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Alabama Quota Proposed V-Day

For War Chest Leaders Of 1944 Alabama Wax' Chest Program Planned
$1,100,368.40 Plan Drive To Begin October 17 Throughout State
Appea,l Cha,irmen Being Representative Joseph R. Bryson
Appointed Over State of South Carolina in a speech re-
To Open Campaign Oct. 17 cently delivered from the floor of
the House urged that the V-Day
Quota of the Alabama War Chest Celebration be spiritual rather than
1944 "victory appeal" in behalf of boisterous.
22 war services and relief agencies State Defense Council Director
will be $1,100,368.40. This amount Haygood Paterson has sent to all
will be allocated among the State's chairmen of County Defense Coun-
67 counties. cils and Commanders of Citizens
Alalama War Chest district Defense Corps a proposed V-Day
chairmen and co-chairmen met with celebration program outlined by the
Governor Chauncey Sparks, Honor- Defense Council of Montgomery;
ary President of the state organiza- "Since the outbreak of War, but
tion, Haygood Paterson, President more specifically the entrance of
and appeal leaders, Major Harwell our own great country into a con-
G. Davis and J. L. Bedsole at the flict reaching the ends of the earth,
Tutwiler Hotel and completed plans our thoughts have ever been turned
. for the campaign, which will begin to that day, in the unknown future
October 17th. when our foes would be defeated,
Acceptances of service have been and our energies channeled into
received from leaders in each of the avenues of peace. Our'enemies are
13 districts into which the Alabama situated on widely separated field$
War Chest State organization is di- and as a consequence, Victory will
vided. District chairmen are busily come in two parts, first, the com-
engaged. appointing. co - chairmen plete overthrow of the Nazi power
and county chairmen in each of in Europe and secondly, in the final
their respective districts in order to but definite elimination of the Pa-
insure a strong appeal oganization Alabama is ready for the 1944 War Chest and National War Fund
cific menace. Our first "V" Day
in every county. appeal, which will begin October 17th. The State has been organized is therefore planned with the idea
Major Davis declared that the by districts and outstanding civic leaders placed in charge of each dis- in mind that the European conflict
response of those asked to render may soon be brought to a successful
trict. State Appeal Chairman Major Harwell G. Davis (left) and co-
this war service has been truly in- conclusion. Even the contemplation
spiring. District Chairmen include; chairman J. L. Bedsole (next) are seen talking earnestly with Gov-
of such a thing lifts a load from our
Louis Rosenbaum, Muscle .Shoals, ernor Chauncey Sparks, Honorary President (next) and President Hay- shoulders and we want to join our
District 1; Barrett Shelton, Decatur, good Paterson, at a recent meeting- in Birmingham, where they met friends and town people in spon-
District 2; Reuben Chapman, to formulate plans for the 1944 drive. Major Davis is President of How- taneous rejoicing and thanksgiving
Huntsville, District 3; David Adams, to God for his watchful care and
Gadsden, District 4; L. T. Hudgens, ard College, Birmingham and J. L. Bedsole, vice-president of McKesson
mercy in permitting us to overcome
Winfield, District 5; Judge Ward and Robbins, Mobile.
our enemies in a much shorter time
Forman, Ashville, District 6; Erman than had been preViously hoped.
L: Crew, Anniston, District 7 Judge
I (Turn to Page 3)
Chester Walker, Tuscaloosa, District
ll. Judge Claiborne Blanton, Dis-
Phenix City Gets Avondale Mills
(Turn to Page 4) Community Center Honored With Police Chiefs Urge
The Federal Recreation Building Security Award Continuance Of CD
Christmas Mail in Phenix City was transferred from
USO-Salvation Army to the Public Avondale Mill plants located at At a recent war conference of the
For Overseas Park and Recreation Board August Stevenson, Pell City, Alexander City,
International Association of Chiefs
of Police in Cleveland, Ohio, a reso-
Christmas cards and packages 19 to be used as a Community Cen- Lafayette, and Sycamore, Alabama lution was adopted emphasizing the
to members of the armed forces ter. Mr. Leo H. Dennis, Chairman have been approved for the National necessity for the continuation of
overseas must be mailed between of the Board, announced that a Security Award presented by the Civilian Defense until the war is
Septemter 15 and October 15 in over.
meeting was to be held to select a U. S. Office of Civilian Defense for
order to reach their destination The sentiment of the Association
Director of Activities for the Cen- maintenance of superior protection
by Christmas, tIle Post Office was based on the performance rec-
Department warns. Local Coun- ter. Tentative plans have already standards. ord of Civilian Defense and the very
cils can help to see that every been considered and include such A presen'tation ceremony is being valuable aid its trained forces are
service man is remembered at features as a variety of recreational arranged and will be held in the giving in time of emergencies.
