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CONTENTS A cknow ledgem ents iv Forew ord v G eneral In tro d u ctio n vi In tro
d u ctio n to S tudents vii T e a c h e rs H an d lin g Notes viii U N I T 1 Adv
ice and O p in io n
A d v ic e ; fu tu re tim e c la u se s;
i t is
a d je c t iv e
U N I T 7 Protest and C om plaint
P rotest, co m p la in t a n d a p o lo g y ; c o n tra st a n d concession; q u
ite /fa ir ly /ra th e r ; reactio n .
U N I T 8 C ontroversy 1
C o n tro v e rsy ; reasons, causes a n d e x p la n a tio n s; g eru n d s as s
ubjects a n d o b jects; w ork.
t h a t . . .; c o n s u m e r
v o c a b u la ry .
U N I T 9 C ontrast and C om parison 79 10
A d v a n ta g e s a n d d isa d v a n ta g e s; w hile a n d w h e re a s ; q u
alify in g a n d describ in g n o u n s ; to w n a n d co u n try .
U N I T 2 Plans an d A rrangem ents
A rra n g e m e n ts a n d in v ita tio n s ; relativ e clauses - d efin in g ;
it is a d j e c t i v e + i n f i n i t i v e ; e n te rta in m e n t.
U N I T 10 P robability
U N I T 3 Permission
P e rm issio n ; su b stitu tin g infinitives for re la tiv e c la u se s; p re
se n t a n d p erfect p a rtic ip le s; c h a ra c te r.
P ro b a b ility - p rese n t a n d f u tu r e ; w h a t a n d w h ic h ; th a t
a n d w h e th e r clauses as su b jects; leisure tim e.
U N I T 11 P lanning 29
U N I T 4 Suggestions
S uggestin g courses o f a c tio n ; expressing co n trasts a n d c o n cessio n
; focus a n d id e n tific a tio n ; food a n d h e a lth .
P la n n in g ; p u rp o se clauses; in v erte d co n d itio n als; e q u a lity
a n d p reju d ice.

K ey 108 Resources File

U N I T 5 O b ligation
O b lig a tio n ; re la tiv e clauses n o n d e fin in g ; few /a few, e t c .; l
ife a b ro a d .
U N I T 6 G eneralisations
Q u alify in g g e n e ra lisa tio n s; inversion after neg ativ e in tro d u c
tio n s; q u alify in g a n d re-expressing s ta te m e n ts ; holid ay s a n d
tourism .

W e w ould like to thank the following people for their help and cooperation in
the developm ent o f this book: the principal, teachers, and students of E uroce
ntre, B ournem outh for their help and encouragem ent; students at the In stitu
to A nglo-M exicano in M exico C ity; and the secretarial staff at E urocentre,
B ournem outh, in p artic u la r H eath er W oodley and M ary Parsa. W e w ould
especially like to th an k J e ff Stranks for his contribution, and R oger Scott
for his help an d advice. J o h n A rnold Jerem y H arm er

FO REW O RD W ith this book, the ten th E u ro cen tre p ublication in our serie
s Teaching Languages to Adults , we continue our program m e of providing m ater
ials and techniques for language teaching in areas not yet fully covered. T h e
recent developm ents w ithin the field of linguistics have shown a need for a ne
w ap p ro ach to teaching English at the A dvanced level; w ith their experience
as teachers in an organisation teaching adults, the authors have recognised the
need to in te rp ret such developm ents at a strictly practical level both for
teachers an d students. T hus Advanced Writing Skills concentrates on the produc
tion o f w ritten English and incorporates new concepts o f A dvanced learning b
y leading the students from controlled use to free an d individual production o
f ap p ro p riate language. In addition, this book provides the teacher w ith m
aterial suitable for a variety of learning situations. It also offers m any oppo
rtunities for really challenging and varied hom ew ork and encourages the respon
sible student to m ake full use o f his self-study potential. W e believe - and
the testing of the m aterial in the English Eurocentres has proved it - th at th
is book can m ake a valuable contribution to the teaching of English at the A dv
anced level for both teachers and students. E rh. J . C. W aespi Director o f th
efoundation fo r European Language and Educational Centres

In this book, language is treated u n d er three headings F u n c tio n s T o p
ic N o tio n s G ram m ar U n d er F u n c tio n s we consider ways in w hich la
nguage is used, for exam ple, Giving Advice. W e then present some o f the forms
o f language th a t can be used in perform ing such Functions, for exam ple, i
f you take my advice you w ill. . . U n d er T o p ic N o tio n s we deal w ith
the vocabulary related to a p artic u la r subject or topic, for exam ple, Work.
U n d er G r a m m a r we present and practise certain structural patterns.
T h e course is designed for students w ho have either passed the C am bridge Fi
rst Certificate exam ination or successfully com pleted an equivalent course of
study. By the end o f this book, successful students will be able to use the Fun
ctions, T opic Notions, an d G ram m ar studied to express themselves fluently a
nd accurately, particu larly in w riting. Such students will be in a position to
take the C am bridge Certificate o f Proficiency exam ination after further tra
ining in the specific techniques necessary for th a t exam ination.
E ach u nit contains a) A T ext, w hich exemplifies one or m ore F unctional are
as, and w hich is also about a p artic u la r topic, thus providing m aterial fo
r discussion and vocabulary extension. b) C om prehension an d S um m ary exerci
ses. c) R evision-Test (except U n it 1). d) P resentation and practice o f F u
n ctional Language. e) Sentence construction (i.e. G ram m ar). f ) Features o f
S tructure an d Style occurring in the text. g) V ocabulary extension. h) F ina
l W ritten Tasks, designed to integrate ( d)-(g) above.
T h e course is designed in such a w ay th a t it can be used, at the one extrem
e, for intensive courses, and at the other, for private study. As m any student
s at this level follow non-intensive courses they will find the private study po
tential of the book p articu larly valu able; a key is provided for the m ajorit
y o f the exercises. T hus, w here tim etabling makes this necessary, p artic u
la r parts of the unit m ay be d ealt w ith outside the classroom. T h e followi
ng publications have been p articu larly useful in the p rep aratio n of this bo
ok Leech and Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar o f English , Longm an, 1975. Q u
irk and G reenbaum , A University Grammar o f English , Longm an, 1973. W ilkins
, Linguistics in Language Teaching, E dw ard A rnold, 1973.

R ead this, as it will help you to get the best out of the book. T his book is e
specially designed for students who have passed the C am bridge First C ertifica
te exam ination or who have done a course to ab o u t the sam e level, an d com
pleted it successfully. T his book will help you tow ards a higher level o f Eng
lish know ledge, and if you wish, tow ards the C am b rid g e C ertificate o f P
roficiency ex am in atio n .
Text designed to provide discussion m aterial and show exam ples of the language
you will be studying. Exercises on the Text designed to test your ability to u
n d erstan d and take inform ation out of the text and to give you practice in s
electing p artic u la r points from the text and linking this inform ation toget
her w ithin a lim ited n u m b er o f words. Revision- Test designed to give fu
rth er p ractice in elem ents o f language which you have already studied in pre
vious units. Functional Language p r o v i d e s o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o s
t u d y a n d p r a c t i s e t h e
l a n g u a g e y o u n e e d for p a r t ic u la r p u r p o s e s , s u c h as
s u g g e s t i n g c o u r s e s OF ACTION.
Sentence Construction this section revises an d extends your g ram m atical know
l edge of English. Structure and Style provides opportunities to study an d prac
tise special stylistic features of w ritten English. Topic Vocabulary here you c
an learn words in groups w hich are all concerned w ith a p a rtic u la r topic.
Writing Tasks this is the m ain piece of p ractice in w hich you can use the la
nguage you have studied in the unit (as well as in previous units). These compos
itions have been chosen to represent the kinds o f w ritten tasks which you m ig
ht one day w an t to perform in English.
At the back o f the book you will find a section m arked r e s o u r c e s f i l
e . H ere you will find pictures, forms, and oth er visual aids taken from new
spapers and other sources. These aids are designed to give you extra practice an
d revision of w hat you have studied in the units. (lO o rm o re lessons a week)
, you can use this book u n d er the guidance o f your teacher(s). It is a good
idea to read the passage of an y unit in advance and look at the T alking Points
section. T h ere is a key to all of the exercises m arked (K), so you can use t
he exercises for revision an d extra p ractice as necessary.
if y o u a r e f o l l o w i n g a n i n t e n s i v e c o u r s e

IF YOU AR E FO LLO W IN G A N O N -IN T E N S IV E COURSE (2-10 lessons a Week),

you will have to do the m ajority o f the exercises on your own. T h ere is a k
ey provided for all the exercises w here this is possible. I f there are points
in the explanations or exercises w hich you do not understand, ask your teachers
about them w hen you have the opportunity. You will have plenty of opportunitie
s w hen using this book to talk about yourself, give your personal opinions, and
say w hat you think. R em em ber th a t learning an o th er language, especiall
y at an advanced level, should be an opp o rtu n ity to express yourself an d yo
ur ideas clearly and fluently, and to enjoy learning to do this. W e wish you ev
ery success in bringing your knowledge o f English to an a d v a n c e d level.
It is suggested th at students read the text to be w orked on before com ing to
1 Vocabulary This section is designed to show the students a variety o f vocabul
ary in context. I t should be done orally, preferably before the other exercises
on the text. 2 Talking Points These true/false questions are designed as oral c
lassroom activity, e.g. the teacher reads the sentences an d the students say w
hether the answ er is true or false. T h e questions are not designed to focus o
n any p artic u la r aspect of language, b u t should form the basis for discuss
ion on the subjectm atter o f the text. 3 Writing Points These questions could b
e done orally, b u t the intention is th at the student should be able to w rite
complete answers, as he will have to do in the Proficiency exam ination. 4 Cont
ext Questions These questions could be d ealt w ith either orally, or in w ritin
g. T hey are designed to test the stu d en ts in -d ep th understanding of the te
xt. 5 Summary Work T h e m ain aim of this is to train students to sum m arise,
w ithin given word limits, inform ation they have read. T h e exercises can be u
sed successfully as group work in the class.

These can be done m ost effectively in the classroom u n d er quasi-test conditi
ons. T h e very act of doing the test should reinforce students ability to use th
e language w hich they have studied and help them to com m it th a t language to
their m em ories.
Since these various aspects o f language are often treated in sim ilar ways they
will be d ealt w ith together here. It is suggested th a t the stu d en ts atten
tio n be draw n very carefully to the w ay language is used in the text to perf
orm certain functions. T h ey thus see th a t they are not m erely studying g ra
m m a r b u t are studying a language whose use is exem plified in the text. W
hen studying the charts, before doing the exercises th a t follow them , it is s
uggested th a t the teach er m ight point out the g ram m atically tricky aspect
s o f the language. A n exam ple o f this is on page 43 w here the ch art includ
es X has no alternative but to DO . . . A com m on m istake w ith this construct
ion is the omission o f but. This can be pointed out to the student as he studie
s the chart, helping him to avoid the m istake in the future. T h e exercises th
a t follow, for exam ple, a d v i c e , are designed for classroom use. It is s
uggested th a t the controlled exercises th a t usually begin the exploitation s
hould be done o rally; indeed, most of the exercises are suitable for oral use,
b u t to provide variety it is often a good idea to m ake the students w rite on
e or two sentences from a p a rtic u la r exploitation. Wrhere, at the end of ea
ch section, the p ractice is o f a freer n atu re, group-w ork is often very pro
fitable. As was said in the g e n e r a l i n t r o d u c t i o n , constraints
o f tim e m ay m ake it im possible to do all the w ork in class. F or this reas
on there is a key at the back o f the book, and parts o f the units can be set a
s hom ew ork/self-study. W here m aterial from the r e s o u r c e s f i l e is
ap p ro p riate to the language being studied a note will be found in the unit,
an d the m aterial can then be used as a m ore interesting, or extra, or alterna
tive, stim ulus for the students.
t o p ic vocabulary
In this section the stu d en t is presented w ith a vocabulary area. T his secti
on is not inten d ed for classroom u se ; the stu d en t should discover the m e
aning of the words him /herself. T each in g vocab u lary is usually a fruitless
exercise, an d w ould certainly be so here. T h e exercises w hich follow the s
ection, how ever, could be set as hom ew ork. It is suggested th a t all the stu
dents be equipped w ith a good dictionary.
T h e m ain objective of these tasks is th a t the student should practise w h a
t he has learnt. Students m ust be encouraged therefore to use the language from

the units. O ne w ay of doing this is to p u t a tick on the page every tim e th

e student uses language he has studied from this book. T h e O p tio n Boxes sim
ply provide m ore com position titles, should they be needed.
As has been already pointed out, the r e s o u r c e s f i l e can be used as a
source of extra practice m aterial, p articu larly w here this is suggested. Its
m ain function, however, is to provide interesting and real m aterial for revis
ion. Suggestions will be found u n d er each item , b u t teachers should feel f
ree to exploit this m aterial as they see fit.


Mr J.K. Farringdon, Sales Director, World Motor-cycles Ltd., Dudley Drive, Birmi
ngham, United Kingdom.
North Africa Division Hamra Street Beirut, Lebanon Telex: 52413
22nd August.
Dear Mr
We are writing in reply to your letter of August 2nd, which was passed on to us
by MCS Head Office in London. In your letter, you asked for our advice concernin
g the marketing of motor-cycles in North African countries, in particular Tunisi
5 At the moment, it would seem to us that it is not possible to give
a definitive answer about the prospects for such a plan. This is especially so,
since, in our opinion, there are such vast differences between the various count
ries in this area. It would appear to us that your best course would be to have
an area sales survey made, a 10 task we would gladly undertake on your behalf. A
t the same time as finding out about sales prospects, it is essential that possi
ble future dealers should also be investigated, and this service is part of all
sales-surveys we make. In addition to having a survey made, we would also advise
you to make
15 a personal visit to the area, perhaps while the survey team is making
its investigations. This would enable you to get the feel of the countries con
cerned, which, in our opinion, is vital for any businessman planning a major mar
keting venture. We look forward to hearing from you again in the near future. wi
ll be very happy to supply them.
Yn u y a a -i nrOT*oT \r
If you
20 need any details about the kind of survey we undertake, Head Office
C. Clark


| Exercises on the text
VOCABULARY F ind words or phrases in the text th a t m e a n : a) advertising an
d selling a com m odity b) an organisation giving professional advice c) sure a
nd final d) chances of success e) very great J) investigation to find out the ch
ances of selling som ething g) for you h) people who sell for an organisation i)
extrem ely im p o rtan t
2 T A L K IN G P O IN T S Say w hether the following statem ents are true or fal
se. If you think the answ er is false, give your reasons. a) M r F arrin g d o n
s letter arrived at the H ead Office on A ugust 2nd. b) M r F arrin g d o n s let
ter asked for advice ab o u t selling m otor-bikes in N o rth A frican m arket-s
quares. c) M arketing C onsultancy Services cannot yet say w hether it is a good
idea to sell m otor-cycles in N o rth A frican countries. d) M r F arrin g d o
n w ont be able to sell motor-cycles in all N orth A frican countries because the
y are so different from each other. e) M r F arringdon is advised to m ake an ar
ea sales-survey. f ) W hen M C S do sales-surveys, they also find out about plac
es which could sell the articles concerned. g) M C S think th at it is im p o rt
an t for businessmen to visit areas where they w ant to sell things. h) I f M r
F arrin g d o n writes to H ead Office asking for details, he will m ake them ve
ry happy. 3 W R IT IN G P O IN T S Answ er the following questions w ith com ple
te sentences. a) W hy did M r F arrin g d o n w rite to M C S ? b) W h at reason
s do M C S give for being unable to answ er M r F arrin g d o n s questions ab o
u t m arketing? c) W h at advice do M C S give ab o u t finding out w hether m a
rketing prospects are good ? d) W h at do M C S advise M r F arrin g d on to do
personally, and w hy? 4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S a) Such a p la n in line 6
refers to . . . b) T his a re a in line 8 refers to . . . c) W h at does this ser
vice in line 12 refer to?

d) W h a t does w h ich in line 17 refer to ? e) T h e m in line 21 refers to . .
5 SU M M A RY W O R K Im agine you are M r F arrin g d o n . Y ou are p rep arin
g a very short m em o ran d u m for the o th er directors o f W orld M otor-cyc
les L td. on the advice given by M C S. W rite the rep o rt in not m ore th a n
50 words.
| Advice
1 Look a t the following ways o f giving advice, some of w hich a p p ear in the
text. 1 would { advUe J 1 you to D O ... [ recommend J If you take my advice yo
u will DO . . . If I were you I would DO . . . (informal ) Susan Fisher is a stu
d en t w ho is a b o u t to leave school. Use the following to give h er advice
a b o u t h er future. a) advise/learn/foreign languages b) m y ad vice/continu
e/study c) recom m end/get/job as soon as possible d) if I/you/go/night-school/l
earn/profession e) advise/earn enough m oney/travel ro u n d the world f ) if/yo
u/w ork/shop w ith your father g) m y advice/get m arried , settle dow n/have a
fam ily N ow m ake m ore sentences o f your ow n, using the language in this sec
tion, in w hich you give advice to a) Som eone whose new car keeps going w rong
b) Som eone whose p et tiger has vanished c) Som eone whose w ife/husband spends
m ost o f her/his tim e aw ay from hom e 2 Look a t m ore ways o f giving advic
e (some of w hich a p p ear in the text) in w hich the w riter/speaker gives his
opinion before giving his advice.
In my opinion As far as I m concerned From my point of view I think It would | se
em i (to me) that [ appearJ v
you should DO . . . the best thing you can DO .. . is DO . . . your best course
would be to DO . . . < (formal)


a . Now you are giving opinions and advice to someone whose neighbours are alway
s holding parties and throw ing litter over the fence. a) seem /m e/best course/
tell them how/feel b) point/view /should call/police c) opinion/throw /rubbish b
ack d) seem /best course/letter/com plaint e) as far/concerned/best thing /tak e
th em /court f ) appear/best course/law yer g) opinion/sue them /dam ages/nervo
us disorder due to the continual noise
b. Now m ake m ore sentences o f your own, using language from this section,
in w hich you give advice to a) Som eone who dresses shabbily, has untidy hair,
seldom washes, and gets turned dow n at all the interview s he/she goes for b) S
om eone w ho has been accused, by one of his/her colleagues, of em bezzling m on
ey, even though it is not true c) Som eone w ho is having problem s w ith his/he
r English 3 Look at the following ways of asking for advice. What* do vou \ aC ^
* S C , 1 me to DO ?
[ re c o m m e n d J
Could you give me some advice about DOING: Where* * Other W H -q u e stio n s
f \ DO ? (slightly informal} e.g. How/when,
are also c o m m o n ,
a. U sing the language from the ch art above ask for advice in the following sit
uations a) Y ou w ant to know w here to live in E ngland in a ru ral area, b u t
near London b) Y ou w ant advice about learning a m usical in s tru m e n t-i.e
. you do not w ant to learn a very difficult one c) Y ou have been offered two
jobs. O ne is in a nice tow n b u t the pay is low, the other is w ell-paid, b u
t in a horrible area d) W hen you try to be nice to your children, they are rud
e to you e) You w ant to give up smoking, b u t you do not know how to
4 Below are five situations in w hich people need advice. U sing the language fr
om 1, 2 and ^ ( o n pages 3 an d 4), im agine you are w riting the letters in
w hich advice is asked for and given.


F red erick C la y b o rn
Age 37
Heavy drinker, drink affecting his health; has been told by doctor to stop. Exec
utive in electronics firm, says drink helps him to fulfil work-load.
H e c o rre s p o n d s w it h a frie n d
,a Fernandez As ants to learn Eng) ,de or secretary
e corresponds with
Resourcesfile references 1 C2 caption b)
2 G2 caption a)
c | Sentence construction
F U T U R E T IM E C LA U SES Look at the following sentence from the text . we
w ould also advise you to m ake a personal visit to the area, perhaps while the
survey team is making its investigations (Lines 14 16) T h e second p a rt of th
e sentence refers to the future, b u t the present continuous tense is used beca
use it is a t i m e c l a u s e beginning w ith while. T h e sentence is p rod u
ced in the following w a y : W e w ould also advise you to m ake a personal vis
it to the area. P erhaps the survey team will be making its investigations ( the
D epending on
hich can ap p

the situation an d context, there are four possible tense forms w

e ar in t i m e c l a u s e s you you you you DO ( Present Simple)
(Present Continuous) H A VE D O N E ( Present Perfect Simple) HA V
IN G (Present Perfect Continuous)


will You T om He will arrive
m eet
w hen
You will m eet T om when he arrives.
I can m ention it I will be talking to Jack D o n t come I will have had my lunch
Y ou will get to know our m ethods You will have been working here fo r a while
w h il e
I can m ention it while I am talking to Jack.
u n t il
D o n t come until I have had my lunch.
w hen
You will get to know our m ethods when you have been working here fo r a while.
Im agine you have been m ade red u n d an t, and you are being given inform atio
n at an unem ploym ent office. C om bine the following pairs of sentences in the
same w ay as in the examples. a) You will get welfare m oney. t il l / u n t il
You will get a new job. b) Y ou will be able to find work. AS SOON a s / o n c
e T h e econom ic situation will have im proved. c) W ould you fill in this form
? W H IL E Y ou will be w aiting. d) You can apply for help w ith your rent pay
m ents. a s s o o n a s Y ou will have been receiving welfare m oney for a m ont
h. e) W e will also help you. WHEN Y our children will need to buy school books.
f ) Please inform us. IM M EDIATELY You will be offered a new jo b . ! In the f
ollowing sentences people are talking about their forthcom ing holidays. Com ple
te the sentences w ith a suitable tim e clause. a) W h e n ____ , yo u ll need a
long holiday. b) I ll be lying in the sun, w h ile _____ c) As soon a s ____ , m
y own holidays will be starting. d) I m going to book m y flight im m e d iately
_____ e) 15 there any chance o f you seeing m y father, w h ile ____ ? f> By the
tim e ____ , yo u ll be too tired to enjoy your holidays. g) I m not going to wor
k so h ard , once or youll get h) Y oud b etter learn to drive properly, before ar


3 H ere is an advertisem ent for a career in banking. Im agine you are giving in
form ation ab o u t jo b prospects to someone who is thinking o f taking up the
iationally oriented c in Kuwait. The /ing within a fast .ondary objective oarate
subsidiary lent full service
Salary 2,400 rising to 4,800 after 7 years. In-service tra in in g . Special 1 m o
nth course in London after 1 year s service. Low interest loans fo r hou se-pu r
ch a sers w ith no m inim um service requirem ent. S a tisfa ctory experience in
all d epartm ents leads to a u to m a tic co n sideration fo r deputy m anager
s post. Free m edical insurance after 3 m on ths service. Please repty in compl
ete confidence to M r H urst, R ecruitm ent Officer.
e.g. When you start, you will be earning at least 2,400 ayear. Resourcesfile refe
rence B1 caption a)
| Structure and style
T h ere are a n u m b er o f adjectives w hich, w hen used in the p attern It is
a d j e c t i v e t h a t . .. often use s h o u l d w ith the verb in the th at
-clau se. In the text, line 12, there is the clause . .. it is essential th a t po
ssible dealers should also be investigated This p a tte rn occurs after adjectiv
es expressing Surprise an d shock (e.g. amazing, horrifying, crazy, etc.) D isap
proval and d isap p o in tm en t (e.g. typical, sad, etc.) A dvisability an d im
p o rtan ce (e.g. better, essential, vital, etc.) Ju stice (e.g. (only) fa ir,
(only) natural, etc.) T h e m ain use of this p a tte rn is to com m ent on an i
dea ra th e r th an on a fact, an d such sentences w ith should are ra th e r subj
ective. C om pare i) It is surprising th a t you believe him . = The f a c t tha
tyou believe him is surprising. ii) It is surprising th a t you should believe h
im. = j u s t t h e i d e a o f you believing him is surprising. (A lthough in m
any cases there is very little, if any difference, betw een a
exam ple


sentence w ith should an d one w ithout, an advanced student ought to begin to not
e exam ples where should is used and try to im itate them .) 1 R ew rite the follo
wing sentences beginning w ith It is a d j e c t i v e th at
exam ple
You know m y uncle. T h a t is ra th e r odd. It is rather odd thatyou should kn
ow my uncle.
a) b) c) d) e) f)
C hildren are allowed so m uch freedom . T h a t is crazy. It is essential for c
hildren to be tau g h t discipline. I t is only n atu ra l for parents to spoil
their children. It is extrem ely im p o rtan t for children to learn to share th
ings. No two children learn in the sam e way. This is strange. It is m uch b ett
er for parents to know about the problem s their children have at school. g) It
is only right for parents to get involved in the education of their children. h)
Some parents consider school a w aste of tim e. This is sad.
2 M an y people are w orried ab o u t the increase in noise and air pollution in
towns. Im agine you believe th a t noise and air pollution should be reduced. M
ake statem ents on the subject beginning as follows a) It is only fair t h a t
. . . b) I t is typical t h a t . . . c) I t is horrifying t h a t . . . d) I t
is absurd t h a t . . . e) I t is u nfortunate t h a t . . . f ) It is absolutel
y vital t h a t . . . g) It is only reasonable t h a t . . . h) I t is quite inc
redible t h a t . . .
CO N SU M ER VOCABULARY U sing a dictionary or any o th er source find out the m
eaning of the following words connected w ith advertising, buying and selling.
a) m arket; to m arket b) p ro d u c t; article c) ad v ertise; ad v ert(isem en
t); co m m ercial; advertising cam paign d) to h ire; to ren t; hire-purchase (
agreem ent) e) guarantee j ) re d u c tio n ; to re d u c e ; cu t-p ric e ; val
ue (for money) g) second-hand; shop-soiled; b arg ain ; to be (not) w orth it h)
b a d ly -m a d e ; w ell-m ad e; to la s t; to break d o w n ; to w ear out


2 U sing the vocabulary from 1 above, com plete the blanks in the following sent
ences a) W o o f dog food has started a new a d v e rtisin g ____ T hey have p u t
____ in the new spapers a n d _____on the television. b) Som ebody ow ned m y c
ar before m e, so it is _____ c) S m ooth shirts a r e _____Y ou can still w ear t
hem after ten years because they n e v e r_____ d) I f you are going to buy a ne
w cam era, m ake sure you get a -------so th a t you can have it rep aired free
for the first year. e) T h e d ep a rtm en t store is holding a sale. Prices hav
e b e e n -------, so th a t everything is very cheap. Y ou can pick up some rea
lly fa n ta stic ------f ) T h ey are n o t ____ buying. T h ey a r e _____and t
hey o n ly _____ for two m onths. 3 Now w rite sentences of your ow n (using con
sum er vocabulary) about things you have b o u g h t recently. (K)
| W ritin g tasks
150-200 words
1 Y ou w an t to m ake a career as a tourist guide, an d since you speak English
you w ould obviously be interested in w orking w ith English-speaking tourists.
W rite a letter to the British Em bassy in your country asking for advice ab o
u t the best w ay to achieve this am bition. 2 O P T IO N BO X a) A letter to an
English person w ho is com ing to stay in your country for two m onths. Give th
em advice ab o u t clothes, m oney, etc. b) A letter to som eone you know in E n
g lan d asking for advice about w here to study English. Y ou should explain w
hy you w an t to continue w ith English, and w h at sort of things you w ant to
do, etc. Resourcesfile reference E2 caption c)

34, Clareville Mansions, Trebelwyn, Nr. Wadebridge, Cornwall.

