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i. Plain and simple: do you enjoy being around people? How many?
I enjoy being around people very much, doesn't really matter how many.

ii. Do you have fun at large parties, or would you have more fun with a small group of friends?
I'd have different kinds of fun in both situations because I'd respond differently in a party environment than in a small
group of fiends. Not necessarily more or less fun, because that's subjective. Usually in smaller groups I will be a lot
more active in engaging everyone in conversation, simply because it's easier addressing 5 people at once than it is
addressing 50 people at once xD

iii. Do you feel more energized when you're with people, or does it drain you? Do you need to be alone to "recharge," so to speak?
Definitely the former, I'm an extrovert. I love socialising. I can spend time alone and be fine, but not necessarily
good. Given the choice I will probably 98% of the time choose to socialise than to not (excluding times when I can't,
such as writing essays), which means I will drop a conversation online to go hang out with people offline. Online
socialisation is nowhere near as fulfilling for me. That's not to say I don't like the people I talk to online, of course.

iv. How do you behave differently around strangers from around friends?
Generally I'd say no differently, to be honest. I enjoy talking to strangers and I don't particularly feel I have to act a
certain way around certain people. However, it depends on who that person is. If it were, for instance, a friend of a
friend being introduced to me, I'd likely treat them as a friend right off the bat, but if that stranger was, the boss of a
large company whom I needed to impress to get a job, I would almost certainly alter the way I hold myself/ my
mannerisms/ etc., to something I perceive him wanting to see in me.

v. What kind of a reputation do you have?

People come to me when they want to be told the way things are. I don't make a habit of sugaring up my words, so to
speak, so people only usually ask me for advice when they want the best logical solution. It might not be the best
choice in terms of emotions (though I try to consider these where I can), but it'll certainly get you from A to B in the
fastest way possible. For example: if a friend of mine asked me if I honestly thought she had a good singing voice and
proceeded to sing a song for me, I would tell her what I thought based on what I heard. If said friend then went on to
say I was mean and had insulted her, I'd probably laugh at her and say “lol, whatever”, because she shouldn't ask for
the truth if she didn't want it in the first place. If she had come to me saying “I'm going to sing you a song now and I
want you to tell me it was the best thing you've ever heard :D” then I would happily oblige.

I also don't suffer fools. If you tell me something ridiculous that I know is incorrect and cannot prove to me in any
way that you aren't incorrect, I will correct your beliefs. If you try to deny my logic I will cite sources and seek to
show you that you are incorrect. If you're still adamant about being right (and this is to the point that you are
ignoring my references and using incorrect logic like “well that's their opinion and this is mine”), I will lose all respect
for you. I was once told that horse racing wasn't a sport because sports have to be 'physical', and horse racing is all
mental. Now, I have nothing against being stubborn (I can be quite stubborn myself), but when you are blatantly
wrong and still arguing that you are right you're pretty much nothing in my eyes.

Due to these things I have a reputation as an asshole. I also have a reputation in a few places of being a 'coffee
addict' which is entirely untrue (granted, I appreciate coffee, but I am far from addiction). I'm also known as cute and
bouncy >>; I have a lot of contradicting reputations, really. Recently I was told by someone that I was 'very solitary',
which is untrue, but still a reputation.

vi. Are you a part of a certain "clique" or do you tend to make friends with everyone?
I'm not part of a clique, no. I'm generally friendly with you if you're friendly with me; I'll talk to anyone if they show
interest in talking to me. Yet I have very strong definitions of what I class a 'friend'. I can like you a lot, I can respect
you and have good conversations with you but if we're on different levels despite having good interactions you're a
friendly person but not a friend. I'm tentatively of the opinion that an internet friend can be just as much a friend as an
offline friend, but they're still on different levels since the the way I interact with both friends would differ.
vii. Do you find it easy to trust others?
I will initially give you my trust. You'd have to actively lose it.

viii. Are you comfortable being trusted yourself?

