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N ame___________________________________

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
1) In the textbook, a number of trends and issues are identified that w ill dominate the
ad vancement of sport and exercise psychology over the next 20 years. List these 9 trends
and issues.


A nswer: 1.Increased Specialization and D iversification

2.Increased Research an d Teaching O pportunities
3.Increased Demands for Training in C linical and Counselling Psychology
4. Interdepartmental Collaboration in Teaching, Research, and Practice
5. Ethics and Competencies
6. Working in Performance Enhancement Teams
7. O nline Consulting and Service Provision
8. Consulting with A thletes and Exercisers w ith D isabilities
9. K now ledge Translation
D iff: 2

T y pe: S A

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
2) A sport psychology consultant w ho is consulting with a group of middle - aged
recreational- distance runners w ho hope to complete a marathon is dispelling w hich common myth
about sport psychology?
A) Sport psychology consultants only work in competitive sport settings.
B) Sport psychology consultants only work w ith elite athletes to enhance their performance.
C) Sport psychology consultants are shrinks.
D) O nly athletes with serious mental problems need a sport psychology specialist.
E) N one of the above


A nswer: B
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

3) A sport psychology consultant w ho decides not to share information w ith an athlete's coach is
follow ing w hich principle of the Canadian Psychological A ssociation's Ethics Code?
A) Respect for a dignity of the person
B) Responsible caring
C) Integrity in relationships
D) Responsibility to society


A nswer: A
D iff: 3

T y pe: M C

4) A consultant w ho believes he has discovered something important but w ithholds this information
for other professions is violating w hich principle of the Canadian Psychological Association's
Ethics Code?
A) Respect for a dignity of the person
B) Responsible caring
C) Integrity in relationships
D) Responsibility to society
A nswer: D
D iff: 3

T y pe: M C


5) The International Society of Sport Psychology sponsored the first scholarly sport psychology journal.
W hat is it called?
A) The International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
B) The Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
C) The Sport Psychologist
D) The Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
E) Psychology of Sport and Exercise


A nswer: A
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
6) O ne myth about sport and exercise psychology is that only athletes or exercisers w ith
serious mental problems need a sport or exercise psychologist. Explain w hy this is a myth.


A nswer: A ny athlete or person wanting to become more physically active can benefit from
the services of a qualified sport an d exercise psychology specialist. First, specialists
design the majority of interventions to prepare athletes to manage the demands of
training and competition and to enhance their well - being. A thletes can learn to
develop and apply effective psychological skills to manage stress, focus attention,
and augment motivation. In addition, specialists can teach coaches how to develop
more effective training environments. Second, there are many effective interventions
that can help people adopt and maintain healthy levels of physical acti vity.
D iff: 2

T y pe: S A

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
7) W hich of the follow ing are trends and/or issues that w ill dominate the advancement of sport
psychology over the next 20 years?
A) Increased specialization and diversification
B) Limited opportunities in applied sport psychology
C) Know ledge translation
D) Tension between academic and applied sport psychology
E) A ll of the above


A nswer: E
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

8) Regulatory bodies are likely to become more diligent in monitoring the use of the title sport
psychologist as well as the practices of sport psychology consultants. This is an example of which
probable future trend of sport psychology over the next 20 years?
A) Ethics and competencies
B) Tension between academic and applied sport psychology
C) Interdepartmental collaboration in teaching, research, and practice
D) Increased research an d teaching op portunities
E) Increased specialization and diversification
A nswer: A
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C


9) Which one of the follow ing graduates of Dr. Franklin H enry's laboratory at the University of
California became a prominent sport psychology researcher in Canada?
A) Dr. Thomas Tutko
B) D r. Cal Botterill
C) D r. Bruce Ogilvie
D) D r. A lbert Carron
E) D r. Coleman Griffith


A nswer: D
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
10) The specific legislative rules for the use of the term "psychologist" vary across provinces and
A nswer:
D iff: 2




T y pe: T F

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
11) N ational and provincial sport organizations that do not have the resources to pay for continuous
applied sport psychology services exemplify w hich probable future trend of sport psychology over
the next 20 years?
A) Increased research an d teaching op portunities
B) Interdepartmental collaboration in teaching, research and practice
C) Increased specialization and diversification
D) Increased demands for training and clinical psychology
E) Limited opportunities in applied sport psychology


