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28 Environment and Ecology
greed and need of man. By this time, 1 out of 10 million species
has become extinct and each day we are losing one plant and
one animal species. At this rate of extinction, the survival of
man himself is threatened. The specide (extinction of species)
in which man is involved is more serious a crime than
genocide (mass murder). In this context we may note our
tradition. Charak, the well-known ancient physician, was
asked by his teacher to get a plant that was useless. He
returned after a few days and reported that there was no
such plant. One cannot imagine a situation if Penicillium was
extinct before man could make use of it as an antibiotic or if
Cinchona became extinct before quinine was discovered as a
cure for malaria. It is, therefore, in our own interest that we
should conserve our plant as well as animal and microorganism
(fungus and bacteria) wealth. There is a growing
realisation all over the world about the urgent need to
conserve the biological diversity.
The United Nations Earth Summit (Rio de Janeiro, 1992)
adopted the Treaty on Biodiversity whereby countries agreed
to conserve the Biodiversitythe living natural resources
(plants, animals, microbes) for the welfare of mankind.
Man is using petroleum for more than a century
extensively and coal for several centuries. Human civilisation
spent 99.9 per cent of time without these fuels. The worlds
petroleum stock is likely to be exhausted in another hundred
years and coal in a few centuries. This will pose a crisis before
mankind. But when we realise that our usable water
resources is also limited and will be out of stock in near future,
then we indeed have cause for panic.
Water has no alternativeit is known as life. It is
essential for the sustenance of all living organisms including
plants, animals and man. All plants, insects, animals and men
have 6095 per cent water in their bodies. This water is partly
Natural Resources 29
released in the form of sweat, excreta, urine and vapour. So
all these species require a lot of water daily. Besides, much
water is also needed for body growth, nutrition, etc. So it is
absurd to think of life without water. But our usable water
resources like any other natural resource is finite and is likely
to be exhausted within a century. Moreover, it is getting
polluted by man-made activities and unfit for use sooner than
expected. Water crisis is more serious than food or population
crisis since food production or population problems are
irrelevant without water supply. Use of polluted water itself
takes toll of 25,000 people all over the world every day. In
India, out of 6 lakh villages, one-third or about 2 lakh villages
are without access to water. In these villages, women have
to walk daily about 114 km to collect water for cooking and
drinking. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
Department estimates that if the present day practices of

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