I'm comfortable being trusted, yes. I respect peoples' privacy; tell me something in confidence and you can be sure I
won't tell anyone else.

ix. When you've wronged someone, how quickly do you apologize, if at all? Do you find it easy to "own up," or more difficult?
If I'm wrong I will most certainly apologise. I see no reason why I shouldn't own up to being incorrect, whatever the
matter may be. I also apologise excessively (and comically) for little things like stepping on someone's foot, “I'M
SORRY SO SORRY SORRYSORRYSORRY – ooh a pigeon! - LOVE YOU SORRY SORRY D': D': D':” In jest, of course, but I do
mean the apology underneath that all.

x. Do you prefer to work alone, or in a group?
Either or, I don't really have a preference for one over the other because it is dependant on the situation. I can work
fine in a group if we have a common goal or I believe it's more productive to do so. This usually isn't the case, so I'll
do things by myself. When working in a group I will enjoy the socialisation, but I wouldn't put socialising above
getting what needs to be done, done right.

xi. How do you respond to criticism?

Very well. I actively encourage constructive criticism, actually. I'm always looking for ways to better myself.

xii. What's your learning style? Do you learn better from visual demonstrations, from listening,or from experiences? Do you need to
study something more to learn it or do you seem to just pick it up from the start? Are you better at more analytical studies (math
and science) or memorization of facts (history, etc.)?
I'd say on the whole I may be better at analytical studies, though memorization of facts isn't particularly hard for me
to do. I usually pick things up from the start and don't have a preferred way of learning, though experience is a good
way for me to learn since I can potentially build muscle memory whilst enjoying myself.

xiii. How artistic are you, and what sorts of art do you enjoy (music, painting, drawing, writing)?
All of the above. I'm a musician first and foremost but in the past I've written (not so much now due to a lack of
creativity) and I do art despite not classing myself as an artist, per se.

xiv. Are you athletic? What sports do you enjoy, if any?

I enjoy running though I haven't been able to lately. It's a hobby.

xv. How curious are you?

Incredibly so. If there is something I want to know I will find it out, though if it is some kind of secret I won't push the
matter if you've made it clear you don't want me to know. It also won't bother me if you try to get something out of
me in exchange for you telling me something, e.g.; “I have a secret, I'll tell you if you tell me/ give me/ do for me
this [thing]”. I'm curious, yes, but I won't get aggravated and give in to that sort of thing, because I don't really care
what that secret is. I would like to know but I wouldn't go to any real lengths to get it out of you if you're taking that
route. I'll either find out through someone else and if that's not possible, forget about it, because if it was something I
actually needed to know you'd tell me eventually.

xvi. Do you feel the need to have a plan, or do you prefer to "go with the flow"?
Go with the flow, probably. I'm best when thinking on my feet, so to speak, and plans aren't always fail-safe. However
I will initially make loose plans just because you have more fun when you do. I will leave my house knowing that I am
going to meet [person] at [time] at [place] for [activity] because if I didn't do that we would just be wandering around
outside hoping to bump into each other, which is ridiculous. However, I won't plan my entire day, just the bare bones
of what I'm going to do when I'm hanging out with people, and even that is subject to change since I'm flexible and the
other person might not want to eat lunch at the place we said we would, etc.
xvii. When you have work to do, how do you pace yourself? (i.e. are you a procrastinator?)
I'm prone to procrastination, yes. I generally start projects and never finish them. I enjoy coming up with ideas but
following through is usually not beneficial enough for me. I can throw things out at the last minute and be pretty
much okay. As far as pacing myself goes, I can in several ways. One being the way I just mentioned, rushing through
the entirety of what I have to do in a few hours. Another being I'll start by fleshing out what I'll have to do, going
through and doing a rough outline, then filling everything substantial in, all with five to ten minute breaks between
them. Breaking things down makes them more manageable, but I don't have to do so in order to work.

xviii. Are you organized, or more messy?

