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Apostles Lutheran School

Miss Schleusener
April 12, 2010
408-578-4800 (school)

Jesus Time: David is Kind to Saul

We see that God helps David be kind to Saul even when Saul tried often to kill David.
In our lives there are people who are hurting or facing challenges. Sometimes their
challenges change how they normally approach people. Pray for them, ask God to give
them peace. Speak kindly of them. Be kind to them.
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another.
The children will say this passage to me on Friday. They have a choice to say it
by themselves, with a friend, or a small group. We want to eventually get them
to say it by themselves, but we can offer the support as needed.

Saul Dies, David Becomes King

We see how David mourns the loss of King Saul and Saul’s son Jonathan.

Writing Math
• Review telling time by the hour
Writing Process • Write 1-30
Begin sentences with a capital letter. End with a • Look at designs to see if it was a
punctuation mark . ! or ?. Write with a space slide, flip, or turn that changed it
between each word. • Look at larger and smaller numbers
• Review of money names and values
Group Writing • Subtraction stories
See how verbs can be written to show past, present,
or a continuing action.
run, ran, running
see, saw, seeing
play,•played, playing
Sharing ideas, listening to others sh
Write• using action words.

• and Statements
Write• asking sentences. Write an answer in
response to the sentence.
Social Studies/Science
This week talk more about the animals and how they move.
Fins, legs, arms, wings
Fins-pectoral fins (forward and backward, moving ahead), caudal fin (left and right, direction), dorsal fin
Discuss why animals move

Listening: We will begin The Littles Go Music and Movement
Exploring by John Peterson.
Shared Literature: Franklin Plays Music Theory: review drawing a note
Soccer down one line or space

Listen to the violin story from Vivaldi.

Letter: Yy Listen to the “Four Seasons.”
Challenge: long a

Vocabulary: soccer, ball, dribbling,


Sight words: red, yellow, blue

Listen for the location of __: y

yogurt, you, yes
Calendar of Events
April 12, 2010
Monday- Return folder
Tuesday-Full Day All children attend
Return the folder

Wednesday- Return the folder

8:45 Women’s Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall

Thursday-Full Day
Return the folder

Friday – Registration Deadline

Return folder

April 23-Collaberation Day 11:45 dismissal for K2

April 25-Early K1-K2 sing meet at 8:25 in Miss S.’s room to practice
Parents may wait outside the classroom while we practice.
April 29-We will be attending a dress rehearsal of the school musical put on by the older children.
May 3-No School (Track Meet for the older children)
May 13-K-8 Ascension Service 7pm
Jr K-8 sing
May 14-Teacher Collaberation Day 11:45 Dismissal
May 18-Kindergarten Track and Field Day
Parents may sign up to help us. Look for a list after Easter break. Time for the Track Meet and Lunch
May 31-No School Memorial Day
June 3-Kindergarten Graduation at 11
Parents come at 10:45 to help the children prepare for the graduation.
Cake and Refreshments following the Graduation Program
Classes Dismiss at Noon

Wednesday: cut apart an old calendar and piece the numbers together in order, 1-30 review


Read with your child everyday.

Wednesday: Review the sight words red, yellow, blue

Play memory game to review the sight words.
I, am, is, it, an, but, one, two, three, a, the, can, at, like, is, big, in, it, look, see, my, we, little, have,
do, not, what, one, two, three, red, yellow, blue.
Look for y in magazines and newspapers.
Review the sounds which we have learned since the beginning of the year.
a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y.

Thursday or Friday: talk about what you did as a child for Easter, plan what you will do to prepare for
the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, play a game, bake, or make a craft with your child

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