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GRAMMAR ........................................................................................................................1/30
GRAMMAR KEY.............................................................................................................25/30

Version: 5.1


Remember the word SVOMPT. It will help you to construct English sentences:








the exam




at school

on Monday.


what who when where why which how

1. Yes/No questions:
Inversion: a. verb to be:
b. modal verbs:
c. have got:
Auxiliary: other verbs:

I am late. - Am I late? Yes, you are. / No, you are not.

He can type. - Can he type? Yes, he can. / No, he cant.
I have got a computer. - Have you got a computer? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.
They finished yesterday. Did they finish yesterday?
Yes, they did. / No, they didnt.

2. Wh- questions (using what, who, when, where, why, which, how):
No auxiliary when asking about the subject:
Who made the cake? Rosie made it.
Auxiliary when asking about the object, manner, place or time:
Who did you meet? I met Paul.
Where does he work?

Version: 5.1


Preposition at the end of the sentence:

Who do you live with?
What are you looking at?

Whats the weather like?

3. Alternative questions (choice):

Would you like tea or coffee? Tea, please.
4. Indirect questions:
Who are those people?
What does she want?
Can he help us?

Do you know who those people are? (no inversion: S - V)

I dont know what she wants. (no auxiliary)
I dont know if/whether he can help us. (yes/no questions)

1. Arrange these words in the right order.
a. in the lab / you shouldnt work / at night ...
b. this chapter / you should study / more carefully .
c. the project / when / finish / the students / did / ?
d. saw / the experiment / who / ? .
e. enjoyed / the lectures / have / the students .
f. decomposes / acid / at once / carbonic .
g. electricity / water power / can / make / cheap ..
h. smoke / students / in the lab / may / ? ..
2. Arrange these words in the right order.
a. your article / I / in / quickly / last night / bed / read
b. till / afternoon / worked / 4 oclock / the students / this
Version: 5.1


c. gases / to / dioxide / allow / carbon / suns / and / enter / rays / other / the
d. climate / models / warming / indicate / computer / of / changes / consequences / of / some
/ Earth / a
e. oxide / released / in / coal / nitrous / of / burning / is / the
f. destroy / can / micro-organisms / cooking / the / only / completely
3. Make questions to ask about the underlined statements using who, what or where.
a. I met Dr Seusse last night. ..
b. The scientist has found a new chemical element.
c. David took the pictures. ..
d. This process occurs naturally under certain conditions. .
e. The researchers published their new findings..
f. We will have to redistill the compound...
g. The condensate flows down the column...
h. Distillation consists in vaporizing a substance.
4. Read the text, and then write questions for the answers.
The educational programme is divided into Academic Years, each year being divided into two
semesters, with the main vacation in July and August. The undergraduate studies take three years
for the Bachelor Degree and five for the Master Degree. In addition to these, the Institute
provides also postgraduate courses for PhD students.
All studies proceed on the basis of a curriculum of studies. At the end of each semester every
student must obtain a certain number of credits and pass several examinations.

Version: 5.1


Students may obtain certain scholarships. These may be granted either automatically for
excellent study results or on the basis of excellent research achievements, cultural or sports
activities, and also to aid in the cases of serious social problems.
Graduates of the Institute usually find employment in plants and research laboratories of
chemical and food industries as well as in various research institutes.
a. Academic Years ...
b. in July and August
c. three years
d. postgraduate courses for PhD students
e. every student
f. excellent study results...
g. chemical and food
For more practice see:

L.G.Alexander: Longman English Grammar Practice, Longman 1990, pp. 2-9

Raymond Murphy: English Grammar in Use, Cambridge 2004, Third edition, pp. 98-99, 102-103
Michael Swan & Catherine Walter: How English Works, Oxford 1997, pp. 210-211

1. Present Simple
It is a regularly recurring story in the presence of fundamental importance.
This tense is most frequently used in professional eg chemical and other
literature , as described processes and conditions are usually virtually
without any consideration to the specific time . Using the present tense of
the verb then has nothing to do with a present time and present time there
has timeless relevance , which applies universally . Present Simple expresses
the general validity of the claim .

