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This is My Bag - A Short Play


The Narrator: Tells the story and explains what is going on.
Salmah, a police officer: A grumpy police officer who can be quite angry.
Andrew, the victim: A student who claims that their bag was taken by the accused.
Alberta, the accused: The student who is accused of taking Andrews bag.
Kah, a witness: Someone who was passing by as the incident occurred.

Narrator: One Friday afternoon, there was a big commotion outside a Petronas petrol station.
Two students were shouting at each other. A police officer arrived at the scene.
Salmah: Calm down! My name is Officer Salmah. Please let go of each other, or I shall have to
stop you.
Narrator: Andrew and Alberta stopped fighting. They looked angrily at the police officer.
Salmah: Tell me, whats the matter?
Andrew: Officer Salmah, she took my bag. She says that its her bag. *he points to a bag on
the ground*
Salmah: Whose bag is this?
Andrew: Its mine!
Alberta: No, this is not your bag. Its my bag. Not yours. You took it from me.
Andrew: Shes making things up. Its not hers. Its not her bag.
Alberta: I can prove that this bag is mine. I can tell you exactly what is inside it. There is an
English textbook, a pencil case, a bottle, and a CD.
Andrew: Thats because you saw what was in the bag! You opened it.
Salmah: Lets ask other witnesses. Excuse me, did you see what happened just now?
Kah: I was refilling my car with petrol when I heard a scream. It was hers. *points at Alberta*
Salmah: What happened next?
Kah: I turned around. I saw her. She was holding the bag while lying on the floor. He *points at
Andrew* was standing next to her.
Andrew: I was talking to a friend. I put my bag down by the ice cream section. She took my
bag, walked away, and then she looked through its contents.
Alberta: I did not! Andrew walked up to me and took my bag, so I grabbed it from him to take it
back. Ive been sitting here for the past half an hour.
Kah: Excuse me. I think I see another bag over there, by the cashier counter. It looks exactly
the same as this one. Do you think one of you might have gotten confused?
Andrew: Oh! actually, I think that might be mine. Let me check. *he runs off*
Alberta: Officer Salmah, I think Andrew should take better care of his bag next time.
Salmah: *shakes her head* All I want to do now is go back to my desk at the police station.
Narrator: It turned out that Andrew had misplaced his bag at the counter instead of the ice
cream section like he thought. Having resolved their problems, Andrew and Alberta went home.
They learnt that we should always double-check our facts before we accuse other people of
things they did not do.

Performs the action
of the verb

Receives the action

of the verb

Comes before noun

Possessive Determiners
Format: possessive adjective + noun


Possessive adjectives always occur before the noun. They are used to show who owns the
thing (noun).
My cat, his dog

(NOT Cat my*, Dog his*)

Can I leave my fruits in your fridge? (fruits belong to the speaker, fridge belongs to the listener)
Traditionally, we use its to show that the things belong to an inanimate object or animals (not
human things). The dog rushed to the front of the house to greet its master (the master of the
dog). Its tail (the tail of the dog) was wagging happily.
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns shorten the possessive determiner and noun into one pronoun.
Format: possessive determiner


possessive pronoun

This is my bag.This is mine. Your car is bigger than my car. Your car is bigger than

I have taken my test already. Have you taken yours (your test)?

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