9th November. Dear Mr Huntley,
I am writing to you in your capacity as the Member of Parliament for this consti
tuency about a matter .which has angered and worried many of us who live in Treb
elwyn and nearby. We have always known about the Craven Hill government research
station, two miles from this village, and until a month ago we had always belie
ved that it was used for the purpose of agricultural investigation. But as you m
ust be aware, the recent revelations in the Sunday Star, and the comments which
the Prime Minister made mean we now know for certain that Craven Hill is 10 used
for the development of materials for biological warfare.
A lot of us have become extremely alarmed by this, and we have formed a group ca
lled Craven Hill Action Group . I am the appointed leader and I am therefore wr
iting to you to ask for help. Many of the members of our group have very strong
moral 15 objections to the idea of biological warfare. It is frightening to real
ise that a small test-tube full of germs could destroy a whole civilisation. Eve
n those, however, who do not feel strongly about this are determined to get the
Craven Hill station closed down so that our families and children do not have to
live in 20 fear of some terrible accident. We are asking, therefore, for your h
elp. In two weeks time we are holding an afternoon fete to raise money for our
campaign, and in the evening some of our members will be putting on a concert. W
e were wondering if it would be possible for you to come and meet us, and maybe
give a speech since we know that you have spoken against nuclear and biological
warfare, and you are a man whose outspoken views on this subject are well known.
If you are not able to join us then we would like to come to London and visit y
ou at the House of Commons, and we were wondering what day would be most conveni
ent for you. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,
Kenneth Pringle Craven Hill Action Group


| Exercises on the text

1 VOCABULARY F ind words or phrases in the text th a t m ean: a) position b) an

area th a t elects one m em ber o f P arliam en t c) concerned w ith the land an
d farm ing d) disclosures, surprising new facts e) organise, p u t together f )
feelings th a t som ething is bad, against som ebodys principles g) an open-air
sale ru n by people who are not shopkeepers, w hich tries to raise m oney 2 T A
L K IN G P O IN T S Say w hether the following statem ents ab o u t the text are
true or false. I f you think the answ er is false, give your reasons. a) M r H
u n tley is a politician. b) C raven H ill investigates agriculture. c) All the
villagers are m em bers o f the A ction G roup. d) Some m em bers of the group t
hink it is w rong to use biological weapons. e) T h e group thinks th a t C rave
n H ill endangers local people. j ) T h e group w ants M r H u n tley to play in
their concert. g) T h e group wishes to arran g e a m eeting in L ondon w ith M
r H untley. 3 W R IT IN G P O IN T S A nsw er the following questions w ith com
plete sentences. a) W h a t is M r H u n tley , an d w ho does he represent? b)
W h at is biological w arfare ? c) H ow could a small test-tube full o f germ s des
troy a whole civilisation?
4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S

a) W ho is us in line 3? b) W h at d o e s it refer to in line 6? c) W ho are those in

line 17 ? d) W hose families are our fam ilies in line 19? 5 SU M M A RY W O R K
Im agine you are one of the C raven H ill A ction G ro u p . You w ant to place
an advertisem ent in a n atio n al new spaper explaining w hat you are an d w ha
t you object to. Y ou hope th a t the advertisem ent will bring a lot o f people
to your next m eeting. A dvertisem ents are expensive, so you m ust lim it your
w ords to 60. W rite the advertisem ent, using o n l y inform ation from the te


1 J o in the following pairs of sentences to m ake one sentence. a) J o h n will
not stop working. H e will have finished w hat he is doing. b) H e will stop wo
rk. H e will go and have a drink. c) H e will feel a little drunk. H e will have
been drinking for a couple of hours.
(3 marks)
2 C hange each of the following sentences so th a t they start w ith the phrases
given. a) Give up d rinking I f I were you . . . b) Stop smoking so m any cigarett
es It w ould ap p ear . . . c) H ow can I stop sm oking? C an you give me . . . d) E
at sweets in stead In m y opinion . . . (4 marks) 3 Choose the right answer, a
, b, c , or d in the following questions. a) W hen he got a jo b , he h ad no di
fficulty i n ____ his family. a b u y in g b d e se r tin g c su p p o r tin g d
h o ld in g u p b) W hen the factory closed dow n he w a s _____ a sacked b m a
de redundant c fired d g i v e n u n e m p l o y m e n t c) This was very seriou
s because he h ad signed a ____ agreem ent for a new car.
h ir e -p u r c h a se
c secon d -h an d
sh o p -so ile d
(3 m a r k s )
4 W rite three sentences to someone whose son has ru n aw ay from hom e,
and has disappeared. Y ou should use Advice language T im e clauses
(5 marks) (T otal: 15 marks)
c | Arrangements and invitations
1 M A K IN G A R R A N G E M E N T S Look at the following ways o f m aking arra
ngem ents some of w hich occur in the text. I was wondering J if \ I wonder [whe
therJ ,, . ... /convenient! for you Monday would be < ... [possible we could D
O . . . on Monday. it would be possible for X to DO .
( possible \ for x t o Z)0 . . . on Monday? Would it be < Lconvenient^ Could XD
O . . on Monday? (slightly informal)>


Use the following to m ake arrangem ents. a) I w o n d er/w e/m eet/F rid ay b)
W ould/possible/m e/see you/T uesday c) C ould you com e/m y house next week d)
I/w ondering/possible/you/visit us/the sum m er e) w e/lunch together next week
j ) W ould /co n v en ien t/m e/p ay y o u /visit/T hursday g) I w o n d er/F ri
day/convenient/you h) we h ave/drink to g eth er/S atu rd ay 2 E X T E N D IN G
Would you like to DO . . . ? Would you be interested in D O ING .. . ?
Use the following to extend invitations. a) you like/stay w ith us next w eekend
b) you /in terested /g o in g /th eatre next T h u rsd ay c) com e to a p a rty
/F rid a y d) going hitch-hiking/sum m er 3 R E S P O N D IN G T O A R R A N G
I will not be able to DO .. . I can not manage to DO . . . I am afraid < it will
not be possible for X to D . . . tim e will not be convenient I would be deligh
ted to DO . . . It will be possible for X to DO . . . ^weak)> I would love to DO
. . . (slightly informal )
Below are some situations concerning invitations or arrangem ents. Say w hat you
w ould w rite in each case. a) A friend has asked you to stay for the weekend.
Y ou wish to accept. b) T h e gas board have w ritten you a letter asking if the
y can come and read your m ete r on T h u rsd ay . T his w ould be a b ad day for
you. c) You have w ritten to an English com pany for a jo b interview . T h ey r
eplied, asking you to go at 12.30 next W ednesday. You wish to confirm the ap p
o in tm en t. d) A friend has asked you if you could arran g e a p arty for some
visitors he has. You cannot. e) Y ou have been asked to a concert by one o f yo
ur distant relations. Y ou accept.


G eorge is a student w ho is in his last term at college. H e is trying to get a
jo b teaching. Below is his diary for the next two weeks.
O b l u s i o k lA /v ttP i/f& y
M onday Week 38
C // A j - . A
C oK C M -fr l/tf/fL J tfc /h jy
u o sd a a J Schtnrf fo y itA c /u k a /O jb /S ~ 3 0
------------------------------------------------- ------------------^ ^
% + > Wednesday / * / / / y
6 w 7;e sd a y , ,
1 o
0M 1% Thursday
L o h vcJw K k a u y K
t PAYE Week 24 .
l4-(Tb F tlv h c S ^ U u v i^ y
------ --------------------------7 T h u r s d a vB/iAAAM^ P A Y E W e o k 2 3
----------- .____________
1^ /ftHrfi/iiAJ fr j
a S o h s tttf w
Pul w it JiK,^M,]MaMc
____________ ____________ ____ ______
/A. //-Jo
_ _
g fl

8 F rid a y ft- r o
T u * n n JJ frU ~ ~ 1 / 6 (fo h y b r i d y w fT P ^ fe a !^ B ra d I
P n fa tv r B radhtM i?
--------------------------.------- ------------F ro th e d /
foi/L C A w s
16th after Trinity
15tha" T r ,n ,v
lA ft/l J& tU vt] r S p o u fl i d s
Using the language o f a r r a n g e m e n t s an d i n v i t a t i o n s w rite
sentences from the letters betw een G eorge and others. G eorge will refuse an
invitation if he has som ething arranged for th a t time. a) G eorges bank m anag
er wants to see him at 11.00 on W ednesday the 6th. b) A school wants George to
go for an interview during the afternoon of T hursday the 7th. c) J e n n y s par
ents invite G eorge for lunch on Sunday the 10th. d) G eorges landlord wants to c
all and see him on the m orning of Tuesday the 12th. e) G eorges m aiden a u n t
wants to have dinner w ith him on the evening of M onday the 11th. f ) Professor
B radbury wants to change the tim e of the tutorial to 12.00 on T hursday the 1
4th. g) O ne of G eorges lecturers invites G eorge to go sailing on S atu rd ay t
he 16th. h) G eorges bank m anager now wants to see him on the m orning of Friday
the 15 th. Resourcesfile references 1 D1 caption b) 2 D2 caption a)


| Sentence construction
R E L A T IV E C L A U S E S - D E F IN IN G In using relative (who, that, which
, etc.) clauses you need to concentrate on the following p o in ts: i) w hen it
is necessary to have a relative pronoun, an d w hen it can be left out; ii) w he
ther the style is < informal) or < (form al ) Look at the following exam ples fr
om the text an d notice w hen the relative is the subject, w hen it is the objec
t o f the following verb, an d w hen it is a possessive. su b ject . . . a matte
r which has angered and worried many o f us (1. 2 ) ob ject . . . the comments w
hich the Prime Minister made . . . (1. 8/9) p o s s e s s i v e . . . a man whos
e outspoken views on this subject . . . (1. 27) T h e basic rules for using rela
tives can be sum m arised as follows. People and pets Subject
( inform al)
that (who) who
Object * (that) who(m)
Possessive whose whose
With preposition * , , \ PREPOSITION (that) who . . .
( formal)
(veryformal> Things
(i n f o r m a l )
that which
* (that) which
whose (of which) (veryformal}
* , . . (that)
(f o r m a l )
preposition + which
* Cases where no relative is used are known as contact clauses. (The words in br
ackets are the less usual forms.) In m any cases the idea o f possession is show
n by a w ^ -p h ra s e , . | man ) . , ,. f ears. e.ff. A { > with big { , , \ca
r I I headlights. is m ore com m on th an A I man) , ) ears ( ,. A < > whose < ,
are big. Icar j [headlights J * 1 M ake the following pairs or groups o f sente
nces into one sentence by using relative or contact clauses an d om ittin g the
w ord in italics. W rite each sentence in the style indicated.


O ne m em ber o f P arliam en t was very helpful. I spoke to him. <(formal) I sp
oke to one m em ber o f P arliam en t who was very helpful. a) T h e oth er day
I bum ped into an old friend of m ine. He now works in the car trade, (informal)
b) M y friend suggested going for a drink in a pub. H e knew one. (informal} c)
T h e pu b was a kind of cellar. Its tables were old and wooden. (informal) d)
I was am azed at some of the stories. H e told them about the car trade. (inform
al) e) It w ould seem th a t there are a few real crim inals in the trade. T he
police know all about them. But they are very difficult to catch, (form al) f M
ost o f the crim inals work in gangs. Their leaders tend to prefer driving sport
s cars, (fo rm a l) g) M any of the car dealers m ake their m oney by respraying
stolen cars before selling them . J a c k was talking about these car dealers.
( form al) 2 A dd a relative clause to the w ord in italics to define it m ore e
xactly. M ake your sentences either (fo rm a l) or (inform al).
exam ple
I particu larly dislike people . . .
i) I particularly dislike people who encourage their children to misbehave. (inf
ormal) ii) I particularly dislike people that let their children shout and screa
m. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) R ecently I m et someone_____ . W here is th at bo
ok____ . Food ____ is very expensive. Students prefer teachers_____ Cars ____ ar
e very annoying. Grandparents____ are often u n h ap p y . I asked for the suit
_____ T h a t w om an is the one____ . I can still rem em ber the visit _____
(form al)
and style
IT IS A D J E C T I V E S I N F IN IT IV E Look at the following sentence from t
he text. It isfrightening to realise that a small test-tube fu ll o f germs coul
d destroy a whole civilisation. (Lines 15-17)


This is a com bination o f the following two sentences i) A small test-tube full
of term s could destroy a whole civilisation. ii) W hen anyone realises this, i
t is frightening/R ealising this is frightening. 1 J o in the following pairs of
sentences in the sam e way. a) Som eone from o u r country has w on a gold m ed
al. I t is exciting w hen anyone hears this. b) Some parents m altreat their chi
ldren. Believing this is hard. c) A spider spins its w eb. W hen we see how this
is done, it is fascinating. d) M ore an d m ore young people are going to unive
rsity. W hen anyone sees this, it is encouraging. e) O n e d ay people will be l
iving on V enus. V isualising this is difficult. 2 M ake sentences in the sam e
w ay ab o u t the following situations (your sentences should reflect your perso
nal opinions). a) M ore an d m ore couples are getting divorced b) M edical rese
arch is being expanded c) Y ou have passed an im p o rtan t exam ination d) O u
r ancestors w ere apes e) W e sometimes th ink we have experienced som ething be
fore, w hen in fact we have not f ) A m ericans w ere English once
en tertain m en t. F ind
er source. a. Places and
n c e rt; p la y ; sh o

1 Below are w ords connected w ith different types o f

out w h at they m ean, using a d ictio n ary or any oth
types a) th eatre ; cinem a; nigh t-clu b ; hall b) c o
w ; c a b a re t; festival; circu s; fair

b. Theatre
a) com edy; trag ed y ; farce b) sta g e; w ings; a u d ito riu m ; orchestra p
i t ; scenery c) c u rta in ; a c t; scen e; interval c. Music a) p o p ; classi
cal; c h o ra l; j a z z ; fo lk ; opera b) th em e; m ovem ent; sym phony; conc
erto c) im provise; im provisation; live (a d j.); solo d. General a) p u t o n
; p erfo rm ; take p a rt in b) (go on) to u r; booking; d a te ; ru n


Use ap p ro p riate words from the list above to com plete the blanks in the fol
lowing sentences. a) T h e first tim e Paul saw M aria, she w a s ____ in a play
. She h ad the m ain fem ale role. b) T h e play was a _____It was very funny, a
nd Paul, who was sitting in t h e ____ w atching, cou ld n t help laughing. c) T
h e next night Paul w ent to a ____ concert, w ith the famous saxophonist Bill B
lowitt. P aul h ad never seen h im ____ before, he had only heard him on records
. d) L a te r th a t week Paul w ent back to w atch M aria. She first appeared f
rom th e ____ at the side o f the stage for her scene in the first_____ She got
m arried at the end o f the play, ju st before t h e ____ fell. e) A fter t h e
____ Paul m et M aria, an d asked her if she w anted to go dancing in a ____ , w
here there was a ____ w ith a famous com edian. (R)
I W riting tasks
150-200 words
1 You are a new spaper reporter, an d you w ant to interview an English politici
an w ho is visiting your country. W rite a letter asking for an app o in tm en t
w ith him next week (you should state w hen you are available and w hen you are
n o t). 2 O P T IO N B O X a) A letter to an English friend, inviting h im /h e
r to stay w ith you. b) A letter to your bank m anager, asking for an ap p o in
tm en t next week. c) You have been invited to stay w ith an A m erican friend w
ho lives in your country. You w ould like to take your sister w ith you because
she has nothing to do a t present an d w ould otherw ise be left alone in the ho
use. W rite accepting the invitation, asking if you can take your sister. Resour
cesfile references 1 A2 caption c) 2 G2 caption b)

oman or her tiird at ird is enings uring ee to way randenterd, but rmous ie vast
iation, intent
FOLLOWING his release last week after more Iff than a fortnight in the hands of
kidnappers, I f the managing director of the massive Portmann Industrial Electri
cs combine, Mr George 1 Myers has told the story of his terrifying ordeal to the
SUNDAY STAR. Here then is the EXCLUSIVE story, as told by Mr Myers.
n be las a fact, that mous arity, ihood ing in ; have e must 1 tele ying a la ss b
est delany hear rks, last hich had etrirnal ave ire I ect <des. ular 2 a our ibl
y lied i in yes.
y go
Death wagon ordeal
L O O K IN G back over th o se terrib le weeks m ost o f the tim e Hat on my back
w ith my h an d s tied I w ould say th a t the m ost difficult th in g to b ear
w as the inactivity. I could only th in k o f d eath , w hich w as starin g m e
in the face. I m ade m yself th in k o f the h ap p y tim es I had h ad , but I
kept th in k in g o f my life as grains o f sand in an h o u r-g lass; I had no
idea how m uch tim e I h ad left.
The kidnap had clearly been planned meticulously. As I was taking my usual eveni
ng stroll with the dog, a rather welldressed man came up to me and asked me to d
irect him to the local church hall. I was just turning round to point up the roa
d when a wet cloth was pressed over my nose . . . that was the last I knew until
I came to in the back of a large van of some kind. It was only after I realised
we were moving that 1 remembered what had happened. Still groggy from the chlor
o form 1 tried to sit up, but I was firmly strapped to a narrow bed. As soon as w
e stopped, the back door was thrown open and in jumped two men. The light of the
ir torches blinded me, but as I got used to it I recognised the man who had stop
ped me in the street. 1 felt that he was sneering at me, and as the days went by
, I discovered that Jamesas he was knownwas the most heartless, cal culating person
I had ever had the misfortune to meet. I immediately asked what they meant to d
o with me, to which he replied that it all depended on whether my company would
pay the ransom money. 1 asked to be allowed to get in
f( ||| |j | |j t
|g| 1
Turn to Page 6 Column 5

From Page 2
35 touch with my wife, as I knew she would
When James returned, he was carrying
6 0 a small cassette recorder. With thinlyveiled sarcasm he asked me if I would mind reading a short typed message to my f
irm, be terribly worried, and it was then that I explaining my situation, and de
manding found out just how nasty James was. Feel a substantial ransom for my rele
ase. Once free, he said, and got out o f the van, 65 again, I begged to be permit
ted to make a chuckling to himself at his little joke. 40 recording to send to m
y wife, and you can 1 suddenly had what 1 thought was a imagine how my heart san
k when he told brilliant idea. For several years I have been me that the only th
ing my wife might taking pills for my heart, so 1 decided to receive was my wedd
ing ring- with my feign an attack. Breathing heavily and 70 finger still in it.
clutching my throat, I shouted that I was 45 having a heart-attack. and that 1 n
eeded By this time I was beginning to feel the call o f nature, and I asked if I c
ould use my pills. You can imagine my surprise the toilet. James agreed readily,
lifted w hen James came in with a glass o f water, down a plastic bucket from t
he side o f the and a bottle o f my special pills. How long 75 van. and untied m
y legs. They refused to had they been keeping tabs on me. I 50 wondered, to know
so much about my leave me alone even for a couple of minutes . . . my humiliati
on and de personal life? Having given me the pills, moralisation were complete. J
ames told his accomplice to let me have something to eat while he arranged things
. The second part of George Myers As, in the position 1 was in, 1 couldnt 55 mo
ve, 1 asked them to untie me, and to let dramatic story w ill be in next me use
my hands. The accomplice undid week s SUNDAY STAR. Make sure the straps that kep
t me tied to the bed. but you don t miss it. ORDER YOUR he wouldn t free my hand
Exercises on the text
VOCABULARY F ind words or phrases in th e text th a t m ean: a) extrem ely caref
ully b) w ith very u n clear thoughts (because of alcohol or drugs) c) d) e) J)
g) h) having no feelings u npleasant (of a person) laughing softly p reten d som
eone w ho helps (usually in a crime) the feeling th at you have lost your dignit
T A L K IN G P O IN T S Say w hether the following statem ents about the text ar
e true or false. I f you think the answ er is false, give y our reasons. a) T h
e kidnappers w an ted to know w here the church hall was. b) Jam e s h ad an u n
pleasant sense o f hum our. c) T h ey would n ot let M yers send a message to hi
s wife. d) M yers needed his pills. e) Jam e s w anted to cu t off M yers ring fi
nger. J) T h ey let M yers have som ething to eat. g) T h ey let M yers go out t
o the lavatory. h) T h ey ordered M yers to read a p rep ared statem ent.

3 W R IT IN G P O IN T S Answer the following questions w ith com plete sentence
s. a) W h a t did M yers usually do in the evenings ? b) W ho stopped M yers an
d asked him the w ay to the church hall? c) W here was the bed th a t M yers was
strapped to? d) W hy was M yers surprised w hen Ja m e s b rought the pills ?
4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S

a) b) c) d) e)
H e in line 32 refers to . . . W h a t m om ent is referred to by th e n in line 3
6 ? W h a t does it refer to in line 32 ? W ho is h e in line 53 ? . . . those terri
ble weeks (line 1). W hich terrible weeks?
5 SUM M ARY W O R K a) W h a t does M yers ask for perm ission to do in the stor
y? b) C hange each of the incidents from 5 a w ith the k id n ap p ers answers ba
ck into dialogue form.
| Revision-test
1 In the following sentences, com plete the blanks and p u t the correct form of
the words in the brackets. a) W ould it b e ____ for you (come) an d see me on T
h u rsd ay evening? b) I m afraid I ____ T h u rsd ay , b u t I (love) to come som
e oth er d a y . c) (Come) you on M o n d ay ? I d like you to m eet the m a n ____
was at J e f f s p a rty . d) T h a t sounds a good idea. W ould you (in te re st)
____ com ing w ith me som etim e next w eek? e) I (be) delighted. I w an t to see
th a t p l a y ____ has h ad such good reviews. (10 marks) 2 R earran g e the ord
er o f the following w ords to m ake sentences. a) th in k /M ars/o n /m ay /lif
e /to /its/th ere/exciting/be/that. b) isnt/su re /w e/o n /life/M ars/lan d ed /m
an /th ere/can t/b e /th a t/u n til/ there / has. (2 marks) 3 W rite sentences:
a) asking som eone to m eet you next F riday b) asking someone for advice ab o
u t w here to study b) giving your opinion ab o u t w here to study d) telling s
omeone th a t you will not be able to m eet them on F riday (8 marks) ( T o ta l
: 20 marks)

c | Permission
1 In the passage you have ju st read, M yers often asks to be allowed to do thin
gs; we often use to be not allowed to to say w hat we cannot do.
exam ple
You are not allowed to park on a doubleyellow line.
Below are signs in a park. Say w hat you (im personal) are not allowed to do the
2 W hen we talk ab o u t perm ission we say w hat we could/could not do, and w h
at we can /can n o t do. Below are some ways o f saying this. a) Describes w het
her we could or not
allow X to DO . . . (Will not allow X to DO . . .) (Will not let X D O . . .) .
f allowed ) to be < . , > to DO . . . ) permitted j
b) Describes the
o f saying yes or no
give X permission to DO . . . (Will not give X permission to DO . . . ) to be 1
^ en I permission to DO . . . ) reiused j r
a . R e-w rite the following sentences starting w ith the words given. Use langu
age from ( a) an d ( b) above.

Y esterday M a ry s fath er said she could stay out late. M a ry s father gave her
permission to stay out late. N ow do these in the sam e way. a) A t the Zoo we
w anted to feed the anim als. A notice said, Do N ot Feed the A nim als. W e _____
_______________________________________________________ b) Y esterday A n ita w
an ted to go to the cinem a w ith h er friend. H er father d id n t say no. A n i
ta s father __________________________________________________ c) Y esterday F re
d s boss said he could take the day off work to go to his sisters w edding. F re
d s boss _____________________________________________________ d) F red s boss tol
d J a k e (F red s friend) th a t J a k e couldnt have the day off to go to his fr
ien d s sisters w edding. J a k e ________________________________________________
____________ e) T rain ers o f horses c a n t give th eir horses stim ulating dru
gs before races. T rain ers ____________________________________________________
W hen Jim was in the arm y, there w ere a lot o f things he could not do, and so
me he could. M ake sentences using the inform ation below ab o u t w hat you thi
nk he could/could not do. S ta rt your sentences in one o f the ways suggested.
Smoke d u rin g lectures. Go out drinking. T ak e his girlfriend back to the cam
p. Be absent w ithout permission. Play cards for m oney in the cam p. Go on lea
ve. T ell the sergeant w h at he th o u g h t of him .
W hen J im was in the arm y . . . O ne night the s e rg e a n t. . . T h e s e r
g e a n t. . .
C an you think of oth er things th a t soldiers can /can n o t do in the arm y?
3 W hen we ask ab o u t perm ission we re p o rt our questions in the following
if X could D O . . . X asked - to be allow ed to D O . . . for perm ission to D
O . . .
an d we rep o rt the answ er to o ur question in the following ways
refused ) j let X D O . . . agreed J t0 [ allow X to D O . . .
and by using expressions from 2 (above)

U sing the language above, change the following into reported speech.
Isa b e l: Y ou c a n t borrow m y pen, R o b e rt. Isabel refused to let Robert bo
rrow her pen. Now do the same w ith the following. a) G loria: C an I leave the c
lass early, please? T each er: N o . b) F r e d : C an I have m y holidays in S ep t
em b er? F red s boss: Yes, o f course you c a n . c) P au la: C an I have a p erm it
to stay in the country for three m onths longer? Im m igration official: You c a
n t stay in the country any longer unless you are a full-tim e stu d en t. 4 D ian
a Close, of Coastal T .V ., took a film crew abroad to m ake a docum entary. Be
low is the film schedule she had planned.
Sub j e c t : Monday
S c h e d u le f o r : C i
A.M. P.M.
M ilitary
P h^adeT uesday
. m.
I n te r v ie w
p r e s id e d
P.M. S e o o i A d a r y ScW ool q A a ss . l^ te W r e i/O
p ri v \o p a l; W ednesday
A.M. VisiV- - t o u r is t r<esorh. \I\sitP.M. PotvKcal r a l ly o n q q n ise
d b^| -the. <0 o v / e K? Mr v v e n^. Mi r v i s f - e r JuSnog. a . m. X^t^rvi
evO f o r m e r p r e s \ cJewf-.
tv\eaha { V^tQSprhat]pr i So*- v P < ^ r> -i .
T h u rsd ay
P.M. ^E.\/,eiMAA) C -la ss.\c o .\ .r w o sic c c n c e r r . s o f cxxxcXi cjl
W hen Close and the film crew reached the country, they found th a t there were
some things they could do (the governm ent of the country said they could), and
some things they could not. D iana Close crossed out the things in the schedule
th at they could not do. U sing the permission language you have studied, im agi
ne th a t you are D ian a Close telling your boss w hat you asked to do, and w h
at you could/ could not do.

We asked fo r permission to film the parade on Monday, and we wanted to include
pictures o f the soldiers training. Well, we were allowed to film the parade, bu
t they refused to let us watch the soldiers training.
Resourcesfile references
1 A2 caption a)
2 A2 caption b)
| Sentence construction
e in this sentence from the text, an infinitive is used ra th e r th a n a relat
ive clause. T h e most difficult th in g to bear (T he m ost difficult thing whi
ch I had to bear) was the inactivity. (Line 2) T his structure often occurs as a
w ay o f avoiding defining relative clauses w hich either contain the verbs mus
t, can, could, should, have to, and need or define preceding superlatives (the b
iggest, the only, thefirst, etc.)
i) M r Myers has a lot o f letters ... li
which he must answer, to answer.
, ( who was caught) ~ 1 he last one < , , >was fames. [to be caught j (K)
1 C hange the sentences w hich follow, using an infinitive as illustrated above.
a) T h e best w ay in w hich you can learn things is by actually doing them you
rself. b) T h e first people you should go to w hen you need help are your frien
ds. c) T enzing and H illary were the first m en w ho clim bed Everest. d) Sorry
I c a n t come earlier b u t I have a lot o f arrangem ents w hich I have to m a
ke. e) O n e o f the problem s in some u rb a n areas is th a t children have no
parks w hich they can play in. f ) C an you im agine an y th in g so frustratin
g a bottle of wine and nothing w hich I could open it w ith? g) T h ere is no w
ay w hich could p rev en t the disease from spreading. 2 M anchester is trying t
o encourage m ore tourists who visit L ondon to m ake the jo u rn e y n o rth .
T h ey have p rin ted the following inform ation sheet to be h an d ed ou t a t
airports and m ajor stations.

