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16 Manhattan Tunes September 6.


= byDorkys Ranws
Fourteen years ago, Ivis Febus-
They learn about the newest treatments
and go to Washington, D.C. to meet
with politicians and ask for funding.
.... Sampayo was diagnosed with breast
cancer. She was 38. After emerging on
the winning side of her battle against
"It's amazing to watch the growth [in
these women]." Febus-Sampayo said.
c:c cancer, Febus-Sampayo is now more
determined than ever to get the word
Lola Ruz-Curry,
community program
outreach and
..... out about how to be a survivor. for Women at Risk, facilitates the
LatinaSHARE group at New York-
..... "Wearing a pink ribbon is not
enough." Febus-Sampayo said. Going Presbyterian Hospital. A breast cancer
beyond the ribbon. Febus-Sampayo survivor herself, she will be presenting
the breast cancer workshop later on
_ fights breast cancer as the director
of an advocacy and support network
this month. She became involved in
LatinaSHARE eight years ago, where
~ called LatinaSHARE. The Spanish-

.._. L'\\
language organization
of SHARE: Self-helpfor Women
with Breast or Ovarian Cancer, an
is a branch

organization run by breast and ovarian

cancer survivors for other women who
she received training and continues to
volunteer, although she also works part-
time for Women at Risk. Today. she
splits her time between support group
meetings in the hospitals and calling
are battling the disease. which is the her members to check up on their
second leading cause of cancer death physical and emotional health. Since
Z for women in the U.S. LatinaSHARE
will bring its resources to the heart of
some women don't feel comfortable
sharing their stories in public, Ruz-


one of New York's Latina communities
on September 29. when it holds a free
breast cancer information workshop at
the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital!
.:;::: Columbia University's Milstein
LatinaSHARE member Carmen Diaz works the
womencancallfor informationand
Carmen DIaz, miembro de LatinaSHARE,
hotlinethat /rabajaen la lineadizedaquela organizaciOn
establecidopam bmdar infonnaci<Jn
espal!olacen:adel cancer.
Y apayoen
Curry has been able to reach out to
them by I1hone.
"We try to give out more and
ha more information to women of the
community." she said. 1nformation on
breast cancer. how it can be treated. and
Pavilion located on 177 Ft. Washington
Ave. on W. 168" Street. The workshop who women can turn to will be on hand
most common form of cancer in women the organizationare women who have during the workshop. "1t's not just for
will teach women about breast cancer.
(excluding certain skin cancers). With survived breast or ovarian cancer those with cancer.butfor all women...


early detection, and different forms
III of treatment. Taught in conjunction
with Women at Risk. a grassroots
organizationfor women who have a
high risk of developing breast cancer,
178.480 new cases of invasive breast themselves and have decided to help said Ruz-Curry.
cancer estimated to develop this year. others. To the volunteers. their "gift is
one in eight women has the chance of the love of giving back," said Febus- crux
developing breast cancer. And although Sampayo.
While the SHARE program runs for
Information and support are the
of LatinaSHARE's strength and
success. And those two elements
it is the second leading cause of cancer
death in women (after lung cancer). six weeks at a time. LatinaSHARE is combine to empower all women.

. 1:3 and the Departmentof Breast Cancer
of ColumbiaUniversity,the workshop
also aims to let newly diagnosed women
know that they don't have to fight the
death rates have been declining. The constant and the members become
whether they've bUll callcer free for
ACS attributes the decline to early like a family. They support one 14 years like Febus-Sampayo. are just
begillnillg chemotherapy like mallY
screening. improved treatment. and another by offering to baby-sit while of the organization's members. or are
~ battle against this cancer alone. awareness. another member is in the hospital or

