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Lab One: The MOSFET Amplifier

Catherine Connors (#35162393)

Eric Zhang (#50049351)
Section L1
Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 5:00 PM

We attest that the presented works contained herein are ours and only ours, and originally
created this semester.

Abstract A MOSFET common source amplifier was constructed using a CD4007

Integrated Circuit, two 10 microfarad capacitors, 2 100 kilo-ohm potentiometers, and
various resistors. The resistor values were determined using data from a curve trace
performed the previous week, and the potentiometers were adjusted in order to optimize
the DC bias conditions. The goal in this process was to achieve a maximum output swing
while at the same time minimizing clipping. The frequency response of the amplifier was
also studied and measured during this lab.



HE primary goal of this lab was to construct a MOSFET common source amplifier with a
voltage gain between 5 and 10 volts per volt. Because a curve trace was previously performed
on the CD4007 Integrated Circuit, there was enough information to accurately determine the
required resistors for such a gain.



When attempting to achieve a significant voltage gain in a MOSFET amplifier, DC biasing is a

useful strategy. With the right bias design, the DC operating point can be placed in the active region
of operation, which allows for high voltage gain while avoiding nonlinear distortion. In this
experiment, a voltage divider made up of two resistors was used to bias the MOSFET with a constant
gate-to-source voltage (VGS).
The power-supply voltage (VDD) and goal voltage gain (A) were chosen at the start of the
experiment to be 7 volts and 9 volts per volt, respectively. Using the previously performed curve
trace of the MOSFET device, values of VGS with corresponding drain currents (ID) were identified.
The curve trace was also used to identify the devices threshold voltage (V t), which was found to be
2.387 volts.
With those established values in mind, it became possible to ascertain the rest of the parameters
for the amplifier. These were determined using equations from chapters seven and eight of the Sedra
& Smith microelectronics textbook [1, 367].
Once the resistor values were decided, the circuit was
constructed as shown in Figure 1. Potentiometers were
connected with RD and R2 in order to allow for finetuning of the output signal.
A sinusoidal input signal of 10 kilohertz and 200
millivolts peak-to-peak was applied to the circuit. The
output waveform on the oscilloscope was recorded, and
the DC voltages of the circuit were measured.

The amplitude of the input signal was then increased until the output of the amplifier became
clipped. Using the potentiometers, the resistor values were then adjusted to remove the distortion.
Fig. 1. This common source amplifier uses a voltage
The output waveform on the oscilloscope was recorded,
divider made up of R1 and R2 in order to control the
and the DC voltages of the circuit were measured.
gate-to-source voltage.
The amplitude of the input signal was returned to 200 millivolts peak-to-peak, and the frequency
was varied in order to study the frequency response. The low frequency and high frequency cutoffs
were recorded.
Using the oscilloscope, two fast Fourier transforms of the output voltage were recorded: one with
no distortion and one with considerable distortion.



Figure 2 displays the curve trace for the CD4007 device, from which I D and VGS values were obtained
to determine the transistor transconductance parameter (k n). One set of values was:

I D =1.1mA

V GS=3.5 V

I D = k n ( V GSV t )2

Fig. 2. The curve trace performed on the
CD4007 integrated circuit.

kn =


( V GS V t )

2 ( 1.1 )
=1.78 2
( 3.52.387 )

Since VDD was set at 7 volts and the goal for the voltage gain was 9
volts per volt, VGS was calculated using:




V DD+ A V t 7+9 ( 2.387 )

=3.165 V

Then the ID corresponding with this VGS value was found to be:

I D = k n ( V GSV t )2=
( 1.78 ) ( 3.1652.387 )2=0.539 mA


Fig. 3. The red waveform indicates the output of the

common source amplifier, while the yellow waveform
shows the input

Now the drain resistance can be found:

R D=

=13 k
2 I D 0.539

VG is then found as:

Knowing that the source voltage must be equal to the power source voltage:

V G=V SV GS=73.165=3.835
The values needed for the bias resistors can then be found:


R1 + R2

= G=
R 1+ R 2 V DD
Choosing a reasonable R1 value of 220 kilo-ohms, one can then solve
for R2:

R 1+ R 2
220+ R2

Fig. 4. This is the common source amplifier with all of

the correct values entered in. Note that the probes do not
produce results identical to those found in the lab. This is
mostly due to the lower quality of the devices used in lab.

