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Types of Language Change

Language is always changing. We've seen that language changes across space and across
social group. Language also varies across time.
Generation by generation, pronunciations evolve, new words are borrowed or invented, the
meaning of old words drifts, and morphology develops or decays. The rate of change varies,
but whether the changes are faster or slower, they build up until the "mother tongue"
becomes arbitrarily distant and different. After a thousand years, the original and new
languages will not be mutually intelligible. After ten thousand years, the relationship will be
essentially indistinguishable from chance relationships between historically unrelated
In isolated subpopulations speaking the same language, most changes will not be shared.
As a result, such subgroups will drift apart linguistically, and eventually will not be able to
understand one another.
In the modern world, language change is often socially problematic. Long before divergent
dialects lose mutual intelligibility completely, they begin to show difficulties and inefficiencies
in communication, especially under noisy or stressful conditions. Also, as people observe
language change, they usually react negatively, feeling that the language has "gone down
hill". You never seem to hear older people commenting that the language of their children or
grandchildren's generation has improved compared to the language of their own youth.
Here is a puzzle: language change is functionally disadvantageous, in that it hinders
communication, and it is also negatively evaluated by socially dominant groups.
Nevertheless is is a universal fact of human history.
How and why does language change?
There are many different routes to language change. Changes can take originate
in language learning, or through language contact, social differentiation, andnatural
processes in usage.
Language learning: Language is transformed as it is transmitted from one generation to the
next. Each individual must re-create a grammar and lexicon based on input received from
parents, older siblings and other members of the speech community. The experience of each
individual is different, and the process of linguistic replication is imperfect, so that the result
is variable across individuals. However, a bias in the learning process -- for instance,
towards regularization -- will cause systematic drift, generation by generation. In addition,
random differences may spread and become 'fixed', especially in small populations.
Language contact: Migration, conquest and trade bring speakers of one language into
contact with speakers of another language. Some individuals will become fully bilingual as
children, while others learn a second language more or less well as adults. In such contact
situations, languages often borrow words, sounds, constructions and so on.

Social differentiation. Social groups adopt distinctive norms of dress, adornment, gesture
and so forth; language is part of the package. Linguistic distinctiveness can be achieved
through vocabulary (slang or jargon), pronunciation (usually via exaggeration of some
variants already available in the environment), morphological processes, syntactic
constructions, and so on.
Natural processes in usage. Rapid or casual speech naturally produces processes such
as assimilation, dissimilation, syncope and apocope. Through repetition, particular cases
may become conventionalized, and therefore produced even in slower or more careful
speech. Word meaning change in a similar way, through conventionalization of processes
like metaphor andmetonymy.
Some linguists distinguish between internal and external sources of language change, with
"internal" sources of change being those that occur within a single languistic community, and
contact phenomena being the main examples of an external source of change.
The analogy with evolution via natural selection
Darwin himself, in developing the concept of evolution of species via natural selection, made
an analogy to the evolution of languages. For the analogy to hold, we need a pool of
individuals with variable traits, a process of replication creating new individuals whose traits
depend on those of their "parents", and a set of environmental processes that result in
differential success in replication for different traits.
We can cast each of the just-listed types of language change in such a framework. For
example, in child language acquisition, different grammatical or different lexical patterns may
be more or less easily learnable, resulting in better replication for grammatical or lexical
variants that are "fitter" in this sense.
There are some key differences between grammars/lexicons and genotypes. For one thing,
linguistic traits can be acquired throughout one's life from many different sources, although
intitial acquisition and (to a lesser extent) adolescence seem to be crucial stages. Acquired
(linguistic) traits can also be passed on to others. One consequence is that linguistic history
need not have the form of atree, with languages splitting but never rejoining, whereas
genetic evolution is largely constrained to have a tree-like form (despite the possibility of
transfer of genetic material across species boundaries by viral infection and so on).
However, as a practical matter, the assumption that linguistic history is a sort of tree
structure has been found to be a good working approximation.
In particular, the basic sound structure and morphology of languages usually seems to
"descend" via a tree-structured graph of inheritance, with regular, lawful relationships
between the patterns of "parent" and "child" languages.
Types of Change
Sound change

