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The theoretical/conceptual framework of this study is anchored on the selfdetermination theory by Edward L. Deci and Richard M.

Ryan because the learner

himself and the independent variables have a great role in shaping the learners
study habit. Self- determination is innate to an individual and together with the
psychological needs. This theory emphasizes on the individuals motivation and how
external factors affects on the individual performance. The term motivation as
stated in the study of Rugesh Raghuwanshi (2008) is the result of processes,
internal or external to theindividual, which will arouse enthusiasm and persistence
to pursue a certain course of action. Motivation is important in an individual to do
once task and if one is notmotivated it is impossible to come up a good result. This
motivation could be possible if there is a positive stimulus that would bring out the
positive behaviour in the life of the learners. In such this paper put into
consideration the social environment that nurturesthe learners inherent potentials.
In connection with the self-motivation theory, the following independent variables
were considered: the students profile in terms of their parental involvement family
monthly income, learning styles, academic performances and the
ir teachers
personality. These variables are because they are considered as the nurturing
socialenvironment and in one way or other these may influence the study habit of
thestudents.It is important to consider the study habits of the students on how they
managetheir time efficiently, and how to have effective varied study techniques to
keep themafloat. These things are important for them to form a good study habit.
These things areimportant in order to understand how these students respond to
the demands of acquiring good grades as expected by parents and school
authorities. In such thecooperation of the parents and teachers are needed because
they are going to takeanother step in learning process which is the secondary level
or high school. In additionto that high school is the training ground for college if
students started a poor studyhabit they will probably have a hard time to cope up in
college.There are books written of some authors that will help students how to have
aneffective study habit. According to T.G. Dawood (2006) that time management
skills are
very important as it helps to increase students productivity.
In addition with this the secret of effective study is found in the students
firm determination and desire to learn. In addition students must have a genuine
interestto learn and desire to study in the best possible way.

This section proposes a theoretical framework within which the concept, effects on
the study habits of the shifters is treated in this work. It is anchored on the selfdetermination theory by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan, because the student
himself and the independent variables have a great role in shaping the learners
study habit. The selection of the model is based on the belief that, the quality of
input invariably affects quality of output in this case academic performance (Acato
2006) This theory emphasizes on the individuals motivation and how external
factors affects the individual performance. It also focus on how social and cultural
factors facilitate or undermine peoples sense of volition and initiative, in addition to
their well-being and the quality of their performance. . The term motivation as
stated in the study of Rugesh Raghuwanshi (2008) is the result of processes,
internal or external to the individual, which will arouse enthusiasm and persistence
to pursue a certain course of action. Motivation is important in an individual to do
once task and if one is not motivated it is impossible to come up a good result. This
motivation could be possible if there is a positive stimulus that would bring out the
positive behavior in the life of the learners. In such this paper put into consideration
the social environment that nurtures the learners inherent potentials.
With regards to the theory, the model above shows the linkage between different
factors and the study habits. It shows that study habit as a dependent variable is
related to the independent variables, which are quota, competition,
subject/professor, schedule and curriculum. These variables are chosen because
they are considered as the nurturing social environment and in one way or other
these may influence the study habit of the shifters.It is important to consider the
study habits of the students on how they manage their time efficiently, and how to
have effective varied study techniques to keep them on track. Moreover students
learn to prioritize important task and balance their time efficiently. Study techniques
are methods which involve the application of a group of techniques to achieve a
process result (VijaySheth 2005). In addition it is one way of realizing the best
method of performing a task which can be effective in studying. According to the
research study of Eun Chun Seul(1999) she quoted from Morgan and Deese (1973)
that studying is really an all-out effort and learning, and it is only practiced
successfully when one really learns.

The first independent variable is retention policy. According to Saga Brigs, Students
who failed to meet the quota may view themselves as further alienated from school
and academics. It makes students lower their self-esteem and makes them feel inferior, in
effect perpetuating their failure. A student who has been separated from their friends could
become depressed and develop poor self-esteem. On the other hand, having a retention policy
will help the student to strive more and study harder to meet their quota grade. Whatever the
reason is whether it will be positive or negative, this will have an impact on study habits of the

The next variable is competition. Competition plays an important role in academic achievement
because it often spurs students to pursue excellence. Academic competition has its downfalls if it
leads to high stress and anxiety, especially in younger students who aren't equipped to handle
the pressure. Academic competition is advantageous when it challenges students to work harder
on their studies and helps them get excited about academic content.

The third variable is the lack of interest on the subject. Motivation has been center
of attention among teachers throughout the years because it constitutes the
backbone of learning process. Learning is a complicated and dynamic process, and
learning in real sense gets completed through motivation. Since will to learn builds
one of the basic elements of learning, students takes an important step on the road
to learning through motivation. However, students may sometimes lose their
willingness and interest towards lesson, which puts a major barrier in front of
effective language learning. A student who has an interest on the subject he takes is
tend to be eager to learn and to study.
The fourth variable is time conflict. A college environment's freedom and flexibility
can derail students who haven't mastered time-management skills. Declining
academic performance is a consequence of poor time management -- such as
overly heavy classloads or trying to squeeze in the demands of a job, according to
the College Parents of America. Students may attempt to cope by dropping classes
or withdrawing for a semester. However, failure to maintain a grade point average
may trigger placement on academic probation -- which is a warning to improve your
performance or risk dismissal from the institution.
The last independent variable that can contribute to the effects on study habit is the
curriculum. According to Meyer and Sass, heavy curriculum contributes to
deterioration of motivation of the students. It has also a negative effect on their
ability to engage properly with the deep conceptual approach on learning on what
was being promoted by the course (Case and Gunstone, 2002)

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