TO THE GCE . you w a n t to v -c o s t homo ts.-Send for

BlO W . ng :
a va ila ble M ircas i n : cco (infancy am m arca fritin g Q ok-k aa p in g tman
S c rip t Couraaa
a a a a
H i s t o r i c p l a c e s ! F r i e n d ly p e o p l e !
LOW PRICE ACCOMMODATION From London TRAIN 2j hours 13.00 (ret.) BUS 4j hours 5.00
RCP 29
* * R C P29 ,i7 4PF
js ,
M o o r g a te ,
i t > ro fA .B.C.C.
Cathedral Northern Art Gallery over 20 cinemas Library Theatre Halle Orchestra R
estaurants to suit all tastes and pockets
Further information The Manchester Bureau King s Square, London SW1 (near Victor
ia Station) Accommodation arranged if desired
Use the above inform ation to m ake sentences like the following exam ple I f yo
u want to meetfriendly people, the place to stay is Manchester.
| Structure
the following two sentences from the text a i) Breathing heavily an d clutching
m y throat, / shouted th at I was having a heart-attack . (11. 43-45) b i) Havin
g given me the pills, James told his accom plice to let me have som ething to ea
t. (11. 51-53) In speech, we w ould probably express the same ideas as follows a
ii) I started to b reath e heavily, clutched m y th ro at, and shouted . . . b
ii) W hen h ed given me the pills, Jam es told his accom plice . . . Breathing an
d clutching are both know n as p r e s e n t p a r t i c i p l e s . Having give
n is w h at is know n as a p e r f e c t p a r t i c i p l e . Perfect participl

es are rare in norm al spoken English, as are present participles, except w hen
they replace relative clauses. For exam ple, Jam es p rob ab ly said to M yers (
sarcastically) W ould you m ind reading this typed message to your firm w hich ex
plains I , . . , . , . . r > the situation you re in r

N ote 1 W e only use the p e r f e c t p a r t i c i p l e if it is necessary to
show clearly that one actionfinished before the other one started. If the w rit
er had used a present p articip le in (bi), how w ould the m eaning have changed
? N ote 2 T h e subject o f the p articip le m ust be the sam e as the subject o
f the m ain clause. F o r exam ple, this sentence w ould be im possible: Walkin
g through the park, theflowers were beautiful, since it w ould m ean th a t the
flowers w ere w alking th ro u g h the p a r k ! 1 W hen G eorge M yers was rele
ased, he gave a press conference. H e questioned p articu larly ab o u t his fee
lings both d u rin g his captivity since his release. U sing a present or perfec
t participle, com bine following pairs o f sentences to show how the new spaper
rep o rted interview .
was and the the
I th o u g h t they w ould kill m e if I tried to escape, so I never tried . i) Th
inking they w ould kill him if he tried to escape, he h ad never tried. I never h
eard the accom plices nam e, so I d o n t know w ho he w as. ii) Never having heard
the accom plices nam e, he d id n t know w ho he was. a) I realised very early on
th a t they w ere such heartless people, so I did noth in g to antagonise th em
. b) I tried to reason w ith Jam e s once or twice, b u t I gave up because it cle
arly h ad no effect w hatsoever. c) I sometimes looked a t Jam e s an d realised w
hat greed for m oney could do to people. d) I was very close to d ea th at times,
an d I now know how m uch I value life. e) I spent 14 days in captivity an d now
I am looking forw ard to a long rest. 2 L ast n ight you w ent to a circus. U sin
g present an d perfect participles, w rite sentences a b o u t the following thi
ngs a) T h e clowns b) T h e lion-tam er c) T h e trapeze artist d) A n elephant
th a t got out o f control e) T h e tight-rope w alker (R)
| Topic vocabulary
H ere are some m ore com m on adjectives ab o u t peoples personalities. F ind ou
t w h at each one m eans, using a dictionary or an y o th er source. a) g o o d
-n atu re d ; b ad -tem p ered b) g o o d -h u m o u red ; cheerful

c) d) e) f) g) easy-going severe; strict sy m p ath etic; unsym pathetic unselfi
sh; selfish (self-centred) co n sid erate; inconsiderate h) i) j) k) I) generous
; m ean w ell-m an n ered ; ill-m annered self-confident m odest; conceited hard
-hearted (K)
2 A w om an is gossiping to her next-door neighbour ab o u t an elderly m arried
couple she know s, an d ab o ut their personalities. U sing only words from the
list above, com plete the blanks, according to the explanations she gives eithe
r before or afterwards. W ell, yesterday, I m et old M rs Jones. Lovely old lady
she is - always cheerful an d helpful - ever so ( a) w hich is m ore th an I can
say about th a t h u sband o f hers. H e s so (b) , arguing and shouting and com
plaining all the time. A nd I th o ught m y husband was ( c) until I saw the w
ay he holds on to his m oney! N ot th a t she worries or com plains. I ve never k
nown anyone so (d) . But h e s really ( e) , I m ean he never thinks ab o u t her
or w h at she w ants. H e s got no feelings at all, the (f) old d e v il! T h e
y re ju st so different - if you tell her ab o u t your problem s, she listens an
d tries to u n d erstan d and gives you advice, you know, very (g) . A nd its onl
y because of her th a t their children have turned out so polite and charm ing such (h) young people! He ju st gave them discipline, told them w hat they cou
ld n t do, like some ( l) schoolm aster. Still, M rs Jones keeps smiling and h ap
p y I d o n t think I d be th at (j) , m arried to him ! 3 T ake ten other words fr
om the original list of vocabulary and try to think o f people who you know th a
t you could apply them to. T h en w rite ten sentences about them , showing fro
m the context w hy you can use th at w ord to describe them .
| W riting tasks
150-200 words
1 W rite a com position ab o u t a teacher who once tau g h t you. You should tr
y to include some of the ch aracter vocabulary you have been studying, and some
permission language. S tart your com position w ith the w o rd s: O n e teacher w
ho I will never forget was 2 O P T IO N BO X a) A n u nfortunate experience at
the customs. b) A jo u rn e y th a t took longer th a n expected. c) M y grandm
Resourcesfile references
1 A1 caption a)
2 D1 caption a)

JULIA ELLIOTT discusses the English love of pets and makes some suggestions.
A nation of pet-lovers
5 10 15 A RECENT survey in the United States showed that the average family ther
e spent more money on its pets than on its children. Although this is a rather s
hocking statistic, it should not surprise anyone who has seen the doggy beauty p
arlours or the quiet shady groves where loved pets of all varieties are laid to
rest for ever. It is possible that the Americans are unique in treating their l
ittle friends in this way, but what information we do have would suggest that th
e English, too, are slavish in their attentions to the whims of their pets. This
can clearly be seen when we look at pet foods, which often contain more vitamin
s than human food or, at least, are seldom less nutritious. They certainly cost
as much. Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on pet fo
od alone, to say nothing of veterinary brlls and animal furniture. It is difficu
lt not to feel resentful about this when one considers what the same amount coul
d do for victims of starvation and poverty, and so it is not unusual for me to g
et hot under the collar when I read about another old person who
major problem. Animals can 50 cause disease, too. It is the threat of rabiesa dis
ease with no known cure -that has made the English government impose strict rest
rictions on animals 55 coming into the United King dom. When the Spanish govern me
nt recently destroyed a num ber of stray dogs as protection against the same thre
at, English 60 tourists immediately wrote letters to the newspapers com plaining
about mass murder . Another problem is the care lessness o f some pet owners. 65 M
ost little children want a dog or a cat, and they continually pester their mothe
rs and fathers until they get one. It is only when the "sweet little thing has
70 been brought home that the parents realise how much time and money must be sp
ent on Rover or "Bonzo. At this point many of them abandon 75 it. This brings me
to my last point. Pets which are allowed to run free are often not sweet at all.
English farmers lose hun dreds o f sheep a year, killed by 80 someone s pet pood
le or dachs has left all his/her money to a hund, and you must have read dog or c
at home. of children being mauled by There are a variety o f reasons pet alsatio
ns or even tigers. why I, personally, find the You may think that I dislike 4 0
popularity of British pets alarm 8 5 all pets, but this is not true at ing. Among
other things they all. I would only suggest that cause physical problems. An we
have got our priorities wrong example of this is New York and that something sh
ould be where they have great difficulty done about it. For example, the 45 gett
ing rid of the mess that dogs 9 0 authorities clearly have a leave on the street
s. Many responsibility to introduce people find this funny, but in a stricter pe
nalties for pet-owners number o f large cities it is a whose animals savage live
stock or harm little children. This 9 5 might deter them from being so careless.
Surely it would be a good idea, too, if we made dog licences more expensive. Th
e increased revenue from them 100 could be used for many needy causes. As far as
I m concerned, it s time we stopped being senti mental about pets. I can see no
1 0 5 reason, for example, why we should get upset when animals are cut up for m
edical experi ments. If this will lead us to discovering cures for serious 110 hu
man diseases, then I say. keep cutting! support the Dr Hadwen We are a nation of
pet-lovers. Trust for Humane Research Wouldn t it be better to be . lovers of h
help encourage experiments


| Exercises
the text
1 VOCABULARY F ind words or phrases in the text th a t m ean: a) scientifically
collected fact or figure b) buried c) tiny parts o f food, necessary for health
d) good for people as food e) upset or angry ab o u t som ething th a t has happ
ened f ) dogs w hich ru n freely g) ask annoyingly again and again h) badly h u
rt i) order o f im portance j ) attack and h u rt badly 2 T A L K IN G P O IN T
S Say w hether the following statem ents about the text are true or false. I f y
ou think the answer is false, give your reasons. a) M ost A m erican families se
em to be m ore concerned ab o u t their pets th an their children. b) T h e w ri
ter thinks th a t old people usually leave their m oney to homes for pets w hen
they die. c) New Y orks problem s am use J u lia Elliott. d) L ittle children oft
en ab an d o n their pets. e) J u lia Elliott suggests th a t the authorities sh
ould give pet-ow ners harsher punishm ent if their anim als cause dam age. J) J
u lia Elliott thinks we have stopped being sentim ental about pets. g) J u lia E
lliott does not feel u n h ap p y about experim ents on anim als. 3 W R IT IN G
P O IN T S Answer the following questions w ith com plete sentences. a) H ow doe
s J u lia Elliott think m oney spent on pets could be b etter used? b) W hy does
J u lia Elliott think th a t people should not be surprised at the w ay A m eri
can people spend m oney on pets? 4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S a) W h at d o
e s this refer to in line 5? b) W h at are they in line 22, an d w h at does as m u c
h in line 23 refer to? c) W h at is this in line 29? d) W ho or w hat is it in line
75? e) W h at is it th a t som ething should be done about in lines 88/89? 5 SUM
M ARY W O R K a) M ake a list o f the four reasons the w riter gives for being
alarm ed at the popularity of British pets.


b) c) M a k e a lis t o
. I m a g in e th a t y
f pets, a n d th a t in
tio n th ese d an gers.
t, w rite th e

f t h e c h a n g e s t h e w r i t e r s u g g e s t s
o u are w r itin g a r ep o rt o n th e d a n g e r s o
your short in tr o d u c tio n you m ust b riefly m e n
T a k in g y o u r in fo rm a tio n o n ly from th e tex

in t r o d u c t io n in n o t m o r e th a n 8 0 w o r d s.
| Revision-test
1 C om plete the blanks, an d p u t the correct form of the words in brackets. a
) (Breathe) heavily, an d (gasp) in the hot air, Jam es clim bed the steps to hi
s bungalow . b) Jam es h a d been told th a t the bungalow was the perfect place
(spend) the h o lid a y ____ he took early this year. c) I t was the w eath er
____ m ade him happiest, an d in fact he felt alm o st____ instead o f depressed
as he norm ally did. d) It was only right th a t h e ____ have a holiday, becau
se he (work) very h ard th a t year. (8 marks) 2 P u t the following into rep o
rted speech. T e ach er: I w onder if I could take F rid ay off. M y wifes parent
s are arriving at H eath ro w after th eir holiday in Greece. P rin c ip a l: I m
afraid th a t w o n t be possible. (4 marks) 3 W rite sentences using the follow
ing words. a) shop-soiled b) to hire c) to take p a rt in d) unsym pathetic
4 P u t the following words in the correct ord er to m ake sentences.
(4 marks)
a) fath er/p erm issio n /h im /Jo h n s/car/th e/to /g av e/b o rro w b) girlfri
ends/realised/he/driving/house/tow ards/his/suddenly/ w allet/had/he/forgotten/hi
s (2 m arks) 5 W rite a sentence ab o u t w h at you could/could not do at schoo
l, using perm ission language. (2 marks) (T o tal: 20 marks)
c I Suggesting courses of action
1 L o o k a t th e fo llo w in g w a y s o f m a k in g su g g e stio n s, s o m
e o f w h ic h a p p e a r in th e text.

I w ould suggest D O IN G (Surely) it w ould be* a good idea if X D I D W ouldn t
it b e t good if X D I D (Surely) X could D O I w ould (only) suggest th a t X
should D O (ratherform at) X clearly has the responsibility to D O (ratherform a
l: strong) It is tim e X D ID (strong) * O th er phrases can be used here, e.g.
. . . more sensible, advantageous. t O th er words or phrases can be used here,
e.g. safer, sensible, more intelligent, etc.
a. Traffic has becom e a m ajor problem in most big cities. Below are some sugge
stions for solving the problem . a) Surely/good idea/in crease/tax on petrol b)
I/suggest/ban cars/city centres c) I t is tim e/encourage people/use public tran
sport d) Surely/streets/m ade into pedestrian precincts e) I t is tim e/ban cars
/city centres J) W o u ld n t/sensible/im prove public transport g) T h e authori
ties/responsibility/im prove public transport h) I/suggest/people/stop driving/w
ork i) T h e governm ent/responsibility/build b etter ring roads j) Surely city
councils/ban cars/city centres
b. T h e
rising crim e rate in E ng lan d has w orried m any people. Below are different
suggestions from different people. Form sentences by starting w ith the words in
brackets. a) M ore psychiatric help for crim inals (T he prison authorities) b)
Prisons less com fortable (Surely) c) Police should be arm ed (I w ould only su
ggest) d) Bring back the d eath p enalty (T he governm ent) e) Recognise th a t
crim inals - products of society (It is time)
Now com plete the following in sim ilar ways. f ) S tricter penalties for first
offenders g) Stop treatin g crim inals like anim als h) M agistrates should stop
being so lenient i) T h e police force - m ade larger W h at suggestions can yo
u think o f to help low er the crim e rate? 2 In England, every houseow ner pays
m oney to the local council. This m oney is called R ates. O n page 33 is a diagr
am showing how a typical city council spent the rates in one year. T h e figures
are in millions of pounds. a. U sing the inform ation, im agine th a t you are
planning the city councils budget for the following year, m a k e s u g g e s t i
o n s about the am ount of

_________________________ SUGGESTIONS
m oney to be spent, and the w ay to spend it. In p articu lar, m a k e ab o u t
how m uch should be spent on Social Services, and w h at exactly th a t m oney s
hould be spent on.
su g g e st io n s
s o c ia l s e r v ic e s in c lu d e h elp for old p eo p le
ren an d fam ilies w ith p rob lem s, h om es, etc., for ill
d isab led , d a y nurseries, m eals taken to eld erly p eo p
s, etc. t r a n s p o r t m eans subsidies to lo ca l bus com

, h elp for ch ild

an d m e n ta lly
le in their h om e
p an ies.

b. A t the end of your discussion, you should fill in the following charts.
B l IK ,F T
KI31 CATION_____________________________________________________
P O L IC E _______________
R O A D S _______________
HIRE S E R V IC E _______
I R A N S P O R T _________

3 M ake suggestions ab o u t the following. a) T h e problem o f nicotine addict
ion. H ow can we get people to stop smoking? b) T h e problem o f pollution in s
ome big cities. H ow can w e solve this problem ?
Resourcesfile references
1) A1 caption c)
2) G1 caption a)
| Sentence construction
You may think that I dislike all pets
E X P R E S S IN G C O N T R A S T S A N D C O N C E S S IO N Look at the follow
ing sentence from the text.
this is not true at all H ere are other ways o f expressing the sam e idea o f c
In spite of -NOUN Despite A lthough In spite o f the fact th at Despite the fact
th a t
In spite o f the rain he wentfo r a walk. [Although ) . ,,r,, <T . r , r , > itwa
sraim ne, he went tor a walk. [In spite of thefact that j 1 Som eone w ho read J
u lia E lliots article did not com pletely agree w ith w hat she said. M ake the
following sentences w hich the reader m ight have used in her letter to the pap
er ab o u t the article.
Elliotts point Some old people leave their m oney to dogs homes
Readers point Dogs homes are still short of m oney
Although Julia Elliott says that some old people leave their money to dogs homes,
these homes are still short o f money. Now do the same with the following.

Elliotts point a) R abies is a dangerous disease w ith no know n cure Readers poin
t I t is not a th re a t because o f im p o rt restrictions
----------------- IN SPITE OF T H E FACT T H A T < ---------b) I d o n t dislike pets
E llio tts article shows a great prejudice against pet-ow ners
------------------------------------> D ESPITE TH E FACT T H A T <
c) T h e irresponsibility o f some pet-ow ners
------------------------------------- d e s p i t e
I t w ould be unfair to send these pet-ow ners to prison
*----------------------------d) T h e benefits we get from experim enting on anim als
E xperim enting on anim als is in h u m an e an d sickening
------------------------------------------------------------* in s p it e o f <
2 R ead the following story. Tw o m onths ago I bought this fridge. V ery expensi
ve it was too. But I ve had nothing bu t trouble from it. For a start the c o l d
c o n t r o l d id n t work. I set it at m ed iu m and it froze everything - I ha
d to pu t my b u tte r on the stove to thaw it out. I phoned the com pany, b u t
nobody cam e. After I d w aited a week I w rote them a letter, b u t still nobod
y cam e. A fter phoning again (with no result) I w ent round to see them , and t
hey sent a m an round. H e said h e d fixed it, bu t it still d id n t work. T he
fridge has got a guarantee, b u t they still sent me a bill. Im agine th a t all
these things h appened to you, and m ake statem ents of contrast and concession
w hich you m ight use in a letter to the com pany.
In spite o f thefact that thefridge was very expensive, it has caused a lot o f
| Structure and style
F O C U S A N D ID E N T IF IC A T IO N In the following sentence, the w riter i
s trying to focus the re a d e rs attention on one aspect the th re a t of rabies.
It is the threat o f rabies . . . that has made the English government impose s
trict restrictions . . . (1. 50 54)

T h e re ad e rs atten d o n is focused by the p attern It is . . . t h a t . . .
This is a very com m on p a ttern in both ( informal) and (form at) style if we
w ant to .. ., r . . . . e it h e r : 1) lo cu s a tte n tio n o n a p a r tic
u la r p o in t o r: ii) clarify who or w hat is referred to.
EXAMPLES i) I d i d n t r e m e m b e r h i m u n t i l h e g a v e h i s n a m e
, ( n o r m a l )
nt until , ,. T , , , . , , , , } he gave his name t h
h i m . ( f o c u s ) only when) * v ii) T h a n k you
so quickly. D o n t thank m e ; th an k G illian .
illian < [ f you should thank, not m e . ( c l a r i
f iT w a s < ) it w a s

a t
( n
f i

1 r e m
o r m a
c a t i

e m
l )
o n

b e r e d
work done
j ( who) i t s G
) { ( that

R e-w rite the following sentences, focusing atten tio n or clarifying the w ord
or phrase in italics.
I d id n t m eet Tim on S aturday, I m et M ike. It wasnt T im | I m et on S aturd
ay, it was M ike.
a) D id M a rth a bring her h u sband w ith her yesterday? No, she cam e w ith Shei
la Lloyd. b) Sheila w ent to school w ith m y sister. c) D id n t herfam ily em igrat
e to A u stralia? d) Yes, th a ts right. In fact we did nt know until we saw her th
a t she was back in this co u n try . e) I h ear she gave young D avid a toy koala
b e a r. No, she d id n t give it to David , she gave it to A lan . f ) She brought
this boomerang for D av id . g) A ny new s? Yes, shes m arried, but shed been w ith us
for a couple of hours before she told us. (Use . . . only after a couple of hour
s) h) Som eone she m et out th e re? W ell in fact she m et him in New Zealand. 2 R
ead the following Bob D ylan poem .
sim p l e t w ist of fate
T hey sat together in the park As the evening sky grew d a r k ; She looked at h
im an d he felt a spark T ingle to his bones. Tw as then he felt alone A nd wishe
d th a t h e d gone straight A nd w atched out for a simple twist of fate.
* T h e same rules for relatives apply here as in U n it 2,
s e n t e n c e c o n s t r u c t io n .

T h ey w alked along by the old canal A little confused, I rem em ber well, A nd
stopped into a strange hotel W ith a neon b u rn in g bright. H e felt the h ea
t o f the night H it him like a freight tra in , M oving w ith a sim ple twist
o f fate. A saxophone som eplace far off played As she was w alking by the arca
de. As the light burst th ro u g h a beat-u p shade W here he was w aking up, Sh
e d ro p p ed a coin into a cup O f a b lind m an a t the gate A nd forgot ab o
u t a sim ple twist o f fate. H e hears the ticking of the clocks A nd walks alo
ng w ith a p arro t th a t ta lk s; H u n ts h er dow n by the w aterfront docks
W here the sailors all come in. M aybe shell pick him out again. H ow long m ust
he w ait O n e m ore tim e for a sim ple twist o f fate? N ow correct the follo
wing statem ents, w here necessary, using the p a tte rn it was . . .
exam ple
A saxophone was playing nearby. No, it wasfa r off that it was playing.
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)
H e sat w ith h er in a p ark one m orning. H e felt a spark w hen he looked a t
her. T h ey stayed at a hotel they knew. T h e story took place on a cool eveni
ng. T h e h eat hit him like an express train. She gave a blind m an a 10-dollar
note. H e walks aro u n d an d talks to his p arrot. H e hunts for her by a can
al. T h e sailors all com e in a t the w aterfront docks.
| Topic vocabulary

O D AND H EA LTH 1 Below are words or phrases connected w ith food and drink.
ind out w hat they m ean, using a dictio n ary or any o th er source. a) a d
t; to go on a d ie t; to be on a diet b) a healthy / u n h ealth y / varied /
ell-balanced / calorie-controlled + diet

c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) p a u n c h ; to p u t on w e ig h t; o bese; obesity u
n d ern o u rish ed ; w ell-nourished; to slim ; m alnutrition to sta rv e ; sta
rvation h arv e st; to h a rv e st; c ro p ; yield fam in e; drought food su rp
lu s; to hoard food fertilisers; pesticides health foods; v eg etarian ism ; veg
etarian (K)
Substitute one of the above words or phrases for the parts of the following sent
ences w hich are in italics. a) Last week M ary stopped eating so much because s
he w anted to get thinner. b) She was incrediblyfa t, and she h ad been gettingf
atter andfatter. c) She lives in a country th at last year suffered a seriousfoo
d shortage. d) H er husband, a farm er, was recently badly affected by a lack o
f water. e) H e doesnt believe in using chemicals which stimulate growth, f H e i
s a. person who doesnt eat meat.
| W riting tasks
2 0 0 -2 5 0 w ord s
1 W rite a new spaper article
od shortage. In the first h a
nd in the second suggest ways
ight help. T h e headline for

ab o u t the grow ing problem of a

lf of the article you should state
o f overcom ing it. Below are some
the article is n o s e c o n d h e

w orld-w ide fo
the problem , a
notes w hich m
l p i n g ,

O verp o p u latio n - less food for each person - less lan d for farm ing - exh
austion of n atu ra l resources O verconsum ption (particularly rich countries)
- less food Pollution, environm ental destruction 2 O P T IO N B O X a) Smoking,
an easy w ay to com m it suicide. b) People do not take enough exercise. c) Lon
eliness is the old-age pensioners most dangerous enemy. Resourcesfile references
1 C 1 caption b) 2 El caption a)

In the light of the case of Khalem Darubi, still awaiting the result of his appe
al to the Immigration Appeal Tribunal, BERNARD FOX looks at the immigration law
s of this country.

5 10 15 20 If you are a man, and the woman you want to marry is settled in the U
nited Kingdom, you may find it extremely difficult to enter this country. The Im
migration Act states: Husbands and fiances are admitted for settlement only in e
xceptional circum stances and must hold entry clearances for that purpose. This i
s the problem Mr Darubi faces. If, however, the situation had been the other way
round there might have been less of a problem, for a woman whose fiance is a ma
n who has settled in this country will normally be given permission to enter the
country for three months, and she can then ask for the time limit to be removed
after she has got married. Visitors to this country are normally admitted for s
ix months, but foreign students can usually stay for one. year. They must attend
a bona fide educational institution, and they are required to studv for a minim
um o f fifteen hours a week oh a daytime course. Prospective students have to sh
ow that they can afford their studies, and that they have sufficient financial r
esources to support themselves while in this country. Another exception to the s
ix-month norm is that of au pair girls, who are given "limited leave" of two yea
rs. But in general, visitors are only admitted for half a year, and only on the
understanding that they have come for pleasure, not work. In order to work here
the foreigner needs a work permit, which must be applied for by his prospective
employer. The problem here is that the Department o f Employ ment has the right t
o grant or refuse these permits, and there is little that can be done 45 50 55 6
0 about it; it would be extremely unwise for a foreign visitor to work w ithout
a perm it, since anyone doing so is liable to im m ediate deportation. There are
some exceptions to this rule, most notably people from the Com m on M arket cou
ntries, who are entitled to work without permits, and who are o fte n given tem
porary residence permits of up to five years. Some other people, such as doctors
, foreign journalists, authors and others, can w ork w ithout permits, and forei
gn students are norm ally allowed to take part-tim e jobs while they are studyin
g here. The problem with the Act is not ju st that some of its rules are u n fai
rwhy should M r D arubi not be allowed into the co u n try?but the way it is adm i
nistered, and the people who adm inister it. The first person a visitor to these
shores meets is an im m igration official, and it is he, or she, who has the po
wer to stop him coming into the country. If this happens the visitor has the rig
ht to appeal first to an Inspector, and then to the Im m igration Appeal Tribuna
l. While the appeals are being considered, the visitor has no choice but to wait
in a detention centre, sometimes for quite a long time. Few appeals are success
ful. Critics of the law say th at im m igration officials treat the confused vis
itors badly, and appear to accept or reject them for no apparent reason. W hiche
ver side o f the political fence you are on, there seems to be an urgent need fo
r a good look at the Act, for it causes frequent argum ent, and in the eyes o f
many, real injustice.
Twe o f the fit beautifu transfer R a i l . . i, service acknov experts! sue! fiv
e st. Italian Asl call us CITs 1 remem GUAF SUM!> ITAL can af


| Exercises on the text

1 VOCABULARY Find words or phrases in the text th a t m ean: a) has m ade his or
her hom e in a place b) m an who has agreed to m arry c) taken aw ay, cancelled
d) likely in the future e) enough f ) being m ade to leave the country against
your wishes g) allow ed by right or law h) p u t into practice, organise, m anag
e i) th o ught about j) people who disagree or dislike som ething 2 T A L K IN G
P O IN T S Say w hether the following statem ents about the text are true or fa
lse. If you think the answ er is false, give your reasons. a) M r D arubi w ants
to jo in his fiancee in England. b) W om en w ishing to m arry residents of the
U nited K ingdom have fewer problem s th an m en do. c) Visitors to this countr
y can norm ally stay for a year. d) A prospective em ployer can give or refuse a
work perm it. e) C om m on M arket residents have problem s getting a work perm
it. f ) Im m igration officials are sometim es unfair, according to critics. g)
Im m igration officials go to m eet im m igrants at the detention centres on th
e shore.

3 W R IT IN G P O IN T S Answ er the following questions w ith com plete sentenc

es. a) W h at w ould probably h ap p en to a non-C om m on M arket resident if h
e was working w ithout a work p erm it and the police found out? b) W h at can v
isitors do to get into the country if they are refused entry? c) W h at does the
w riter think is the problem w ith the law?
4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S

a) T h a t purpose in line 8 refers to . . . b) T h e situation in line 10 refers to

. . . c) W ho are they in line 21? d) W ho i s h im in line 63? e) W h at d o e s
it refer to in line 78?

5 SUM M ARY W O R K a) M ake a list of the four things foreigners have to
show to be allow ed to study in E ngland. b) W rite a short dialogue (not
th a n 150 words) betw een an official at the British Em bassy in your co
y and someone w ho is a national o f your country an d w ants to study in
nd. Use o n l y inform ation from the text.

do or
m ore
u n tr
E ngla

| Revision-test
in spit e o f
1 J o in the following pairs of sentences using a l t h o u g h , a) J o h n s in
telligent. J o h n s lazy. b) J o h n lives five m inutes aw ay from his office.
J o h n never gets to work on tim e. c) J o h n is p aid a lot o f m oney. Tohn
does no work.
{o m arks)
2 J o in the following pairs o f sentences using
was w earing a sm all black hat. I saw him . b)
. H e was carrying it. c) A girl stopped to talk
. d) T h e conversation lasted a long tim e. T h

relative clauses. a) T h e m an
T h e briefcase w7 as black too
to him . H er face was very red
ey h ad this conversation. 1

(4 marks)
3 W rite the correct form o f the w ords in brackets, and com plete the blanks.
a) Surely it (is) a good idea if the governm ent (ban) the sale o f alcohol. b)
I t stim e we (realise) th a t alcohol is very dangerous. c) ____ is alcohol ____
m akes people behave so badly at football m atches. d) T h e governm ent ____ h
as the ____ to punish football hooligans severely. rn . . 7 (o marks)
4 W rite three sentences suggesting w h at could be done to encourage
people to stop eating too m uch. You should use: suggestion language, and food a
n d h ealth vocabulary
(5 marks) (T o tal: 20 marks)

c | Obligation
1 Look at the following sentence from the text. Prospective students have to sho
w that they can afford their studies . . . (11. 24-26) Have to expresses obligatio
n. Below is a ch art showing w hen we use have t o an d w hen we use must, must not,
an d need not.
p o i n t s to n o t e
T h e speaker decides. A stated rule or law. O bligation the speaker knows about
. A hab itu al obligation. N egative obligation No obligation
m ust D O . . .*
O bligation is imposed by the speaker, or by public signs. O bligation is im pos
ed by external circum stances. T h e speaker says there is no choice. T h e spea
ker leaves the choice open. T h e speaker decides th a t an action is not necess
ary or not oblig atory.
have to D O . . .*
m ust not D O . . . do not have to D O . . .
No obligation; the speaker decides.
need not D O . . .
The past simple tense o f the forms marked (*) is h a d
DO . . .
a . In the follow in g exercise, co m p lete the blanks w ith the correct form f
rom th e o b l ig a t io n ch art ab ove. a) In his n ew jo b G e o r g e ______
__ w ork very hard. b) (M oth er to s o n ) : Y o u ______finish your lu n c h . c
) (Sign at Z o o ) : V isito r s_____ feed the a n im a ls. d) (H u sb an d to w i
f e ) : T h e ca rs broken d ow n . I _____go to w ork by train tom orro w . e) (T
ea ch er to s tu d e n ts ): Y o u ______d o an y hom ew ork ton igh t, relax and
h ave a good tim e . j ) (S tu d en t to s tu d e n t): T o m o rro w s a p u b li
c h o lid a y , so w e _____go to sch o o l. g) (S tu d en t to s tu d e n t): I m
fed up w ith sch o o l; w e _____d o far too m u ch h om ew ork. h) Last n igh
t J o h n m issed the bus, so h e ____ w alk h om e. i) (Son to m o th e r ): go
to sch ool to m o rro w ? j ) Before yo u can b eco m e a d octor, y o u ____ p
ass a lot o f exam s. b . A n ew sp ap er t h e Su n d a y st a r recen tly h el
d an essay co m p etitio n for adults. O n p age 43 are the rules o f th e co m
p etitio n .

