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9 Health Benefits of Almonds

If you avoid nuts because you think they're fattening, think again. Almonds pack an incredible nutritional
punch and may even help you to lose weight.
Here are nine reasons to include them in your diet.
Lower Cholesterol
Almonds are a great way to lower cholesterol. This is believed to be due to their high monounsaturated fat
content as well as their high vitamin E content.
Diet Aid
Believe it or not, nuts may aid in weight loss. One study found that those who included almonds as a regular
source of healthy monounsaturated fat in their diet lost more weight and body fat than those who didn't,
even though those who didn't include almonds had less fat in their diets.
Heart Health
The monounsaturated fats and vitamin E in almonds help maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular
Magnesium Rich
Almonds are loaded with magnesium, a mineral that is needed by almost every function of the body. A
quarter cup of almonds contains 24.7% of the RDA of magnesium.
Lower Blood Sugar
Almonds lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin that happens after eating, making them a good tool in the
arsenal against diabetes.
Almonds contain many different antioxidants but make sure not to remove the skin. Almond skin contains
more than twenty antioxidant flavanoids.
They reduce inflammation in the body by lowering C-reactive protein levels. In fact, they work just as well
as statins in this regard.
Prostate Cancer Prevention
They contain boron which is believed to play an important role in the prevention of prostate cancer.
High in Protein
A quarter cup of almonds contains more protein than an egg.

6 Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds come from the big round center of the sunflower, which turns throughout the day to follow
the course of the Sun. Sunflowers began to be used over 5,000 years ago by the Native Americans, the
Spanish brought them back to Spain, and they were soon introduced to neighboring European countries.
Today, the top producers of sunflower seeds are the Russian Federation, Peru, Argentina, Spain, France and
Here are six health benefits of sunflower seeds that may make you want to include them in your diet on a
regular basis.
Cardiovascular Benefits
Sunflowers are an exceptional source of vitamin E, which plays a very important role in the prevention of
cardiovascular disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps keep free radicals from oxidizing cholesterol.
Only when oxidized is cholesterol able to stick to blood vessel walls and cause atherosclerosis, which can
lead to blocked arteries, heart attack, or stroke. You can get over ninety percent of the daily value for
vitamin E in only a quarter of a cup of sunflower seeds.
Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, the body's primary fat-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin E
travels throughout the body neutralizing free radicals that would otherwise damage fat-containing structures
and molecules, such as cell membranes, brain cells, and cholesterol. By protecting these cellular and
molecular components, vitamin E has significant anti-inflammatory effects that result in the reduction of
symptoms in asthma, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis, conditions where free radicals and
inflammation play a big role.
Cancer Prevention
Sunflower seeds are a good source of selenium. Studies suggest a strong correlation between low selenium
intake and cancer incidence. Selenium has been shown to induce DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells,
to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, and to induce their apoptosis, the self-destruct mechanism the
body uses to get rid of worn out or abnormal cells. In addition, selenium is incorporated at the active site of
many proteins, including glutathione peroxidase, which is particularly important for protection against
cancer. One of the body's strongest antioxidant enzymes, glutathione peroxidase is used by the liver to
detoxify a great many harmful molecules. When levels of glutathione peroxidase are low, these toxic
molecules wreak havoc on any cells they come in contact with, damaging their DNA and prompting the
development of cancer cells. One quarter of a cup provides over thirty percent of the daily value for
selenium. The vitamin E so abundant in sunflower seeds has also been shown to reduce the risk of colon
cancer, bladder cancer, and prostate cancer.
Bone Health
Sunflower seeds are particularly rich in magnesium. Its a well-known fact that calcium is necessary for
strong bones, but magnesium is too. Most of the magnesium in the human body is in our bones. Some of it

helps lend bones their physical structure, and the rest is located on the surface of the bone where it is
stored for the body to use as it needs. Copper found in sunflower seeds is vital for the function of enzymes
involved in cross-linking collagen and elastin, providing strength and flexibility in bones and joints. Vitamin E
also imparts anti-inflammatory properties to sunflower seeds, effective in the reduction of arthritis
Good for the Nerves
By preventing calcium from rushing into nerve cells and activating them, magnesium keeps our nerves
relaxed and thereby our blood vessels and muscles too. Too little magnesium means too much calcium can
gain entrance to the nerve cell, causing it to send too many messages, and leading to too much contraction.
Insufficient magnesium leads to higher blood pressure, muscle tension, migraine headaches, soreness and
fatigue. Not surprising that studies have demonstrated magnesium helps diminish the frequency of migraine
attacks, lowers blood pressure and helps prevent heart attacks. Sunflower seeds also contain tryptophan, an
amino acid that helps produce serotonin, an important neurotransmitter. Serotonin relieves tension, calms
the brain and promotes relaxation.
Skin Protection
Vitamin E has sometimes been described as the "lightning rod" of the cell, allowing reactive molecules to
strike the cell, like lightning, without causing damage. This function of vitamin E is particularly apparent in
the case of the skin, since vitamin E directly protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. In many studies,
vitamin E applied topically has been shown to prevent UV damage. A diet containing vitamin E-rich foods
promotes this same protective effect.

