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3 Folds
There are 4 types of geological folds of surfaces on the earth through
compression of shortening layers and tectonic plate movement,
( These include, a monocline fold, consisting of a
steep dip from a horizontal level surface. There is also an anticline fold, it is
described as arched and that the fold is convex upwards, (
The third type of fold is a syncline fold, where rock layers are warped downwards.
Lastly, there is an overturned anticline and syncline, where the limb is tilted
beyond perpendicular.

Fold Mountains are formed through a process called orogeny. They are
associated with the continental crust and destructive plate boundaries, as the
plate tectonics collide, the compressive force causes rock to fold and warp,
( the buckling of rock creates these
mountains. Young fold mountains are formed within the last 100 million years,
through a process of subduction in active plate margins. This subduction is
driven by convection currents in the mantle.
Two young fold mountain systems are present, one being along the Pacific Ocean
and the other forming the Alps and Himalayas. Old Fold Mountains were formed
by previously active plate margins. The Caledonian mountains of Scotland,
mountains of Norway and the Appalachian mountains were once one mountain
range before the continents drifted apart, these mountains are formed within the
last 400 million years, (A2 Geography Bowen Pollister).

Andes mountain range, a young Fold Mountain formed through a destructive plate boundary.

Caledonian mountain range, an

old Fold Mountain formed
through a previously active
boundary, years of denudation
has lowered the mountain.
Sub Conclusion
Most Fold Mountains are distinctive due to their size of an 8000+ meter stretch
and its glaciation, they are also formed in specific locations where plate
boundaries are found and found continental in size. Fold Mountains are found all
around the world due to previous active plate margins and continental drift
separating mountain ranges. The shape of most old Fold Mountains are unique
due to denudation, forming more of a rugged landscape, providing spectacular
scenic value. The Andes mountain range is formed by the subduction of the
Nazca plate to the South American plate, creating a 4500 mile stretch of
mountains, distinctive due to it is the longest mountain range on earth,
stretching across from north of South America to the south in the west coast,
3.4 Faulting
A fault in simple terms is a fracture in the earths crust through mass rock
movement as a result of tectonic movement. There are three types of faults on
earth. These include a normal fault, where rock fragments move away from one
another, then there is a thrust fault, where the movement of lower rock moves
over the higher strata; older rocks are above. Finally there is a strike-slip fault,
where the movement of rocks is horizontal, these are caused by shearing forces,
The East African Rift is an area in which the earths tectonic forces are trying to
create new plates by splitting old ones. The African plate is splitting, causing a
triple junction of three plates moving apart. The Nubian plate, Somalian plate
and the Arabian plate are moving in different directions forming the three
branches of the East African rift valley. The rift system extends thousands of
kilometres in Africa alone. The plumes of magma from the asthenosphere is
causing the fracturing and stretching of the outer crust causing normal faults
forming horsts due to the faulting causes the rock to tear, magma rises from the
fault while the land in between the moving plates drops down. Two branches are
within the Red sea and the Gulf of Aden, while the third branch runs through the
south of Ethiopia. The fracturing of the plate causes low spots that can
eventually fill with rainwater, forming linear lakes such as Lake Manyara,
( Volcanic landforms can also form due to faults allowing the

release of magma forming volcanoes such as Mt Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya,

(Youtube The east African rift). The North America plate and the Eurasian plate
moves away from one another, forming a rift, the earths crust stretches and
thins releasing pressure within the mantle causing it to rise forming the mountain
range known as the Mid Atlantic ridge.
Sub conclusion
A fault that moves apart is considered a normal fault; this can produce 'Rift
Valleys'. These are distinctive due to its huge deep features that can stretch
miles long, that are also very straight. On the side of these valleys, they can be
marked by large steep mountains called horsts, they're distinct not only due to
their size but its glaciation, such as Mount Kenya, which is deemed unusual due
to its placement right at the equator where temperatures are relatively warm
and that glaciation is occurring on a volcano, it is also very large at 17,000 feet;
all these factors making these landforms distinct. Mount Kenya is formed through
a fault that pulls rock apart, leading to magma rising up forming these
volcanoes. Lakes can form through the dispersal of the rocks which are long and
thin such as Lake Victoria, which is the second largest freshwater Lake making it
very distinctive. Faults can extend downwards several miles into the crust. An
example of a fault is the Mid-Atlantic ridge, stretching from north to south across
the Atlantic Ocean at a length of nearly 10,000km. These openings in on the
surface can even form large landmasses such as Iceland, which is very distinct
as Iceland is found right on the fault.

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