My alignment is Organized Chaotic :D. The room I live in now (which is basically the living room of my mum and her
boyfriend's one-bedroom apartment) was a lot less cluttered-looking before I turned up. I can find things easily within
that clutter. On the whole, though, I'd consider myself messy.

xix. Are you a highly focused individual, or are you more easily distracted?
Generally I am highly focused for things in the future, being very ambitious, yet in the present it's not hard to distract me
from watching a movie or something. I'm not so easily distracted from my ambitions, though. With work, I'm focused in
the beginning, with focus waning towards the middle/end, but it's dependent on certain factors (i.e; whether it's
something I'm forcing myself to do or something I am doing of my own volition, what exactly it is that I am supposed
to be focusing on, etc.).

xx. Do you prefer to keep things simple, or do you like lots of detail (clearly this RA is for the latter XD)?
Generalities are fine, usually, but I'll explain in-depth quite easily if someone wishes. With generalities it's easier to
omit certain parts of the truth (which is handy because I don't lie) therefore leading someone to a false conclusion
without actively lying. But, again, it's dependent on whatever I may be doing. On the whole, I'd say I personally I
prefer detail. I'll elaborate where I see fit or if someone would like me to, I suppose is the correct answer.

xxi. When something is out of place, how strong is your need to correct it?
With objects? Eh, not very strong. But if it's a belief someone holds to that is incorrect I will seek to show them this.

xxii. What do you look for in a potential boyfriend or girlfriend?
Honesty, intelligence, intellect, commitment, someone who has shared interests with me, sociability (although that's
not necessary) and I can't stand jealousy.

xxiii. How would you react to a boyfriend or girlfriend? Would you be obsessive, protective, clingy, detached? How
would you show affection?
I'd be very protective of a partner. If someone hit you I'd probably punch them (if you didn't deserve them hitting you,
of course). I wouldn't get jealous if said partner talked to other people, I don't see a reason to be. I might be a little
detached if I thought they were planning to break up with me, but other than that I'm unsure. I would show affection
through... just generally being very affectionate. Snugs and pulling cute faces and so on.

xxiv. How do you react when you're angry at someone? Do you confront them directly or use your anger in other
ways? (i.e. are you passive-aggressive)
I'll either internalise it or talk to them about it, depending on the severity of the situation and why I am angry. Not
much really aggravates me so it would have to be something serious, usually enough that warrants being discussed. I'd
confront them objectively. I've been known to be cold-aggressive and straight out I-will-break-things aggressive, but I
attempt to fix the latter and explain the former.

xxv. How sensitive are you?

Physically very much so, emotionally not particularly.

xxvi. Are you a "touchy-feely" person?

I love to be touched/hugged etc. When I am annoyed, whether at you or myself or something else, touch is pretty
much the only way you can calm me down/ snap me out of it, provided we are very close. Sadly that only works with
one person at the moment, if anyone else did that I'd probably shrug them off. I'm the kind of person to hug
strangers, if that says anything. That being said, although I love contact, I don't usually initiate it unless the person
has expressed desire for me to do so. With a partner I assume that is already a given unless stated otherwise.
xxvii. Are you very sure of yourself, or are you more prone to doubt?
I'm not very sure of myself, in fact I'd consider myself... self-neutral? I can see my own faults and I try to fix them,
and I know what my strengths are and play upon them. I don't love myself, I don't hate myself, I am ambivalent.
Having bipolar disorder, there are times where I am pretty much dangerously sure of myself and others where I'm the
complete opposite. The fact that I assume most people will not like me allows me to act quite bold when I'm meeting
new people.

xxviii. Do you hold grudges? How long? Would you seek revenge on your enemies, so to speak?
Generally, no, I don't usually hold grudges. If I did it would be for a long time, and I'd have to have been wronged by
that same person more than a few times. I wouldn't call it a grudge, even, just a lack of trust and/or dislike. Revenge
seems kind of petty, I don't believe in taking an eye for an eye, though if you hurt someone I love and have no reason
for it I will loose any respect I ever had for you and/or hurt you a lot, probably not physically since mentally is a lot
more effective.

xxix. How important is forgiveness to you? Consider both others forgiving you and you forgiving others.
Forgiveness is very important to me, I suppose, but it's dependent on the situation and reason. I forgive easily, most of
the time. I trust the people I love, so if you say you won't do it again or you're sorry, I'll believe you and forgive you.
If I've wronged someone, I'd like them to know why and that I want to right it, and if I don't believe it's something that
should be forgiven, I'll want to know why the hell I'm being forgiven for it.

