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Book reviews

Chesneys' Equipment for Student Radiographers (4th edn). Ed. by

P H Carter, pp.xix+315, 1994 (Blackwell Scientific Publications,
Oxford), 19.99.
ISBN 063202724X
This is the fouth edition of a well known standard text devoted
specifically to radiographic equipment originally designed for diploma students of radiography. Much of the text has been re-ordered
and truncated. The last edition comprised 630 pages devoted to
conventional imaging equipment. The same area is covered in 181
pages in 12 chapters in this text. The preface states that the book
aims to meet the need for "comprehension and intelligent appreciation of physical principles which have a direct bearing on safe,
accurate and efficient use of equipment". Thus there are sections on
the X-ray tube and generators, general, multipurpose and specialized radiographic equipment. There is a much needed addition on
the computer-based imaging modalities. Each item has a clear
statement of the purpose of the equipment, includes appropriate
diagrams and concludes with some suggested follow up practicals.
Chapters or major sections which have been eliminated include the
preparatory physical principles, the electrical system and mains
supply, fuses and interlocks, logics, equipment for rapid serial
radiography and care maintenance and tests.
Radiography and radiographic education have both changed so
radically since the Chesneys wrote their last text that basic changes
were undoubtedly required. However with the increasing use of
digital equipment it is difficult to justify the continued separation
in the literature between the image and the equipment which
produces that image. This was caused initially by the format of the
Diploma examination which no longer exists. Thus the quality of the
image produced by the equipment is barely touched upon. Quality
control tests are now integrated into the appropriate chapters but
treated in the main in a somewhat cursory fashion. It seems illogical
to give detail of tests on conventional tomographic equipment and
light beam diaphragms whereas the more important ones on
kilovoltage and the accuracy of performance of automatic exposure
devices are merely mentioned. Although the need to minize
radiation dose and use protective devices is stressed there is little
reference to the specific requirements of the equipment or the
regulations. The suggestions for follow up practicals were a little
variable in their detail ranging from a suggestion to observe the use
of the equipment or undertake an extended visit to some very
detailed and useful guidelines.
Within the new computer based imaging modalities section there
is a useful introduction to image digitization. However the treatment of the specialized modalities was very variable, ranging from
a seven page overview for radionuclide imaging to a 65 page
detailed description for ultrasound imaging. This latter chapter was
the only one which included a bibliography; a very welcome
addition and one which could be used to advantage in other less
substantial chapters. I found the sections on CT and MRI interesting
and unthreatening.
Given the nature of the subject and the rapid changes within
imaging still taking place, it is well nigh impossible for a book on
equipment to meet the curent needs of radiography education. The
usefulness of this text to student radiographers will vary according
to the importance that their course places on going beyond an
understanding of equipment and its safe and efficient use towards
optimization of information obtained and a critical examination of
performance. It is a useful introductory text. I suspect that the book
will be more appreciated by the students than by their lecturers.

Vol. 68, No. 807

MRI of Head andNeckAna tomy. By W T C Yuh, E T Tah, A K Afifi,

K Sahinoglu, F Gao and R A Bergman, pp. 388, 1994 (Churchill
Livingstone, Edinburgh), 140.00.
ISBN 0443088926
The key to the use of MRI in solving clinical problems in the head
and neck is the understanding of anatomy. MRI can produce images
that approach cadaver sections in quality. The more the reader can
see the more he/she needs to know. MRI ofHead and Neck Anatomy
is an attempt to produce an atlas sufficiently well labelled to aid the
interpretation of complex and difficult MR images. Each page
consists of the MRI image, a small localizer image and a short
description of the main anatomical features seen. The book succeeds because it is helpful and as such meets the objectives of its
authors. There is comprehensive coverage in all three imaging
planes of the brain and extra cranial head and neck. I especially liked
the combination of text and image. As a bench book however, one
might wish that the designers oiMRIofHead and NeckAnatomy had
overcome the difficulties in overlying relatively small MRI images
with 40 plus black dotted lines on an obtrusive white background.
The reader has to work rather hard to extract the information
available from the atlas in the face of these overpowering lines.

Quality Assurance in Dental Radiography (IPSM Report 67). pp.

26,1994 (Institute of Physical Sciences in Medicine, York), 14.00.
ISBN 0904181677.
This booklet in the IPSM Report Series describes techniques for the
physical assessment of dental radiology equipment both simple
intraoral and panoramic X-ray equipment. The first chapter describes methods and gives expected results for measurement of tube
output, exposure time, kilovoltage, filtration and focal spot size. It
also includes additional tests on film processing systems, and
comments on some "Postal Pack" test systems and dental phantoms.
The second and third chapters describe mechanical and electrical
safety testing, and surveys for radiation protection purposes respectively. There are six appendices which give details of relevant IEC/
BS publications, useful test equipment and suppliers, sample survey
forms and protection check lists etc.
Anyone involved in radiation protection or QA measurement on
dental radiology equipment will find this booklet very useful,
although "old hands" may prefer to retain their own techniques
e.g. this book recommends 50 cm for most measurements where it
might sometimes be better to use a different distance e.g. 30-40 cm
for kVp measurements on some lower kV units.
A fairly major ommision is that nowhere did I see a mention of the
need to allow adequate cooling between exposures (typically 1 min
s"1 exposure time). This seems an oversight when the booklet is
likely to be used as a bible by relatively inexperienced physicists,
trainee MTOs etc. From the radiation protection viewpoint the
survey checklist should also include the question as to who clinically and physically directs exposures and whether they have
received POPUMET training.
Apart from these minor gripes this booklet is essential reading for
any RPA, QA physicist or MTO involved in dental radiology, and
would be useful to radiographers and DSAs responsible for X-ray
equipment. It is a pity that the format has been changed to one
slightly larger than the earlier HPA/IPSM reports and the DoH
Radiation in Dental Practice, to which it is an ideal companion.


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