7 Health Benefits of Pistachios

Originally from Western Asia, but known for thousands of years throughout the Mediterranean, the pistachio
has been cultivated commercially in the English speaking world in Australia, New Mexico and in California
where it was introduced in 1854 as a garden tree. The pistachio is one of two nuts mentioned in the Bible
and these days another delicious, nutritious nut to snack on and benefit from.
Here are seven health benefits of pistachios that may make you want to include them in your diet on a
regular basis.
Heart Health
Pistachios have been shown to reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increase the good HDL cholesterol after
only a short period of regular consumption. High in antioxidants such as vitamins A and E, they fight
inflammation, protecting blood vessels and reducing risk of heart disease. Even a moderate intake of
pistachios has been shown to increase levels of lutein, an antioxidant well known for protecting against
oxidized LDL, reducing heart disease.
Diabetes Help
Eating pistachios may help to prevent Type 2 diabetes. 60 percent of the recommended daily value of the

mineral phosphorous is contained in just one cup of pistachios. As well as breaking down proteins into amino
acids, phosphorous aids glucose tolerance.
Healthy Blood
Pistachios are an incredibly rich source of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is essential to make hemoglobin, the
protein responsible for carrying oxygen through the blood stream to cells, and is also shown to increase the
amount of oxygen carried.
Nervous System
The vitamin B6 so abundant in pistachios has wide-ranging effects on the nervous system. Messaging
molecules called amines require amino acids to develop, which in turn rely on vitamin B6 for their creation.
Furthermore, B6 plays a crucial role in the formation of myelin, the insulating sheath around nerve bers
that allows optimal messaging between nerves. Furthermore, vitamin B6 contributes to the synthesis of
serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine and gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, an amino acid that calms the
transmission of nerve impulses throughout the nervous system.
Eye Health
Pistachios contain two carotenoids not found in most nuts. These carotenoids, called lutein and zeaxanthin,
function as protective antioxidants, defending tissues from damage from free radicals. They have been
linked with a decrease in the risk for developing age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading
cause of visual impairments and acquired blindness in the United States.
Immune System
A healthy immune system requires adequate intake of vitamin B6, which pistachios abound in. A surfeit of
vitamin B6 can retard brain activity as well as decrease the effectiveness of the immune system for fighting
infections. Vitamin B6 found in pistachios also helps the body make healthy red blood cells, and helps
maintain the health of lymphoid glands, such as the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes, ensuring the
production of white blood cells that defend the body from infections.
Skin Health
Pistachios are a great source of vitamin E, a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant, essential for maintaining the
integrity of cell membranes and often recommended for healthy and beautiful skin. Vitamin E does an
excellent job protecting the skin from UV damage, providing daily defense against premature aging and skin

8 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia (salvia hispanica) is native to southern and central Mexico and Guatemala. It was cultivated by the
Aztecs who considered it a superfood. Aztec warriors were said to have sustained themselves for an entire
day on a single tablespoon of chia seeds. Chia seeds disappeared from the region after the Spanish conquest
because the Spaniards banned foods that were linked to Aztec tradition. Today, chia seeds have seen a
resurgence as a superfood and are popular among health-conscious consumers.

Here are eight health benefits of chia seeds.

Weight Loss
The most popular health benefit of chia seeds is the fact that they are effective in boosting weight loss
efforts. Chia seeds are rich in soluble fiber and protein and they also have carbohydrates that are slowly
digested. These two factors combine help to curb your appetite and increase fat burning.
Energy Booster
As mentioned in the introduction, Aztec warriors were able to sustain themselves for an entire day on one

tablespoon of chia seeds. This is because chia seeds are a great source of energy that can help sustain you
through hard workouts and other grueling tasks.
High in Omega-3s
The oil in chia seeds is higher in omega-3 fatty acids than any other food. Omega-3s are essential to the
human body and help to prevent many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, chronic
inflammation, and autoimmune disease.
Brain Health
Thanks to their high omega-3 content, chia seeds are the perfect brain food. Many people have found that
adding chia seeds to their diet improved memory, concentration, and other cognitive abilities.
Chia seeds are very high in antioxidants; in fact they actually have more antioxidants than blueberries.
Eating chia seeds on a regular basis may help to prevent certain health conditions such as stroke, heart
disease, and cancer.
Blood Sugar Control
Chia seeds are a great ingredient for diabetics to use because they help to maintain lower blood sugar
levels. It is necessary for diabetics to actively maintain their glucose levels and chia seeds assist in this
The high fiber and antioxidants in chia seeds help with detoxification. When fiber is consumed, the body is
effectively able to remove waste and toxins from the body. Additionally, antioxidants help with toxin and
waste removal as they work to eliminate free radicals.
Eating chia seeds on a regular basis can reduce the inflammation within the body, because chia seeds
contain essential fatty acids. High levels of inflammation are associated with many health conditions such as
arthritis, heart disease, and chronic pain.

