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HELLO ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
WHAT IS VEGANISM? Definition ...................................................................................................................................... 2
WHO ARE VEGANS? ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
WHY BE A VEGAN? ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
-For the animals- .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
-For the environment- ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
-For people- ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
-For your health- .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
WHAT'S WRONG WITH DAIRY? ....................................................................................................................................... 14
WHAT'S WRONG WITH EGGS? ......................................................................................................................................... 18
WHAT DO VEGANS EAT? .................................................................................................................................................... 20
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 23
-But what about these canines? Lions eat meat too! ............................................................................................. 23
-But meat tastes good! ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
-Where do vegans get protein, calcium, iron, B12 etc.? ....................................................................................... 26
-Plants have feelings too! .................................................................................................................................................. 29
-But if we don't kill and eat animals, they will overpopulate Earth! ............................................................. 30
-It's a personal choice to eat meat, who are you to judge me? Respect my choices! .............................. 30
-What's wrong with eating fish? .................................................................................................................................... 32
-God told us to eat animals! .............................................................................................................................................. 33
VEGANS DON'T WEAR LEATHER, FUR, WOOL, FEATHER OR SILK CLOTHES ............................................ 34
VEGANS FIGHT AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING ............................................................................................................. 35
BECOMING VEGAN-GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................................... 38
1. Commit
2. Learn How
3. Practice and grow
4. Groceries
5. If you don't like vegetables
ACTIVISM .................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................................................................ 42

If you're not really into reading, you can easily go vegan in 4.5 hours by watching 3 documentaries:
1. FORKS OVER KNIVES health benefits of veganism
2. COWSPIRACY impact of animal agriculture on our environment
3. EARTHLINGS animal abuse, torture and murder
OVERNIGHT by The Vegan Activist on youtube.


Hello! My name is Jasmina Huski, I'm a 19 years old girl and I live in a small town in
Bosnia & Herzegovina called Klju. If you know anything about Bosnia, you would know
that our cuisine is based on animal products. Meat, dairy and eggs are present in almost all of
our meals, which we find is normal and healthy diet, but its far from that.
Our traditional meals: Burek, Sarma, Bosanski lonac, evapi, ufte are all based on the
carcinogenic red meat and we eat these meals on a daily basis! Dairy is also consumed
massively and is included in almost all 3 meals of the day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Thanks to social media I realized what was I doing wrong for 18 years, or better said, what
others told me to do, what harm I was causing to animals, our environment and my own
health. And sadly, Im not the only one doing these wrong things...
In just one day, my life changed completely, and Im so glad it did, I could never go back to
where I was. So, you may ask yourself what happened that made me change in short period
of time? VEGANISM. Thats what happened to me.
I randomly clicked on one video about veganism just to dislike it, because I hated that word,
I thought veganism is something extreme and unnecessary, but instead of disliking it, I
watched the whole video and it recommended to watch 3 documentaries to understand
veganism: Earthlings, Cowspiracy and Forks over knives, and because I was bored, I
said, why not, lets see another stupid thing from vegans. And I regret saying these words,
watching these documentaries was the best decision Ive made my whole life. I sat in my
room for 4 hours watching them, crying my eyes out, nervously touching my hair and biting
my lipsI was in shock! Long time hidden truth was in front of my eyes and I couldnt
neglect it. It felt like someone hit me hard in the head and those dark glasses that were
covering my eyes, fell off. I became overwhelmed with anger, I was angry at myself and the
humanity in general. Ive called myself an animal lover since I was little, I would cry every
time I see an animal suffer, either on TV or in real life, but I never realized I was such a
hypocrite. Our society is brainwashed into thinking so many things that are not true, and so
was I, but Ive finally made the connection and now Im trying to help others make that
connection too.
But anyways, this story is becoming too long, I should just start slowly, explaining one by
one thing to you, because maybe youre confused if you dont know what is veganism and
who are vegans, but dont worry, this book is here to help you and I hope you will make the
connection too after reading it!


-WHAT IS VEGANISM?Definition of veganism:

Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable,
all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other
purpose. It's a practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in
diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals.
One thing you need to remember is veganism is not just about diet!
Vegans avoid exploiting animals for any purpose, with compassion being a key reason
many choose a vegan lifestyle, but there are many other reasons why everyone should
go vegan. From accessories and clothing to bathroom items, animal products are found
in more places than you might expect.
*Extra information:
Russell Simmons , Brad
Pitt, Ariana Grande,
Natalie Portman, Jared
Leto, Pamela Anderson,
Johnny Depp, Miley
Cyrus, Flo Rida, Alyssa
Milano, Jennifer Lopez
and many other
celebrities follow a vegan

People often hear word 'veganism' and block their minds before they even hear what it
is and why people are following this lifestyle. You should actually be doing the opposite,
educating yourself about it so it becomes less foreign.
The core of veganism is for human beings to live a life that does not exploit animals in
any way. It is actually possible to avoid animal products and still have an extremely
healthy lifestyle that is fulfilling and enjoyable.


-WHO ARE VEGANS?A follower of veganism is known as a vegan.

Vegans are people who call for compassion to all living beings on Earth. Vegans don't
eat any kind of animal products (meat, dairy, eggs, honey) or anything that contains
these products. They don't wear clothes and shoes made of animal skin, fur, wool, silk
and feathers and do not use items made of animal skin, wool and feathers (wallets,
handbags, leather furniture, pillows ...), because to get all of these ingredients/items,
animals are either tortured, raped or killed, and people don't need them to thrive and
survive, so it's unnecessary animal abuse. By getting these ingredients/items we are
stealing something that does NOT belong to us!

