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The Differences of Fillet Weld Connections Between the Chinese and

American Steel Structure Design Codes

PU Wanli, HUANG Cong
School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Southwest Petroleum University, China, 610500
Abstract: In the design of steel structure, the requirements for the fillet weld connections are not
identical in China and America. The Steel Structure Design Codes (GB50017-2003) is used in China,
while the latest Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (ANSI / AISC 360-05) is used in the United
States. In this article, requirements on the fillet weld connections in these two specifications are
compared to find out the differences.
Keywords: Steel Structure, Codes, Fillet Weld, Differences


Because of its good ductility, plasticity and toughness, steel structure are considered to be the most
reliable structural form with the earth quake resistant behaviour.In the process of drafting and altering
the Chinese National Steel Structure Design Codes (GB50017-2003)[1], the large number of foreign
steel structure design codes and international experiences are refered to, and Chinese actual national
conditions are also considered. So there must be some differences between the GB50017-2003 and the
ANSI / AISC 360-05[2].
One of the key advances of modern steel structures is the development and application of the modern
welding process. Advantages of structural welding compared with other connection methods include:
simplified design details and fabrications; reduction of weights needed for connections; water proof;
arbitrary shapes, etc. The types of welds are fillet welds and groove welds. And fillet welds are most
commonly used[3].The steel structural design codes include provisions on the limitations and
calculation of fillet welds.By comparison,the differences of fillet weld connections between the
Chinese and American Steel Structure Design Codes are found out as follows.

The Differences of the Limitations of the Fillet Weld

The limitations of the fillet welds include two aspects: the size and effective length[4].
2.1 The Minimum Size of Fillet Welds
To ensure the weld quality, the appropriate size should be chosen. If the leg size is too small, the
connection is not strong. Especially in thick weldments, it is easy to crack.
In the GB50017-2003 code, the minimum size of fillet welds h f min 1.5
thicker plate). To be compared directly, the tabular form is given in Table1.

t (t is the thickness of

Table 1 Minimum Size of Fillet Welds in the GB50017-2003

The Thickness of Thicker Weldment, t(mm)
Minimum Size of Fillet Welds (mm)




In the ANSI/AISC 360-05, the minimum sizes of fillet welds are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Minimum Size of Fillet Welds in the ANSI/AISC 360-05
Material Thickness of Thinner Part Joined, in.(mm)
Minimum Size of Fillet Weld, in.(mm)
To 1/4 (6) inclusive
1/8 (3)
Over 1/4 (6) to 1/2 (13)
3/16 (5)
Over 1/2 (13) to 3/4 (19)
1/4 (6)
Over 3/4 (19)

By comparison, the differences can be gotten that our specifications of the minimum size of fillet
welds are determined by calculation according to the thickness of thicker weldment, while the U.S.
norms are based on the section the thickness of thinner weldment belongs to; Considering that the
quality of the thick plate is not easy to control, the specifications of thick plate are partial strict in
China, but they are appropriate according to our experience.
2.2 The Minimum Effective Length of Fillet Welds
Too small weld length leads to serious local heating, uncertain quality and more severe stress
concentration. So the minimum effective length of fillet welds should be given.
In the GB50017-2003: l w (the effective length of fillet welds) 8h f ,and 40mm.
In the ANSI/AISC 360-05: l w 4 h f, and shall be not less than the perpendicular distance between the
two longitudinal fillet welds.
Comparing the minimum effective length of fillet welds, it is stricter in the GB50017-2003 than that in
the ANSI / AISC 360-05.
2.3 The Maximum Effective Length of Fillet Welds
Too large weld length leads to the uneven distribution of shear stress, severe stress concentration at
both ends of the weld and premature end damage. It is particularly detrimental to the dynamic load.
In the GB50017-2003: l w 60h f .If it exceeds this limit, the excess is not considered in the
In the ANSI/AISC 360-05: for end-loaded fillet welds with a length up to100 times the leg dimension,
it is permitted to take the effective length equal to the actual length. When the length of the end-loaded
fillet weld exceeds 100 times the weld size, the effective length shall be determined by multiplying the
actual length by the reduction factor, ,
=1.2-0.002(L/ = 1.2-0.002 (L / w) 1.0
L=actual length of end-loaded weld, in. (mm)
w =weld leg size, in.(mm)
When the length of the weld exceeds 300 times the leg size, the value of shall be taken as 0.60.
Comparing the maximum effective length of fillet welds, the requirements about it are quite different
in the GB50017-2003 and the ANSI / AISC 360-05.

The Calculation of Fillet Weld

3.1 The Differences of the Strength of the Fillet Weld

In the GB50017-2003 code, there are three types of electrodes. The E43 (ultimate strength


f uw

=420MPa) and E50 (ultimate strength u =490MPa) are used for Q235 steel and Q345 steel
respectively. The electrode E55 is recommended for the use with Q390 and Q420 steels. The design


strength of the electrode, f (same for shear, tension and compression)is determined based on
different strength of base materials, as follows[5],
E43 for Q235:

f fw

E50 for Q345:

f fw


E55 for Q390, Q420:


f uw




f uw


In the ANSI/AISC 360-05,the shear strength of weld is taken ad 0.6 times of the tensile strength FEXX
of the electrode. Tensile strength of typical electrodes:
E70XX: for steel 36 ksiFy60 ksi
Ultimate tensile strength
FEXX=70 ksi=483MPa
E80XX: for steel Fy65= ksi
FEXX=80 ksi=552MPa
From the comparison it can be found out that in the GB50017-2003 and ANSI / AISC 360-05, the
types of electrodes and their strength are different, and the design strength values by different methods.
3.2 The differences of Calculation Methods
The stress distribution of the fillet weld in is more complex and the mechanical properties of the side
fillet weld and the front fillet weld are different, so it is difficult to accurately calculate. Therefore, at
present simplified calculation methods of fillet weld are used. The calculation uses the following
simplified assumptions:
(1) The damage cross-section of each fillet weld is the effective cross section along the
45direction ,which is shown as add a in Figure 1.