A nswer: E
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
12) SC A PPS had a strong influence on development on research and development and sport and
exercise psychology in the 70's and 80's but has little influence in Canada influential.
A nswer:
D iff: 2




T y pe: T F

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
13) Sport and exercise psychology is characterized as
A) interdisciplinary scientific and applied field that embraces the integration of sport science and
psychological know ledge.
B) applying the principles of psychology to sport and exercise.
C) the application of psychology to high performance athletes.
D) only as a subdiscipline of psychology.
A nswer: A
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C


14) A sport psychology consultant w ho has no clinical training and doesn't refer an athlete w ith an
eating disorder to someone w ho is more qualified is violating w hich principle of the Canadian
Psychological Association's Ethics Code?
A) Integrity in relationships
B) Responsibility to society
C) Respect for a dignity of the person
D) Responsible caring


A nswer: D
D iff: 3

T y pe: M C

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
15) A n athlete wants to train harder and become a better player so he approaches a sports
psychologist to help him achieve this. When talking to the psychologist, the psychologist
reveals that if the player decides to hire him, they can do a workout program that w ill
increase his running time by 30 % and his muscle mass by 15%. The athlete is impressed
an d decides to go ahead and hire her. A fter 3 weeks of training, the psychologist and
athlete start dating. They are quite happy; except the athlete can't help but notice the
results he w as promised are not being show n. H e hasn't increased his muscle mass much at
all an d his running time has only increased by a few seconds. This is because the
psychologist did not actually have the evidence to support the findings that she told the
athlete. State and explain w hat the ethical concerns of the above scenario are.


A nswer: Responsible caring The psychologist did not develop a plan that met the clients
needs. Furthermore, there was no evidence that specific promised outcomes could be
achiev ed.
Integrity in relationships The psychologist did not establish appropriate personal
relationship boundaries w ith their client. D ating of a client is unethical.
D iff: 3

T y pe: S A

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
16) A sport psychology consultant w ho is employed by a university and is involved in a study that
examines aggression differences between male and female rugby players is an example of w hich
type of career role?
A) Research
B) Counselling
C) Teaching
D) Consulting
E) Clinical intervention


A nswer: A
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

17) The first Ph.D. program in sport psychology was developed at w hich uni versity?
A) U ni versite de Montreal
B) U niversity of Western Ontario
C) U ni versity of O ttawa
D) U niversity of W innipeg
E) U niversity of A lberta
A nswer: E
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C


18) This Canadian is w idely recognized as the world expert on team cohesion and group dynamics in
sport and exercise.
A) D r. Cal Botterill
B) D r. Len Wankel
C) Dr. Terry O rlick
D) D r. Rick A lderman
E) D r. A lbert Carron


A nswer: E
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

19) A sport psychology consultant w ho suspects a soccer player's competition anxiety is affecting his or
her performance, and is know ledgeable of the relationship between different types of anxiety and
self - confidence, is demonstrating w hich area of expertise?
A) Theoretical knowledge of how psychological factors may influence performance
B) Technical sport know ledge
C) Sport know ledge of the ph ysical preparation
D) Intervention skills to design an effecti ve intervention
E) A ssessment know ledge to determine the psychological skills of the athlete


A nswer: A
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

20) Most sport and exercise specialists in Canada are employed

A) in private practice.
B) in university athletic programs.
C) in mental institutions.
D) in universities and/or colleges.
E) in professional sport or national sport organizations.