The truth is, anyone can be vegan with the correct knowledge and resources.


-WHY BE A VEGAN?Benefits of veganism actually outweigh the pitfalls and therefore it should be something
worth considering as a lifestyle choice. Many people like to hear the usual a vegan diet
promotes wight loss but if this is all you think it is, you're missing the mark. Yes, it will
help you lose weight, but it shouldn't be your main reason for giving up animal
products. There are many other reasons to be vegan: it's the healthiest diet (that was
meant for humans), it's good for our environment, it decreases world hunger, it's good
for the animals and it's delicious! People may become vegans for many reasons,
including concern for personal health and the environment, economic and world
hunger concerns, food preferences, or spiritual reasons. People may become vegans for
one reason, and then later on adopt some of the other reasons as well.
Veganism is spreading
all over the world.
Millions of people are
already vegan and
every week thousands
are joining them. They
want a healthy way of
life in which there is
no room for murder
and exploitation of

The problem is that humans have victimized animals to such a

degree that they are not even considered victims. They are not even
considered at all. They are nothing. They don't count; they don't
matter; they're commodities like TV sets and cell phones. We have
actually turned animals into inanimate objects - sandwiches and
-Gary Yourofsky

Here are the main reasons to go vegan (explained):


-FOR THE ANIMALSThe lives of animals are entirely in your hands. Your food choices help determine if they
live or if they die.
My goal is simple.

All I want
to do is re-connect people
with animals. Awaken some
emotions and some feelings
and some logic, that is been
buried and suppressed,
intentionally, by our
-Gary Yourofsky

The number of lives taken by the animal agribusiness industry is enormous. The
numbers can be overwhelming and even unimaginable.
Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. More than 3,000
animals die every second in slaughterhouses around the world!
Please remember that the staggering numbers are made up of INDIVIDUALS, each with
his or her own personality, each with a deep desire to live, each afraid to die, each
capable of experiencing pain and fear. Each animal is also capable of playfulness and
joy if only wed give them the chance to live their lives...

"Animals have
hearts that feel, eyes
that see, and
families to care for,
just like you and
- Anthony Douglas

On todays factory farms, animals are crammed by the thousands into filthy,
windowless sheds and stuffed into wire cages, metal crates, and other torturous
devices. These animals will never raise their families, build nests, or do anything that is
natural and important to them. Most wont even feel the warmth of the sun on their
backs or breathe fresh air until the day theyre loaded onto trucks headed for
Animals on factory farms endure constant fear and torment:

Theyre often given so little space that they cant even turn around or lie down
comfortably. Egg-laying hens are kept in small cages, chickens and pigs are kept in
jam-packed sheds, and cows are kept on crowded, filthy feedlots.
Antibiotics are used to make animals grow faster and to keep them alive in the
unsanitary conditions. Research shows that factory farms widespread use of
antibiotics can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten human health.
Most factory-farmed animals have been genetically manipulated to grow larger or to
produce more milk or eggs than they naturally would. Some chickens grow so
unnaturally large that their legs cannot support their outsized bodies, and they suffer
from starvation or dehydration when they cant walk to reach food and water.

Animals run no risk of going to hell, they are in hell already... Victor Hugo

When theyve grown large enough to slaughter or their bodies have been worn out
from producing milk or eggs, animals raised for food are crowded onto trucks and
transported for miles through all weather extremes, typically without food or water. At
the slaughterhouse, those who survived the transport will have their throats slit, often
while theyre still conscious. Many remain conscious when theyre plunged into the
scalding-hot water of the defeathering or hair-removal tanks or while their bodies are
being skinned or hacked apart.
We see them as an it rather than a him or her. We need to wake up from this view,
because it is unjustifiable. The beings we eat are just as able to feel and just as worthy
of moral consideration as our non-human companions whom we love and protect.

Did you know that every vegan saves more than 100 animals a year?

Factory farms want to hide this, it's not the same what you see in advertisements. You
know about Happy cow? That does NOT exist. THIS IS THE TRUTH!
Many attempts have been made to
justify our practice of killing and
eating other animals, and to
downplay the horror of this practice.
Please, consider what it is like to live
a life where your mother is killed
while you are young, a life where you
are confined to live on a little space
while you are fed with food that
makes you grow at an unnatural rate
and a life where you are taken away
to be killed shortly after you have
brought little younglings into the
world who will now suffer the same
life. This is the life of beings we eat.

By choosing to live vegan, you help save the life of some of the most gentle, nurturing,
family-oriented animals on the planet.
By choosing to live vegan, each year you personally save dozens and perhaps hundreds
of animals from a tortuous death by drowning or suffocation.
When you say No to animal products, you say No! to cruelty and killing. You say
Yes to compassion, Yes to justice, and Yes to a better way.
Animals do not give their life to us. NO!
They struggle and fight to the last breath,
just as we would do if we were in their
place. Just put yourself in their place...look
through their eyes.

Let us remember that animals are not mere resources for human consumption. They
are splendid beings in their own right, who have evolved alongside us as co-inheritors
of all the beauty and abundance of life on this planet.
But yet, for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh, we deprive a soul of the sun and
light and of that proportion of life and time it had been born into the world to enjoy.

-FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAnimal agriculture is a major threat to life on earth including being a leading
contributor to climate change, species extinction, water pollution, wasting of water, and
deforestation (including cutting down rain forests). It is also the leader in publicly
funded wildlife killing and displacement of wild animals due to wilderness destruction.
Plant-based food production uses dramatically less land. It eliminates the need for
deforestation, uses less water, emits less greenhouse gases, saves lives, and conserves
the worlds resources for future generations.