Version: 5.1


Forma: - -s: he, she, it speaks he, she watches, he studies;

Negative is formed auxiliary verb do not / do not, does not / does not + the basic form
( infinitive ) semantic word without it :

I dont work, she doesnt study;

The question is formed using the auxiliary verb do , does + basic shape without semantic
verb "do"

We need a good technical dictionary in order to understand the article.

Chemistry is a science which deals with substances.
In the lab we dont use these dangerous chemicals.
He doesnt study at our university.

A form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb "be" and the past participle (past
participle ) semantic verb

The laboratory is equipped with experimental technology.

Many scientific terms are unknown to non-scientists.

2. Present Continuous
This time is used to describe a story that takes place right now, at any given time . This
presence is of course to be understood more broadly than just the immediate , ongoing
moment. Not only in technical language , but also in everyday expression , it is the breadth
conceived present time or trend.
Form: forms of the verb "to be" ( am , is , are ) + called . -ing Form of a verb semantic .

At the moment Tom is analysing the substance.

Mary is studying at Cambridge this year.
Changes in the amount of ice floating in the polar oceans are causing sea levels to rise.

A form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb "be" + continual shape being + Past
participle ( past participle ) semantic verb

Polarographic methods are being used in the analysis of metals now.

The problem is being intensively studied these days.

Continuous present time is also used to express the so-called . Near future . Future is
expressed proverbial specifying time , for example . Tomorrow , next week , etc. , when this
is an expression of confidence that the story takes place , and events and activities that are
planned and prepared .

Version: 5.1


According to the programme we are carrying out the experiment next Monday.
I am seeing the director tomorrow at 5 oclock.

Continuous shapes form the verb action , action ( action verbs ) , for example . Sing , teach ,
study, talk , listen , play, sit , write , speak , travel etc. This rule also applies to all other
English tenses - ie . Past , future , present perfect , past perfect , future perfect .
Beware ! Non -action verbs do not form a continuous tenses !
This is the thinking of the verb ( verbs of thinking ) , for example . Know , remember ,
Recognize , notice , understand , forget ; feeling, sensation ( feeling of verbs ), eg . like , love
, want , hate ; sensory perception verbs ( verbs of senses ) see , hear , smell , taste ; Some
other verbs , eg . include , matter , cost , prefer , mean , fit, need .

The matter consists of small particles.

Beware! Some verbs have two different meanings :

a) active = also form continuous form , eg . look at = to look at something , taste sth .
= Taste something , feel and material = grappling, explore tactile material , have put
in phrases = something , think of / about = to think about , think of someone /
something .

She is having lunch at the moment.

Please be quiet! Im thinking.
Why are you smelling the mixture?

b) Inactive = do not constitute a continuous form: = look , look ( he looks tired ) = taste
taste, feel = sense to have = possess, have , think = thinking (being of the opinion )

This juice tastes good.

I think youre right.
They have a new 3D printer.

3. Present Perfect Simple

This time expresses the last action that took place in a vague , unspecified past, not isolated
from the presence of sharp boundary , but it is related to the presence of either their
consequences or duration. Usually expresses the consequences of past actions and translate
it into Czech dokonavho past tense of the verb (often we can add " already " " already" ) .
If, however, expresses the perfect storyline that began in the past and still exists in the
present, it corresponds to the Czech translation of the majority present time .
The most common time determinations that relate to the indefinite past and are associated
with pedptomnm time , eg : already , yet , not + yet , just , never , ever , always , often,
once , before , Recently , Lately ... ( three , Several ) times , so far , as well as connections to
use for ... ( two years ) since .

Version: 5.1


Forma :

forms of the verb " have" - have / has + past participle ( past participle ) semantic

The rain has already ruined the tomato crops.

We still havent discovered life on other planets.
I have known him since we met at university.

a form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb " have" - have / has + been +
past participle ( past participle ) semantic verb

Many uses of this method have been described in the literature.

The polarographic method has been known for many years.
These views have aroused considerable interest.

4. Present Perfect Continuous

This time expresses the storyline that began in the past and continues at the time refers to
him , or if we want to express the length of this happening. Also, if the plot was carried out
for some time in an unspecified , mostly near future and the past is the presence of certain
consequences . Czech translate it into present time.

Forma: forms of the verb have have/has + been + - ing semantic form of the verb

I have been working in this institute since 2000.

