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The Psychology of Selling

The most important thing we need to understand is that sales people move the
People think that if you are in sales, you don't have an honest job.
What we are engaged in is an honorable profession.
We can be proud to be salespeople because it is upon our efforts for the economies
to work.
It is upon our efforts that economies run.
Never be shy to say youre a salesperson.
There's no ceiling on your income.
Its the only field in the world where you can come from little to no background and
make money quickly when properly trained.
In selling 80% of sales are done by 20% of the salespeople.
The bottom 80% only do 20% of the sales.
We want to move you into the top 20%.
Once you get into the top 20% you never have to worry about employment, job
security, and money again.
And then get into the top 4%
The people in the top 20% earn 16x more than the people in the 80%
The top 20% earn 16x more.
The top 4% earn 54x more.

The Winning Edge - The difference between the top performers and the average
or mediocre performers is just a small difference. They just do certain things a
certain way a little tiny bit each day and it all adds up.
The key to success is to develop this winning edge.
If we develop it, there is no reason that you should not move into the top 20%

What is the characteristic of successful sales people?

There is an inner game of selling.
What goes on in the mind is what makes the difference.
Once you know and believe that you are good at selling, you can go anywhere in
the world and write your own ticket become successful.)
Compare yourself and your current earning with the most successful and highest
earner in your industry.
The average person never uses more than 10% of his or her potential.
Each one of us has 90% or o more potential untapped.
There is a direct relationship with the self concept and your performance in sales.
Self concept = self image
You can never earn more or less than what you earn in your mind.
Each one of us has a money thermostat.
If you believe you are entitled to earn x, your mind will do everything to earn x
If they think they are $30,000 sales people and do this by October, they stop selling
once they reach their goal.
If we want to earn more in reality we need to modify our self concept.
We need to achieve it in our minds before we achieve it in realiy.
We need to think in terms of higher income categories.
By developing a new self concept, you will modify your atitudes to suite that new
If we go 10% before our income thermostat we scramble in order to get in up in
place again.
We need to move this thermostat up so that we can make more money. We need to
adjust this temperature to the salary we want and make this our new self concept.
We have a self concept that regulates every single area of the sale.
We have to strengthen every simple area of our self concept.

We need to develop skills in order to strengthen it.

We only feel uncomfortable In doing things we're not good at. Become good at it,
and watch your confidence and self confidence grow.
We know also that the self concept is subjective. What we think mostly does not
exist. You are what you think about. As long as you think and believe in something,
it will happen.
Our self esteem - how much you like yourself.
How much you like yourself determines how well you dress, drive, sell, and every
single aspect of selling.
A high self concept / self esteem is the key determinant of your success in sales.
Success breeds success.
Before every sales call - stop and say I like myself.
Whatever you say will be captured by the subconscious mind and accepts this as
truth. The subconscious mind can't tell the difference between fiction and reality.
When you like yourself - you tend to like people
The top 3% in any field looked at them as self employed.
Look upon every single thing that we accomplish and don't accomplish with 100%
full responsibility.
winners always accept full responsibility for everything that happens to them.
Losers Always make excuses.
Winners work damn hard. Winners work far harder than losers.

There are two major obstacles to closing any sale.

1. The fear of failure - both for buyer and seller.
2. The fear of rejection on the part of the sales person.
most people quit sales in 90 days because they can't stand the rejection. They
haven't given enough time to develop their self concept, skills, and etc to be
successful. To start seeing success.
The average salesperson only sells for one hour per day.

Their first sales call is at 11 a.m.

All outstanding salespeople have reached a point where they don't feel rejection.
One of the greatest secrets to understand in sales is that people dont think it over.
80% or more sales from first purchases take place after the 5th call.
Only 10% of salespeople make more than 5 calls.
There is a direct relationship with fear of rejection and high self esteem.
The more you like yourself the less you feel rejection.
The first thing we have to understand is that when a person says no to us, is that
the rejection is not personal. We start thinking that we are rejected.
The reason why we put off making calls is that we fear failure and rejection.
Everything we do to raise our level of self esteem, raises our sales effectiveness.
The more you like yourself, the better you will do in this field.
All successful sales are based on one factor: friendship.
The friendship factor says: a person will not buy from you until they see you as their
friend, and who is selling something to help them. That you are genuinely
interested in them.
There is a direct relationship with your level of self esteem and how you get along
with people.
The best people are those that make friends easily with people everywhere they go.
Increase self esteem and make more friends.
The key element in selling is enthusiasm. It accounts for 50% of more for all sales
closing ability.
Sales is a transfer of enthusiasm. It is a transfer of your emotional commitment and
belief in that product.
Every single time you close and sell, and feel like you won, your self esteem goes
Most people don't stay in sales because they did not stay long enough to get those
first few winning experiences to raise their self esteem and self concept.
So when you start, say that you will never stop and quit until you are successful.
The top sales people make a decision to like themselves and like selling. They will
not stop until they are successful.

Developing a Good Personality

1. They have high levels of self confidence and self esteem. (the more you like
yourself, you like others. When you like others you are genuine interested, you care
about them, etc.)
2. High performing sales person accepts 100% responsibility for their results. (We
are always self-employed.) Winners accept full responsibility, losers never do.
Winners work harder than losers.
3. The top salesperson has above average ambition and desire to sell.
4. High levels of empathy - we care about our customers and would not sell
something they can't benefit from. Successful sales people look to build positive
long term relationships. Mediocre sales people are just trying to push sales. If we
are not instantly concerned about the customers wellbeing they can pick it up in an
instant. They know if your just trying to sell or if your actually trying to help them.
5. Successful people are intensely goal oriented. You've got to know exactly what
your aiming at.
6. Above average willpower to determine to succeed. Your self confidence need to
adjust to your desired income.
7. They believe in themselves, their product, their company, and the value your
product can offer them. You can't put your whole heart into something you don't
believe in.
8. Is always impeccably honest with himself and other people.
9. Can easily turn strangers into friends anywhere they go. When you genuinely like
and accept yourself, you will genuinely like others.

How Can we Become this person?

1. Choosing the right product. (Some people are capable of selling tangible products
and some people are able to sell intangible products. Sell one or the other. Sell the
one in which you are best at.) We all sell consistent with our basic values. If you like
psychology, metaphysical, philosphy, etc, sell intangibles. If you like material things,
sell tangibles.