10 Foods for Eye Health

Here are ten foods that will help maintain eye health and that may protect against cataracts, macular
degeneration, and other eye problems.
Avocados are one the most nutrient-dense foods that exist, so it's no wonder they're great for your eyes.
They contain more lutein than any other fruit. Lutein is important in the prevention of macular degeneration
and cataracts. They are also a great source of other important eye nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C,
vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

Carrots have long been recognized as an eye food due to their high levels of vitamin A.
Broccoli is a good source of vitamin C, calcium, lutein, zeaxanthin, and sulforaphane.
Eggs are an excellent source of eye nutrients like vitamin A, zinc, lutein, lecithin, B12, vitamin D, and
Another great source of vitamin A, spinach also contains other important eye nutrients including lutein and
Like spinach, kale is a good source of vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxathin.
Tomatoes are high in vitamin C and lycopene, two important eye nutrients.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds contain selenium, a nutrient that may prevent cataracts and promote overall eye health.
Garlic contains selenium and other eye nutrients such as vitamin C and quercetin.
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining overall eye health. It also
contains folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and vitamin A.

10 Health Benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts are a great source of plant based protein and they also contain many other vitamins and minerals
that are good for your health.
Here are 10 health benefits of walnuts.
Lower Blood Pressure
Thanks to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids they contain, walnuts are very beneficial to all aspects of
the cardiovascular system. Research has found that just a few walnuts per day may help to reduce blood

Lower Cholesterol
Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to effectively lower cholesterol levels. People
with high cholesterol can significantly lower their levels by eating walnuts and other foods that are high in
fiber and essential fatty acids.
Cancer Prevention
Research has found walnuts to be promising in the fight against cancer. Studies on human subjects found
that a few walnuts per day significantly reduced the risk of prostate cancer, while animal studies have found
similar results on the risk of breast cancer.
Brain Health
The omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts are great for the brain. Eating walnuts as well as other foods high in
omega-3s such as seafood and flaxseed can maintain and improve memory and overall cognitive function.
Good Digestion
Because walnuts are rich in fiber, they are a great way to keep your digestive system healthy. Getting
enough fiber on a daily basis is essential to keeping your bowels functioning correctly. Most sources of
protein, such as meat and dairy, are lacking in fiber. So, you can get both the protein benefits and fiber
benefits at the same time by eating walnuts.
Healthy Hair
The selenium, zinc, biotin and essential fatty acids in walnuts help to promote healthy, shiny, strong hair.
Gallstone Prevention
Recent studies have shown that eating nuts on a daily basis can help to prevent gallstones. Add walnuts to
your cereal or snack on a few between meals to prevent gallbladder disease.
Better Sleep
Walnuts contain bio-available melatonin, which has been found to improve sleeping patterns. Adding a few
walnuts into your daily meal plan may help you to rest better at night.
Strong Bones
One of the essential fatty acids in walnuts is called alpha linolenic acid, and this compound has been
associated with stronger, healthier bones. When you are getting omega-3 fatty acids on a regular basis,
inflammation will decrease, and lower levels of inflammation are related to stronger bones.
Weight Management
Even though walnuts are high in calories and contain fat, they can actually help you to lose weight or
maintain a healthy weight. The fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals can boost your health and help you to
avoid eating too many other foods that are high in calories but low in nutrition.

7 Foods That Burn Stomach Fat

If you are tired of belly fat, there are a few steps that can be taken to get rid of the bulge. Here are seven
foods that burn stomach fat.
Eating oatmeal for breakfast will provide your body with high amounts of fiber, which reduces the chance of
low blood sugar levels. Starting your day out with whole grain oatmeal will help you to avoid the midmorning snacking. You will also be getting protein and other vitamins and minerals that help with weight
Raw vegetables are a great source of fiber and antioxidants and eating vegetables will fill your stomach
without increasing your caloric intake. Eating a variety of vegetables (especially leafy greens) will provide
your body with essential nutrients including calcium, protein, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamin C,
vitamin A, and vitamin B -- just to name a few.
Lean Meat
Lean protein is essential on any weight loss diet, and meat is a good source of protein. Avoid processed
meats, and focus on eating natural, organic white meat such as chicken and fish.
Whole Grains
Replacing white flour foods with whole grain foods will increase the nutrients that you are getting from your
food. Whole grains provide your body with fiber, folic acid, vitamin E, and magnesium, all of which aid in the
battle of the belly bulge.
Increasing your protein intake is an easy way to burn stomach fat, and eggs have a high amount of protein.
Eggs also provide your body with other nutrients, such as vitamin B12 which helps to release fat cells.
Olive Oil
Healthy fats are an essential part of burning stomach fat, and olive oil provides your body with the good
kind of fat called "monounsaturated fat." Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over your vegetables and salad
and it will add a great flavor and burn fat at the same time.
Nuts are another source of good fats, although you need to be careful not to go overboard with your nut
consumption because they are high in calories. Eating nuts will provide you with fat-burning protein as well
as fiber, vitamins and minerals.