All aspects of language change, and a great deal is know about general mechanisms and
historical details of changes at all levels of linguistic analysis. However, a special and
conspicuous success has been achieved in modeling changes in phonological systems,
traditionally called sound change. In the cases where we have access to several historical
stages -- for instance, the development of the modern Romance Languages from Latin -these sound changes are remarkably regular. Techniques developed in such cases permit us
to reconstruct the sound system -- and some of the vocabulary -- of unattested parent
languages from information about daughter languages.
In some cases, an old sound becomes a new sound across the board. Such a change
occurred in Hawai'ian, in that all the "t" sounds in an older form of the language became
"k"s: at the time Europeans encountered Hawai'ian, there were no "t"s in it at all, though the
closely related languages Tahitian, Samoan, Tongan and Maori all have "t"s.
Another unconditioned sound change that occurred between Middle and Early Modern
English (around Shakespeare's time) is known as the Great Vowel Shift. At that time, there
was a length distinction in the English vowels, and the Great Vowel Shift altered the position
of all the long vowels, in a giant rotation.
The nucleus of the two high vowels (front "long i" /i:/, and the back "long u" /u:/) started to
drop, and the high position was retained only in the offglide. Eventually, the original /i:/
became /ai/ - so a "long i" vowel in Modern English is now pronounced /ai/ as in a word like
'bite': /bait/. Similarly, the "long u" found its nucleus dropping all the way to /au/: the earlier
'house' /hu:s/ became /haus/. All the other long vowels rotated, the mid vowels /e:/ and /o:/
rising to fill the spots vacated by the former /i:/ and /u:/ respectively, and so on. That is why
the modern pronouns 'he' and 'she' are written with /e/ (reflecting the old pronunciation) but
pronounced as /i/. In the following chart, the words are located where their vowelused to be
pronounced -- where they are pronounced today is indicated by the arrows.

In other cases, a sound change may be "conditioned" so as to apply in certain kinds of

environments and not in others. For example, it's very common for tongue-tip ("coronal")
consonants to become palatal when they are followed by high front vowels. The residue of
this process can be seen in English pairs like divide/division, fuse/fusion, submit/submission,
Processes of sound change.
Another dimension along which we can look at sound change is by classifying changes
according to the particular process involved.

Assimilation, or the influence of one sound on an adjacent sound, is perhaps the most
pervasive process. Assimilation processes changed Latin /k/ when followed by /i/ or /y/, first
to /ky/, then to "ch", then to /s/, so that Latin faciat /fakiat/ 'would make'
became fasse /fas/ in Modern French (the subjunctive of the verb faire 'to
make').Palatalization is a kind of assimilation.
In contrast to assimilation, dissimilation, metathesis, and haplology tend to occur
more sporadically, i.e., to affect individual words. Dissimilation involves a change in one of
two 'same' sounds that are adjacent or almost adjacent in a particular word such that they
are no longer the same. Thus the first "l" in Englishcolonel is changed to an "r", and the
word is pronounced like "kernel".Metathesis involves the change in order of two adjacent
sounds. Crystal cites Modern English third from OE thrid , and Modern English bird is a
parallel example. But Modern English bright underwent the opposite change, its ancestor
being beorht, and not all "vowel + r" words changed the relative order of these segments as
happened with bird and third . Already by the time of Old English, there were two forms of
the word for "ask": ascian and acsian. We don't know which form was metathesized from
the other, but we do know that ascian won out in the standard language. Haplology is
similar to dissimilation, because it involves getting rid of similar neighboring sounds, but this
time, one sound is simply dropped out rather than being changed to a different sound. An
example is the pronunciation of Modern English probably as prob'ly.
Other sound change processes are merger, split, loss, syncope, apocope,
prothesis, and epenthesis. Merger and split can be seen as the mirror image of each
other. A merger that is currently expanding over much of the United States is the merger
between "short o" and "long open o". The following table contains examples of words that
you probably pronounce differently if you are from the Philadelphia - New York - New
England area, or if you are from the South. If you are from Canada, the American Midwest,
or from California, you probably find that the vowels in these pairs sound the same, rather
than different. If this is the case, you have a merger here.
Short "o"

Long "Open o"


