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Good morning!

Today we will be talking about the concept of Human Nature, as it is understood

through philosophy, psychology, sociology and logic.
But what do these four domains have in common in defining this concept? As we
know, to all of them, the individual represents something different: a subject of
study, a part of a whole, a seeker of truth and, well, something else from the
perspective of any philosopher.
Citat as thought by philosopher B. Pascal.
The greatness of humans comes from their capacity of realizing their nothingness.
Maretia omului provine din capacitatea sa de a-si realize propria nimicnicie cu
ajutorul ratiunii.
He is at the middle of nothing and all. Man is limited.
Omul isi poate depasi natura limitata si imperfect doar prin intermediul ratiunii. Dar
si ratiunea umana este limitata, si deci poate fi masurata.
De acest task se ocupa astazi psihologia.
Orice insusire sau aptitudine a omului poate fi masurata pe o scara si nu numai.
E.g. IQ, Emotional Intelligence, or even personality traits.
Einstein for example had an IQ of 160.
Any person who has an IQ above 140 is considered a genius.
Another method of characterizing people is through percentages rather than simple
(Personality however cant be expressed so simply. People have tried since the
beginning to define their individual traits through all sorts of methods, such as star
signs. Today we have personality tests. The most famous personality test today is
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).)
Has anyone taken the test before?
Myers and Briggs are two psychologists who standardized Jungs theory, who stated
that some people are introverted and some are extraverted, that some are
emotional and some are rational, and all other traits you can see here. this test
measures exactly how much we prefer one over the other in percentages.

This is a result sheet of some random person on the Internet. He or she is an I

because , N-because, F-, and J-, and also T this is a trait which was added later.
So the personality type is INFJ. There are 16 possible combinations. As you can
see, INFJ is the rarest personality type. It represents % of the human population.
Each personality type has several nick-names, such as The counselor, The
Healer, or as you can see here, The Confident, all of them describing the INFJ
The most common is ESTJ, with 13%. However, there is no chart to be exact, since
not everyone takes the test, and every now and then a new person is born into this
world. You can take all of these factors into account. So youll probably find other
results too.
This brings us to statistics and, thus, sociology. In sociology we, people, arent
individuals, but rather, a part of a whole. Does anyone know what a human is in a

A number.
Or a percentage.

So we talked about What is man in nature, but not of ..

In the beginning we said/stated that a human is a seeker of truth, as seen through
the eyes of a logician. And the truth were speaking of is represented in logic by the
number 1. Any argument is 1 or 0.
So we are basically seekers of 1. ???
(Or should I say Juan? Are there Spanish people here?)
But some people prefer to live in ZEROS, because its easier. Get it? No? OK(I
know Im lame, but please laugh, at least out of pity.)
And, with these lame jokes, we ought to put an end to our presentation, I hope you
liked it and found it informative!

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