7 Health Benefits of Cashews

The cashew tree is native to Brazil, where its fruit is considered a delicacy. In the 16th century, the
Portuguese introduced them to India and some African countries, where they are now also grown. What we

call the cashew nut is actually the seed of this fruit. Cashews are rich in iron, phosphorus, selenium,
magnesium and zinc. They are also good sources of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and protein.
Here are seven health benefits of cashews.
Cancer Prevention
Cashews are ripe with proanthocyanidins, a class of flavanols that actually starve tumors and stop cancer
cells from dividing. Studies have also shown that cashews can reduce your colon cancer risk. Their high
copper content also endows the seed with the power to eliminate free radicals and they are also good
sources of phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect us from heart disease and cancer.
Heart Health
Cashews have a lower fat content than most other nuts and most of it is in the form of oleic acid, the same
heart-healthy monounsaturated fat found in olive oil. Studies show that oleic acid promotes good
cardiovascular health by helping to reduce triglyceride levels, high levels of which are associated with an
increased risk for heart disease. Cashews are wonderfully cholesterol free and their high antioxidant content
helps lower risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart diseases. The magnesium in cashews helps lower blood
pressure and helps prevent heart attacks.
Hair and Skin Health
Cashews are rich in the mineral copper. An essential component of many enzymes, copper plays its part in a
broad array of processes. One copper-containing enzyme, tyrosinase, converts tyrosine to melanin, which is
the pigment that gives hair and skin its color. Without the copper cashews are so abundant in, these
enzymes would not be able to do their jobs.
Bone Health
Cashews are particularly rich in magnesium. It's a well-known fact that calcium is necessary for strong
bones, but magnesium is as well. Most of the magnesium in the human body is in our bones. Some of it
helps lend bones their physical structure, and the remainder is located on the surface of the bone where it is
stored for the body to use as it needs. Copper found in cashews is vital for the function of enzymes involved
in combining collagen and elastin, providing substance and flexibility in bones and joints.
Good for the Nerves
By preventing calcium from rushing into nerve cells and activating them, magnesium keeps our nerves
relaxed and thereby our blood vessels and muscles too. Too little magnesium means too much calcium can
gain entrance to the nerve cell, causing it to send too many messages, and leading to too much contraction.
Insufficient magnesium leads to higher blood pressure, muscle tension, migraine headaches, soreness and
fatigue. Not surprisingly, studies have demonstrated that magnesium helps diminish the frequency of
migraine attacks, lowers blood pressure and helps prevent heart attacks.

Prevent Gallstones
Data collected on 80,718 women from the Nurses' Health Study demonstrates that women who eat at least
an ounce of nuts each week, such as cashews, have a 25% lower risk of developing gallstones.
Weight Loss
People who eat nuts twice a week are much less likely to gain weight than those who rarely eat nuts.
Cashew nuts are indeed relatively high in fat, but it is considered "good fat." This is attributable to the ideal
fat ratio in the nut, 1:2:1 for saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated, respectively, which is
recommended by scientists for tip-top health. Cashew nuts contain less fat than most other popular nuts,
including peanuts, pecans, almonds and walnuts. They are dense in energy and high in dietary fiber, making
them a very valuable snack for managing weight gain.

Lutein and Macular Degeneration

Lutein is an antioxidant in the carotenoid family that is essential for eye health. It occurs naturally in the
macula area of the retina, the part of the retina responsible for central vision. In macular degeneration,
vision in this central area of vision is lost.
Several studies have found a connection between lutein consumption and reduced risk of macular
Researchers at Harvard University found that just 6 mg of lutein per day reduced the risk of macular
degeneration by 43%.
It's easy to get lutein from the foods you eat. Many fruits and vegetables are high in lutein, including
carrots, kale, eggs, tomatoes, Collard greens, and spinach.
You can also buy supplements that contain lutein in order to make sure you're getting enough.

10 Foods High in Copper

Copper is an important trace element that is necessary for every organ in the human body. lt is necessary
for healthy bones and connective tissues as well as many other functions and mechanisms.
Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain 3.1 mg of copper per cup or 156% of the RDA.
Six medium oysters contain 2.4 mg per cup or 120% of the RDA.
Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds contains 2.3 mg per cup or 115% of the RDA

Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds contain 1.9 mg per cup or 95% of the RDA.
Walnuts contains 1.9 mg per cup or 93% of the RDA.
soybeans contains .7 mg per cup or 35% of the RDA.
Lentilscontains .5 mg per cup or 25% of the RDA.
Crimini Mushrooms
Crimini mushrooms contains .4 mg per cup or 20% of the RDA.
Quinoa contains .4 mg per cup or 18% of the RDA.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contains .3 mg per cup or 16% of the RDA.