( 0.548 ) ( 220 ) +0.548 R2=R2

R2=267 k
100 kilo-ohm potentiometers were attached to R 2 and RD to allow
for further adjustment.
Figure 3 displays the input and output waveforms of the
amplifier with a signal of 10 kilohertz. The gain is indicated by the
ratio of the output peak-to-peak voltage to the input peak-to-peak


Fig. 5. This is the waveform at Q-point conditions.

The output is in red and the input is in yellow.
Initially the output waveform was clipped, but
adjusting the resistors remedied that.


This is well within the desirable range of 5-10 volts per volt.

With the 10 kilohertz input, the measured values of VDS and VGS were 3.22 volts and 3.34 volts
respectively. The ID was calculated to be 0.808 milliamps using Equation 1.
Figure 4 displays the amplifier circuit with the resistors labeled.
When the amplitude of the input was increased to 400 millivolts, there
was some visible distortion in the output signal. The top part of the wave
was disproportionate to the bottom part of the wave. This is indicative of
the device being on the edge of leaving active mode. The resistors were
adjusted in order to minimize the clipping. The result provided the Qpoint conditions. Figure 5 displays this waveform.
In addition, Figure 6 shows the amplifier circuit with the adjusted
resistor values. The measured values of
Fig. 6. The common source amplifier at Q-point
conditions: with the input signal amplitude set at
VDS and VGS in this circuit were 3.34
400 mV peak-to-peak and the resistors adjusted
volts and 3.74 volts
respectively. ID was calculated to be 1.6
milliamps using
Equation 1. Knowing these conditions
provides enough information to calculate the transconductance (g m) as well as ro:


2I D
2 (1.6 )
=2.37 S
V GSV t 3.742.387
A V =g m (r o R D )
r R
= o D
gm r o + R D
A V r o + A V R D =g m r o R D
r o ( AV + g m R D ) =A V RD
r o=

=2.32 k
AV + g m R D 9+ (2.37 )( 5.948 )

Another method of expressing this information is

through labelling the load line and Q point
a curve trace, as done in Figure 7.

Fig. 7. The Q-point of this curve trace hits at an approximate VGS value of 4
V. This is very close to the measured value, 3.74 V, with only a 6.7%


When studying the frequency response of the

amplifier, the experimental values of fH and fL were
300 kilohertz and 1.6 hertz, respectively. While the f L
value was verified in the simulated frequency
response, the fH was not. This can be seen by the
cursor label in Figure 8.
The simulated transient response matches well with
the waveforms acquired from the oscilloscope during
the experiment. This can be seen in Figure 9.
Lastly, the fast Fourier transforms performed
Fig. 8. The frequency response of the amplifier has an fL value of 1.602 Hz, as
The corresponding fH, however, is not present.

shown by the cursor.

with the oscilloscope provided
another method of visualizing the data
from this experiment. Figure 10 is a fast
Fourier transform with no distortion, and
Figure 11 is a fast Fourier transform with
considerable distortion.

Fig. 9. The simulated transient response matches well with the experimental
waveform produced.

Fig. 10. Fast Fourier transform with no distortion.



Fig.11. Fast Fourier Transform with considerable distortion.

These results confirm that it is possible to design and build a common source MOSFET amplifier
for a specific gain with a range as narrow as 5-10 volts per volt. It was also demonstrated that the actual

measured gain will certainly be lower than the gain stated in the design objective, ostensibly due to the
low quality of the CD4007 IC or the other components featured in the circuit.

[1] A.S. Sedra and K.C. Smith, Transistor Amplifiers, in Microelectronic Circuits, 7th ed., New York:
Oxford University Press, 2015, ch. 7


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