He has been waiting for the results for an hour.
He cant drive. He has been drinking.
The barometer has been rising since yesterday.

Present perfect continuous tense does not passive, uses the passive present perfect simple .

The laboratory has been reconstructed since 2007.

These results have been published regularly in some periodicals.

5. Past Simple
This time expresses the storyline that began in the past and finished well in the past ,
without its consequences extending to the present. The past tense refers to some
identifiable period of previous use of time to determine the type - yesterday , last week ,

Version: 5.1


three hours ago , When I was young , the other day , in the eighteenth century etc. Last plot
may be included in some of the past also minor sentence . Czech entirely consistent with the
previous time in the aspect consummated .
Forma: verbs use the regular terminal i.e.: he worked, I cried, we travelled;
Irregular verbs we use a separate form intended for the last time

Becquerel discovered radioactivity in 1896.

Long ago, people built houses of wood.
It started during those first months when I moved there, after he went abroad.

a form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb ' Be ' - was/were and past participles
(past participle) semantic verbs

Oxygen was pumped into that container yesterday.

Prozac was discovered in 1972.

6. Past Tense Continuous

This describes the last time the plot , plot a temporary period , which ran past a certain point
, or prolonged time past . Also expresses plot last repeated . Very often provides a
framework or a background for the main action of the sentence. We translate into czech
mostly past tense form of the verb imperfect aspect .

I was working on my thesis (for) several months.

Worked ( and ) I was on my dissertation ( PhD ) work for several months .

Forma: forms of the verb ' be ' for the last time - was / were + ing form of the verb semantic

He was working on his thesis for several months last school term.
During the experiment he was using several beakers, test tubes and funnels.
Fleming was studying influenza when he discovered penicillin.

A form of passive voice is formed forms of the verb ' be ' - was / were + being + past
participle of the verb semantic

That new element was being examined for a long time.

During the experiment both liquids were being slowly heated.

Version: 5.1



Past Perfect Simple

Pluperfect expresses and describes the last plot that ended before another storyline past or
ended or was terminated within a certain time in the past. Czech to translate this process in
time past , with precocity , which this time is expressed in English, Czech formally remains
unexpressed .
Before last for a certain period of time can be referenced using the determination in
sentences such . When , before , after, as, by the time , long , just , already , yet.
Pluperfect is often used in the structures of indirect speech and sequence of tenses.
Forma: We use a form of the verb ' have ' ' for the last time - snake + past participle
semantic verbs

After she had finished the experiment, she cleaned the entire laboratory.
By the time we got to the laboratory, the experiment had already started.
Everything was just as I had left it in the morning.
He showed me the latest issue of the periodical, which had just come out.

a form of passive voice is formed by the shape of a serpent + past participle been +
semantic verbs

When reading the report he realized that some important information had been omitted.


Past Perfect Continuous

Past perfect continuous tense is used to express past happening earlier than any other
previous storyline or more times before last and emphasizes its temporary duration.
Forma: We use a form of the verb ' have ' ' for the last time - snake + been + ing
form semantic verbs

The whole place was deserted but it was obvious that someone had been staying there.
While I had been preparing all the equipment, Jim had escaped.
It was more than a month until I realized what had been happening.

Past Continuous does not passive, uses only the shape of the passive voice in the simple
form .


Future Simple and Continuous

Version: 5.1


Future Tense Simple

Future simple form expresses its storyline , which will take place in the future or future
state , both in tzv.neutrln future. It is used for the expression of opinion on future events ,
hopes , predictions, promises or threats , immediate decisions , offering assistance and so
Forma: we create using the auxiliary verb will + infinitive verb semantic no ' ' to ' '
It will be used for all those single and plural. Shall the shape and is used to express future
time for 1.osobu 1.osobu single and plural ; Its use remains mainly in the form of multimodal tinge.

This container will hold 5 liters of petrol

We will only perform a preliminary analysis.
I will return / I shall return to this possibility later.
I think he wont finish in time.
Shall I prepare the equipment for the experiment now?

A form of passive voice is formed by the auxiliary verb will + be + past participle semantic

This container will be filled with sulphur acid.

All the experiment will be repeated several times.
The conference will be held next week in London.