A nswer: D
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
21) T wo major events that helped establish sports psychology in the 1960's. One was the first World
Congress of Sports Psychology held in Rome and the second was the founding of FEPS A C.
A nswer:
D iff: 2




T y pe: T F

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
22) The CP A , the CSP A , and A A SP organizations are all proactive in?
A) Identifying necessary standards and competencies required for providing sport and exercise
psychology services to athletes
B) Ethical relationships between professors and students
C) E valuating university programs to see if they meet the necessary professional standards
D) Developing more academic courses and hiring more professors to allow more students to
attend universities
A nswer: A
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C


TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
23) In Canada and the USA , most academic sport and exercise psychologist are typically not concerned
w ith professional practice issues and certification.
A nswer:
D iff: 2




T y pe: T F

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
24) W hich one of the follow ing is a membership criterion for the Canadian Sport Psychology
Association (not C P A)?
A) M ental training consulting experience
B) Favourable supervisor and client evaluations
C) A background understanding of the sport sciences
D) A master's degree in sport psychology or a related field
E) A ll of the above


A nswer: E
D iff: 3

T y pe: M C

25) Which one of the follow ing represents the three major roles that sport psychology consultants
typically follow in their careers?
A) Teaching, consulting, counselling
B) Teaching, research, consulting
C) Teaching, research, counseling
D) Teaching, counselling, research
E) Research, consulting, counselling


A nswer: B
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

26) In which of the follow ing areas is a sport psychology consultant demonstrating expertise when he
is administering a psychological profile tool?
A) Theoretical knowledge of how psychological factors may influence performance
B) A ssessment know ledge to determine the psychological skills of the athlete
C) Technical sport know ledge
D) Intervention skills to design an effecti ve intervention
E) Sport know ledge of the ph ysical preparation


A nswer: B
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

27) The continued expansion of sport and exercise psychology principles in clinical settings in the
stud y and treatment of cancer, stroke, and spinal cord injuries are examples of which probable
future trend of sport psychology over the next 20 years?
A) Increased demands for training and clinical psychology
B) Increased specialization and diversification
C) Increased research an d teaching op portunities
D) Interdepartmental collaboration in teaching, research, and practice
E) Know ledge translation
A nswer: B
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C


SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
28) H ow does positive psychology relate to sport and exercise?


A nswer: a) Positive psychology can be thought of as examination of the subjective

experience: well - being, satisfaction, fulfillment, pleasure, and happiness.
b) M uch of the research in sport and exercise psychology is directed tow ard
enhancing performance, social and physical well - being, and positive emotion.
Sport psychologists often work w ith athletes and exercisers to improve performance
an d life satisfaction.
c) Peak performance in athletics and exercise involves enhancing psychological,
physical, and emotional strength not the treatment of mental or physical health
d) M any studies in sport and exercise examine positive states and well being
including optimistic disposition, flow states, enjoyment, satisfaction, psychological
growth, and challenge E ven w hen exercise psychologists work w ith clinical
conditions such as spinal cord injuries, cancer, and cardiac rehabilitation, a major
focus is related to enhancing well - being by increasing positive qualities like
confidence, independence, social and physical functioning, and life satisfaction.
D iff: 2

T y pe: S A

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
29) Seligman and others in the positive psychology movement criticized psychology for doing what?
A) For focusing too much on well being
B) For focusing too much on personal growth
C) For focusing too much on mental illness and repair
D) For focusing too much on the human side of strength


A nswer: C
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

30) Clinical and counselling psychologists receive training in w hich one of the following areas?
A) Ethics
B) Intervention
C) Assessment
D) Research methods
E) A ll of the above


A nswer: E
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
31) Consultants have an ethical responsibility to minimize harm and to assist athletes, however if it
will benefit society, then a person becomes second priority and benefitting society becomes first
A nswer:
D iff: 2



T y pe: T F


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
32) Which country boasted one of the first sport psychology programs that was integrated w ith other
sport science programs?
A) United Kingdom
B) Soviet Union
C) United States
D) A ustralia
E) Japan


A nswer: B
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
33) Expansion of the application of sport and exercise psychology principles in clinical settings w ill
include cancer, stroke and spinal cord injuries populations.
A nswer:
D iff: 2



