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Name of Experiment:

Density and specific gravity

Scope :
To measure the density of the sample and calculate the specific gravity
and API gravity .

The materials and instrument:

1)in the Hydrometer method
Gratuated cylinder ,, hydrometer ,, sample
2)in the pycnometer method
Balance ,, sample ,, pycnometer ,, funnel

In our experiment we used two methods to calculate the density first
one is ( Hydrometer method ) , and the second is ( Pycnometer method )
There are relationship between the density and Temperature , pressure
When the pressure increase , the density increase too . this relation that
is called
( direct proportion)
When the temperature increase , the density decrease . this relation
that is called ( reverse proportion)
The specific gravity and API are related with density with law :

The API gravity is used to classify oils as light, medium, heavy, or extra
heavy. As the weight of an oil is the largest determinant of its market
value, API gravity is exceptionally important. The API values for each
weight are as follows:

Light API > 31.1

Medium API between 22.3 and 31.1
Heavy API < 22.3
Extra Heavy API < 10.0

These are only rough valuations as the exact demarcation in API gravity
between light and heavy oil changes depending on the region from
which oil came. The fluctuation as to what constitutes light crude in a
given region is the result of commodity trading in oil.
*/ The relationship between the density and The specific gravity are
direct proportion.
While , The relationship between the density and API are reverse
proportion that meaning ,, When the density increase , the API
decrease and conversely
The Density of all oil products are less than ( 1 gm/cm3 ) , except the
solid from it .

In the Hydrometer method can not be used the same of the hydrometer
for all products ( kerosene , oil gas , naphtha ) .. why ?
Because these products have different densities . and the hydrometer
has different scales .
The method of pycnometer is more accurate than the method
hydrometer . why ?
Because the hydrometer method is effecting by many factors such as
Temperature and wrong reading by eyes

In this experiment we learn how to measure the density of the sample
and how to calculate the API gravity by density , and how to use the
hydrometer and pycnometer to determine the density of the sample and
we learn what does the API gravity different value mean ..

Oil Technology Department

Second Phase
Laboratory of Petroleum Technology
Report about:

Density and specific gravity

Preparing by :
Nassir Naeem Ahmed
Group ( A )

Date : 22 /10 /2015

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