Splits are rarer than mergers, and usually arise when a formerly conditioned alternation
loses the environment that provided the original conditioning, and the previously conditioned
alternation becomes two independent sounds that contrast with each other. This is basically
what happened when /f/ and /v/ split in English (/v/ having previously been an alternate
of /f/ when /f/ occurred in an intervocalic position).
Loss involves the loss of a sound from a language, as when Hawai'ian lost the /t/in favor
of /k/ (see below).
Syncope and apocope are the loss of medial and final sounds respectively. Middle English
'tame' in the past tense was /temede/. It lost both its medial and final vowels to become

Modern English /teymd/. These are usually conditionedchanges that do not involve loss of
the same sound elsewhere.
Prothesis and epenthesis are the introduction of additional sounds, initially and medially
respectively. The addition of the /e/ that made Latin words like scola'school' into
Portuguese escola is the only example of prothesis in foure historical linguistics textbooks I
consulted. As for epenthesis, an example other than the one Crystal cites was
the /d/ inserted into ME thunrian to give us the Modern English thunder.
How do we know how languages are related?
Linguists rely on systematic sound changes to establish the relationships between
languages. The basic idea is that when a change occurs within a speech community, it gets
diffused across the entire community of speakers of the language. If, however, the
communities have split and are no longer in contact, a change that happens in one
community does not get diffused to the other community. Thus a change that happened
between early and late Latin would show up in all the 'daughter' languages of Latin, but once
the late Latin speakers of the Iberian peninsula were no longer in regular contact with other
late Latin speakers, a change that happened there would not spread to the other
communities. Languages that share innovations are considered to have shared a common
history apart from other languages, and are put on the same branch of the language family
Words in two or more daughter languages that derive from the same word in the ancestral
language are known as cognates. Sound changes work to change the actual phonetic form
of the word in the different languages, but we can still recognize them as originating from a
common source because of the regularities within each language. For example, a change
happened in Italian such that in initial consonant clusters, the l that originally
followed p and f changed to i. Thus Italian words
like fiore 'flower'; fiume 'river'; pioggia 'rain'; and piuma 'feather' are cognates with the
French fleur; fleuve; pluie; and plume, respectively, and with Spanish flora, fluvial (adj.
'riverine'); lluvia (by a later change); and plumarespectively.
In the Romance languages below, the word for 'mother' is a cognate in all the six
contemporary languages considered, however the word for 'father' is a cognate only in four
of the five: in Rumanian, the original word inherited from Latin paterhas been replaced by a
completely different word, tata.
Spanish and Italian are the only two that retain a phonological reflex of the original Latin
medial consonant t, (in both languages, it has been voiced to d,probably a change that
occurred in the common ancestor to all the dialects and languages of the Iberian peninsula.
All the other Romance languages have dropped it. The original r has also suffered different
fates: however, within each language, the same thing happened in both words. Where we
find r deleted in final position in the word for 'mother', we also find it deleted in the same
position in the word for 'father'.
English Gloss














The same principles are applied in languages that do not have a written history. Several
cognate sets in five languages of the Polynesian family are listed in the next table.
1. bird
2. fish
3. to eat
4. forbidden
5. eye
6. blood











We see that no changes happened in the nasal consonants, nor in the vowels, but we can
observe in lines 2 and 3 that wherever Tongan and Maori have /k/, Samoan, Tahitian and
Hawai'ian appear to have /?/ (glottal stop). Apparently there has been an unconditioned
change from /k/ to /?/ in the Eastern branch, or a change from /k/ to /k/ in the Western
branch of this family. We choose the first as more likely, partly because /t/ is a more common
phoneme in the world's languages, partly because backing of consonants is more common
than fronting, and partly because of what we know about the culture history: Polynesia was
peopled from west to east, and if the change had occurred in the Western branch, that would
have been at a time when all five languages were still one speech community. Next, we see
in lines 4 - 6 that there is a systematic correspondence between /t/ in the first four languages
and /k/ in the easternmost, Hawai'ian. This looks like another systematic, unconditioned
sound change, this time in only one language. (We can see from this example that when
English borrowed the Polynesian word for "forbidden", we borrowed it from one of the
languages west of Hawaii -- we say "taboo", not "kaboo"). This is what a family tree of the
five Polynesian languages would look like, based on the small data set above (the picture is
somewhat more complex when we look at other cognate sets -- Maori in particular is
probably not correctly placed in this diagram, which has been designed as an illustration of
the method):

