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Cell Power

Hi, my name is Keith and Id like to welcome you to my Cell Power eCourse.
As a teacher, practitioner and author of natural healing I work with many different
modalities and understandings and in my opinion, this is the most important
information that you can get hold of. It quite simply explains how the body works
at a cell level, what happens when it doesnt and how you can create the
conditions to make it work again.
Everyone who receives this information agrees that it is the key that unlocks all
other understandings of health. The information is scientifically and medically
researched and verified, however none of it is being taught in the mainstream
school of thought. This means that once you grasp these simple principles, you
will have a better understanding of how your body works at a cell level than most!
Two Schools of Thought
It is important to understand that there are currently 2 schools of thought, when it
comes to treating illness and disease. The system currently favoured by the
medical establishment is based upon the work of Louis Pasteur and is known as
Germ Theory. Following this approach, an external agent is held accountable
for causing a particular disease and in response, treatment is aimed at
destroying the germ, preventing future infection and dealing with the symptoms
that have presented.

The second approach, known as Cell theory, looks at the body more holistically
and suggests that rather than an external factor being held to blame, it is the
altering of the internal environment that gives rise to the many symptoms and
conditions that affect our health. Following this understanding, treatment aims to
restore homeostasis, or internal balance.

The most important thing to remember is every one of us began as a single cell.
That one cell grew into a multi trillion celled living organism made up of highly
specialized organs, glands, bones, muscles and fluids, all organized into complex
systems that would take a life time to study and understand. Fortunately for us,
understanding how cells work, whether they are found in the brain, the eyes, the
muscles or even the pancreas, is relatively simple.
With this in mind, lets begin:
Body Electric
In 1962, an article entitled Electricity in Plants, published in Scientific American,
revealed: the processes of life have been found to generate electric fields in
every organism that has been examined.
Very simply, this means that cells generate electricity; they are like little

It is now recognized that our bodies are more electrical than mechanical in
nature. For your eyes to see, your heart to beat, your brain to think or your
muscles to work, the cells (or batteries) in each of these organs must produce
the electricity needed for healthy functioning.
The big question how do they do this?
The article continued, The delicately balanced distribution of inorganic salts in
and around a living cell, whether plant or animal, accounts for its electrical
Mineral Balance
While there are many minerals that are necessary for life, when it come to
electricity there are 2 that are most important sodium and potassium. Inside
every cell there is a higher concentration of potassium than outside the cells and
conversely, there is a higher concentration of sodium outside the cells than
inside. It is this delicate balance of sodium and potassium in and around the
cells that accounts for the electrical potential in every cell.


To maintain this balance, every cell has a little pump in the membrane, known as
a sodium potassium pump. When potassium leaks out, the pump pulls it back
in and when sodium leaks in, the pump pushes it out. Knowing that these
minerals are electrical particles (ions); every time they move backwards and
forwards across the membrane, the pumps generate electricity.
In order to keep the pumps running the cells must produce a fuel, known as ATP.
(Cars run on BP, we run on ATP). To make ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), cells
must get oxygen to convert glucose into ATP. This is why oxygen is so important
we can survive weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes
without oxygen. Oxygen keeps the pumps working.
Oxygen Deficiency
Without oxygen, we cannot make ATP and as a result, the pumps begin to switch
off. Medically this can be diagnosed as every form of pain, illness and disease;
however, from our perspective, all the name or label tells us, is where the pumps
are switching off and where the batteries are running down. Every condition is
one and the same, a loss of energy at a cell level. Fundamentally, this is due
to oxygen deficiency.

This is now well documented:
"...all chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused from a lack of oxygen at
the cell level." Dr Arthur C. Guyton in The Textbook of Medical Physiology.
"Cancer has only one prime cause. It is the replacement of normal oxygen
respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic (ie., oxygen-deficient) cell
respiration." Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel Prize winner)
"Illness is the result of improper removal of toxins from the body. Oxygen is the
vital factor which assists the body in removing toxins." Ed McCabe.
"Coronary heart disease is due to a lack of oxygen received by the heart."
Dr. Dean Ornish
"Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the functioning of the immune system." Parris M.
Kidd, Ph.D.
"In all serious disease states, we find a concomitant low oxygen state... Low
oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease... Hypoxia, or lack of
oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease.
Oxygen is the source of life to all cells." Dr. Stephen Levine

"Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in

anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease. The link between
insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established." W. Spencer
Way (Journal of the American Association of Physicians).
 Health and vitality, as well as illness and disease, all occur at a cell level.
 Understanding how cells work is key to understanding health.
 Every cell is like a little battery.
 It is the delicate balance of minerals in and around the cells that account
for their electrical potential.
 To maintain this delicate balance, every cell has a sodium potassium
 The pumps are the electrical generators of the cell.
 To keep the pumps working cells must get optimum levels of oxygen.
If the pumps are healthy, you are alive and well; if they switch off, you will
experience a loss of energy, pain, degeneration, illness, disease and eventually
In Part 2, we will have a look at:
The essential healthy state that every cell must be in, in order to get
optimum levels of oxygen.
The prime cause for oxygen deficiency at a cell level
The one state that leads to all form of pain, degeneration, illness and
Keith McFarlane is not a medical doctor, and therefore no therapeutic claims of any kind are
made with regard to any information presented in this document.
The information provided in this document is intended to be strictly educational in nature and is
not intended to be a substitute for seeing your physician or for medical treatment.

Cell Power
Welcome to Part 2 of the Cell Power eCourse.
In part 1, we revealed that everything that happens in the body happens at a cell
level. Understanding how to keep your cells healthy is far easier than trying to
figure out what, how and why every part does what it does.
To Recap
Every cell has a tiny pump, known as a sodium potassium pump, which
maintains a very delicate mineral balance in and around the cells. This pump
generates the electricity that allows the eyes to see, the brain to think, muscles
to work and every other part to do what it needs to do healthily. To keep the
pumps running smoothly, cells must get oxygen to convert glucose into the cell
fuel, known as ATP, which runs the pumps. Every form of pain, degeneration,
illness and disease that occurs in the body is simply a sign that the cells in the
affected part are not getting enough oxygen and the pumps are switching off.
So how do we make sure that our cells get enough oxygen?
The State of Health
In 1961 Dr Arthur C. Guyton described the state that every cell needs to be in, in
order to get optimum levels of oxygen and glucose from the blood. He called it
the Dry State, where there is only enough fluid to fill the crevices between the
cells and that is all.
To get a better idea of what the Dry State looks like, picture the cells tightly
paralleled by a blood vessel and a lymph vessel; like peas in a pod.


Very simply, blood delivers the groceries (oxygen and glucose) to the cells, so
that they can produce electricity; while the lymph does the dishes clearing away
all build up and maintaining the Dry State.
As long as your cells are in the Dry State, they will be able to produce electricity
and your body will be youthful, vital and healthy.
Dr Guyton went futher to suggest that if you were able to keep your body in a Dry
State, you would not lose energy, experience pain, suffer illness or disease; in
fact, you wouldnt even age!

This was demonstrate by Nobel Prize winner, Alexis Carrel who kept chicken
heart tissue alive for over 30 years by feeding it with an optimum nutrient
solution and washing it daily to clear all waste. This maintained the delicate
mineral balance, so that the cells could generate electricity. It was only after
Carrels death that the tissue was allowed to die. They simply stopped changing
the solution and allowed the waste to build up.
Blood Protein
Now while this may only seem possible in a laboratory environment, it is
important to note that there is only one thing that can alter the essential healthy
Dry State and that is Blood Protein and water.
There are 3 kinds of blood protein in the blood stream albumen, globulin and
fibrinogen. Apart from an important transport function, the primary role of blood
protein is to hold water in the blood stream. 91% of the blood is water and if it
werent for blood protein, water would leak out and we would literally bleed to
death and drown internally.

In 1930, Dr Cecil K. Drinker of the Harvard Medical School, proposed that blood
protein leaks from the blood stream throughout the whole body. At the time it was
believed that the blood protein molecules were too large to escape through the
capillary pores (much like trying to pass a golf ball through a hosepipe).
In 1948, Dr H.S. Meyersen, of the Tulane School of Medicine attached
radioactive iodine to blood protein in order to test Drinkers theories. He found
that in a 24 hour period, 50% of the blood protein left the blood stream.

The Lymphatic System

The only way lost blood protein can be returned to the blood stream, is via the
lymphatic system.
In his Medical Textbook of Physiology, Dr Guyton writes: The lymphatic system
represents an accessory route by which fluids can flow from the interstitial
spaces into the blood. And, most importantly of all, the lymphatics can carry
proteins and large particulate matter away from the tissue spaces, neither of
which can be removed by absorption directly into the blood cappilary.
Blood protein holds water, wherever it is. If it gets trapped in the spaces around
the cells, it will hold water and the essential Dry State will be altered. Dr.
Meyerson, suggested this could spell swift catastophe.