2. Choosing the right people to work with and to work for.

3. You believe in your product

4. The transfer of enthusiasm.
How do we become goal oriented
The only way to do that is to plan your working day and week very carefully so that
you have very specific goals for every single month, week, and day
1. What is your annual income goal? (If you don't know it, how are you going to earn
it? Every top salesperson knows this amount.
2. How much are you going to have to sell? What will be your annual salesvolume
required for you to earn that money?
3. What is your monthly income goal? How much do you need to earn per month to
achieve your annual goal? How much do you need to sell to make your monthly and
annual goal?
4. What is your weekly income goal? How much do you need to sell per week in
order to achieve your weekly and yearly goal?
5. What's your daily income goal?
5. How many calls do you need to make each day in order to achieve your daily,
weekly, monthly, yearly goals.
Define your goals in order so you know what activities you need to partake in, in
order to achieve your goals.
Now figure out these activities: example: make 9 calls. and do this activity before
Ironically, when you set a goal, you can usually achieve it before the time frame you
originally thought you could.
When you set a goal, you program it into the subconscious. The subconscious works
on its own to lead you to your target.
To program your subconscious for success, plan out your goals.
The more reasons you give yourself to succeed, the more you will persist. The more
motivation you will have.
Set personal and family goals.
The more things you want to accomplish the more motivated you will be.
Successful people set no limitations on what they want to achieve.

Visualization - there is no more powerful way succeed than to create a picture of

the person you want to be. You must see yourself as you wish to be.
The subconscious is activated by pictures and by strong affirmative statements.
(You become what you think and say).
Example: Person keeps repeating that he is the best.
All top salespeople practice visualization and positive affirmation.
When we go into selling in a highly competitive industry, we need to "warm
ourselves up" psychologically.
7. The very best salespeople are very calm, relaxed, and absolute confidence. Very
friendly, polite, low key.
How we feel about ourselves comes off as electromagnetic waves and people
capture our vibes / frequency.
The very best salespeople confidently expect to be successful.
They show genuine interest in people.
Once everything inside is right, everything outside becomes right too.

*** Best advice I can give. Try reading. If you are going to make a profession of
selling then you need the very best books and tapes of everything about selling.
Example: Imagine if a lawyer says, I dont have any books, I already passed law
school 20 years ago.
If you read 20 to 30 minutes in the morning, and read in your profession, you will
read the 20 best sales books in about a year. Your income will increase
Example of guy who reads: his income within 3 months doubled.
Most people in sales never read books.
90% of sales books are sold to less than 10% of sales people.
Reading is the way we train our minds to be successful in our fields.
9. Listen to tapes. Turn your car into a university on wheels. You can literally get a
university education on wheels. If you are continually feeding your mind with high
quality content you are going to go ahead faster in your career than anybody else.

The best sales people that I know, not one of them ever has their car radio on. They
have their CD's playing from the time they're in their car.
What comes out of you as a salesperson, is what you goes into your mind.
Whatever we think about and review what we did right and how we would do it
better than that is what we would do automatically in our next sales presentation.
If we think about and review our mistakes, we tend to repeat our mistakes.
If we think about and review our mistakes and fix them, then we begin to not fail
Losers are always reminiscing about their previous failures.
Winners are constantly thinking about their successes.
Thats why successful people tend to become more successful and losers tend to
become even more losers.
Always associate with people who are positive, confident, upbeat, optimistic, etc.
Resolve to pay the price to succeed.
There's only 2 requirements for success and most people never do.
1. You must decide exactly what you want in life. Exactly what it is you want to do,
have, or be.
2. You must determine the price you're going to have to pay in order to get what
you want, and then resolve to pay that price.
The be basic law of human destiny is the law of sowing and reaping. You reap what
you sow.
If you pay the price then your success will take care of itself just like the seed will
grow in the harvest.
People buy for their reasons. The biggest mistake that amateur salespeople make is
to ask people to buy for their reasons. Rather than taking the time to identify the
needs of the other person.
Every single thing we do is an attempt to improve our current condition.
The individual who is buying can buy from you, from someone else, or from no one.
When we make a purchase decision, we want to be satisfied in a variety of areas.

It is to identify the needs that is most important. You are not in a position to sell
until you understand their needs and are able to communicate and offer a solution
to satisfy their needs.
You need to show the person how they will gain and how they will be ahead by using
your product.
Subconscious needs that people have:
People want to be rich, because wealth represents security. The deepest craving of
all human nature is the feeling of security. Until we feel a certain level of security we
are preoccupied with that.
We want to be liked, respected, successful in our mind and in the mind of others.
We want to be healthy. One of our preoccupations every single day is our health. We
are always concerned about our health so we are attracted to products.
We want recognition. Social Status.
The psychological needs are the deepest needs.
We want to be current, modern, ahead of the pack.
People want comfort, security, companionship, understanding, etc.
All buying decisions are emotional.
Everything we do is 100% emotional.
The basic emotions:
desire for gain and fear of loss.
It takes a stronger emotion to take over a weaker emotion.
If the person has a fear of loss, the only way to change his emotion is to make the
benefit of gaining a stronger emotion.
When a person says they need to think about it, or will talk to someone about this,
you have not brought out an emotion strong enough to replace the fear of loss.
Business people buy for one reason: resell - net price.
Business people - greater profits
There are various ways to demonstrate increase profits.
1. Cut costs

2. Increased productivity.
3. Improve performance.
4. Greater sales volume.

Always talk about your products in terms of what they want. If you cannot improve
their condition then you can't sell to them.
Prove that the benefits that we are offering are the benefits that are going to be
People don't buy products, they buy benefits.
Our job is to find out what benefits is this person willing to pay for.
We always have to identify the basic needs.
You uncovering needs by questioning skillfully and listening carefully.
About 95% of the time, people are thinking about their own problems and their own
If you let people talk for any period of time, they will tell you their basic needs or
concerns in regards to your products.
The very best questions to use are the 6 honest serving men.
1. what are you doing in this area right now?
2. When did you start doing this?
3. Where do you currently get your supplies.
4. How did you start in this area or using this product.
5. Why would you be thinking about changing and who would be involved in the
The questions are not yes or no questions.
Freudian slip - the simple fact the if the person is talking long enough, they will tell
you their most important concern.
If you listen to customers closely enough and ask them questions skillfull enough
they will eventually tell you everything you need to know in order to be able to sell

