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We the Undersigned - Petition of Understanding

(Warning Very Graphic)

( My plead to humanity about my Physical Movements Disability)
Written by Daniel J Towsey The Visionary Folk Photographer and Truth Soldier
On this Lords day of April 18th 2010

We the undersigned have read this statement written by the above named and are in full agreement and support of it and
now Petition that this situation be addressed and remedied to the satisfaction of Daniel.

I Daniel J Towsey am writing this in hopes that you the undersigned will contribute in helping to remedy the situation I now
find myself in, (due to no fault of mine) that has resulted from having an automobile strike me down off of my mountain
bike on November 22nd 2009 in Dartmouth Nova Scotia (as I was heading to the soup kitchen for lunch and comraderie)
and then it slowly began to crush my right torso, arm and shoulder with its wheel trying to drive over me. Seriously
damaging and or destroying my right arm muscles, elbow, many ribs, upper right arm bone and ball, right shoulder blade
bones and surrounding shoulder supporting ribs. Then the pressure from the tire continued its’ damage across my shoulder
blades lower neck and on to my left shoulder and torso. At this same moment, The pressure from the car was now twisting
my torso and ended up seriously injuring my spine leaving me with a T8 Compression fracture (A Broken Back)(Which
always throbs and gives me continuous horrific pain if I twist or bend or from the pounding my spine takes when my knees
and hips cause me to bounce with every step I take.) The weight of the car caused serious damage to the shoulder blades and
supporting bones and also damage to the left arm ball and shoulder socket. As well as damage to the left arm elbow and
adjacent ribs with multiple breaks each. It now is obvious to me that I also have a serious injuring to my spine just below
my neck. My spine separates and makes me feel like I am breaking in two when I sit in a chair and cough.

Then the car proceeded to drive over my torso from my right shoulder down a half inch from my face on down over my
torso to over my left hip. Crushing and breaking many many ribs on the way. The right lung was collapsed, the large
intestine was destroyed and later removed. Many other organs showed signs of tears and are damaged but still functional.

But this was not all the injuries.while I was rolling in pain under the car, I car proceeded to accelerate to a high speed and
drove over my legs and both knees from my right to my left.

I now have a plastic upper bone and ball inside my right upper arm and will never be able to do much with my arm. After
four months of therapy and Dr.O Brien advising me, I will never be able to lift my upper arm much for the rest of my life.
That with the muscle damage to my forearm and crushing of my elbows as will as my multiple other traumas leaves me
very disabled.

Which brings us to my plead for help. I can not possibly tell you everything I have undergone so far. But I ask that you now
understand my immediate situation. I am severely crippled but yet if I stand still you can not tell as my injuries are not
visible unless I begin to make any movements where as my body conducts an orchestra of pain. Where I do not know form
where or when and like the orchestra. I do not know how loud. powerful and intense or for what duration it will linger for. I
carefully listen to what my body tells me all day, all night and all the time. And think of it as the conductors hand
movements. since all my arm movements give me so much miserable pain.

There are no words that I can write that can possibly help you to fully understand the continuous horrific chronic pains I
now suffer. And I can not accept the poisons the doctors offer as pain pills..I need a natural solution and want to to be able
to bare the pain with the use of medical marijuana.

And also I now have extreme difficulty in every human activity that requires any physical movement. Therefore I am a
person suffering a Physical Movements Disability. You might say that there is no such thing, will there is now. I am the
living proof of that.

I also have to mention that I was living on community assistance before this injury because I had a pre-existing disability.
Where four of my left hand fingers where severed in a table saw injury many years ago when I was an apprentice
carpenter.My fingers were salvaged by the expert work of micro plastic surgeon Dr.Bozco from Toronto Canada. It took
ten years of painful therapy to get some movements in my fingers. I still have a very weak grip. Now you will understand on
other reason why I can not take public transportation as I can not hold on to railings and bars while the bus moves.

I can no longer go for walks for more than 5 minutes at a time. I can only walk with a four wheel seated folding drive
(brand) walker. I walk like I am a hundred and twenty as this injury has done more damage then a life time would.

I can not use the walker for support as I have little strength in my arms and elbows. My shoulders are so severely damaged
that I can not lean with any weight on to the walker. I can barely lift it when it strikes a crack, rock or curb. I have to push it
ahead with my knee.

I can walk very very slowly without the walker but I can not twist my body to walk around people. Such as in the many
hospitals I now regularly attend. I can not walk in the busy corridors. One day this big guy thought I was rude because I
could not move out of the way. He scared me as he looked like he was ready to assault me. I fear any injury,a push or a
punch to my damaged gut or even falling with my broken back. I could not block a punch or even put my arms out to catch
my fall.Soon after I start walking or moving I appear as though I am drunk at which time I receive social abuse. So I can
never go out in public without my walker.