Historical Reconstruction vs. Lexicostatistics

In the examples just discussed, the central enterprise has been to establish a systematic
pattern of change, most often sound change: every original Malayo-polynesian /t/

becomes /k/ in Hawaiian, and we can cite many correspondences of cognate pairs to prove
it. This level of understanding is useful for several reasons.
First, a systematic pattern of phonological correspondence across many words is unlikely to
have arisen by chance, whereas completely unrelated languages often develop surprising
similarities in particular words, entirely by chance.
Second, given systematic patterns of this type, we can start to apply thecomparative
method to reconstruct the parent language. This in turn allows us to examine relationships
among reconstructed languages at a greater time depth, even if the process of change
entirely obscures the relationships among the vocabulary items in the child languages.
However, establishing patterns of this type is difficult. It requires a large vocabulary in all the
languages being compared, in order to find enough cognates; and it also requires a deep
knowledge of the grammar of each of the languages, in order to see cognate relationships
that might be obscured by morphology and contextual phonological change -- and not to be
fooled into seeing false cognates where morphology or phonology have created chance
Another approach, pioneered by the American Structuralist linguist Morris Swadesh, is
called lexicostatistics. For a set of languages of interest, we get a small vocabulary list of
common, basic words (typically 100-200 items). For each pair of languages, we determine
the percentage of words on this list that appear to be cognate. Determination of cognation is
dependent on the subjective judgment of the linguist, and we expect some errors, especially
if the scholar does not know the languages very well, but we hope that the error rate will be
small enough not to affect the results.
We can then arrange these cognate percentages in a table, from which we draw some
conclusions about the degree of relationship among the languages involved.
Here is a recent example, drawn from Central Yambasa Survey Report, by Boone et al.,
discussing languages of the Centre Province of Cameroon:
Gunu [two lists]
82 Elip
85 90 Mmala [two lists]
78 90 89 Yangben[two lists]
77 81 81 88 Baca [two lists]
66 72 72 77 78 Mbule [two lists]
58 63 64 66 70 69 Bati
42 41 42 42 42 46 45 Hijuk [two lists]
39 38 41 38 37 40 41 88 Basaa
Table 5 New lexical similarity percentages for Central Yambasa
and selected neighbouring tongues
From this table, we can conclude that Elip, Mmala and Yangben are "closely related speech
varieties"; that they are somewhat more distant from Gunu, Baca and Mbule; that they are

even more distant from Bati; and that they are further yet from Hijuk and Basaa. Based on
this sort of consideration, we can construct a sort of family tree, just as we might based on
patterns of sound change.
There has been a great deal of controversy about whether family trees based on
lexicostatistics are reliable. Those who doubt it point to the possibility that cognate
percentages might be strongly affected by vocabulary borrowing, either in a negative or
positive direction. For instance, Japanese borrowed many words from Chinese without
becoming a Sino-Tibetan language; it has recently borrowed many words from English
without becoming an Indo-European language. Those who favor lexicostatistics argue that
this sort of borrowing is less common in the basic-vocabulary wordlists that they use.
There are two distinct controversies about the use of lexicostatistical methods. One issue is
whether the family trees produced for languages with fairly high cognate percentages (say
60% and higher) are a reliable indication of the detailed structure of "genetic" relationships
among languages. Everyone accepts that two languages with 85% cognates are certainly
related; the only question is whether they are (necessarily) "more closely related" in a
historical sense than either is to a language whose cognate percentages with both are (say)
For example, we might have a situation in which proto-language A splits into B and C. C in
turn splits into D and E. E then undergoes a period of close contact with a completely
unrelated language, Z, as a result of of which it borrows a lot of new vocabulary. Now E has
a lower cognate percentage with D than D has with B; but the historical fact is that E is more
closely related to D than D is to B.
The second controversy is what to make of relationships involving very low cognate
percentages, say below 10%. Depending on the nature of the languages and the methods
used to determine cognation, these percentages are getting into the range that could (it is
argued) arise by chance, or by superficial or indirect recent contact.
Swadesh and others took this type of analysis further, based on the idea that the average
rate of loss of cognates could be regarded as constant over historical time, just like the rate
of radioactive decay. Swadesh looked at some languages where historical stages are well
documented, and concluded that basic vocabulary decays by 14 percent every millenium.
According to the entry on Swadesh in the Encyclopedia of Linguistics:
Thus, if the basic vocabularies of two related languages are found to match by 70 percent,
they can be assumed to have developed from a single language that existed approximately
12 centuries before.The assumption that basic vocabulary decay is generally uniform has
been largely rejected. If one allows that languages, just like societies, may develop at
different rates at different times, the assumption of steady vocabulary decay in particular,
and the glottochronological method in general, is seriously undermined.