This is why the very best salespeople are excellent questioners and listeners.
People don't want to be sold. They want to be bought.
Your job as a salesperson today is to play the role of a consultant, counselor,
What customers need is a friend to teach them what the product can do for them.
Always present a product as an improvement not as new.
Quality is a logical argument. The only time we bring quality into an argument is if it
will do the job for me. Only if you are concerning two similar products and similar
prices but yours is of higher quality. Example: selling a land rover to someone
driving across the Sahara. Quality features - this is the benefit of this kind of
Remember: every customers favorite radio station is WIIFM (What's in it for me.)
Customers are always saying In their mind: "so what?"
Quality should only be a concern after utility.
Quality of sales presentation, the material in sales presentation, the appearance of
the sales person extends to the quality of the product itself.
90% or more of the contact we have with a company is through a person
representing it. That's why if they are well turned out, well dressed, properly
groomed, and their presentation is well made and properly presented we naturally
assume that the company is a high quality company too.
Part of the quality of the sales presentation is the person themselves.
Your job is to identify the basic and secondary needs that your product can satisfy
and then demonstrate this to the customer by asking questions skillfully.
Somewhere along the way the person will say: "well does it do this?" "can it do
that?" "is this included in it?" That is an indication of Freudian slip that, that is what
the person is interested in.
As long as your focusing all of your attention on the customer on what he or she
needs, then you are selling professionally.
Imagine a spotlight swindling back and forth as you and your prospect talk. When
you talk, the spotlight is on you. When he talks the spotlight is on him. As long as
the spotlight remains more on him or her than on yourself, the more chances you
have of making a successful sales transaction.
2 key points

1. in every sales conversation there is a key benefit. this benefit is the one that will
cause the person to buy this product.
2. Key issue: the major objection that would hold the person back from buying the
You job is to uncover the key benefit, then uncover the key issue.
The key issue could be price, lack of understanding of the product. your
competitor's additional features.
You cannot sell until you have uncovered the key issue.
You also cannot sell until you

80% of the value of any group of economic items will be represented by less than
20% of the items also holds true in selling.
If you have 10 features in your product. 80% of the benefit for the customer will be
contained in 2 of the items.
90% of the buying decisions will hinge on 1 thing that your product can do for the
Hot button close: If you can uncover the hot button, ( the most important reason for
buying the product) they will repeat it over and over again.
Mr. customer. if you were going to buy this product, what would cause you to do it?
What specific benefit or specific reason would cause you to buy this product.
Call people up that you've sold to and ask them what was the reason they bought it.

How do we sell creatively?

Creativity is a natural characteristic of all top salespeople and creativity is a matter
of self concept.
All of us are creative.
Many of us think we're not.
To the degree in which we believe that we are not creative, we won't be.
To the degree in which we believe we are, we will come up with creative solutions.

Creativity is stimulated by focused questions, pressing problems, and by burningly

desired goals.
The more we are obsessed on a goal, the more creative we get to achieve it.

Several areas of creativity.

1. find new and better prospects.
2. uncover buying motives.
3. overcome buyer resistance and indecision.
4. Discover new product uses and application.
Creative selling begins with thorough knowledge of your products and services.

1. What are the 5 to 10 most attractive features of your product?

You need to know the answer to this before developing a sales presentation.

2. What needs of your prospect customers do these products features satisfy? What
benefit does it offer? Whats in it for the customer?
3. 5 to 10 reasons why they should buy it from your company.

In strategic selling you begin to identify your best possible customer market and
then concentrating on it single mindedly.
*** One of the biggest mistakes salespeople make is to look up at everybody as a
prospect of equal value.
When in some cases, one prospect may be worth the value of 100x the value of
another prospect.
THe basic rule in sales is always fish for whales, not minnows.
If you catch a thousand minnows, what have you got? a bucket full?
But if you catch one whale you've got a ship full.

We need to ask ourselves:

Who exactly is your customer?
Who buys your product or service right now?
Who might be buying it in the future?
Where are these markets opening up and likely to open up for your products or
Why does your customer buy? What benefits of advantages does he perceive in
purchasing your product or service?
Who or what is your competitor? Sometimes our competitor is the ignorance of the
market. People don't know that your product is available.
Selling in some aspects is similar to warfare. We make decisions based on what the
enemy (competitor) is doing.
Key question: What is your competitive advantage? Where do you have an
advantage over your competitors? Where is your area of excellence in your product
or service? What do you have to offer that nobody else has to offer? This is
invariably the key reason why people will buy your product over a competitors and
this is the key to developing an effective sales presentation.
People will buy your product because there is something unique about it that makes
it better in their eyes and for their purposes and their needs than any other
products in the market. Your job is to identify those key needs, the competitive
advantages that set you head and shoulder above anybody else and build a
successful presentations around that.
If your customers can always get the same thing from a variety of places, then
you've got a problem. What you have to do is think very seriously about something
very special and unique about your product. Especially something special or unique
that you can get excited about.
Example: When we think IBM we think service. Customers will pay a premium for
IBM service because they want that particular unique benefit.

Why do you customers buy from your competitors? Why do they select theirs over
yours? How can you offset this?
1. Who are your non customers? The people who buy neither from you, nor your
competition. Example: the biggest noncustomer in our society is the person who
does not vote.

2. When do they buy? When is the best time to sell to your customers? Do they buy
when business grows or declines? What season of the year? What stage of the
product life cycle? plunger, after its become established, after its been out for a
couple of years.
3. Do they buy when others have recommended the product? (Thats why
testimonials are so valuable)
The easiest way to get testimonials
1. Ask for it.
2. Type it up and ask for them to sign It for you.
Many people will not buy until they see a testimonial of somebody they respect.
Example: we go to new restaurants through word of mouth advertising. When
people tell us its good.

The 20 idea method.