I now am imprisoned in my home. I can not have a social life at all. It is very lonely. I can only travel places by taxis.
Which in this town cost sixty dollars an hour. I now live on social assistance with a very limited income.

I very recently received a hospital bed from the Red Cross.It took me hundreds of phones call for almost four months to get
this bed. I can now sleep with allot less pain due to the foam mattress. But my internal organ injuries still make sleeping
very difficult and often impossible where I then have to sit for hours in the only chair I can sit in, that being the special
orthopedic chair that section B paid for months ago. I spent many nights trying to sleep in this chair before I got the hospital
bed. also today is the first day after four months that I am receiving a very much appreciated home care worker, to be twice
a month.

I can not even go to the food bank.

My outings now consist of taxis paid by the the drivers Economical Mutual Insurance Company (Section B No Fault
Insurance for bodily injuries) only for medical appointments and physiotherapy three times a week. They refuse to even pay
for taxis for me to go get food.

I continuously am plagued with absolutely horrible pain but If I sit in a special chair for hours. The pain starts going away.
I am constantly reminded of my injuries every time I try to use my undamaged muscles. When I get these pains I
continuously get flash backs to the day I was traumatized. I now suffer very vivid post traumatic syndrome. The pains are
just as bad now, as when thee injuries occurred.

I now absolutely need an electric scooter to be able to go out and participate in life. I do not have the need for a wheel chair
yet and as such can not use low floor public transit buses. They do not allow scooters. The scooters’ usefulness is very
limited by season, weather and distance. So I will need to use a car to get around. What I need is to try to get my drivers
licence back and get a vehicle that can carry a scooter. If there is justice the insurance settlement should include the funds to
do this for the rest of my life.

But scooters are allowed on what is called Access-A-Bus. But now I am told that the public health insurance, and so far the
drivers insurance refuse to pay for my Doctors extra billing fees. So no one wants to pay the doctors twenty five dollars fee
for the application form to be filled for access a bus.

Even worse I need to move out of my low rent apartment to a barrier free apartment. Meaning an accessible building.So that
I can walk around with my walker. Like going down the hall with my laundry on the seat of my walker. These buildings
always cost more to live in.

My community services supervisor by the name of Jim Burgess advised me that they would be able to pay for movers to
pack and unpack my belongings and move me to my new more expensive apartment where also I would be able to get my
new scooter delivered to. The scooter is yet to be paid for by Economical Insurance. Jim Burgess asked that I get a note
from my family doctor indicating that I do need barrier free housing and a scooter. I gave this note to Jim and now he
refuses to accept my doctors judgment and tells me he will not pay to move me or pay for the apartment I need. After he had
assured me he would if I got him the doctors note.
The driver and her insurance company have made no offer yet for compensation for the injuries I now suffer. My new
lawyer appears to be doing nothing and has not talked to me since I signed his agreement to represent me. But it says in the
agreement that he can force me to accept any agreement they offer if he chooses. And If I do not accept this offer of
compensation the lawyer will immediately be owed 33% of the settlement that I refused. And will now stop representing me
and this will make it impossible for me to get another lawyer to take my case to a court of justice. So it seems clear that this
agreement will make it impossible for me to ever be able to go to court if needed.

When it comes to government officials I think they are all being advised not to ever read any of my writings be they this one
, poems or any others and those I write about my medical condition as the authorities would hate any civil servants to read
my Truth Soldier articles.

I now really miss being able to be free to walk or take my mountain bike on nature trails and to capture images of Gods
beauty. As I have built up an Internet prescience as ’The Visionary Folk Photographer. See and download FREE HI-RES
pictures of beautiful Nova Scotia at and go two these just two of many sites to see many of my
series of photos and

Especially see my proudest one I call ‘Heart in the sky” where the sun is a huge message from God in the shape of a huge
heart. see it here Heart in the sky photo

I need a scooter to be able to go out and do my love of photography.

You may freely write or phone anyone on behalf of this petition. Be they your members of parliament of anyone else. Ask
them how its possible for the system to treat me so poorly and leave me suffering in lonely isolation.

Please send signed digital (WWW) petitions to with this line in the header.

A petition for humanity with ______ signatures

be sure to put the count number in it

or send them by email or pass around printed versions to be signed and then also forward them to
? You decide. The premier, doctors, who ever you chose. Send it to everyone.
Be sure to include a letter with an update to the total number of petitions you sent out and or were signed

See it here on line
“We the Undersigned - Petition of
(A Humanitarian petition)
We the Undersigned agree by signing this Petition for Understanding that we understand Daniel needs the understanding
from humanity and to be treated with necessary and fair consideration and financial compensation so that he can best
improve his quality of life.

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