A staggering 51 percent or more of

global greenhouse-gas emissions are
caused by animal agriculture,
according to a report published by
the Worldwatch Institute.
According to the United Nations, a
global shift toward a vegan diet is
necessary to combat the worst
effects of climate change.

It takes an enormous amount of water to grow
crops for animals to eat, clean filthy factory
farms, and give animals water to drink. To
produce just one pound of "meat" requires on
average 2500 gallons of water; a gallon of cows'
milk requires 750 gallons of water. By simply
choosing to live vegan, you can save up to 1
MILLION gallons of water every year! That's so
much water that being Vegan you could leave
your shower on 24 hours a day 365 days a year
and STILL you couldn't waste as much water as
someone consuming a typical animal-based diet.

The number one reason for cutting
down trees, including the destruction of
the rainforest, is to clear land to grow
food for farmed animals. In just one
year, one person living vegan saves a
full acre of trees. It takes up to 10
pounds of grain to produce just 1
pound of meat, and in the United States
alone, 56 million acres of land are used
to grow feed for animals, while only 4
million acres are producing plants for
humans to eat. More than 90% of all
Amazon rainforest land cleared since
1970 is used for grazing livestock.

Our oceans are dying... industrial fishing has caused a global decline in fish populations
to near extinction in most parts of the ocean. Massive nets, miles long scrape the ocean
depths and indiscriminately scoop up and suffocate everyone in their catch turtles,
seals, dolphins, whales and billions of struggling fish. Nearly 1,000 marine mammals
(dolphins, whales, and porpoises) die every day after they are caught in fishing nets. By
some estimates, shrimp trawlers discard as much as 85% of their catch, making shrimp
trawling one of the most environmentally destructive processes of turning living
animals into food for humans.



We use enormous amounts of land, water, and other resources to grow grains and
other plants to feed animals who are then used for food, instead of more efficiently
feeding humans directly with plants.
Countries in which tens of thousands of people are starving to death every single day
are exporting edible grains to rich countries so we can feed animals first and then kill
and eat them.
With the global population of humans over 7 billionmore than a billion of whom
currently go hungrythe only way to produce enough food is, according to
Worldwatch Institute, to cut back sharply on meat consumption, because conversion
of grazing land to food crops will increase the amount of food produced.
The equation is simple, the fewer farmed animals we feed, the more people we
can feed.
Over the past few decades, millions
of Ethiopians have died of food
shortages while Ethiopia grew
grain to sell to the West to feed
cattle. Western meat-eating habits
prop up the price of grain so that
poor people in the developing
world can't afford to buy it. In
consequence, they starve by the

-FOR YOUR HEALTHFilling your plate with meat, dairy products, and eggs could be a recipe for heart
disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and even impotence. World Health Organization
recently said that processed meat causes cancer and it can be conected with smoking.
Leading health experts agree that going vegan is the single best thing we can do for
ourselves and our families.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that vegetarians and vegans enjoy a:
lower risk of death from ischemic heart disease,
lower blood cholesterol levels,
lower blood pressure,
lower rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes,
and lower body mass indexes,
as well as lower overall cancer rates.
The ADA concludes that vegetarian or vegan diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate,
and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.
Well-planned vegan diets provide us with all the nutrients that we need, minus all the
saturated fat, cholesterol, and contaminants found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy
foods. Scientists have also found that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than
their meat-eating friends; this means that they are less susceptible to everyday
illnesses such as the flu.

Did You Know? Meat and dairy consumption have been linked to diabetes.


According to the World Health Organization, up to 40 percent of all cancers are

preventable, and one-third of all cancer deaths can be attributed to nutritional factors.
A vegan diet maximizes the intake of foods that help us fight cancerfiber-packed
grains and beans and phytochemical-packed fruits and vegetablesand eliminates the
foods that promote cancer.
Dr. T. Colin Campbell, arguably the foremost epidemiological researcher alive today,
believes that animal proteins are the prime carcinogen in meat and dairy products. He
points out that human studies also support this carcinogenic effect of animal protein,
even at usual levels of consumption. No chemical carcinogen is nearly so important in
causing human cancer as animal protein.
It seems that with every bite of meat, we increase our risk of cancer. Luckily, we can
eliminate animal products from our diets and replace them with vegetable proteins that
protect our health instead of harming it.
There are so many health benefits of vegan diet, just search them online, and you will
be amazed.
*For more information about animal factory farming, agriculture, animal abuse,
environmental facts, health benefits of veganism and everything I mentioned:
- Watch Earthlings -ANIMALS
- Watch Cowspiracy -ENVIRONMENT
- Watch Forks over Knives -HEALTH

- Watch Farm to fridge -ANIMALS

- Watch Seaspiracy FISH AND OCEANS
- Visit
- Visit
- Watch presentation The best speech you will ever hear INTRO TO VEGANISM

- Watch presentation 101 reasons to go vegan MORE REASONS

- Watch presentation Uprooting the leading causes of death -HEALTH
- Watch the film Vegan 2015 -VEGANISM

So we cannot defend needlessly killing non-human animals or defend eating them at all.
But, one may ask, why not just continue consuming dairy and eggs?
Let me tell you.

