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The Everlasting Gospel for the Great


The Highway of The Way

Destruction of Life

The Devil—Author of Our Redeemer—Lord of


1. Deception 1. Revelation

2. Division 2. Redemption

3. Destruction 3. Restoration
Which will you choose to find satisfaction?


Why am I here? Is there a God that loves me? Is evolution real; if

not, why is it widely taught? Why does suffering exist and why does
God allow it? If He is there, why does He not just end it all? What
must I do to be saved? Why do so many religions and denominations
exist? What are their origins? Which one is right? Do they all
point to love? Can we trust the Bible? Will the wicked burn
eternally? Is heaven a real place; if so, what will it be like? What
does the Sabbath rest mean? Does it matter which day I observe? Did
the Bible really predict the first coming of Jesus? When will Jesus
come the second time? What about the end times? What about the New
World Order? What about the mark of the beast? Why do all these
things matter to me?

For the entire document, go to:


We are all looking for satisfaction. Only two religions exist. The
first is finding satisfaction based on works motivated by various
forms of self-gratification and fear, all rooted in selfishness. It
divides into liberalism and legalism. The people behind it created
all artificial religions in secrecy. All of its teachings are based
on unconditional immortality, its master deception. The reality is
that it only creates destruction, with satisfaction being partial and
temporal. The other religion is based on righteousness by faith,
which is attained by accepting it as a gift, not through any
performance. Its model is the sanctuary, which teaches that salvation
is a living experience. It is a personal Sabbath rest relationship
with our Redeemer, resting from all works of selfishness. It creates
only a restoration of unending love. Nearly every aspect of it has
been counterfeited in the other religion. All we have is our free
choice in this great conflict. The choice is continual.


This last message of mercy applies to everyone who lives and

breathes on this earth. Whether you have the Bible religion, a
different religion, or no religion at all, you are in need of
salvation through the everlasting gospel. It is a question of life or
death. Why more material on salvation, you may ask? Why just the
Bible among all the other religious books and theories? This message
is designed for you to make up your own mind. It cannot be stressed
enough that you should study the Bible yourself and compare it to your
current faith to change or improve it, and everyone needs improving.

This is not of any denomination but the Bible alone. It is given

to you for the purpose of discovering what is real. Truth can always
be claimed, yet it is universally mixed with error and communicated in
a fashion that is of debate, distortion, complication, and dry theory.
The Bible will always interpret itself when all references to
particular subjects of interest are prayerfully studied out. When
studied in this manner, the apparent contradictions disappear (1).
When taken in by faith, it has the power to change your whole life,
not merely your intellect. Hundreds of the prophecies it contains
have been fulfilled, while others are now and in the near future
taking place. No other book can claim these things. No other
religion can promise to all who choose it salvation from sin with no
prerequisite works.

Pray that this message will motivate and enlighten you to have a
vibrant life. Study this message over and over, not just here but in
your own studies, for it is your life! If some things are confusing
or frustrating at first, come back to them at a later time, but do not
give up. No one can understand everything all at once. Biblical
references were meticulously gathered, and the clickable numeric
denotations refer to them. They are not just supplementary. Please
do not skip reading the Bible references as it is the Word that has
power! One method you might try is reading each paragraph before
looking up the references to maintain flow, though other methods might
work better for particular paragraphs. The King James Version is most
preferable in this language. Remember that biblical material,
especially some of the complex issues presented here, is not to be
read in haste. Also, do not hide the things you learn. Make more
copies for others and tell them where they can get online access. God
is counting on you to be a messenger.


The everlasting gospel is a message recorded in Revelation 14 and

18, and echoing through the entire Bible the way to the ancient
sanctuary where Jesus can give us life by saving us from sin.
Salvation is a living experience that Jesus gives to anyone who simply
chooses to accept it by faith. This message teaches the mortal how to
unite his will with that of His Maker so that he shall never choose to
sell the gift for the cheaper experience which wages only death (2).
Love knows not force, so it is up to us to choose sin, without the
gift, or righteousness, within the gift. Artificial religions were
created by Satan through his human agents to hide both this gift and
the Giver found in the sanctuary. These Satanists have had the goal
to tire people from the battles amongst the groups, so that they would
all accept the New World Order with the proposed Age of Aquarius as a
counterfeit to resting in Christ’s peace (3).

Only two religions really exist, Satanism and the religion of

God. Choices continually come upon us to choose one or the other, and
it is up to us in how we exercise our will (4). Satan will take over
the will submitted to his religion of selfishness by works, while
Christ will take over the will submitted to His religion contained in
the Bible, which is righteousness by faith. We can only be under one
power or the other (5). When wrong choices are made, and then
sincerely regretted, the righteousness in the gift will cover us when
we accept it back again. As one continues to learn lessons from the
everlasting gospel and personal decisions made, the human will aligns
closer to the divine (6). This sanctifying process will continue
until God sees that His follower fully hates evil and desires only
love (7). By reading the heart, only God knows when this occurs in
the individual (8). He knows when it is safe to end the mortal life
which endured the battle for so long. The gift will ever belong to
the person from then on as sin would never be again chosen.

The reasons behind these things will become even clearer in the
following synopsis of the universal conflict. Lucifer, who Satan used
to be, became unsatisfied to be less than first before this world was
created (9). So, he started choosing to cherish selfish thoughts and
emotions, which turned into motives, and then into actions. He, who
before had a perfect character (10), then started questioning why God
had established things the way He did, particularly the moral law.
His convincing statements drew him a following of one third of the

After this period, God created this earth for a new creature to
inhabit—a creature with the ability to reproduce life like God and to
have a choice to live by God’s standards. The purpose was to show the
existing beings that people made in His own image (11) would stand
firm when tempted to evil and replace the angels that had been lost in
sin. The other purpose was to show the terrible effects of sin by
those who choose not the law of love.

He allowed the first temptation to occur with our ancestors in

Eden. He gave them everything that He possibly could for their full
happiness. However, Satan took the form of a serpent and tempted them
with fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God
forbad them to eat (12). They both had been forewarned of the
tempter, as a loving God would, but before they faced the decision of
sin, they chose to harbor dissatisfaction ushered by the author of
selfishness. Why else would Eve, with Adam allowing her to, go near
that one tree in the massive wilderness? They chose to question God’s
command in their minds as the words of Satan sounded more appealing.
Finally, their sensuous desires and appetite added to their selfish
emotions, and they gave in (13). The process of becoming dissatisfied
in God’s provisions, questioning His commandments, and allowing
sensuous emotions to dictate the conscience is the same way we are led
into sin today.

The Tree of Life would continue to give life to anyone who would
eat of it. However, after the Eden pair chose to eat of the forbidden
tree, they were no longer allowed to eat of it (14). If God had
allowed them to, sin would have become immortal, with the universe
always permeated with its toxins. Satan had deceived Adam and Eve
into thinking that they would not die by disobeying God and become
like gods themselves in their new wisdom (15). This is the origin of
Satanism. The Tree of Life represents Christ’s true righteousness of
life (16), and the Tree of Knowledge represents Satan’s deceptive
sinfulness of death (17). God allowed them to choose which one tree
to partake from.

