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Table of Contents
Sheng Qi - The Beneficial Energy
Sha Qi - The Harmful Energy
Front Door
Door Condition
Area around Door
Door Colour
Area Leading to the Door
Balance Your Living Room
Make Sure Your Bedroom is a Safe Haven
Round Dining Table is Beneficial for Relationships
The Kitchen
Be Extra Careful with Bathrooms
Watch Your Back While at Work
Replace or Repair Broken Items & Dont Overcrowd Everything
Clean, Organise & Clear to Make Room for What you Want Keep
Colour Yourself Healthy, Wealthy & Loved
Lucky Objects to Place in your Environment
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The Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore


Fengshui and similar arts have been practiced in the Far East for more than few thousand
years. Fengshui is a very logical and scientific body of ideas and theories. This body of
knowledge was recorded by the ancient sages through keen observations of people,
environment and the stars. They documented, compared notes, and birthed this art. Once you
understand its fundamental principles, you will be able to produce harmony in almost any
situation or environment and that is the most important level for any Fengshui practitioner to
achieve. I have compiled a set of notes which contained the most fundamental and also the
most important Fengshui knowledge that every practitioner must know by heart. Fengshui is
not about memorising but requires the practitioner to internalise the knowledge and able to
wield it according to the situation.

This book has been put together to simplify Fengshui so that everyone can understand and
work with its principles to harmonise their lives and that is the key to more success, wealth
and happiness. This body of Fengshui knowledge, when properly utilised, will help attract
prosperity, but one must also be willing to do away with bad habits to reap fully the benefits
of Fengshui. Fengshui is mainly about understanding the environment and home, then
learning how to energise the various corners of the home according to the needs of the home
owner. When you energise the various parts of your home, your life will improve and you
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will start to attract more prosperity. For example, you must activate your romance sector so
that you can be a magnet for more dating opportunities. The home that is administered with
Fengshui remedy will also benefit the homeowner eventually and it will be easier for you to
attract success when you have a happy and harmonised life. Fengshui practitioners must
always critically evaluate all areas of your home, examining each and every room inside as
well as outside of the house. The key step is to recognise the connection between the owner
and the house, therefore it is important to find out your life destiny and leverage it as first
step to understanding this connection.

Knowing your life destiny will help you better

understand your birth element, your best colours and your best directions for improving your
life. One can rely on Bazi () or Ziwei Astrology (

) to find out your life destiny.

These are all tools to help you attain your goals. This book will help you decorate your home
to improve your health, increase your wealth and find harmony. If youve heard about
Fengshui and are interested to learn more about it, I think this little book will help you get
started easily.

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Sheng Qi - The Beneficial Energy

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(Photo credit: Dawn Ashley)

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There are several different sources of energy that move in and around us, even though we
cannot see it with our human eyes. One type of Qi that every Fengshui practitioner must learn
about is the Sheng Qi. Sheng Qi is the energy that vibrates good, healthy and prosperous
A house that has full of Sheng Qi will bring success and harmony to its occupants. That is
why everyone should try to promote the Sheng Qi in their house.

Sha Qi - The Harmful Energy

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(Photo credits: Maddie Photography)

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When you are surrounded by the Sha Qi, you will feel like you are going towards the wrong
direction or feeling angry and unhappy. Sha Qi can arise because of several reasons; you may
be living in the wrong place, hanging with the wrong people, or simply having poison arrows
pointing at you.
Staying too long in a house that is filled with Sha Qi is harmful to the occupants. We cannot
do away with Sha Qi entirely but should try to reduce as much as possible.

Front Door

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(Photo credit: Giuseppe Milo)

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As the Chinese saying goes, the windows are the eyes of the soul and the door is the mouth.
Since it represents the mouth of the dwelling, naturally we need to take care of it, just like
how we would take care of our mouth. An attractive entrance to your home or office will
encourage energy to enter.
Just by observing the door of a house, one can predict the living conditions of the occupant
and life circumstances that the homeowner is going through now.

Door Condition

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(Photo credit: J.S.B)

You also need to make sure your front door does not have any cracks or makes any creaking
sound when it opens or closes. A broken door or one that is hard to enter brings in the worst
kind of energy. Try to oil the joints and fix the cracks as soon as you spot it. Do not let any
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spiders to settle near any parts of the front door as this will increase the Yin energy. Brush
away the spider webs as soon as you see them.