If you use this method everyday for a month, you will double your income.
Read 30 minutes every morning.
take your key problem and most pressing goal, and write it the first thing in the
morning as a question.
Example: How can I increase my ratio of closes to calls? How can I close more
people that I call on? How can I increase my sales effectiveness today.
and then you sit down and write 20 answers to the question.
Take the logical answer and then the not logical answer. Write the opposite of an
How much more sucessful do you think you will be if you are generating hundreds of
ideas, every single day.
All you need is an idea that is 10% new in order to make a million dollars.
Most millionaires don't make money on something brand new, but on something
that is marginally improved.

Approaching the prospect.

This is an area where we have the greatest number of hang ups

One of the most fearsome parts of selling.
Every word of your approach or introduction must be carefully planned out
beforehand so it can achieve the following:
1. Must break the preoccupation of the prospect. Unless you break the
preoccupation of the prospect, you never get to first base.
Throw a brick through a glass window.
Example: guy who sold glass. He would get a piece of glass that doesnt break and
bring a hammer with him and asked the store owner if they'd like to see glass that
doesnt break. He would whack it with the hammer and the store owner would be
astonished. then he would ask for the check.
You only have 30 seconds to get a person's attention.
In the first 30 seconds the person decides whether or not they are going to listen to
Your opening question, should answer this question: why should I listen to you?
The next question that should be generated by your opening question should be:
"what is it?"
Your opening remark should cause the person to say: "what have you got? what is
If it doesn't generate that response then it's not a good question.
Drop everything you want to say such as name, name of company, how many years
in business, and go straight to the point with the key benefit.
Example: When you sell a computer you don't say: " would you like a computer"?
You say:" how would you like to save thousands of dollars per month on your
administrative costs. "
So your first job is to get the person to listen to you.
Before he listens to you he wants to know 4 things.
1. Do you have something important to communicate?
2. Make sure that you are talking to the right buyer (qualify your prospect)
3. That your visit will be short
4. Want to be sure that they will be placed under no obligation and high pressure.

Ask a well structured question, asked aimed at the benefit. The person must
answer your question before they say anything else. Example: "what time is it?" A
person is conditioned to answer that question before saying anything else.
Then be polite and respectful and say that you will only take up 10 minutes of their
time to show them what you've got and they can judge for themselves.
This is important because there is naturally a lot of sales resistance.
Ask insistently for the time.
If the person says: give me a call on Monday and we'll set up a time. Simply say: "
Well, I have my schedule right here in front of me, Why don't we set up a time right
Always call and confirm before going to the appointment.
The most important thing you do in telephone selling is to get that first appointment
and get it firmly scheduled and confirmed so that you go and see the person.
Once you've had an opportunity pre-arranged to sit down with a person, face to
face, and identify the needs of the individual, you're a lot further on.
Smile. Unconsciously we can pick that up on the telephone, even though we can't
see the person.
Never try to sell on the phone.
Never tell your proposition.
Never describe it.
If you give all this stuff away beforehand you get rid of curiosity.
Dont ever expect to call you back.
Never, never, never mail information if you can possibly avoid it.
brochures, information, etc is not to be mailed, but given.
If a person says: "can you send me this stuff in the mail" What they're really saying
is: "can I get rid of you this easily?"
What you say is: " look, I understand how busy you are, I am going past your office
today and if I drop it off personally will you be there? This is how you can tell if the
person's interested.

Unprofessional sales people would mail this because they want to avoid the
possibility of personally being rejected.
Every single thing that we do to avoid personally being told no, is a waste of our
time and will never lead to a sale.
Most of the efforts that salespeople engage in are to avoid becoming face to face
with a real life prospect that can tell them no.
So nail down the appointment. Be aggressive but be polite.
Before you get off the phone, you thank him very much and re-affirm the time and
40 to 50% of the time the person will have written the date or time incorrectly.
Before you go into the appointment, close your eyes and imagine yourself
completely relaxed, positive, in control of the interview and just see yourself as a
beautiful, smoothly, prepared individual. See a mental image in your mind of the
prospect reacting positively and you think of your last successful sales call and sales
close and think of that as the last picture you put into your subconscious before
going in to see this new prospect. You'll be surprised that this would smoothen out
your whole personality.
Psyche yourself up. " I'm a great salesman" " I'm the best"
Never go into a sales presentation, without preparing yourself with visualization in
advance. It will make all the difference in the world.
Go in, shake hands, and acknowledge positivity. " Your really going to be happy with
what I will show you."
Get them interested. Get them curiosity. And get them thinking: I wonder what it is?
Smile, be confident, be positive.
Go in and refuse to make your presentation standing up.
Never, never, never make your presentation standing up.
Because if you do, you run the risk of devaluing your product.
Nobody considers your product of any value if you are willing to present it standing
up (unless you sell in a showroom).
If you sell standing up it cheapens your product.
Basic rule: If the person cannot buy your product standing up, don't sell it standing

If they cannot purchase it over the phone, don't try to sell it over the phone.
If they can't purchase it through the mail, don't try to sail it through the mail.
People don't make buying decisions standing up.
The power of suggestion.
The most professional sales people are those that are most relaxed. The most calm,
easy going, well dressed, well groomed, and they have a soothing effect on us.
They exude confidence in themselves and in our products and therefore we feel
confidence in them and their products as well.
Our environment has a great impact on our perception and emotions: example: You
go into a room that 70 degrees. If you raise the temperature 5 degrees or lower it 5
degrees, people would change dramatically.
We are very strongly influenced by the way people respond to us. By the way
people are when we are around them.
We respond subconsciously to other people.
So everything we do in regards to ourselves or our sales presentation, either
increases the possibility of making a sale by making a positive suggestive
environment or decreases the possibility.

Powerful suggestive influences

1. Appearance - How you look, what your voice sounds like, and your attitude.
Dress for success - john t Malloy.
2. Friendliness - People like to deal with people who they feel friendly toward.
3. Grooming - Every successful sales person should be well groomed. It moves us
out of our comfort zone and is to difficult to deal with people who are too different
from us.
4. Product should always be cleaned and presented in its best possible light.
Because people are very influenced by the suggestive impact of a product that is
clean, neat, efficient, attractive, colorful. Your surroundings should be neat, clean,
orderly, and looking like success and prosperity.
5. Keep your desk clean and neat. Only have what your working on in your desk.