Christmas by urging compliance activities, soldier entertainment, near future. More. than 1,000 police executives
with these mailing dates. comprising the Association were
No requests from service men dances ty the "Teen Tavern" young Birmingham and Sylacauga plants
warm in their praise of Civilian
are required for parcels mailed folk and a library of 1500 volumes have ailleady r~ceived the coveted Defense volunteers for their as-
within this period. donated largely by the Phenix City award at a significant ceremony in sistance to professional police, fire,
Lions Club. I Birmingham several months ago. and safety department.

Jefferson County WAC Recruiting Go-To-School Drive I"Nutrition Month"

Active During Campaign Planned Urged By Officials Proclaimed"By
Summer Months By Ala.-Miss.-Tenn: The Children's Bureau, U. S. De- Governor Sparks
partment of Labor is issuing -a call
With unflagging interest and de- With the need for WACS increas- for a "Go-to-School Drive" in every September has been proclaimed
votion to duty, the Jefferson County ing month by month, Major Gen- "Nutrition Month" for the State of
Citizens Service Corps and Volun- eral F. E. Uhl of the Fourth Ser- community in the land. High school Alabama by Governor Chauncey
enrollment has dropped 1,000,000
teer Office have worked through the vice Command, Atlanta, has ar- 'since Pearl Harbor· and this de- Sparks. Nutrition Councils have
hot months and are now winding ranged for a Tri-State Conference- crease is becoming progressively planned a state-wide program aid-
up their Summer activities, prepar- at which Alabama, Mississippi and more serious. ed by the Alabama State Nutrition
ing for a Fall program, according to Tennessee will be represented-for Council.
In the final analysis, however, the
notes submitted by the Director, the purpose of conductl'ng an m'- job of persuading youngsters to .The Governor in his Proclama-
who states- tensified recruiting campaign. complete their schooling has to be tion sets forth the vital part that
Effective July 31st, 1944, The Med- Mrs. Murdock Equen recently ap- done by the people who know them food has played ill the- War:
ical and Protective Corps of the pointed by General Uhl as head of best. For this reason, it is highly "In this the third year of our
Jefferson County Defense Council a citizens Advisory committee ··of important that each community tie participation in the war, it is fitting
was placed on an inactive basis, women of Atlanta to serve as a actively into the "Go-to-School" that we should recognize the vital
sueject to call.. This in no way af- Fourth Service Command commit- campaign. The Children's Bureau part that food has played, in the
fects the Citizens Service Corps and tee visited district recruiting head-. urges that each community set up war, and the splendid job of food
Volunteer Office. This corps will quarters of Lieut. Col. Alex G. As- p'roduction that has teen done by
a committe to spearhead the drive.
continue to function just as it has seff. Later accompanied by Capt. A helpful handbook as well as an our farm people. We should also
done in the past with Mrs. George Cora Walker, Lieut. Exa Dyer and adaptable radio script and other consider ways to further increase
Lewis Bailes as Director and Mrs. Lieut. Ruth Carmichael she met in suggestions may be obtained through and improve our supplles· 'of fOOd,
M. E. Morland the Executive Di- conference with Director Haygood the regional offices of the Children's particularly of the protective foods
rector. Paterson to discuss plans for the Bureau. -milk, meat, eggs, fresh fruits and
Many of the committees' formerly Tri-State Conference. vegetables, and whole grain or en-
attached to this office have been Director Paterson pointed out that riched bread. We especially need
merged with corresponding commit- there is a growing need forW ACS WAVE Recruiting to learn more about the kinds of
tees in large active organizations, at this time because the Arn~y es- foOds needed for good health and
thereby making one central com- tablishment is short on the type of Contest Waged By how best to conserve the nutritive
mittee which will .function in the
strength of unity.
services performed by WACS. He Ala. - Ga. - Fla. values of these foods by· proper
methods of production, storage, mar-
called attention to the liberal pro-
visions of the GI bill passed by Governor Chauncey Sparks has keting and cooking.