-WHAT'S WRONG WITH DAIRYEvery time you have a glass of cow milk, some calf is not.
-Gary Yourofsky
Most people believe that dairy isnt a bad thing because an animal doesnt have to die in
order for you to get it. But the truth is that an animal does have to die in
fact, many animals have to die for the sake of that slice of cheese on your sandwich, or
that milk in your cereal.
The entire life of a dairy cow is a never-ending nightmarish cycle of depression, torture
and rape. Yes, rape. Many people believe that cows just naturally produce milk and
that their udders would explode if we didnt milk them. To these uninformed people
we are actually doing dairy cows a favor by milking them. This however, couldnt be
farther from the truth. Cows produce milk for the same reasons humans produce milk.
They are mammals like us, and produce milk for the sole purpose of feeding and
nourishing their baby. Cows must give birth in order to produce milk. But in order
to give birth a cow must first be pregnant, and in order for a cow to become pregnant,
she must be impregnated.

I dont care what

species of animal you
are, if someone must
restrain you to forcibly
insert an object into
vagina and rectum that
you dont want there
that is rape. As far
as Im concerned there
is absolutely no other
word for it.

Cows do not like to be milked. Suckling their young is a much different sensation than
being pumped dry by a machine.
When a dairy cow gives birth she has no time to bond with her child. Her child is
taken away from her, never to be seen by her again. This causes an unimaginable
amount of stress for both the mother cow and the baby calf.

By consuming dairy products you are supporting the production of veal. Veal comes
from the meat of cows, but not just any cows it comes from baby calves. Half of all
calves born are male and because they do not have the ability to give milk, they are
seen by the dairy industry as a liability.
When a baby calf is taken from his mother (the dairy cow) after few hours, he is then
chained in a tiny metal, plastic, or wooden crate in a way that makes it impossible for
him to turn around, walk, stand, or lay down comfortably.
Veal calves are fed a liquid diet of a synthetic formula boosted with chemicals to ward
off any disease that thrives in the disgusting conditions the calves are kept in. Veal
calves are only a few months old when they are slaughtered. Throughout the entirety of
their short lives they will never know what it feels like to be loved, cared for and
nurtured. This is where your money goes every time you buy a dairy product, whether
its milk, cheese, butter, or any other product made with dairy.
Dairy industry in 60 seconds flat:


Did you know, there is no other species on the face of this planet that drinks milk past
infancy from an animal of a different species than their own!
Would you be ashamed to drink your mother's milk as adult? Or why not your mother's
friends milk? Then why would you drink it from ANOTHER SPECIES???

As humans we have no such need for milk. In fact, most people are actually lactose
intolerant. It is actually normal to be lactose intolerant because our bodies are not
designed to digest milk past a certain age and certainly not from an animal of
another species.
The dairy industry brainwashed us into thinking We need milk for strong bones, milk
does the body good but that's far from being true.
Milk steals calcium from our bones. Yes, milk has plenty of calcium but its not the
right kind of calcium. Milk is put through processes to make it more attractive in
appearance to us humans, as well as making it less likely to be a breeding ground for
harmful bacteria. Processes like bleaching, homogenizing and pasteurizing. These
processes destroy an enzyme called phosphatase. Phosphatase is essential for the
absorption of calcium found in dairy products. By destroying phosphatase, the calcium
from dairy products deposits into our arteries and joints, causing osteoporosis and
hardening of the arteries. Because the calcium is going to our arteries and joints, and
not being absorbed and used to help build strong bones, our bodies are forced to take
calcium out of our bones to compensate.
On top of that, the excess animal protein in milk causes our bodies to steal calcium
from our bones. This is because when humans drink milk from a cow (another species
of animal) our bodies becomes acidic, and in order to balance all of that acidity our
body takes calcium away from our bones.

Dairy is linked to cause many more diseases, even breast cancer. The three biggest
causes of breast cancer are animal protein, fat and estrogen. All three are found in
dairy products. Even if you only consume organic dairy products, you are still getting
all the fat and animal protein found in cows milk, as well as estrogen.

Dairy products do nothing for our health and are unavoidably cruel. It is impossible to
take a baby animal away from its mother and call it anything but cruel. It is impossible
to rape a sentient being and call it anything but cruel. And it is impossible to know all
of this is going on, but still continue to fund it anyway and call it anything but cruel. You
are responsible for your actions. Join me and millions of other animal lovers around the
world in our fight to end animal cruelty and abuse. LIVE VEGAN!


-WHAT'S WRONG WITH EGGSWhen you eat an egg you are supporting the murder of hundreds of millions of male
chicks every year!
They are killed by the hundreds of thousands every day by being thrown in a dumpster
and left to die, tossed in garbage bags and suffocated, or more commonly, by being
ground up alive in meat grinders. But why do they need to do this? Wouldnt it be more
profitable to kill them for meat? Actually, it is more profitable to kill male chicks by the
millions because the money spent raising them wouldnt be worth the money earned in
profits. It takes a lot of food, shelter and water to raise a chick into a full-grown
chicken. Boy chickens simply will not grow as big or as fast as female chickens. They
also are not able to produce eggs.
Every time you buy a carton of eggs, whether they are conventional, organic, freerange, cage-free, certified humanely raised, etc., you are in effect paying for the
murder of hundreds of millions of baby animals.

Why you shouldn't be
eating eggs:

If you are not the victim, don't examine it entirely from your point of view because when
YOU'RE not the victim, it becomes pretty easy to rationalize and excuse cruelty, injustice,
inequality, slavery, and even murder. But when you're the victim, things look a lot
differently from that angle.
-Gary Yourofsky


In their natural state, hens only lay eggs until they have a full nest. At this point, they
would naturally stop laying eggs and start nesting. We interrupt this natural process by
constantly removing the eggs, therefore constantly encouraging the chickens to lay
more eggs to fill their nest.
The laying of every single egg involves great effort on the hens part. In intense farming
situations, some chickens even die in the process as a result of the pressure on their
laying organs.
Every egg also involves a tremendous loss of calcium from the hen. This goes to
producing the shell of the egg, protecting what would be their future babies. So, to
repair loss of calcium, hens eat their own eggs, but even if they don't eat them, it's not
good to consume eggs for health reasons.