Every mortal since then has been given the same choice, and far
more often than not, sin is chosen. Terror, killings, tortures, and
everything that can possibly bring emotional and physical pain has
resulted—all from individuals dissatisfied with their current
condition as they refuse to trust in God’s unlimited wisdom and love.
God has waited for sin to fully develop into what it is today, so that
all of His intelligent creatures may perceive of its true hideousness.
This is the only knowledge Adam and his descendants have assimilated
from choosing the Tree of Knowledge. Therefore, since all are given
the power of choice, sin would have come back over and over again had
it been eradicated early on. This is also why God cannot grant
sinners eternal life. God’s faithful providence only allows for non-
forced creatures who are fully capable of sinning, to have developed a
will to not sin, so that peace and happiness can reign into ceaseless

What it all boils down to is that God gives us two options for a
religion, both of which would remove our portion of sin from the
universe: either a works/performance-based religion of serving self to
try to temporarily feel satisfied, or a decision/relationship-based
religion of serving God by obtaining free righteousness to do so and a
reward of everlasting satisfaction. Now, follow carefully.
Wherefore, how we spend our time reflects who we serve, and who we
serve is who we worship. Wherefore, selfishness is the serving of
self and the heart of all sin, with Satan being the author of both.
Wherefore, righteousness (18) is the keeping of God’s Ten Commandments
as transgression of the law is sin (unrighteousness) (19). Wherefore,
the Sabbath is the heart of the law as it is the sign of worshiping
the Creator (20), Redeemer (21), and Restorer (22) to those who desire
rest from the bondage of being under the law (23). It is God’s seal
of love. Therefore, we all have the choice to make in the great
conflict of finding satisfaction—worship Satan in selfishness that
leads to death, or worship Christ in the Sabbath rest of a love
relationship that leads to everlasting peace. This is the essence of
the everlasting gospel.

THE Highway of destruction


Did you know that evil hidden agendas are behind most of what is
going on in the world today? If this were not true, then the Bible
could not say that the whole world would be deceived (24) as deception
is always hidden. Two forces are at work behind this.
One force is the devil himself. Satan’s goal is to destroy as
many people as possible, as he is upset with God in creating man in
His image and then restoring him back after he falls. He dreads to
see the character which forms this image as it is based on God’s law,
which he rebelled against and thus barred him from heaven. So, he
makes a counterfeit image that goes contrary to the law. He knows his
end is soon (25) and that many souls must be brought under his control
as the population is high, so he working to deceive more than ever.

He knows that the only effective means of destroying people is to

keep them from Christ. When a human being is in Christ—partaking of
His divine nature (26) by trusting in His protection from all danger
of sin—he has no way to control that person, because she remains
invisible through the mighty arms of her Saviour through His Spirit
and loyal angels (27). The Spirit sanctifies and controls the events
of them while the angels of God fight off fallen angels. The
battleground of the great conflict is unseen by us mortals, but it is
nevertheless as real and continual as the things we do see. We can
become victors only through Christ’s redemption plan and our ongoing
choice for it over Satan’s seducing deceptions. The very purpose we
are here is to show the universe that God’s name can be glorified
through winning His people back, through their choice to keep His law
of love and His loving grace (28). God’s name is Love (29). The
devil knows that deception is the only way to keep us away from
Christ, because it is the only way to hide God’s love from us.

God always uses revelation and never deception (30). However, He

allows deception to go on as it is one of the main fruits of sin, and
again, He knows that sin must be fully exposed. Other fruits of sin
include such things as hatred, pride, jealousy, malice, worrying,
idleness, lust, faultfinding, and impatience. Notice that these are
all rooted in selfishness. Satan’s master deception is covering
sinful fruits in a candy coating and covering the fruits of God’s
Spirit [love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
meekness, and temperance (31)] in an imaginary dull garb; this all to
try to get people to refuse Christ by not perceiving the horrible
effects of partaking of the former, including death, and the blessed
effects of the latter. This is the mystery of iniquity (32)!

The second force behind the scenes is Satan’s human agents which
take his orders. It is a little known fact that the Satanist religion
is what runs our world politically and religiously as well as the
entertainment and media sectors. It is our ancient alternative
religion which teaches: that (1) neither Satan nor God are real beings
(33), that (2) every person is their own god and can judge for
themselves as nothing is absolute (34), that (3) good and evil are
interchangeable forces that both seek to benefit society through
complimentary genders (35), that (4) using mythology associated with
the arts and rituals awakens the unseen [including nature spirits] to
communicate with our spirits (36), and that (5) our naturally immortal
spirits are not subject to any moral laws (37).

This religion originated at the Tree of Knowledge, but became

much more established at the Tower of Babel. Through giving into the
indulgences of sin, the builders of the tower ceased to believe that
an active God existed, so they used this means to escape another
worldwide flood if it were to reoccur. They also had plans of
developing a universal metropolis capital around the tower which would
always stand if a flood never came. The God they did not know of
confused their tongues [languages] so that they could build no
further. Soon later, he collapsed it, and they formed groups
according to which tongues they possessed (38). These groups
dispersed into their own nations, and through genetics, adapted to
their new environments. The nations divided as they had wars due to
sin, resulting in different dialects of tongues and more ethnicities.

Symbols not spoken were used to intercommunicate among different

tongues to maintain their mother religion of Satanist Paganism around
the world. Symbols include the tower which they came from, the star
with crescent [moon], the all-seeing eye, the upside-down cross
[counterfeit of Christ’s cross], the zodiac, the goat head, the cross
of Nero, the satanic ‘s’, the Swastika, and many others, with the most
prominent being the sun. Astrology, which many of their symbols
reflect, is central to Satanism as the heavens are universal and the
stories are appealing to the curiosity (39).

God also uses symbols to communicate prophesy to those who are

willing to learn. These are key in understanding the books of Daniel
and Revelation, which when taken into the mind and heart, expose
Satanism so that we can remain free from its tyranny. Some of God’s
symbols and their associated meanings include the following: woman for
church, stars for angels, name for character, wine for doctrines,
dragon for Satan, Babylon for apostate religious systems, seas for
masses of people, earth for unpopulated areas, oil for the Holy
Spirit, Lamb for Christ, seven for completeness, six for man, beast
for the antichrist system, horns for kingdoms, mountains for nations,
angels for messages/messengers of warning, white for cleanliness, mark
for conformity or allegiance, raiment/robes/linen for character, and
black for evil; however, many others exist which you are encouraged to
study out.
Artificial religions formed by the ancient myths passing down
through the generations and changing as they did. Some people moved
down south and became Africans. Others moved to the East, some beyond
into the Americas and islands in between. It is interesting that some
elements of the religion of God were maintained in the Native
Americans. The ones staying on the west of the Pacific became Asians
who separated into Buddhists and Hindus. Still others moved north and
became Celts. The rest stayed close and became the powerful Pagan
Greeks and Romans.

Behind the scenes, all of the artificial religions share the same
beliefs as their mother religion, just different names of deities and
rituals. The few Satanists in each religion lead their masses to
believe that the deities really exist and that the rituals will favor
the people to them, though they know it is all made up.

One group still remains unmentioned, and that is the Hebrews who
never gave into Satanism. A remnant of Jews [Israel] God has
preserved throughout all generations. After Christ fulfilled the
ceremonies that led to His incredible sacrifice on the cross, and also
demonstrated the spiritual truths that many nominal Jews then and
today lack, Christians [His followers] could be grafted into the
Jewish inheritance of promises through Him (40).