6. Presentation - should be well organized, practiced, and complete with all details.
80% of the value of your product or service will be In the mind of your product in
direct relationship with your presentation.
Clothing cover 95% of our body. So the first impression we make is going to be our
Body Language is important because 80 to 90% of all our communication with other
people is non verbal. It's not contained in the words that we say, but in the way we
say them. It's the tone of voice, it's the gestures, it's the eyes. That's why a person
to person contact is far more important than a phone contact because you can see
all the nuances. You can see the person, you can see how they're thinking. How
they're feeling. How they're acting.
Always stand erect.
Stand up as though there was a string and the string was holding your head up. So
that your body and spine is completely straight.
Never close your arms when you're talking to people.
If a person has they're arms folded, do something to get hem unfolded. The best
way to do this is to give them something that they have to take with two hands.
If a person unfolds their arms, their mind unfolds.
If a person folds their arms, their mind is folded.
Cross legs usually means that your holding back information.
Your best body language is leaning slightly forward. Attentively, watching the
prospect, listening carefully to what the person is saying, nodding and smiling,
nodding and listening, because it is very very hard for a person to resist and person
who is paying attention to them closely and nodding and smiling and is obviously
interested in what they have to say.
Mirroring - Whatever you do on an ongoing basis people start to do too. That people
will begin to mirror your behavior.
Example: If you lean back in a chair and slouch comfortably, the other person will
lean back and slouch comfortably . And a person leaned back in a chair and
slouched will not buy.
We always believe in more of what a person does, than of what a person says.
The more you like yourself, the more goal oriented you are, the more your selling a
product that you believe in, the more animated, and positive, and enthusiastic your

body language is, the greater the impact you have on the subconcious mind of the
Try to minimize the noise. Make sure that there are no interruptions.
Positioning is very important. I always try to position myself so that I am sitting to
the left of the prospect. If your left handed then sit to the right of the prospect.
There is some kind of uneasiness of having somebody sitting on our right hand. We
don't like people on our right hand, but we do like them on the left.
When selling in a person's home, don't try to sell in the living room. It's out of
people's comfort zones. Important decisions are usually made in the kitchen or
dining room table. Also, have them show you where to sit. You don't want to sit in a
person's spot.
Etiquette - Always be extremely polite. Always be extremely courteous. Be known as
the person that when you leave people will say: "what a nice person that person
was." "What a gentleman". Salesman will usually make the mistake of being
indifferent to the secretary, etc.
Always treat everybody as though they are special.
One of the basic rules of selling is to treat everybody like a million dollar client.

The approach close - A very strong that you can use in approaching a customer. This
is to get the person to agree after you have made a presentation.
Generalized sales resistance is at its high when a salesman and customer first meet.
The back of their mind is determined not to buy anything.
To minimize this say: "Mr. prospect, I'm not going to try to sell you anything right
now. All I'm going to do is show you some of the reasons that so many others have
bought this product and continued to buy it. And all I ask is that you look at what I
have to show you openly and honestly and determine whether or not it applies to
your situation. And tell me at the end of the presentation whether or not, yes or no,
this is applicable to you. "
What you've done is offer a deal. The deal is I won't try to sell you anything if you
listen with an open mind. Invariably the person will take the deal.
At the end of the presentation you have a psychological advantage if the person
says "I have to think it over". They had agreed yes or no, to see if what you were
saying was applicable to them. This forces them to give you a reason and objection
to go on selling.
With this, you create expectancy.

Start off with a very strong question aimed at the chief result or benefit that the
customer or prospect would enjoy should they buy your product.
The 5 Buyer personality types:
1. The apathetic - represents about 5%. Represents the negative, cynical person
who is never going to buy anything. They're never going to buy. When you meet
these people extricate yourself as politely as you can and slip away .
2. The self actualizing buyer - This person knows exactly what they want, knows
exactly what they're willing to pay. Knows exactly the specifications. and If you have
it, they'll take it.
The other 3 categories of buyers are what we call "analytical buyers". they
represent 30% of the market. They are low on the relationship and task orientation
scale. This is the person who does not care about getting the job done and the
people who are involved, they just care about the details. They want to know every
single nut and bolt. They ask a bunch of questions. The more detail you give them,
the happier they are. They love details.
The relationship oriented person - They are very concerned about people. They are
concerned about how people think and feel, how they will react, how people will
respond, what their opinions will be. These will be personnel people. Their primary
concern is the impact of your product or service on other people. Their primary
concern is other people's response to it. They like to develop a relationship with the
person selling them.
The entrepreneurial practical, task focused buyer - very direct, wants to get right to
the point, they are very businesslike and they want response. They want to know
how much their going to spend, what they're going to get, and how can you
guarantee that and let's get on with this because I have to do something else. When
you deal with this type of person which is primarily entrepreneurs, get right to the
The very best type of salesperson is the integrated personality - this is a person who
has the qualities to deal with all three. Each of us has one of these five. In selling,
we tend to lean on being emotional or practical. Every one of us has one of these as
a dominant style. The problem is we slip into a style because it interests us rather
than what interests them. The ideal is to step back from the sales conversation, ask
questions, listen, observe, pay attention, read between the lines and figure out what
type of person you're talking too, and then structure your answers and your
presentation to satisfy their needs rather than your needs.
Biggest mistake of all - Right at the beginning each sales person should have 3
really basic types of presentations, one for each of the basic personality styles. You
need to learn how to slip into each style.