10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

This Halloween, don't forget to save those pumpkin seeds after you scoop them out. Pumpkin seeds are not
only delicious but also provide many health benefits. Here are ten:
Prostate Protection
They promote overall prostate health and alleviate the difficult urination associated with an enlarged
Improved Bladder Function
In some studies, pumpkin seed extracts improved bladder function in animals.
Depression Treatment
They contain L-tryptophan, a compound naturally effective against depression.
Prevention of Osteoporosis
Because they are high in zinc, pumpkin seeds are a natural protector against osteoporosis. Low intake of
zinc is linked to higher rates of osteoporosis.
Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Pumpkin seeds effectively reduce inflammation without the side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Prevention of Kidney Stones

They prevent calcium oxalate kidney stone formation, according to studies.
Treatment of Parasites
They are used in many cultures as a natural treatment for tapeworms and other parasites. Studies also show
them to be effective against acute schistosomiasis, a parasite contracted from snails.
Great Source of Magnesium
1/2 cup of pumpkin seeds contains 92% of your daily value of magnesium, a mineral in which most
Americans are deficient.
Lower Cholesterol
Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols, compounds that that have been shown to reduce levels of LDL
Cancer Prevention
The same phytosterols that lower cholesterol also protect against many cancers.

10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.
Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially
beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes.
In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.
In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced
the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.
It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.
In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one
tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week
and could walk without pain within one month.
When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative.
One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized
It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Chronic inflammation is the cause of many diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, hay
fever, and many other diseases. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories have side effects, especially when
used long-term. The good news is that many foods have anti-inflammatory properties and some of them
work better than OTC meds but without the side effects.
Here's a list of 10 anti-inflammatory foods.
Kelp contains fucoidan, a complex carbohydrate that is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Avocados contain many different compounds that fight inflammation. This includes carotenoids,
phytosterols, polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols, and omega-3 fatty acids that all work together in the antiinflammatory process.
Wild Alaskan Salmon
Wild Alaskan salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids which are heavy hitters in the fight
against inflammation. Omega-3s are used to treat a wide range of inflammatory diseases, from heart
disease to Alzheimer's to autoimmune disorders. Other oily fish such as sardines, anchovies, and mackerel
are also anti-inflammatory.
The curcumin in turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory that has been found to be just as good if not
better than over the counter anti-inflammatories.
Cherry Juice
Cherries are one of nature's most powerful anti-inflammatories due to the anthocyanins they contain.
Researchers have found they prevent free radical damage and inhibit cyclooxygenase enzymes better than
many anti-inflammatory drugs. The Arthritis Foundation suggests that drinking tart cherry juice mixed with
water three times a day may be beneficial for some people with arthritis.
Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 that is a potent anti-inflammatory. Note that
you shouldn't cook with extra-virgin olive oil but should eat it cold, for example tossed into salad dressings
or drizzled over food after it's been cooked. For cooking, use regular olive oil or other oils that can be heated
to high temperature like coconut oil.
Ginger is not only a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, but it has also been shown to protect the
stomach from the effects of NSAID pain relievers. Drinking ginger tea is a great way for people with
arthritis. Many people with arthritis find that ginger tea is helpful for their arthritis symptoms.

Garlic reduces inflammatin and pain in the body thanks to the sulfur compounds it contains.
A compound in blueberries called anthocyanin is responsible for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Papaya contains enzymes called papain and chymopapain that have been found to reduce inflammation in
the body. Papaya also contains a wealth of vitamins, including C and E, that work against inflammatory

20 Health Benefits of Turmeric

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Tumeric has been used for over 2500 years in India, where it
was most likely first used as a dye.
The medicinal properties of this spice have been slowly revealing themselves over the centuries. Long known
for its anti-inflammatory properties, recent research has revealed that turmeric is a natural wonder, proving
beneficial in the treatment of many different health conditions from cancer to Alzheimer's disease.
Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:
1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.
2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing
prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the
8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without
the side effects.
10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.

11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.

12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid
15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.
17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.
Turmeric can be taken in powder or pill form. It is available in pill form in most health food stores, usually in
250-500mg capsules.
Once you start using turmeric on a regular basis, it's fun to find new ways to use it in recipes. My favorite
way to use it is to add a pinch of it to egg salad. It adds a nice flavor and gives the egg salad a rich yellow
Contraindications: Turmeric should not be used by people with gallstones or bile obstruction. Though
turmeric is often used by pregnant women, it is important to consult with a doctor before doing so as
turmeric can be a uterine stimulant.

10 Facts About Turmeric

Turmeric is the ingredient in curry that gives it a vibrant yellow color.
It is also used in mustard and many other common foods to impart a yellow shade.
India is the worlds largest producer of turmeric powder as well as the world's largest consumer of the
The city of Erode in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu is the world's largest producer of turmeric. Erode has
often been referred to as "Yellow City" or "Turmeric City."

It is a ritual in Indian weddings to apply turmeric paste over the bride and groom's face and arms.
Women in India sometimes use turmeric paste to remove excess body hair.
Dr. Eric Lattman of Aston University has identified turmeric as a natural antivenin for King Cobra snake bites.
People in the Middle Ages called turmeric "Indian saffron" because it was often used as a less expensive
alternative to saffron.
A spoonful of turmeric added to the water in water-cooled radiators will stop leaks.
Turmeric paste is a home remedy for sunburn and it is also an ingredient in many commercial sunscreens.