Essay Competition
CONDITIONS OF ENTRY Number of words: 2,500-3,000. Entries may be handwritten or t
ypewritten. No quoting from any source. Final entry date: May 24th. Entry is open o
nly to adults of 25-60 years old. Title of essay: My childhood . Entries may be
autobiographical or fictional. No help or advice from other people.
/ resents lusively the UK
N ow create conversations ab o u t the com petition using the language from the
ch art above. In the conversations people will be asking ab o u t the rules o f
the com petition. T h e conversations will take place b e tw e e n : i) two frie
nds w ho are interested in the com petition, one o f w hom has not read the adve
rtisem ent, and ii) the organiser o f th e com petition and a rep o rter from a
radio station. R e p o rte r: Can teenagers take part in the competition ? O rg a
n ise r: JVo, entrants must be between twenty-five and sixty years old.. 2 Look at
the following sentence from the text. . . . they are required to studyfo r a mi
nimum offifteen hours a week on a daytime course (11. 22 24) T h e re is an o th
er w ay o f expressing o b l i g a t i o n . Below are furth er ways o f express
ing some different kinds o f o b l i g a t i o n .
FORM , f obliged to be < . . to D O . . . ^required. r made to DO . . . to be <
forced > (slightly formal^ I compelled J f There is ^ f alternative "1 . \ X has
/ " " { c h o i c e } but to 0 0 . . . There is nothing for it but to DO . . .
points to note
Expresses official obli gation - laws, rules, etc. Somebody else makes you do somet
hing. Obligation in which noth ing else is possible in a certain situation.

a. Below is a list o f things th at you have to do w hen you arrive at an Englis
h airport. C hange the list into statem ents of obligation using language from t
he chart.
exam ple
have a p a s sp o rt. . . You are required to have a passport.
Now you do the same. a) have a sm allpox vaccination certificate b) in some case
s have a visa c) fill in an entry form d) show your passport to the im m igratio
n official e) go through customs j ) declare any excess spirits or cigarettes
b. Below is a
list of things th a t h ap p en ed to D iam ond J o e , a well-knowT n smuggler, w
hen he last arrived at H eath ro w airport. C hange the list into statem ents a
b o u t wrh a t other people m ade him do, using the language from the chart. a)
stop at the customs b) open his suitcase c) tu rn out his pockets d) go to a sp
ecial room e) take off his shoes f ) give the customs officials the w atches tie
d to his jack et g) go to the police station h) spend a night in jail c. Using t
he list in the previous exercise, show where D iam ond Jo e had no choice. Use t
he language from the chart.
exam ple
He had no alternative but to open his suitcase when the customs official stopped
him. 3 Answer the following questions. a) W h at do you have to do to pass a dr
iving test in your country? b) W h at laws are there in your country about drivi
ng in towns and cities (e.g. speed limits, pedestrian crossings, etc.) ? c) W h
at laws are there in your country about drinking and driving? Using the above in
form ation, and using the language you have studied in the text, m ake conversat
ions betw een a reporter and i) policem en (W h at w ould h ap p en if. . . ?, W h
at do you have to d o ?) ii) drivers w ho have com m itted offences (W h at happen
ed . . . ? , W h at did you have to d o ?) Ask ab o u t the following things a) the
day George was stopped by the police for speeding in a built-up area b) w hat a
policem an has to do if he sees someone speeding c) the law ab o u t drinking a
n d driving

d) the day M a ry s brakes failed, an d she w ent into a tree, m anaging to avoid
a little girl e) the day A rth u r was driving too fast through a b u ilt-u p a
rea after having d ru n k far too m uch a t a party . A policem an in a patrol c
ar saw him f ) w h at candidates have to do to pass a driving test g) the day a
policem an was held hostage by a bank robber
R ep o rter: Mary, when didyou realise thatyour brakes hadfailed? M a r y :" Well,
I saw this little girl playing in the street, so I had no choice but to stop qu
Resourcesfile references
1 A 1 caption d)
2 C l caption a)
| Sentence construction
R E L A T IV E C L A U S E S - N O N -D E F IN IN G N on-defining clauses are di
fferent from defining clauses (see U n it 2, s e n t e n c e c o n s t r u c t i
o n ). T h ey give ex tra inform ation ab o u t som ething th a t is already cl
early defined. Look at the following sentence from the text. In order to work he
re the foreigner needs a work permit, which m ust be applied for by his prospect
ive em ployer. (11. 35-37) T h e which-c lause is not telling us w hich or w h at
kind o f work perm it the w riter is referring to. It is giving us m ore inform
ation a b o u t the work perm it. H ere are two m ore exam ples o f non-defining
relative clauses. A n exception is people from Common Market countries, who are
entitled to w ork w ithout perm its. T h e head of the A ppeal T rib u n a l is
David Masters, who(m) the Im m ig ran t C om m unity respects very m uch.
Points to note 1 N on-defining clauses ten d to be ra th e r form al in style, a
n d are restricted in general to w riting. 2 In non-defining clauses it is not p
ossible to use th a t. 3 In non-defining clauses it is not possible to leave out a
relative. 4 N on-defining clauses are separated from the rest o f the sentence
by comm as. N on-defining relatives can be sum m arised as follows. People and P
+w hom

subject object
PREPOSITION P R E P + w h ic h
w h ic h
w h ich
w h ich
* Possessives are usually expressed using
has/ have
My car, which has a brokenfuel-gauge, is in the garage.
1 GENERAL KNOW LEDG E TEST In this exercise fill the space w ith the correct ans
wer, then m ake the two sentences into one containing a non-defining relative cl
ause. a) ____ is the highest m o u n tain in the world. It is in N epal. b ) __
hosted the 1976 O lym pic Games. It is in C anada. c) ____ are organisations rep
resenting w orking people. T h e first o f them was founded in Britain. d) ____
is w ell-known for the production of coffee. Its capital used to be R io de Jan
eiro . e) Sculptors quite often u s e ____ to m ake statues. It is a m etal allo
y. f) _ _ _ flows through several E u ro p ean capitals. Strauss w rote a w altz
about it. g) ____ has m ade com m unications m uch easier and quicker. A lexand
er Bell pioneered it over a century ago. h) ____ . was forced to resign as U .S.
president in 1974. His behaviour in the W aterg ate scandal was rath er dubious
. 2 M ake sentences w ith non-defining clauses, on the following subjects a) the
Beatles b) A m erica c) k arate d) the Eiffel T ow er e) Beethoven f ) the Q ue
and style
Few appeals are successful. (1.71)
F E W : L IT T L E . A F E W : A L IT T L E Look at the following sentence from
the text.
Few appeals has alm ost the same m eaning as hardly any appeals or not many appe
als. It has a n e a r n e g a t i v e m e a n i n g . A fe w appeals w ould be c
om pletely w rong here because it has alm ost the same m eaning as a small numbe
r o f appeals. It has an a f f i r m a t i v e m e a n i n g . In the charts bel
ow, notice the difference betw een (normal) style and (slightly form al ) style.

Negative hardly any not much
Positive a little a bit of a small amount of
not as much less
(s l i g h t l y
(very) little
*An uncountable noun is something you cant count, e.g. mayonnaise, advice, money,
COUNTABLE nounst (
Positive a few a small number of
Comparisons not as many less fewer
hardly any not many (very) few
slig h tly f o r m a l )
Remember that a countable noun is something you can count, e. g. bottle, apple,
tourist, etc. 1 In this exercise, choose the best w ord or phrase from the ch ar
t above. R em em b er to consider negative an d positive m eanings an d com pari
sons. T O U R IS T N U M B E R S D O W N T H IS Y E A R ! J im C ran e reports h
is interview w ith Alec K now le o f the T o u rist D evelopm ent B ureau. ( a)
tourists are expected this y ear th a n for over six years. This was the depress
ing message from the T o u rist D evelopm ent B ureau. I t seems th a t the pres
ent econom ic situation has h ad (b) effect on the trend o f British holidaym ak
ers spending th eir holidays abroad. W h a ts needed is ( c) effort by British hol
iday resorts to give their towns (d) of character. ( e) real attem p ts at m ode
rnisation have been m ade since the early 60s. T h e G overnm ent have offered som
e help w ith the cost o f m odernisation and a t the m om ent even (j) m oney w
ould be useful. N evertheless, (g) people believe th a t the present dow nw ard
tren d in p o p u larity can be quickly reversed. (h) an d (i]_ people are w illi
ng to risk the uncertain w eather in Britain. (J) can be done ab o u t the w eat
her, o f course, but m uch m ore effort could surely be p u t into bringing o u
r resorts into the eighties. 2 U sing the language from the chart, m ake a conver
sation in w hich two people are arguing ab o u t w hether or not the public shou
ld be forced to w ear seat-belts by law . Speaker A thinks they should, and spea
ker B thinks they should not.
B m ight s a y : A bit o f common sense isfar more important than a law telling
us what to do!


H ere are some words and phrases you can use people d eath (s) accident(s) injur
y(ies) fatal accident(s) trouble to p u t on break the law feel safe
L IF E A B R O A D 1 Below is a list o f words ab o u t m oving to, or living in
, a foreign country. F ind out w hat each one m eans, using a dictionary or any
other source. a) visa; passport; p erm it; docum ent b) to book a ticket; to m a
ke a reservation; to pay a deposit c) p o lio ; sm allp o x ; cholera (vaccinati
on certificate) d) custom s; customs h a ll; im m ig ratio n ; official (two m e
anings) e) to declare (at custom s); to have som ething/nothing to declare f ) t
o sm uggle; to im port g) to pay du ty on (an a rtic le ); to avoid (p ay in g )
; to evade h) citize n ; a lie n ; foreig n er; to u rist; im m igrant i) resid
en t; n a tiv e ; p a tr ia l; n atio n ality (by b irth /b y blood) j) native l
anguage; m other tongue; dialect; accent 2 W rite sentences ab o u t the followi
ng using language from 1 above. a) G etting an airline ticket b) A rriving at an
English airp o rt c) Foreigners who live in E ngland d) W h at h ap p en ed w h
en your friend had m ore than the perm itted n um ber of cigarettes at customs e
) People in your country who are foreigners f ) T h e jo b of an im m igration o
| W riting tasks
200-280 words
1 W rite a p am phlet outlining the jo b o f a customs officer. You should state
w hat you think his obligations are. T h e pam p h let will be used to try and
recru it m ore people into the work force of the Custom s and Excise D epartm en
t. 2 O P T IO N BO X a) A letter to an English friend saying w hat you d o n t li
ke ab o u t the place you are studying at and detailing the things you have to d
o. b) T h e story o f a m an who was unfairly accused of smuggling. c) T h e int
roduction to a brochure advertising a new English L anguage Institu te in your c
ountry, stating, am ong other things, w hat the students obligations are.
Resourcesfile references
1 E2 caption a)
2 G 4 caption a)

Living in a Class House
by R I C H A R D
ver the last 25 years, British society has changed a great dealor at * least many
parts o f it have. In some ways, however, very little has changed, particularly
where attitudes are concerned. Ideas about social classwhether a person is workin
g-class or middle-classis one 5 area in which changes have been extremely slow. In t
he past, the working-classthat is those people w ho do manual w orktended to be pa
id less than middle-class people, sucli as teachers and doctors. As a result o f
this and also o f the fact that workers jobs were generally much less secure,
distinct differences in life-styles and attitudes 10 came into existence. The ty
pical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was wid
ely believed, having given his wfife her housekeeping, would go out and squander t
he rest on the 3 B s beer, baccy and betting. The stereotype o f what a middle-clas
s man did with his money wr as 15 perhaps nearer the truth. He w asand still isinc
lined to take a longerterm view. N ot only did he regard buying a house as a top
priority, but he also considered the education o f his children as extremely im
portant. Both o f these provided him and his family with security. Only in very
fewr cases did workers have the opportunity (or the education and training) 20 t
o make such long-term plans. Nowadays, a great deal has changed. In a large numb
er o f cases factory workers earn as much, if not more, than their middle-class
supervisors. Social security and laws to improve job-security, combined with a g
eneral rise in the standard o f living since the mid-fifties, have made it less
necessary 25 than before to worry about tomorrow . Working-class people seem slowl
y to be losing the feeling o f inferiority they had in the past. In fact there h
as been a grow ing tendency in the past few years for the middle-classes to feel
slightly ashamed o f their position. The changes in both life-styles and attitu
des are probably most easily 30 seen amongst younger people. They generally tend
to share very similar tastes in music and clothes, they spend their money on ha
ving a good time, and save for holidays or longer-term plans when necessary. The
re seems to be much less ditference than in previous generations. Nevertheless,
w*e still have a wide gap between the well-paid (whatever the type o f job they
35 may have) and the low-paid. As long as this gap exists, there will always be
a possibility that new conflicts and jealousies will emerge, or rather that the
old conflicts w ill re-appear, but between different groups.
from Social Change in the 20th Century, edited by P eter W illiam s.

| Exercises
the text

1 VOCABULARY F ind words or phrases in the text th a t m ean: a) safe b ) very c

lear, easily seen c) to spend wastefully d ) typical picture o f someone or som
ething e) being not as good, not as im p o rtan t j ) enjoying themselves g) dis
agreem ents and fights h) to ap p ear slowly 2 T A L K IN G P O IN T S Say w het
her the following statem ents ab o u t the text are true or false. I f you think
the answ er is false, give your reasons. a) In B ritain over the last q u a rte
r cen tury little things have changed. b ) Differences in life-style an d attit
udes betw een m iddle-class people and working-class people cam e into existence
p artly because of different levels o f pay. c) T h e typical w orking m an was
paid in cash. d ) O n Fridays the typical w orking m an told his wife w hat was
to be done at hom e over the next week. e) O w ning a house an d educating his
children well m ade the typical m iddle-class m an feel safe. f ) In the past wo
rkers did not buy houses because they sim ply did not earn enough. g) These days
people are h ard ly concerned at all about the n ear future. h) T h ere are dan
gers for the future due to the big differences in pay betw een the low -paid and
the w ell-paid. 3 W R IT IN G P O IN T S Answ er the following questions w ith
com plete sentences. a) W hy did differences o f life-style and attitudes em erg
e betw een the m iddle-class and the working-class? b ) W h at were the differen
ces in the ways m iddle-class m en and workingclass m en spent their m oney? c)
H ow has the situation changed over the last 25 years? 4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T
IO N S a) I t in line 2 refers to . . . b ) T h is in line 8 refers to . . . c) His
fam ily in line 18 refers to . . . d ) T h e ir in line 28 refers to . .. e) W e in
line 33 refers to . . .


5 SUM M ARY W O RK U sing the relevant inform ation from your answers to 3 above
, w rite a letter (in ab o u t 100 words) p artly agreeing, and p artly disagree
ing w ith the views expressed in a new spaper article entitled w e r e a l l m i
d d l e class n o w
1 C om plete the blanks w ith f e w , a f e w , h a r d l y a n y , etc. a) ____
people w ent to M ark S im s concert at the tow n hall, w hich was very sad. b)
M ark is not a very p o p u la r m usician, so he does ____ earn ____ money. c)
____ people w ent to M a rk s concert th an to the orchestral concert the week be
fore. d) ____ people said they enjoyed his concert, w hich m ade him very happy.
(4 marks) 2 J o in the following pairs of sentences using w h o , w h i c h , e
tc. You m ust use the correct p u n ctu atio n . a) H am let is a tragedy. It wa
s w ritten by WT illiam Shakespeare. b) A n acto r once played the p a rt o f H
am let in a film. I know him. c) T h e play is very serious. I t is a very long
play. d) T h e king gets killed in the end. T h e king is a bad m an. (4 marks)
3 C om plete the blanks in the following letter. D ear Jo h n , I was sorry to h
ear a b o u t your problem . As far as (1)______ your best (2) w ould be to try
and get a divorce. Y ou can certainly consult m e ab o u t it. I w ould be very
pleased if you cam e ro u n d to m y office. (3) F riday m orning be (4) ? In o
rder to get divorced, you (5) be able to prove th a t the break-up of your m arr
iage is your wifes fault. T his is often very difficult. T h e law should be chan
ged. T h e g o v e rn m e n t____ ()____a responsibility (7) do som ething ab o u
t it. A nyw ay, I hope som ething can be done. Y ours sincerely, (7 marks)
4 U sing the language o f o b l i g a t i o n , w rite sentences ab o u t the fo
a) A m an w ith a gun stopped Fred in the street and told F red to give him his
m oney.

b) W h at do you have to do to o b tain a passport? c) T h e police stopped a m
an in the street and asked him to go to the Police Station. d) A m other ordered
her son to w ash his hands before dinner. W h at did she say ? e) W h at do you
have to do to get into university in your country? (5 marks) . # # (T o ta l: 2
0 marks)
c | Qualifying generalisations
W hen we m ake general statem ents ab o u t a subject (e.g. the w eather), it is
necessary to show th a t such generalisations are not tru e in every case. Belo
w you will find a n u m b er o f ways o f q u a l i f y i n g g e n e r a l i s
a t i o n s . 1 T R U E IN M O S T C A S E S
p o i n t s to n o t e
to tend (not) to DO . . . to have a tendency to D O . . .
This is a very com m on p attern in both w ritten and spoken styles. M ainly use
d ab o u t people, rath e r th a n things. M ore com m on in w ritten style th a
n in spoken style. This is probably m ore often used to m ake critical com ments
to be inclined to D O . . .
You can m ake such generalisations m ore exact by fu rth er qualifying them w it
sometimes, often, generally, usually.
T h e y generally tend to share very sim ilar tastes in music and cloths (11. 30
-31) M iddle-class people have a tendency to be m ore individualistic. Y oung pe
ople are much more inclined to challenge au th o rity th an in the past. a. M ak
e the following prom pts into generalisations th a t are true in most cases. a)
Doctors tend/m ore m oney/teachers b) W orkers children/tendency/leave school/16
c) W orking-class people/inclined/think/m iddle-class/snobs d) M iddle-class/ten
dency/vote C onservative e) L ab o u r M .P.s tend not/as w ell-to-do/C onservat
ive M .P.s
b. C hange these sentences into generalisations th at are true in m ost cases.
a) b) c) d) e) f) R om antic novels are w ritten by women. Paperbacks cost less
th an h ard b ack books. People prefer w atching T . V. these days to listening
to the radio. A rt critics criticise rom antic novels for being unreal. People r
ead m ore m agazines th an books. School children think poetry is silly.

c. W h at generalisations th a t are tru e in m ost cases can you m ake ab o u t
the following subjects. a) T h e leisure tim e activities of people u n d er 25
and over 40 b) A n atio n ality o th er th an your ow n 2 U N C E R T A IN G E
p o in t s t o n o t e
seem I think but I m not sure
to D O . . . to be D O IN G . . .
T h e Sim ple Infinitive ( T O D O ) is used to describe fixed habits, unch an g
in g habits/situations T h e C ontinuous Infinitive ( T O B E D O IN G ) is use
d to describe changing habits/situations. P erh ap s can be placed at the beginnin
g, m iddle, or end o f a sentence.
to D O . .. ap p ear < to be D O IN G . . . perhaps
W orking-class people seem slowly to be losing the feeling o f inferiority they
h ad in the past. (11. 25-26) C hildren appear to enjoy p rim ary school m ore t
h an secondary school. Parents are, perhaps, no t strict enough w ith their chil
dren these days. Perhaps, parents are not strict enough w ith their children the
se days. Parents are not strict enough w ith their children these days, perhaps.
Look a t the w ay the following sentences are changed into uncertain generalisa
tions. i) C hildren do not w orry ab o u t class differences + C hildren \ SEEM
(appearj SEEM/APPEAR.
NOT t o w o r r y
a b o u t class differences.
ii) A ttitudes are changing ra th e r A ttitudes I SEEM
Slowly+SEEM /APPEAR. 1
I x o BE c h a n g i n g ra th e r slowly.
a . C hange the following sentences in the same way. a) F at people enjoy life m
ore th a n th in people + a p p e a r b) A l a r g e n u m b e r o f c h i l d
r e n a r e o v e r w e i g h t + SEEM c) A g r o w i n g n u m b e r o f p e o
p l e a r e t a k i n g u p y o g a + a p p e a r d) T h e price o f food is inc
reasing very ra p id ly + s e e m e) Fresh fruit and v eg eta b les are less p o
p u la r th an in the past+SEEM f ) Convenience foods m ake life m uch easier f
or w orking w ives - (- a p p e a r
b. M ake
un certain generalisations ab o u t the following subjects. T ry to include exam
ples th a t show u n ch an g in g situations and others th a t show changing si

a) M odern fashions (both w om
w people change w hen they get
tting old at present) 3 PH R A

ens an d m en s) b) D ifferent makes o f car c) H o

old (give exam ples of people you know who are ge

In the vast m ajority of cases . . . In a large nu m b er o f cases . . . In mos

t cases . . . G enerally (speaking) . . . In quite a n u m b er of cases . . . O
ften/som etim es/occasionally. . . In some cases. . . In one or two cases . . .
b) O nly in a few cases . . .
s e n t e n c e
(Only) in very few cases . . .
(with inversion o f subject and operator)*
n te n c e c o n s tr u c tio n .
* For further exam ples involving inversion see p. 55 s e
T h e phrases in group a) usually occur at the beginning of sentences, b u t the
y can also be placed at the end, or particu larly in w ritten style, in the m id
In the vast majority o f cases, working-class children leave school at 16. In a
small number o f cases m iddle-class children end up in factory jobs. Only in ve
ryfe w cases d o p e o p l e w i t h o u t q u a l i f i c a t i o n s g e t t e
c h n i c a l j o b s . * 4 F IN A L I N T E G R A T E D P R A C T I C E O F G
E N E R A L I S A T I O N S IN S E C T I O N S 1 -3 R ecently, a social survey w
as carried out com paring the w ay of life o f m en of various ages in M anchest
er and L ondon. H ere are some o f the results of the survey.
M Manchester M 5 9 -9 1 kilos L 5 7 -8 7 kilos M 1 8 0 0 -3 2 0 0 4500 L 1950 M 1
0% L 6% M 65% L 57% M 5 -1 8 L 6 -1 5 L London 25 40 M 5 9 -1 0 0 kilos L 5 9 -9 1
kilos 1 7 0 0 -7 6 0 0 1 9 5 0 -1 2 0 0 0 55% 45% 35% 30% 1 8 -2 6 2 0 -2 4
0 -6 5 M 5 4 -1 0 0 kilos L 5 9 - 9 5 kilos 1 8 0 0 -8 5 0 0 1 8 0 0 -1 5 0 0 0
45% 60% 7% 10% 1 8 -3 0 1 9 -3 0

A very sim ilar survey was carried o u t 15 years ago. H ere is a selection o f
the results.
Under 25 W EIGHT INCOM E OWN HOUSES M 5 2 -8 9 kilos L 5 4 -8 4 kilos M 4 0 0 -1
0 0 0 L 4 5 0 -1 3 0 0 M L 3% 4% 25 40 51 91 kilos 54 89 kilos 5 0 0 -2 0 0 0 6 0
0 -3 0 0 0 18% 30% 4 0 -6 5 54 91 kilos 57-91 kilos 4 0 0 -2 5 0 0 5 0 0 -7 0 0 0
17% 35%
M ake generalisation sentences in w hich you a) C om pare L ondon an d M anchest
er now b) C om pare L ondon (or M anchester) now w ith 15 years ago c) Say how t
hings seem to be changing
Toung men in London tend to weigh less than young men in Manchester, but in most
cases there isnt much difference. ii) More and more people seem to be buying hou
Resourcesfile references
B2 cap tio n a)
F2 cap tio n a)
| Sentence construction
IN V E R S IO N A F T E R N E G A T IV E IN T R O D U C T IO N S Look at the fol
lowing two sentences from the text. N otice the form o f the verbs. A re the sen
tences statem ents or questions? i) Not only did he regard buying a house as a t
op priority, but he also . . . (11. 16-17) ii) Only in very fe w cases did worke
rs have the opportunity ( or the education and training) to make such long-term
plans. (11. 18-20) Both the sentences begin w ith a d v e r b p h r a s e s havi
ng n e g a t i v e i d e a s . Sentences w hich begin w ith such n e g a t i v e
i d e a s have inversion o f the verb an d subject or in o th er words, the neg
ative idea phrase is followed by the q u e s t i o n - f o r m o f the verb an d
subject. 1 R e-w rite these statem ents by placing the phrase in italics a t th
e beginning o f the statem ent w ith the question-form following.
H e not only regarded buying a house as a top priority, b u t he also . . . Not
only d i d h e r e g a r d buying a house as a top priority, b u t he also . . .
a) Some people not only think cam ping is cheaper, b u t they actually prefer i
t to hotels. b) I have rarely seen so m an y beautiful views as I saw in the Lak
e D istrict. c) Ja c k h ad never h a d such a m iserable evening before.

d) I was not able to find out the result of the test until thefollowing month. e
) A lot o f m oney is being spent in only a few places on research into the caus
es o f cancer.
is used in both spoken and w ritten English. It has the effect o f emphasising w
hat is said or written. As spoken English has m any oth er ways o f showing em p
hasis, e.g. into n atio n and stress, n e g a t i v e i n v e r s i o n tends to
occur more in written style. H ere are some o f the m ost com m on negative int
roductions (note th at some are nearly negative in m ea n in g ).
n e g a t iv e inversio n
N ot only . . . b u t also . . . N ot a (single) w ord . . . N ot a s o u l. . .
N ot until/till . . . N ow here . . . N o-one . . . In no w ay . . . U n d er n
o circum stances . . . O n no a c c o u n t. . . No longer . . . in no (other) p
lace/country, etc. A t no (other) tim e . ..
N ever (before/again) . . . N either . . . N or . . . By no m eans . . . In none
o f . . . Few . . . In few cases . . . L ittle . . . (O nly) rarely . . . H ard
ly ever . . . H ard ly . . . w hen . . . N o sooner . . . th an . . .
In addition, phrases qualified by only are sim ilarly subjected to inversion. e.g.
In A m erica you can buy m any kinds of w hisky, b u t o n l y in S cotland can
you find some of the rarer kinds. Hardly an d no sooner both have tim e-m eanings. N o
sooner - as soon as, im m ediately e.g. n o s o o n e r had the play finished t
h a n the audience burst into applause. H ard ly - ju st after e.g. h a r d l y
had the army arrived w h e n there was a massive explosion. M ake em phatic sta
tem ents ab o u t the following situations using negativeinversion to show the e
mphasis. a) You have ju st seen a film w hich you did not enjoy at all. b) N am
e one very good thing th a t is only to be found in your country. c) You once w
ent to the w rong p arty and did not realise for a long time. d) Y ou are dissat
isfied w ith a second-hand car/refrigerator you have bought recently. e) Y ou re
fused to help a friend in difficulty, and now you feel very bad about it. f You
got hom e last night feeling very tired, b u t as soon as you w alked in the doo
r, the phone rang.

g) Y esterday afternoon you w ent w alking and saw no-one. I t was a very
pleasant experience. h) Y ou have ju st got hom e from holiday. It was one o f t
he m ost m iserable times you have ever h ad because it never stopped raining. i
) Y ou are w arning a child not to leave the house w ithout telling you. j ) A p
olitician is m aking a speech prom ising th a t people will not have so m any ta
xes any longer if he is elected.
| Structure and style
Q U A L IF Y IN G A N D R E -E X P R E S S IN G S T A T E M E N T S S tatem ents
can be qualified or re-expressed in a variety o f ways, depending on the effect
you wish to achieve.
p r e c is e
e x a c t
(,N orm al) in both spoken+ written Rather (fo r m a l) spoken^ written ( Formal
) written ( mostly technical texts)
in o th er words th a t is (to say)
for exam ple for instance
in other words to be precise* nam ely
(.NormaP) in both spoken+ written Rather ( form al ) in both spoken+ written
(or) at least
p articu larly in p articu lar especially
w h at is m ore (and) in fact an d actu ally f furtherm ore
(or) rath e r (or) b etter
* to be precise tends to com e at the end o f the qualifying p a rt of the sente
nce, e.g. Seam en, merchant seamen to be precise, are often very interesting peo
ple, f Actually and in fa c t have very sim ilar m eanings, b u t are used sligh
tly differently sometimes. Actually tends to be used m ore for strengthening n e
g a t i v e statem ents th an for positive ones, e.g. i) I m et J a c k s sister
yesterday. In fact I m et practically the whole family. [Infact sounds better h

ere th a n actually.) ii) I ve never m et D av id s brother. j ^ VC never m ct an

Y f bis family,
i Both in fa c t and actually are also used to co n trad ict opinions and inform
ation, e.g. It has been said th a t children need m others. accurate to say th a
t m others need ch ild ren .)
f acj I ^Actually)
-w o u ld
b e m ore

1 C om plete the spaces in the following p arag rap h , using ap p ro p riate wo
rds and phrases from the ch art above. B ritish E nglish a n d A m e ric an E ng
lish are differen t la n g u ag es, ____(a) ____ they are distinctly different d
ialects of the sam e language. Nevertheless, the two dialects are slowly m oving c
loser together for a variety of reasons, (b) as a result of telecom m unications
. T h ere has been a kind o f rivalry for well over two centuries. ( c) this riv
alry has expressed itself in m u tu al snobbishness, (d) each language regarding t
he o th er as somehow inferior. A ttitudes in B ritain have changed a lot in the l
ast tw enty years, ( e) the attitudes o f some people have changed. Y oung peopl
e, (J) university students, tend to use m ore A m erican words th an their elders
. You will still find the occasional tru e-b red English bull-dog who insists th a
t the A m erican language, () the accent, has a corrupting influence. W h at suc
h people do not seem to realise is th a t English is a living language, and (h)
the im p o rtatio n an d coining o f new words and phrases is absolutely essenti
al in our ever-changing world. FINAL NOTE T h e kind o f phrases given in the ch
art are extrem ely im p o rtan t for both spoken and w ritten English. T h ey a
re ra th e r idiom atic, so it can be a little difficult to get used to using th
em . O bserve w hen you are listening to English, or reading it w hen such phras
es are used, and try to copy their use. d o n t be a f r a i d of maki ng mistake
s a t f i r s t , p a r t i c u l a r l y IN YOUR WRITTEN WORK. Resourcesfile re
ference B2 caption a) (R)
| Topic vocabulary
H O L ID A Y S A N D T O U R I S M 1 Below are words or phrases connected w ith
holidays and tourism . Find out w h at each one m eans, using a dictionary or an
y other source. a) h o lid ay ; v a c a tio n ; long w eek en d ; bank holiday b
) package h o lid ay /to u r; excursion; d ay-trip c) ch arter flig h t; group b
ooking d) first class; tourist class e) v o y ag e; o u tin g ; sightseeing tour
f ) h o sp itality/hospitable; facilities; service g) (excellent, etc.) cuisine
; cleanliness; hygiene h) holiday reso rt; ru in s ; the site o f (historical ha
ppening) i) night-life; w indow -shopping; guided to u r ; view j) tourist a ttr
a c tio n ; sh rin e ; m o num ent 2 U sing the language above, w rite sentences
ab o u t holidays and tourism in the following places a) Florence or a city in
your country

b) E ngland c) A resort by the sea d ) A hotel e) A place o f historical im p o
rtan ce in your country j ) T h e place you w ould m ost like to go to for your
next holiday Resourcesfile reference C3 caption b)
g |
W riting tasks
250-300 words
1 Y ou are p a rt o f a group o f people p rep arin g a guide book in English fo
r tourists to your country. I t is your jo b to w rite the G eneral In tro d u c
tio n . In tro d u ce the tourists to various aspects o f life in your country,
m aking generalisations a b o u t such things as the w eather, the different reg
ions and the habits and custom s o f the people in those regions. 2 O P T IO N B
O X a) A letter to an English-speaking friend in w hich you tell h im /h er ab o
u t a coun try or a region th a t you live in. Y ou should describe the place a
nd the w ay people behave. b) Y our im pressions o f a foreign country. c) An ar
ticle for a new spaper ab o u t the holiday habits o f people from your country.
Resourcesfile reference E2 caption b)


