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And when he ran the blades over her she felt light as a feather, floating happily into that

where pain and pleasure walked hand in hand, fully clear and conscious and she looked out to
the darkness that lay outside of their artificial day. All too soon it was gone, her vision dimming
and her breaths evening as she found somewhere darker which centered around the golden light
of her Masters voice as he spoke to her.
Astrid Knowles, Switch

In the 18th century, the Marquis de Sade, a French aristocrat and philosopher became well
recognized for his shocking, libertine sexual politics and personal lifestyle. He was more than
ahead of his time. The marquis engaged in philosophical discourse around sexuality, and his
philosophy, sexual practices, and erotic writings were known to combine the prurient with the
sometimes violent. His words and deeds were considered criminal and blasphemous against the
Catholic Church, and he would be imprisoned or locked in an insane asylum for 32 years of his
life. The words sadist and sadism come from his name, Sade.

Although the eponymous ascription of the term goes to the Marquis de Sade, it was applied by
Freud and the psychoanalysts of the 20th century. This combination of things sexual and violent
did not originate with the infamous marquis. Many things sadomasochistic appear in historical
studies of the medieval period, although it is doubtful these things arose even there.

Today, people are not frequently jailed or housed in mental hospitals simply for espousing what
many may consider to be salacious or lascivious views. Unless their actual practices break local
laws by violating anothers informed consent or causing harm to the point of gross injury or
death, sexual practices are mostly left to the realm of live-and-let-live. The tradition seems to be
prevailing. Men are still thought to be the ones leading the chase. With males dominating the
relationship-initiation category, this is a reasonable conclusion to draw. And, to add to this,
males also initiated physical contact more often according to the survey, which again seems to fit
with traditional gender roles. the male partner tends to control relationships more frequently.
Traditionally, the male is expected to be in general more aggressive - the chaser as opposed to the
chase. This might be connected to the fact that men are on average bigger than women, but,
nonetheless, domination is expected much more from men. In nearly all types of audio-visual
media, the man nearly always has the power over a submissive woman. For example, typically,
the man is the strong knight in shining armor; the woman is the delicate, helpless damsel in
distress. Also, men are almost always portrayed as people in positions of power, whereas
women are shown holding positions of lower power. (However, it should be noted that the most
recent years, the roles of women in movies and the such are becoming increasingly powerful.
This can most likely be attributed to the womens liberation movement.) Men are also expected
to be much more sexually aggressive than women; this is also depicted in movies and television
through overly aggressive and often abusive male figures. The drive for sexual relations is
typically associated with the male.
Domination when one partner dominates proceedings and the other, passive partner willingly
submits to his or her partners whims can sometimes be symbolic but most often it is physically
acted out as a sexual performance in which one partner has total physical and emotional control

of the other. It is this control factor which sometimes makes domination seem taboo.
Understandably, people are scared of being physically and emotionally hurt, and domination
scares them because they regard it as one step away from sadism and masochism practices that
imply pain. Domination also carries a psychological fear that it is depraved and abnormal, that
people who enjoy these acts are unbalanced and that the only way they can have sex is if they are
in control or, for the submissive, if their feelings of guilt are relieved by losing control. Despite
this social disapproval, domination is widely practiced. Suppliers of domination apparatus and
magazines claim that approximately ten per cent of American households have some domination
apparatus and indulge in practices that offer dominant and submissive experiences. Sexual
domination is a fantasy.
Your fantasies are always with you, playing hide-and-seek with your perceived realities,
whispering wild ideas into your inner ear, showing movies in your mind, stirring your passions
mysteriously, yet so powerfully. If you are imprisoned in any wayby your work, your family,
your education, your religion, and your governmentyour fantasies become your freedom.
Sometimes your ability to fantasize is the only freedom you have. A sexual fantasy can be a long,
complicated story, a quick mental flash of erotic imagery or something in between. Whatever
form it takes, it arouses your sexual feelings. As such, your favorite fantasy is the G-spot of your
The most popular sexual fantasies among men and women involve images of sex with a
passionate, attractive, exciting partner who will do whatever you want, even if that means
dominating you. Your Perfect Lover could be someone you know; it could even be your real-life
partner. It could be someone you saw in class or at work but never talk to, a celebrity with whom
you feel a connection, or a complete stranger you happened to face for two intense minutes in a

crowded elevator. It could be someone that would be your ideal mate, if only you could be
together. Or it could be someone very taboo: a relative, your best friends spouse, a bad boy or
girl, someone of whom you know your family would disapprove. Perfect Lovers run the gamut,
but the universal characteristic is that you find this person irresistible and extremely satisfying, at
least in fantasy.
As far as S&M goes, you have people who like to "play" with bondage, but don't really get into
the pain aspect, then you have the real S&M'ers, of which, I couldn't really tell you exactly what
gets them off. I would call it a sickness more than anything. They get off to it because a sick
subculture gets off to it. They probably say things to themselves like, "Love is so out. This is
where the real action is." Does pain really cause pleasure for them? Just because they have let
themselves believe that it does, that's what I would say. They probably get some pleasure out of
letting their partner get some pleasure out of it. It takes two to tango.
Well, you can find social hierarchies in primates, as well with humans, but we dont make a
taboo out of it. I also cant say past casual speculation of course is the reasons are not biological
for such patterns of behavior, nor do I think the same could be said of sexual lifestyles really. I
mean sexual reproduction is biological, but then again people did not evolve directly into modern
metropolitan cities. I Dont know where you would draw the line between hardwired aspects of
being human such as having two thumbs, to the hardwired aspect of what people do with two
thumbs, to basically just whats allowable or what an organism can express really. I mean even
the savage tiger can seem to live a more tamed lifestyle. I also dont remember when people left
behind there animal roots exactly, to whatever thats to mean I also dont understand. I mean no
matter what I do or think, I am simply being a human organism, this never ceases to change does
it? I dont think it does for people in general, or life in general.




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