.During the hot summer months Congress entitling women who en- issued challenges to Governor Ellis "To this end, therefore, I hereby
the volunteer workers have bee~ listed now to all of the protection G. Arnall of Georgia and Governor proclaim that the month of Sep-
faithful to the demands made upon of that till including educational Spessard L. Holland of Florida for tember, 1944 shall be designated as
them. Each day an average of ten opportunities, hospitalization and a Wave Recruiting Contest in Sep- NUTRITION MONTH for the State
volunteers has been supplied to the pensions. tember. of Alabama."
Office of Price Administration to In a wire to the Chief Executives
assist in the issue of the coupons of Georgia and Florida, Governor Civilian Defense
for canning sugar. The Anti-Tu-
berculosis Association has also had
Walt Disney Sparks expressed his confidence in
Looks To Future
the patriotism of the young women
a regular quota of typists and there Designs Bonds :Jf Alabama, as follows:
are three typists who are assisting It has come to my attention that State and Local Defense Councils
the Protective Corps in the closing For Children the ·Navy Recruiting Service in Ala- can be the greatest force available
of .their records.
Circulating in large numbers bama challenged the Navy Recruit- .for continued social progress in the
****** now are War Bond certificates .ing Service in your State to a con- post war years, according to Lt. Gen.
There has been a renewed inter- designed by Walt Disney espe- test as to which of the two services William N. Haskell, Director of the
est in the collection of magazines . cially for children under five will enlist more young women into Office of Civilian Defense.
and books for the service men. Last the Waves during the month of
who'have had bonds bought in Septemter, A large number of communities
week the Chairman, Mrs. M. I. have expressed an interest in con-
·their names.
Cleveland, made an appeal for more "Being specially proud of the tinuing their centralized volunteer
The certificate drawn up in
and more magazines. The result- formal terminology has a border record already made by Alabama, services made possitle through Civ-
approximately 2,000 good readable in color of the Seven Dwarves I as governor, wish to add my chal- ilian Defense after the war. Like
magazines were sent to this office. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck: lenge to that already made by the General Haskell, they maintain that
Twice each month an army truck is Pinnochio, Porky Pig, Joe Cario- Alabama Navy Recruiting Service; several million people have been
sent for .the magazines and they "Press reports' have shown that trained to work together, to acquire
ca, Baby Weems and the little
are taken to a nearby camp for woodland figures, associated with Alabama has been consistently in better knQwledge and understanding
distribution. A very recent call has Disney. the lead in recruiting Waves, 'and of the functions of the various mu-
come from the Service Officer of It has a line saying "This Bond
I. have as my authority for this the nicipar, state, and Federal agencies
this. same camp for special reading present~d by:" with a space for
word of Commander J. E. Meredith and that this body of citizenry
matter to be distributed on the the donor's name, making it a a native of Alabama who is re- welded into a democratic union of
troop trains which leave from that cruiting inspector f~r Alabama. workers are well equipped to render
permanent record for the child
camp. Georgia, and Florida. fine service to their coUntry and
to have in later years.
****** Walt Disney Certificates for "My faith in the patriotism of the their neighbors.
Sharing quarters with the Citizens young womanhood of Alabama gives Reconversion to peace production
use in Bonds for Babies cam-
Service Corps is the British War paigns may be obtained from any me confidence that Alabama will and work will be a lengthy and
Relief Society. This organization continue to be in the lead." difficult process, according to civil
state War Finance Office or di-
is doing a splendid service in col- Challenges to the recruiting ser- and military authorities and State
rect from the Treasury, Wash-
lecting clothing for the British peo- ington, D. C. vices in Georgia and Florida 'were and Local Defense Councils would
ple. The need for clothing has i.ssued by Lieut. C. S. Carroll, Bir- be in a position to render an inval-
been, and is, most acute, due to the mingham, in charge of Navy Re- uable service in their communities.
rationing of all clothing, the com- Gruiting in Alabama. They were The Committe on Volunteer Ser-
plete destruction of homes. through If anyone has good used clothing accepted by Commander Stanley vice of Community Chests, Inc. has
the J:!litz and now the robombs. which will not be used again, the Jones in Georgia and Lieut. Com- prepared a· digest of information
Good warm clothing for men, British War Relief Society would mander T. J. Needham in Florida. from 64 communities planning to
women and children is eadly needed be most grateful if you will send it Governor Arnalil ahd Governor continue centralized volunteer set-
to carry them through the winter. to them at 119 North 21st Street, Holland -accepted the challenge for vices which has been entitled "Look-
(Continued on n!'lxt column) Binningham 3, Alabama. their respective States. . ., '. (Turn to Page 3) ..