19th November
35 Ashfield Crescent, Barton, Sussex.
Dear Mrs Hugget, You may remember that on two occasions we have discussed the no
ise your children make while practising their musical instruments. The last time
we talked about the subject you agreed to make sure that they would stop practi
sing in the evenings, and that they would 5 confine themselves to no more than o
ne hour s practice a day. You can imagine my astonishment, then, when I realised
that nothing had changed and the situation was continuing as before. It is gett
ing so bad now that I find it difficult to stay in the house, my nerves are shat
tered, and I invent any excuse to go out for the evening 10 to be away from the
squeaks and wails of your children playing their various instruments. Much as I
like music, I have had enoufji, and to be frank, I am not prepared to put up wit
h the situation any more. I am a fairly reasonable man, and 1 am quite prepared
to help others when I can, but this has gone far enough. I think it s high 15 ti
me you realised your responsibilities as a member of the community, and I must w
arn you that unless you do something about the situation I will be forced to tak
e legal action. I have sent a copy of this letter to my solicitor.
39 Ashfield Crescent, Barton, Sussex.
Yours sincerely,
21st November
Dear Mr Barge, I was sorry to receive your letter. I had no idea that you 20 fel
t so strongly on the subject, and I do apologise for any suffering we may have c
aused you. Robert, my son, plays the violin, James, the trumpet, and my daughter
Emily is an accomplished cellist. They are all extremely dedicated, and are mak
ing excellent progress in 25 their studies. I resent your description of their e
fforts as squeaks and wails , and I find it difficult to believe that it is h
aving the effect on your nerves that you claim after all, you live two houses aw
ay. I am extremely sorry for any unnecessary hardship you have
30 suffered on our account, but I would
children s education was more important
Barge, as reasonable as you say? I have
, to MY solicitor. 35 I look forward to
Yours sincerely,


thought that
some minor discomfort. Are you, Mr
your letter, and a copy of this one


| Exercises
a) b) c) d) e) f)
the text
VOCABULARY Find the words or phrases in the text th a t m ean: to lim it oneself
surprise destroyed, exhausted noises m ade by a m ouse or a rusty gate noises m
ade by som eone crying very loudly or lam enting very good, a t a high stan d a
rd g) very keen on som ething, h a rd w orking, fond of h) feel upset, angry ab
o u t i) suffering
T A L K IN G P O IN T S Say w hether the following statem ents a b o u t the tex
t are true or false. If you think the answ er is false, give your reasons. a) M
rs H u g g ett and M r Barge have h ad two conversations about the H u g g ett f
am ilys m usical activities. b) T h e H u g g ett children are confined for one h
our every day. c) M r Barge never stays in his house. d) M r Barge will do som e
thing if M rs H u g g ett does som ething. e) T h e H u g g ett children take th
eir m usical activities very seriously. J) M rs H u g g ett is M r B arges next-d
oor neighbour. g) M r Barge squeaks and wails in a house two doors aw ay w hile
he is inventing m usical instrum ents. W R IT IN G P O IN T S A nsw er the follo
wing questions w ith com plete sentences. a) W h at instrum ents do the H u g g
ett children play? b) W h at th reat did M r Barge m ake? c) H ow does M rs H u
g g ett feel ab o u t M r Barges com plaints?
4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S

a) b) c) d)
W e in line 1 refers to . . . W h at does it in line 7 refer to? W h at is referred
to by this in line 14? I t in line 27 refers to . . .
5 SUM M ARY W O RK Y ou are M r N ash. W rite a rep o rt on the B arge/H uggett
arg u m en t for your superior. Y our rep o rt should not be m ore th an 90 word
s long.


| Revision-test
1 M ak e th e follow ing in to g e n e r a l is a t io n s . a) E nglish p e o p
le ____ to d rin k a lot o f tea. b) E nglish people h a v e ____ to like dogs.
c) T hese days people seem ____ m o re a n d m o re alcohol. O n l y _____ p la
c e s ____ th e c o n su m p tio n o f alcoho l seem to be going dow n. d) ____
_ s o m e ____ d ru n k p eople a re v ery p le asa n t, b u t g e n erally th e
y ____ ra th e r aggressive. (7 m arks) 2 C h an g e or jo in th e follow ing se
ntences, b e g in n in g w ith th e w ords in capitals. a) T h e h a m b u rg e
rs w ere b u rn t. T h e chips w ere greasy, ( n o t o n l y ) b) J a c k w a it
ed for M a ry for tw o hours. T h e n h e finally gave u p a n d w en t hom e, (
n o t u n t i l ) c) Y ou c a n n o t h e a r m o re b e au tifu l m usic th a
n th e m usic on g ra m o p h o n e records, ( n o w h e r e ) d) G eorge does n
o t go to th e cin em a very often, ( o n l y r a r e l y ) e) P a u la a rriv
e d hom e. T h e te le p h o n e ran g , (n o s o o n e r ) (5 m arks) 3 W rite
sentences using the follow ing w ords o r phrases. a) to have n o th in g to dec
lare b) d iet c) c h a rte r flight
(3 m arks)
4 C o m p lete th e blanks a n d w rite th e c o rre ct form o f th e w ords in
brackets. a) W h e n I asked m y te a c h e r____ perm ission to leave th e clas
s early , he ____ to let m e. I was very angry. b) M r S m ith s boss (give) h i
m ____ to go for a n in terv iew last S a tu rd a y . c) I t ____ to m e th a t
y o u r best course w o u ld be to stu d y h a rd e r. (5 m arks) ( T o ta l: 20
m arks)
c | Protest, complaint, and apology
1 C O M P L A IN IN G Look a t the follow ing ways o f c o m p la in in g , w hi
ch are ta k en from th e text.
Ti , , r ) the way+SENTENCEl , 1 nave h ad en ou g h oi ^ DOING 1 f sta n d ] I
cannot < , > I bear j
v strong}
the way+SENTENCE 1 X an y longer >(very strong)
x DQmG
a. M ak e the follow in g in to sen ten ces o f co m p la in t. a) I/e n o u g h
/th e w a y h e/a lw a y s tak in g m y cigarettes b) I/sta n d /J o h n p lays
/gu itar


c) I/n o t b ear films a b o u t cowboys an y longer d) I/enough/people com plai
ning e) I/n o t stand/w ay people always com plain all the tim e
b. M ake statem ents o f co m p lain t ab o u t the following.
a) Som eone w ho is always late for arran g em ents he has m ade b) Som eone w h
o is always calling ro u n d and staying too late c) T h e noise from the road o
utside your house 2 P R O T E S T A N D W A R N IN G Look at the following ways
o f expressing protest and w arning which are taken from the text. I am not prep
ared to DO . . . any longer I will not DO . . . any longer Unless X D O E S . ..
, Twill D O ... Its | | ^ me ^ D I D . . . (ratherformal )
(rather informal)
a. M ake the following in to sentences o f protest and w arning. a) I/n o t p re
p a re d /p u t u p w ith his laziness any longer b) It/tim e he stop/lazy c) I
/n o t listen/his excuses any longer d) Unless he m ends his ways, I/sack him e)
I/n o t/h is rudeness an y longer b. N ow m ake statem ents o f protest an d w
arning ab o u t the following. a) Som eone who always parks th eir car outside y
our house so th a t you cannot get in or o u t o f the garage b) Som eone who is
always borrow ing m oney an d forgetting to give it back c) A factory th a t poll
utes the local river Resourcesfile references
1 C3 caption a) 2 FI caption a)
3 A P O L O G IS IN G Look at the following ways o f apologising and m aking exc
uses, some of w hich are taken from the text.
I do apologise for DOING . . . extremely) T sorry+ 1 am -(verv > , sentence terr
ibly J Please accept my apologies for DOING . . . ( formal)
I had no id ea+ s e n t e n c e I had no intention of DOING . . . T (an accident
tWaS {unavoidable} I did not mean to DO . . .(informal)
In the following situations apologise an d /o r m ake excuses. a) Y our friend a
sked you to brin g a book she w anted. Y ou forgot.


b) A friend thought you were going to m eet h im /h er at a pub. You d id n t go
because you d id n t realise th a t he/she expected you. c) You borrow ed som eon
es car an d h ad an accident. d) A t a p arty you are very rude a b o u t your bo
ss. T h e w om an on your left tells you she is your bosss sister. e) In a bus yo
u lose your balance an d bum p into someone.
In the following situations one person com plains, protests or warns, and the ot
her person apologises an d makes excuses. You should m ake the exchanges th a t
they m ight use in letters on the subject.
M r Lawson vs the Gas Board
Mr Lawson has twice had his gas cut off by the Gas Board because their computer
has made errors with the bill. His gas has just been cut off again for the same
Mrs Smith vs the manager of the shop
Mrs Smith bought a Hoover in a shop. It keeps going w rong, and she has already
com plained to the manager three times.
Jeremy Alston v s Maude Comfort
Jeremy Alston is annoyed by the many animals belonging to Maude that keep coming
into his garden.
Mrs Plarkett vs Daniel Jones
Mrs Plarkett has to give Daniel Jones a w arning that he may lose his job becaus
e he is always late, and is very lazy at his job.
Resourcesfile reference
G1 caption b)


| Sentence construction
Much as I like music, I have had enough ...( 1 .1 1 )
e text. H ere
I l ike m u s
even though m

i c
u c

N D C O N C E S S IO N Look at the following sentences from th

various ways o f showing contrasting ideas in a sentence.
; h o w e v e r , I h a v e h a d e n o u g h .
h as

I like m usic, I h a v e h ad en o u g h . (Strong} I like m usic, I h a v e h a

d en o u g h . (Strong: slightlyformal} I like m u sic; this situation, h o w e
v e r , has g o n e far en ou gh, (ratherformal} I like m u sic; n e v e r t h
e l e s s , I h a v e h a d en ou gh , (ratherformal}
1 J o in the following pairs o f sentences, using the words given. a) I enjoy li
stening to I c a n t stand listening good violin players. to people w ho are lear
ning to play the violin.
b) I think m odern composers should be encouraged.
m uch as
I am not very keen on m odern classical music.
<c) I like tru m p et music.
I never enjoy horn pieces.
(Both forms) d) I am very keen on classical music. I wish m y neighbours w ould
stop playing their Beethoven sym phonies so loudly on their stereo at three in t
he m orning.
2 R ead the following in w hich a w om an gives her views a b o u t the m odern
cinem a. O ne o f m y favourite types o f film is the epic, b u t I wish they w
ould stop m aking them ab o u t terrible disasters. M ost o f m y m ale friends
enjoy seeing beautiful girls on the screen, b u t they are alarm ed by the fact
th a t m ost m odern film m akers seem to feel obliged to show so m uch sexual a
ctivity. I, personally, like the inform al atm osphere in cinem as, b u t I get
annoyed by people w ho constantly ch atter, an d ruin the enjoym ent o f


others. I like the occasional cigarette, b u t I find the smoke-filled atm osphe
re in m ost cinem as alm ost un bearable. I am not against paying for m y enjoym
ent, b u t the prices they charge at m ost m odern cinem as are ridiculous. W h
at I m trying to say is th is : I love cinem as, but I m going to stop going to t
hem . Im agine th a t you are the person w ho w rote the piece above. U sing the
language o f contrast and concession, m ake sentences concerning your feelings
about the cinem a.
Even though I love cinemas, I m going to stop going to them.
3 Now m ake statem ents o f c o n t r a s t an d c o n c e s s i o n about your
feelings on the following subjects. a) driving b) sun-bathing c) w om ens liberat
ion d) new spapers e) television com m ercials f ) guitars
| Structure and style
Q U I T E /F A I R L Y /R A T H E R Look at the following sentences from the tex
t. i) I am afairly reasonable man . . . (1.13) In this sentence you could not us
e quite or rather since they w ould change the m eaning. ii) . . . and T am quit
e prepared to help others . . . (11. 13-14) In this sentence you could not us z
fairly or rather since they w ould change the m eaning. 1 Quite Quite can have t
wo different m eanings. a) completely!extremely b) to a certain extent T h e m e
aning o f quite often depends on the w ord it refers to.
C om pletely/extrem ely Pm quite sure The view was quitefantastic
T o a certain extent The hotel was quite good The holiday has been quite interes
In speech quite is said w ith a p artic u la r tone depending on its m eaning.
Completely/extremely to a certain extent
high level tone falling tone with a rising tone at the end o f the phrase
T h e tone is very im p o rtan t because in some situations quite could have eit
her o f its m eanings.


The problem is quite easy to solve. This could m ean extremely easy or not too d
a . U sing quite w ith each o f the w ords in the list below, w rite sentences a
b o u t a film you recently saw. a) interesting b) original c) convincing d) inc
redible e) stunning f ) horrifying g) believable h) tiring i) m oving S tate w h
ether you m ean completely!extremely or a certain extent.
b. Practise saying your sentences w ith the correct intonation.
2 Fairly and Rather i) f a i r l y and r a t h e r both qualify adjectives an d
adverbs, and have a slightly different m eaning. f a i r l y = an ideal; it has
a positive m eaning r a t h e r = w hat you do not w an t; it has a negative m e
It is over five weeks since the W ards were involved in a car accident, b u t M
rs W ard is still r a t h e r poorly, w hereas M r W ard is now f a i r l y well
. ii) In com parisons, only r a t h e r is possible. Look at this e x a m p le :
H ow ever, M rs W ard is r a t h e r b etter th an she was two weeks ago. T h e
m an in the o th er car was r a t h e r luckier th an the W ards. H e was not e
ven hurt. iii) r a t h e r can also m ean very much indeed.
M r Ward was not quite certain whosefa u lt the accident was, so he was r a t h
e r relieved when the police decided not to prosecute him. or r a t h e r in the
following sentences.
a) You should be able to catch the b u s ____ soon, if you leave now. b) T his s
w eater looks____ small for a child o f seven. T h a t blue one looks ____ bigge
r and it is m ore attractive. c) W hen M ichael got top m arks in his test for t
he third tim e, his teacher rem ark ed th a t the class w a s ____ low for him .
d) H ey! th a t coat suits you ____ well! I bet it was ___ expensive th o u g h
! e) No, in fact I got it in a sale, so it w a s ____ cheap, b u t not as cheap as
th a t one you b o ught second-hand last w eek. J) U n d erstan d in g the diffe
rence betw een fairly an d ra th e r is ____ difficult. 3 M ake sentences a b o
u t your work an d your tim e at school using the phrases given below. a) fairly
easy to learn b) ra th e r quickly c) quite interesting d) fairly difficult e)
quite im possible f ) ra th e r am using g) ra th e r m ore challenging h) ra th
e r boring i) quite fun


R E A C T IO N 1 Below are words an d phrases concerned w ith em otional reactio
n. Find out their m eaning, using a dictionary or any other source. a) am azem e
n t; surprise; astonishm ent b) h o rro r; m isery; disappointm ent c) to be a p
p a lle d ; to be a sto u n d e d ; to be disgusted d) ecstatic; overjoyed; thr
illed e) to be p u t o u t; to be o ffen d ed ; to h u rt som eones feelings f fu
rious; speechless w ith anger g) to be taken aback h) to be upset ; to be d ism
ay ed ; to be disheartened i) m oving; touching j ) to feel cru sh ed ; horror-s
tricken 2 In the following sentences com plete the blanks w ith words from 1 abo
ve. a) Last night I w ent to see a rom antic film w hich was r a th e r ------b)
As I cam e out o f the cinem a I saw J o h n , who I had thought was in A ustra
lia. You can im agine m y _____ c) I asked him how he was, and he said th at he
w a s _____H e had never felt so happy. d) H e told m e th a t he was going to m
arry G riselda, and I was com pletely _____O nly recently, he had told me she w
as horrible. e) W hen I expressed m y ____ he was r a t h e r _____because he th
ought I was being rude. f ) This m ade m e ____ because I am never rude. W hen h
e saw how angry I was, he apologised.
| W riting tasks
200-280 words
1 D espite the fact th at you have twice asked them to be quieter, your A m eric
an neighbours seem to have parties every night, playing loud music, and deafenin
g you w hen their friends start up their cars and m otorcycles in the early m or
ning. W rite them a letter of protest and com plaint. 2 O P T IO N B O X a) R ec
ently you bought a television, w hich has continually gone wrong. Y ou have com
plained to the m anufacturers before, b u t nothing has been done. W rite them a
n o th er letter. b) A letter to an A ustralian friend in which you tell the sto
ry o f an evening you spent w ith som ebody you disliked intensely.
Resources file references
1 A 1 caption b)
2 B3 caption b)

Pilots a special position?
BERNARD FOX looks at the high salary pilots receive
W H E N British Airways and Air France first put their brand new Concordes into
service their pilots had undergone some months of special training, just as any
5 pilot now wishing to fly the supersonic plane must undergo a rigorous conversi
on course: flying Concorde is clearly not the same as flying a conventional airl
iner. There is, of course, nothing strange about 10 this, for every time an airl
ine decides to use a new aircraft, the pilots must be taught to adapt to its spe
cial needs and characteristics, and every time pilots fly new aircraft they dema
nd new rates of 15 pay. Many o f us remember how British Airways were unable to
use the new 747 until the Jumbo pilots were satisfied that they were getting ade
quate pay. Both in the case of the Jumbo and the 20 Concorde, the airlines and t
he pilots eventually reached an agreement, but in the future pilots will no doub
t continue to press for more money every time the airlines introduce new aircraf
t. As in the 25 past they can argue that new aircraft require extra skill and en
tail extra responsibility. T he whole question of how much pilots are paid was t
he subject of a television 30 programme last week when David Yeadon interviewed
an airline captain who was also an active member of the pilots union. Throughout
the interview Yeadon in sisted that pilots were overpaid; he even 35 said that th
ey were in a position to force the airlines to pay them whatever they wanted. T
he threat of a long strike often was enough, he said, to frighten airlines into
producing the required money. The 40 captain, naturally, argued that pilots dese
rved every penny they earned because of the responsibility they had, both in liv
es and money. It is certainly true that the pilots 45 position is a special one.
By any standards, the training he has to go through is unusually tough. T o get
an air transport pilots licence he has to do a course that is at least as difficu
lt as a university 50 degree. Even then, the qualified pilot faces the constant
risk of losing his licence just by failing one of the sixmonthly medical and fly
ing tests which he has to take to ensure that he is still fit, 55 and that his f
lying is still up to scratch. In most other jobs, a man reaches retiring age at
sixty or sixty-five years old, but this is not the case with pilots. Their caree
r ends in their early fifties 60 an age at which many other men are reaching the
peak of their careers. It is difficult for a man of that age to find another job
, and few pilots like the idea of being inactive so early, even if money 65 is n
o problem. The main argument against the size of pilots salaries is that there is
nothing special about the responsibilities they bear. Some people would argue t
hat a 70 train-driver is in the same position, and they would even go so far as
to say that any bus-driver also deserves a much higher
continued on back page
r c \
A w
and ie. SA and > rt.


continued from fro n t page
salary than he gets at present. It is a fact of our society that we underpay man
y of 75 our most important workers. People have tended to think, for example, th
at nurses and teachers do their jobs because they feel a special calling. T he arg
ument here is that if the type of job they are 80 doing satisfies them, they dont
need to be highly paid. Here it is worth pointing out that most pilots take out
a loss of licence insurance, and all of them receive
a pension that is equal to half their pay. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the
situation it is undeniable that there is something special about a pilots job. A
s we live our lives down here someone is in charge of a few hundred people thirt
y 90 thousand feet above the Atlantic Ocean; it is not a responsibility most of
us would wish. The question we should ask our selves is how much that kind of res
pon sibility is worth.
| Exercises on the text
1 VOCABULARY F in d w ords o r phrases in the te x t th a t m e an : a) n o t o
u t o f the o rd in a ry b ) typical things th a t people o r objects - h a v e
th a t th ey can be iden tified /reco g n ised by c) a sufficient a m o u n t o
f d) to d e m a n d e) specialised know ledge a n d e x p e rt a b ility J ) a v
ery stro n g suggestion w hich c a n be frig h ten in g g) v ery difficult h) a
t th e rig h t h igh sta n d a rd i) th e top of, su m m it j ) m oney given re
g u la rly to a person w ho retires 2 T A L K IN G P O IN T S Say w hether the f
ollowing statem ents ab o u t the text are true or false. I f you think the answ
er is false, give your reasons. a) C oncorde pilots need to be tau g h t to fly
Concorde even though they have flown oth er jets. b) Y eadon th o ught th a t pi
lots were not given enough money. c) I t is difficult to get an air-p ilo ts lice
nce. d) Everybody thinks th at train-drivers should get as m uch m oney as pilot
s. e) B ernard Fox says th a t all nurses are called to becom e nurses. j ) B er
nard Fox thinks th a t the jo b of a pilot is very ordinary. g) B ernard Fox say
s th a t m any o f us w ould like to be pilots. 3 W R IT IN G P O IN T S Answ er
the following questions w ith com plete sentences. a) H ow often are pilots tes
ted to see if they are still good pilots? b) W h at argum ents do pilots use w h
en they dem and m ore pay for flying new aircraft ? c) W hy does B ernard Fox th
ink th a t nurses have been und erp aid in the past?

4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S a) W h o exactly a re th e p ilo ts in line 11 ?
b) W h o does th e y refer to in line 18 ? c) In line 25, w ho c an a rg u e th a
t new a irc ra ft re q u ire e x tra skill? d) W h o is h e in line 46? e) W hos
e careers is th e w rite r re fe rrin g to in lin e 61 ? J ) T h e m in line 80 r
efers to . . . 5 SU M M A RY W O R K a) M ak e a list o f the four m a in a rg u
m e n ts from th e tex t in fav o u r o f th e h ig h salaries o f pilots. b) M
ak e a list o f the th re e m a in a rg u m e n ts from th e tex t a g ain st t
h e hig h salaries p a id to pilots. c) T a k in g y o u r in fo rm atio n o n l
y from th e tex t w rite a co n v ersatio n o f n o t m o re th a n 150 w ords
b e tw ee n som eone w h o thinks th a t pilots are too h ighly p a id , a n d s
om eone w ho disagrees. (R)
1 C o m p lete the blanks using f a i r l y , r a t h e r , o r q u i t e . a) P
e te rs ju s t w on 1 ,0 0 0 , a n d h e s ____ h a p p y . b) L a st n ig h ts c
o n ce rt w a s ____ fan tastic. I ve n ev er en jo y ed m yself so m uch! c) J a
n e L eslies new book i s ____ good, a lth o u g h it co u ld h av e been b e tt
e r. d) I m ____ m ore in te re sted in p o p m usic th a n classical m usic. (4
m arks) 2 M ak e the follow ing in to p r o t e s t s using th e w ords given. a
) M y n e ig h b o u r plays m usical in stru m e n ts la te a t n ig h t. (n o
t p r e p a r e d ) b) H e should stop p la y in g m usical in stru m e n ts a t
n ig h t, ( h i g h tim e ) c) H e b u rn s bonfires in his g a rd e n all the
tim e, ( h a d e n o u g h ) d) Soon I w ill call th e police if he does n o t s
top p la y in g th a t h o rrib le violin, ( u n l e s s ) (4 m arks) 3 W rite s
entences a b o u t th e follow ing, using th e w ords given. a) P op m usic ( e
v e n t h o u g h ) b) A m a n w ho w e n t to w ork w ith a b a d cold (in s p
i t e o f ) c) E n jo y in g zoos, b u t bein g w o rried a b o u t cag ed a n i
m a ls (m u c h a s) d) D av id drives fast, b u t safely ( h o w e v e r ) e) A
rich m a n w ho is very m e a n ( a l t h o u g h ) (5 m arks) 4 W rite a sente
nce o f a p o l o g y for each o f th e follow ing situ atio n s th a t h a p p
e n e d recently. a) Y ou a rriv e d la te for a d in n e r p a rty . b) S om eo
ne asked you to pick th e m u p a n d tak e th em to th e co n cert. Y ou ag ree
d b u t forgot. (2 m arks)

5 W rite three sentences in your country.
ab o u t the holiday habits of people (5 marks) (T otal: 20 marks)
c | Controversy
1 O T H E R P E O P L E S A R G U M E N T S
(One of) the (main) argument(s) | ^ f af^ Q Ur 0f j It has been j sa^ 1 that. .
. [arguedj Some people would argue th a t. . . It can be argued th a t. . .
T h e w riter m ay or m ay not agree w ith such argum ents.
a . J e t travel particu larly w ith planes like the J u m b o and C oncorde - ha
s always been a controversial subject. Below are statem ents ab o u t it which a
re, or have been, oth er peoples argum ents. Use the language from the ch art to
m ake these statem ents as if you were w riting about/discussing the subject.
J e t aircraft are unnecessary. It has been said that je t aircraft are unnecess
N ow do the same w ith the following. a) People need to get from place to place
very quickly, and because o f this we need je t transport. b) All aircraft, an d
particu larly C oncorde, are too noisy. c) A ir travel helps to bring countries
closer together. d) C oncorde should be banned. e) Jets m ake a lot of peoples l
ives intolerable. f ) A ir transport is destroying ou r environm ent.
b. U sing the language from the chart, can you give other peoples argum ents
about a) the am ount o f m oney paid to pop stars b) learning classical language
s like L atin and Greek 2 S U B JE C T IV E A R G U M E N T S Look at the follow
ing sentence from the text
. . . it is undeniable that there is something special about the responsiblity t
hey bear. (11. 86/87)
H ere B ernard Fox is telling us w h at opinion as an argum ent.
thinks, and giving his subjective

Below is some o f the language we can use for this.
It is a fact that* . . . It is undeniable that* . . . There can be no doubt that
* . . . (Personally) I would argue th a t. . . believe t ha t . . . Personally
) I would tend to argue < (.slightly tentative/formal> think The language marked
* can also be used to state objective arguments.
a. M arriag e has always been arg u ed a b o u t! Below are statem ents about m
arriag e w hich express different opinions. Im agine th a t they are your opinio
ns, and change them into subjective argum ents. a) Society w ould not exist w it
h o u t m arriage. b) M arriag e is unnecessary. c) M arriag e keeps couples tog
ether. d) M arriag e is im p o rta n t for the children. e) A m arriage licence
is a worthless piece o f paper. f M arriag e restricts freedom . g) A lot of m a
rried people get divorced.
b. N ow give subjective argum ents ab o u t one o f the following.
a) sm oking in public places b) the effect o f violence on television
3 R H E T O R IC A L Q U E S T IO N S R heto rical questions (questions to w hic
h the speaker/w riter does not expect an answer) are often used in arg um ent. B
elow are some ways of doing this.
f often How ^m anyftim es >must X DO . . . before T D O E S . . . ? (jong i f Ot
her words can be used here, e.g. people, children, etc. J Other words can be use
d here, e.g. far, low, etc.
How low must the value o f the poundfall before the government does something ab
out it? How long must we w ait before the government comes to its senses?
a . N ow m ake the following pairs o f sentences into R hetorical Q uestions, us
ing the question form given.
A lot o f a c c id e n ts take p la c e in factories. Safety regulations m ust b
e in troduced . . . H ow long How long must accidents take place in factories be
fore better safety regulations are introduced.

Now do the same w ith the following. a) People die in car accidents. W e m ust f
orce people to w ear se at-b e lts. . . H ow m any b) H ealth standards are fall
ing. W e m ust train m ore doctors . . . H ow low c) A lot o f people die from c
ancer. W e m ust b an sm oking . . . H ow m any d) E arthquakes go on killing pe
ople. W e m ust build safer b u ild in g s. . . H ow long e) People are m urdere
d. V iolence on television m ust be stopped . . . H ow often
b. Now m ake rhetorical questions o f your own ab o u t the following subjects.
a) W ar b) Pollution
4 Censorship has always been a controversial subject, and below you will
find argum ents both in favour o f it and against it. You should use c o n t r o
v e r s y language to m ake statem ents ab o u t it, and you should try to use
other peoples argum ents subjective argum ents rhetorical questions c -------------------------------- People should be allowed to read/
see/listen to what they like. Censorship leads to dictatorship. What people shou
ld be responsible for deciding what we cannot see/read/listen to? Censorship doe
sn t lead to immorality, but repression does. Censorship is a denial of personal
liberty, etc.
P o rn o g ra p h y e n c o u ra g e s im m o ra lity . V io le n c e in film s
e n c o u ra g e s v a n d a lis m . U n s c ru p u lo u s p e o p le w ill m a
ke a lo t o f m o n e y o u t o f o th e r p e o p le s w e a k n e s s e s if
p o rn o g ra p h y is a llo w e d . W o m e n a re e x p lo ite d by p o rn o g
ra p h e rs. C e n s o rs h ip is n e c e s s a ry to p r o te c t t h e in n o
c e n t m o ra lly and p o lit ic a lly . e tc .
Resourcesfile references
1 FI caption a)
2 G5 caption a)

| Sentence construction
R E A S O N S , C A U S E S A N D E X P L A N A T IO N S Look at the following s
entences from the text. T h e re is, o f course, n o th in g strange a b o u t t
his, for every tim e an airline decides . . . (11. 9-10) . . . nurses an d teach
ers do their jobs because they feel a special calling. (11. 76-78) T h ere is quit
e a large variety o f ways in English o f showing the cause of, or reason/explan
ation for a situation or action. T h e most com m on w ay in w riting is to use
one o f th e following conjunctions i) b e c a u s e ii) a s iii) s i n c e iv)
f o r In m any cases, m ore th a n one o f these can be used, w ith very little
difference of m eaning. H ow ever, it is im p o rtan t to see w hy they are used
, an d w hen one or o ther o f them eith er should not or can n o t be used. T h
e following tw o pieces of inform ation can be connected w ith all four conjunc
tions, b u t w ith differences o f m eaning, an d in one case a great deal of am
biguity. a) I w e n t t o v i s i t m y p a r e n t s a c t i o n b) I w a s l
e a v i n g t h e t o w n reason i ) Because e m p h a s i s e s t h e r e a s o
n , a n d t h e r e f o r e u s u a l l y c o m e s s e c o n d I went to visit
my parents because I was leaving the town. i i) As c a u s e s t h e a c t i o
n t o b e e m p h a s i s e d , a n d s o u s u a l l y c o m e s first As I was
leaving the town, I went to visit my parents. i ii ) Since c a u s e s t h e a
c t i o n t o b e e m p h a s i s e d , a n d s o u s u a l l y c o m e s first
Since I was leaving the town, I went to visit my parents. iv) For has a very sim
ilar m eaning to y ou see in spoken English. It does not give the reason for o r
cause o f a n action, it sim ply gives an explanation for w h at has ju st been
said. F or this reason, it m ust com e after the action w hich it is explaining
. I went to visit my parents, fo r I was leaving the town.
an d a s are used in exactly the sam e w ay as each other. H ow ever, if you loo
k a t sentence (ii) above, it will be seen th a t the use o f a s m akes the sen
tence am biguous. It could also m ean at the same tim e. I f there is any chance o
f such am biguity, s i n c e m ust be used, s i n c e also has the m eaning of
tim e, w hich can cause confusion to o ; in such cases a s m ust be used. 1 In t
he following sentences, choose w hich o f the four conjunctions can be used in t
he spaces to p roduce unam biguous sentences. T h e re will often be m ore th an
one possible answ er. In th a t case say w hich you think is the m o s t suitab
le. a) ____ his wife is trying to lose some w eight, she is going w ithout lunch
every day. b) T h e situation was becom ing increasingly d e s p e ra te ,____
night was draw ing in, an d we still h ad not found anyw here to take shelter. (

c) ____ he was on his w ay to the village, he offered to collect m y groceries f
or me. d) M artin has taken up fishing,------ he w ants to avoid arguing so m uc
h w ith his m other-in-law . e) Soon G abriel w ould have to move his sheep back
to the lower pastures, ____ w inter was draw ing on, and the grass w ould then
be blanketed in snow. j ) ____ the child has disappeared, we have been unable to
find out where it lives. g) H e is not in a position to give you an answ er y e
t,____ you h av en t yet m ade a form al offer in w riting, inform ing him of th
e precise details of the deal. h) ____ G eorge h ad been staying w ith his siste
r, he had not been able to see as m uch of M arie as he w ould have liked.
| Structure and style
G E R U N D S AS S U B J E C T S A N D O B J E C T S Look at this sentence from
the text, then choose the right answ er to the question w hich follows Flying Co
ncorde is clearly not the same as flying a conventional airliner. (11. 7-8) Is t
he subject o f the verb is a) Flying Concorde, or b) C oncorde? (answer at the b
ottom of this page)*
is like a verb. It can a) have an object ( Concorde) b) be followed by adverbs (
quicklyjto London/at night)
is like a noun. It can a) be the subject o f a verb {is quicker) b) be preceded
by adjectives (good, intelligent)
Because the gerund has both the features o f nouns and those of verbs, it is an
excellent w ay o f varying style, p articu larly w ritten style. 1 Look at the f
ollowing w ord groups
getting m arried to playing allowing attacking riding m aking shouting (at)
bank m anagers doctors donkeys film stars games guitars songs suggestions
loudly/silently/slowly too silently b)
at hom e/in hospital/in public places in shops/on board ship c)
after breakfast/at night/ once a w eek/on Sundays
opjoauo^ Suivy *

Begin or com plete the following opinions w ith meaningful gerund phrases. (Y ou
r sentences can be as serious or am using as you lik e !) T h e p a tte rn will
be as follows.
(o b j e c t )
(a d v e r b
( a d v e r b g r o u p s a a n d b) ( a d v e r b g r o u p s a , b a n d c) (
a d v e r b g r o u p s b a n d c)
(N ote the o rd er o f adverbs
or health. ____ tends to m ake
ld n t you agree t h a t ____
e) ____ surely should be b an
a) b) c) d)

in English.) I c an t agree t h a t ____ is good f

you thirsty. I certainly believe i n _____ W o u
is an extrem ely relaxing w ay to spend a w eekend?
n ed , sh o u ldnt it?