Female chickens have a menstrual cycle that can be daily

during certain times of the year. Like women, hens have
ovaries. During a hens cycle, an ovary sends a yolk on its
path. The yolk forms what we know of as an egg white as
it moves through the reproductive tract into the shell
gland. The shell takes about 21 hours to form and
Cluck!out pops an egg! Next time you eat omelette,
scrambled eggs, fried eggs, or any other product made with
eggs, remember that, that same egg you are eating has
come from a chicken's vagina and you're basically eating
chicken's period...isn't it disgusting?

We do not need to consume non-human animals or anything that comes from them in
order to be healthy, and our consumption of their flesh, eggs and milk is in fact bad for
our health in many ways.
It should be clear at this point that going vegan would be better for humanity. It
pollutes and destroys the environment, it contibutes to world hunger, it's killing human
and non-human animals in massive numbers...

-WHAT DO VEGANS EAT?Vegan lifestyle can be explained easily:

Simple, right?
Vegans have many options, especially now when it's growing all over the world, new
vegan restaurants, bakeries and even butcheries are opening, new vegan products are
made and there is basically substitute for everything! Whatever you eat as an omnivore,
you can eat as a vegan too, but cruelty free! There are vegan burgers, chicken, bacon,
sausages, mayo, cheese, plant based milks, ice cream, cakes and even eggs! How crazy is
But let's see what do vegans eat the most:

The healthiest way to be vegan is to eat plant based diet, high carb low fat is the
healthiest option, just remember to eat enough food, but, don't think you have to eat
this way, you can eat junk food and still be vegan! If you want, you can eat vegan pizza,
burgers, chips, candy, oreos, ice cream, cakes etc., as long as they're cruelty free and no
animal had to die for you to eat it then, go ahead, eat it!
For the full guide on vegan food, check out Complete guide to vegan food on YouTube
You can find amazing vegan recipes all over the social media: youtube, google,
instagram, pinterest etc.
My recommendations:
- The Vegan Corner
-The Edgy Veg -
- Fablunch
- The Vegan Zombie
- Vegan Cooking With Love
- @veganfoodlovers on instagram
- @veganfoodshare on instagram

All of these meals look appetizing right? Did you know all of these are vegan? And the
best part is that you can eat ton of food and not gain weight! If you are still not sure
what to eat, how to know if food is vegan etc, check out these channels on youtube for
more help:
- The Vegan Activist his video Complete guide to vegan food is a must!
- Bite Size Vegan -
- Cheap Lazy Vegan
-That Vegan Couple -
We will talk more about food later.



First of all, let's compare human canines with lion's....not really similar right?

In biological terms, a lion is a predator and committed carnivore who has no choice but
to hunt prey animals and eat them. If he does not, he will quickly perish. This is simply
not the case with humans, who are, anatomically speaking, frugivores. If you are
reading this, you are not a lion and what applies to the lion with regard to sustenance
does not apply to you. And what applies to you in terms of morality does not apply to
the lion. Lions (and other carnivores/omnivores) hunt their pray, open prey's neck
with their teeth, eat blood, skin, fur, organs, bones, eyes, and everything else, so if you
are comparing yourself to a lion, shouldn't you eat those parts of the animal's body too?
Whether humans are naturally omnivores or herviores is the subject of much debate
today. There is ample evidence suggesting that an omnivorous diet is in fact harmful to
human health, while a plant-based diet promotes health. Regardless, if humans are in
fact omnivores, that means we are able to obtain nutrients from plants as well as
animalsnot that we need to eat animals.


"It's not a requirement to

eat animals, we just
choose to do it, so it
becomes a moral choice
and one that is having a
huge impact on the planet,
using up resources and
destroying the biosphere."
- James Cameron

Does this picture make you salivate? Do you feel hungry looking at it? No, right? That's
because you're not a lion!
You may also think But, I've been eating meat my whole life yes, and that's because
others told you eating meat is okay.
Think about this. If someone put you in a cage with a rabbit and an apple when you
were baby, what do you think you would do:
a) eat a rabbit and play with an apple or
b) eat apple and play with rabbit?
The answer is b right? That's because we are not born with instincts to hunt or eat
animals, but we are taught to do it!
People often try to justify eating meat with We have been eating meat for thousands of
years but that doesn't justify anything! Just because we've been doing something for a
long time doesn't mean it's the right thing to do!
Infanticide, rape, cannibalism, murder, and slavery are arguably as old as eating
animals, and yet we dont invoke the history of these acts as a justification for them.
The longevity of a behavior says nothing about the ethics of that behavior. Put simply,
today we do not need to eat animals to survive, so eating animals is an entirely ethical

If people want to be real meat eaters, I'd love to see people eat raw flesh from
the bone, down to the bone with nothing left but the bones, day after day after
-Gary Yourofsky



Hmm, not really sure about this...Have you ever tried raw meat? Or cooked meat
without any seasonings, not even salt? Does it still taste good?
Before eating meat we have to wash it, let it soak in so many seasonings (which are
mainly plants) and then cook it so it tastes good!

People often say they eat animals because they taste good. But that's not the reason to
kill them, we find it absurd to suggest that it would be okay to painlessly kill a pet or a
human being in order to make 'tasty' dinner. Taste can't justify killing sentient beings!
If you already don't like the taste of meat, you're on the right track my friend. But if you
still do, there are plenty vegan substitutes for meat that taste absolutely amazing!