xxx. How do you express your feelings? When you're sad, do you cry or bottle it up inside? Does talking with others
help or do you like to deal with your feelings by yourself (or with your daemon)?
I am bad at feelings. As I mentioned in question xxvii, I have bipolar disorder, which may have lead to the unhealthy
way I view my own feelings. I despise my feeling things because a lot of the time my own emotions feel alien and
beyond my control. Despite this I try hard to fix them. Sometimes I don't acknowledge them and repress a lot of stuff.
I can talk about them (my feelings) objectively (as I'm doing now), but even then only with someone who needs to
know the way I'm feeling for whatever reason. I'm pretty unhealthy in that regard.

xxxi. Do you have a temper? Are you quick to anger, or do you take things in stride?
I do have an 'anger problem', in that when I am angry I am not a nice person and will hurt you, but I can keep it in
check. Thankfully I'm not quick to anger because most things don't phase me (personal attacks, for instance, don't
bother me because I know it's said with intention to hurt and therefore may be incorrect and just playing upon my
own insecurities).

xxxii. Do you prefer to talk or to listen?
I love both. If you need me to listen to you I will do so, and if you want my help I will try to provide it to the best of
my abilities. If you want I'll talk about whatever for ages. I can talk about most things and enjoy it, because simply
the act of socialising with someone and helping them makes me happy.

xxxiii. Do you prefer to lead or to follow?

Hmm, I wouldn't say I have a preference, to be honest. I'll either lead, do my own thing, or follow, depending. Lets
say for the sake of this question, that it was something that was best done in a group. If I don't think the current
'leader' is doing a good job I cannot follow, in which case I'd probably challenge that leadership. Since my views
usually clash with others' and I don't see a reason to follow something I don't accept 100%, I wouldn't call myself a
follower. But if said leader was doing a good job, in my opinion, I would accept it and follow for as long as I feel the
leader was doing a good job.

xxxiv. How protective are you? Are you more protective of people or things?
I'm very protective of my people, though I don't get jealous easily (in fact, I can't really remember ever being
jealous?). I'm protective of things like my guitars etc., but that's not because I'm materialistic at all, those things just
cost a lot of money and I use them a lot. On the whole I'd say pretty protective.

xxxv. Are you more independent or dependent? Consider parents, friends, and strangers.
I'm an independent person, though at the moment I depend on my mother for money and I despise that I do.
xxxvi. How would you react to being in a strange place all by yourself? How about with your friends or your family?
Look around, explore. I'd almost certainly find the experience interesting, whether alone or with friends or family.
Though with friends or family I would of course try to entertain/amuse them whilst exploring .

xxxvii. What time of day are you more active? Do you work best during certain times and play best during others?
It varies, really, being dependent on what time I went to sleep the night before (usually I don't sleep until around 4 or
5am, but recently I've needed to get up early so it's been around 2am), what time I need to get up, etc. Afternoons
seem to be good for actually forcing myself to complete things, however (such as this RA), since there is really not
much to do if I'm not going out. I'd say I 'play best' about an hour or so after sunset, because I tend to get an energy
boost around that time.

xxxviii. Would you consider yourself more playful, or serious?

Playful. I can be both, depending on the situation, but I suppose playful in most senses of the word. I love to debate,
and I see that as a kind of 'play' for me. I also bounce around a lot and pull funny faces and suggest doing childish
things a lot just for the lulz xD

xxxix. How would you describe your sense of humor?

Weird. I find humour in the strangest of things. It's usually well received though, so perhaps that brand of quirky
people find amusing? Dead baby jokes are amusing, things that aren't supposed to be innuendos (like a picture drawn
by a child) but appear to be are funny.

xl. Is your appearance important to you?