Guyton writes: We shall see that this removal of proteins from the interstitial
spaces is an absolitely essential function, without which we would die in about 24
The Wet State
When Blood protein becomes trapped around the cells, fluid builds up and
creates an unhealthy Wet State. As a result, the cells will not get enough
oxygen. As we have already mentioned, it is now recognised that every health
condition can be traced to oxygen deficiency at a cell level. If the Dry State
represents health, then the Wet State represents every poor health condition. It
could be called heart disease, cancer, diabetes, immune deficiency, but the
bottom line remains the same. Cells are not in the Dry State, they are not getting
enough oxygen and the pumps are switching off.

Now heres where it gets interesting. To keep the pumps running, your cells must
have ATP.
With oxygen, 1 molecule of Glucose can create 36 molecules of ATP.

1Gluc + O2 = 36 ATP
Without oxygen, your cells do have a backup plan, however it is not as efficient
and there are side effects.
Without oxygen, 1 molecule of Glucose will only produce 2 molecules of ATP.

1Gluc O2 = 2 ATP
This means that if you want your cells to keep producing the same amount of
energy, your glucose intake will have to increase by up to 18 times.

18Gluc O2 = 36 ATP
This is why carbohydrates are the worlds staple food.
Remember, Otto Warburg found that cells that are deprived of oxygen begin to
mutate and become cancerous. In the absence of oxygen, glucose ferments.
This not only feeds cancer cells, but also creates the ideal environment for
bacteria, viruses, parasites and other micro-organisms to breed.

 Cells must be in a Dry State to get optimum oxygen and glucose.
 The only thing that can alter the Dry State is Blood Protein and Water
 It is the Lymph Systems job to clear blood protein and excess fluid from
around the cells and maintain the Dry State.
The BIG question is how does the Lymph system work?
Well find out in part 3.
Keith McFarlane is not a medical doctor, and therefore no therapeutic claims of any kind are
made with regard to any information presented in this document.
The information provided in this document is intended to be strictly educational in nature and is
not intended to be a substitute for seeing your physician or for medical treatment.

Cell Power
Welcome to Part 3 of the Cell Power eCourse.
In part 2, we discovered that your cells must be in a very specific state, to receive
oxygen and glucose so that the pumps can generate life giving electricity.
We also know that all chronic pain, suffering and diseases are caused by a lack
of oxygen at the cell level.
Now while poor breathing habits, polluted and indoor environments, inactivity and
certain foods can all deplete your oxygen levels, there is one factor that most do
not take into account.
To Recap
To be healthy, every cell must be in a Dry State, where there is only enough
fluid to fill the crevices between the cells and that is all. This is the state that cell
must be in to get optimum levels of oxygen. If this state changes, a Wet State
forms and your cells automatically become oxygen deficient.
The only thing that can alter this essential state of health is blood protein and
water, which naturally leak from the blood stream; and the only thing that
ensures that you keep your cell environment clear of blood protein and excess
water is the lymphatic system.
50% of your blood protein can leak out of the blood stream in just 24 hours and if
it is not retrieved by the lymphatic system, the Dry State will be altered. This
could spell swift catastrophe; in fact, Dr Arthur C. Guyton in his Medical
Textbook of Physiology states that if your lymphatic system is not working, you
will die in about 24 hours.
The most important question to ask is
If you want to be healthy and live a life that is pain free and disease free, it is
essential that you understand what the lymphatic system is and how it actually
The White Bloodstream
Paralleling the blood, the lymphatic system is a vast network of vessels, nodes
and specialized organs that extend throughout the body. Known as the purifying
system of the body, it is also the most important part of your immune system,
responsible for clearing damaged and worn out cells, metabolic waste, toxins,
poisons, cancer cells, viruses and any and all pathogenic microorganisms that

may be harmful to your body. In addition and perhaps most importantly, your
lymphatic system is responsible for retrieving blood protein and excess fluid and
maintaining your essential Dry State of health.
The simplest analogy for the lymphatic system is a tree the branches go up to
the head, the roots go down to the feet and the trunk lies in the chest.

Lymph circulation begins with the smallest vessels, the capillaries, which are like
little vacuum cleaners draining the cell environment. From here the lymph passes
into larger and larger vessels, through the nodes for purification and eventually
into the largest lymph vessels, the ducts in the chest, where it released back into
the bloodstream at the base of the throat. To prevent lymph from flowing
backwards, the lymph vessels have little one way valves.

So what keeps your lymph flowing?

Unlike the blood stream, which has the heart as its natural pump, the lymph
system does not have a specific pump to keep the lymph fluid flowing. Instead it
relies on two very efficient pump actions to maintain healthy circulation.
The first is movement. Every time you move, the pressure builds beneath the
valve and squeezes the lymph through the valve, from one chamber to the next.
(I like to think of it as the tube of toothpaste effect.)