Future Tense Continuous

Future continuous tense expresses action , which will take place in a certain well-known or
specified time . Time is given concrete proverbial specifying the time or any other time
expressions .
Forma: we create using the auxiliary verb will + be + ing form of the verb semantic

He will be leaving in a few days.

You will be hearing from us in any case.
We will be working in the lab whole day tomorrow.

Other ways of expressing the future:

Present simple to express future happening that is precisely determined ,

determined according to the program schedule etc.

Version: 5.1

The lecture starts on Tuesday at 10.

The last train leaves at 20.40.


Present continuous to express plan or happening that is confident and prepared

in advance

I am seeing the new director tomorrow morning.

He is studying at Yale University next school term.

Binding going to - to represent the future , which is dependent on the will and intention of
the speaker ; Expresses its intention , plan , plan ; It is also used to express forecast events
based on current events .


We are going to carry out the experiment again to gain some better results.
Look! The glass is going to fall.

Future Perfect Simple and Continuous

Future perfect simple tense includes the future preceding a later time future . We use it for
action and activities that will at some point in the future we're talking about , has been
completed . Is there a rule specifying a time or full time secondary sentence .
Forma: we create using the auxiliary verb will + have + past participle semantic verbs

By the time we get to the classroom the lecture will have started.

A form of passive voice is formed by the auxiliary verb will + have + been + past participle
of the verb semantic

By the end of this year the new building of our university will have been finished.
We hope that by the end of this century a new drug against cancer will have been
Future perfect continuous tense expresses what at some point in the future will have some
time to run . Beginning this matter or activities may relate to the past and take up to a
certain point in the future .
Forma: we create using the auxiliary verb will + have + been + ing form of meaning verb

Next year I will have been working at the Institute for fifteen years.
By the time I get there, they will have been waiting for me for two hours.

Sequence of Tenses
Version: 5.1


A. Roentgen showed that the X-rays could penetrate matter.

B. Roentgen reported that he had discovered a new kind of rays.
C. Roentgen reported that in 1891 he discovered a new kind of rays.
D. It was not known if the results of tests would be useful.
E. Chemists found that all organic compounds contain carbon.
Sequence of tenses ( Sequence of Tenses , Czech term also time sequence ) understand the
dependence of the shape of certain verbs in the next sentence in question time to the verb
in the main or control sentence.
The essence of the concept of time sequence is the last story that ended in the past and
does not go to the real presence or in the future , such as a closed unit , which can not use
present, past and future tense in terms of actual real presence .
!!! If the main sentence in past time ( e.g. , " He Said ", "I Asked ", " she thought " ) , this
time must also correspond to the times in the sentence side ( unlike Czech ) . Practically,
there is a shift of the " one time back ."
If it is in English ( it also relates to other languages ) verb in the main clause in the present,
future or past perfect , tense of the verb in the subordinate clause is not affected and does
not change . Similarly , if it is still a valid statement or general - in these cases, the time
difference is not necessary.

Indirect speech and indirect question

Rules actual sequence applied in indirect speech , ie . The reproduction of direct speech , or
direct questions after verbs with the meaning of speaking , thinking and perception , for
example . Say , tell , ask , answer , reply , announce , report , write , read , want to know ,
know , learn ( to learn ) feel. Subordinate clause is connected to the control clutch That
sentence = that which may be omitted (in particular call) , that does not infringe meaning of
the sentence .
I told you I wouldnt forget.
She promised she would send some information.

I told you, I
She promised to send some

Beware of indirect questions - word order is the same as notification sentence ( S - V

pattern ) .
Version: 5.1


He often asks how you live.

She didnt know where her sister was.

Often asks how you live.

She did not know where her sister.

Warrant or request is presented in indirect speech verbs ask , tell , order , etc .
Imperative is yet in indirect speech changed to the infinitive :

The teacher said to his students: Dont do it.

The teacher told (asked) his students not to do it.

1 ) When you change direct speech to indirect changes and personal pronouns and
adverbials of time and place, eg .:

"I would love to live here."
"I didnt like this movie."
"I want to go there now."
"I don't want to do it now."
"I havent seen him today."
"I enjoy the classes this year."