Montg'y Ships President Proclaims O,ctober 8-14 Victory Drive For

Clothing For National Fire Prevention Week Waste Paper And
Russian Relief October 8-14 will be observed throughout the Nation as National Tin Is Stimulated
Fire Prevention Week and everyone is urged to make fire prevention a
In spite of the fact that counties part of his war effort as Victory, suffers a blow whenever there is an With the opening of schools and
in the state were urged to com- with the cooperation of the Ameri-
industrial fire.
plete collection of "Clothing For can Legion, the American Legion
Russia" by June 10th, shipments Louis G. Schraffenburger, Chief of Fire Defense Group maintains Auxiliary, the Boy Scouts, the Girl
continue to come to ,the warehouse that it is usually the so-called small things that cause great trouble; Scouts, the local Parent-Teachers
in Montgomery, according to Mrs. that a good many vita,] plants in the war effort are now out of commis- Associations, the National Restau-
J. Y. Brame, Director, Citizens Ser- sion due to either the employer or employees failing to check on the rant Association, and the thousands
vice Corps. Volunteers recruited by little things, that so often become big things. ot interested citizens throughout the
the Volunteer Office of Civilian De- The President has issued the following proclamtion: State, the Victory Drive for Waste
fense under the direction of Mrs, WHEREAS, the widening opera- Paper and Tin Cans has been tre-
Dan Winn and Miss Nelly Wilkin- tions of our valiant armies and against the waste of our fighting mendously stimulated.
son are keeping abreast of these navies make it imperative that we power through destruction by fire. Many committees are making a
shipments and neat rows of boxes exert our utmost effort to provide I also request State and local gov- special effort to salvage from Court
tied and labeled stand ready for an increasingly abundant flow of ernments, the Chamber of Com- Houses and places of business tons
final 'transportation to general goods and materials to every battle merce of the United States, the of old records that have been in the
headquarters in New York. front; and way for years. After the city and
National Fire Waste Council, busi-
In 1943 Montgomery shipped WHEREAS, the prevention of ness and labor organizations, edu- county officials find time to have
33,000 pounds of clothing to Russia. waste is as essential to this end as cational and civic groups, and the this material .salvaged, they are
At that time there were only three is the production of goods; and amazed at the amount of space
various agencies of the press, the
receiving depots for the entire state. 'WHEREAS, the waste occasioned radio, and the'motion-picture in- that is being made available for
This year with nine depots Mont- throughout the':Nation by preventa- dustry throughout the country to useful purposes and they are happy
gomery will ship a smaller number ble fires reaches a staggering total lend themselves to the stimulation over the contribution they have
of pounds but on the final count each year: been able to make for the War Ef-
of the public purpose to reduce and fort.
the aggregate will be far greater.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANK- eliminate losses by preventable fire.
Clothing was collected by the The War Production Board has
LIN D. ROOSEVELT, President of I also direct the Department of
schools and graded by the members urged us not to let up on this drive
the United States of America, do AgriCUlture, the War Production
of the Parent Teachers Association,
hereby designate the week begin- Board, the protective services of the for several months. Even when
then packed and prepared for ship-
ning October 8, 1944, as Fire Pre- War and Navy Departments, and Germany falls,' the demand for pa-
ment by volunteers' from the Fed-
vention Week. other appropriate agencies of the per and tin will remain critical as
erated Clubs of this City.