Unfortunately, movement on its own is not enough to pump the lymph out of the
ducts and back into the blood stream. This is where the second pump is
essential, known as the Thoracic pump, this pump action relies on deep

This was proven by Dr Jack Shields, a lymphologist who placed a camera at the
ducts of a man running on a treadmill, to see how much movement was
necessary to pump his lymph out of the ducts and back into the blood stream.
Even though the man was running on the treadmill, it was only when he took a
deep breath that the camera showed the lymph gushing out - like a geyser.
Movement is very important for lymph circulation, but it is deep breathing, that
empties the lymph from the ducts back into circulation. Think of your lymph
system as a syringe. Movement fills the syringe, deep breathing empties the

This is very important to understand. The most effective way to activate your
lymphatic pumps is to keep moving and keep breathing. Failure to do so could
spell swift catastrophe.
Native American Indians know that they can end their own lives in 24 hours,
simply by sitting hunched over, cross legged and motionless, with their hands
tied around a branch above their head and breathing as shallow as they are able.
In 24 hours, they will be buried.
No movement no deep breathing 24 hours dead.
Please dont try this at home!!!

Do you live a sedentary life? Are you spending your day sitting at a desk,
behind a computer, a television or a steering wheel?
If you are, the BIG question is: are you breathing deeply?
If the answer is no, then you need to know that you are greatly compromising
your Dry State and most importantly, your immune system. The first sign will be a
loss of energy, followed by discomfort and pain and eventually, the pathway of
compromise and degeneration will set it.
Most people are moving their bodies to some degree throughout the day. The
problem is most are so absorbed in what they are doing, that they rarely if ever
breathe deeply.
This is why immune dysfunction is so prevalent and why every health condition
can be linked to poor lymph circulation. Whether it is an infectious or auto
immune condition, it always comes back to poor lymph circulation and the
resulting Wet State at a cell level. This provides the ideal environment for loss of
energy, pain, degeneration, illness, disease and eventually death.
 The lymph system is the purifying system of the body and the most
important part of the immune system.
 It relies on movement and deep breathing for circulation.
 A sedentary lifestyle is the quickest way to reduce lymph circulation.
 Poor lymph circulation will compromise the healthy Dry State and lead to
immune dysfunction.
 Once a Wet State develops, it provides the perfect environment for
every infectious and auto immune condition known to man.
If you want to restore and maintain your health, it is absolutely vital that you
understand and follow the Pure Laws of Health.
These will be revealed in part 4.
Keith McFarlane is not a medical doctor, and therefore no therapeutic claims of any kind are
made with regard to any information presented in this document.
The information provided in this document is intended to be strictly educational in nature and is
not intended to be a substitute for seeing your physician or for medical treatment.

Cell Power
Welcome to Part 4 of the Cell Power eCourse.
In part 3, we discovered that your health relies upon lymph circulation. Every
health condition known to man - whether a loss of energy, pain, degeneration,
illness or disease - can be traced back to poor lymph circulation, which in turn
compromises the vital, healthy Dry State and results in an unhealthy Wet State.
If you want to enjoy good health, you must have good lymph circulation.
To Recap
The lymph system is the purifying system of your body; responsible not only
for clearing waste, poisons, harmful microorganisms and cancer cells, but most
importantly, blood protein and water that can alter your essential healthy Dry
State. It is also the most important part of your immune system.
Unfortunately, it does not have a dedicated pump and relies on two very efficient
pump actions to maintain circulation. These are movement and deep breathing.
If you have a sedentary lifestyle and spend most of your day sitting and
thinking, then you are compromising your lymph flow, trapping your blood
protein, draining your energy and weakening your immune system. In short,
following Native Indian tradition, you are actually committing slow suicide.
Dont panic!
To claim back and keep your health, you first have to understand the Pure Laws
of Health.
These are:
1. Everybody Must Work
2. Dont Argue, Quarrel or Fight
3. Dont Defile Your Body
Now, while these may sound old fashioned and even Biblical (to be honest they
can be found in most sacred texts); they are the keys to living a pain free and
disease free life.
Lets have a look at each one individually.

Everybody must work

This might seem like a bit of a drag; however it has nothing to do with your
current state of employment. The only work you need to focus on is making sure
that you are getting enough oxygen to your cells by ensuring good circulation. In
other words, your job is to breathe deeply and keep moving throughout your day.
Failure to comply with this law will reduce your blood and lymph circulation,
which will compromise your grocery delivery and your dish washing. That will
alter your healthy Dry State, creating oxygen deficiency and your cell power will
wane. Breaking this law, always leads to the next.