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Area around Door

(Photo credit: Heather Elias)

Clutter should not be allowed to accumulate anywhere, especially at the entrance. People
have a tendency to put things at the door as a reminder to get rid of the things, but often
forgetting all about it. Do not let any pebbles or small rocks settle in front of your front door.
If this is allowed, the women of the house will be bullied.

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Door Colour

(Photo credit: Perry Heaton)

Bright-coloured doors are very nice but do not suit everyone. Choose a colour that is most
auspicious for the home owner. A bright colour may look nice, but if the colour clashes with
the homeowner's destiny, it may attract unwanted elements into his life.
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Colour tone should also blend with the home decor to ensure harmony. A door colour that
clashes with the home decor may signal that the homeowner is having issues with the rest of
the family members.
Try to choose door made of strong material. The door material should also be the element
that the homeowner needs. Designing a door in this manner will balance the life elements of
the homeowner, eventually attracting health and success.

Area Leading to the Door

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(Photo credit: Caroline Bach)

While many sidewalks lead in a straight line toward the door, it is more beneficial if the walk
curves or meanders toward the door. If your walkway leads in a straight line to your door you
should try to change it to one that curves or one that leads to the side to disburse the straight
racing energy that flows toward the door. If you are unable to do so, place a plant pot along
the corridor around the door area to slow down the incoming Qi.
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Balance Your Living Room

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(Photo credit: Reiner Kraft)

The ideal entrance to the living room should open from a foyer. A buffer is needed to slow
down the fast flowing energy from the entrance to the home. You should choose colours for
the living room that are beneficial to homeowners life elements and direction or that suit his
overall harmony.

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Great idea to install a ceiling fan in the living room to ensure good air circulation. Setting the
fan to low speed setting is the best. Setting the fan to high speed setting can disrupt the flow
of Qi in the house, causing dizziness to the occupants.

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Make Sure Your Bedroom is a Safe Haven

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(Photo credit: Ruth Lozano)

The bedroom is a very important part of the house. People spend a lot of time in the bed
because of sleep; therefore it affects the person in a huge way. As such, you must pay
attention to the bed. Your bed should be comfortable, and the energy should flow smoothly
throughout the room.
Do not position the bed underneath the window, as the external Qi outside the house will
influence the mind of the occupant, resulting in bad rest. Try not to position the bed so that
the occupant's feet face directly the door. Place the bed so that your head faces the auspicious
direction when lying on the bed.
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Round Dining Table is Beneficial for Relationships

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(Photo credit: Lisa Nichols)

Round, oval and octagonal tables are more beneficial than square or rectangular tables, as
there are no sharp edges to separate people. Try not to use hanging electric lights because
these hanging items belong to the Fire element. Having the hanging electric lights near to the
head area is not good for health.

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The Kitchen

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(Photo credit: Suzy Spence)

The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in the home according to Fengshui. The
Chinese believe the kitchen and the placement of the stove is critical to the accumulation of
wealth. Never have two stove sets in the same kitchen because this often results in the
husband to have two wives or keeps a mistress outside secretly.
Try not to paint the kitchen red colour even though red is the auspicious colour for the home
owner or the wife. The kitchen area naturally already has many Fire elements due to the
presence of toasters, ovens, stove, etc. Overdoing is not the way of a Fengshui practitioner.
More may not always be better. Fengshui practitioners must always pay attention to
achieving details.

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Be Extra Careful with Bathrooms

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(Photo credit: Andre Warchy)

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Always try to close the door of the toilet when not using it. Keep the toilet lid down all the
time unless using it.

Watch Your Back While at Work

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(Photo credit: Christian Heilmann)

Whether you work at home or in an office, never sit with your back to the door, and try not to
face a wall. Facing a wall can make it seem as though you will never get ahead, as your
progress is blocked
You can put more plants around your office cubicle to achieve greater harmony with your
colleagues. It is often a great conversation starter too. Placement of cactus plants belongs to
the advance Fengshui study and will not be discussed here. In any case, try not to place a
cactus plant in your office area.

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Replace or Repair Broken Items & Dont Overcrowd Everything

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(Photo credit: Lenore Edman)

Replace anything in the home that is not working properly, especially burned out light bulbs,
leaky sinks, and broken or cracked windows and doors. Everything should be in proper
working order; otherwise your resources will drain away.
Always try to repair as the first resort and buying as last resort. Do not ever think that you
will get used to the spoilt item, therefore there is no need to replace or repair it. One good
way to determine if someone is in their bad luck cycle is to observe their mind-set towards
such situation.