He said he would love to live there.
He said he hadnt liked that movie.
He said he wanted to go there at that moment.
He said he didn't want to do it then.
He said he hadnt seen him that day.
He said he enjoyed the classes that year.



"I sent the email three days ago."

"I called you yesterday."
"Last month was very sunny."
"I'll buy it tomorrow."

He said he had sent the email three days before.

He said he had called me the day before.
He said the previous month had been very sunny.
He said he would buy it the following day.
He said he would travel there the following

"I'll travel there next summer."

(Direct speech):
Professor Green said: I was here, in this laboratory, yesterday.
(Indirect/Reported speech):
Professor Green said that he had been there, in that laboratory, the day before.

Version: 5.1


For more details see e.g. English Grammar in Use for intermediate students Raymond Murphy
Intermediate Language Practice - Michael Vince
First Certificate Language Practice Michael Vince

1. Choose the correct form of Present Tense. Give the reasons of your choice between
the simple and continuous forms.
1. Mary is working/work/works in the laboratory with nitric acid every day. 2. George is busy
now. He test/tests/is testing the content of sugar in the specimen of a newly manufactured fruit
jam. 3. Are you regularly using/do you regularly use sweeteners in your morning tea or
coffee? 4. Not all liquids boil/are boiling at 100C. 5. Antioxidants are playing/play an
important role in food preservation.
2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
1. Look at Annes vessel! She .. (dye) the solution inside with an intense
colourant.. The solution was white and now it is red.
2. I ..... (lose) my goggles. I cant find them anywhere.
3. And I ............ (lose) my glasses yesterday.
4. .anything. (change) in the laboratory since I last (see) you?
5. The experiment with nitrate acid .................... (not finish) yet. Ill have to work overtime.
3. Simple or Continuous tense?
1. Professor Black studies/had studied/has been studying food additives since he has
started/had started/started work at this College in 2007.
2. Earlier, any chemicals added to food either as pesticides in primary production or
additives in processing, were considering/were considered suspect.
3. The increasing awareness of problems with food allergy and intolerance was leading/led/
has led to the requirement to state the source of certain emulsifiers on food labelling.
4. The amount of water we were adding/we added for half an hour to the mixture was
dependent on the pressure of the distillation.
5. They prepared/were preparing synthetic salt and therefore were placing/placed a piece
of sodium in a flask with chlorine.
6. Carbon is occuring/occurs in two crystalline forms that differ in their properties.
7. Lecithin, an emulsifier not suitable for individuals with an allergy to soya, is not being
produced/produced in this factory.
Version: 5.1


8. When was the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague being established/
9. I prepared/was preparing the experiment with colouring foodstuffs the whole
afternoon yesterday.
10. Next year, Professor White will teach/will have been teaching/will be teaching at our
university for ten years.
4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.
1. Fleming . (study) influenza when he (discover)
2. I (never do) anything I (feel) is against my principles.
3. Matter .. (consist) of small elements.
4. Watson and Crick .. (identify) the structure of DNA in 1953.
5. Fill in the gaps with fitting expressions.
1. By the time I arrived at the laboratory

a) acting on the appropriate

nerve receptor

2. When you return from abroad next week,


b) moderate consumption of
cola is completely safe

3. Researchers in Cagliari, Italy, have

uncovered scientific evidence that
. is the
result of chemicals.

c) the course will have


4. The pills .
might cut out chocolate
cravings altogether, the researchers said.

d) my colleagues had left

5. While excessive consumption of cola

e) craving for chocolate
can lead to weakness and even muscle paralysis,
, a Soft Drinks Association
spokesperson said.
6. Translate the sentences from exercise 5 above into Czech.

Version: 5.1


7. Translate into Czech (taking into account that the principles of the sequence of tenses
used in English do not apply in Czech).
One of our teachers remarked that many people were not aware of the fact that the food industry
using the achievements of chemistry that had been reached, in particular, in the preservation of
food along with the manufacture of synthetic additives, had made significant progress as early as
in the latter part of the 19th century, not speaking of the first half of the 20th century. At the same
time, the progress in physics was very fast. Let us mention that when Thomson discovered the
electron, he proved that there were particles which were smaller than the smallest atom known.
Roentgen found that the X-rays would pass through solid substances. In 1932 Chadwick reported
that he had discovered the neutron. The Curies found that pitchblende was several times more
active than uranium oxide. Becquerel noticed that salts of uranium possessed the property of
emitting rays.