Not at all. I've been told I'm a flashy dresser but what usually happens is this: Get up, look for the nearest available
clothing, throw it on, go out. I don't really bother with fancies and I don't really perceive myself as being 'flashy' but
apparently others do. Perhaps because all my clothes are quite bright.

xli. How do you dress? Would you say that you have "fashion sense"? Are you a flashy dresser, or do you prefer to
blend in with the crowd?
See above. I just wear what I like, doesn't matter whether other people think I look odd. As I've said before, I assume
people dislike me, therefore my choice of clothing is not relevant. I can blend in if I want to, though my default is
possibly standing out. As for my having a 'fashion sense', I wouldn't say that I do have one, per se, I just know what
looks good with other things. Maybe I do.

xlii. Are you proud of your good qualities? Would you brag about them, or are you more modest?
I'm proud of the few good qualities I have, though I don't brag. I wouldn't call myself modest, just that I see no reason
to brag. Also I find bragging a really annoying quality in people, so I would dislike to have that quality myself.

xliii. Are you a "show-off"?

I do things for the entertainment of my friends that could be seen as 'showing-off'. However, I don't do this
intentionally to show off, merely for the amusement of my friends. This may be classed as showing off, despite not
having the intention to, I don't know (you decide C:?).

xliv. How do you go about getting what you want? Are you manipulative, earnest, or driven?
Hmm. This really depends on whatever factors contribute to/hinder getting what I want, however, generally I'd say
driven and manipulative. That in no way means I'm not being honest the entire time (I don't lie, as I've said before),
though. When I want something, which is very rarely, I will get it.

xlv. Can you pass up a bargain or a sale?

Yes. The only instance in which I see myself not doing so is if it's something ridiculous like 75% off of something I need
for whatever reason.

xlvi. Do you tend to keep objects even when they've outlived their usefulness, just because you have trouble letting
No, no. Everything has a use, I don't have trouble letting go.

xlvii. Do you collect or hoard things?

Quite possibly. Though as I mentioned previously, I'm not materialistic and I'd have no trouble letting go once I feel
there was really no use whatsoever for the item in question.
xlviii. How loyal are you to those you love?
Very. If I love you I'm going to fight for you. I care about people immensely and I'll defend my loved ones fiercely from
any would-be attack. However, if you decide you don't want my loyalty, I won't try and talk you out of not wanting to
be my friend. That's your decision, ultimately, and if/when you want to be friends again that loyalty will still be

xlix. When you have a belief, do you hold to it very strongly, or are you more likely to question it?
Question. I'm not going to believe in something I haven't questioned rigorously or tested in any way, and even after I
have that belief I will continue to question it. I will hold to it for as long as it stands up to questioning. Once it
ceases to do so I'll not; I won't hold to the belief that something is true when I know it is not.

l. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? Does it change depending on the situation?
I'm generally optimistic, though not to a fault. If the situation calls for pessimism I can bring that to the table too,
but it's objective pessimism and I will revert to optimism once there's no need for it any more.

li. Do you prefer your environment to be clean or do you mind it being messy?
I don't really care, in all honesty. Clean is fine as long as I know where everything is; messy is fine as long as I know
where everything is. Messy to the point of there being a chance I could catch an illness because there is mould and
god knows what else growing/living alongside me is not acceptable, of course, but a few clothes strewn on the floor
and harmless clutter I am ambivalent towards.

lii. How are you and authority? Do you obey without question, challenge just for the sake of challenging, or do you
let your moral compass be your guide?
In most situations I'll let my moral compass be my guide, which is seen as challenging for the sake of challenging
because more often than not I won't agree with what's been said. I despise established authority as I see no reason for
me to follow rules if I don't agree with them, just for the sake of following. If I know someone to be wrong I will point
that out, heedless of whether or not they are an authority. This way of thinking has gotten me into a lot of trouble
when I was at school.

liii. Do you enjoy life in a hierarchy? How would you rank yourself? Do you enjoy being at that "rank"?
No, I'm not hierarchical. I can see and recognise hierarchy, however I don't adhere to it. I will not do your bidding
just because I am supposed to acknowledge that you are 100% correct, all of the time. You may be seen as above me
or my equal but I won't agree with you for that sake alone.