The second stage of the sales process happens when the sales person and the
prospect have established a certain degree of rapport. We don't ever start selling
until we have become friendly with the person we are talking too. We cannot begin
to sell until we have established at least the beginning of a friendship with our
The approach or opening question begins the stage of qualifying the customer. The
answer to that question tells us whether or not they are in the market for our
product. The opening question is to get them to qualify themselves at least partially
a candidate for owning this product.
The presentation is for us to show and discover one key benefit in which your
prospect can relate to.
Find a hot button and press on it.
Go in determined to close the first time. If you have to call him again, you get him
off the hook. You'll probably have to repeat the process again.
Cold call to get an appointment. Then make the first visit to find out the needs of
the person and then ask them to come back after doing an analysis to bring him
Insurance - First step is to figure out the needs of the person and then they go away
and make a proposal and then bring it back and sell.
The planned presentation is 20x more powerful than the random presentation. All
people in the top 4 / 5% use a planned presentation.
All of the low money earners go out and wing it every time.
Start your presentation with your opening question. From your opening question,
you the go through a process of showing the prospect what your product does and
what it can do for him. You go through what is called a feature and benefit
The concern about price doesn't even come up in a really good sales presentation
until the very end of it.
If the presentation is made in a logical order, you teach the prospect how his needs
will be met with the product and you learn from the prospect which are the key
benefits of key needs that the person needs to have satisfied.
If the person at the end of the presentation has not discovered a benefit that can
satisfy his needs, you are not in a position to close.
This is why the best sales schools say that the real close takes place in the

The best way to qualify the prospect is by using planned, open ended questions,
that illicit specific information.
Before product information can be presented, the need of the prospect must be
You must uncover the need and spend the whole presentation showing the need can
be satisfied.
The most important skills to develop in most cases is good listening skills.

There are 5 keys to effective listening

1. face the prospect directly - lean forward and listen attentively without
2. Pause before replying or continuing. When the person finishes speaking, don't
tend to leap in. Pause for 3 to 5 seconds. This tells the other person that you are
carefully considering and weighing what they are saying. This says that you value
what they are saying. Use silence in order to encourage the prospect to talk.
3. Question for clarification: " what do you mean?" This will cause them to
elaborate and clarify themselves.
4. Relax, take it easy, stay calm.
5. Use close ended questions to help the prospects. All questions that start with
verbs, require a yes or no answer. All questions that start with pronouns, respond
with an open ended questions.

Presentation methods:
1. Present your products features in descending importance. From most important
to least important.
2. Get the prospect involved and keep him involved. The very best salespeople are
those that are active. Get the prospect moving. When you're on their side of the
desk they feel more relaxed and recepetive.
3. Usual visual sales aide. They are 15x more powerful than words. Telling is not
selling. The average attention span of a prospect is 3 sentences. The average
person thinks about 400 / 500 words per minute. The average person speaks 100 /
150 words per minute. If your not asking questions your not selling. The really
skillfull presentation is the one where you take every single important piece of
information that you have and structure it into the form of a question. Or the very

least, present the information and then ask a question which requires a response.
Information, benefit, ask a question. Begin trial closing very early. It's called the
check close. You use this in the presentation to get feedback from the prospect from
what your doing. example: "does this make sense to you so far?" "Is this what you
had in mind?" These are all questions that get the person to give you feedback.
What you have to do is find out through detective work, what are the benefits that
you offer in your product that are most important to the client.
When he says no to an individual benefit all he is doing is giving you feedback that
he is saying no to a particular feature.
The professional salesperson gives one piece of information, then asks a question.
Gives another piece of information and asks a question. He does this to always get
feedback and to keep the customer alert and engaged.
People make and base decisions on story and word pictures. We take in information
in logical form, but our brain can only hold a certain amount of information or data,
but our brain can hold milliions of pictures and stories. The best salespeople are
those that are always painting word pictures around their product.
Example: " You're really going to love how this car handles in the mountains"
"You're really going to enjoy living on this quiet street"
Create vivid colorful pictures as though the person is already using the product.

The Psychology of Closing

Closing is the most difficult part of the sales process. Our job as sales people is to
structure the presentation in such a way that we go to close and go smoothly
though the close. To make it as smooth and painless as possible.
Whenever we reach a point where we need to make a buying decision, we start to
feel tense. We start to feel nervous. Our job is to sweep the person through the
close as rapidly as possible once their buying desire has been aroused.
Our job is to plan the close in advance.
Some people say you should plan your close in detail and then build your sales
presentation on top of it.
Plan exactly how you're going to close.
All sales professionals have their closes planned out word for word in advance.

All amateurs just fly by the seat of their pants, and with their heart pounding,
sweating, hoping, praying that the person will take it.

Major requirements for closing.

You must be positive, enthusiastic, and eager to close the sale.
The customer's requirements must be clear to you.
You must know what it is that they want and need.
The customer must understand what you're offering and must understand the value
of what you're offering to them.
The customer must believe you and they must believe your company.
They must trust you.
There must be a degree of rapport and friendship.
The customer must desire to enjoy the advantages of the offer.
The product must be suited to the customer.

In order to avoid high pressure selling those four requirements are necessary.
1. The prospect must want it.
2. The prospect must need it.
3. The prospect must be able to afford it.
4. The prospect must be able to use it.

Very Very important, the only pressure you should use in a professional presentation
is the pressure of the silence after the closing question.
Recognizing buying signals - any change in posture, attitude, behavior, etc can
signal that a buying decision is near.
When you sense that, say "when would you like us to get started with this?" Ask a
closing question.
The salesperson's natural fear of rejection

The solution to the fear of rejection is this: do the thing you fear and then the death
of fear is certain. Keep confronting what you fear over and over and over again until
you get to the point where you don't have a nerve in your body when it comes to
the close.
The fear from the point of the customer - do you know how many whys go through
in order to make a purchase?
Fear of being criticized for making a wrong choice is a strong subconscious fear that
holds people back.
The reluctance to make a decision because it is emotional. It causes stress.
The way you overcome these obstacles is to be very positive in yourself.

5 closing mistakes to avoid.

1. telling the prospect he's wrong.
2. arguing
3. Trying to win.
Never ever argue with a prospect. Never tell them that they are wrong.
4. Expressing your opinion to a prospect on a personal nature (religion, politics,
family, labor unions, etc) Don't talk about personal prospects.
5. Don't ever knock the competition.
6. Assuming authority that you don't have - don't ever make promises that you can't
7. Don't ever engage in overselling. Say the product can do something that it
cannot do.

What kills sales:

1. Nothing will kill a sale faster than lack of enthusiasm. You must really want to
2. Lack of sincerity - when the sales person becomes more concerned with earning a
commission than benefitting the customer. Their voice changes, their personality
changes. The customer can pick this up.

3. Different wavelength - We meet somebody who we share nothing in common

with. Just accept it as it is.
4. The customer doesn't like the salesperson or the salesperson doesn't like the
customer. You can never sell to somebody you don't like.

