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Fundao CECIERJ - Vice Presidncia de Educao Superior a Distncia

Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computao

Disciplina: Ingls Instrumental
AD1 2 semestre de 2006.


Bridging the Digital Divide to Benefit Less Developed
The information revolution has created unprecedented opportunities for the less
developed countries. It helps them acquire knowledge, enhance educational systems,
improve policy execution, and widen the range of opportunities for their citizens. It also
enables them to catch up with the developed countries by leapfrogging stages of
technological, industrial, and infrastructural development. Moreover, it allows the less
developed countries to meet more effectively their vital development goals, such as
poverty reduction, health, sanitation, and education. It also promotes their recognition
in the international community, thus attracting foreign tourists and investors and
enabling the country to benefit from global e-commerce. Ironically, although the
Taliban banned the Internet in Afghanistan, it recognized the importance of digital
communication and maintained a website promoting worldwide recognition of its

Bridging the global digital divide facilitates the information flow from the
less developed countries to developed countries. Economic development is intertwined
with the growth of information technology. Thus, if countries have wealth, they may
acquire information technology, connect their citizens to the Internet, and participate in
the information revolution.
Glossary: less developed countries=pases menos deselvolvidos; to widen=alargar; to catch up=ficar
no mesmo nvel; policy=poltica; thus= desse modo, assim; flow=fluxo; although=embora;
wealth=riqueza; bridging=preenchendo o vazio de; divide=divisor; while=enquanto, ao mesmo tempo
que; intertwined = ligado a; growth=crescimento.

1.Escolha a melhor resposta de acordo com o texto.

A. A revoluo na rea da informao (information revolution) beneficia amplamente

) os Talibans

) a Internet

) os pases menos desenvolvidos

B. Os Talibans usaram a Internet para


) incentivar a exportao

) informar sobre sua ideologia

) comunicar-se com seus vizinhos

C. Os principais objetivos de desenvolvimento a que se refere o texto englobam 4

questes bsicas.

) pobreza, turismo, saneamento e educao

) pobreza, sade, saneamento e educao

) pobreza, sade, turismo e comrcio

2. Como o texto exemplifica a relao entre o desenvolvimento econmico e o

crescimento da tecnologia da informao?
3. O que o verbo modal na frase abaixo expressa?
if countries have wealth, they may acquire information technology,
( ) necessidade
( ) probalilidade
( ) impossibilidade

4. A que se refere o pronome it nas linhas 2, 3, 5 e 7 do texto?

5. Qual a digital divide a que se refere o texto?

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