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The Day



Dead is

the dead on November



of Mexican origin Mesoamerican onehonoring

from November




celebrations Catholic of All Souls Day and All Saints .

It is a holiday celebrated in Mexico and some countries of Central America , and in many
communities in the United States , where there is a large Mexican and Central American
population. The UNESCO has declared the festival as Intangible Cultural Heritage of
Humanity . 2 exists in Brazil a similar celebration known as Dia dos Souls , although this festival
does not have the same pre-Hispanic roots that the Day of the Dead.
The cult of death in Mexico is not new, it is already practiced for upcoming dates to 1800 BC
Also, in the Aztec calendar is located in the Museum of Anthropology, you can see that from 18
months old in this calendar, there were at least 6 celebrations of the dead. Christian
missionaries from colonial times accepted in part the traditions of ancient Mesoamerican
peoples to introduce Christianity among indigenous peoples.
The origins of the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico predate the arrival of
Spaniards. There






ethnicity Mexica ,Maya , Purepecha and Totonac . Rituals celebrating the life of the ancestors
are made in these civilizations for at least three thousand years ago. Among the prehistoric
peoples was common practice to keep skulls as trophies and display them during the rituals to
symbolize death and rebirth.
The festival that became the Day of the Dead commemorated the ninth month of the Aztec
solar calendar , about the beginning of August, and was celebrated for an entire
month. Festivities were presided over by the goddess Mictecachuatl , known as the "Lady of




" La

Catrina "character

of Jos


Posada )


wife Mictlantecuhtli , Lord of the land of the dead. The festivities were dedicated to the
celebration of children and the lives of deceased relatives.

The Mexican Revolution was an armed conflict that took place inMexico , beginning
on November 20 of 1910 . Historically, it is often referred to as the most important political and
social events twentieth century in Mexico .
The background of the conflict go back to the situation of Mexico under
the Porfiriato . Since 1876 the Oaxacan General Porfirio Diaz held thepower in the country
so dictatorial . This went on for 34 years, during which Mexico experienced a substantial
economic growth and political stability. These achievements were made with high economic
and social costs they paid the underprivileged strata of society and political opposition to the
Diaz regime. During the first decade of the twentieth century several crises erupted in various
areas of national life, reflecting the growing discontent of some sectors with the Porfiriato.
When Diaz said in an interview that he would retire at the end of his term without seeking reelection, the political situation began to stir.Opposition to the government became relevant to
the position expressed by Diaz. In this context, Francisco I. Madero made several tours in the
country with a view to forming a political party to elect their candidates in a national assembly
and compete in elections. Diaz launched a new bid for the presidency and Madero was
arrested in San Luis Potosi for sedition . During his stay in prison were held elections that gave
victory to Diaz.
Madero escaped from the state prison and fled to the United States .From San
Antonio proclaimed the Plan de San Luis , who called to take up arms against the government
of Diaz on November 20 of 1910 . The armed conflict took place in the first instance in the
north and later spread to other parts of the country. Once the rebels occupied Ciudad
Juarez ( Chihuahua ), Porfirio Diaz resigned and went into exile inFrance .
In 1911 new elections in which he was elected Madero were performed.From the beginning of
his term he had differences with other revolutionary leaders, which led to the lifting of Emiliano
Zapata andPascual Orozco against the Madero government. In 1913 a counterrevolutionary
movement headed by Flix Daz , Bernardo Reyesand Victoriano Huerta gave a coup . The
military uprising, known as theTen Tragic Days , ended with the murder of Madero, his brother
Gustavo and Vice President Pino Suarez . Huerta assumed the presidency, which caused the
reaction of several revolutionary leaders as Venustiano Carranza and Francisco Villa . After

little more than a year of fighting, and after the US occupation of Veracruz , Huerta resigned
the presidency and fled the country.

Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a holiday celebrated in the United States on the
fourth Thursday in November. It became an official Federal holiday in 1863, when, during
the Civil War, President Abraham Lincolnproclaimed a national day of "Thanksgiving and
Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens", to be celebrated on the last
Thursday in November.[1] Also, there are reports that the original Thanksgiving proclamation
was signed by George Washington.[2] As a federal and publicholiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving
is one of the major holidays of the year. Together with Christmas and New Year, Thanksgiving
is a part of the broaderholiday season.
The event that Americans commonly call the "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated by
the Pilgrims after their first harvest in the New World in 1621. [3]This feast lasted three days, and
it was attended by 90 Native Americans (as accounted by attendee Edward Winslow)[4] and 53
Pilgrims.[5] The New England colonists were accustomed to regularly celebrating
"thanksgivings"days of prayer thanking God for blessings such as military victory or the end
of a drought.[6]
Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada
as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. Several
other places around the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth
Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada.
Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions, and has long been
celebrated in a secularmanner as well.

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