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Clean, Organise & Clear to Make Room for What you Want Keep
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(Photo credit: Ryan Harvey)

This is a very important course of action for clearing away negative energies. Cleaning out
clutter and keeping your home and office neat and tidy is one of the first steps toward
activating your sectors ruling health, wealth and romance.
Do not let any spiders and their spider webs to accumulate in any corners of your house.
Their presence signals the growth of Yin energy in the area. Once you spot the spider webs,
try to clear them out as soon as possible. For those who are fully committed in their Nonkilling practice, you can gently transfer the spiders to other places such as under a shady plant
or tree.
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Colour Yourself Healthy, Wealthy & Loved

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(Photo credit: Albastrica Mititica)

Use your lucky colours for house and office colours, the colour of your car, and even clothes.
Colour is especially important when used to balance out the five elements.
One important note is; never to overdo with colour. If a person lacks the Fire element, you
might be keen to paint an entire room red. A better idea would be to paint the room in another
conventional colour and place red colour objects in the room. An example would be to paint
the room white, and place a red vase in the same room. The white coloured white will bring
out the redness of the vase. The occupant will then focus his attention on the red vase. This
can help the occupant immensely.
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Lucky Objects to Place in your Environment

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(Photo credit: Jeremy Atkinson)

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Paintings and pictures that symbolize happiness can be placed in different rooms for a
calming effect. Avoid any kind of art that suggests unhappiness. Symbols of happiness will
induce happiness and symbols of unhappiness will attract unhappiness. As simple as that.
Also try not to put any paintings or statues of naked women or men in any corners of the
room. Different corners of the room represent different members of the family. Placement of
such paintings or statues in the corner that represents the head of the house will result in him
having extra-marital affairs.

Do not put any religious symbols in the bedroom. The bedroom is a place of rest and should
not contain any of such items. Only monks or nuns can place religious symbols in their

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Everyone is born with a fixed set of destiny, but it does not remain fixed forever. Each and
every one of us is given the opportunities to transform our destiny for the better. The first step
is to recognise that it can be done and the second step is to do it. It is as simple as that.
Ordained into the monkhood is an extremely powerful way to transform life destiny and to
reduce the afflictions of Karma, but not everyone is able to do that. It requires a lot of
commitment to make that decision therefore we must always respect the monks and nuns.
Apart from monkhood, one can also rely on education, layman religious practice and
Fengshui to transform destiny. Important note is to be charitable to those who need your help
once you have transformed your destiny.
I have included the Heart Sutra (translated by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh) as part of this
reading. It is one of the highest form of realisation that any practitioners can achieve. One

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may not connect to the writings as of now, but eventually the realisation will set in. Hope you
enjoyed this book and the Heart Sutra as well.

Om Mani Padme Hum

The Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore


Avalokiteshvara while practicing deeply with the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore,
suddenly discovered that all of the five Skandhas are equally empty, and with this realisation
he overcame all Ill-being.

Listen Sariputra, this Body itself is Emptiness and Emptiness itself is this Body. This Body
is none other than Emptiness and Emptiness is none other than this Body. The same is true of
Feelings, Perceptions, Mental Formations, and Consciousness.
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Listen Sariputra, all phenomena bear the mark of Emptiness; Their true nature is the nature
of no Birth no Death, no Being no Non-being, no Defilement no Purity, no Increasing no

That is why in Emptiness, Body, Feelings, Perceptions, Mental Formations and

Consciousness are not separate self-entities.

The Eighteen Realms of Phenomena which are the six Sense Organs, the six Sense Objects,
and the six Consciousnesses are also not separate self-entities.

The Twelve Links of Interdependent Arising and their Extinction are also not separate selfentities.

Ill-being, the Causes of Ill-being, the End of Ill-being, the Path, insight and attainment, are
also not separate self-entities.

Whoever can see this no longer needs anything to attain.

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Bodhisattvas who practice the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore see no more
obstacles in their mind, and because there are no more obstacles in their mind, they can
overcome all fear, destroy all wrong perceptions and realize Perfect Nirvana.

All Buddhas in the past, present and future by practicing the Insight that Brings Us to the
Other Shore are all capable of attaining Authentic and Perfect Enlightenment.

Therefore Sariputra, it should be known that the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore is
a Great Mantra, the most illuminating mantra, the highest mantra, a mantra beyond compare,
the True Wisdom that has the power to put an end to all kinds of suffering.

Therefore let us proclaim a mantra to praise the Insight that Brings Us to the Other Shore:

Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha! Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi
Svaha! Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate, Bodhi Svaha!

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