The exact year of Christ’s death was predicted in Daniel hundreds

of years prior (41), though Satan has hidden this from many. A day is
for a year in prophesy (42) and it was 483 years [69 weeks multiplied
by 7 days in a week] from the decree of Artaxerxes to rebuild
Jerusalem (43) until His anointment of baptism. Jesus died in the
midst of the last seven years, or 3 ½ years after His baptism. At the
close of the 490 years [the entire 70 weeks], the gospel of Jesus was
to go to the non-Jewish Gentiles (44), who would accept the Messiah
and not have a religion of salvation by works as most of the non-
Christian Jews. The unclean meats in Peter’s vision represented the

After the gospel triumph of the Pentecost (45), Satan worked

harder than in hiding God’s religion to keep the remnant small (46),
as he did in Noah’s day and has in these last days (47). As Daniel
predicted (48), times and laws of the original were sought to be
changed; however, the two longest commandments of the law of God—the
second and fourth—remain unchanged in the Bible (49). He also
predicted that “saints of the Most High” would become martyrs by
through Satan’s forces. This was during the Dark Ages of the
antichristian movement would last 1260 years, which was seven times
prophesied in Scripture (50). 3 ½ times equal 360 + 720 + 180 years as
360 days are in a prophetic year. 42 months equal 42 x 30
[days/month] years. See ‘a’ in references for more information on
these time prophesies. It was a terrible time when the Scriptures
were hidden [“clothed in sackcloth”] from the world, but preserved by
the remnant woman [Christ’s bride church (51)], who was persecuted to
the extreme yet remained of pure faith.

This all developed through a new artificial system of religion in

which the Satanists created, but this time with the deities and
rituals given Christian names. This opportunity was taken to allow
Roman Paganism to retain universal government control by drawing in a
growing population of Christians, and also to destroy the influence of
Bible religion of the ones who did not join. The ruling of one man of
royalty, descending to the next to take his place and onward through
time, was designed to manipulate billions. Force was employed and
this became their pseudo religion, if you will, in carrying forward
their agenda from that point on. One only needs to study or remember
their history to identify it, particularly of the fourth century and
the region around Rome, Italy.

Three centuries later, another artificial religion was created:

Islam. It had enough scriptural roots to draw in both Christians and
Jews, yet it introduced another prophet to make it a different
supposed religion. Again, two motives acted: wipe Christians off the
map throughout most of Europe, by which they used monetary force, and
also create another frictional division for their proposed Age of
Aquarius to gain acceptance. The fifth and sixth trumpets [judgments]
in the Book of Revelation outline this religion through time. Again,
see ‘a’ in references for more information.

To achieve their Aquarius of peace, they would implement a New

World Order which would follow after many wars. Wars have always been
the direct result of the divisions of among the artificial religions.
To make the wars of larger scale, the Satanists use means to encourage
the love of money (52), which is rooted in the evil of selfishness, so
that people join in from all classes save the lovers of Jesus. The
ultimate goal is to establish a worldwide government under their order
that everyone would trust—after having had so much turmoil—and then
bring their mother religion of Satanism back to the entire world; this
all to undo God’s destruction of what they had planned at Tower of

To their disgust, the Bible was distributed worldwide by the

Protestant Movement starting in the middle part of the last
millennium. This slowed their plans down, but establishing more new
artificial religions under a Christian title in the 1800s gave them
headway. Having the majority of content Christian, with some Satanism
mixed in, has proven to be the most effective modern tactic for
Satanists to draw in Christians as it is the most deceptive. Along
with creating doubt as to the divinity of Christ (53), these were the
ploys behind the religions of Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and
Christian Science. All three of the founders were in high rankings of
secret societies.

Secret societies are the workhouses for the Satanists, and they
also act as their churches, if you will, when no one else is around.
The highest ranked adherents are Satanists, while the lowest are blind
workmen. The most hideous crimes are done by these groups undercover,
and many of the “missing” children of today have been used for their
sexual and sacrificial services.

Mind control is used for many of their purposes, particularly in

information storage people, and they learned much about it from the
experiments they did in Nazi Germany during World War II. This
science has worked well for them as Satan, whose power they are under,
knows everything about it as he uses it on everyone who submits to his
plan of selfishness. Religious cults, hypnotism, some types of
psychology, very much of the media, and selfishly trying to control
others’ actions are all forms of mind control.

The Satanists used the New Age Movement of the 1960s for
enlightening people of their mother religion and motivating them for
global peace (54), so that they would be ready for the Age of
Aquarius. This tactic will likely be used more in the future.
Evolution and violent, sexual entertainment, also becoming more
prevalent in this period, have been introduced to demoralize people
into Satanism. False teachings on history and current events have
been used to desensitize people into their religion. They, including
some of our educators, realize that what they teach on evolution and
world events is mainly wrong. The Bible predicted this current state
and of speaks of a different Order and Age to come, with those united
to Satanists never reaching their long hoped for Aquarius (55).

If you must delve into these dark topics further, you will need
to do your own research elsewhere. Realize that evil conspiracy is
entirely real but that some theories out there are not. The goal here
is to only outline the reasoning of Satanism so that you can discern
in your mind where it exists, and then know how to keep yourself and
your loved ones clear of it as you would hopefully choose to do. The
emphasis is to show that real love only exists in the religion of
Christ, so that the false love displayed in Satanism can be fully
extricated from the mind and heart (56). This is what the everlasting
gospel is trying to accomplish.

Many Christians and non-Christians have never known some, if not

most, of the truth through Satan’s master plan of deception, yet they
have chosen to follow the pleadings of Christ’s Spirit into obedience.
He has promised to save them from destruction (57). However, once
they know the truth, and do not follow it, they are then responsible
for that light received (58). People are also responsible for
purposefully not seeking the light for the fear of discovering their
unknown faults (59). The only way to prevent Satan’s deceptions from
destroying us is to seek the Lord when He comes to us and not let Him
go (60).


The rest of The Highway of Destruction can now be easily

understood having already examined his purposes and history of
carrying them out. It is not, then, difficult to understand that he
would try to wreak havoc in the people who profess to be Christians.
Others are already well deceived. The plan he uses now is very
crafty. His objective is still to try to keep people away from

Through much experience, he has found that the best way to keep
people from Christ in Christendom is to separate people into two
groups, both performing works to try to obtain the satisfaction they
continually lack, yet thinking they are on the right way to it (61).
One group is the liberalists and the other is the legalists. They are
counterfeits of God’s grace through His Spirit and God’s righteous law
of truth, respectively, while both of the genuine are inseparable in
forming love. Satan induces fear and self-gratification to keep them
in one group or the other. Though they are opposites, people go back
and forth between them as they feel emptiness in one. While still
maintaining self-gratification and fear, they go to the other thinking
it will make them right.

Liberalists gratify themselves through materialism,

entertainment, drugs, and sexual behavior. If they do not feel bold
enough to do the vile works themselves, then they choose to indulge in
watching others do the forbidden acts, usually through the media (62).
They fear not being accepted, losing worldly possessions, and dying.
Legalists gratify themselves in pride and secret indulgences that
their legal rules do not condemn, at least on the surface. They fear
that they are not accepted and that their works are not good enough to
keep them from burning in hell. Notice that both groups have the fear
of not being accepted. The liberalists fear that their friends and
family will not accept them if they become more religious. The
legalists fear that God will not accept them as they do not perceive
his grace both for power and pardon of their sins. They are both
lacking the confidence of a caring Father who already accepts them as
His precious children by creation, and who would dwell with them in
peace presently and eternally if they would just return from their
separation to Him (63).