T y pe: T F

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.
34) Briefly describe the four principles of ethical guidelines for psychologists providing
services to athletes or exercise clients.
A nswer: Principle I: Respect for Dignity of Persons
This principle reinforces the moral rights of all people regardless of individual
differences, including culture, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation,
etc. Respect exten ds to upholding the in dividual's privacy, confidentiality, and
freedom to consent for consulting services and as a research participant.
Principle II: Responsible Caring
This principle requires consultants to weigh the costs and benefits of various
methods and select those that w ill minimize harm and maximize benefits. To avoid
causing harm, sport and exercise psychologists work w ithin their range of
Principle III: Integrity in Relationships
Sport and exercise psychologists are expected to be accurate and honest,
straightfor w ard and open, as objective and unbiased as possible, and to avoid
conflicts of interest.
Principle IV: Responsibility to Society
Sport and exercise psychologists benefit society through the development of
know ledge and by practising freedom of inquiry and debate. Ho wever, respect and
responsible caring for the athlete must be the first priority and must not be violated
by attempts to benefit society.
D iff: 3

T y pe: S A



TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
35) Principle two of the CP A is responsible caring and states that the consultant must take corrective
action for any harmful effects that occurred because of their teaching, research or practice.
A nswer:
D iff: 1



T y pe: T F

36) Dr A lbert Carron, at the University of A lberta, w as the first to develop the Ph.D. program.
A nswer:
D iff: 2





T y pe: T F

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
37) In w hich of the follow ing areas is a sport psychology consultant demonstrating expertise when she
has devised strategies for dealing w ith the source of a problem for an athlete?
A) Intervention skills to design an effecti ve intervention
B) Technical sport know ledge
C) Theoretical knowledge of how psychological factors may influence performance
D) A ssessment know ledge to determine the psychological skills of the athlete
E) Sport know ledge of the ph ysical preparation


A nswer: A
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

38) Where was the First World Congress of Sport Psychology held in 1965?
A) Japan
B) German y
C) Britain
D) A ustralia

E) Italy

A nswer: E
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

39) A sport psychology consultant w ho is providing educational services to the community and sport
organizations is an example of w hich type of career role?
A) Clinical intervention
B) Teaching
C) Consulting
D) Counseling
E) Research


A nswer: B
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

40) Sport psychology consultants w ho refuse to provide information about an athlete's mental health to
a coach is upholding which principles of the Canadian Psychological A ssociation's Ethics Code?
A) Responsible caring
B) Respect for a dignity of the person
C) Responsibility to society
D) Integrity in relationships


A nswer: B
D iff: 3

T y pe: M C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
41) In regards to sports psychology being accepted, the leading countries in Asia are Japan, C hina and
K orea.
A nswer:
D iff: 2



T y pe: T F


MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
42) A sport psychology consultant w ho decides to have a personal relationship with an athlete after a
professional relationship has en ded is violating w hich principle of the C anadian Psychological
Association's Ethics Code?
A) Integrity in relationships
B) Respect for a dignity of the person
C) Responsibility to society
D) Responsible caring


A nswer: A
D iff: 3

T y pe: M C

TRUE/FALSE. Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
43) Since working in diverse sport and exercise settings will require a range of sport science and
psychological competencies, students should receive counselling and clinical psychology training.
A nswer:
D iff: 2




T y pe: T F

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
44) A sport psychologist w ho is helping in div iduals and teams improve performance and enhance
personal well - being is an example of which type of career role?
A) Clinical intervention
B) Consulting
C) Teaching
D) Research
E) Counseling


A nswer: B
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C

45) The need to bridge the gap between research evidence and professional practice in sport
psychology and to provide useful information for practitioners, such as physical educators,
coaches, and fitness specialists, is an example of w hich probable future trend of sport psychology
over the next 20 years?
A) Ethics and competencies
B) Know ledge translation
C) Increased research an d teaching op portunities
D) Increased specialization and diversification
E) Interdepartmental collaboration in teaching, research, and practice


A nswer: D
D iff: 1

T y pe: M C

46) A long w ith D r. A lbert Carron, ________ could be considered one of the modern parents of sport
psychology in Canada.
A) D r. Rick A lderman
B) D r. John Salmela
C) Dr. Terry O rlick
D) D r. Peter K lavora
E) D r. Len Wankel
A nswer: A
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C



47) The largest organization devoted to the promotion of applied sport (and exercise) psychology is the
A) International Society of Sport Psychology
B) Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology
C) N orth A merican Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical A cti vity
D) A ssociation for A pplied Sport Psychology
E) European Federation of Sport Psychology
A nswer: D
D iff: 2

T y pe: M C



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