Dont argue, quarrel or fight

Emotion can be interpreted as energy in motion. The moment you alter your Dry
State through poor breathing habits and/or a lack of movement, you will
experience a negative flow of energy. This will cause you to feel vulnerable and
your natural response will be to fight or flight from whom or whatever you believe
has drained your power.
In the market place, this is called competition - there is not enough to go around!
Now this is where it gets interesting. The most important thing that you can do
when confronted, is breathe. This will boost your circulation, calm your mind and
allow you to think clearly about what it is that you are dealing with.
Unfortunately, the moment your mind perceives a threat (real or imagined), you
automatically stop in your tracks and hold your breath.
The moment you stop breathing and moving, you trigger your basic instinct.
Suddenly they become responsible for your energy loss and they owe you.
The problem is, you broke the first law everybody must work. What makes it
even more frustrating, is more often than not, you will not be able to kill or run
away from your attacker. Its either socially and morally unacceptable or your
attacker is virtual, either in your head or in cyber space.
Instead, you will probably resort to one of the following tactics:
You will intimidate
You will interrogate
You will become aloof
You will become a poor me

Do these sound familiar?

Whatever method you choose; when confronted, all you are looking for is energy
to cope with the situation at hand. When you intimidate and interrogate, you
are in fight mode and when you play the aloof or poor me, you are in flight

Either way, your blood flow speeds up or slows down and your trapped blood
protein builds up. So even if you get a rush of energy, you will eventually find
yourself exhausted you need help and that leads us to Law number three.
Dont defile your body
Without oxygen, you need more glucose. You have to produce enough energy to
get up every day and continue with your life. Only now, you are under stress
you are in a Wet State you are not getting enough oxygen.
Break the first law and your eating habits will change. Slowly at first, so that you
wont really notice, youll simply have a health appetite. Before long, however
youll either need someone or something to get you through the night.
Any substance that causes your pulse to quicken (stimulant) or slow down
(sedative), will increase the amount of trapped blood protein build up around your
cells. Put simply, they increase your Wet State.
Prime culprits are coffee, tea, alcohol, drugs (medicinal and recreational), soft
drinks and foods with extra salt and sugar.

Now heres the problem.

Once you break the first pure law of health, you can get caught in a rollercoaster
of emotional and substance highs and lows.

When you cant get your energy from someone else, youll get it from a food or
some other substance. When the food or other doesnt help, youll look for
another relationship. This can have serious consequences.
According to Professor Dr Friedrich M. Plog of The Max Planck Institute in
Germany, when the energy fields produced by the cells are reduced, the blood
proteins will cluster.
Put another way, when you burn your batteries at both ends, they begin to
misfire. The energy produced by your cells will start to melt your trapped blood
protein together.
Now you have more than trapped blood protein in your Wet State you have
clustered trapped blood protein in your Wet State.
The problem
clustered blood proteins are too big to be removed by your lymphatic system.
Unless you break the pattern, you will find yourself dealing with recurring
conditions that just dont seem to respond to treatment.
 To keep your body pain free and disease free, you must understand and
follow the Pure Laws of Health.
 Everybody must work make sure your cells get oxygen.
 Dont argue, quarrel or fight oxygen deficiency creates negative or
sluggish emotions. These will affect your relationships.
 Dont defile your body oxygen deficiency will change your eating
 If you dont break the habit, you will create clustered trapped blood
protein that is almost impossible for your lymph system to remove.
Stay tuned all is not lost there is a way out.
Well reveal the formula for life and death in part 5.
Keith McFarlane is not a medical doctor, and therefore no therapeutic claims of any kind are
made with regard to any information presented in this document.
The information provided in this document is intended to be strictly educational in nature and is
not intended to be a substitute for seeing your physician or for medical treatment.

Cell Power
Welcome to Part 5, the final part of our Cell Power eCourse.
Part 4 revealed the Pure Laws of Health - the physical, emotional, mental and
nutritional keys to living a pain free and disease free life. Breaking any of these
laws, will deplete your energy and set you on a pathway of compromise and
To Recap
You are responsible for breathing and maintaining your circulation. Failure to
do so will alter your Dry State, reduce your energy flow and create sluggish or
negative emotions. These increase your energy needs and alter your eating
habits. Breaking the Pure Laws of Health inevitably leads to a rollercoaster ride
of emotional and substance highs and lows. If you dont break the habit, your
cells will misfire and the heat energy will melt your trapped blood protein, forming
clusters that are almost impossible for your lymphatic system to remove.
Before we get into the speed healing techniques that clear clustered blood
protein, we must first understand the downward spiral, known as the Pathway of
The Pathway of Degeneration
Poor lymph circulation alters the essential Dry State of Health, causing an
unhealthy Wet State, which starves cells of oxygen. As we have seen, this is the
underlying cause of every illness known to man. But what actually happens?
The Living State
Cells are not little bags filled with fluid and organelles; instead, they are like little
living jellies. According to Dr Gilbert Ling, author of Life at the Cell and Below
Cell Level, ATP (our all important cell fuel) energizes the protein frame of the cell
and structures the water producing a Living State, which turns the cell into a
little solid state battery. (This is much like a magnet structures iron filings).