Sadly, many are taught false doctrines that close their minds to
the living Word of Christ (64). Recall from before, the Bible always
interprets itself when studied correctly. In addition, they divide
Christians of profession into different groups, and then fractions of
groups, based on disagreements. Each “Church” believes theirs is
correct. Small things, unrelated to one’s salvation, should also not
cause God’s flock to scatter. Denominations were never in God’s plan.

Some of your loved ones may not have turned to the Lord; however,
they are not burning for eternity. This is an unfortunately common
unbiblical doctrine that Satanists have used to have people doubt the
love of God. The eternal/everlasting fire/burning/punishment the
Bible describes is the effects of not experiencing life, not denoting
duration. Also, when “for ever” is used in Bible, it denotes “until
completion” unless the entity is to never end, which is simply not the
case for the punishment of the wicked. Whether they accepted Christ
or not, they are not aware of your present suffering. The dead are
peacefully at rest until our righteous Judge awakens them to their
eternal destiny of death or life (65). Most of the ones who will die
for the second time (66) would not desire the intense purity of the
restored universe, while those who allow the Spirit to purify (67)
them will relish each infinite moment.

If you, dear reader, have suffered from being separated to God

and getting perplexed by the wide varieties of conflicting teachings
that relate to your valuable life, run to Jesus now! He accepts you
as His and has the purpose of restoring your life to one of
satisfaction now and perfect greatness for the eternal future. You
have no work of your own to do for salvation, and unlike what is
widely taught, you have no obligation to become a member of a church
organization. God works inside the heart and those who refuse will be
destroyed in the end like the atheists who already believe they will.
Do not be afraid of anything apart from Christ as everything in this
dark earth will soon perish, and only the blissful light of eternity
will remain.
In case you are wondering what the true Church is, remember that
only one exists: it is the Vine of Jesus Christ (68). Do not go out
and look for that name, because you will not find it. The Vine
resides wherever true love is, which only comes from spiritually
obeying His law (69). This law is no different than the Father’s
(70), just that it emphasizes the spirit behind it, which is love
(71). The obeying only comes from continually choosing God’s grace to
enable freedom from transgressing it, and we choose because we love
Him (72). This is what it means to abide in Christ’s love, which
saves us. The ones having this Sabbath rest experience (73) are
scattered abroad: either unfortunately deceived and among all the
different churches in which they worship, or keeping the commandments
both in spirit and truth (74) assembled among themselves. The latter
are the remnant ones we are told to fellowship with (75), lest we
perish from losing the love of the truth (76) in becoming changed by
the errors beheld. Until the time comes when all will gather on
Sabbath to hear the sermons that Jesus will speak in the New Jerusalem
(77), He will lead us to find fellowship with those who will encourage
and influence us for the better, if we ask.


As explained, sin and sinners will be destroyed and not allowed

to pollute the future. Only a loving God as ours would not suffer
them or the righteous to continue in an existence of trouble and pain.
Our earth’s 6000 year existence is only a dot in eternity. Suffering
was never meant to last.

Selfishness is the root of all sins. It is to try to feel good

and fearing otherwise by serving self and forgetting Christ—the
Creator and Redeemer—and His people. The Sabbath is remembering them
and is the root of all love [charity], which is the only thing on
earth to last into eternity. Know I Corinthians 13 well and live it!

Counterfeit love is prevalent within and without Christendom. It

is used for self-gratification and can be easily masked to not appear
such to others. It is known in the Bible as lust and covetousness.
Once Satan has pursued to deceive and divide people to where he wants
them, he uses his lust to trick stem into thinking it will satisfy
them, when in reality it will destroy them unless it is put away (78).

What goes on inside the homes testifies of whether love is real

or not. Parents think that they love their kids by allowing them to
do whatever their immature minds and hearts please, while down the
road they wonder why they are under the destructive influences of
illicit relationships and drugs. The parents destroy the marriage vow
—the symbol of our relationship with Christ—by either divorcing or
making their family’s lives miserable when staying together. Outside
of the home, things often appear quite well, except to their enemies
on the road and other places (79). Suffering people who they could
bless with food, clothing, kind words and acts, and the message of the
saving gospel, are left destitute (80). Little do they know, they are
destitute too. The blind are leading the blind, while all remain
destitute (81). God will make sure no one is desolate in the next
life (82). He will not force it on anyone, but each must develop a
grateful heart of love, so that those remaining will not ever need to
feel destitute again by people hurting and rejecting them (83).
Christ’s Spirit will do the heart work to the willing recipient (84).

Read the second part of Revelation 3 on the message for the

lukewarm church of Laodicea. It applies to Christendom today and is
an integral part of the everlasting gospel. It calls us to return to
the pure state of Philadelphia [the previous church age] where there
is still an open door. If you feel that you are one of those in this
situation, deceived and blinded by Satan’s sophistries to destroy you,
get out now! Christ can only save you now, because a tomorrow is
never promised and a heart remaining in sin only hardens to the call
of the Spirit (85). You are a precious pearl that He died for to
reclaim as His, and He would agonize to see you go (86). Refuse!
Refuse now to allow Satan to lead you to the fire of destruction
prepared for the wicked! Never give up.

God’s way of life


God reveals Himself not just through His Word and Spirit, but
also through nature and providence. Many in the society today take
little thought of anything pertaining to God and His Word, and smirks
are often made when the subject comes up. They equate religion with
going to a boring church service and not being able to do the wild
things that they enjoy. Through impressions of Satan and the common
existence of people who claim to be Christians but have a gloomier
life than infidels, they are led away from Christianity. The
unbelievers—whether or not professing to know Christ—do not realize
that their religion is Satanism (87). If only their eyes could be
opened to see that their enjoyment is only coming from nerves and
hormones exited by artificial passions, and that they are miserable
and empty deep inside from the wounds of sin. If only they knew the
beauty of what God could reveal to them and how their broken cisterns
could be exchanged for a bottomless fountain holding the refreshing
water of life (88). If only they knew how sweet peace is (89)! If
only they knew Jesus (90).

Nature points to a Creator who has great care for His creation in
revealing the complexity, diversity, and beauty of all living and
nonliving things (91). Studied with the Book of Genesis, the student
finds how sin has blighted the original, which is our model for God to
restore us back to.

The student will then find that the last book of the Bible,
Revelation, reveals just how this restoration will take place.
However, two other components must be met to fully grasp what God
wants to reveal to us. First, the Book of Daniel must be studied for
the Book of Revelation to make sense. Studied together, the symbols
can be interpreted. Again, refer to ref. ‘a’ for a good aid in
studying them. Second, the study of the sanctuary connects everything
from Genesis to Daniel and Revelation together, which the next section
on redemption will explore. An excellent legendary book on linking
everything together in Scripture that pertains to the sanctuary is in
ref. ‘b’. Make it a priority to read, and you will not regret that
you did. This entire study enables one to see God’s active providence
working throughout the ages for the salvation of souls from
destruction to restoration. The Spirit of God also works
providentially to give every person in the world access to His
restoration plan (92). To those who have access to the truth as it is
in His Word, He will not leave in darkness if they are willing to
learn (93). To those without, sufficient impressions are given.

