the intensity of the voices around it, familiar
sounds and those not so familiar, besides localizing the direction of a sound.
Acute voices are preferred.
Linguist Charles A. Ferguson instinctively
perceived that parents universally speak in a more acute tone with their
newborn and produce syllabic sounds, no matter the mother tongue, and the

baby repeats them in kind. As DeCasper had researched in 1980, babies
choose what they want to hear. They get anxious if the mothers voce is
apparently coming from the face of another woman.
Babies have developed receptors of taste, temperature, texture,
humidity, pressure and pain. The lips and the hands have the greatest
number of taste receptors. As for taste, they do not like salty, acidic or bitter
things. They find pleasure in anything lightly sweet. They recognize odors. In
England, researcher Adrian Mcfarlane found that babes recognize their
mothers milk on gauze, apparently responding to the mothers smell and not
necessarily to the milk itself. They are capable of combining information
coming from two senses. Two French researchers, Amiel-Tison and A.
Grenier, noticed that in a state of alert inactivity, with their necks relaxed,
one in every two babies is capable of grabbing objects, just a few days after
being born. As Marshall Klaus demonstrated in a class in China, babies
imitate the most diverse funny faces; if there is a group, they imitate
specifically the face that made a grimace. They also imitate expressions of
sadness, happiness and surprise. Klaus cites a Mayan proverb: In the baby
is the future of the world. The mother should hold it tightly; that way it
will know the world belongs to it. The father should take it to the
mountain; that way it will see what its world looks like.
Though the first experiments of pain in a newborn occurred between
1920 and 1930 at Columbia University, in 1940 in New York Hospital and in
1970 at the School of Medicine of the University of Washington, besides many
others in other countries, there are still doctors who do not use anesthesia
with newborns.
The babys sleep
Peter H. Wolff, child psychiatrist in Boston, took notes for long periods
of time on the actions of babies when awake and asleep. At the same time,
without being aware of these observations, Heinz Prechtl did similar studies
in Holland, adding studies about cardio-respiratory frequency and brain
waves. These authors reached important discoveries with their detailed
descriptions. They classified the patterns of the states of wakefulness and
sleep of the baby. There are two states of sleep: tranquil and active; and three
states of being awake: inactive, active and crying. The state of torpor is a
transition between sleep and awake. Each of these states is accompanied by
patterns of specific and individual behaviors.
In the state of inactive
wakefulness, newborns listen to us without moving, their eyes are completely
open and shining; in this state they play, they can follow a red ball, they
choose figures and imitate the face of the mother. Soon after a non-traumatic
birth, babies have a wakefulness period of, on the average, forty minutes,
during which thy look deeply into the eyes of the mother and father and
respond to voices.
During the first week of life the normal baby spends approximately 10%
of 24 hours actively awake, in which its curiosity is evident, frequent
movements appear, its eyes are aware of everything around it and the baby
emits sounds. This state appears before it is about to feed and, when it is
restless, the movements occur generally every two minutes.
Usually the state of crying communicates some discomfort. The eyes
may be opened or closed, the face contorted, legs and arms moving vigorously.
When the mother stands the baby up, the position offers a new perspective for

it; it seems that holding the baby in ones arms or any movement toward a
new position has a calming effect.
A state of torpor occurs when the baby is either awakening or going to
sleep, generally not focused on anything, with an indifferent look, occasionally
with furrowed eyebrows, twitching lips, drooping eyelids and before closing
the eyes altogether, they may be turned upwards. Babies sleep 90% of the
time, including while breastfeeding. Half of that time is spent in tranquil
sleep, half in active sleep, alternating about every 30 minutes. In tranquil
sleep the babys face is relaxed and the eyelids are closed and still. There are
no body movements and except for some startled movements of the mouth,
respiration is very regular. In active sleep the eyes float between half-open
and shut; random eye movement (REM) under the lids can be noticed.
Marshall Klaus and Phyllis Klaus studied new born babies closely and
published books with numerous photographs describing their findings. They
discovered that if a child is born in conditions of luminosity, silence and little
handling, they rapidly adapt themselves and in six minutes of being born
their eyes are wide open.
In a program of Healthy growth in the United States, 985 children were
accompanied for 36 months. It was observed that children born underweight
had problems of intellectual and emotional growth. They were helped by a
program that promoted mother-child attachment, and then followed up until
they were 8 years old. Those that had an improvement in the mother-child
attachment during their first year had better scores at the end of the study.


Eleanor Madruga Luzes

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