Closing on objections
There are no sales without an objection. They are sign posts that lead you on the
way to closing the sale.
There are 2 ways to respond to objections. The very best way is this: take very
objection and interpret it as a question. In other words, it is not a reason for not
buying, it is a question for more information.

There are only 6 objections to your product. In order for us to sell effectively, we
have to sit down and figure out what are the 6 major objections to buying my
product or service and what is a logical answer to them.

Keys to handling objections:

1. Determine whether or not it is a condition. A condition is a reason why the person
cannot go ahead. Example: you cannot sell shoes to a person who just lost their leg.
2. Hear the objection out and listen to it patiently. Pause before replying and aswer
3. Ask for elaboration. "As I understand it (repeat the objection back to him in the
form of a question?)
4. Compliment the person on the objection.
5. Use this feel felt found method. It expresses empathy, acknowledges validity, and
answers objection.
6. Be agreeable never argue with a person.
9 common objections and how to deal with them
1.Unspoken objections. Let the customer talk more.
2. Excuses.
3. Malicious objections.

4. Request for information.

5. If people can be made to feel important in a sales situation, they will buy from us.
6. Subjective objections - they are aimed at you. This means that you are talking to
much about yourself and not enough about the customer.
7. Objective Objection - I don't think it will do the job that we require.
8. General sales resistance always occurs at the beginning of a presentation. That's
why we use the approach close.
9. Last ditch objection - How do I know if I'm getting my money's worth?
There is a key reason / key objection that has been holding the person back from
making a decision till now. Just supposed close - Other than money, is there any other reason that is holding
you back (they will reveal the real reason)
Porcupine close- Use the objection as a reason for buying. "It costs too much" - "If
we can give you the same thing for a lower price will you take it?"
Instant reverse close - very good close. Simple: Somebody says "I can't afford it"
then you say: " that's exactly why you should take it". Then get a logical answer. You
want it cheap right? You want it in good quality right? You're going to have to get it
someday? Then now is the best time to get it.
Change Places Close- "Look my prospect would you put yourself in my situation for
a moment?" "What would you do if you were in my shoes?
The ascending close - part by part close - automatic close - series of questions, each
one that leads into the other and each one that leads to a yes answer. The
questions start off from the most general to the most specific. Example: knock on
door and say: " hi do you live here?" yes. " we're doing a survey do you mind giving
us your opinion on this: " yes", do you believe in higher education? yes. if a
company were to place a free set of encyclopedia in your living rooms would you be
interested in doing that? "yes", and another series of questions that will led to
yeses. If you can ask a series of questions: "6" , it's very hard thereafter for the
person to say no. 6 questions that lean towards the benefits that the person can
gain. Ask 6 yes questions and you will be astonished at how interested they are.
Yes questions make desire go up. No questions make desire go down.
When your talking in terms of benefits and you're talking about them
enthusiastically, with clarity, and etc, it reaches a point where the prospect will say
"wait a minute how can I get this"

Invitational close - issue a direct or indirect invitation to buy. "why don't you give us
a try?" They'll either give you a try, or will tell you what is holding them back from
making a decision.
When the price comes up, people almost instantaneously say "I can't afford it".
Willingness and ability to pay are too different things. Nobody wants to pay, but
whether they will pay or not is a different story. The way you increase the
willingness to pay is increase the heat of buying desire. Your job is to convince the
customer that the value of the product is far greater than the cost. Never talk
about price, talk about benefits.
First thing people ask when they try to get information is how much is it. If you
answer it with the amount, people will say it's too much.
Price resistance - you haven't given me enough benefits to prove that the price is
worth it.
If a person says its too much just agree - "Yes we cost more than competitors but
you want to know why it's so expensive?

7 points on handling price objection.

1. Don't mention price until the customers asks price. Do not bring up price in the
2. Focus the presentation on the value that he receives, not on the money that you
receive. Talk about what he's getting rather than what you're getting. Compare the
price with more expensive articles. Always compare apples to oranges. Take
products that are selling for more than yours and be sure that you know what their
price structure is.
7. Stress the life price over the life of the product. The person says "gee that costs a
lot" but then you tell them that yours lasts longer and has higher quality.
8. Compare it with things like buying a package of cigarettes. Or single unit prices
("this is how much you spend per day").

How to handle money and price objection.

We can't afford it right now, business is bad - they got into the habit of saying this in
the bust, so as soon as price comes up this comes up automatically.

shortage of cash - say: "what if we could offer you terms?" "What if we could do
this, do that, etc" There's always ways to do it.
Budget period - Say you'll only charge after
Price above customers expectation - Yes mr prospect, but know that you always get
what you pay for. Have you ever gotten anything cheap that was worthwhile.
Product is too expensive - Your product in comparison with others is very fairly
Describe the price of your product to its lowest denominator. Compare it to a pack
of cigarettes.
Your competitors sell cheaper than you - Yes, ours is more expensive than our
competitor's, would you like to know why?
Procrastinating on the buying decision - This is called the end of the trail close. You
take out the filled out sales contract and you take it to them and say, either this is a
good idea and go ahead with it or we can give this up so I can stop taking up your
time. Create silence and then slide down the contract. What would we have to do to
make a deal today?
You never know how far apart you are in a deal. Ask. Ask how much are they willing
to pay. How far apart are you?
Ask: is price your only concern?

These are the most basic, most effective, and most used closes.

Secondary close - closing a minor point in a sales presentation. Example: Person is

looking for a refrigerator and you say: " would you like it in blue or green?" You focus
the customer's attention off of the major buying decision.
Alternative close - always giving the customer's choice between something and
something. Never something and nothing. Example: would you like a medium or a
When you finish your presentation you must change and go smoothly into your
Takeaway close - before we go any further let's call the warehouse and see if we still
have them in stock. If the person has given you the permission to call the
warehouse, then he has decided to buy.