The most solemn message ever given to mankind is found in

Revelation. It is the everlasting gospel and is to go out to everyone
in this closing time of probation. It is a threefold message in the
fourteenth chapter with the eighteenth chapter giving the final plea,
though other parts of Scripture link into these as well. The next
section will look at them respectively. The purpose is to awaken
mankind, for the last time in earth’s history, to the need for sincere
repentance. The disastrous effects of sin have been entirely exposed,
and He is giving us one last chance to choose The Way of Life over The
Highway of Destruction. The choice of this conflict has everlasting
results and it all centers around who really loves us and who we
really love for our satisfaction.

The Way of Life is demonstrated in the sanctuary. As the New

Testament gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John testifies of the
fulfillment of the sanctuary services, the Old Testament gospel of
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy testifies of the types
that led to the fulfillment. However, this does not mean that the
service in the sanctuary has ceased. The Book of Hebrews explains
that the heavenly sanctuary still stands, and Jesus is our High Priest
(94). Understanding what everything in the sanctuary represents gives
us a much better appreciation of the high cost of sins and the
unfathomable love that redeems us.

Blood is required for the remission of sins as they cause death

and life is in the blood (95). The lambs slain in the Old Testament
times were indicative of Jesus who gave His life for our redemption
(96). We see, then, that He is our all-sufficient Redeemer from our
sins through His sacrifice and atonement, in being both Lamb and High
Priest of the world (97). Only unspeakable grace could move our Lord
to stoop this low when we are the ones sinning, and not Him (98).
Only an unchangeable law would require Him to do this as only He, who
is equal to the law, could. The cross He was nailed to signifies
where His merciful grace and His righteous law met (99). In the
sanctuary it is where the Holy Place met the Most Holy Place, where
the veil that separated the two tore at His death (100).

Every sin committed crucifies the Lord afresh, because He would

have died for one sinner and He also still feels the pain in beholding
His children sin. He especially hates pride and ingratitude, because
He, as Creator and Redeemer, humbled Himself more than any of whom He
died to save (101). They are the very roadblocks to redemption from
selfishness. When self is exalted and feels slighted when not, Satan
is in turn exalted and worshiped through his authorship—originally and
actively—of selfishness and the pride that sustains it. He always
obtains highest allegiance by remaining anonymous.

In the Most Holy Place of the sanctuary, two cherubim continually

bow down to the most sacred object in the universe—the Ark of the
Covenant holding two tablets of stone containing the holy law (102).
Only conformity to all of its contents in spirit and truth will
restore liberty for all to have peace in the universe (103). The
first stone indicates how to love God, and the second how to love
everyone He created (104).

Jesus—the author of the law—wrote it with His own fingers upon

rock, and exemplified the spirit of love behind the law when He was
here on Earth. Idols include anything that has our heart and time
invested into. Saying God’s name in vain includes professing to be
followers of His when we refuse to follow (105). Adultery is
committed when our eyes and heart sexually lust (106). The list could
go on much further, but each is rooted in selfishness.

The Sabbath command joins the two stones together, acts as a

merger of the spirit of the law [inward obedience] with the letter of
the law [outward obedience], and is the portal from the sanctuary
experience of justification and sanctification [which will be covered
shortly] into the restoration gained in fulfilling the rest of the
law. It is the one law that contains God’s seal—name [“Lord thy
God”], title [One who “made”], and dominion [“heaven and earth, the
sea, and all that in them is”] (107). Notice that the first message
of the everlasting gospel refers to the quote of His dominion (108).
Notice also that the ones spared from destruction are the ones who
“keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” (109). The
Bible interprets the faith [or testimony] of Jesus to be the spirit of
prophesy, which especially includes the content of the Book of

The joining of the two fleshly tablets of law in the heart is

complete when our spiritual marriage with Christ—as fulfilled in
keeping the seventh commandment—is sealed by the fourth commandment;
thus, confirming our perpetual covenant with Christ as portrayed by
His rainbow promise of love. It is the spirit of prophecy which God
uses, and which Satanists try earnestly to hide, to exhort and remind
people of this covenant relationship (110). Everyone who experiences
this relationship of rest with Jesus will bear the testimony of His
power of presence [to comfort and transform] and His love to others.
They will testify of their transformation of unrestful sinning which
brought anxiety and worry, to a rest in Christ’s continual presence
now and in the hope hereafter by loving, living, and speaking. Such
are those who unceasingly “behold the Lamb of God” and follow wherever
He goes—not their weak selves, nor erring men and institutions, nor
troubling circumstances, nor even the Law itself—and become changed
into His image of precious character. Such are true Christians and
receive not the image of the beast.

Our forehead and hands indicate who we worship in mind and works
respectively (111). If we rest from trying to work our way to
satisfaction and allow God to work His righteousness in us, we are
keeping the fourth commandment in spirit and having a saving
experience in not breaking all the other commandments. Keeping this
commandment outwardly shows that we desire the inward experience.
Satan knows that the Sabbath is the sign (20-22) that people are under
the power and love of Christ, and this is why he and the Satanists
planned to make people forget the one law we are told to remember

Recall that the spirit of sin is selfishness—not remembering God

or others in their thoughts and actions. Could it be that this is the
issue that the everlasting gospel is trying to address, considering
the two religions available to mankind? Could it be that the mark of
the beast is received in not keeping the Sabbath in spirit and truth
as it is paying allegiance to the Satanists’ pseudo religion which
sought to change God’s day of rest (113) to the first day? You will
need to make up your mind on this issue, which is sadly a sensitive
one. Remember not to follow the crowds as they are the “all” that
will receive the mark. Also, be assured that God knows the hearts of
those who have unknowingly broken the Sabbath outwardly. However,
conditions will be such—as Revelation has prophesied—that just before
the end, all will have received this knowledge of the everlasting
gospel and will have to choose whether or not to receive the mark of
the beast (114). Will you follow the dictates of your conscience
towards God over the worldly religious and governmental dictates, even
if it means you will not be able to buy and sell? Will you remain
true to the truth and trust only God as Daniel’s three friends did
that entered the fiery furnace (115)?

Though every iota of the sanctuary has significance in God’s plan

of salvation, we will keep things simple here and just look at the
three from which all other parts stem out. We start in the courtyard
of the sanctuary. We see the brazen altar. It represents our
repentance [turning away] and confession of sins as well as the first
part of our justification experience (116).

We are to lay our lives on the altar. God cannot change our
lives if we are clinging to a worldly idol that causes us to sin
prevents this. God gives us desires to repent, but it is up to us to
make the final choice to give up those sins which Christ died to
redeem us from. In order to be close to God, we must come to hate
sins just as he does, and this is the large part of what it means to
fear God (117). This along with respecting and adoring Him as Creator
is the cry of the first angel of the everlasting gospel, which would
give the repentant sinner a true experience of fearing God.

Notice the quotes in ref. 117 which indicate that when we fear
God, we no longer fear evil but have the serenity of Jesus (118)!
This beautiful, but sadly rare, Christian experience is what people in
this world truly need! Anxieties become small when we realize that an
all-powerful God is present, that He will provide for our needs, and
that He will keep us from harm’s way even when things look tough. The
glory we give to God, also contained in the first message of the
everlasting gospel, automatically proceeds from us when this
experience of turning away from sin and frightfulness takes place.
The Book of Psalms was written to help us remember these things.
While almost everyone else is panicking in the troubling times ahead,
including professed Christians, “what will ye do in the end thereof”

In the old covenant of animal sacrifices, the priest would

transfer the sins, which the Jews confessed to God in prayer, upon the
lambs offered. They looked forward to the same Lamb we have to be the
sacrifice for our justification.