It is a myth that animal protein is the only viable type of protein; plenty of plant foods
are excellent sources of protein (e.g., nuts, beans and legumes, soy, leafy greens,
broccoli, and grains), and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that a plantbased diet is perfectly capable of supplying our daily protein requirement. Also, when
we obtain our protein from plants, we consume other valuable phytonutrientsand we
dont consume all the saturated fat, cholesterol, and carcinogens that are found in
animal products. Many experts today argue that plant-based protein is in
fact superior to animal protein.
People tend to be obsessed with ensuring adequate protein intake. Yet, the average
athlete consumes far too much of this nutrientdouble the recommended daily
allowanceand excess protein intake can lead to serious health problems, such as
kidney stones, osteoporosis, and cancer.

As you already know, dairy calcium doesn't make your bones strong, but what does?


What about Iron?

Omega 3?


This vitamin comes from soil and dirt, and not only vegans can be deficient in B12, you
can be deficient no matter what is your diet, let this picture explain it to you.

For more information about vitamins and minerals in a vegan diet check out:
- Bite Size Vegan
- -

Stop filtering your nutrients through somebody else's body.

-Gary Yourofsky



Plants don't feel pain, get over it! Most of us

would agree that cutting the end off of a
carrot and chopping the head off a chicken
are not even remotely comparable. But, for
arguments sake, if plants do, in fact, have
feelings, then we have a moral obligation to
be vegan and eat plants directly rather than
via nonhuman animals, since it takes far more
plant life to feed the animals that end up
being consumed by humans than to feed
humans who eat plants directly.


The world is not going to turn vegan overnight, leaving us with billions of animals who
have been suddenly released from the slaughterhouse. The only reason there are so
many farmed animals is because they are bred for human consumption; as people stop
eating animals, people will stop breeding animals.
The worlds tens of billions of chickens, cows, pigs, geese, goats, ducks, and turkeys are
almost entirely the products of human efforts. They exist in such enormous numbers for no
other reason than that they have been produced by human beings in a system of largescale exploitation.
There would be way less these animals if they live their natural life and have families!

First of all, it's not a personal choice if there are victims!

It's impossible to respect your choice to keep torturing, abusing, raping and killing
animals, your choice to keep supporting industry that's destroying our planet, and, that
affects not only you and me, but everything else on Earth!


Explained the simple and short way:

It is not your rightbased on YOUR traditions, YOUR customs and

YOUR habitsto deny animals THEIR freedom so you can harm them,
enslave them and kill them. Thats not what rights are about. Thats
injustice. There is no counter-argument to veganism. Accept it.
Apologize for the way youve been living. Make amends and move
-Gary Yourofsky



Fish is not a plant!
Anatomically, physiologically, and
biologically, the pain system in fish is
virtually the same as in birds and mammals.
Fish have fully developed brains and
nervous systems and very sensitive mouths.
Fish use their tongues and mouths as
humans might use their handsto catch or
gather food, build nests, and even hide their
offspring from danger. Fish can also suffer
from fear and anticipation of physical pain.
An Australian study found that when fish
are chased, confined, or otherwise
threatened, they react as humans do to
stress: with increased heart and breathing
rates and a burst of adrenalin. Like any
other animal, fish feel pain and have a will
to survive.

The consumption of fish flesh is also harmful to humans. Both wild and farmed fish live
in increasingly polluted waters, and their flesh rapidly accumulates high levels of
dangerous toxins. The most prominent of these are polychlorinated biphenals (PCB)
and mercury, which can harm the brain of anyone who eats them. The Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that fish can accumulate thousands of times the
level of cancer-causing PCBs found in the water in which they live. And according
to The New England Journal of Medicine, fish are the main if not the only source of
methyl mercury, a substance that has been linked to cardiovascular disease, fetal brain
damage, blindness, deafness, and problems with motor skills, language, and attention
How overfishing is affecting our oceans and environment, watch Seaspiracy on
youtube by The Friendly Activist -



Nowhere in the Bible is it written that
we are required to eat animals. Just
because biblical passages dont
explicitly forbid a behavior, this
doesnt mean they require such a
behaviornor does it make it right.
Even Adam and Eve were strict
vegetarians. Check for yourself. In
Genesis 1:28-29, God tells Adam and
Eve that he was giving them every
seed-bearing plant all over the earth
and every tree that has seed-bearing
fruit to be their food and thats it.
Then in Genesis 9:3-4, God tells Noah
and his sons, Every creature that is
alive shall be yours to eat; I give them
all to you as I did the green plants.
Only flesh with its lifeblood still in it
you shall not eat. And, before setting
the rainbow in the sky, God tells Noah
that he is extending his promise to all
living creatures.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that
creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green
plant for food. Genesis 1:30
God is in his creations! How come religious people refuse to worship anything that
God made, but worship everything that we made in his name? If Bible or Qur'an fall
on the ground, we would pick up and kiss it, but if an animal is passing by: Kill that
animal, cut his horns off right now, torture him, take his baby away, screw him!
Every animal that God made, God is inside of, and if you kill animals, you are
murdering God, and that is blast missing abscene. Wake up religious people!
I believe in God and I respect things that God made, the water, the air, the oceans, the
forests and the animals.
-Gary Yourofsky*watch his speech in Israel about God on his youtube channel Gary Yourofsky


CLOTHESEvery year, millions of animals are killed for the clothing industryall in the name of
fashion. Whether the clothes come from Chinese fur farms (where even dogs and cats
are skinned alive), Indian slaughterhouses, or the Australian outback, an immeasurable
amount of suffering goes into every fur-trimmed jacket, leather belt and wool sweater.
Whether it came from an animal on a fur farm or one who was trapped in the wild,
every fur coat, trinket, and bit of trim caused an animal tremendous sufferingand
took away a life. Animals on fur farms spend their entire lives confined to cramped,
filthy wire cages. Fur farmers use the cheapest and cruelest killing methods available,
including suffocation, electrocution, gas, and poison.