I earnestly request every citizen Federal Government to give the it will be necessary to provide food,
to devote special thought and ef- "'jdest possible support and assis- clothing, and medicine to our men
fort during Fire Prevention Week tance to every effort to inform and overseas, and much material will be
(Continued from Page 1) to detecting and eliminatfng fire instruct the public with respect to needed for civilian use here at
"This program, like the one so hazards within his own control and the possibilities and importance of home.
unanimously approved by our citi- to providing adequate protection the fire-prevention ·program. The paper mills are obligated to
zens on Invasion Day again gives give thirty days' notice before any
us the opportunity and privilege' to P.M. (Montgomery time), the stores change will be made in the price
assemble ourselves on the evening of and business houses will' be oper Old Glory of paper, which will be ample time
that day at such places of worship for business as usual the followino- for any community to dispose of the
as we may desire, in a period of day. If the announcement comes When Freedom from her mountain- material on hand.
community rejoicing and Thanj.{s- ,between 4 P.M. and 6 P.M., business heights May we urge you to do everything
giving, but at the same time again houses will close for the balance of Unfurled her standard to the air, possible to increase the supply of
to dedicate all that we have to a that day and also the entire day She tore the azure robe of night, paper and tin. With all the effort
continuation pf the struggle that following. If the news comes at And set the stars of glory there. that has gone into the Salvage Drive
must go on until that barbaric na- night, or when 'business houses are She mingled with its gorgeous dyes in the last ninety days, today the
tion, of the Pacific is brought to its closed, they will remain closed the The milky taldric of the skies. reserve stock remains about the
knees, a dedication to the men who entire, following day. If the news And striped its pure, celestial white same-two weeks' supply.
must continue to fight and die, that comes after 4 P.M. Saturday, but With streakings of the morning Only one or two places in the
we may live to perpetuate the free- before 10 A.M. Sunday, stores and light. country, so far as we know, have
dom purchased with their blood. business establishments will te open been overstocked during this drive,
"It is contemplated that when the as usual on the following Monday. Flag of the free heart's hope and and ,those were small mills with
final'Victory comes, we shall have If the news comes after 10 A.M. home, limited storage space. The overall
a lOther significant Victory Day Sunday, and prior to opening time By angel hands to valour given! picture has not changed.
pl.'ogram. on Monday, they will remain closed Thy stars have lit the welkin dome, The following is a statement made
"The program will be automatic all day Monday. And all thy hues were born in by General Eisenhower on Septem-
with the cessation of hostilities in heaven.
Europe, and will be held on the "There will not be a set program Forever float that standard sheet! ber 4th:
afternoon and evening of the day for the afternoon, it being the con- Where breathes the foe but falls "The Army is confident of
the announcement is received. census of opinion that individuals before us, victory, because of faith in the
"As soon as the definite and of- will seek to express their inner feel- With Freedom's soil beneath our, people backing it up. Should
ficial word is received by the Civil-' ings in their own way. Each citizen feet, we be compelled to stay our
lan Defense Council,. that an armis- or visitor, is reminded that ,a pr6- And Freeman's banner streaming' hand for a single' day because
tice has been declared, it will be gram such as this is a privilege and o'er us? of shortage in the arrival of
arranged to have the whistles and not a license tor rowdyism or van- -Joseph Rodman Drake. the things we need for battle,
sirens blow and church tells ring dalism. the price will inevitably be paid
for a period of five minutes. If this "Members of the Citizens Defense The number of United States in soldiers' lives."
announcement comes during busi- Corps volunteer units are requested fighting ships in service has tripled
ness hours, all business houses are to wear their uniforms or badge of since the fleet began to grow in CIVILIAN DEFENSE
requested to promptly close their the unit to which they telong. 1940. (Continued from Page 2)
doors for the balance of the day, Special details of auxiliary police
thus' permitting employees the priv- will be assigned to the downtown prayer and thanksgiving. If the an- ing To 'The Future." This valuable
'leges of personal joy and thanks- area. nouncement comes after 6 P.M., all booklet may be secured through
giving. "If the announcement comes be- churches will be open all the fol..' Community Chests and Councils,
"If the announcement of the ces- fore 6 P.M., all churches will be im- lowing day for individual prayer Inc., 155 E. 44th Street, New York
sation of hostilities come before 4 mediately opened for individual and thanksgiVing." City.. -


Citizen Of Month
though torn in Indiana was reared
and educated in Scottsboro, Jack-
son County, Alabama, where his
parents moved when he was a small
O. D'Olive, Assistant, Maurice White,
Assistant, L. E. Wheyland, Assistant,
H. E. Austin, Assistant.
Rev. James F. Byrnes, Chief,
Officer Inspects Property child. Emergency Messenger Division, Jay
W. B. Branan, Federal Property In 1897 he entered the employ of W. Spafford, Assistant, J. L. Hub-
Officer, Washington OCD spent a day the' J. M. Card Lumber Company in bard, Assistant.