Moving inside Holy Place of the sanctuary, we come to the golden

alter of incense. It represents Christ and the righteousness of His
sinless life interceding for us. No beast could ever offer this. Our
prayers to the Father will then be as incense as He only sees His
Son’s righteousness that covers us. Christ is our only righteousness
as ours is only as filthy rags (120). This is how we are justified.

Our sanctification experience is taught by the golden

candlestick, also in the Holy Place of the sanctuary. The High Priest
would light and trim the lamps evening and morning each day—the same
time he added incense to the altar. Both burned continually. This
represents that our salvation experience is to be continual. We are
to have secret communion with Jesus all of the time. In Revelation we
are told that the candlestick represents the Church in its seven
phases through time (121). As we saw before, we are in the time of
Laodicea today. The light that proceeds out is the truth, which has
always been preserved by the remnant who live it and spread it forth

The Book of Zechariah also gives us insight. The golden oil

pouring into the candlestick is the grace of the Lord’s Spirit (123),
which enables us to live righteously after we have made the choice to.
Also, it speaks of two anointed ones [branches] pouring oil through
the pipes. Revelation infers that these are the Old and New
Testaments of the Scriptures, which as we saw before, were veiled, or
hidden, during the 1260 years of the Dark Ages. After this, when
Bibles were spread abroad, new light on truth that had been hidden for
so long by Satanist traditions, slowly unveiled. Henceforth, we see
again that both the Spirit and truth are required for the
sanctification of our salvation experience.
This whole experience demonstrated in the sanctuary is our
salvation. Individual restoration is the completion of salvation
and will be obtained if the experience continues through to the
end (124). It is all simple to understand when all of the
satanic deceptions are expelled, and it can be summed up into
these words: “righteousness by faith” (125). Any other way to
salvation is of a different gospel under a different Jesus
(126). Justification after confessed repentance is to take
place whenever we find that we have sinned. Sanctification is
continual and progressive, while being inseparable to
justification as both can be received at once. This experience
can only take place when we are in Christ, choosing to do
whatever He reveals to us (127). He would give us strength to
overcome any sin or difficult situation if we just gave into His
pleadings to protect us (128). No defects are incurable that God
will not give the grace to overcome. Nothing of the past can
prevent salvation, but only a willingness of heart that Jesus is
looking for that never comes.

The wine, indicated in the second message of the everlasting

gospel, represents the false doctrines Satanists use to hide the
experience that keeps people in Christ. The fundamental
doctrines are the same as the original; however, many more
specific ones were introduced into their pseudo religious
system. Sadly, the churches that have protested against this
system of beast power still hang onto some of its errors. Thus,
they have become an image to the beast, as referred to in the
third message of the everlasting gospel. The early reformers who
came out of the system had exposed and denounced the errors, but
the churches named after them became of a fallen state in
refusing to seek the new light which, if received, would have
replaced the old errors. Therefore, the Spirit of Truth was lost
and even more errors were added to the old (129).

Always remember this: a doctrine is false if it points away from

the power and love of the real Jesus. These are the two elements
behind His creation [of both life and revelation for intelligent
beings], redemption, and restoration—thus the threefold
substance of the Sabbath and why Satanists persistently try to
pervert it (130). The threefold message of the everlasting
gospel of God’s salvation plan is intended to reveal and
denounce the false teachings that go contrary to this, but it is
up to each individual to decide to be redeemed and restored from
the effects of error.

The final plea of the everlasting gospel is to come out of any

organizations that teach error (131). They all stem from the
counterfeit to remembering to rest in God, which is to do the
works of our own choosing for satisfaction, and never truly
being saved (132). The most popular wine in this blind age of
Laodicea lulls people into thinking that they can perform
selfish works and not die. It is the original lie from Satan. It
is the great mystery of evil which we have solved through the
everlasting gospel (133). Everyone willingly drinking of the
toxic wine will perish. Babylon is the whole system that serves
the wine and is the counterfeit to the body of Christ, the Vine
that nourishes her with righteousness through His sap of blood.
Christ is already espoused to us through Creation, but in
refusing Him as our Redeemer for the beast and his image, we are
playing the harlot (134).

Read Revelation 18 and decide once and for all to refuse all
poisonous wine, both literally and spiritually. Detoxify yourself by
drinking the blood of Jesus—shed for your sins—so that He can restore
you to His everlasting kingdom.


Christ is the Rock that we can anchor our souls to, and His
everlasting kingdom is the stone in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream—portrayed
in the Book of Daniel—that would destroy all the earthly kingdoms from
Babylon to Rome [through time], as represented in the statue (135).
Read the last two chapters of both Isaiah and Revelation to learn of
the future you will have if you are anchored. Many people have tried
to spiritualize heaven either into some imaginary land floating in the
clouds somewhere or into the polluted life we are in now, often with
an element of reincarnation included. Praise God that His Word
teaches differently!

Heaven is a real place surrounding God’s physical presence and

Amos hints that it is in the area of Orion, where some scientists
model the center of the universe is in studying the Doppler Effect
(136). In the same chapter, Amos expresses our deep necessity of
always seeking Him to maintain His presence and live (137). The same
message is echoed throughout the Bible (138). Though He is very far
away in space, He allows His presence to be in those who seek Him
through His Spirit, who His Son also has access to us through (139).
We should not get bogged down in understanding the existence of the
Holy Spirit, including His relation to the Father and the Son, but
just know that He is the same God and is real just as heaven is real.
Like the substance of the dark matter which comprises most of the
universe, and the composition of life, it is a mystery to our mortal
minds that we will not understand until we are restored to
immortality. Speculation will only bring erroneous theories.

The main point is the following. The Holy Spirit and good angels
constantly throw good influences into our hearts [through desires] and
minds [through thoughts], while Satan and evil angels do the evil
opposite. When we learn from the great conflict of good and evil that
the latter has tragic effects, we learn to trust that God’s ways are
right and seek Him instead (140). Then, through the Spirit’s power,
we will obey (141). It is the only way we can keep God’s presence in
us, which will enable us to behold Him face to face for eternity as we
will have come to know Him personally. Seek Jesus first in your
thoughts, desires, and plans, before it is too late!

The saints, restored through their redemption experience of

justification and sanctification, will inhabit this earth in its
restored state. The New City of Jerusalem, of gigantic three-
dimensional proportions, will be the capital of the planet and the
location of God’s throne, thus the new location of heaven after the
destruction of the wicked. It has already been prepared in heaven’s
current location. Each person will have their own mansion there
(142). Outside of the city, each will have country homes with lush
gardens (143). Away from this planet are many majestic worlds and all
will be open for us to explore (144).

God’s restored people will continue to learn of His love for them
throughout eternity. Though they will not be able to recall the
individual struggles of their past lives, their appreciation to God
from redeeming them from a grim life to one of such stark contrast
will never wane. The beauty, both of experiencing love from everyone
and from magnificent natural wonders, will overtake them with intense
satisfaction that will never end. Greatest of all, each Sabbath and
New Moon they will return to Jerusalem to commemorate the restoration
(145). We are told that the new Tree of Life will produce fruit
monthly (146), and it could be that they return to it each New Moon as
a special service demonstrating Christ giving them His life to restore
them. The Sabbath Day will be set aside to observe the eternal rest
all will have from every taint of corruption.