Leather can be made from cows, pigs, goats, and sheep; exotic animals such as
alligators, ostriches, and kangaroos; and even dogs and cats, who are slaughtered for
their meat and skin in China, which exports their skins around the world.
With every pair of leather shoes
that you buy, you sentence an
animal to a lifetime of suffering.
Instead, you can choose from
hundreds of styles of
nonleather shoes, clothing,
belts, bags, and wallets. Why
choose suffering and murder?


-VEGANS FIGHT AGAINST ANIMAL TESTINGRight now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are
locked inside barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain,
suffer from extreme frustration, ache with loneliness, and long to be free.
Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful
procedure that will be performed on them. The complete lack of environmental
enrichment and the stress of their living situation cause some animals to develop
neurotic types of behavior such as incessantly spinning in circles, rocking back and
forth, pulling out their own fur, and even biting themselves. They shake and cower in
fear whenever someone approaches, and their blood pressure spikes dramatically.
After enduring a life of pain, loneliness, and terror, almost all of them will be killed.

There are many non-animal test methods that can be used in place of tests on animals.
Not only are these non-animal tests more humane, they also have the potential to be
cheaper, faster, and more relevant to humans.
Each of us can help prevent animal suffering and deaths by buying cruelty-free
products, donating only to charities that dont experiment on animals, requesting
alternatives to animal dissection, demanding the immediate implementation of
humane, effective non-animal tests by government agencies and corporations.
Help us stop this animal abuse, let's fight together against animal testing and save these
innocent sentient beings, who feel pain and fear just like me and you!



Animals arent actors, spectacles to imprison and gawk at, or circus

clowns. Yet thousands of these animals are forced to perform silly,
confusing tricks under the threat of physical punishment; are carted
across the country in cramped and stuffy boxcars or semi-truck
trailers; are kept chained or caged in barren, boring, and filthy
enclosures; and are separated from their families and friendsall for
the sake of human entertainment. Many of these animals even pay
with their lives.
To save these animals from the pain and fear, please, don't support
circuses, zoos and other shows that use animals for entertainment.

Hear their voices, look into their eyes, they are calling for help...


-BECOMING VEGAN-GETTING STARTEDWhen first starting out on the vegan path,

you may feel a little lost. The biggest
mistake people make is rushing into
veganism without knowing what they're
doing. Going vegan is harder when you
don't really know why are you doing it, so
always keep the why in the back of your
mind, always remind youself that you can
either destroy or save the world by chosing
what you're eating.

1. Commit.
Vegan is a state of mind. Its up to you to decide not to participate in the cruelty and
wastefulness of animal agribusiness. Its up to you to fill your life with vegan
abundance. Commit, overcome challenges, recommit, and make it stick. You can do it!
Make the promise to yourself, and to the animals. Pledge that youll start and promise
that youll keep trying. Exploring vegan foods, even one day per week, can be the first
step toward one of the most powerful, positive, far-reaching decisions of your life.
2. Learn How.
While choosing vegan becomes easy with time, those new to the lifestyle might be a
little overwhelmed by all the information. As with anything new, a new way of living
and eating can take some adjustment. But just like riding a bike, it will get easier with
time and experience. Soon living vegan will become second nature.
Sticking with foods that are familiar to you is a great place to start, so get to know the
foods you already eat. Which foods are plant-based and which contain animal
products? Chances are a lot (maybe most) of what you eat is already vegan or it can be
easily veganized.
3. Practice & Grow.
Living vegan can be fun! Youll find animal-free items all around you in grocery stores,
in restaurants, and online. Share your favorites with friends and family. Its a big vegan
world. Have fun exploring! Search online for vegan food, try new recipes, you may find
something you never tried before and like it, being vegan is fun!
Keep going! None of us are perfect. But each of us can strive to improve, to do better
today than we did yesterday. If you stumble, dont be too hard on yourself. Learn and
keep moving along the vegan path.


4. Groceries
Almost every grocery store has plenty of fruits, veggies, and vegan ingredients. Most
major grocery stores also carry vegan convenience foods like veggie hotdogs, burgers,
chicken strips, dairy-free milks and ice creams, frozen pizza with dairy-free cheese,
Many of the foods you already eat are probably vegan. Youll also find tons of vegan by
accident items (items not made to be specifically vegan, but happen to contain no
animal products) on the shelves like cereals, breads, pasta, chips, cookies, crackers,
soups, etc.
Remember to always have staples in your house like: fruits, vegetables, beans, grains,
potatoes, rice, bread, oats and choose few your favorite vegan meals that you can make
and eat anytime, for example: oatmeal, rice & veggies, beans and lentils, potato fries etc.
Reading Labels. Allergy warning labels make it easy to
quickly find out if an item contains animal products. If youre
reading labels, try skipping to the BIG BOLD PRINT usually
at the bottom of the ingredients list to see if it contains
common allergens like MILK and EGGS. Not all products have
this label, but many do.
5. If you don't like vegetables
You want health food? Youre in luck. You want junk food? You got it! There's an
endless variety of vegan foods for all tastebuds!
For those who love convenience foods: Even junk food junkies can switch to vegan
junk foods and STILL improve their health dramatically. Remember, there is NO
cholesterol in ANY vegan food (cholesterol is only found in animal products). While
almost all vegan food options will be much healthier than their animal-based
counterparts (often lower in fat, higher in fiber, etc.), not all vegan choices have to be
healthy (vegan ice cream, burger or pizza anyone?!).
There is a plant-based alternative to almost any animal product you used to eat. They
can and do taste fantastic and familiar. Its a vast and growing list that keeps growing as
more people purchase vegan foods and the demand for vegan food increases.
For those who dont like convenience foods: If youre into your health, choosing
vegan can take you to new heights. Some of the most powerful and successful health
advocates and athletes in the world choose vegan foods to step up their game. Whether
youre a superstar athlete, someone who treats your body like a temple, or someone
just looking to clean up your diet, put on some muscle, or take off some weight -choosing vegan is the best way to go - for your health, for the planet, and for the