Everyone recognizes that linguistic decay is not completely uniform. Some people still
believe that it is sometimes uniform enough for glottochronological methods to be a useful
approximate guide to linguistic (and thus ethnic) history.
What are the results of language change?
When accompanied by splits of populations, language change results first in dialect
divergence (the kinds of differences we see between British and American English; between
the French of France and of Quebec; between New World and Old World Spanish and
Portuguese). Over longer time periods, we see the emergence of separate languages as in
the contemporary Romance languages, separated by about 2000 years, and the Germanic
languages, whose divergence began perhaps 500 years earlier. Both of these families are
part of Indo-European , for which the Ethnologue web page lists 425 languages! Though
political considerations often intervene in whether a particular speech variety is considered
to be a language or a dialect, the basic idea behind linguistic classifications is that dialects
are mutually intelligible, whereas languages are not.
Of course, the question of intelligibility is always relative. The following phrases taken from
the spontaneous speech of Chicagoans recorded in the early 1990s were difficult for many
non-Chicagoans to understand correctly. In "gating" experiments designed to test crossdialectal comprehension in American English, subjects first heard a word, then a slightly
longer segment, then a whole phrase or sentence that may have disambiguated the original
mishearing. These experiments were part of the research project on Cross-Dialectal
Comprehension done at the Linguistics Lab here at Penn (for more information on the
Northern Cities Shift, see "The Organization of Dialect Diversity" on the home page of
thePhonological Atlas of North America .)


Many people
misheard as
??? (nonsense word
containing vowel in

massive drop

Second expansion



y'hadda wear
one block

y'hadda wear socks, no sandals



they met





steady for a
shook 'er

the plane was steady for a while

and then it took a massive drop

old senior citizens living on one

my parents went to Cuba and that's
where they met
the plane was steady for a while
and then it took a massive drop
this woman in while, who just smiled
at her and shook 'er head

These misunderstandings are based on the fact that the Chicago speakers (along with 40 50 million other people in the "Inland North" dialect including Rochester, Buffalo, Detroit,
Syracuse, and other cities of that region) have a rotation of their short vowels such that the
low unrounded vowel of the "short o" words like drop, socks, block, and hot is being
fronted to the position where other American dialects have words like that, hat, black,

rap, and sacks, , and where "short e" words like met, steady and head can sound
like mutt, study and thud or mat, static and had.
The Ethnologue data base includes more than 6700 languages spoken in 228 countries.
They state that their "criterion for listing speech varieties separately is low intelligibility, as far
as that can be ascertained."
How far back can we go?
Most linguists agree that our methods for reconstruction will take as only as far back as
about 5000 - 7000 years; after that, the number of cognate sets available for reconstruction
becomes just too low to give results that can be reliably distinguished from chance
relationships. Although it would be very satisfying to be able to link up some of the existing
families at a higher level, the evidence seems too weak to allow us to do so. A minority of
scholars, however, argue that this is possible, and one particularly well-known group of such
scholars goes by the name of Nostraticists, derived from their views that there exists a
super-family of language they have called the "Nostratic". A New York Times article from
1995 presents a well-balanced view of the Nostraticist position. Dr. Donald Ringe of the
Penn Linguistics Department, himself an expert on the ancient Indo-European language
Tocharian, is one of the chief critics of the Nostraticist position.
Language change may be broadly divided into two categories:
1. external change and
2. internal change.
External change is mainly caused by the adoption of borrowing whereas internal change
is caused by the addition and loss of sounds and lexical items, coinages of new words and
extensions. Level wise study of the language change may be made in terms of:
A. Sound change
B. Grammatical and lexical change, and
C. Semantic change.
SOUND CHANGE: Traditionally historical linguistic studies begin with sound change
which is a term to describe the passage of historical transition from a given phoneme or
group of phonemes to another, e.g. the change of Germanic [sk] into Old English [sh].
There are various theories that justify the causes of sound change. The first is that
sound change is brought about by anatomical changes within the population. Others
assign sound change to social and historical reasons and discover a link between political
instability and linguistic instability. Other theories that discuss the causes of sound
change are substratum theory, ease theory and imitation theory.
Linguists have divided sound change into three categories:
1. Unconditioned (or Generic) changes
2. Conditioned (or Combinatory) changes, and
3. Sporadic (or Miscellaneous) changes.
A generic or unconditioned change is a change that affects every occurrence of a
certain sound, no matter whereabout in the words it occurs. For example, Old English