Turmeric Side Effects

The health benefits of turmeric are many, but what about the side effects?
In general, turmeric is considered safe even at higher doses. However, turmeric does have some
It should be used with caution by people with gallstones, stomach ulcers, or bile duct obstruction as turmeric
may exacerbate these conditions.
Turmeric can be a uterine stimulant, so pregnant women should consult with a doctor before taking turmeric
during pregnancy.
People with serious liver or heart conditions should also consult with a doctor before taking turmeric

6 Health Benefits of Lentils

Lentils are low in calories and high in nutrition. Eating them at least once a week is a great way to add the
health benefits of these tasty legumes to your diet.
Heart Health
Studies have found that people who eat high fiber legumes like lentils have a much reduced risk of heart
disease. The high levels of folate and magnesium in lentils also go a long way in protecting the heart.
Stabilize Blood Sugar
Due to their high fiber content, lentils help in regulating blood sugar by providing steady, slow-burning
energy and balancing blood sugar levels.

High in Iron
Lentils are loaded with iron and are a great way to replenish the body's iron stores, especially for people
who don't eat red meat like vegans and vegetarians.
B Vitamins
Lentils are a great source of B vitamins, most notably folate and niacin (B3). B vitamins are important for
the healthy functioning of the nervous, digestive, and immune systems.
Lower Cholesterol
Lentils are a great cholesterol lowering food due to their high levels of fiber.
Protein Packed
Protein makes up 26% of the calories in lentils and they have the third highest level of protein than any
other plant food. It's no wonder that they're a staple in many parts of the world.

The Different Types of Lentils

There are many different types of lentils. Here's a description of some of the most popular varieties.
Brown Lentils
These are the most common type of lentils found in stores. The have a mild flavor and can be used in many
different types of recipes. They tend to get mushy if cooked too long. They are good in lentil soup.
Black or Beluga Lentils
These lentils are small, delicate, and black and are shiny like Beluga caviar when cooked, hence their name.
They are more expensive than other lentils. Use them in lentil soup or salads.
Puy Lentils or French Green Lentils
Considered by many to be the most delicate and flavorful of lentils, these small, brownish green or speckled
green lentils originated in Le Puy, France. They don't get as mushy as some other lentils so they're great in
recipes that require the lentils to remain firm.
Green Lentils
Like French green lentils, green lentils don't turn mushy as fast as some other lentils.
Red Chief Lentils or Split Red Lentils
Salmon colored lentils that turn golden when cooked. They get soft fast and are therefore great in soups.
Petite Crimson Lentils
These are very small lentils that cook very fast and are about a third the size of other lentils.
Yellow Lentils or Toor Dal
These lentils are yellow with a mild flavor. In India, they are often ground into a flour.

White Lentils
These are black lentils that have had their black skins removed to reveal the white interior.
Split Black Lentils
Black lentils that have been split but not skinned, giving
Macachiados Lentils
These Mexican lentils are yellow and larger than other lentils.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Pine Nuts

When you think of a nut, its quite likely that a pine nut doesnt come to mind, but may maybe it
should. Although technically not a nut its actually a seed from the pine cone, this
underappreciated snack offers considerable health benefits. What are some of the health benefits
of pine cones and why should you add them to your diet?
They curb your appetite.
<a href='
n=e55251&cb=2c908e081dd72df1f67aceed495e0931' target='_blank'><img
zoneid=609&cb=2c908e081dd72df1f67aceed495e0931&n=e55251' border='0'
alt='' /></a>

It may surprise you to learn that pine nuts can be a potent appetite suppressor. Why? Theyre a
good source of a polyunsaturated fat known as pinolenic acid. When you eat a handful of pine
nuts, the pinolenic acid stimulates the secretion of a hormone produced by the intestines known
as CCK. CCK sends the signal to your brain that youre full which turns off your appetite. It also
helps to slow down the rate at which your stomach empties so you feel full and satisfied longer.
Who would have dreamed these tiny seeds from the pinecone could zap your appetite?
Theyre nutritional powerhouses.

A single serving of the lowly pine nut can provide you with up to fourteen grams of protein per
serving, depending upon the species. Pine nuts are anywhere from ten to thirty-four percent
protein. Theyre also an excellent source of fiber as well as vitamins E, K, and niacin. In terms of
minerals, theyre an excellent source of magnesium and potassium which is important for
maintaining a healthy heart and blood pressure.
Theyre heart healthy.
Read more in Nutrition
Can You Eat Too Healthy?

How to Painlessly Add More Broccoli to Your Diet

Pine nuts are high in monounsaturated fats, the same heart healthy fats that make nuts and
olive oil so beneficial. These fats have not only been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels
but also help to protect the arteries from damage which can lead to a heart attack. Because of
their high content, they can go rancid quickly when you buy them already shelled. Their shelf
life can be prolonged by refrigeration.
They offer antioxidant protection.

Pine nuts are also high in antioxidants which help to protect the cells of your body from free
radical damage. Pine nut oil can also be bought at some natural food markets to help you deliver
even more antioxidant power to your salads.
There are so many ways to add the health benefits of pine nuts to your diet. Sprinkle them on
salads or onto vegetables and pasta dishes. They also make up one of the main ingredients in
basil pesto. To bring out their rich, buttery flavor even more, lightly toast them. Try
experimenting in your own kitchen with these tasty nutty seeds. Youll soon wonder how you
ever cooked without them.