2 G eru n d phrases are p artic u larly useful for showing our likes and dislike
s. C om plete the following sentences aboutyourself using gerund phrases. a) O n
e o f m y favourite kinds o f holiday is ____ b) ___ is som ething I w ould do
m ore of if I h ad the tim e an d the m oney. c) I m ust say I f in d ____ra th
e r boring. d) W hen I was small the thing I looked forw ard to most w a s --e)
W hen I get older, I m really going to e n jo y _____
| Topic vocabulary
W ORK 1 H ere is a list o f w ords connected w ith jobs and types o f work. Find
out w hat each one m eans, using a dictio n ary or any other source. a) dead-en
d b) steady; (in)secure c) exhausting; taxing d) bo rin g ; tedious; soul-destro
ying; m echanical; frustrating e) dem an d in g ; rew ard in g ; useful; interes
ting; stim ulating f ) o v e rp a id ; u n d e rp a id ; badly-paid g) m an u a
l; (un)skilled; clerical; creative h) te m p o ra ry ; fu ll-tim e; p art-tim e
i) freelan ce; self-em ployed; unem ployed j) to (give the) sack; to fire; to g
ive/hand in your notice; to take on (an em p lo y ee); to m ake someone re d u n
d a n t 2 U sing words from the list above, m ake sentences about the following
jobs or situations. a) w orking on an assem bly line b) a b arrister c) a resea
rch chem ist d) a docker e) a farm er f ) a personnel officer g) a stockbroker h
) a university

le c tu re r i) a b ilin g u al secretary j) a n air-hostess k) w o rk in g in t
h e n e w sp a p er in d u stry I) b ein g a s tu d e n t m) y o u r ow n jo b (
if you h av e one) Resourcesfile reference B3 caption a)
W riting tasks
should m iners be
250-300 words
paid more than
1 W rite a com position entitled
H ere are some argum ents on the subject. Miners a) T h ey work in ap palling co
nditions. b) T h e re is a constant risk of accident. c) M ining is an u n pleas
ant jo b . d) T h ey work in near-darkness. e) Coal is still a vitally im p o rt
an t source of energy. Nurses a) T h ey work very long hours. b) N ursing is ver
y dem anding. c) N ursing is em otionally taxing. d) W e all need nurses at some
tim e d u ring our lives. e) Nurses bear a lot o f responsibility. 2 O P T IO N
BO X a) T h e punishm ent should fit the crim e. b) T o d a y s pop-stars are p aid
far too m uch m oney. c) M arriage is d e ad . Resourcesfile reference G3 caption


HAROLD MAGNA, a freelance jo u rn alist from London, con siders the relative m er
its of town and country.
FOR centuries town and country have been regarded as being in opposition to each
other. It has been suggested that the superficial differences between the twowid
eopen spaces contrasting with brick and concreteare less important than the contr
asting attitudes of town and country.
I am one of the m any city people who are always saying th at given the choice w
e would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large ci
ty. I have managed to convince myself that if 15 it werent for my jo b I would im
mediately head out for the open spaces and go back to
nature in some sleepy village buried in the country. But how realistic is this d
ream ? Cities can be frightening places. The 20 majority of the population live
in massive tower blocks, noisy, squalid and impecsonal. The sense of belonging t
o a com m unity tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up. All you can
see from 25 your window is sky, or other blocks of flats. Children become aggres
sive and nervouscooped up at home all day, with nowhere to play; their m others f
eel iso lated from the rest of the world. Strangely 30 enough, whereas in the pas
t the inhabitants of one street all knew each other, nowadays people on the same
floor in tower blocks d o n t even say hello to each other. C ountry life, on
the other hand, differs 35 from this kind of isolated existence in that a sense
o f com m unity generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together. Peop
le have the advantage of knowing that there is always som eone to turn to when 4
0 they need help. But country life has dis advantages too. While it is true that
you may be am ong friends in a village, it is also true that you are cut off fro
m the exciting and im portant events that take place in 45 cities. There s littl
e possibility of going to a new show or the latest movie. Shopping becomes a m a
jor problem, and for any thing slightly out o f the ordinary you have to go on an
expedition to the nearest large 50 town. The city-dweller who leaves for the co
untry is often oppressed by a sense of unbearable stillness and quiet. W hat, th
en, is the answer? The country has the advantage of peace and quiet, but 55 suff
ers from the disadvantage of being cut
Please turn to back page


m uch
sensitivity as the plastic flowers they
| Exercises
the text
VOCABULARY Find words or phrases in the text th a t mean: a) only on the surface
b) dirty and unpleasant c) enclosed in a small space d) cut off from everything
(or everyone) else e) ties together J ) feeling weighed dow n by g) a m iddle c
ourse h) not real T A L K IN G P O IN T S Say w hether the following statem ents
about the text are true or false. If you think the answer is false, give your r
easons. a) T h e w riter w ould like to move to the country. b) T h e w riter wi
ll definitely move to the country. c) T h e w riter says th a t cities are d irt
y and noisy. d) T h e w riter says th a t people tu rn to others unnecessarily w
hen they need help. e) T h e w riter thinks th a t im p o rtan t an d exciting
things h appen in cities. J) T h e w riter says th a t it is a good thing th a t
villages are cut off. g) T h e w riter thinks th a t T o b y would not like the
country. W R IT IN G P O IN T S Answer the following questions w ith com plete
sentences. a) In the w riters opinion w h at causes city people to be u nhappy? b
) W h at do you think the w riters opinion of com m uters is? c) Do you think the
w riter will move to the country? W hy?


4 C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S a) W ho are w e in line 11 ? b) T his d re am in l
ine 18 refers to . . . c) W h at people is the w riter talking ab o u t w hen he
says you in line 23? d) Its in line 58 refers to . . . e) W ho are they in line 67? 5
SU M M A RY W O R K a) M ake a list of w h at the w riter thinks are the advant
ages of living in i) a city ii) the country b) M ake a list o f w h at the w rit
er thinks are the disadvantages o f living in i) a city ii) the country c) T ak
in g your inform ation o n l y from the text, w rite, in not m ore than 60 words
, ab o u t w hy the co untry is a b etter place to live in th an the city. (g)
| Revision-test
1 C om plete the blanks or p u t the correct form of the words in brackets. a) O
n e o f t h e _________ in favour of (wear) crash helm ets (be) th a t they red
uce fatal accidents. b) Some p e o p le __________th a t m otorcyclists should n
ot be forced to w ear crash helm ets. c) (Ride) m otorcycles w ithout (wear) cra
sh helm ets is (ask) for trouble. (7 marks) 2 R earrange the following groups of
words into gram m atically accurate sentences. a) U nhappy/you/are/w h en /to /
p lace/g o /th e/th e/p u b /is. b) B ad/you/is/for/too/alcohol/m uch/drinking/b
ut. c) B rita in /a fte rn o o n /c lo s e /in /h a v e /p u b s /to /a t/in /th
e /th re e o clock. d) U n h ap p v /im p o rtan t/th ree o clock/is/be/after/not
/to/it! (4 marks) 3 R ew rite the following sentences, focusing attention on or
clarifying word or phrases in italics. a) J a c k d id n t come on Friday, he cam
e on Saturday. b) H e w asnt w ith Alison , he was w ith D iane. c) D id n t Dian
e get divorced last year? (3 marks) 4 W rite three sentences on the subject of c
apital punishm ent using controversy la n g u ag e N , 1 & & (6 m arks) Serunds
(T o tal: 2 0 m arks)


c | Advantages and disadvantages
1 D IF F E R E N C E S Look at the following sentence from the te x t: C ountry
life, on the oth er h an d , differsfrom this kind of isolated existence in that
a sense, of com m unity generally binds the in h ab itan ts of small villages t
ogether. (11. 34-37) U sing the p attern , X differsfrom T in th a t. . ., m ake
the following sentences abou t quality new spapers an d p o p u lar newspapers.
note Q uality - the serious natio n al newspapers P opular - the less serious,
m ore pictorial newspapers, less concerned w ith im p o rtan t news. a . a) Q u
ality new spapers / differ / p o p u lar new spapers in th a t / have m ore real
news b) P opular new spapers / differ / q u ality new spapers / th a t / have m
ore pictures c) Q uality new spapers/differ/popular new spapers/treat foreign n
ews m ore fully d) Q u ality n ew spapers/differ/popular n ew sp ap ers/th at/ca
rry longer an d m ore detailed articles e) P opular new spapers/diffec/quality n
ew spapers/contain m ore cartoons f ) Q u ality new spapers/popular new spapers/
include m ore serious criti cism of the arts g) Q u ality new spapers/popular new
spapers/im portant editorials h) P opular new spapers/quality newspapers/less t
iring to read b . H ere is an o th er w ay o f expressing the same idea
between X and T is that X . . .
U sing this language, express the differences betw een quality and p o p u lar n
ew spapers given in a (above).
One o f the differences between quality newspapers and popular newspapers is tha
t quality newspapers have more real news.
c. Now m ake sentences of your own ab o u t differences betw een
a) new spapers an d m agazines in your own country b) m en an d w om en 2 A D V
A N T A G E S A N D D IS A D V A N T A G E S Look at these sentences from the te
xt i) T h e country has the advantage o f peace and quiet, b u t suffers from th
e disadvantage of being cut off. (11. 53 56) ii) t\i\.oneofitsmainadvantagesisthat
yovLa.rza.\.x\\e,centYeo{\hing$. (11.58 59)


N ow look at these ways of talking ab o u t advantages an d disadvantages. (One
of) the (main) { ^ X a n T a g e s } has the f { d OIJVC . . . } S tha* " (rathe
of ^ IN G

a . W rite the following sentences ab o u t the advantages an d disadvantages of

having a car. a) O ne/disad v an tag es/h av in g a c a r/it costs a lot to ins
ure b) Cars h av e/ad v an tag e/g ettin g you exactly w here you w ant to go c)
T h e ad v an tag e/h av in g a c ar/n o t get w et an d cold/bad w eather d) C
ars/disadvantage/costing a lot o f m oney to rep air e) C ars/advantage/speed J
) O n e/ad v an tag es/car/n o t have to d ep en d /p u b lic tran sp o rt
b. N ow
m ake m ore sentences o f your own ab o u t the advantages and disadvantages of
a) having a d ictatin g m achine ra th e r th an a secretary b) being a vegetari
an Resourcesfile reference F 4 cap tio n a) 3 C H O IC E Look at the following s
entence from the text Given the choice we would prefer to live in the country .
. . (11. 11 12) W e can say If X had the chance choice opportunity choice chance
opportunity X would DO . . .
Given the
X would DO . . . (rather informaly
4 You are looking a t the possibility o f ren tin g one of the two places below.
K itch en . D in in g -r o o m . L ou n g e. 3 b e d room s. B athroom . Separat
e W .C . G arage; garden. P leasan tly situ ated in u n sp oilt co u n try sid e
6 m ile s from city centre.
Price: 85.00 per month. FLAT
K itc h e n /d in in g -r o o m . L o u n g e . 2 b e d room s. B a th ro o m /W
.C . C entral h eatin g. Id eally situ a ted : 2 m in s. w alk from city centre
Price: 65.00 per month.


You should i) discuss the differences betw een them ii) discuss the advantages a
n d disadvantages of both of them iii) say w h at you w ould do if you w ere giv
en the choice, giving your reasons 5 M ake n o m o r e th an four sentences ab o
ut each of the following. Y ou should i) discuss the differences betw een them
ii) discuss the advantages an d disadvantages they have iii) say w h at you w ou
ld do if you w ere given the choice a) b) c) d) Listening to records or going to
concerts G oing on package holidays or going on holiday on your own G oing to w
ork by bicycle or going by public transport Being m arried or being single E4 ca
ption a)
Resourcesfile reference
| Sentence construction

H IL E A N D W H E R E A S Look at the following sentences from the text i) .

. whereas in the past the in h ab itan ts all knew each other, now adays peopl
on the same floor . . . d o n t even say hello . . . (11. 30-33) ii) . . . whil
it s true th a t you m ay be . . ., its also true th at you are cut off from the
exciting . . . events . . . (11. 41-44) While an d whereas are both conjunction
s (words used to jo in two halves of a sentence). T hey are used to contrast two
situations or actions. T hey can usually be placed either at the beginning o f
the contrasted situations/actions (as in the exam ples above) or between the two
A bicycle is a very healthy w ay to travel, I while I a )whereas)
c a r js
a u jck an(j com fortable way.
(T here are some differences in use betw een the two words, because while can, o
f course, also have the m eaning o f at the sam e tim e as. In most cases they are
interchangeable, however.) 1 Below there are some contrast p ro m pts, in w hich
present-day life is contrasted w ith life 50 years ago. M ake generalisations fr
om these prom pts using while or whereas. 50 YEARS AGO NOWADAYS a) fam ilies/ren
t hom es . . . m ajority/fam ilies/ow n/hom es b) 5 % /w ork/agriculture . . . o
nly 3% w ork/land c) only rich people/cars . . . families/2 cars (K)


d) peop le/ab ro ad . . . e) c h ild re n /s c h o o l/1 4 ... f ) m arry /late
20s . . . 2 m illions/holiday/S pain/M orocco children have to /16 m arry /early
20s/not b o th er/m arried at all
In a recent survey, m en an d w om en o f various ages
nsidered to be their m ain leisure activity. H ere are
Single men 15-30 17 7 21 16 5 22 1 3 3 4 1 100% Single
8 3 10 4 10 2 100% Married men 20-30 10 8 22 20 2 18 5

w ere asked w hat they co

the results.
women 15-30 15 10 27 5 6
10 1 1 3 100%

Activities Taking part in sport Reading Television Drinking Cinema W atching spo
rt Gardening Handicrafts Studying Dancing Other activities
Married women 20-30 5 10 29 3 4 7 5 22 5 10 100%
Men 30-50 6 4 24 25

Women 30-50 2 10 30 5
17 10 11 3 100%
4 7 18 7 17 100%
M ake contrasting generalisations a b o u t p eoples preferences as follow s: a)
b) c) d) e) J) g) h) i) j) M iddle-aged m en . . . single m en u n d er 30 Singl
e w om en . . . m arried w om en Single m en . . . m arried w om en M en . . . w
om en Single m en u n d er 30 . . . m arried m en u n d er 30 Y oung w om en .
. . m iddle-aged w om en M arried m en . . . m arried w om en G ardening S tudyi
ng M en taking p a rt in s p o r t . . . m en w atching sport
E3 caption a)
Resourcesfile reference


| Structure and style
Q U A L IF Y IN G A N D D E S C R IB IN G N O U N S a) G enerally speaking nouns
are qualified by one or m ore single-word adjectives placed before them . examp
le . . . t h e unwilling original i n h a b i t a n t s o f t h e v i l l a g e
s . (11. 71-72) b) C ertain adjectival phrases o f two words also are placed bef
ore nouns. Such phrases are very often jo in ed by hyphens.
. . . wide-open spaces. (11. 5 -6 )
c) In other circum stances adjectival phrases m ust be placed after nouns. This
is especially true of phrases beginning w ith i) past participles ( d o n e ) or
ii) present participles ( d o i n g ) or iii) prepositions (a t , n e a r , etc
H arold M a g n as next article will be about a factory i) run by a co-operative
ii) producing refrigerators iii) near the docks. (R)
1 Find an exam ple in the text o f an adjectival phrase beginning w ith a) a pas
t participle (in p ara g ra p h 2.) b) a preposition (in lines 61-67) 2 C hange
the following sentences so th a t you m ake ju st one sentence w hich contains a
noun followed by at least one adjectival phrase.
In the new spapers there are a lot of interesting articles. T hey are w ritten b
y H arold M agna. In the newspapers there are a lot o f interesting articles wri
tten by Harold Magna.
Now do the same w ith the following. a) H aro ld M ag n a is a freelance jo u rn
alist. H e works in London. b) N ear Chelsea football stadium there is a new bl
ock of flats. H arold lives there. (H arold lives . . .) c) N ear his p aren ts h
om e there is a beautiful cottage. It was built in 1792. H arold once set his h
eart on it. (H arold . . .) d) H arold has a lot o f friends. T h ey live in the
centre of London. T h a ts the problem . (The problem is . . .) e) H arold is co
nsidering the idea o f renting a weekend cottage. T h e idea was suggested by hi
s father. T h e cottage is about 50 km from London. 3 C om plete the following s
entences using adjectival phrases beginning w ith a past participle a present pa
rticiple a preposition


a) b) c) d) e) I d really like to live in a house . . . I ve never m et anyone .
. . Books . . . tend to interest m e m ore th a n b o o k s. . . C hildren . . .
really get on m y nerves. Television program m es . . . are very stim ulating.
i directed by John Ford, showing African wildlife. with lots o f action.
| Topic vocabulary
TO W N AND C O U N TR Y Below are two lists features o f u rb a n (town) an d ru
ral (country) life.
high-rise office blocks m ain roads - side roads city centre crowds shopping pre
cincts building sites sem i-detached houses terraced houses factories (factory-w
orkers) vehicles hustle-and-bustle industry concrete - bricks
cottages country lanes - paths village green em pty spaces general store fields m
eadows hills - valleys woods - forests farms (farm -labourers) farm anim als pe
ace and quiet agriculture hedges - plants
1 U sing a d ictionary or an y o th er source, find out w hich o f the following
descriptive adjectives could be applied to each of the words an d phrases above
. hectic isolated tow ering secluded friendly personal dingy invigorating lonely
claustrophobic tran q u il dreary idyllic lively sleepy depressing
2 U sing the vocabulary lists above, think o f at least 5 reasons why a) you lik
e or dislike u rb an life b) you like or dislike ru ral life


| W riting tasks
300-350 words
1 An English friend of yours has w ritten to you to ask w hat you think about th
e following situation. H e has been offered a jo b in a large city in your count
ry and w ants to know w hether you think it w ould be better to live in the city
or in the country w ithin easy com m uting distance of his job. W rite a letter
to him giving your opinion. 2 O P T IO N BO X a) A n objective view of the adva
ntages an d disadvantages of com m ercial television. b) A feasibility study on
w hether your com pany should open an office in a p artic u la r city.
Resourcesfile references
1 B 1 caption b)
2 F3 caption a)

At any time between four in the afternoon and mid night, at least ten million vie
wers are sure to be 5 watching television; this figure can even rise to 35 milli
on at peak viewing hours. With such large numbers involved, there 10 arethosewho
would main tain that television is in danger of becoming a national disease.
15 The average man or woman spends about a third of his or her life asleep, and
a further third at work. The remaining third is leisure time mostly evenings and
weekends, and it is during this time that people are free to occupy themselves
in any way they see fit. In our great-grand fathers days the choice of enter tain
ment was strictly limited, but nowadays there is an enormous variety of things t
o do. The vast majority of the population, though, seem to be quite content to s
pend their evenings goggling at the box. Even when they go out, the choice of pu
b can be influenced by which one has a colour television; it is, in fact, the in
troduction of colour that has prompted an enormous growth in the box s popularit
y, and there can be little likelihood
JULIA ELLIOTT looks at television
disturbing is the possible effect on people s minds and attitudes. 60 There seem
s to be a particular risk o f television bringing a sense of unreality into all
our lives. Most people, it is probably 65 true to say, would be horrified to see
someone gunned down in the street before their very eyes. The same sight repeat
ed nightly in the comfort o f one s living70 room tends to lose its impact. Coul
d the same be true o f news reports of violence and deaths in various parts of t
he world? This is almost certainly the case, 75 since the advent of television j
ournalism has brought man s bitterest and bloodiest conflicts onto the small scr
een repeatedly. What worries many people is 80 that if cold-blooded murder both
acted and real means so little, are scenes of earthquakes and other natural disa
sters likely to have much effect either? 85 Such questions are, to a large exten
t, unanswerable, and it is true to say that predictions about people s probable
re actions are dangerous and often 90 misleading. But if television is dulling ou
r reactions to violence and tragedy, it can also be said to be broadening people
s hori zons by introducing them to of this popularity diminishing in 95 new idea
s and activities- ideas the near future. If. then, we have which may eventually
lead them 40 to live with the monster, we must into new hobbies and pastimes.stu
dy its effects. In the last few years there has That the great boom in tele been
a vast increase in educative vision s popularity is destroying the art o f conv
ersation a 100 programmes, from the more serious Open University, to 45 w i d e l
y - h e l d m i d d l e - c l a s s Yoga and the joys of amateur opinionseems to
be at best gardening. Already, then people irrelevant, and at worst de have a lo
t to thank the small monstrably false. How many conversations does one hear 105
screen for, and in all probability the future will see many more 50 prefaced wit
h the remarks. grateful viewers who have dis "Did you see so-and-so last covered
new pursuits through night? Good, wasnt it! , which the telly s inventive genius.
suggests that television has had a beneficial rather than a detri- 110 Televisi
on, arguably the most important invention of the 55 mental effect on conversatio
nal twentieth century, is bound to habits; at least people have be exerting a ma
jor influence in something to talk about! More the life of the modern man for 11

5 as long as one dare predict; that it will also continue to grow in popularity
as the years go by is virtually certain. Yet in arous ing hitherto unknown in120
terestschallenging to its own hold over the lethargic minds of its devoteesit is n
ot incon ceivable that television may be sowing the seeds of its own 125 downfall

| Exercises on the text
VOCABULARY Find words or phrases in the text th at m e a n : a) the tim e of day
w hen people w atch television the most b) begun, caused c) sudden and large in
crease d) im m ediate effect e) the coming, the arrival of f ) the furthest poin
t o f peoples im aginations g) extrem e intelligence and cleverness h) sleepy, w
ithout energy i) a tim e when people do not work T A L K IN G P O IN T S Say w h
ether the following statem ents about the text are true or false. I f you think
the answer is false, give your reasons. a) 35 million people w atch television e
very day. b) J u lia Elliott says th a t people take keep-fit classes. c) People s
ometimes go and see w hether a p u b has colour television before they decide w
hether to spend an evening there or not. d) Some people think th at television c
auses diseases. e) J u lia Elliott thinks television has had a bad effect on the
a rt of conversation. f ) People see m en gunned dow n on their sitting-room ca
rpets. g) J u lia Elliott thinks th at scenes o f violence on television have gr
adually less effect. h) J u lia Elliott thinks television is dull. i) T h e m on
ster practises Yoga while sowing seeds in an am ateu r garden.
3 W R IT IN G P O IN T S Answer the following questions w ith com plete sentence
s. a) A ccording to J u lia Elliott, how do most people spend their evenings? b)
W hat is the effect o f continual violence on television, in J u lia E lliotts o
pinion? c) W hy does J u lia Elliott think th a t television m ay be sowing the s
eeds of its ow n dow nfall ?
C O N T E X T Q U E S T IO N S a) H e r in line 15 refers to . . . b) W ho does th
eir refer to in line 29? c) W h at is it in line 52 ? d) W h at or who does th em re
fer to in line 94?

5 SU M M A RY W O R K a . Answer the following questions a) W h at is the benefi
cial effect of television m entioned in the text? b) W h at three adverse effect
s o f television are m entioned in the text?
b. T akin g
your inform ation o n l y from the text, w rite an anti-T .V . advertisem ent fo
r the A nti-Television L eague, the aim of which is to increase m em b ersh ip , a
n d ask for financial co n trib u tio n s. Y our advertisem ent should not be m
ore th an 100 words.
1 C om plete the blanks and p u t the correct form of the words in brackets. a)
____ the advantages of (know) an o th er language is th a t you can com m unicat
e w ith people from o th er countries. b) English people d iffe r____ people who
are not E n g lish _____they drink a lot o f tea. c) the choice I ( buy) a vill
a in the S outh o f F rance. d) T h e m ain d ifferen ce_____________ the South
o f F rance and E n g la n d _the South of F rance is very hot. e) Bicycles____
the a d v a n ta g e _____(be) cheap to run. (11 marks) 2 Jo in the following se
ntences to m ake g e n e r a l i s a t i o n s and com parisons, using w h i l e
, w h e r e a s , and g e n e r a l i s a t i o n s l a n g u a g e . a) Britis
h cars are small. A m erican cars are large. b) British people prefer Scotch. A
m ericans prefer Bourbon. c) British children leave school at sixteen. A m erica
n children leave school at nineteen. (6 marks) 3 C om plete the following w ith
a suitable a) I like food . . . b) I often read books . . . c) I often go to the
library . . .
adjectival p h r a s e
(3 marks) (T o tal: 20 marks)
c | Probability, present and future
1 Look a t the following ways of expressing p r o b a b i l i t y in the present
and the future, some of w hich are taken from the text.

