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a New
Day Dawns agora 1
DEFUsing the threat
MiCHAEL CoDERRE/jieDDo PUBlic affairS

ith increasing frequency, criminals, insurgents and terror-
ists worldwide are using the improvised explosive device,
or IED, as their weapon of choice to kill, intimidate and
“We have worked In Mexico, the recent and unexpected rise and intensification
of IED attacks underscores a chilling reality: The IED threat is
hard as an institution not limited to Iraq and Afghanistan and will persist beyond those
theaters as a weapon with global reach. This past fall, anarchists
and as a coalition plagued Mexico City with multiple IED attacks targeted at
Mexico’s economic center. The groups vowed to continue using
of nations to ensure the IED as a tool to achieve their goals and as a method to wield
that we can identify political influence.
The cost in time and resources to employ an IED is minimal,
those threats before and those using them are often funded by the narcotics trade,
have unlimited access to information through the Internet and
they reach our shores. have readily available access to materials. Adversarial networks,
including drug cartels, Marxist groups and anarchist groups,
And if they reach our may shift to the IED as increased security and counternarcotics
shores, [we can] successes decrease access to conventional weapons and increase
incentive to use improvised weapons. Mexico must prepare for
identify and prevent unconventional threats as it continues a sustained, effective fight in
an entrenched drug war.
them before they can Following the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, the Mexican government
coordinated a response that protected its citizens, defused any threat
take action.” to its continued global economic trade and prevented a more serious
— Gen. victor E. Renuart Jr., global influenza pandemic from occurring. A coordinated, collabora-
Commander of tive and proactive strategic response to the global IED threat would attain
U.S. Northern Command
similar strategic benefits. As was seen in Russia, Spain and the United
Kingdom, unexpected high-profile attacks resulted in very serious political,
economic and security ramifications.

CooRDinAtion AnD PREvEntion

Aware of the strategic and global nature of the threat, the Joint IED Defeat
Organization, or JIEDDO, works closely with those responsible for homeland defense
and regional security to prevent improvised explosive devices from gaining a significant
foothold in North America. JIEDDO’s extensive coordination and collaboration between
military, government and law enforcement personnel extends domestically and internation-
ally. As the U.S. Department of Defense’s counter-IED lead, the organization works closely
to with all U.S. combatant commands — including Northern Command and Southern Command

54 agora
— to integrate counter-IED planning into the broader
scope of bilateral and multilateral planning. Explosive
“We have worked hard as an institution and as a
coalition of nations to ensure that we can identify
those threats before they reach our shores. And if they One of JIEDDO’s most important mis-
reach our shores, [we can] identify and prevent them sions is to create a common language
before they can take action,” Gen. Victor E. Renuart that police and Soldiers can use to identify
Jr., commander of U.S. Northern Command, said when improvised explosive devices. The Weapons
he spoke to homeland security and defense experts in Technical Intelligence IED Lexicon was
November at the National Homeland Defense Foundation developed with close cooperation and
Symposium VII in Colorado. coordination among the U.S. military, the
JIEDDO supports Northern Command and its identi- intelligence community and law enforce-
fication of threats through the JIEDDO Counter-IED ment agencies.
Operations Integration Center, which analyzes informa- “The lexicon ensures that the United
tion gathered throughout the global intelligence com- States and all NATO nations — as well as
munity and integrates it. other partner nations — are talking the
JIEDDO also has explosive ordnance disposal same language when it comes to IEDs,”
experts who can greatly enhance the training of said Lt. Col. Mark Wickham, a United
domestic and international first-responder agencies Kingdom officer who serves as JIEDDO’s
tasked with disarming and destroying IEDs. If legally Weapons Technical Intelligence, or WTI,
authorized and formally requested through the U.S. expert. “Clearly outlining the common
Department of Defense, the organization also retains terms for IEDs and other improvised
significant intelligence, surveillance and reconnais- weapons enables better information fu-
sance assets that can assist Northern Command and sion, from the tactical to strategic level.”
Southern Command to help defeat regional IED Comprehensive in scope, the lexicon
campaigns. defines terms ranging from basic IED
JIEDDO’s support of the U.S. law enforcement and design and components to tactical out-
homeland security community extends to its Mexican comes of IED employment.
counterparts, within bilateral cooperation and collabo- “At each phase, information is gath-
ration agreements. By using JIEDDO’s expertise, these ered to build a common picture of enemy
communities are better prepared to prevent, respond capabilities, inform commanders of new
to, investigate and prosecute IED-related crimes. The developments, and support material
organization’s success in attacking enemy networks, developers in building necessary coun-
detecting and defeating devices, and training provides termeasures,” Wickham said. “The lexicon
the community with the latest lessons learned and best encourages accurate reporting and analy-
practices for overcoming IEDs. sis from the moment the IED is found.”
JIEDDO personnel engaged outside of the U.S. Weaving together forensic and techni-
rapidly report on how various adversaries are employ- cal analysis, the WTI process identifies
ing the improvised explosive device, and that informa- unique characteristics of improvised
tion is disseminated throughout the organization’s explosive devices and their components
network of partners. This information assists U.S. law on the battlefield to provide intelligence
enforcement entities in preparing policies, training to ongoing operations across the globe.
and response models to counter possible IED threats Upon initial examination, the devices are
throughout North America. sent to battlefield labs for in-depth techni-
The Pentagon’s current hands-on experience in cal analysis. The information collected
detecting, countering and responding to IEDs is an is used to provide evidentiary support
invaluable resource that regional law enforcement to the prosecution of bomb makers.
agencies can and should exploit. To confront and The devices are sent to government and
counter the threat, JIEDDO is reaching out to other military forensics labs across the globe for
government agencies to increase coordination of IED more detailed, national-level analysis. The
prevention efforts across lines of operation and be- forensic and technical data is also used in
tween disparate branches of the government. A broad counter-IED training support to provide the
network of partners from many other agencies and most realistic scenarios possible.
organizations allows JIEDDO to cut across traditional Though there are no explicit plans at
information barriers and provide relevant, timely this time, a Spanish-language version of
and credible information at the tactical edge of IED the lexicon is anticipated as the docu-
prevention. n ment evolves. agora 55

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