Last year, LatinaSHARE held 57
programs focusing on health. advocacy,
and wellness as well as outreach
programs and fundraisers. With seven
support groups in New York City,
SHARE was created in 1976 by a visiting someone who is going through simply
young surgeon and 12 breast cancer treatment. And if you think there's
healthy women concerned about
the disease.
The word "survivor" is used among
survivors. They trained and started only crying going on in these groups. members from the moment a WOman is
their own peer-led support group with then you're mistaken. Laughter is diagnosed with cancer. 1t'sjust a matter
English-language hollines. Then, 15 often heard coming from the meeting of turning her into a thriver, Febus-
and two of them located in Upper years ago LatinaSHARE was created. rooms, said Febus-Sampayo. and the
Manhattan, Febus-Sampayo wants It now provides its own resources women are free to discuss other topics women Sampayo said. "When we help those
women with breast or ovarian cancer heal." she said. "we heal too. "
and emotional support to the Latina of interest. For more information on SHARE
to know that they have partners who community. With support groups located LatinaSHARE's mission is also to
share their hopes for finding a cure and and 'lAtinaSHARE visit www.
throughout the city, LatinaSHARE also educate and provide advocacy ..ervices. or call toll
advocating for government support to offers Spanish-language hotlines that Many women don't have a voice in their free: 866-891-2392 (English) or 212-
treat and study the disease. diagnosed women can call for free native countries. said Febus-Sampayo.
According to the American Cancer 719-4454 (Spanish).
services provided by trained volunteers. but LatinaSHARE teaches them to
Society (ACS). breast cancer is the Most of the volunteers who work with advocate for themselves in the U.S.


