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Tutorial kinovea translate

. Abertura e reproduo de um vdeo

Use o File Explorer para navegar at a pasta onde o vdeo armazenado. O
painel de miniaturas, direita, exibe os arquivos que podem ser abertos
para a pasta selecionada.
D um clique duplo em uma miniatura para abrir o vdeo em uma tela
Voc tambm pode usar o menu File> Open ou arrastar um arquivo do
Windows Explorer para Kinovea para abrir o arquivo correspondente.
Depois que o vdeo aberto, inicie a reproduo com os controlos do leitor
ou navegue para um local arbitrrio com o cursor de navegao.
2. A especificao de uma zona de trabalho
Mover-se para um perodo interessante e usar o boto de incio zona de
Inicie a reproduo e deix-lo correr at o fim da sequncia de analisar.
Aperte o boto final zona de trabalho.
Nota: O cursor de navegao agora mais precisa, uma vez que se expande
na zona de trabalho. Se a reproduo estiver no modo de loop (lao), o loop
vontade(will) de vdeo dentro da Zona de Trabalho.
3. Aumentar o tamanho da imagem
Se a imagem parece muito pequeno, use as pequenas alas quadradas nos
cantos da imagem.
Arrast-los at que voc esteja satisfeito com o tamanho da imagem.
Voc tambm pode aumentar diretamente na imagem ou usar a ferramenta
de lupa.
4. Retardar a velocidade de reproduo
A fim de melhor estudar o movimento, reduzir a velocidade da reproduo
usando o cursor de velocidade.
Para voltar velocidade de 100%, clique duas vezes sobre o valor
Para alterar a velocidade em pequenas quantidades, use a seta setas para
cima e para baixo do teclado.
Para saltar para o prximo ponto de 25%, use CTRL + SETA PARA CIMA ou
Veja tambm:
1.Observing Movimento
2.Usando redes de sobreposio
3.Zoom e usando Ampliao

1. Observing Movimento
A especificao de uma zona de trabalho para anlise
Com a ajuda dos cursores de seleco definido e uma pequena zona de
trabalho em torno do movimento de observar.
Uma vez que a zona de trabalho curto o suficiente, Kinovea muda para
o modo Anlise. Neste modo os quadros que compem o vdeo so
extrados para a memria para acesso mais rpido.
interruptor automtico para o modo de anlise
As propriedades da zona de trabalho correspondentes mudana para o
modo Anlise podem ser definidas na caixa de dilogo Preferncias, na
guia Tela Play / Anlise.
A durao padro de 12 segundos.
2. Quebrar movimento
Anlise modo faz a actualizao de vdeo em tempo real quando se
utiliza o cursor de navegao. Isto d-lhe o controle total sobre o
Voc tambm pode usar a roda do mouse para mover alguns quadros
para a frente ou para trs.
Veja tambm:
Usando redes de sobreposio
Comentando e desenho em imagens-chave
Alterar as preferncias

Note: The time representation depends on global configuration.

Check the Preferences topic to read more about the various time
representations formats.

Tracking objects or body joints

1. Tracking workflow
The steps involved in tracking an object (or a body joint) in Kinovea are the

Right click the object to track and use the menu Track Path.

Move the video forward using the Play button, the Next Frame button or
the Mouse Wheel.

Adjust point location when necessary during the Path creation.

To finish tracking, right-click and use the menu End Path Edition.

Tracking is a semi-automatic process. The points location is computed

automatically but you can adjust them at any time.

2. Choosing the object to track

To improve automatic tracking results, the object to track should be well
contrasted and feature rich.
The shape of the object should not change much during the tracking.
You may also consider the use of tracking stickers or reflective stickers to
improve the results.

3. Path creation
When the tracking is in progress, you will see two rectangles around the object
being tracked.
The inner rectangle is the feature window [A], while the outer rectangle is the
search window [B].

When the automatic tracking fails, you can correct the point location by
dragging the search window. Drag it until the cross at the center of the tracking
tool is at the correct location.
When tracking resumes, it will take this new point as reference.