How sad will be the day when Jesus removes the mansions of those
who He died to redeem but never accepted His salvation. Even sadder
will be the time when the fire is ignited to destroy all sinners
(147). Please note that the fire not being quenched refers to the
fire burning until it has no more fuel and ending no sooner. The
worms will not die until all the carcasses are gone. God would never
suffer for anyone to see their loved ones burn for eternity. Once the
destruction is completed for all eternity, no more tears will be shed,
and the whole earth outside of Jerusalem will be restored.

Perhaps Isaiah 28 covers the issue of this event most

unequivocally; read it. It is a strange act for a merciful God to
enact (verse 21). He loves everyone He ever created and tries to the
uttermost to save them. Each one lost is given more than sufficient
time and opportunities to turn to Him, but they refuse because they
are lovers of themselves and not of Him (148). The time they spent in
selfish pursuits could have been spent in getting to know Christ.
They refuse the Sabbath rest experience—the covenant relationship with
Him—which brings refreshing life to the soul (v. 12). Shamefully,
they refuse to build onto the temple with the sure foundation of the
precious cornerstone (v. 16). Now read Ephesians 2:19-22. This Chief
Corner Stone is Jesus Christ. The temple—also referred to throughout
Scripture as Zion [or Sion] and her mountainous Rock, as well as the
kingdom of God—is His Church of saints [remnant of Israel], everyone
dispersed who has had His Spirit abiding in them (149) but in the
future united together as fellow citizens in the New Jerusalem [the
prefigured City of David]. Instead, the willingly deceived make a
covenant with Satan and His Church of Babylon, which follow after the
glittering selfish lusts they are taught to desire that only fade as a
flower (v. 1,4). They become drunk with the wine (v. 1-3,7) of lies
and falsehood (v. 15) served to them which lulls them asleep to the
fact that the covenant they entered was of death (v. 15,18)! If they
would just properly study the Scriptures for themselves (v. 9,10) to
receive true doctrine, and choose to submit to the Spirit as He
reveals the truth to them, they could be spared from the fire and able
to spend eternity with their loved ones who are of the household of
God [the prefigured house of David, same as the temple].

Many other end-time events, times, and purposes for them exist as
they are revealed in the Bible, but to maintain brevity here, you are
encouraged to study them out in the fashion just mentioned.

If you do not know Jesus like you should, start believing in Him
now. Perhaps the worst lie out there today, which stems from the
master deception of remaining immortal in a sinful condition, is that
a mere belief that Jesus exists is sufficient to save us. How much
farther from the truth could it be? The evil angels believe this and
we know that they will be destroyed (150). Believe in Him continually
for life and victory! Believe on His name, which is Saviour and Word
and Love (151). Believe that He will remove your sins and give you
His righteousness. He has promised if you let Him (152).
Do not wait until it is too late to repent (153). We know
through prophetic events that the coming of our Lord is near, but
death can even come sooner. Stop working to satisfy yourself under a
false security and determine to enter into God’s rest today, both
literally and spiritually, while it still is today (154)! Let the
two-edged Sword of Truth cut out your sin and not your life (155)!
Every moment apart from Him our hearts will harden more, but every
time we choose to turn from our own works and submit to His will, He
is restoring us into His image of character that He intended us to
have from the beginning. He is looking for a perfect imprint of His
character in His people by discerning their thoughts and desires, the
pattern of which is their character.

Never forget that this character is His gift to us. We attain as

we accept the purely unselfish motives contained therein through a
close relationship with Him. Through constant prayer and watchfulness
(156) this relationship will never fail and it will always lead to
desires for learning more truth.

Then will Christ’s people be sealed to full restoration, and He

will take them as His bride to the wedding feast in their white robes
of character which they attained (157). Then will the everlasting
gospel have fulfilled its mission and the great conflict with evil
ended for eternity and only good remaining.

Imagine. No more hideous health problems, just new perfect

bodies. No more deceptions, just endless truth. No more harmful and
perplexing situations, just peace, and how glorious is that peace! No
more clutter in sounds of grinding, pounding, and hurtful words. No
more clutter in sights of pollution and violence. Only pure sounds
and sights of breathtaking nature outside the City, and inside the
City a grandiose design of architecture made of pure gold and precious
stone that only God could create; just cheerfulness and kindness.
Meditate on this whenever you are going through hard times and your
stress will decrease (158). Do you want to live in such an
environment? Only a lack of willingness will prevent you. No one
else or nothing else can cause you to fail. Jesus loves you.

“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who
forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases; Who
redeemeth thy life from destruction; Who crowneth thee with
lovingkindness and tender mercies; For as the heaven is high
above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him.
To such as keep His covenant, and to those that remember His
commandments to do them.”—Psalms 103:2-4,11,18
“O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put
my trust in Thee. Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for
I wait on Thee”—Psalms 25:20,21