desenoa finalesdeestemes.Seenvolvioen
par Dorkys Ramos diagnosticadas queellasnotienenqueluchar diagnosticadas puedenIIamarparaconsegulr
Catorceanosatras.IvisFebus-Sampayo lue solasla batallacontraestecancer. servlciosgratissuministrados porvoluntarios LatinaSHARE haceochoa~os,donderecibl6
diagnosticada concancerdelseno.Ellatenia a anopasado.LatinaSHARE auspicl657 entrenados. Lamayorladelosvoluntanos que entrenamiento y continuocomovoluntaria,
38anos.Luegodeganarsubatallacontra programas enfocados ensaludy defensacomo trabalanconla organizaci6n sonmujeresque aunqueellatambientrabajatiempoparcial
el cancer,Febus-Sampayo ahoraestamas tambienprogramas deserviclosespeclales
y ellasmlsmashansobrevivido a cancerdeseno conMujeresenRiesgo.Hoy.elladividesu
determinada quenuncaenInfonnarsobrecomo recaudacion defondos,Consietegruposde u ovarioy handecididoayudara otras.Paralos tiempoentrereunlones degrupadeapoyo
serunsobreviviente. apoyoenlaeludaddeNuevaYorky dosde voluntarios,su'regaloeseIamordedevolve!", enIoshospitales y lIamando a susmiembros
'Ellievarunacintarosadonoessuficiente', elloslocalizados enelAltoManhattan. Febus- dijoFebus-Sampayo. paraverificarsusaludflsicay emocional. Ya
diJoFebus-Sampayo. Yendomasaliadela Sampayo quierequelasmujeresconcancerde Aunqueel programa SHAREcorrepor quealgunasmujeresnosesientenc6modas
clnta,Febus-Sampayo luchaeIcancerde senouovanosepanquetienenpersonas que seissemanasconsecutivas, LatinaSHARE es compartJendo sushistoriasenpublico,Ruz-
cenocomodirectoradeunareddetrabajo comparten susesperanzas enencontrar una constantey Iosmiembros pasana sercomo CurryhapodidolIegara ellasportelefono.
dedefensay apayolIamada'LatinaSHARE'. curay aboganpareIapoyodelgobiemopara familia.EUasseapayanofreciendose a cuidar 'Nosotrostratamosdebrindarmasy mas
Laorganizaci6n esunasucursaldeSHARE: tratary estudlarla enfermedad. !osninosmientrasolmmiembroestl enel infonnaci6n alasmujeresdela comunidad',
Autoayudaparamujeresconcancerde Segunla Socledad Americana delCancer hospital0 visltandoa alguienqueestaen dijoella.Infonnaci6n sobrecancerdeseno,
senoy ovarioenespanol,unaorganlzacion (ACS,parsussiglasenIngles),eIcancerde tratamlento.Ysl ustedplensaqueenestos comopuedesertratadoy a quemujeresutilizar
dirigldaporsobrevivientes decancerde senoeslafonnamascomundecancerenlas grupossolose1I0ra, entoncesustedestl durantelostalleres.'No essoloparaaquellas
senoy ovanosparaotrasmujeresqueestln mujeres(exeluyendo dertoscanceresdepial). equivocado. Larisaa menudoesescuchada concancersinoparatodaslasmujeres',dijo
luchandoconla enfennedad, lacualesla Saestima
178,480casos saliendodelossalonesdereunlones, dijo Ruz-Curry.
segundacausaprincipaldemuertesporcancer nuevosdecancerdesenoinvasivo,Unade Febus-Sampayo. y lasmUjeres sonlibresde LaInfonnael6n y el apoyosonel puntade
entrelasmujeresdelosE.U,LatinaSHARE ochomujerestienela pasibilidaddedesarrollar discutirotrostopicosdeinteres. la fortalezay exitode LatinaSHARE. Y esos
traerarecursosalcoraz6ndeunadelas cancerdeseno.Y aunqueesla segundacausa Lamisi6ndeLatinaSHARE tamblenesla de doselementos combinados habnitan a Iodas
comunidades latinasdeNuevaYorkel 29de principaldemuerteparcancerenmujeres educary proveerservlciosdeapoyo.Muchas lasmujeres,tantoa lasquehanestadolibre
septiembre, cuandolIevaraacabountaller Ouego delcancerdepUlm6n), losindicesde mujeresnotienenvozensuspalsesnatales, delcancerpar14a~oscomoFebus-Sampayo,
deInfonnaci6n decancerdesenogratuitoen mortalidad hanIdodlsminuyendo. B ACS dijoFebus-Sampayo, peroLatinaSHARE comoalasmuchasmujeresmiembros que
la Universidad ColumbiaiPabell6n Milsteindel atribuyela disminucion
a proyeccl6n temprana, lesenseiiaa defenderse enlosE.U.Elias hancomenzado quimioterapia,0 mujeres
HospitalNewYork-Presbyterian localizado mejorestratamientosy creacl6ndeconelencia. aprendenacercadelostratamientos mas saludables preocupadas parla enfennedad.
ene1177delaAvenidaFt Washington enel SHAREluecreadoenel1976poruna nuevosy vana Washington. D.C.parareunirse Lapalabra'sobreviviente' esutHizada entre
oestedela Calle168.EItallerense~ara a las jovenelrujanay 12sobrevivientesdecancer conpoliticosy pedirfondos.'Esincrelblever Iosmiembros desdeel momento queunamujer
mujeresacercadelcancerdeseno.detecci6n deseno.Ellosentrenaron y comenzaron su eIcrecimiento enestasmujeres',dijoFebus- esdiagnosticada concancer.Essolocuesti6n
temprana y dlferentesfonnasdetratamiento. propiogrupodeapayoconlineasdeayuda Sampayo. deconvertJ~a enunapersonaconsalud,dijo
Ense~ado enconjuntoconMujeresenRiesgo. eningles.Entonces, 15a~osaIr1islue creada LolaRuz-Curry, coordinadora deservicios Febus-Sampayo. 'Cuandonosotrosayudamos
unaorganizaci6n paramujeresquetienenun LatinaSHARE. Aharaproveesuspropios especlales y programas comunales para a esasmujeresa sanar",dijoella,'nosolms
altoriesgodedesarrollar cancerdelsenoy recursosy apoyoemocional parala comunidad Mujeresen RiesgofacilitaeI grupode tambiensanamos'.
el Departamento deCancerdel Senodela latina.CongruposdeapayoIocallzados a LatinaSHARE eneIHospitalNewYork- Pammasinfonnaci6n deSHAREy
Universidad Columbia. el tallertambienbusca 10largodela ciudad,LatinaSHARE tamblen Presbyterian.Bla unasobreviviente decancer LatinaSHARE visitewww.sharecancersupport.
el deja~esabera mujeresrecientemente ofrecelineasenespanolquemujeres deseno.estarapresentando eItallerdecancer org(eningles)0 212-719-4454 (enespanoQ.

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