10 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, or cider vinegar, is one of the most popular alternative health remedies in use today. It
has been used since ancient times as a remedy for many different ailments. Hippocrates is said to have used
it as an antibiotic.
Most of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar are anecdotal and have not been scientifically confirmed.
We make no claims about any of the health benefits listed below but offer them up as a starting point for
further research on your part.
1. When diluted with water 50/50 it is often used as a toner for the face. Caution should be used when
applying as cider vinegar is very dangerous to the eyes.
2. A bath of apple cider vinegar is said to reduce the effects of sunburn. The vinegar soaked on a cloth and
applied to sunburn may also be used.
3. Many women have tried a douche of apple cider vinegar as a remedy for yeast infections. However, many
others claim that vinegar causes or worsens yeast infections. Some say it depends on the brand used.

4. There are many claims that apple cider vinegar is a powerful weight loss aid. Many people use it in salad
dressings or drink a tablespoon diluted in a glass of water once or twice per day.
5. It is said to treat dandruff by destroying the fungus Malassezia furfur and restoring the PH balance of the
scalp. Some people recommend applying a 50/50 mixture of water and vinegar, applying it to the scalp, and
leaving it to dry. Others suggest applying a couple of tablespoons of straight vinegar to the scalp and leaving
it on for an hour or two before rinsing.
6. It has long been promoted as a remedy for arthritis. The National Arthritis Foundation says apple cider
vinegar has not been proven effective against arthritis but is harmless to try.
7. A reported treatment for warts is to soak the affected area for 20 minutes per day in a 50/50 mixture of
vinegar and water.
8. It is said to be a natural lowerer of bad cholesterol.
9. A teaspoon of cider vinegar in a glass of water per day is said to lower blood pressure.
10. Mother of vinegar, the layer of film that forms on top of the cider, is believed to have antibacterial and
antifungal properties.
These ten benefits of apple cider vinegar are just a few of the reported uses for it. Have you used apple
cider vinegar with positive or negative results? Post your experiences here and let us know.

12 Fruits and Vegetables High in Zinc

Zinc bolsters the immune system, balances blood sugar, helps prevent depression, and much more. Meat
and seafood is high in zinc, but you don't have to be a carnivore to get enough of it. Here are 12 fruits and
vegetables that are high in this important mineral.
Green Peas
A cup of cooked green peas contains 1.9 mg or 13% of the RDA.
A cup of cooked spinach contains 1.4 mg or 9% of the RDA.
Crimini Mushrooms
A cup of whole Crimini mushrooms contains 1 mg or 6% of the RDA.
One cup of cubed avocado contains 1.0 mg or 6% of the RDA.

A cup of cooked asparagus contains 1 mg or 6% of the RDA.
A cup of cooked, chopped broccoli contains 0.8 mg or 4% of the RDA.
One cup of pitted prunes contains 0.8 mg or 5% of the RDA.
Swiss Chard
A cup of cooked, chopped Swiss chard contains 0.6 mg or 4% of the RDA.
Collard Greens
A cup of cooked collard greens contains 0.4 mg or 3% of the RDA.
Summer Squash
A cup of cooked, sliced summer squash contains 0.4 mg or 3% of the RDA.
A cup of chopped, cooked kale contains 0.3 mg or 2% of the RDA.
One cup of sliced apricot contains 0.3 mg or 2% of the RDA.

10 Natural Remedies for Arthritis

There are many natural remedies for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This list focuses on food remedies.
There are also many beneficial natural supplements that are not listed here.
Cherry Juice
For some people with arthritis, drinking tart cherry juice three times per day may have anti-inflammatory
and anti-pain properties.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Research suggests that consuming more omega-3 fatty acids may benefit people with arthritis. Omega-3
fatty acids are found in cold-water fish like salmon, sardines, trout, and tuna. Another kind of omega-3,
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), is found in green leafy vegetables, olive oil and flaxseed oil. Replacing omega-6
oils like corn oil and safflower oil with olive oil can improve the ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega-6 fatty
acids in your diet. Omega-6 fatty acids are good for you, but most Americans get too much of them.
In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one

tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week
and could walk without pain within one month.
Due to its bromelain content, pineapple has been shown to significantly relieve the pain and stiffness of both
osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Fresh pineapple works best rather than canned or frozen.
Green Tea
One study showed that green tea may improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
It is a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It has also been shown to protect the stomach from the
effects of NSAID pain relievers. Many people with arthritis find soothing comfort from ginger tea.
Blackstrap Molasses
It is a great source of copper. Copper deficiency has been linked to rheumatoid arthritis. It is also a superior
source of bone-strengthening calcium.
Cayenne pepper
The main ingredient in cayenne pepper, capsaicin, is commonly used as a topical treatment for arthritis.
Taken orally, cayenne pepper aids circulation.
Also known as curcumin, turmeric is part of the ginger family and like ginger, it is a natural antiinflammatory.
A natural anti-inflammatory, garlic is also a natural pain reliever and contains a good amount of arthritisfriendly selenium.