Without oxygen, your cells will use up their energizing ATP, which weakens the
bonds in the jelly and vital life fluid leaks out.

According to Dr F. Batmanghelidj, author of Your Bodys Many Cries for Water,
66% of dehydration occurs within the cell. Now this presents an interesting
scenario - you are in a Wet State, but your cells are drying out.

This explains why it is so important to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. The

problem is, unless you first clear your clustered blood protein, restore your
Dry State and get more oxygen into your cells, you cannot reset your Living
Jellies and recharge your batteries.

Cellular dehydration triggers a drought management program, which restricts

water loss and rations water supply until the crisis is resolved. The program
includes histamine, which regulates water loss; vasopressin, which constricts
blood circulation and rations water to the most important organs; rennin
angiotensin, which promotes the absorption of salt for more water retention and
cholesterol, which helps to regulate water loss by sealing up the cell membrane.
With circulation reduced and the cell membrane closed for business, waste
cant get out and nutrients cant get in. This leads us to The H Factor
Homocysteine, the Biggest Health Breakthrough of the Century.
H Factor
According to authors Patrick Holford and Dr James Braly, Homocysteine is a
naturally occurring waste product that results from the billions of chemical
interactions that happen every second in the body. This process is called
methylation. Fortunately, the body recycles this potentially harmful acid waste
into very useful antioxidants (Glutathione and SAMe), using very specific
nutrients namely Vit B2, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Zinc and Trimethylglycine (TMG).
This is why B vitamins are known as the stress vitamins!

The problem is, with the membranes sealed off, the nutrients cant get in and
the waste cant get out. As Homocysteine levels rise, all available nutrient

resources are used up to protect the cell and most importantly the DNA from
harmful acid damage.
As starvation sets in, the acid waste corrodes the DNA, altering the natural
functioning and causing mutant behaviour.

In addition, with emotional and nutritional waste building up, the vital pH balance
is threatened.


pH Miracle
In his book The pH Miracle, Dr Robert O Young states Your health depends on
the pH balance of its blood. With more acid waste entering the bloodstream
through diet and stress, drastic measures must be taken. To prevent blood pH
from changing (which would be catastrophic), the acid waste is dumped into your
tissue. To protect your vital organs, your body stores the toxic waste in fat tissue.
Current thought now suggests that cancer, diabetes, arthritis and most other
degenerative diseases cannot occur in a body that is alkaline balanced.
This explains the many and varied approaches to healing that are now available.
The trouble is, while all of them address the symptoms created by the Wet State,
none of them mention the initial cause - the clustered trapped blood protein.
Formula for Life and Death
In 1981, Dr C. Samuel West (founder of the International Academy of
Lymphology) presented his one basic formula, showing how trapped blood
proteins produce the conditions that cause loss of energy, disease and
death at the cell level, to the International Society of Lymphology (made up of
the senior lymph experts from around the world).
His 32 step equation was accepted without debate and even elicited the
response: If you teach this formula to the people, you will close hospitals.
The Formula for Death can be summarized as:
TBP = Excess Fluid and Excess Na =

EE =

Trapped blood protein causes a Wet State, which alters the electrical potential
and damages the cells.

Conversely, the Formula for Life reveals:

No TBP = No Excess Fluid and Excess Na = EE =
When there are no trapped blood proteins, the Dry State ensures full electrical
potential and healthy cells.
According to this formula, it is trapped blood protein that triggers all loss of
energy, pain, degeneration, illness and disease. Every other symptom is a
consequence of this initial cause.
 The consequences of the Wet State are oxygen deficiency,
dehydration, acidity, nutrient deficiency, DNA damage and death.
 From this understanding, we can reveal the Formula for Life and Death
at a cell level.
 The prime cause of all health conditions is trapped blood protein, which
alters the essential Dry State of Health.
 While there are many pathways to health, it is absolutely vital that you
clear your clustered trapped blood protein, if you want to enjoy a life
that is pain free and disease free.
Keith McFarlane is not a medical doctor, and therefore no therapeutic claims of any kind are
made with regard to any information presented in this document.
The information provided in this document is intended to be strictly educational in nature and is
not intended to be a substitute for seeing your physician or for medical treatment.

