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What is EC2?
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) forms a
central part of Amazon's cloud-computing platform,
Amazon Web Services (AWS), by allowing users to
rent virtual computers on which to run their own
computer applications.
This type of service is a change in the computer
model to provide resizable capacity in the cloud,
paying for capacity utilization. Instead of buying or
leasing a particular processor to use for several
months or years, in EC2 capacity is rented by the

EC2 encourages scalable deployment of applications
by providing a web service through which a user can
boot an Amazon Machine Image to configure a
virtual machine, which Amazon calls an "instance",
containing any software desired.

A user can create, launch, and terminate serverinstances as needed, paying by the hour for active
servers - hence the term "elastic".
EC2 provides users with control over the
geographical location of instances that allows for
latency optimization and high levels of redundancy.

It has a web services interface to start and

configure the service, that provides complete
control of resources and reduces the boot
time of its servers, allowing resources to scale
quickly to user needs.
It also provides tools for data recovery and
strong isolation from other processes
performed on their machines.

How does it work?

To use the EC2, a subscriber creates an Amazon
Machine Image (AMI) containing the operating
system, application programs and configuration
Then the AMI is uploaded to the Amazon Simple
Storage Service (Amazon S3) and registered with
Amazon EC2, creating a so-called AMI identifier

Once this has been done, the subscriber can

requisition virtual machines on an as-needed
Capacity can be increased or decreased in real
time from as few as one to more than 1000
virtual machines simultaneously.
Billing takes place according to the computing
and network resources consumed.

Advantages of using EC2.

Saves on costs: the system establishes the
payment only time in which the server is
started, not the space you use.
The response time in the Amazon network is
very fast: it has sufficient redundancy servers
to support the fall of any node to another.
Thus the network latency is very low, which
results in page load time.

Amazon has many AMIs (both own and

community). which allow pre-installed and preconfigured services such as Apache, PHP,
Security: you will always be protected by the
firewall EC2, which overlaps the firewall machine.
Monitoring: from the console of Amazon EC2 can
be displayed at any time the state of the
machine. You will know what resources are used,
for example, disc or memory information, CPU,
open processes and network usage.

Allows easy sharing of storage across

multiple "instances. Thus, you can easily
migrate to a more powerful instance, without
losing the settings made and always retaining
data on disk.

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