/a:/ changes everywhere to Middle English /o:/ and to Modern English /ou/.
OE /a:/ > ME /o:/ > Mod E /ou/
The word ham /ha:m/, for example, became hoom /ho:m/ in ME, and home /houm/ in
Modern English. But unconditioned or generic changes are rare.
Conditioned or combinatory changes are changes which occur only under a fixed
set of conditions. "Allophones of phoneme", says Lehmann, "are generally restricted to
certain environments: here they are conditioned by their surrounding. When such
allophones undergo a change, we speak of a conditioned or a combinatory change." For
example, ME /u/ to NE /u/ after labials. PGmc /f, O, s/ to /v, d, g/ when not preceded by
the chief stress.
It is not easy to draw the line between conditioned change and sporadic change
since the two merge into one another. So we treat the word "sporadic" very loosely to
mean a change of phoneme that does not occur elsewhere and also to include
morphophonemic changes. The most important types of sporadic changes are:
1. Assimilation
2. Disssimilation
3. Metathesis
4. Epenthesis
5. Hypology
6. Vowel mutation, and
7. Elision
Grammatical change is the change in grammar and vocabulary. By grammatical
change, the members of a grammatical set are increased or reduced in number, and the
means involved in marking grammatical categories are extended. Since such changes are
carried out in accordance with patterns which already exist in the language, they are
referred to as analogical and the process itself is called analogy.
Analogy is a process by which morphs, combination of morphs or linguistic
patterns are modified, or new ones created in accordance with those present in a
1Pure Grammatical
e.g. English evyn > eyes after plural - s. English can > could in the past tense on the basis
of will - would, shall - should.
2. Semantic
e.g. male, femel > male, female
English borrowed the French word 'male' and 'femelle' - but owing to their semantic link
'femelle' became 'female' under the influence of male.
3. Back formation
e.g. 'beg' from 'beggar' after pairs such as sing, singer.
Besides these, other types of analogy are 'phonetic analogy', 'hypercorrection', 'extension
of alternant form' and 'syntactical analogy'.