Summary close - summarize the details of every benefit the customer will gain and
then list them from order of most important to least important.
Puppy dog close - taste, touch, feel, hold, try out before buying. If you have a
product that you can test drive, do it. Example: pet shop owner tells people to take
puppy home and test drive. People get hooked, then they don't want to bring it
Ben Franklin close - best close of all. Reason it's so successful is because we weigh
the pros and cons. Ben Franklin use to us this to weigh and balance and make
decisions. He would take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle and right
on the left - reasons in favor, reasons not in favor. You write down the benefits and
then you tell him to write down the cons. He won't be able to do it and then you tell
him: "well, it looks like you've made your decision".
The order sheet close - take out an order sheet and start filling it out. Every single
time you write their order sheet it becomes personalized for them.
Relevant story close - Telling a story about a happy client that you have had, that
followed your voice, and had the same hesitancy as the client in front of you, and
was very very happy after going through with the deal. Or relevant story about
somebody who chose not to buy it and something bad happened.
Walk away close - Person wants to go and shop around, etc, give a person a good
reason for not shopping around. Everybody that shops here has shopped around for
you. The today only close: example: we have only 1 or 2 of these in stock and if you
take it in tonight, I can probably get you this 25$ off or there will be a 25% increase.
Give them an incentive. If they are absolutely convinced that they have to shop
around, just acknowledge them, and then tell them: shop around and just promise
me that when you're done, you'll come back here and I'll give you the best price in
town. If you can beat the price, by all means do it, or, create a package with things
that others don't offer.
Lost sale close: Before you leave ask: what was the real reason you didn't buy
today? They will give you the final objection. Then you say: "oh, I didn't explain this
to you properly?" Walk right back and close
Referral: Every single person is a source of referrals. A referral is 10 to 15x a cold
call. So when you talk about referrals, ask: " do you happen to know 2 or 3 other
people that might interested?" "Of these 2 which one do you think I should call
first?" Then ask him: " mr. prospect, can you do me a favor? Call Bill and tell him I'm
coming to see him this week". It's better to do this then to spend all day cold
calling. If you're still cold calling , you don't have enough referrals.
Time Management

The reason why it's so important to manage time is because we are all personal
service corporations, we sell our time and that's all we have to sell.
Basic keys for time management
1. You are only working when your face to face with a real live prospect or customer.
Your not working when you're shuffling out cards or filling out forms. These are all
preludes. The biggest mistake that salespeople make is that they think that as long
as they are doing all this preparation work it's part of my job. The only part of your
job that really count are when you are face to face with a customer. You are paid for
your time and you will only be paid well when you learn to use your asset.
2. Work out your annual income. Example: You want to make $25,000. Divide this
number by 250 days = 100 dollars day = 8 hours a day = 12,50 an hour. Never do
another activity that does not make you $12,50. If you are not engaged in activities
that will generate you this kind of income then you will not earn the kind of money
you want.

The major timewasters in selling

1. Procrastination and delay
2. Incompletion of the sales call. If you give people time to think it over, they will
forever think it over. It's easier to think it over rather than make a buying decision.
3. Inaccuracies - we have exactly what we don't need in order to close the contract.
4. Ignorance - Lack of product knowledge.
5. Unconfirmed appointment. We don't reconfirm because we don't want to hear
no. It's easier ot go there and hear the secretary say no.
6. Poor planning of calls in a geographic areas.
7. Perfectionism. Very often we use this as an excuse. It's natural and normal to feel
rejection. The only thing that's wrong with it is that if you let fear dominate you and
let that interfere with your work. Do it over and over again until it no longer bothers
8. Distraction.
9. Fatigue or over-work - The essence of selling is vitality. The more energy you
have the more you project. When you're tired, you face rejection a lot worse.
10. Lack of ambition.

Tips to increase sales through time management

1. Advanced planning. Practice closing.
2. Read 20 to 30 minutes every morning (sales motivation and inspiration).
3. Schedule your first appointment early.
4. Spend 75% of your time prospecting before you get too busy serving customers.
See people. Knock on doors. Decide that you're going to make 100 calls n 20 days.
Tell 100 people in a logical and organized way, what you have to offer. The reason
people aren't making a lot of money in sales is because people are not talking to
enough people. Make every minute count. If you
5. Make driving time, learning time. Listen to audiobooks in cars. People drive 12
and a half weeks worth of time per year.
6. Use day timer, use for every note and appointment. Your time and your life
charles hobbs.
7. Upgrade your sales skills continually. Read Books. Go to seminars. Practice.
8. See more people. Prospect and Qualify more. See better people and see more of
9. Always concentrate on the most productive use of your time. "Is what I'm doing
right now, leading to a sale?"

10 keys to success in selling

1. Learn to love your work and commit to become outstanding in your field. Become
the very best at what you do.
2. Decide exactly what you want in life. Set a goal and figure out the necessary
sacrifices to achieve it.
3. Back every goal and plan with persistent determination and phenomenal
willpower. All adversity does is show you what you're made of.
4. Commit yourself to lifelong learning. Read, take courses, go to seminars, etc. As
we learn we become more valuable. The more we learn the more we earn. As our
knowledge grows, our rewards grow. The illiterate is the person who stops learning,
who stops growing as a person.
5. Use your time wisely. "What is the most valuable use of my time, right now"

6. Follow the leaders. Do what they do. Look at the best in the field and decide to
be like them. Your choice of people to associate with is one of the most important
decision you can make. If you associate yourself with turkeys you can never be an
eagle. We are all in a way like chameleons. It's very important that you associate
yourself f with people that are going somewhere.
7. Guard your integrity as a sacred thing. Be true to yourself and to your own goals.
If you cheat, your only cheating on yourself. 2% of people or less can plan their
work and work their plan. 2% of people can't work without supervision. That's why
most people give up on sales. They say they want freedom but they can't do things
on their own.
8. Use your inborn creativity. Say it to yourself over and over again: " I'm a genius".
Every single person has the ability to perform at genius levels at something. Genius
means that we perform in a specific area at high levels. What holds us back from
this is the belief that we are average.
9. Treat every prospect like a million dollar customer, as though they are the most
important customer in the world. Treat every person as though you would like to be
10.Conduct your life as though everything you were to do, everybody were to do the

Work hard and you will succeed.

In a plane, ou need to have full throttle in order to get off the ground. When you get
to cruising altitude you pull back a bit. This is just like life and just like sales.

In sales, you need to put full throttle, until you get to the point where you don't
need to work this hard anymore.
If you pulled back the throttle while accelerating on the strip, you would never fly.
You'd only be moving slowly on the ground.
You need to work at full blast in the beginning of your sales career.
Or just work slightly less than full throttle and you'll always work at that speed in
your life, and you will never take off.

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