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Review of Related Literature

The internet has made life a lot easier by making information more accessible to all
creating connections with different people around the world. However it has also led a
lot of people to spend too much time in front of the computer, so much that it becomes
the center of their lives. This can lead to an internet or computer addiction.
Sovereign Health Group

According to (berman, 2000), excessive,unmonitored use of computers, especially

when combined with use of their screen technologies, such as television, can place
children at risk for harmful effects on their physical, social, and psychological
development. Children need physical activity, social interaction and the love and
guidance of caring adults to be healthy, happy and productive.
Similarly with (konerman, 2014) todays computer have changed the lives of children
of all ages. While this technology can be an amazing thing to enjoy and use for learning
and entertainment, it can also have sometimes unseen effects on your childs health
and development. With awareness and cautions, you can help your child benefit from
computers while avoiding possible problems.
However, according to (robinson, 2013) on their article stated that the suggested
result that computer ownership alone users unlikely to have much of an impact on short
term schooling outcomes for low- income children in developed countries. The results of
their studies differ from study in Romania that found in negative impact of home

computer or educational outcomes as few children actually used the computer for
homework or other educational purposes and instead mostly played computer games. A
possible explanation for the different findings on their study was that in many developing
countries computers maybe somewhat novel, whereas in the United States home
computers. Were very prevalent and be less of a distraction for school children.
According to (barboza, 1999-2015) computer served as a quick and convenient way
to get things done. For this reasons people rely heavily on computers, especially at
places like offices, schools, hospitals and home. Unfortunately using computers can
harm our health such as a kind of the diseases of : vision problems, physical health
issues, exposure to radiation, addiction and syndromes.
But, according to (Johnson, 2000) this explosion in the technology has increase
efforts to equip every classroom with computers and wire every school to the internet.
Between September 1984 and September 1997 alone, the number of computers in
America's K-12 schools increased elevenfold to more than 8 million units. 1Educators
have been forced to keep up, and some are finding themselves teaching general skills
in how to use a computer while they use them to teach other subjects. In 1997, Harold
Wenglinsky of the Educational Testing Service, which works closely with the National
Center for Education Statistics in preparing the NAEP data file, published a major study
on computers and academic achievement. Using data from the 1996 National
Assessment of Educational Progress math examination, Wenglinsky analyzed student
computer use both in class and at home,8 as well as a variety of social and behavioral
factors that could explain math achievement. Using data from the 1996 National
Assessment of Educational Progress math examination, Wenglinsky analyzed student

computer use both in class and at home,8 as well as a variety of social and behavioral
factors that could explain math achievement. That study generally showed a positive
reaction to the technology. Wenglinsky noted, however, that students who used
computers predominantly for drill and practice, as opposed to using them in ways that
develop higher-order thinking skills.
According to Harvey (2002) they studied that researching online or browsing
through the internet or computer allows students to search more information. Therefore
Tracey (2006) they have, and studied that the use of computer technology in education
provides many opportunities for most students or to have a knowledge with the
technology affords which is similar to Jin (2010) viewed that the most sumsational
invention in the earth, that the students can learn more effective and supports them that
made our society more comfortable and convenient.

barboza, s. (1999-2015). negative effects of computer.

berman, m. k. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.
Berman, M. K. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.
Johnson, K. (2000). classroom boosts academic achievement.
konerman, t. (2014). negative effects of computer on children. negative effects of
computer on children.
robinson, r. f. (2013). impact of home computers on the academic achievement of
low income children in the UN.

barboza, s. (1999-2015). negative effects of computer.

berman, m. k. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.

Berman, M. K. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.
konerman, t. (2014). negative effects of computer on children. negative effects of
computer on children.
robinson, r. f. (2013). impact of home computers on the academic achievement of
low income children in the UN.

berman, m. k. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.
Berman, M. K. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.
konerman, t. (2014). negative effects of computer on children. negative effects of
computer on children.
robinson, r. f. (2013). impact of home computers on the academic achievement of
low income children in the UN.

berman, m. k. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.
Berman, M. K. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.
konerman, t. (2014). negative effects of computer on children. negative effects of
computer on children.

Berman, M. K. (2000). children and computer tech. children and computer tech.

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