Will r, bound Be < > to (sure J Will probably Be likely to May
W ont Be hardly likely to Be unlikely to Probably w ont M ay not
i _____________ i
DO Complete action/situation or BE DOING Incomplete action/situation
N ote: M ay and will can both be used to refer to the present as well as the fut
i) W h a ts J o h n doing at the m o m en t? He | | be having his lunch.

ii) A re you free tom orrow evening? No, I ll be travelling to France. I m not sure, I
may be having dinner with my mother. a. A rth u r Bessant is leaving hospital tom
orrow after six m onths. M ake the following sentences about w hat he is doing
n o w , using the language from the ch art a b o v e : a) He/feel happy . . . wi
ll b) H e/so rry /th at he is leaving . . . pro b ably w ont c) H e /re a d /n e
w s p a p e r... m ay d) H e/drink/w hisky . . . h ard ly likely b . W rite sent
ences about w hat you think your friends/fam ily are doing now. c. Now m ake sta
tem ents about w hat will happen and w hat will be happening when A rth u r Bess
ant leaves hospital tom orrow . (R em em ber to use the B E D O IN G form for ac
tions/situations already started and not yet com plete.) will a) His w ife /w a
it. . . bound to b) H e/say thank you/nurses . . . H e/give present/the Sister .
. . m ay well c) m ay not d) H e/w alk steadily . .. His wife/feel hap p y . .
. unlikely to e) sure to J) His w ife/start arguing w ith him again . . . His wi
fe/tell him about her boyfriend . . . hardly likely to g) m ay h) H e/find out a
b o u t her boyfriend . . . d. N ow say w hat you think will/is likely to, etc.,
happen if he finds o her boyfriend. (R)

e. M ake predictions a b o u t yourself in five years tim e. Say w h at you may b
e doing/may do, etc., or w h at you wont be doing/wont do, etc. Resourcesfile refe
rence G3 caption b) 2 H ere are some m ore ways o f expressing p r o b a b i l i
t y in the present and future, some of w hich are taken from the text. T h e la
nguage is moreformal th a n th a t in 1, an d is m ore com m on in w ritten Engl
ALMOST CERTAINLY It is virtu ally certain that+SENTENCE (ratherformat}
X is v irtu ally certain to b e D O IN G . . .
In all probability+SENTENCE It is w ith in the boun d s o f possibility that + s
e n t e n c e (ratherformal) It is n ot in c o n c e iv a b le that+SENTENCE (v
eryformal) T h e r e c a n be little likelih ood that + SENTENCE
T h e r e can be little likelih ood o f X CERTAINLY NOT
exam ples
D O ING . . .
T h e r e is ab so lu te ly n o c h a n c e that+SENTENCE T h e r e is ab solu t
ely no c h a n c e o f X D O IN G . . .
(most o f w hich could refer to p r e s e n t or depending on the context in w h
ich they occur) i) He is virtually certain to be waiting fo r you. ii) In all pr
obability he will be waiting fo r you. iii) It is not inconceivable that he will
be waiting fo r you. iv) There can be little likelihood o f him waiting fo r yo
tim e,
a . M ake statem ents o f p r o b a b i l i t y ab o u t the w orld tw enty year
s from now ; be careful ab o u t w hen to use ( will) D O , ( will) B E D O IN G
. in all probability a) F ash io n s/d ifferen t. . . little likelihood U s/dri
ve/sam e types o f car . . . b) bounds o f possibility c) M an/live on M ars . .
. A rgue ab o u t the sam e things d) virtually certain as we do now . .. no ch
ance e) Cities/look the sam e . . .
b. N ow
m ake your ow n statem ents ab o u t the following in tw enty years, using the l
anguage from the charts in 1 and 2. a) tran sp o rt b) housing c) fam ily life d
) fashions e) holidays f ) ecology an d the environm ent 1 B1 caption c) 2 F4 ca
ption b) )
Resourcesfile references
| Sentence construction
W H A T A N D W H IC H Look at the following sentences from the text

i) What worries m any people is th at if cold-blooded m urd er m eans so little
. . . (11. 79-84) ii) H ow m any conversations does one h ear prefaced w ith the
rem ark, Did you see so-and-so last n ight? G ood, w asnt it!, which suggests th a
t television . . . (11. 48-56)
w h a t
----- the thing(s) t h a t . . . {what usually refers to the things th at follow
------> this sit u a t io n
w h ic h
(which refers back to the situation ju st m entioned and often summarises it)
worries m any people is th a t if cold-blooded m urd er . . .
H ow m any conversations . . . Good, w asnt it!
suggests. . .
[Note: w h i c h always has a com m a before it in this case.) 1 Some students r
ecently visited a large com puter firm. This is an article w ritten for the stud
ent m agazine. Insert what or which, as appropriate. ( a) surprised us m ost w h
en we arrived was the silence, (b)_ was not (c) one w ould expect surrounded by
so m any m achines. T h e m anager took us round, ( d) was very kind o f him sin
ce he was obviously a busy m an i _ you m ight think strange considering com put
ers are supposed to m ake life easier. M ost of the students h ad one or two que
stions to ask on C O they h ad read before com ing to the com pany, and all of t
hem were deeply im pressed by (g) the m an ag er h ad to say on the subject. H e
knew his stuff, (h) was a change after some of the disastrous visits we had bee
n on previously. W hen we left everyone was already satisfied th at ( lJ they h
ad come to find out, an d (j) they h ad w anted to see, they had seen. 2 You hav
e ju st arrived back hom e after an educational visit to a foreign country. M ak
e statem ents using what- or which- clauses about things you saw, were told. etc.
(Choose a real country, possibly one you know.) examples What I liked best was t
he way people were sofriendly. We were allowed to see whatever we wanted, which
surprised me rather. (K)
and style
T H A T A N D W H E T H E R C L A U S E S AS S U B J E C T S <.F O R M A L ) S T Y
L E N otice these two different ways o f expressing the same idea.

i) That it will also continue to grow in popularity is virtually beyond question
. ( veryformal style) (11. 115-118) beyond question th a t it) /7 c , , .x J It
is virtually 1 .n ^ <less formal style> will continue to grow in popularity. p o
p ularity. J J In (i) the subject o f the verb is is the whole clause in italic
s beginning T h a t. Whether clauses can also be used as subjects in (formal styl
e)?. iii) Whether television has been a good or bad (very formal style) inventio
n seems to be entirely a m a tte r of opinion. iv) It seems to be entirely a m a
tte r o f opinion w hether television has been a (lessformal style) good or b a
d invention. N otice the different transform s w hich are the origin o f that clau
ses, and fwhether3 clauses. v) It will continue to grow . I t is virtually in p o
p u larity . beyond question. That it will continue to grow in popularity is vir
tually beyond question. vi) H as television been a good or bad in v en tio n ? I t
is entirely a m a tte r o f opinion.
Whether television has been a good or bad invention is entirely a matter o f opi
nion. 1 C om bine the following pairs o f sentences in the sam e w ay to produce
formal style sentences a b o u t l i f e - p a s t a n d p r e s e n t . a) D i
d people use to be h ap p ier in the past? It is difficult to ju d g e. b) Peopl
e did n o t have the sam e opportunities. It is quite obvious. c) T h e stan d a
rd o f living has risen substantially. I t is absolutely clear for all to see.
d) H ave people benefited from technical progress? It seems questionable. 2 W ri
te sentences w ith t h a t an d w h e t h e r clauses as subjects on the follow
ing: a) T h e im p act o f television on p eoples leisure activities b) T h e str
ain o f living in the m iddle o f a busy city c) T h e usefulness (or not) o f E
nglish as an in tern atio n al language (K)
| Topic vocabulary
H ere is a list o f w ords an d phrases describing leisure tim e activities. Fin
d out w h at each one m eans, using a d ictionary or any o th er source.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) (to do) a hobby; a pastim e; handicrafts to engage in spare
-tim e activ ities; to take p a rt in som ething to practise sport read in g ; s
ki-ing (and m any oth er gerunds for pastimes) to try your h an d at som ething
to atten d evening classes to give up a h o b b y ; to take up a hobby relaxing
h) a fruitful w ay to spend time profitable j skilled in [good at doing som ethi
i) to be
j) to develop (latent) talents k) to take (a lot of) pleasure in doing som ethin
g I) to im p ro v e; im provem ent physically m) to benefit m entally psychologi
from doing som ething
Use the vocabulary above to find out the following inform ation from people. a)
their spare-tim e activities, past an d present b) w here they do these spare-ti
m e activities c) why they do these spare-tim e activities d) w hat activities t
hey have tried and then given up, and why.
Resourcesfile reference
C2 caption a)
| W riting tasks
275 350 words
1 W rite a com position in w hich you im agine w hat life will be like in
y years. T h e title is l i f e a n d l e i s u r e t w e n t y y e a r s
m n o w . 2 O P T IO N BO X a) C om puters - the consequences now an d in
ture. b) T h e likely reactions o f someone w ho has given up smoking. c)
xt holidays. Resourcesfile reference D 1 caption c)

tw ent
f r o
the fu
M y ne

More of your letters on the proposed Obscenity Act
Joor Tien. J me, man I felt \d a y s as he is, cald the asked vhich ether nsom g
et in would that 1 .s. Feel e van,
C .
was a ve been Jed to y and i 1 was needed urprise water, w long me. 1 .luf my he
pills, ne have things , ouldn t d to let undid led. but , arrying thinly d m in
d iv firm, landing >e. Once i m ake a you can t he told e might
From Kenneth Stewart, House o f Commons Sir, 1 feel I must register a strong pro
test against the proposed new legislation concerning literary censorship, which
the governm ent is to introduce in the current parliam entary session. However l
audable the aims of the legislationto cut down on the flood of pornography and vi
o lence the use of the law to achieve these aims is deplorable. Once again, we ar
e faced with an attack on individual liberty, and the depressing adm ission that
educa tion has failed. In the past ten years, we have seen a growing tendency to
introduce legislation to make people do w hat is good for them. The breathalyse
r to cut dow n on drunken driving, the enforced wearing of crashhelmets and car
seat-belts are just the main examples of the gradual encroachm ent of the law on
personal liberty. O ur now being told what we are and are not to read represent
s the greatest threat so far to all this country is said to stand for. in partic
ular the belief that it is through time and education that changes in people s a
ttitudes can best be achieved. Surely, it is through the education system and th
e mass media that people should be brought to discrim inate wisely between lite
ra tu re
and works which have a tendency to deprave and co rru p t (as the law
at present describes pornography). In order to warn people o f such works, our
aim should be to give children a better, more sensitive appreciation of the clas
sics, translated from all languages, so that they have a yardstick against which
to assess the standard o f other works they come across. Meanwhile the media sh
ould freely discuss new works, having no fear of expressing strong and frank opi
nions on works, w hether good or bad. so that readers are in no doubt about what
they are getting for their money. This should also enable people to see the pur
ely financial, non-artistic motives o f many publishers and writers alike.
fully sympathise with the aims o f the

5 0 legislation. It is the means to which I take

exception. U nder the proposed law. a Publications Board (similar to the present
Board o f Film Censors) would be estab lished, to which controversial books woul
d 5 5 be referred. This plan seems designed to do no more than to intim idate pu
blishers into avoiding publication o f doubtful works. And how are the judges to
be chosen? On what grounds, precisely, are 6 0 books to be passed or rejected?
The rather sketchy answers to these questions which have so far been suggested a
re most disturbing, posing as they do the threat o f governm ent control over wh
at we read. 65 A lthough the intention o f the legislation is to clamp down on b
ooks which tend to underm ine public m orality , isn t it con ceivable that such a
phrase might be attached to any book considered a political 7 0 danger to the g
overnment of the day? This, together with the proposal that the Home Secretary s
hould be the person responsible for appointing the members of the Publications B
oard, represents a m ajor 7 5 threat to our entire dem ocratic tradition, and if
implemented m ay soon bring about a state of affairs in which we have no furthe
r rights to take away. It is just one step short of dictatorship. 80 F or very m
any years we have been warned that our fundam ental rights are slowly being ero
ded. Clearly the time has com e to fight for freedom. U ltim ately, should anyon
e, in spite o f their education, 85 wish to read trash, they ought to be free to
do so. Only by schools and the media taking on the burden of exposing cheap lit
erature for what it is can we ever hope to both turn back the tide o f immoralit
y and 9 0 at the same time stem the erosion of personal rights and liberty. I am
. Yours, etc.. K. G. STEW A RT, M em ber o f Parliament.
* ;L ~nv

| Exercises on the text

1 VOCABULARY , F ind words or phrases in the text th a t m ean: a) w orthy of pr

aise b ) very bad and regrettable c) to reduce d) to choose, see the difference
betw een e) to encourage people to be bad, to m ake people bad J) to m easure an
d ju d g e g) new spapers, T .V ., etc. h) unspoken reasons for doing som ethin
g i) to be in agreem ent w ith j) to object to k) m ethod (s) I) not detailed m)
p u t into action n) gradually reduced, taken aw ay 2 T A L K IN G P O IN T S S
ay w hether the following statem ents about the text are true or false. Justify
your answ er by quoting from the text. a) M r Stew art is protesting against a n
ew law about censorship. b ) M r Stew art disagrees w ith attem pts to discourag
e pornography. c) M ore and m ore laws are being in troduced w hich take aw ay p
eoples freedom to choose. d) T ry in g to change peoples attitudes by introducing
laws is against tradition. e) People should be b etter tau g h t to choose betw
een good and bad literature. J) A yardstick should be used to m easure books. g)
M an y publishers and w riters are interested in m oney ra th e r th an a r t. h)
All books w ould have to be referred to the Publications Board if the new law w
ere passed. i) T h e reasons for rejection o f books by the Publications Board h
ave not yet been finally an d clearly decided. j) T rash should be free if peopl
e w an t it.
| Comprehension
Answer these questions. a) W h at w ould be achieved, according to M r Stew art,
by giving children a better, m ore sensitive ap preciation of the classics ? (11.
35-36) b ) These aim s in lines 9/10 refer to . . .

c) W h at, according to M r S tew art, will h ap p en if the present proposals b
ecom e law ? d) H ow w ould the public benefit from free an d frank discussion i
n the m edia of new works? e) W ho are th ey in line 37? j ) WT h a t does M r S
tew art think is d ep lo rab le, an d w hy does he think so? g) In w h at w ay are
the sketchy answ ers (1. 61) so far suggested distu rb in g ? h) T h e y in line 63
refers to . . . i) W h at does this p la n
in line 55 refer to? j ) H ow does
M r S tew art consider the proposed legislation is a th re a t to trad itio n ?
k) W ho is referred to by th ey in line 85? I) In a p ara g ra p h o f not more t
han 80 words, say how M r S tew art thinks the tide o f im m o rality could best
be tu rn e d back.
c | Planning
1 PLA N S hoping to DO . . .
X is
thinking of DOING . . . planning to D O .. . proposing to DO . . . intending goi
ng hopes to to to to to to DO . . . DO . . . DO . . . DO . . . DO . . . DO . . .
(slightlyformal) X
plans intends is
PLANS T H A T H A V E BEEN C H A N G ED was thinking of D O ING . . was hoping t
o DO . . . , had hoped to DO . . ., was planning to DO . . ., had planned to DO
. . . , was proposing to DO . . . , . had proposed to DO . . . , was intending t
o DO . . .,
but now . . .

had intended to D O . . ? b u t now . . . was going to D O . . . , was to have
D O N E . . . ?
All these forms can refer to plans about the past or the future.
a . Below is a list of projects for a city council. You will notice th a t the c
ouncil originally set a t a r g e t im p l e m e n t a t io n d a t e , i.e. how l
ong it w ould be before the projects could be started and finished. R ecent econ
om ic difficulties, though, have forced the council to look at their projects ag
ain, an d some o f them have had to be cancelled. O thers have h ad their t a r
g e t d a t e changed.
dates/ proj: 3CTS
Swimming-pool to be built; 50 metres. b) New fire-engine for town depot. Subsidi
se arts festival.
Purchase in 8 weeks.
Intention for next summer s festival. Plan for^ Christa^ fore

Purchase new Rolls-Royce for use of Mayor and other councillors. Make East Stree
t into pedestrian precinct. Build new under pass (pedestrian) at Richmond Junctio
n. Complete ring-road.
Within mont A rrange me n X .j? / completed/to start constm ction work in foupmonths.
-to jo ?
Convert existing ring-road into dual carriageway, where it is single lane. Imple
ment plans for a new one-way system in the city centre. Employ more men in the r
efuse collec tion department. Employ more clerks in the council offices.
Continue woij^over next yeajr mid a half.
To take effect from next June.

As soon as^-possible.
As soon as possible.^

A secretary was a t the m eeting in w hich it was decided th a t certain plans h
ad to be changed or scrapped an d it is h er h an d w ritin g th a t you can se
e on the Project List. U sing the language o f p l a n s and p l a n s t h a t h
a v e b e e n c h a n g e d , m ake statem ents ab o u t the council projects.
T h en m ake statem ents th a t a representative o f the council m ight m ake a
t an official press conference.
i) The council was to have built a 50-metre swimming-pool, but now they are hopi
ng to complete a 25-metre pool in twoyears. ii) (A representative o f the counci
l talking) We had planned to build a 50metre swimming-pool, but now we hope to c
omplete a smaller 25-metre pool within the next twoyears.
b. M ake
statem ents ab o u t your
an d your
plans that
M ake the statem ents ab o u t the following. a) W h at you were going to be w h
en you left school (if th at is different from w h at you do now) b) W h at you
are p lan n in g to do for your next holiday c) W h at you are p lan n in g /h o
p in g to do in the next ten years d) Som ething you p lan n ed th a t you were
not able to do 2 E X P L A IN IN G A N D J U S T IF Y IN G PLA N S
T h e (m ain ) idea aim reason behind (D O IN G . . . ) X is th a t SENTENCE to
D O . . .
T h e (main)
(D O IN G )
\ aim of X I th a t s e n t e n c e reasonfo r D O I N G . . . / 1 S [to D O . .
. X is in ten d ed to D O . . .
i u (can* X D O . . . only by D O IN G . . .^ ; 1 [will* X be able to D O . * N
ote the inversion of subject an d operator.
) } . .J
i) The main reasonfo r increasing income tax is to raise more revenuefo r govern
ment projects. ii) The main idea behind the increase o f income tax is to raise
more revenue. iii) Increasing income tax is intended to raise more revenue. iv)
Only by increasing income tax will the government be able to realise its project
s. a. C hange the following into d e f e n c e s of plans.
ex pla n a tio n s
, justificatio ns

an d

T h e Council is cleaning the local river. T hen people will be able to swim in
it. o n l y b y Only by cleaning the local river will people be able to swim in
a) T h e council is closing dow n one school. T h e council will save money.
(o n l y b y )
b) T h e bus tim etable has been changed. T he com pany w ants to m ake the serv
ice m ore efficient, (is i n t e n d e d ) c) T h ey are proposing to build an O
ld Peoples Hom e. T h ey w ant to cater for the grow ing prop o rtio n of old pe
ople, ( t h e m a i n a i m
beh in d
d) T h e com pany is w ithdraw ing this product from the m arket. T he com pany
w ants to carry out fu rth er tests, ( t h e m a i n r e a s o n f o r ) e) T h
e m eeting is being held at 7.30. T his will enable everyone to attend, (is i n
t e n d e d ) f ) Pay them the m oney you owe. You will avoid prosecution, ( o n
l y b y ) g) T h e council is in tending to dem olish a lot o f old buildings.
T h ey w ant to erect new office blocks, ( t h e m a i n i d e a ) b .J a c k Sm
ith has been a vacuum -cleaner salesm an for ten years. H e is m arried w ith n
o children. H e and his wife have becom e tired of their subu rb an life and hav
e decided to give up their house and life-style to go and live on a com m une fa
rm out in the country. Ja c k is going to w rite to i) his parents ii) his boss
M ake some o f the sentences you think he w ould w rite explaining, and defendin
g his plan.
3 Im agine th at you are at a press conference in which governm ent spokesmen ar
e outlining plans for a new arts com plex (to include theatres, exhibition halls
, etc.), w hich will be paid for out of taxes. This replaces an earlier plan to
increase governm ent subsidies to private th eatre com panies, and as a result m
any o f them will probably be forced to close. a) In small groups, using the la
nguage from 1 and 2 (above), im agine th at you are journalists asking about the
plans and governm ent spokesm an explaining/defending the plans. You can refer
to the plan on page 103.
Jo u rn alist: Could you explain why you re not going to give subsidies to private
companies? G overnm ent representative: We were intending to help private compa
nies, but we have decided that only by re-allocating that money will we be able
to build the new complex. b) Im agine you are the jo u rn alist w riting a repor
t o f the press conference. Resourcesfile references 1 El caption b) 2 E4 captio
n b)

| Sentence construction
P U R P O S E C L A U S E S Look at the following sentences from the text O u r a
im should be to give children a better, m ore sensitive appreciation o f the cla
ssics, so that they have ayardstick . . . (11. 34 38) M eanw hile the m edia shou
ld freely discuss new works . . . so that readers are in no doubt about what the
y are gettingfo r their money. (11. 40-45) H ere are some ways o f m aking p u rp
o se clauses.
so as to DO . . . so as not to DO . . SO that SENTENCE in order to DO .. .
. < (slightly moreformal)
1 C hange the following pairs o f sentences into purpose clauses, using the words
in brackets. e x a m p l e H e w ent to E ngland. H e w anted to learn English,
( i n o r d e r ) He went to England in order to learn English.

Now do the same w ith the following. a) H e w orked m ore hours th an norm al. H
e wT anted to earn enough m oney to go to A m erica for a holiday, (so a s t o
) b) W hen he got to A m erica he bought a car. In this he w ould be able to com
e and go as he pleased, (so t h a t ) c) H e drove very slowly. H e did not w a
nt to have an accident.
as n o t t o
d) H e bought a cam era. H e w anted to have a perm an en t record of his holida
y, ( i n o r d e r ) e) W hen he got hom e he stayed aw ay from work for a week.
In this w ay he could have a rest after his exhausting holiday, (so t h a t ) 2
Im agine the purpose behind the following actions and w rite sentences w ith purp
ose clauses.
e x a m p le
W illiam did strenuous exercises every m orning . . . William did strenuous exer
cises every morning in order to stayjit.
Now do the same w ith the following. a) T h e local council have im posed strict
er penalties for parking offences Jam es is studying Spanish . . . M r Sm ith bo
ught a gun last year . . . C hildren should be encouraged to read . . . After dr
inking all night w ith his friends, M r Brown got hom e very late. H e tried to
be as quiet as he could . . . f ) M r G reen, a prospective M em ber of P arliam
ent, spent m any hours visiting people in their homes . . . g) M aria saved m o
ney every m onth . . . h) T h e governm ent has increased incom e tax . . . b) c
) d) e)
and style
IN V E R T E D C O N D IT IO N A L S Look at the following sentence from the tex
t Should anyone, in spite o f their education, wish to read trash, they ought to
be free to (11. 84-86) This is an o th er way o f saying Tr [wishes to r
ead trash, they ought to be free to do so. I f anyone T h ere are two other cond
itional p attern s in w hich i f can be om itted by inverting the auxiliary verb
and the subject If the plan were to f a il. . . - Were the plan to f a il. . . I
f the plan were not to succeed . . . - Were the plan not to succeed . . . If oil
had never been discovered . . . - Had oil never been discovered . . . If oil h
ad not been discovered . . . - Had oil not been discovered . . .

R T I C U L A R L Y ( b)
I f X should D O . . . Should X D O . . .
F u tu re
U nlikely, b u t possible th a t X w ill happen.
I f X were to D O . . W ere X to D O . . . If X h ad D O N E .. H ad X D O N E .
. .
F u tu re
E xtrem ely unlikely, b u t th eo retically possible th a t X will happen.
X did not happen
1 U sing a suitable p a tte rn from the c h a rt above, m ake 2 sentences for ea
ch of the following p ro m p ts; in one sentence use i f , in the other om it i f a
n d invert the auxiliary verb an d the subject.
T h e price of petrol was raised last m onth, so car sales have d ropped again.
i) I f the price o f petrol hadnt been raised, car sales would not have dropped a
gain. ii) Had the price o f petrol not been raised, car sales would not have dro
pped again. a) W e did not know your phone n u m b er, so we could not contact y
ou. b) I do not think the T .V . rep air-m an will call today, b u t ju st in ca
se he does, I can be co n tacted at this num ber. c) T h ere was a serious d ro
u g h t in parts o f Africa recently. A large n u m b er of anim als died o f th
irst. d) T h e council is unlikely to approve the plan for a local arts centre,
b u t if it does it will be a g reat victory for the Local Arts C am paign. e) T
h ere seems to be very little chance o f a total b an on n u clear weapons, b u
t such a b an w ould m ake m illions o f people feel m uch safer. J) I t is hig
hly unlikely th a t m ore m oney will be spent on new universities. P rim ary an
d secondary ed ucation w ould certainly have to be cut as a result. g) T h e lev
el o f unem ploym ent m ight increase further, b u t I do not think it will. I f
it does, the tra d e unions will d em and action from the governm ent. h) Ben J
onson was a sixteenth-century playw right. Shakespeare lived at the same tim e,
an d so Jo n so n is not so famous as he deserves to be. i) I d o u b t w hether
a n y th in g will go wrong. Let me know if it does, w ont you? 2 C om plete the
following sentences or ad d a second sentence, using an inverted conditional. a
) It is unlikely th a t m en will land on M ars before 1980, how ever . . .

b) It is virtually o ut o f the question th a t cars can be totally b anned from
city cen tres; in f a c t . . . c) C hristopher C olum bus did n ot know the co
ntinents of A m erica existed. d) It is ju st barely possible th a t books will
be totally replaced by taped cassettes. e) Prices are n ot expected to rise by m
ore th an 10% in the next 18 m onths. 3 T h in k of some things w hich are eith
er unlikely or extrem ely unlikely to h ap p en to you in the future an d then i
m agine w hat you w ould do if these things actually happened.
E Q U A L IT Y A N D P R E JU D IC E 1 Below is a list o f words relating to pre
judice and (in)equality. F ind out w hat each one m eans, using a d ictionary or
any other source. a) R ac e; creed/religion; colour i inferior | [superior] som
eone b) to consider < ir oneseli " [equal ]V /IN as /III an / " [outsider ( c) t
o tre at someone
j badly
{ , , . . > [like a second class citizenj
d) to enjoy equal prospects an d o p p o rtu n ity ; equality of o p portunity ,
J conventional ( . , r e) , r attitudes/beliefs 7 (unconventional J
f) (un) a
cceptable o f behaviour a ttitu d e tow ards som eone/som ething
h) to ex p lo it; exploitation i) to be prejudiced against som eone; racial prej
udice, religious bigotry racial ) sexual ( ^^scr^m ^n a t^on 2 S ubstitute one o
f the above words o r phrases for the parts of the following sentences which ar
e in italics. a) T h e new sex discrim ination act gives w om en the same chance
s as men in the field o f em ploym ent. b) M en have previously tended to behave
towards women as i f they were inferior.
positive negative unbiased

c) I t was only people w ith unusual ideas w ho th o u g h t th a t w om en shou
ld not be taken advantage of. d) I t is possible th a t a lot o f m en still hav
e unreasonable feelings against wom en. e) T h e new law, how ever, m eans th a
t w om en can n o t be treated worse than men.
| W riting
300-350 words
1 A group know n as i n t e r a c e has recently been set up (with some governm
ent financial help) to help im m igrants integrate m ore into society. T h e gro
up needs public contributions to finance some o f its projects, so they are p re
p arin g a press release on their future aim s and plans. W rite the press state
m en t explaining in the in troduction w h at the present problem s are. 2 O P T
IO N BO X a) Y ou h av e w on a lo ttery an d now have enough m oney to take a
year off work an d enjoy yourself. W rite to an English friend explaining your p
lans. b) T h e British g overnm ent have stated an intention to treble fees for
overseas students a t universities and colleges. W rite a letter of protest. c)
Y ou have been p u t in charge o f security at a m ajor in tern atio n al airpo
rt. In a re p o rt to your superiors, state the changes you think necessary, an
d justify the inconvenience and delay th a t they m ay cause. Resourcesfile refe
rences 1 D2 caption b) 2 E3 caption b)

U N IT 1 A 1
2 3
a) marketing b) consultancy c) definitive d) prospects e) vast j ) sales-survey
g) on your behalf h) dealers i) vital a) F b) F c) T d) F e) F f T g) T h) F (su
ggested answers) a) Mr Farringdon wrote to M C S to ask their advice about marke
ting motor cycles in North Africa, b) M GS felt unable to answer Mr Farringdons q
uestions because there were such vast differences between the countries in the a
rea, c) M C S advised Mr Farringdon to have an area sales survey made, d) M C S
advised Mr Farringdon to visit the area to get the feel of it. a) Mr Farringdons pl
an to market motor cycles in North Africa, b) North African countries, c) This se
rvice refers to the investigation of possible future dealers, d) W hich refers
to getting the feel of the countries concerned. e) details.
B 1 a) I would advise you to learn foreign languages, b) If you take my advice y
ou will continue to study, c) I would recommend you to get a job as soon as poss
ible, d) If I were you I would go to night-school to learn a profession, e) I wo
uld advise you to earn enough money to travel round the world, f ) I f I were yo
u I would work in the shop with your father, g) If you take my advice you will g
et married, settle down, and have a family. 2a a) It would seem to me that your
best course would be to tell them how you feel, b) From my point o f view I thin
k you should call the police, c) In my opinion you should throw the rubbish back
, d) It would seem to me that your best course would be to write a letter o f co
mplaint, e) As far as Im concerned the best thing you can do is take them to cour
t, j ) It would appear to me that your best course would be to see a lawyer, g)
In my opinion you should sue them for damages for nervous disorder due to the co
ntinual noise. C l You will get welfare money till/until you get a new job. b) Y
ou will be able to find work as soon as/once the economic situation has improved
, c) Would you fill in this form while you are waiting? d) You can apply for hel
p with your rent payments as soon as you have been receiving welfare money for a
month, e) We will also help you when your children need to buy school books, f
) Please inform us immediately you are offered a new job.
D 1 a) It is crazy that children should be allowed so much freedom, b) It is ess
ential that children should be taught discipline, c) It is only natural that par
ents should spoil their children, d) It is extremely important that children sho
uld learn to share things, e) It is strange that no two children should learn in
the same way. J) It is better that parents should know about the problems thei
r children have at school, g) It is only right that parents should get involved
in the education of their children, h) It is sad that some parents should consid
er school a waste of time.
E 2 a) campaign, advertisements, commercials b) second-hand c) well-made, wear o
ut d) guarantee e) reduced, bargains J) worth, badly-made, last.