Indeed, there is no distinct dividing line between grammatical change and lexical
change. Many a time the two intersect. The vocabulary of a language is more strictly
called the 'lexis' of a language, and it is lexical items which are examined. For
convenience, lexical change can be divided into three categories:
1. Loss of lexical items
2. Change of meaning, and
3. Creation of new lexical items.
LOSS OF LEXICAL ITEMS: Due to internal and external factors, words undergo a
change. 'Homonymic clash', 'phonetic alteration' and the need to shorten common words
are common internal causes. Homonyms are words which have the same phonemic
structure but different meanings as 'bank'. The existence of homonyms need not lead to
word loss. It only does so if the homonyms crop up in the same context and cause
confusion as in the homonymic class between English 'leten' (to permit) and latten(to
hinder). It is out of those homonyms that the English word 'led' was developed.
Phonetic attrition is not common. Sometimes a word becomes so altered by
sound change that it almost disappears. A well known example is the Latin word 'apem'
which was replaced by longer words such as 'abeille'.
The need to shorten common words is a type of attrition, a linguistic phenomenon
known as Zipf's law. Zipf showed that common words tend to be shorter than uncommon
ones. For example, 'refrigerator' became 'fridge', and 'television' became 'tele' or 'TV;
'aeroplane' became 'plane'.
CHANGE OF MEANING: It is studied in semantic change. There are so many causes
'linguistic', 'historical', 'environmental', 'psychological', etc., that bring change in
meaning. For example the word 'persona', which in the beginning of Roman drama
meant 'mask', then 'a character indicated by a mask', thereupon a character or a 'role in a
CREATION OF NEW LEXICAL ITEMS: It is caused by external borrowing and
internal borrowing. English has borrowed from French the words like 'crown', 'power',
'state', etc., from Arabic the words like 'zero', 'zenith', 'alchemy', etc. These are the
examples of external borrowings. Internal borrowings frequently start out as slang,
which later becomes accepted as 'snob', 'squabble', 'hard up'. 'Bird', now becoming
acceptable in meaning of 'girl', is perhaps borrowed from the word 'bride'.
Diachronic semantics studies semantic change, whereas synchronic semantics
accounts for semantic relationship, simple or multiple. According to referential theory
given by Ullman in his book, "Principles", "a semantic change will occur whenever a
new name becomes attached to a sense, or a new sense to a new name." Semantic change
is caused by 'linguistic, historical, environmental, psychological causes'. It is caused by
'foreign influences and the need for a new name'.
TYPES OF SEMANTIC CHANGE: There is a considerable disagreement among
scholars on the classification and terminology of semantic change. According to Meillet,
there are three types of semantic change:
1. Changes due to linguistic reasons
e.g. 'contagion': the negative use of 'pas, personne, point, reing, Jomais', owing to purely
syntagmetic conditions.

2. Changes due to historical reasons

e.g. the 'thing-meant' becomes modified in the course of culture development, whereas
the name remains unaltered: 'plume'/. feather. pen:
3. Changes due to social stratification: Latin 'ponere', trahere', 'cubrare', 'mutare',
employed in a specialized social group, the word of farming, acquire a more restricted
sense in 'pondre', 'traire', 'couver', 'muer', 'ad-ripare', borrowed by the common standard
from nautical terminology, receives the widened sense of French 'arriver'. Professor
Sperber classifies these changes in the following manner:
A. Non-affective changes: pseudo changes (ellipsis), name giving, modification in the
referent, and
B. Affective changes: (i) speaker's own feelings: (1) expansion (2) attraction, and (ii) his
regard for the hearer's emotions.
What is language loss?
An issue of major importance to heritage language communities is language loss.
Language loss can occur on two levels. It may be on a personal or familial level, which is
often the case with immigrant communities in the United States, or the entire language may
be lost when it ceases to be spoken at all. The latter scenario has become an all-toocommon threat in indigenous communities in the United States, because their languages are
not spoken anywhere else in the world. (See the Heritage Brief: What is the difference
between indigenous and immigrant heritage languages in the United States for more
Reasons for language loss
Although the United States has no official language at the federal level (some
individual states do have official languages), the de facto national language is English. The
use of English is reinforced through government and educational institutions, television and
radio, and private business. Economic and social forces converge to make English a very
valuable commodity, often to the exclusion of other languages. Though many of these forces
appear benign, Henze and Davis (1999) point out that language loss is often associated with
oppression. Indeed, in the realm of education, the United States has a history of suppressing
the active use of non-English languages for the purpose of promoting assimilation of the
The first serious efforts at mandating English-only classrooms were made by the
antebellum reformers in the late 19th century. In their push for centralized Common Schools
that espoused the values of white Protestant America, the reformers effectively eliminated
many of the non-English community schools that were common at the time. Their efforts
were aided by the publics fears that new immigrants would change Americas identity, and
schools were regarded as excellent means for assimilation (Malakoff & Hakuta, 1990;
Kaestle, 1983). For example, MacGregor-Mendoza (2000) chronicles the experiences of
Spanishspeaking immigrants in schools, where some teachers would punish them for
speaking even a word of their home language. Her informants came to feel that Spanish was
inappropriate or inferior (some were told explicitly that it was dirty), and many reported that
they abandoned it when raising their own children.
Native American students provide perhaps the most infamous example of
assimilation to English. Beginning in the late 1800s, mandatory boarding schools were
established for the purpose of eradicating Native American languages and cultures. The
founder of the boarding school system, General Richard C. Pratt, is famous for saying of his
schools that they would, kill the Indian to save the man. Students were kept away from