liv. Do you enjoy helping others? Or, do you need to be needed? When someone needs something from you, would you
help willingly, enthusiasticly, or grudgingly?
I help everyone; ask for my help and you've got it, regardless of whether or not I do not know you. Even if you don't
ask, I will most likely offer my help (if you're struggling with carrying shopping, I'll lend a hand, or if you need a seat
on the bus I will offer mine, etc.). To that extent I do enjoy helping others and will do it quite willingly. Another
point I feel the need to add is that, often, when someone has helped me in the past (and I dislike asking for help
because I feel it inconveniences people) I'll feel obligated to help them in return. I don't need to be needed, though, I
just like to help.

lv. When you're passionate about something, how long does it stick? Are you obsessed for a period of time only to
become burned out? How long does that take?
Generally I'll be really really engrossed in something for a period of, say, a month (usually less, to be honest) and then
just grow indifferent or move onto something else (this is especially true of things such as favourite food/song/etc.).
Sometimes things stick, though. With things such as music, guitar etc., I know I'll never stop liking them.

lvi. What would you describe as the perfect day?

Socialising with friends, going places, doing fun stuff. Depends on where we are at the time, since there is a lot more
you can do in a city than in the country without having to use your imagination :P

lvii. How about the perfect vacation?

Somewhere new, somewhere different. I love cities and I'd like to travel the world, the perfect vacation would be
anywhere but here, any new experiences I can gather, etc.
lviii. Do you like to keep secrets? Do you have a lot of "skeletons in your closet"?
I don't really care. I'll keep a secret for you if you have expressed desire for me to do so. As for myself, I'm generally
open about anything and everything if you specifically ask me about it. Though as I've said before, sometimes I may
purposely omit certain parts of the truth, usually I am quite happy to tell anyone anything.

lix. Are you a worrier? How does worrying about things affect you? What sorts of things worry you more than others?
I'm not really a worrier, no. I'll worry if, say, a friend of mine has said they will meet me at 3:00 and 2 hours later
they are still not there and haven't contacted me, and when I have tried to call them their phone is off or they won't
pick up. But more often than not I won't worry about things since worrying narrows your view of 'the bigger picture',
so to speak, and if you focus on one thing too much you may miss something else that is relevant.

lx. How open are you to change? If you suddenly moved to an all new town, how would you react?
I welcome change. I live in the present so I don't look forward to it but I will accept and probably like it if/when it
does happen. If I moved to a new town I'd explore. Probably spend a few days inside but I dislike being indoors for
huge amounts of time, and will want to have a nosey around my new town.

lxi. Are you a picky eater? How about with other things? Do you like to try new things?
I suppose I could be seen as a picky eater to an outsider, but not particularly, no. I'll try anything once and I like a lot
of things, I just don't really eat them much nor care what I'm eating as long as it's keeping me alive. There are very
few things I detest (one of which is mushrooms, ew). I try new things all the time, it doesn't bother me and I'm
ambivalent towards it.

lxii. Are you subject to paranoia?

No. At least not that I know of. I don't particularly care what people think of me (I generally assume everyone
dislikes me, which allows me to do pretty much most things socially), and I trust the people I love so I don't think
they're lying to me when, for instance, we've planned a day out together and they say they can't make it. Though I
may over think things a little sometimes, it's usually not to the point of paranoia.

lxiii. Do you go to great lengths to protect yourself from danger, both actual and emotional?
Physically? Fuck no. I've made a habit of intentionally putting myself in danger for amusement purposes (both mine
and others'), and I could quite easily class myself as a thrill-seeker. I don't really care for my physical well-being – or,
at least, I don't care enough to do 'crazy' things - and I've been told countless times to be less reckless. Emotionally,
perhaps? I'll distance myself from people before they distance themselves from me, maybe that's protecting my
emotions by stopping feeling them, but I'm not particularly good with emotions (even identifying my own), so.

lxiv. Do you feel very sure of yourself, or more insecure? Think in terms of your physical appearance, emotional
vulnerability, relationships, or anything else you'd like to add.
I appear outwardly sure of myself, at least to strangers, but I am inwardly neutral. I care about the people I love
more than I care about myself, but I'm not insecure. Like I've said before, I don't care what people think of the way I
look. Sometimes I'm more sure of myself, other times I'm more insecure, but usually I'm neutral.

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