The passive voice is widely used in scientific texts due to the fact that what goes first in the
English sentence is considered to be the most important. Scientific texts tend to use passive voice
structures frequently to make sentences sound more objective and avoid using personal
pronouns. In Czech we use passive structures less commonly.
(which is not the agent)
The thesis
The thesis

verb to be in appropriate
tense form
is/was/has been/will be etc.
is/was etc. being

3rd form of the

content verb

When the continuous form is needed, we insert being (-ing form of the verb to be) between the
verb to be and the content verb.
I wrote the thesis. The thesis was written.
I have written the thesis. The thesis has been written.
I will write the thesis. The thesis will be written.
Im writing the thesis. The thesis is being written.
Structure of the passive voice in combination with the infinitive (which is not used
in Czech): subject + passive + infinitive
The verbs believe, expect, know, report, say, think, suppose, understand are often used in the
present simple passive followed by an infinitive.
He is said to live here (It is said that he lives here. the subject of the second sentence
replaces it from the first sentence and the rest is connected in the form of infinitive).
He is said to have lived here. (It is said that he lived here.)
Version: 5.1


The new library is supposed to open next week.

The economy is expected to grow by 2% this year.
The simple infinitive refers to the same time as that of the preceding verb:
This compound is expected not to react. (Notice: The negative particle not precedes the particle
The perfect infinitive refers to a time before that of the preceding verb:
This decade is known to have been a decade of many discoveries.

1. Translate using the passive voice in the appropriate tense.
These substances are not produced.
That program is being installed .
When it was founded this school ?
Such things can not be tolerated .
What is written there ?.
Was the mixture cool enough ?
Second chance he never had .
Acid spilled across the bench .
It is known that this compound is extremely poisonous .
Not expected that it explodes .


2. Transform the following sentences into passive voice.


He has broken another vessel.

Unstable conditions influenced our experiment.
She has sent us new laboratory records.
She should have performed the tests more carefully.
The filter has caught poisonous substances.
We prepared a new compound yesterday.
She deleted all her experimental results by accident.
My teacher has explained this to me.
Students have spilt a dangerous chemical.
She has made a huge mistake in her calculations.

3. Transform the following sentences into the passive + infinitive.

ex. It is said he will return soon. He is said to return soon.
a/ It is known that many elements react this way.
b/ It is believed that this new discovery can save many lives.
c/ It is expected that this element can occur in two allotropic modifications.
Version: 5.1



It is thought that they have made a real breakthrough in the research of radioactivity.
It was supposed that citric acid does not display any harmful effects.
It is assumed this company does not use preservatives of any kind.
It is reported that all the devices have been calibrated for our experiment.
It is estimated that the experiment has failed due to incorrect temperature settings.
It was said he had really discovered seven new substances.

For more practice see:

MURPHY, R. English Grammar in Use, Cambridge University Press, units 41 44

PETERS, S.; GRAF, T. Cviebnice anglick gramatiky, Polyglot, unit 13


Version: 5.1



1. Arrange these words in the right order.


You shouldnt work in the lab at night.

You should study this chapter more carefully.
When did the students finish the project?
Who saw the experiment?
The students have enjoyed the lectures.
Carbonic acid decomposes at once.
Water power can make cheap electricity.
May students smoke in the lab?

2. Arrange these words in the right order.


I quickly read your article in bed last night.

The students worked till 4 oclock this afternoon.
Carbon dioxide and other gases allow the suns rays to enter.
Computer models of climate changes indicate some consequences of a warming Earth.
Nitrous oxide is released in the burning of coal.
Only cooking can destroy the micro-organisms completely.

3. Make questions to ask about the underlined statements using who, what or where.

Who did you meet last night?

What has the scientist found?
Who took the pictures?
What occurs naturally under certain conditions?
Who published their new findings?
What will we have to redistill?
Where does the condensate flow?
What does distillation consist in?