in Montgomery recently inspecting Scottsboro and moved to Chatta- Ogden Shropshire, Chief, Emer-
fire fighting equipment and hospi- nooga in 1900 when this firm moved gency Communications, Cecil L.
tal equipment assigned to the State. its headquarters to that city. Upon Simpson, Assistant, Frank Charles
He advised H. Burton Andrews, the death of Mr. J. M.· Card he be- Clark, Assistant, Wesley Moody Pat-
Chief Civilian Protection that he came president of the company, tillo, Assistant.
might turn over 800 gas masks and which position he still holds, having J. A. Robertson, Chief, War Emer-
200 helmets to the Alabama State been affiliated with this firm for gency Radio Service, T. S. Lynch,
Guards. forty-seven years. In 1901 he mar- Assistant, L. A. Cowan, Assistant.
Major Herrin Confers ried Jessy, daughter of the late Mr. Paul Tate, Sr., Chief Bomb Re-
Major Dewy Herrin, OCD Pro- and Mrs. J. E. Brown of Scottsboro. connaisance Agent Corps.
tection Officer, Atlanta Field Office During his residence in Chatta- Andrew A. Coffin, Chief, Sr. Gas
-recently conferred with Director nooga, Commander Arn participated Officers, Dr. B. W. Creel, ASSistant,
Haygood Paterson to learn more of II actively in civic affairs. He served Dr. Nelson Grubbs, Assistant.
Alabama's short wave radio system as Director of the National Manu- W. L. Hammond, Chief, Billeting
for disaster relief communication, facturers Association, President of DiVision, John Shaw, Assistant, Ma-
which is exciting the interst of de- ,the National Lumber Exporters As- jor Ralph H. Collins, Assistant, J.
fense workers throughout the Na- 'I sociation and Chattanooga Manu- Herbert Murray, Assistant, E. R.
tion. facturers Association; assisted in or- Rencher, Assistant, Major L. N.
Major Herrin declared that the ganizing the Hamilton County Phelps, Assistant.
two way short wave radio system (Chattanooga) Taxpayers Associa- B. E. Pickering, Transport Offi-
put into operation in Alabama is tion; was member of the Chatta- cer, W. A. Bisinger, Assistant, V. K.
the best yet evolved. Even in a dis- nooga Chamber of Commerce and Moore, Assistant, H. E. Rabby, As-
aster where all telephone and tele- Tennessee Manufacturers Associa- sistant, James F. Parks, Assistant.
graph wires are down, Highway pa- I tion. C. R. Pieper, Property Officer.
trol cars ,equipped with the sets In 1933 the J. M. Card Lumber E. H. Planck, Chief, Civilian De-
can communicate with Montgomery Company transferred its headquar- fense School, Ben H. Harris, As-
headquarters advising extent of dis- ters to Mobile and Mr. Arn became sistant, Andrew A. Coffin, Assistant,
.!tster, relief needed, and the way in a resident, immediately assuming Paul Brunson, Assistant.
which to get it to the right location. an enthusiastic interest in all muni- W. H. Jernigan, Chairman, .Sal-
Fuel Administrator Named cipal affairs. He is now President vage Committee, Charles J. Brock-
Director Haygood Paterson has of the Mobile Rotary Club and way, Vice-Chairman.
been designated by C. -J. Potter, Commander of the Department of R. L. Butt, Chairman, Incident
Deputy Solid Fuels Administrator as Alabama, United Spanish War Vet- Officers, Dario LaGrave, W. W.
Director of the Fuel Conservation erans. He was named Executive Boyles, and Gus B. Thames.
Director of the Mobile County Coun-
Program in Alabama.
With the coal shortage destined
Mobile County cil of Defense and Commander of ALABAMA QUOTA
to become acute this winter, the Outstanding In the Citizens Defense Corps in Jan-
uary 1942.