15 Health Benefits of Green Tea

1. Studies suggest green tea may lower the risk of breast cancer and prevent it from spreading in women
who already have it.
2. Studies show that green tea may prevent prostate cancer.
3. One major component of green tea, EGCG, has been shown to reduce cell death in the heart and brain
after a heart attack or stroke.
4. Researchers found that it may stop the activity of certain chemicals in the brain that are associated with
Alzheimer's disease.

5. In several studies, it has been shown to protect against stomach inflammation that may lead to stomach
6. Researchers have found that green tea may be beneficial in preventing and treating skin cancer when
taken internally or applied topically in a cream.
7. Studies show that it may reduce the risk of lung cancer and prevent
the growth of existing tumors.
8. A few studies suggest that drinking green tea may increase calorie
burning and aid in weight loss.
9. It has shown a remarkable ability to inhibit metastasis of cancer cells by preventing angiogenesis.
10. One study showed that green tea prevented aflatoxin-induced liver cancer. (Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic
toxin often found in peanut butter and grain products.)
11. One study showed that green tea may improve the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
12. Researchers found that men who drank green tea were less likely to develop esophageal cancer
13. Researchers found that men and women who drank green tea were significantly less likely to develop
pancreatic cancer.
14. Green tea has been shown to reduce inflammation in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
15. It may prevent the development and slow the progression of Type I diabetes by controlling glucose
levels in the body.

7 Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water is the liquid found inside of coconuts, and this water is actually derived from young Thai
coconuts before the liquid develops into the flesh of the coconut. This water can offer many great health
benefits that can improve a persons life in various ways. Some of these health benefits include:
Drinking coconut water can replenish the fluids in your body, and it provides essential nutrients that are not
available in regular water. In fact, coconut water can be a better option compared to popular sports drinks,
because it helps to restore the electrolytes in the body without the added sugar and chemicals that are
found in sports drinks.
Metabolism Booster
Coconut water is naturally fat free and low in calories and it also boosts your metabolism. These benefits

make it a great supplement to use during weight loss and it may help you get rid of those pesky pounds
when it is combined with other healthy habits.
Lower Blood Pressure
Coconut water has a low amount of sodium and a high amount of potassium, which is the perfect
combination to reduce blood pressure levels. In addition to drinking coconut water, you should also eat other
natural, whole foods for maximum health benefits.
Disease Prevention
Coconut water has anti-viral properties and drinking it on a regular basis helps to fight off infections and
illness. In fact, some health specialists have suggested that coconut water helps to boost the immune
system in addition to treating any current health condition, which means that it can prevent future illnesses.
Toxin Remover
Toxins build up in our body every day as a result of normal body processes and the environment that we live
in. Drinking coconut water can help the body to get rid of those toxins quickly and efficiently.
Soothes Burns
If you have been burned, either by a hot object or a sun burn, then coconut water can be applied directly to
the burn in order to heal and soothe the skin. Additionally, it can help to heal internal burns in the
esophagus that may be caused by acid reflux.
Oxygen Levels
High levels of oxygen in the body are important to optimal functioning of the major organs. Coconut water
helps to carry oxygen and nutrition to the cells, which keeps all areas of the body functioning well.

How to Take Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil has many health benefits, but many people wonder how to take it. One great thing about
coconut oil is that, unlike other other oils, it doesn't break down when heated at high temperatures so it's
great for cooking. Here are ten delicious tips for incorporating coconut oil into your diet.
Stir Fries
Instead of olive oil or other oils, try using coconut oil in stir fries. Vegetables, tofu, and many different types
of meat all taste delicious when stir fried in coconut oil.
Shrimp and coconut oil seem to go together like peanut butter and jelly. Stir fried with coconut oil and
Mexican seasoning yields tasty results. Use your imagination and your favorite spices. Thai flavors and
spices like basil also work well.

Stir fried or baked chicken tastes delicious in coconut oil. As with the shrimp, Mexican seasoning tastes great
with this combination.
Add a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil to a fruit smoothie or a green smoothie for an added nutritional bonus
and a creamy texture.
Use coconut oil on bread instead of butter and toast it. You can also bake bread with coconut oil instead of
butter or other oils.
Coconut oil on popcorn gives it the taste of old style movie popcorn. Since you're using virgin coconut oil
instead of partially hydrogenated coconut oil, you're not clogging your arteries.
Stir some coconut oil into soup for a delicious flavor addition.
Make delicious, healthier versions of baked goods by substituting coconut oil for butter or oil.
Mix coconut oil with herbal tea or just mix it with hot water and lemon. Try adding cayenne pepper for an
extra metabolism boost.
Deep Frying
I'm not going to advocate deep frying on a health food blog, but if you like to deep fry foods, try using
coconut oil instead of other, unhealthy oils. Using coconut oil in a deep fryer can be expensive but, hey, you
shouldn't be deep frying every day anyway!

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