If you're into fitness, health or bodybuilding, I recommend you to follow these youtube
channels for motivation/inspiration: all of them are vegan athletes: In order, from left to right:
1. Jon Venus bodybulider -
2. Freelee the Banana Girl cyclist -
3. Brian Turner bodybuilder -
4. BananaBlondie108 yogi -
5. Timothy (Tim Shieff) freerunner -
6. Holly Brown Fit bodybuilder-
7. Vegan Gains bodybuilder -
8. NaturallyStefanie bodybuilder-
9. HenchHerbivorebodybuild


- ACTIVISM - What's really important is that YOU do research yourself, too! Keep
learning, follow vegans on social media, read books, get involved and help other vegans
spread the message, help others see the truth and save animals, planet and their health!
With the huge amount of good one person can do for the world by living a plant-based
lifestyle, imagine if each of us inspired even one more person to the vegan path. That
newly-inspired person will inspire another person, and that person another, and so on,
and so on. With your help, we can save more animals faster.
I really hope this book helped you enough, so you can go vegan without any problems.
Animals, Earth and your health will thank you, and don't think if you go vegan, nothing
After reading this book, if you followed all steps you should be ready to slowly get rid of
all animal products you have in your house and replace them with cruelty-free ones. If
you live with your parents and they don't agree with your decision, show them as much
information as you can, try to make them read this book, watch some of the videos I
recommended before, recommend them to read The China study, How not to die,
Starch solution or any other vegan book you can find. Try to educate them, eat
healthy and ENOUGH vegan food, you can even try making delicious recipes for your
family and friends. But remember, don't let anyone convince you that you need animal
products to survive, I'm a vegan, I'm still alive, and healthier I've ever been, and there
are millions of vegans all around the world, who haven't touched animal products for

Veganism is not about giving anything up or losing anything; it is about

gaining the peace within yourself that comes from embracing nonviolence and
refusing to participate in the exploitation of the vulnerable
-Gary L. Francione


-CONCLUSIONIt should be clear at this point that we should go vegan. We are using resources to
import food from other countires where human beings die of starvation, and this we do
in order to feed animals who live terrible lives, we then kill these beings and eat their
flesh in amounts that raise our mortality risk significantly. Furthermore, animal
agriculture pollutes destroys the environment massively in various ways. And keep in
mind the fact that we do this completely unnsecessarily! Then why do we still do this?
We do it mostly because of our habits and tradition, it's what we are thaught and got
used to. And also, many people are unaware of the fact that we don't need to eat meat
in order to be healthy. Of course, there are people who are just ignorant.
Because we do this due to tradition and we can change that, it's really important that
every vegan informs as many people as possible!


Now you know:

Ask yourself:


Think about:

Don't be like this:



Definitely don't be the guy on the right:

If you're into fitness, be like them:


Think like this:

Listen to them:

You can be the one saying:


This is the end of my short book and your guide on going vegan. I cried several times
while making this guide, whenever I see pictures of tortured and killed animals, I feel
some kind of presure in my chest because I know it's not only a picture, it's happening
every second, over 3000 animals are slaughtered every second, not to mention how
many of them die for fashion, experiment, entertainment etc. I used a lot of pictures
because I think it's more effective to see the truth through pictures vs just reading
about what's happening and I hope these pictures woke up your compassion for all
living beings on our planet.
If you dont like seeing pictures of violence towards animals being posted, you
need to help stop the violence, not the pictures. Johnny Depp
Now there is only one thing left:


If you need help going vegan, if you have

questions or need more information you
can always contact me:
INSTAGRAM: @stretchpopster
TWITTER: @Jasmina55silver
YOUTUBE: JasmineVeganatics
In this short eBook I tried to explain and answer some of the questions frequently
asked about veganism and vegans.
The book contains: Definitions of veganism and vegans, reasons to go vegan, true facts
about meat, dairy and egg industry+pictures included, answers to frequently asked
questions (excuses), facts about fur and leather, what vegans eat, nutrition facts, steps
on becoming a vegan, inspirational quotes and a lot more!
It's for free so everyone can check it out, I made it to help everyone and I don't want
money for it, all I ask from you is to read it and consider going vegan. Thank you!
- @vegancomunity on Instagram
- @veganfoodshare on Instagram
- @vegan on Instagram
- @vegansidekick on Instagram
- @plantbasedjudy on Instagram

If you were alone on a deserted island with a pig, would you eat the pig or starve
to death? Hmm. If you were not alone, living on a planet with 7 billion people, had
access to unlimited fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and other healthy foods,
and knew animals suffer and die horrible deaths so you could eat them when you
dont need to eat them to survive, would you continue to eat them? The difference
between our questions is that your scenario will never happen and mine is the
choice you face right now. Which do you believe is worth answering?
- Andrew Kirschner

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