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Peters College
Preliiminary Examination
Health 001
Name _____________________________Course_________________Date_________
Test I. Matching Type: Match the description in Column A with the terms in Column B. Write the
letter that corresponds to the answer.
Column A
Column B
________1. Freedom from disease and vitality
a. lifespan
________2. The root word of health
b. physical well-being
________3. Includes good relations with others
c. health
________4. Outside physical limit of man
d. habit
________5. Pattern of behavior that affects health
e. language
________6. Result from unwanted pregnancy
f. wholeness
________7. Efficient body functioning
g. culture
________8. Lack of vitality
h. technology
________9. Ages between 18-29 years
i. lifestyle
________10. Unthinking routine from repeated act
j. infirmity
________11. Smaller groups within a society
k. young adult
________12. Shared collection of habitual practices
l. pregnancy
________13. Often neglected cultural influence on health m. social well-being
________14. Result from sexual intercourse without
n. subculture
birth control
o. abortion
________15. Option to choose pregnancy or not
Test II. Fill in the blanks with the correct word or group of words to complete the sentence.
1. __________________is the number of persons occupying a specific area
2. Inherent __________________ needs in the environment includes, air and water.
3. A __________________environment contributes to fatigue, while reasonable amount of
change promote for 4. __________________.
5. __________________and health behavior are certainly influenced by our 6._____________.
7. __________________ alone is a seldom sufficient to motivation to change correct health
8. __________________ desire or belief that man need to go along or rebel against others
9. Social pressure, __________________ and 10._________________ are the best motivation
for a correct health behavior.
10. Government agency that motivates people to achieve better health is _______________.
11. Health as well being is the ability to infectious and communicable __________________.
12. Also the adaptability to cope with and overcome all types of ___________in everyday living.
13. And the feelings of contentment and ___________.
14. Feelings of being a worthy member of ___________.
15. Improving lifestyle is the capacity to make intelligent ___________ about health issues.
Test III. Enumeration.
1-3. Three dimensions of health
4-9. Stages of human life cycle
10-13. Motivations for health behavior
14-17. Languages that are often emotionally charged
18-20. Health and social problems.

St. Peters College

Preliiminary Examination
Basic Geography
Name _____________________________Course_________________Date_________
Test I. Matching Type: Match the terms in Column A with the description in Column B. Write the
letter of the corresponding answer on the space provided for.
Column A
Column B
____1. Science that deals with the earth
a. terrestrial
____2. Special planet where life exist
b. cartography
____3. Planet closest to the sun
c. globe
____4. Inner group of planets
d. geography
____5. Food manufacture in plants
e. legend
____6. Used in preparing accurate weather forecast
f. prime meridian
____7. Mapmaking
g. tropic of Cancer
____8. Speculated the size of the earth using math.
h. Earth
____9. Maps used by pilots
i. Greenwich England
____10. Small scale model of the earth
j. Mercury
____11. Graphical representation of all parts of the earth
k. Greenland
on a flat surface
l. meridian
____12. Different signs on or symbols used in maps.
m. map
____13. Shows the relationship between size and distances
n. photosynthesis
____14. Parallel that lies 23 north of the equator
o. Gnomonic map
____15. Found at 63 south of the equator.
p. Weather map
____16. Lines running vertically about the earth
q. Australia
____17. Lines designated 0 longitude on the earth
r. Antarctic circle
____18. Located in what place?
s. Eratosthenes
____19. The smallest continent
t. Scale
____20. Biggest island in the world
Test II. Identification. Write the correct answer on the space provided for.
________________1. The main source of energy on Earth.
________________2. Distance of the sun from the earth.
________________3. Other name for outer planets.
________________4. Largest planet.
________________5. Maps used by travelers to arrive at their destiny.
________________6. Scientist to publish the first printed map.
________________7. An orderly arrangement of meridians and parallels on maps
________________8. Lines drawn running North to South
________________9. Largest parallel and is a great circle.
________________10. True shape of the earth.
________________11. Designation of the 180 th meridian
________________12. Coldest and almost uninhabited continent
________________13. Point on the earth in camping and hiking trips.
________________14. Compass used in camping and hiking trips.
________________15. Location that is surrounded by bodies of water.
________________16. Continent where Philippines is located.
________________17. Represented by star-tipped arrow that points North of the Earth.
________________18. Direction toward which the magnetic arrow of compass points.
________________19. Defined by a geographic meridian on a map.
________________20. The hemisphere of the earth which is above the equator.
Test III. Enumeration.
1-2. Tools of geography
10-12. Kinds of scale
3-5. Types of maps
6-9. Four basic aspects of the earths surface.

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