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Hypokalemia- The Potassium Deficiency

Hypokalemia refers to the condition in which the concentration
of potassium (K+) in the blood is low. Potassium is a type of mineral called
an electrolyte. Electrolytes are minerals that maintain your bodys ionic
balance. Theyre essential for normal nerve, brain, and muscle function.
Other electrolytes include sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Electrolytes
carry an electric charge, and control the electrical activity of your body,
including the heart. They also affect your hydration and muscle function.
Potassium is critical to your bodys functions, and without it you can have
serious health problems. Your body needs potassium to break down and
use carbohydrates and proteins. Its also used to help build muscles.
Low potassium is called hypokalemia. Potassium affects the function of
all your muscles, most importantly your heart muscles. That means low
potassium can lead to heart arrhythmia or attack, especially in those who
already have heart problems.
The normal potassium level is 3.5-5.0 mmol/L (millimoles per litre) Low
potassium is defined as a potassium level below 3.5 mmol/L.

What Causes Hypokalemia?

Some chronic conditions can cause low potassium levels. So can vomiting
and diarrhoea, along with long-term kidney disease, alcoholism, and
eating disorders like bulimia, which involve forced vomiting and excessive
use of laxatives.
Because of this, over-the-counter fluids recommended for people with
vomiting and diarrhoea usually contain potassium, as do many sports
drinks, which are also sometimes suggested to help with those

Symptoms of Potassium Deficiency

Muscle Weakness, Spasms, Cramps and Tetany

In order for muscle cells to contract, a marked difference in
intracellular and extracellular potassium concentrations must exist.
As potassium levels drop, this concentration difference decreases
and the muscles are unable to function normally. This causes
generalized fatigue and a variety of muscular symptoms including
weakness, spasms, twitching and cramps. In cases of extreme
hypokalemia, the muscles can go into a sustained involuntary state
of contraction called tetany.


Extreme hypokalemia can cause the muscles to go completely limp,

a condition called flaccid paralysis. Importantly, the muscles
involved in breathing can be affected by this condition, known as
hypokalemic paralysis. Breathing can be slow and shallow, or may
stop completely.

Muscle Stiffness, Aching and Tenderness

Severe potassium deficiency not only impairs the function of muscle
cells, it also damages them, causing their contents to leak out -- a
condition called rhabdomyolysis. Symptoms include profound
weakness and muscle stiffness, aching and tenderness.

Abdominal Bloating, Pain and Cramping

The involuntary muscles of the stomach and intestines can also
malfunction when the potassium level is too low. Symptoms include
abdominal bloating, pain and cramping and constipation. In the
extreme, intestinal activity may virtually stop, a condition called
paralytic ileus.

Heart Palpitations
The rhythmic, coordinated contractions of the heart are controlled
by electrical impulses, which are ferried across the heart muscle by
a specialized conduction system. Hypokalemia can disrupt this
conduction system, causing heart rhythm abnormalities. The most
common symptom is heart palpitations -- an awareness of missed
beats, extra beats, or a feeling that the heart is pounding too fast or
too hard. These rhythm abnormalities can be life-threatening, and
cardiac arrest may occur.

Dizziness and Fainting

Potassium deficiency can cause the kidneys to lose their ability to
concentrate urine. As a result, excessive amounts of water are lost
from the body and the blood pressure drops. This can cause
symptoms of dizziness or fainting, especially when getting up to a
standing position.

Frequent Urination and Extreme Thirst

As noted, hypokalemia can cause an excessive loss of water through
the kidneys. Frequent urination and extreme thirst are common
symptoms when hypokalemia has been present for some time.

Numbness and Tingling

Low potassium causes the nerves to fire abnormally, which may
cause numbness, tingling or a burning sensation, especially in the
hands and feet.

Low potassium diagnosis

Sometimes the cause of low potassium is not clear. To diagnose the
potassium deficiency the doctor may perform certain tests to rule out
other conditions such as renal tubular acidosis, Cushing's syndrome, and
Blood tests check potassium level, kidney function,
glucose, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous if an electrolyte imbalance
is suspected. Because low potassium is known to affect heart rhythms
(arrhythmias), a doctor may recommend a digoxin level if you are taking a
digitalis medicine.
ECG or a heart tracing is done to detect electrical changes in the heart
and certain types of irregular heart rhythms that may be caused by low

Eat the right food to avoid Hypokalemia

There are a majority of food sources from where we can derive potassium
in an everyday balanced diet. Here is a list of few sources of food which
are rich in potassium:
1. Fruits
Bananas contain a healthy dose of potassium, and some say
bananas can help you avoid muscle cramps. Up your banana intake
with a banana-walnut smoothie or some delicious paleo-friendly
banana bread. Oranges are another good source, as are mangoes,
kiwis, apricots, dates, and avocado.

2. Vegetables
Vegetables that are high in beta-carotene also tend to contain a lot
of potassium, like carrots, sweet potatoes, and red peppers. You can
find a perfect recipe for sweet potato and red pepper soup online.

3. Fish
The sea is another great source of potassium. Sardines contain
plenty of it, with 365 mg per can. Salmon is also a great source of
potassium; one fillet contains about 1.94 grams.

4. Meat
Grilled steak can be a healthy part of getting enough potassium,
especially when combined with tomatoes, leafy greens, and

The Takeaway
Potassium is essential for good health, and its pretty easy to get enough
of it with a healthy diet. Sudden onset of low potassium symptoms should
concern you, especially if you are on certain diuretics or have lost fluids
through vomiting or diarrhoea. If you experience ongoing symptoms of low
potassium, see your doctor for a blood test and treatment

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