their families and communities for years and were punished, often harshly, for speaking their
home languages (Child, 1998). As a result of their experiences, many Native American
parents refused to teach their children their heritage languages to protect them from similar
Results of language loss
Individuals living in the United States and undergoing loss of a language other than
English tend to have simplified grammar and gaps in their vocabulary. They may attempt to
paraphrase their speech or borrow words and morphosyntactic structures from English.
Depending on the strategies they use, people can be slowed down considerably in their
attempts to communicate, and may eventually give up entirely due to linguistic insecurity
(Anderson, 1982). In families where members of older generations have limited abilities in
English, individual loss of the non-English language results in communication rifts between
family members and may also cause a great sense of cultural loss for the individual (Hinton,
When a shift to English occurs in indigenous populations, the indigenous language
itself may be lost. Indigenous language loss has been given a lot of attention in the field of
linguistics in recent years. Linguist Michael Krauss has predicted that 90% of the worlds
languages are likely to be gone within a century (Hale et al., 1992), and most of the United
States remaining 175 indigenous languages are likely to be lost in that time as well (Krauss,
Fishman (2001) describes the cultural devastation that can accompany language
loss, stating, A traditionally associated language is more than just a tool of communication
for its culture [It] is often viewed as a very specific gift, a marker of identity and a specific
responsibility vis--vis future generations (p. 5). Furthermore, as discussed above,
language loss often occurs as a result of oppressive measures, and it is therefore regarded
by some as a human rights issue (see Skutnabb-Kangas, 2000). As Crawford (1995) states,
Language death does not happen in privileged communities (p. 35).
Reversing language loss
While language loss can be devastating to a community, it need not be inevitable.
Many dedicated people throughout the world have undertaken the challenge of reversing
language loss in their communities. While these efforts vary in size, resources, goals, and
results, they share a dedication to specific heritage languages so that they may be spoken
by future generations. The Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages is
dedicated to promoting language development in heritage language programs, and the
Alliance website contains many resources for individuals and programs involved in these
In the United States, hundreds of programs exist to revitalize indigenous languages.
Hinton (2001b) describes the many different methods that such programs use, from informal
gatherings, to bilingual classes in schools, to immersion programs in schools and camps.
(See also Pease-Pretty On Top, n.d. for a description of indigenous immersion programs.)
In some cases, when only one or two elderly speakers of a language survive, they team up
with a learner to create their own immersion environment in what is called a MasterApprentice program. This program exists formally through the Advocates for Indigenous
California Language Survival (AICLS), which has sponsored more than 65 teams, but many
teams have utilized this method informally throughout the United States (Hinton, 2001a). In
other cases, no speakers of a language remain, but there is sufficient documentation for

people to piece the language together until it can be spoken again. Such languages are
called sleeping languages (Leonard, 2008).
Language revitalization programs face a number of common challenges, mostly
related to lack of resources. For example, it is impossible to pick up a catalogue and order a
textbook for Kiksht (an endangered language of the Northwestern United States), so
language program developers have to design all of their own materials. Human and financial
resources must also be considered. (See Grenoble & Whaley, 2006, for discussion of these
Nonetheless, there have been a number of exciting success stories throughout the
world. Perhaps the most famous is Hebrew, which went from being nearly obsolete to being
a national language with the rise of the state of Israel. Catalan, a language of Spain that was
prohibited under the rule of the Franco regime, has gained tremendous ground since
Francos death in 1975 (Fishman, 1991). In New Zealand, the indigenous Mori language
has experienced a reawakening through te khanga reo (language nests), in which the
youngest generation of children learn from remaining elderly speakers. This program has
expanded to immersion language schools, bilingual classes, and classes for adults (King,
2001). Because community goals vary widely, success can be measured in a number of
different ways, from being able to say a prayer in a language that has not been spoken for
many years, to producing a new generation of native speakers. What these and the many
other heritage language programs throughout the world show us is that language loss is not
irreversible with the dedicated effort of a community of speakers and learners.

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