(a) Daniel and Revelation by Uriah Smith, which can be found at

(b) The Cross and Its Shadow by Stephen Haskell, which can be found at

(1) Is. 28:9-13 (2) Rom. 6:23 (3) John 14:27; 16:33; 18:36 (4) II Cor. 8:11-12 (5) Matt.
6:24 (6) Acts 26:18 (7) Ps. 97:10 (8) Deut. 8:2; Jer. 24:7 (9) Is. 14: 12-14 (10) Ezek.
28:14-15 (11) Gen. 1:27 (12) Gen. 3:6 (13) Gen. 2:16-17 (14) Gen. 3:22-24 (15) Gen. 3:4-5
(16) John 14:16; Prov. 11:30; Rev. 21:6; 22:14 (17) Rom. 5:21; Deut. 30:19-20 (18) I John
3:7; Jas. 1:22-24 (19) I John 3:4; Rom. 4:15 (20) Ezek. 20:20; Exod. 31:17 (21) Ezek.
20:12; Exod. 31:13 (22) Isa. 66:22-23 (23) John 8:33-37; Rom. 6:12-23; Deut. 13:3-5;
Isa. 14:3; Matt. 11:28-30 (24) Rev. 12:9; 13:11-16 (25) Rev. 12:12 (26) II Peter 1:3-4 (27)
Deut. 33:27 (28) Isa. 1:19 (29) I John 4:8-15 (30) Amos 3:7; Daniel 2:29; Rom. 1:17-21
(31) Gal. 5:22-23 (32) II Thess. 2:7-12 (33) Ps. 14:1; Is. 45:5; I Pet. 5:8 (34) Gen. 3:5;
Luke 4:8; Ps. 7:8; Jas. 4:11-12 (35) Is. 5:20 (36) Is. 8:19-20; Deut. 18:10-12; Lev. 19: 30-
31; 20:6 (37) Gen. 3:11; I Tim. 6:13,16; Ps. 145:20; I Cor. 15:50-54; Jas. 1:15; Mal. 4:1;
Heb. 2:14 (38) Gen. 11:1-9 (39) Is. 47:10-13 (40) Gal. 3:28-29; Rom. 11 (41) Dan. 9:24-27
(42) Ez. 4:6; Num. 14:34 (43) Ezra 7:11-26 (44) Rom. 2:28-29; Acts 10 (45) Acts 2:1-15
(46) Rev. 12:17; Gen 3:13-15; Ezra 9:14 (47) Matt. 24:37-39; I Pet. 3:20 (48) Dan. 7:25
(49) Ex. 20:4-11 (50) Dan. 7:25; 12:7; Rev. 11:2-3; 12:6,14; 13:5 (51) Eph. 5:25-27 (52) I
Tim. 6:9-10 (53) Col. 1:13-20 (54) Jer. 8:9-11; Ez. 7:25; 13:9-11 (55) II Pet. 3:10-14 (56)
Phil. 4:8 (57) Rom. 8:13-16; John 10:16 (58) Heb. 10:26; John 15:22 (59) John 3:19-21;
Num. 15:28 (60) Is. 55:6-7 (61) Prov. 16:25 (62) Rom. 1:32 (63) Jer. 24:7; 31:3; II Cor.
6:16-18; Is. 43:1; Is. 57:15-21; 59:1-2 (64) Matt. 15:7-9 (65) Is. 26:19-20; Ps. 6:5; 13:3;
115:17; Ec. 9:5; I Thess. 4:13-18; Acts 2:29 (66) Rev. 2:11; 20:6,14; 21:8-9 (67) Tit. 2:11-
14 (68) Ps. 80:8; John 15:1-14 (69) I John 5:3 (70) I John 2:7; Matt. 5:17-19; Rom. 7:12
(71) Rom. 13:10 (72) I John 4:19; 3:16 (73) Matt. 11:28-30 (74) John 4:24 (75) Is. 45:20;
Heb. 10:24-25; II Cor. 6:14-15 (76) II Thess. 2:10; Ps. 26:4-5 (77) Is. 66:23; Mic. 2:12
(78) Ex. 15:9; Ps.81:11-13; Jas. 1:13-16; 4:1-5; I John 2:15-17; II Pet. 1:4; Gal. 5:16 (79)
Luke 6:27-35; Ps. 28:3 (80) Matt. 25:31-46 (81) Matt. 15:13-14; I Tim. 6:5 (82) Ps.
102:17,25-28 (83) Col. 3:1-2,14-15 (84) Ez. 11:19-20 (85) Heb. 3:7, 12-15 (86) Mal. 3:16-
18; Ez. 33:11 (87) Matt. 12:30 (88) Jer. 2:11-13; Rev. 21: 6; 22:17; Matt. 5:6 (89) Ps.
29:11; 119:165; Is. 26:3-4; Is. 48:18 (90) Jer. 29:13; Rev. 3:20 (91) Job 38; Is. 40:8-31
(92) I Cor. 2:9-14 (93) I Thess. 2:13; John 8:12 (94) Heb. 3:1; 4:14-16; 8:1-2; 9:11-12,23-
24; 10:16-22; Ps. 102:19 (95) Lev. 17:11 (96) John 1:29; Is. 53; Acts 8:32; I Peter 1:19-23;
Rev. 5:12-14; 7:9-17; 12:11; 14:4; 19:7-9 (97) Matt. 1:21; Gen. 22:8-13; Rom. 5:8-19 (98)
Rom. 3:23-26; I Tim. 1:14-15 (99) Ps. 85:10-11; 25:10; 57:3,10; 98:3; 69:13; 100:5; Prov.
3:1-4; 16:6 (100) Matt. 27:51 (101) Heb. 6:6; I Cor. 6:20; Prov. 16:18; 29:23; Jer. 49:16;
Ps. 10:4; 22:26; 25:9; 34:2-4; 37:10,11; 69:30-32; 76:5-9; 147:6; 149:4; Matt. 11:28-30;
Jas. 1:17-21; 3:13-16; I Pet. 3:4 (102) Deut. 4:13; I Kin. 8:6-7; II Ch. 5:7-8; Rev. 11:19
(103) Jas. 1:25; 2:10-12 (104) Matt. 22:36-40 (105) Ez. 33:30-31; Is. 29:13-14 (106)
Matt. 5:27-32 (107) Ex. 20:10-11 (108) Rev. 14:7 (109) Rev. 14:12 (110) Rev. 12:17; 19:10;
1:3; Gen. 9:12-17; Ex. 31:15-16; Jer. 31:33; Heb. 8:10; II Cor. 3:3 Eph. 1:9-14; Heb. 9:14-
15; 10:35-39; 4:1; II Pet. 3:1-9,13 (111) Deut. 11:18 (112) Ex. 20:8 (113) Matt. 12:8; Rev.
1:10 (114) Rev. 14:6; 13:15-17 (115) Dan. 3:8-25 (116) Prov. 28:13; Acts 3:19; Ez. 18:20-32
(117) Prov. 1:7,29,33; 8:13; 14:26-27; 16:6; 19:23; 22:4-5; 23:17; Ps. 19.9, 25:12-14; 31:19-
20; Acts 10:34-36 (118) Mark 4:1,36-41; Phil. 4:6-7 (119) Jer. 5:22-31; Ps. 9:9-10 (120)
Is. 64:6 (121) Rev. 1:10-20 (122) Matt. 5:14-16 (123) Zech. 4:1-7 (124) Col. 1:21-23; Matt.
24:13; Heb. 6:11-12; I Tim. 4:16; John 8:31-32; Acts 14:22 (125) Rom. 1:17; 3:22; 9:30;
10:6; Gal. 5:5; Phil. 3:9-11; Heb. 11:7 (126) II Cor. 11:3-4 (127) Rom. 8:1-9; Col. 1:26-28;
Eph. 2: 8-10; II Cor. 5:17 (128) I Cor. 10:13; II Cor. 12:9 (129) Rev. 14:8-12; John 16:13
(130) I John 1:5-10; II John 4:5-10; Matt. 24:11,23-27 (131) Rev. 18:4 (132) Is. 58:13-14
(133) Rev. 17:4-5 (134) Hosea 3; Jer. 2:19-21; 3:13-14,19-20; II Cor. 11:2; Ez. 16:8,15,32;
Jas. 4:4 (135) I Cor. 10:1-4; Ex. 17:6; I Sam. 2:2-3; II Sam. 22:2-3,32,47; Ps. 61:2; 114:7-
8; Song of Sol. 2:14-16; Deut. 32:4,18,31-37; Is. 17:10-11; 48:21-22; Matt. 7:21-27; 16:18
(136) Amos 5:8 (137) Amos 5:4,6 (138) I Ch. 16:10-11; II Ch. 12:14; 15:12-15; Ps. 34:9-16;
Is. 9:13-16; Zeph. 2:2-3; Deut. 4:29-31 (139) Gen. 3:6-8; Eph. 3:14-21 (140) Amos 5:14-
15; I Peter 3:10-17; Is. 7:13-16 (141) Jer. 7:23; Acts 5:29,32; II Thess. 1:7-10 (142) John
14:2-3 (143) Is. 65:21-22 (144) Is. 64:4-5; I Cor. 2:9 (145) Is. 66:23 (146) Rev. 22:2 (147)
Is. 66:24 (148) II Tim. 3:1-7 (149) I Cor. 6:19; Ps. 50:2; 102:16; 125:1-3; 128:4,5; 129:4,5;
132:13; 149:2; Is. 1:27; 2:2-5; 4:3,4; 12:6; 35:10; 46:12,13; 49:14-16; 51:11-16; Luke
13:18,19; 17:20,21; 18:16,17 (150) Jas. 2:19-20; Matt. 25:41 (151) John 1:12-14; I John
3:21-24; 5:4-5,12-13 (152) Matt. 6:33 (153) Rev. 22:11-13 (154) Heb. 4:1-4,9-13 (155)
Eph. 6:17 (156) Mark 13:33-37; 14:38 Eph. 6:18; I Cor. 16:13; I Thess. 5:6,17 (157)
Rev.19:7-9; 3:5 (158) II Cor. 4:17-18

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