Figure 1 The damage cross-section of each fillet weld

(2) The tensile, compressive and shear strength design values of fillet weld take the same value.


(3) On the effect of the axial force (tension, pressure or shear force through the weld joint
censored ),stress along the weld joint effective cross section is distributed equally; In elastic analysis,
on the effect of the moment(bending moment or torsional moment), stress along the weld joint
effective cross section is calculated according to mechanics of materials.
A large number of experiments and engineering practice proved that the three basic assumptions are
Weld strengths are affected by welding methods, electrode type, weld joint type, weld quality, and
stress state of the weld and so on. Two specifications of the strengths of fillet weld design value are
given as follows.
For applied force N perpendicular to the weld axis, (1)

f =

f f fw
he l w


For applied force N parallel to the weld axis,

f =

f fw
he l w


For combined effect of f andf,

+ 2f f fw

Where, fstress perpendicular to the weld axis, calculated based on effective weld area,h elw;
f sheer stress parallel to the weld axis, calculated based on effective weld area,h elw;
f amplification factor for weld strength in direction perpendicular to weld axis, f = 1. 22 for
static loading or indirect dynamic loading; and f = 1.0 for dynamic loading.
ANSI/AISC 360-05
For a liner weld group loaded in-plane through the center of gravity, Rn=FwAw;
Design strength,Rn=FwAw=Aw0.6FEXX(1.0+0.5sin1.5)
FEXX =electrode classification number, ksi(MPa)
=angle of loading measured from the weld longitudinal axis, degrees
Aw=effective area of the weld,in.2(mm2)
Comparing the calculation methods of fillet weld, effective cross-section stress of weld joint under
various kinds of load conditions are considered in the GB50017-2003; When the force is perpendicular
to the weld axis, the amplification factor for weld strength f is taken into account. While the ANSI /
AISC 360-05 does not distinguish load conditions.


Then use the following example to compare affect of calculation result due to the different
requirements of the maximum effective length of fillet welds between the China and the United State.
Example: Check the strength of connections shown in Figure 2. A 12mm thick, 250mm wide rectangle
plate is welded to a 18mm thick, 400mm wide plate. Axial force N = 1200kN (static load), steel Q235,
manual welding, electrode E43 type (E70XX electrode according to the ANSI / AISC 360-05). The
length of each side fillet weld L=600mm, the size of the fillet weld h f =8mm.


4.1 According to the GB50017-2003

L=600mm>60h f =480mm, so l w =480mm

f =

1200 10 3
= 223 N / mm 2 > f fw = 160 N / mm 2
he l w 0.7 8 480 2

4.2 According to the ANSI / AISC 360-05

L=600mm<100h f =800mm, so l w =600mm
R n = F w A w = A w 0.6F EXX (1.0+0.5sin 1.5 )=1460KN>1200KN (Safe)
Now according to the GB50017-2003, l w 60h f, taking l w = 480mm,
Then R n = F w A w = A w 0.6F EXX (1.0+0.5sin 1.5 )=1168KN<1200KN(Unsafe)

Figure 2 The Figure of the Example

From the example it can be seen that because of the different requirements of the maximum effective
length of fillet welds between the China and the United State, when L> 60h f, effective length of fillet
welds of the ANSI / AISC 360-05 is greater than that of GB50017-2003,thereby its safety is be inferior
to China .


Through the above analysis, the differences of fillet weld connections between the Chinese and
American Steel Structure Design Codes can be summed up as follows:
(1) Comparing the limitations of the fillet weld, the requirement of the GB50017-2003 is stricter; the
requirements of the minimum and maximum effective length of fillet welds are also stricter than those
of the ANSI / AISC 360-05;because of the different requirements of the maximum effective length of
fillet welds between the China and the United State, when L> 60h f, effective length of fillet welds of
the ANSI / AISC 360-05 is greater than that of GB50017-2003,thereby its safety is be inferior to
China .
(2) Comparing the electrodes the types of electrodes and their ultimate strengths ,the design strengths
values are different; Comparing the calculation methods of fillet weld, effective cross-section stress of
weld joint under various kinds of load conditions are considered in the GB50017-2003; When the force
is perpendicular to the weld axis, the amplification factor for weld strength
While the ANSI / AISC 360-05 does not distinguish load conditions.


is taken into account.

[1]. GB50017-2003. Steel Structure Design Codes[S]. Beijing: China Planning Press, 2003(in
[2]. AISC360-05. Specification for Structural Steel Buildings. American Institute of Steel
[3]. Pueblo Ken Love, Mai Lite,Laboratory of steel and light structure of Tongji University, the
United States Steel Design Manual (Volume) [M]. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2006(in
[4]. Li Xingrong. Steel Structural Connections Design Manual [M]. Beijing: China Building Industry
Press, 2005(in Chinese).
[5]. Xiao Yan, Anderson, JC, Design of Steel Structure . Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2006.


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