Cell Power
Welcome to Part 6, the final part of our Cell Power eCourse.
Part 5 revealed the Pathway of Degeneration and the Formula for Life and Death
at a cell level. We also discovered that most healing modalities address the
symptoms of a Wet State; very few (if any) address the prime cause the
clustered trapped blood protein, which initially triggered the Wet State.
To Recap
The consequences of the Wet State are oxygen deficiency, dehydration,
acidity, nutrient deficiency, DNA damage and death. The Formula for Life
and Death reveals that blood protein holds the key to your cellular state of
health. If you want to enjoy a life that is pain free and disease free, it is
absolutely vital that you clear any and all clustered trapped blood protein.
The secret to speed healing lies in knowing how to break down blood protein
clusters. Once the clusters are reduced, you can drain your cell environment, get
oxygen to your cells and turn your generators back on again. (If your cells are not
decaying, they are just switched off.)
So how do we do that?
Energy Healing
According to Prof Dr Friederick M. Plog of the Max Planck Institute in Germany,
energy will dissipate the blood protein clusters and speed up their removal from
the cell environment.
In any healing situation, your prime need is energy - your batteries are running
down and you need a jump start.
Now energy healing is not new.
Natural healing modalities like Acupuncture, Reflexology and Hands on Healing
have been around for thousands of years. These can all bring great relief in
conditions of poor health, as can other energy based therapies like Colour
Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Naturopathy, Homeopathy and Live Food Nutrition. Art
forms like Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong all boost the bodys natural energy flow.

More technological approaches include a variety of electrical stimulation

therapies like TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and EMS
(electronic muscle stimulation) as well as more complex systems like Quantum
Xeroid, B.E.S.T. and SCIO machines, which use subtle bio-energy to analyse
and balance the body.

There are even medically based approaches, like the work of Dr Bjorn
Nordenstom (who dissolved tumours with electrodes), Dr Joseph Waltz ( who
puts electrodes down the spine of previously helpless cerebral palsy, MS and
Polio patients and gets them out of wheelchairs), Dr Royal Raymond Rife (who
invented an electronic device, the Rife Resonator, to cure any and all illnesses
caused by viruses and bacteria - even cancer), Dr Bob Beck (whose Blood
Electrifier has shown promising results with AIDS, Epstein Barr and Herpes viral
conditions) and Dr Hulda R. Clark (who claims to cure cancer, AIDS and many
other diseases using, among other things, her electronic Zapper).
The problem with most if not all of these modalities, is they do not mention or
specifically target the clustered blood protein. In addition, they dont always take
into account the Pure Laws of Health, which may hinder their long term success.
Using this information, you can now greatly enhance the efficacy of these
approaches and speed up your healing, by targeting your blood protein clusters.
Speed Healing Formula
To understand speed healing, we need to have a look at Dr C. Samuel Wests
formula for health
O2 = Pumps = EE = P
Simply stated, oxygen converts glucose into the vital cell fuel ATP, which powers
the Na/K pumps and structures the cells into living jellies, so that they can
produce the electrical energy that gives every part of your body the power to
function healthfully. This formula reveals the three essentials necessary for
speed healing:

Lymph flow

If your cells are not producing electrical energy, you need energy to uncluster
the blood protein, oxygen to switch on the pumps and restore the living jellies
and (perhaps most importantly), lymph drainage to restore the Dry State.

Now before you start energizing yourself, it is vitally important that you STOP!
Stop breaking the Pure Laws of Health.
If you continue, you will simply flood your cells with more blood protein and once
again compromise your Dry State taking one step forward and two steps back.
If you are serious about your health, you must cut out all foods and substances
that damage or poison your cells. The simplest approach is to follow a natural
(high raw) whole food diet, free from anything processed, refined and artificial.
Increase your pure water intake to dilute and flush the toxins that are released.
Cut out as much stress as possible. Find a tranquil, natural environment to heal
in and surround yourself with people, who will encourage and support you.
And of course improve your breathing habits and start moving your circulation.
Now we can address your clustered trapped blood protein.
The 5 Day Plan
As we have mentioned, there are many ways to address your primary needs
energy, oxygen and lymph circulation. Whichever way you choose, make sure
that you target your symptom area as well as your whole body.
Every time you clear a Wet State, you are mobilizing toxins, which must be
flushed out of your body as quickly as possible. Remember poisons dilate blood
vessels, causing more blood proteins to leak out. The last thing you want is to
clear one Wet State and then cause another somewhere else in your body.
Initially you will have to do short, frequent treatments, to ensure that you are
turning back the tide. As your Wet State clears and your Dry State stabilizes, you
can reduce the number of treatments accordingly. The following plan is a guide;
however, it is important that you make it work for you. In some instances, you
may only have time for 3 to 5 treatments a day; in others, you may have to bring
in a team and work around the clock. Just dont cause yourself any undue stress
that will cause more trapped blood protein.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5