(Continued from Page 1)
saving of solid fuel is a necessary
war task and the program will be
Civilian Defense Ally assisting Commander Arn in trict 9; Joe L. Lanier, West Point,
an important one, according to Gov- providing for Civilian Defense in Ga., District 10; Robert S. Bacon,
ernor Chauncey Sparks. The Citizen's Defense Corps of Mobile County are: Clarence R. Mobile, District 11; William Law-
Mobile County has gained recogni- Pieper, Executive Officer, Guy rence, Montgomery, District 12; A.
More Plant!! Inspected Faulk, Jr., Liaison Officer, J. W. D. Carmichael, Dothan, District 13.
Twenty-six additional Alabama tion far beyond the borders of its
own State through the organization, Goodloe, Controller, R. L. Butt, As- Funds subscribed to the Alabama
plant's have been assigned for in- 3istant Controller. War Chest will be distributed among
spection under the States War In- performance, and preparedness of
its volunteer personnel. Fred Arn, Dudley E. McFadyen, Chief Aux- 22 war agencies which serve :the
spection Service program, according ;liary Police Division, Alvin McCon- members of our armed forces and
to H. B. Andrews, Chief Civilian Commander never misses an oppor-
tunity to point out that the credit nell, Assistant. merchant seamen, distribute food,
Protection. All plants hitherto as- L. L. Petrey, Chief Auxiliary Fire- clothing and medical supplies among
signed have been inspected. is due to the fine ability, coopera-
tion, and active, interested service nen Division, Dan Sirmon, Assis- ,tricken peoples of Allied Nations
Volunteers Issue Gas Books of the heads of the various divisions tant, J. T. Kraver, Assistant, Donald 'ind provide recreational facilities
In Montgomery there is no prob- and of the men enlisted to serve Smith, Assistant, Christopher W. and other aid to prisoners of war.
lem of getting out A Gas Ration under them. King, Assistant. Agencies which will receive the
Books, the problem is getting the Gordon Smith, Jr., Chief Rescue funds sutscribed are:,'
applications in fast enough to keep Since the inauguration of the De-
fense Corps, 17,056 volunteers have Squads, S. Oliver Starke, Jr., As- USO (United Service Organiza-
the 350 volunteers furnishd by the sistant. tions) , United Seamen's Service,
Volunteer Office working full time."egistered and practically 10,000 have
been actually assigned to specific E. Ashton Hill, Chief, Air Raid War Prisoners Aid, Philippine War
Volunteers Aid Nursery duties. Warden Division, Eugene A. Thoss, Relief (of the United States) Inc.,
The Citizens Service Corps is co- Assistant. Belgian War Relief Society, British
operating with the Federal Nursery An outstanding Control Center . Dario C. LaGrave, Chief Fire War Relief Society, United China
with effectively trained personnel,
school recently established in Mont- Guard Division, A. C. Reed, Assis- Relief, American Relief for Czecho-
gomery. Last month volunteers cut an active Messenger Division, an tant. slovakia, American Denmark Relief,
and made nearly 300 wash cloths able Auxiliary Fire Division, an ex- Dr. Hugh G. MUlherin, Chief Inc., American Relief for France,
peditious District Warning Office
and towels for the tiny tots clean- Emergency Medical Division, Dr. J. Inc., Greek War Relief Association,
up hour. contribute to the over-all efficien- U. Reaves, Assistant, Dr. O. L. Cha-' American Relief for Italy, United
cy of the Mobile County organiza- son, Assistant, Dr. J. E. Beck, As- Lithuanian Relief Fund of America,
God grants liberty only to tion) sistant. Inc., Friends of Luxembourg, Amer-
those who love it and are always The City of Mobile has availed Jos. J. Heiter, Jr., Chief Emer- ican Relief for Norway, Polish War
ready to guard and defend it. itself of the services of' the OCD gency Public Works, Harry L. Fish- Relief, Queen Wilhelmina Fund,
-Daniel Webster. Auxiliary police and auxiliary fire- er, Assistant, Truman Smith, As- Russian War Relief, United Yugo-
men during its manpower shortage. sistant, Oliver C. Hume, Assistant, slav Relief Fund, American Field
Our whole social life is in essence Commander Fred Arn, who stands George K. Miller, Assistant. Service, Refugee Relief Truste~s
Victory of justice over force. behind the shifting scene and di- A. D. Quackenbush, 'Chief, Emer- and U. S. Committee for the Care
-John Galsworthy. rects both property and players, gency UtilitiiS Repair Division, L. of European Children.

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