4. Interacting with the Path track

Once you are at the last image of the Path you want to track, end the tracking
by right clicking the tool and using the menu End Path Edition.
The rectangles disappear.
All points location are locked.
The Path is now interactive and you can jump to any image by clicking on the
corresponding point.
Drag the target along the trajectory to browse the motion.
If some points are misplaced, go to the image corresponding to the

misplaced point, right-click the path and use menu Restart Path Edition.
Adjust the point location and return to interactive mode by right-click + End Path

5. Configuring display options

Right click on the Path track and use the menu Configuration to access the
display options.
The following settings are available:
Display modes
The Path track can be in one of three mode:

[A] - Complete path - All the path is drawn all the time. (This is the default

[B] - Path section around current image - Only a small section of the path
is drawn, typically 25 images around the current point.

[C] - Label following the path - Only a small section of the path is drawn,
and the defined label is displayed at the current point.

Additional information on total distance or speed can be displayed by choosing
one of the options:

Distance - The total distance between the start of the path and the
current point.

Speed - The average speed of the last segment of the path.

To express distance and speed in real world units, you must first add a

line and set its real length as described in Measuring distances.

Key images
When key images are within the time boundaries of the path, they are displayed
as small labels attached to their image position.
You can move the key images labels around to clarify the view.
When using one of the measurement display option, the key image labels will
display the distance or speed of their respective position.

Measuring distances

1. Line length

Length measurements are done through the line drawing tool.

You can set the physical length of a visible segment by adding a line over the
segment, right clicking the line and using the menu Calibrate Measure

This effectively tells Kinovea how to relate pixels to real world units.
Each line can act as your reference segment.
Note: When you change the calibration of a line, all other lines on all other key
images of the video are impacted.

2. Accuracy considerations

The measurements inferred on other lines should be considered a reasonable

approximation rather than very accurate.
Video images are subject to several distortions coming from the camera used to
record the images, most notably the Radial distortions caused by the lens.

Radial distortion causes a fish-eye effect on the image and is most prominent
with inexpensive devices like webcams or when a fish-eye lens is used.
Radial distortion causes the line measurements to be less accurate if the
reference line or measured lines are at the periphery of the image.

Simulation of the radial distortion

Some guidelines to reduce accuracy errors :

Lines measured must be on the same image plane.

This plane must be perpendicular to the camera axis.

The line segments (reference and measured) should be close to the center.

Measured segments should be close to a reference segment.

If segments are on different images of the video, the video must be fixed
relative to its environment. (no pan, no zoom).

3. Measuring distances over several images

The Tracking tool supports the display of the overall distance tracked.
Right click the path tracked and use the menu Configuration. Then select
Distance in the Measurement options.
The path will display the total distance between its start and the current point.
For this distance to be expressed in real world units, you must first add a line
and set its real length as described in the first paragraph.
Ver comparao de videos e sincronizao e mirror imagens

Configuring for high-speed cameras

Adjusting image quality

As coordenadas digitalizadas so passados atravs de um filtro passabaixo para eliminar o rudo. O filtro faz dois passes de um filtro
Butterworth de segunda ordem. Os dois passes (um em frente, um para
trs) so usados para redefinir a mudana de fase (Winter, 2009).
Para inicializar o filtro a trajetria extrapolado para 10 pontos de dados
de cada lado utilizando valores refletidos em torno dos pontos finais. Os
pontos so ento removidos extrapoladas a partir dos resultados
filtrados (Smith, 1989).

Frequncia de corte
O filtro testado sobre os dados em vrias frequncias de corte entre
0,5 Hz e a frequncia de Nyquist.
A melhor frequncia de corte calculado pela estimativa da
autocorrelao dos resduos e encontrar a frequncia rendendo os
resduos que so o menos autocorrelacionadas. O conjunto de dados
filtrado correspondente a esta frequncia de corte mantida como o
resultado final (Challis, 1999).
A autocorrelao dos resduos estimado usando a estatstica DurbinWatson.

1. Smith G. (1989). Padding point extrapolation techniques for the butterworth digital filter. J.
Biomech. Vol. 22, No. s/9, pp. 967-971.
2. Challis J. (1999). A procedure for the automatic determination of filter cutoff frequency for the
processing of biomechanical data., Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Volume 15, Issue 3.
3. Winter, D. A. (2009). Biomechanics and motor control of human movements (4th ed.). Hoboken,
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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