Any technique
Any technique
Any technique
Any technique
Any technique

30 sec to 2 min
30 sec to 2 min
30 sec to 2 min
30 sec to 2 min
30 sec to 2 min

Every 15 min
Every 30 min
Every 60 hour
Every 2 hours
3 to 5 times a day

Continue with a maintenance plan, 3 to 5 times a day for at least 2 weeks, even
after your symptoms have disappeared.

Lets Do it!
The simplest, most effective and most enjoyable way to increase your cellular
energy, oxygen levels and lymph flow are deep breathing and bio-electric
Deep Breathing
According to yogic tradition, air contains energy (known as prana). The simplest
way to absorb this energy is to practice continuous, connected breathing in
breath following an out breath, following an in breath etc. A simple rhythm to
follow is 4 shorter breaths followed by a slow, deep breath, repeated 4 times to
make 20 connected breaths. This will greatly boost your energy and circulation.

In addition, deep breathing can increase the amount of oxygen absorbed by you
blood by as much as 15 times. It will also open the lymph ducts and empty your
lymph back into your bloodstream (returning the lost blood protein). To get the
most benefit, take 5 to 10 slow, deep breaths every hour.
Bio-Electric Rebounding
Recognised as a miracle exercise, rebounding is the most powerful way to
stimulate your whole body lymph circulation, increasing flow by up to 20 times.
Just 2 minutes of gentle bouncing, with deep breathing can flush your entire
lymph system and triple your immune cell count.

It can also increase cell oxygenation by as much as 4 times, while strengthening

every single cell in your body. Rebounding can be safely used by people of all
ages and all health conditions; however, it is essential that you use a good
quality, Soft Bounce rebounder to protect your ankles, knees and lower back.
Rebounding in the Earths natural magnetic field also boosts your bodys bioelectricity, which (with the right understanding), can be used to target any part of
your body, to clear trapped, clustered blood protein. Always start slowly and drink
a small glass of water after every bounce, to dilute and flush released toxins.
For the best quality Soft Bounce rebounders in South Africa, visit

Final Recap
 Every cell in your body is like a little battery.
 To make electricity, your cells need oxygen to convert glucose into ATP,
which fuels the Na/K pumps and maintains the delicate mineral balance.
 To ensure optimum oxygenation, your cells must be in a Dry State.
 Trapped blood protein causes a Wet State, which alters the delicate
mineral balance and deprives the cells of oxygen.
 It is only by breaking the Pure Laws of Health that your lymphatic system
is unable to cope with the build up around your cells.
 When your cells continue to work in a Wet State, the energy becomes
heat, which clusters the blood protein, making it very difficult to remove.
 This leads to a pathway of degeneration of oxygen deficiency,
dehydration, acidity, nutrition deficiency, DNA damage and cell death.
 Energy dissipates clustered blood protein, enabling speed healing to
take place.
 Stop before you start, or you will simply flood your cells again.
 Follow the 5-day plan and breathe and bounce to increase your energy,
oxygen and lymph circulation and turn your generators back on.
Thank you for sharing my Cell Power eCourse I hope you have enjoyed it as
much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you. I believe that this is some of the most
vital and important health information currently available.
For a much more in depth understanding, join me on my 2 day intensive
Cell Power Workshop, where we reveal the Eightfold Pathway
the 8 key areas that must be addressed in any health condition. In addition, we
reveal advanced healing techniques to target and clear specific cells, techniques
to turn your body into a speed healing energy dynamo, cutting edge scientific
revelations and the corresponding metaphysical explanation how emotions and
thoughts are trapped in the body.
Cell Power workshops are taught around South Africa, as well as internationally.
Printed versions of the Neo Health books (including the NEW Eightfold Pathway)
are now available. For more information, send an email with your details and
location to:
Yours in vibrant, good health

Keith McFarlane
Keith McFarlane is not a medical doctor, and therefore no therapeutic claims of any kind are
made with regard to any information presented in this document.
The information provided in this document is intended to be strictly educational in nature and is
not intended to be a substitute for seeing your physician or for medical treatment.

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