4. Read the text, and then write questions for the answers.
The educational programme is divided into Academic Years, each year being divided into two
semesters, with the main vacation in July and August. The undergraduate studies take three years
for the Bachelor Degree and five for the Master Degree. In addition to these, the Institute
provides also postgraduate courses for PhD students.
All studies proceed on the basis of a curriculum of studies. At the end of each semester every
student must obtain a certain number of credits and pass several examinations.
Version: 5.1


Students may obtain certain scholarships. These may be granted either automatically for
excellent study results or on the basis of excellent research achievements, cultural or sports
activities, and also to aid in the cases of serious social problems.
Graduates of the Institute usually find employment in plants and research laboratories of
chemical and food industries as well as in various research institutes.

What is the educational programme divided into?

When is the main vacation?
How long do the undergraduate studies take for the Bachelor Degree?
What does the Institute also provide?
Who must obtain a certain number of credits and pass several examinations at the end of
each semester?
f. What may certain scholarships be granted for?
g. In what kind of industries do graduates of the Institute usually find employment?

1. Choose the correct form of Present Tense. Give the reasons of your choice between
the simple and continuous forms.
1. works

2. is testing

3. do youuse

2. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.


has dyed
have lost
Has anything changed .. I last saw you
has not finished

3. Simple or Continuous tense?

1. has been studying
2. were considered
3. has led
Version: 5.1



4. boil

5. play


we were adding
they were preparing placed
is not produced
was established
was preparing
will have been teaching

4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.


was studying
have never done


5. Fill in the gaps with fitting expressions.




4 a)


6. Translate the sentences from exercise 5 above into Czech.

1. When I came into the lab , my colleagues were already gone .
2. Until next week, you come back from abroad , a course it will be terminated.
3. Researchers in Cagliari , Italy received scientific evidence that craving Chocolate with
chemicals .
4. Pills acting on the nervous receptor could completely eliminate the desire for
chocolate , as noted by the researchers .
5. While abuse of wheels may lead to weakening and even paralysis of muscles,
moderate consumption of beverages wheel is completely safe , said a spokesman for Soft
Drinks Association.

7. Translate into Czech (taking into account that Czech does not apply the principles
of the sequence of tenses used in English.
One of our teachers said that many people are not aware that the food industry
uses chemistry successes that were achieved mainly in food preservation , along with the
production of synthetic ingredients , achieved significant progress in the second half of the
19th century , not to mention the first half of the 20 .stolet . It was also very rapid progress
in physics. Let us mention that when Thomson discovered the electron , proved that they are
( exist) particles that are smaller than the smallest known atom . Roentgen discovered Xrays that pass through solids. R. Chadwick announced in 1932 that he had discovered the
neutron. ( Spouses ) Curies discovered that pitchblende is many times more active than
uranium oxide . Becquerel found that uranium salts have the ability (= property ) of the
radiation beam .

Version: 5.1


1. Translate using the passive voice in an appropriate tense.


These substances are not produced here.

The program is just being installed.
When was this school established?
Such things cannot be tolerated.
What is written there?
Has this mixture been cooled sufficiently?
He has never been given a second chance/A second chance has never been given to him.
An acid has been spilt all over the laboratory table.
This compound is known to be highly poisonous. / It is known (that) this compound is highly

j/ It was expected to explode. / It was expected (that) it would explode.
2. Transform the following sentences into passive voice.
a/ Another vessel has been broken.
b/ Our experiment was influenced by unstable conditions.
c/ New laboratory records have been sent to us.
d/ The tests should have been performed more carefully.
e/ Poisonous substances have been caught by the filter.
f/ A new compound was prepared yesterday.
g/ All her experimental results were deleted by accident.
h/ This was explained to me (by my teacher) last lesson.
i/ A dangerous chemical has been spilt (by students).
j/ A huge mistake has been made in her calculations.

3. Transform the following sentences into the passive+infinitive.

Ex. It is said he will return soon. He is said to return soon.

Many elements are known to react this way.

This new discovery is believed to be able to save many lives.
This element is expected to occur in two allotropic modifications.
They are thought to have made a real breakthrough in the research of radioactivity.
Citric acid was supposed not to display any harmful effects.
This company is assumed not to use preservatives of any kind.
All the devices are reported to have been calibrated for our experiment.

Version: 5.1


h/ The experiment is estimated to have failed due to incorrect temperature settings.

i/ He was said to have discovered seven new substances.

Version: 5.1


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