U N IT 2 A 1 a) capacity b) constituency c) ag ricu ltu ral d) revelations e) fo

rm ed J) m oral objections g ) fete 2 a) T b) F c) F d) T e) T J) F g) T 3 (sugg
ested answers) a) M r H u n tley is the M em b er o f P arliam en t represent ing
the constituency of T rebelw yn, b) Biological W arfare is the use of dangerous g
erms to cause disease, c) A small test-tube full o f germs could give the entire
pop u lation of a country a fatal disease. 4 a) U s are the people w ho live in T
rebelw yn an d nearby, b) I t refers to the C raven H ill governm ent research s
tation, c) T hose are the people w ho do not have strong m o ral objections to bio
logical w arfare, d) O u r fam ilies are the families of the A ction G roup m em b
C l
a) I w onder if we could m eet on F riday, b) W ould it be possible for m e to s
ee you on T uesday? c) C ould you com e to m y house next w eek? d) I was
w ondering if it w ould be possible for you to visit us d u rin g the sum m er.
e) Could we have lunch together next week? f ) W ould it be convenient for me to
pay you a visit next T h u rsd ay ? g ) I w onder if F rid ay w ould be con veni
ent for you. h) C ould we have a drink together next S atu rd ay ? a) W ould you
like to stay w ith us next w eekend? b) W ould you be interested in going to th
e th eatre next T h u rsd ay ? c) W ould you like to com e to a p a rty next F r
iday? d) W ould you be interested in going hitch-hiking next sum m er?
D 1
a) T h e other day I bum ped into an old friend of m ine th at/w h o now works i
n the car trade, b) M y friend suggested going for a drin k in a pu b (that) he
knew, c) T he p u b was a kind o f cellar w ith old w ooden tables, d) I was am
azed at some o f the stories (that) he told ab o u t the car trade, e) I t w oul
d seem th a t there are a few real crim inals in the trad e who the police know
all about, bu t who are very difficult to catch, j ) M ost of the crim inals wor
k in gangs whose leaders tend to prefer driving sports cars, g ) M any o f the c
ar dealers w ho J a c k was talking ab o u t m ake their m oney by respraying st
olen cars before selling them .
a) It is exciting to h ear th a t som eone from our country has w on a gold m ed
E l
b) It is h ard to believe th at some parents m istreat th e ir children, c) It i
s fascinating to see how a spider spins its w eb. d) I t is encouraging to see t
h a t m ore an d m ore young people are going to university, e) It is difficult
to visualise th a t one d ay people will be living on Venus.
F 2
a) perform ing b) com edy, au d ito riu m c) jazz, live d) wings, act, cu rtain
e) show, night-club, cabaret.
U N IT 3 A 1
a) m eticulously b) groggy c) heartless d) nasty e) chuckling f ) feign g) accom
plice h) hum iliation 2 a) F b) T c) T d) F e) F f) T g) F h) T 3 (suggested an
swers) a) In the evenings M yers usually took his dog for a walk. b) T h e kidna
p p er called Jam es stopped M yers an d asked, him the way to the church hall,
c) T h e bed th a t M yers was strap p ed to was in a large van. d) M yers was s
urprised th a t Jam es knew so m uch about him.

a) Jam es, b) T h e n refers to the m om ent w hen M yers asked to be allowed to
get in touch w ith his wife, c) I t refers to w h at the kidnappers m ean t to do
w ith M yers, d) H e is Jam es, e) Those terrible weeks refers to M yers weeks
in captivity. C 2a a) W e were not allow ed/perm itted to feed the anim als, b)
A n ita s father allowed her to go/let h er go to the cinem a, c) F re d s boss ga
ve Fred permission to take the day off to go to his sisters w edding, d) J a k e
was refused permission to go to his friends sisters w edding, e) T rainers are not
allow ed/perm itted to give their horses stim ulating drugs before races. 3 (po
ssible answers) a) G loria asked for permission to leave the class early. T he t
eacher refused to let G loria leave early, b) Fred asked if he could have his ho
lidays in Septem ber. F red s boss agreed to allow him to have his holidays in Se
ptem ber, c) P au la asked to be allow ed to have a perm it to stay in the count
ry for three m onths longer. T h e im m igration official refused to let her sta
y in the country any longer unless she was a full-tim e student.
1 a) T he best w ay to learn things is by actually doing them yourself, b) T h e
first people to go to w hen you need help are your friends, c) Tensing and H il
lary were the first m en to clim b Everest, d) Sorry I can t come earlier, but I
have a lot o f arrangem ents to m ake, e) O ne o f the problem s in some u rb an
areas is th a t children have no parks to play in. J ) C an you im agine any th
in g so frustrating - a bottle of wine an d nothing to open it w ith? g) T h er
e is no way to prevent the disease from spreading. 1 a) H aving realised/R ealis
ing very early on th a t they were such heartless people, I did nothing to antag
onise them , b) H aving tried to reason with Jam es once or twice, I gave up bec
ause it clearly h ad no effect w hatsoever, c) Sometimes, looking at Jam es, I r
ealised w hat greed for m oney could do to people, d) H aving been very close to
d eath a t times, I now know how m uch I value life, e) H aving spent 14 days i
n captivity I am looking forw ard to a long rest. 2 (possible answers) a) good-h
um oured b) b ad-tem pered c) m ean d) unselfish e) selfish f ) h ard -h earted
g) sym pathetic h) w ell-m annered i) strict j ) cheerful.
U N IT 4 A
1 a) statistic b) laid to rest c) vitam in d) nutritious e) resentful f ) stray
dogs g) pester h) m auled i) priorities j ) savage. 2 a) T b) F c) F d) F e) T f
) F g) T 3 (suggested answers) a) J u lia Elliott thinks th a t m oney spent on
pets could be better used if it were spent on victims o f starvation and povert
y, b) J u lia Elliott thinks th a t people should not be surprised at the w ay A
m ericans spend their m oney on pets if they have seen doggy beauty parlours an
d dog cemeteries. 4 a) T his refers to the fact th a t the average fam ily in A m
erica spent m ore m oney on its pets th a n on its children, b) T h ey refers to
pet foods, an d as m uch refers to the price o f h u m an food, c) T h is refers to
how m uch the British public spent on pets last year, d) I t refers to the family
pet. e) It is our priorities being w rong th a t som ething should be done abou

C 1a a) Surely it would be a good idea if we increased the tax on petrol . b) I

suggest banning/that we should ban cars from city centres, c) It is time we enco
uraged people to use public transport, d) Surely the streets could be made into
pedestrian precincts, e) It is time we banned cars from city centres. f ) Wouldnt
it be sensible if we improved public transport? g) The authorities clearly have
a responsibility to improve public transport, h) I would (only) suggest that pe
ople should stop driving to work, i) The government clearly has a responsibility
to build better ring roads, j) Surely city councils could ban cars from city ce
ntres. lb (suggested answers) a) The prison authorities clearly have a responsib
ility to provide psychiatric help for criminals, b) Surely prisons could be made
less comfortable, c) I would only suggest that the police should be armed, d) T
he government clearly has a responsibility to bring back the death penalty, e) I
t is time we recognised that criminals were the products of society. D 1 a) In s
pite of the fact that Julia Elliott says that rabies is a dangerous disease with
no known cure, it is not a threat because of import restrictions. b) Despite th
e fact that Julia Elliott says that she does not dislike pets, her article shows
a great prejudice against pet owners, c) Despite the irresponsi bility of some p
et owners, it would be unfair to send them to prison, d) In spite of the benefit
s we get from experimenting on animals, it is inhumane and sickening. E l a) No,
it was Sheila Lloyd she came with, b) It was Sheila who/that went to school wit
h my sister, c) Wasnt it her family who/that emigrated to Australia? d) It wasnt u
ntil/It was only when we saw her that we knew she was back in this country, e) I
t wasnt David (that) she gave it to, it was Alan. J) It was this boomerang (that)
she brought for David, g) It was only after a couple of hours that she told us
she was married, h) It was in New Zealand that she met him. 2 a) No, it was one
evening that he sat with her in a park, b) No, it was when she looked at him tha
t he felt a spark, c) No, it was at a strange hotel that they stayed, d) No, it
was on a hot night that the story took place, e) No, it was like a freight train
that the heat hit him. f ) No, it was a coin that she gave him. g) No, it is th
e parrot that talks, h) No, it is by the waterfront docks that he hunts for her.
i) Yes. d) drought
F 2 a) went on a diet b) obese, putting on weight c) famine e) fertilisers f ) v
U N IT 5
A 1 a) settled b) fiance c) removed d) prospective e) sufficient f ) deported g)
entitled h) administer i) considered j) critics 2 a) T b) T c) F d) F e) F f )
T g) F 3 (suggested answers) a) If a non-Common Market resident was found to be
working without a permit, he would probably be deported, b) If they are refused
entry, visitors can appeal to Inspectors or to the Immigration Appeals Tribunal,
c) The writer thinks the law is badly administered. 4 a) settlement b) M r Daru
bi wanting to marry a woman who is settled in the

U nited K ingdom , c) T h e y are foreign students, d) H im is a visitor to these

shores, e) I t refers to the Act.
C l a a) has to b) m ust c) m ust not d) (will) have to e) n eed n t f ) d o n t h
ave to
have to h) h ad to i) Do I have to j ) have to.
1 a) Everest, w hich is in N epal, is the highest m o u n tain in the world. b)
M ontreal, w hich is in C anada, hosted the 1976 O lym pic Games, c) T rad e U n
ions, the first of w hich was founded in Britain, are organisations representing
w orking people, d) Brazil, the capital of w hich used to be R io de Jan eiro ,
is well-known for the production of coffee, e) Sculptors quite often use bronze
, w hich is a m etal alloy, to m ake statues, j ) T he D anube, about w hich Str
auss w rote a w altz, flows th ro u g h several E u ro p ean capitals. g) T he t
elephone, w hich A lexander G rah am Bell pioneered over a century ago, has m ad
e com m unications m uch easier and quicker, h) Nixon, whose behaviour in the W
aterg ate scandal was ra th e r dubious, was forced to resign as U .S. president
in 1974. (suggested answers) a) fewer b) little c) a bit of/a little d) a littl
e e) hard ly any f ) a small am o u n t o f g) (very) few h) less i) less j ) (v
ery) little
E 1
U N IT 6 A 1 a) secure b) distinct c) squander d) stereotype e) inferiority f) h
aving a good tim e g) conflict h) em erge 2 a) F b) T c) T d) F e) T J ) F g) F
h) T
(suggested answers) a) Differences o f lifestyle and attitudes betw een m iddlec
lass and working-class people em erged because working-class people were paid le
ss than middle-class people and had less secure jobs, b) T h e typical working-c
lass m an was p aid in cash and spent his m oney on beer, tobacco, and betting,
w hereas the typical middle-class m an bought a house and paid for a good educat
ion for his children, c) T he situation has changed over the last 25 years in th
a t working-class m en now generally earn as m uch as middle-class m en and the
y have greater jo b security. a) British society, b) the fact th a t working-cla
ss m en were paid less, c) the family of a typical middle-class m an. d) the mid
dle-classes. e) British society.
C l a a) Doctors tend to earn m ore m oney th an teachers, b) W orkers children
have a tendency to leave school at 16. c) W orking-class people are inclined to
think th a t middle-class people are snobs, d) M iddle-class people have a tende
ncy to vote Conservative, e) L ab o u r M .P.s tend not to be as well-to-do as C
onservative M .P.s. 2a a) F at people ap p ear to enjoy life m ore th a n thin p
eople, b) A large nu m b er o f children seem to be overw eight, c) A grow ing n
u m b er o f people ap p ear to be taking up Yoga, d) T h e price o f food seems
to be increasing very rapidly. e) Fresh fruit and vegetables seem to be less p
o p u lar th an in the past. f ) Convenience foods ap p ear to m ake lile m uch
easier for w orking wives. D 1
a) N ot only do some people think th a t cam ping is cheaper, b u t they actuall
y prefer it to hotels, b) R arely have I seen so m any beautiful views as I saw
in the Lake District, c) N ever before h ad J a c k had such a m iserable evenin
g. d) N ot until the following m onth was I able to find out the result of the t


e) In only a few places is a lot of m oney being spent on research into the
causes of cancer. E 1 (suggested answers) a) or ra th e r b) especially c) in p
artic u la r d) in o th er words e) a t least f ) p articu larly g) in p articu
la r h) w h at is m ore
U N IT 7
A 1
a) confine b) astonishm ent c) sh attered d) squeaks e) wails J ) accom plished
g) dedicated h) resent i) hardship 2 a) T b) F c) F d) F e) T j ) F g) F 3 (sugg
ested answers) a) T h e H u ggett children play the violin, the tru m p et, and
the cello, b) M r Barge th reaten ed to take legal action, c) M rs H u g g ett
feels th a t M r Barge is ra th e r unreasonable an d should be m ore interested
in childrens education th an m inor discomfort. a) M r Barge an d M rs H u g g e
tt b) I t refers to the situation, c) T h is refers to the situation th a t M r Bar
ge feels strongly about, d) the H u g g ett children practising.
C l a a) I have h ad enough o f the w ay he is always taking m y cigarettes, b)
I cannot stand the w ay J o h n plays the g uitar, c) I can n o t b ear films ab
o u t cowboys anym ore, d) I have h ad enough of people com plaining, e) I cann
ot stand the w ay people always com plain all the tim e. 2a a) I am not p rep ar
ed to p u t up w ith his laziness any longer, b) I t s abo u t/h ig h tim e he st
opped being lazy, c) I will not listen to his excuses any longer. d) Unless he m
ends his ways I will sack him . e) I am not p rep ared to p u t up w ith his ru
deness any longer.
D 1 a) Even though I enjoy listening to good violin players, I c a n t stand list
to people who are learning to play the violin, b) M uch as I think m odern compo
sers should be encouraged, I am not very keen on m odern classical music, c) I l
ike tru m p et m usic; how ever, I never enjoy h o rn pieces/I like tru m p et m
usic; h o rn pieces, how ever, I never enjoy, d) I am very keen on classical m
u sic; nevertheless, I wish m y neighbours w ould stop playing their Beethoven s
ym phonies so loudly on their stereo at three in the m orning. E 2 a) fairly b)
rath er, ra th e r c) ra th e r d) rath er, ra th e r e) fairly J ) fairly /rath
er 2 (suggested answers) a) m oving b) astonishm ent c) ecstatic d) taken aback
e) surprise, upset f ) furious
U N IT 8
A 1
a) conventional b) characteristics c) ad eq u ate d) press for e) skill f ) th r
e a t g) tough h) up to scratch i) peak j ) pension 2 a) T b) F c) T d) F e) F f
) F g) F 3 (suggested answers) a) Pilots are tested every six m onths, b) W hen
dem and m ore pay for flying new aircraft, pilots argue th a t they need extra s
kill and bear ex tra responsibility, c) B ernard Fox thinks th a t nurses have b
een u nderpaid in the past because people thought th a t the jo b they were doin
g satisfied them . a) T h e pilots are those w ho w ork for an airline w hich deci
des to use new aircraft, b) T h ey refers to the J u m b o pilots, c) Pilots o f
new aircraft can argue th a t new aircraft require ex tra skill, d) H e refers to
the pilot in


general, e) T he w riter is referring to the careers of those who are not pilots
. f ) Nurses and teachers.
C 3a a) H ow m any people m ust die in car accidents before we force them to w e
ar seat-belts? b) H ow low m ust h ealth standards fall before we train m ore do
ctors? c) H ow m any people m ust die from cancer before we b an smoking? d) H o
w long m ust earthquakes go on killing people before we build safer
buildings? e) H ow often m ust people be m urdered before violence on television
is stopped? D 1
a) as/since b) for c) since d) because e) for f) as g) because h) as.
U N IT 9
A 1
a) superficial b) squalid c) cooped up d) isolated e) binds f ) oppressed g) com
prom ise h) im itation 2 a) T b) F c) T d) F e) T f ) F g) T 3 (suggested answe
rs) a) City people are u n h ap p y because they feel isolated. b) In my opinion
, the w riter thinks th at com m uters are insensitive, c) I d o n t
think the w riter will move to the country because of his job. a) W e are the city
people w ho say they w ant to live in the country, b) going back to n atu re c)
H e is talking ab o u t the in h ab itan ts of tow er blocks, d) the city e) T h
ey are the com m uters.
C l a a) Q uality papers differ from p o p u lar new spapers in th a t they have
m ore real news, b) P opular new spapers differ from q u ality new spapers in t
h a t they have m ore pictures, c) Q u ality new spapers differ from p o p u lar
new spapers in th a t they carry longer and m ore detailed articles, d) Q u ali
ty new spapers differ from po p u lar new spapers in th a t they tre a t foreign
news m ore fully. e) P opular new spapers differ from q u ality new spapers in
th a t they contain m ore cartoons, f ) Q u ality new spapers differ from po p u
lar new spapers in th a t they include m ore serious criticism of the arts, g)
Q u ality new spapers differ from p o p u lar new spapers in th a t they have m
ore im p o rtan t editorials. h) P opular new spapers differ from q u ality new
spapers in th a t they are less tiring to read. 2a a)O ne of the disadvantages o
f having a car is th a t it costs a lot to insure. b) Cars have the advantage of
getting you exactly w here you w ant to go. c) T h e advantage o f having a car
is th at you d o n t get wet and cold in bad w eather, d) Cars have the disadvan
tage o f costing a lot of m oney to repair. e) Cars have the advantage o f speed
, f ) O ne o f the advantages of having a car is th a t you d o n t have to depen
d on public transport. D 1
a) W hereas fifty years ago families ren ted homes, now adays the m ajority of
families own their homes, b) Fifty years ago 5% o f the population w orked in ag
riculture, while now adays only 3% w ork on the land, c) W hile fifty years ago
only rich people had cars, now adays m any families own two cars. d) W hereas fi
fty years ago only a few people w ent abroad, now adays millions of people go on
holiday to Spain and M orocco, e) Fifty years ago children could leave school a
t fourteen, w hereas now adays children have to stay at school until they are si
xteen, f ) W hile fifty years ago people m arried in their late twenties, now ad
ays they m arry in their early twenties or do not bother to get m arried at all.

E l 2
b) w ithin com m uting distance o f the large conurbations. a) H arold M ag n a
is a freelance jo u rn alist w orking in L ondon, b) H aro ld lives in a new bl
ock o f flats n ear Chelsea football stadium , c) H aro ld once set his h eart o
n a beautiful cottage b uilt in 1792 n ear his p aren ts hom e, d) T h e problem
is th a t H aro ld has a lot o f friends living in the centre o f London, e) H a
ro ld is considering the idea, suggested by his father, o f ren tin g a w eekend
cottage about 50 km from L ondon.
U N IT 10
a) buried in the co u n try
A 1 a) peak viewing hours b) leisure tim e c) prom pted d) boom e) i m pact f )
advent g) horizons h) genius i) lethargic 2 a) F b) F c) F d) F e) F f ) F g) T
h) F i) F 3 (suggested answers) a) A ccording to J u lia Elliott, mostpeople spe
nd their evenings w atching television, b) A ccording to J u lia E lliott, the e
ffect of continual violence on television is th a t it loses its im pact, c) Tel
evision is giving people new interests, an d these interests m ight stop people
w atching television. 4 a) T he average w om an, b) T h e ir refers to the vast m
ajority o f the population, c) I t refers to the program m e the speaker is askin
g about. d) T h e m refers to people in general. C l a a) H e will be feeling hap
py, b) H e p ro b ab ly w ont be feeling sorry th a t he is leaving, c) H e m ay
be read in g a new spaper, d) H e is h ard ly likely to be drinking whisky. lc a
) His wife will be w aiting for him . b) H e is bound to say th an k you to the
nurses, c) H e m ay well give a present to the Sister, d) H e m ay not be w alki
ng steadily, e) H is wife is unlikely to be feeling happy, f) His wife is sure t
o start arguing w ith him again, g) His wife is h ard ly likely to tell him ab o
u t her boyfriend, h) H e m ay find out a b o u t h er boyfriend. 2a a) In all
prob ab ility fashions will be different, b) T h ere can be little likelihood of
us driving the sam e types o f car. c) It is w ithin the bounds of possibility
th a t m en will be living on M ars, d) W e are v irtually certain to be arguing
about the sam e things as we do now. e) T h ere is absolutely no chance th a t
cities will look the same. D 1
E 1
a) W hat b) W hich c) Wrh a t d) WT hich e) W hich J) W h at g) W h a t h) W hic
h i) W h at j) W h at a) W hether people used to be h ap p ier in the past is di
fficult to ju d g e, b) T h a t people did not have the sam e opportunities is q
uite obvious, c) T h a t the stan d ard of living has risen is clear for all to
see. d) W h eth er people have
benefited from technical progress seems questionable.
U N IT 11
A 1 a) laudable b) deplorable c) cut dow n on d) discrim inate e) co rru p t j )
assess g) the m edia h) m otives i) sym pathise j) take exception to k) means I
) sketchy m) im plem ented n) eroded 2 a) F b) F c) T d) T e) T f ) F g) T h) F
i) T j) F

C 2a a) O nly by closing down one school will the council be able to save money.
b) T he new bus tim etable is intended to m ake the service m ore efficient. c)
T h e m ain aim behind the proposal to build a new old peoples hom e is to cater
for the grow ing proportion o f old people, d) T h e m ain reason for the
com pany w ithdraw ing this p ro d u ct from the m arket is to carry out fu rthe
r tests, e) H olding the m eeting at 7.30 is intended to enable everyone to atte
nd. J) O nly by paying them the m oney you owe will you avoid prosecu tion. g) T
he m ain idea behind dem olishing a lot o f old buildings is to erect new office
D 1 a) H e worked m ore hours th a n norm al so as to earn enough m oney to go t
o A m erica for a holiday, b) W hen he got to A m erica he bought a car so th a
t he would be able to come and go as he pleased, c) H e drove very slowly so as
not to have an accident, d) H e bought a cam era in o rder to have a p erm an en
t record of his holiday, e) W hen he got hom e he stayed aw ay from work for a
week so th a t he could have a rest after his exhausting holiday. E l
a) H ad we known your phone n u m b er we could have contacted you. b) Should th
e T. V. rep air m an call today I can be contacted a t this num ber. c) H ad the
re not been a serious dro u g h t in parts of Africa recently, a lot of anim als
would not have died of thirst, d) Should the council approve the
plan for a local arts centre it w ould be a great victory for the local arts cam
paign, e) W ere there to be a total b an on n uclear w eapons, millions of peop
le would feel m uch safer, f ) W ere m ore m oney to be spent on universities, p
rim ary an d secondary education would have to be cut. g) Should the level of un
em ploym ent increase further the trade unions will dem and action from the gove
rnm ent, h) H ad Shakespeare not lived at the same time, Jonson w ould be m ore
famous than he is. i) Should an y thing go wrong, let me know.
F 2
a) equality of o p p o rtunity b) trea t w om en badly/like second class citizen
s c) unconventional beliefs, exploited d) are prejudiced e) discrim inated


A | Story-telling
Department of the Environment
Test Centre:
Statement of Failure to Pass Test of Competence to Drive
Name.....M Address..... C _ ................. .................... . , & A f c J
& N .......... .,......
L tA U O C K
has this day been examined and has failed to pass the test of competence to driv
e prescribed for the purposes of section 85 of the Road Traffic Ach*W 2. Date...
....... . . ? ...........
A jjt k S n s e d m y \ h e S f retar y o f S ta le to c o n d u c t te sts.
Examiners have regard to the items listed below in deciding wRethen a candidate
is competent to drive. The matters needing special attention are marked for your
information and assistance and should be studied in detail.
See "Your Driving Test" (D.L. 68) Part II, paragraphs 1-21
1 . Q 2. Q 3. 4. Q 5. Q 7. Q 8. Q 9. Q (a) Oral test of knowledge of the Highway
Code. Q ] (b) Eyesight test.
Take suitable precautions before starting the engine; Make proper use o{lacce\er
atorlc\utchl{ool brake/gears/hand brake/steering; Move off smoothly/at an angle/
on a gradient/on \eve\lstraight ahead; Make normal progress to suit varying road
and traffic conditions; Stop machine in emergency/promptly and under control/ma
king proper use of the front brake; Reverse into a limited opening either to the
right or left/under control/with reason able accuracy/with proper observation; T
urn round by means of forward and reverse gears/under control/with reasonable ac
curacy/with proper observation;
These numbers refer to the rules in the H IG H W A Y CODE
6. \^} Stop vehicle in emergency/promptly and under control;
10. Q ] Look round before moving off; .11. Q Makeproperuseofthemirrorwellbefore)
signalling/changing direction/overtaking/ Take rear observation well before ) s
topping; Take correct and prompt action on all signals byjtra{{\c signs/traffic
controWersjiake appropriate action on signals given by other road users; Exercis
e proper care in the use of speed; Act properly at cross roads/road junctions (i
) proper use of/mirror/sianals/brakes/aears/when approaching: (ii) correct^regul
ation of speed when approaching; (iii) looking right left, and right again BFFQR
E emerging; (iv) emerging with due regard for approaching traffic ; , , ... , ( before/after turning right; (vt correct positioning or vehicle < , , , f , , (
before/after turningleft; (vi) avoidance of cutting right-hand corners; Overtak
e /meet/cross the path oijother vehicles safely; Keep well to the left in normal
driving; Allow adequate clearance to/cyclists/pedestrians/stationary vehicles;
28 3 0 , 31 , 5 6 , 6 3 , 7 8 , 80 26 25 , 27 , 40 , 5 0 - 5 9 , 7 2 , 7 4 -7 8
, 8 1 ,9 7 34

12. Q] Give signals/correctly/in good tim ely direction indicators/by arm; 13. n
14. O 15. 0
2 6 , 31, 7 8 , 80 , 82 3 4 , 70 70 7 0 -7 3 , 7 6 , 81 5 5 , 57 , 5 9 , 61 , 78
-80 82 , 83 78 31, 5 2 - 5 6 , 5 8 -6 0 , 63 - 69 , 7 8 ,7 9 29 3 8 -41, 4 8 , 8
0 42-47
16. 17. Q 18. O
19. [H Pedestrian Crossings/approach at a proper speedjstop when necessary/avoid
over taking at or approaching/avoid dangerous signals to pedestrians; 20. Q 21.
Q Select safe position(s) for normal stop(s); Show alertness and anticipation of
the actions of/cyclists/pedestrians/drivers.
H E T E S T .
DL 24
L . P .5 6 1 4 1 61 / 7 5
(March 1974)
I ^
What happened during M r C l How did M r G leethorL f , ieethorPes test ?
Should the tes, be ch an g ed " th exa " e r w h a t did M r G leethorpe have to

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P o p P o llu tio n
M IC H A E L H E A T H reports yet another attack on our beach heads
3 a) O ur beaches have become intolerable, says town councillor. b) People at the

d |
Social organisation
1 a) Describe the incident. b) Arrange a meeting to discuss the complaint. c) The
end of prejudice? Hopes for the future.
Elliot House 10/12 Allington Street London SW1 E 5EH
A p p lica tio n fo r assistance from the Com m ission in co nnection w ith a co
m p laint or prospective co m p lain t o f u n law fu l discrim inatio n under
the R ace Relatio ns A c t 1976.
Although individuals who allege that they have suffered racial discrimination ha
ve the right of bringing their own cases before the courts and Industrial Tribun
als, they can also apply to the Commission for Racial Equality for assistance. T
he A ct gives the Con.mission discretion to assist an individual who is an actua
l or prospective complainant, where the case raises a question of principle; whe
re it is unreasonable, having regard to the complexity of the case or the positi
on of the individual vis-a-vis the other party, to expect the individual to deal
with the case unaided; or where some other special consideration applies. In su
ch cases, the assistance which the Commission may afford includes giving advice,
seeking a settlement, arranging for legal advice or assistance or representatio
n. Legal costs incurred by the Commission will be charged to any costs (but not
to any damages) payable to the complainant. Where a person makes a written appli
cation for assistance, the Commission is required, within two months of receivin
g the application, to consider it, to decide whether or not to grant it, and to
inform the applicant of its decision.
Please s ta te y o u r full n a m e a n d add re ss in B L O C K C A P IT A L S
S . - j:
S iN /q h .
T e le p h o n e N o :
H om e .
H o w w o u ld y o u d e sc rib e y o u rs e lf in te rm s o f c o lo u r, ra c
e , n a tio n a lity o r e th n ic o r n a tio n a l o rig in ?
W h o m a re y o u c o m p la in in g a b o u t?
N am e a n d a d d re ss o f in d iv id u al o r o rg an is atio n :
____ U H E

ftO f t b ,
L f l N M N -S. .
____ F O L K g S T O N S
O ffic ia l p o s itio n o f p e rso n bein g c o m p la in e d a g ain st

Please g iv e a s e x a c tly a s p o ssib le th e tim e a n d d a te o f th e i

n c id e n t t h a t y o u a re c o m p la in in g a b o u t. If y o u b e liev
e rac ial d is c r im in a tio n a g a in st y o u is c o n tin u in g , p le as
e sa y so .
S E C E -M B E R
P ro te c tio na g a in s tv ic tim is a tio n
"Please note th a t the A c t contains provisions designed to pro te ct from vic
tim isation those who brin g proceedings, o r give evidence in connection w ith
W h a t a re y o u r r e a so n s f o r b e lie v in g t h a t y o u s u f f e r
e d rac ial d is c r im in a tio n ? D esc rib e a s f u lly a s y o u c a n w
h a t to o k p la c e .
2J/M. fniind Cjirnnukh / visited TKa Hecurf o f w * Public Hovse to keus-e Q hav
se. , / or &jLr-ed a. oP r*Ud ro t rMSeJf &~ud A den*bU fie/ ruy /i-ia j^d . Tkn
fi, j H-O wrs aid, / W * r&eJC -roUJ ujitL ot-eurk heU*- W ignSred
ia *.
kCif" AA d
dsfSScd o+\d h ^ d 0 / cO*i*Jts befae. iri&ibii-a tkji public,
ts/lHLc c^she*vjrS uSKo ca**u c^btr- out oAe xS&rt*cd a**j aCifficuXhj. Ap6u toeUhA
^ aJbaut- /5nyi^tdes ! 4Skod pelibeJLu IP / eou-ld SCO . ~TkJt. bcumxeula
csv\h*^jtd tjKere. nuL I aj-6 -farced -in r*y voicm- Vo a++m cJ: har . klke^ / tid
so a nun*. kSKt> ck_f*pe*u~ed ~io be tiU /**iA*er
CAXK& up -bo tkj cznt+Je^ perused Km* / v u a s / ajtr Causse. o^yu, hwU a. u*.
Lo/& kpHjsUC uat t^cLiou. yt AxW of HU x bajm^cud . / tAxs*.
/ beUtus* K*. fw*. W S tu d , t-iqkh, H ^l s it, Ou.f! &vCb! J uoff^ /- keuse. yo
u * *u hjt^e * AJet Kri&k**~q
O ^u^duJ .
because oftreated U.
. At m j k> es4-t^piloO. bfack. C < aS/& 4S%
, a d d re ss a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e r o f a n y w itn e s s e s t o a
n y p a r t o f w h a t t o o k p la ce . Please give n a m e ,
N a m e : ----------------------A d d re ss:
N .: ___N. T - e ^ S P ------P.g. SiNGH S 2 ygftRis -m&gAce. nojsJi. -HERMce 1 -q
n o q n s e i ^ LnrJfsGKl Z a.---A d d re ss:
T e le p h o n e N o :
I w ish t o a p p ly f o r a ssista n c e u n d e r S e c tio n 6 6 o f th e R a

ce R e la tio n s A c t 1 9 7 6 . I u
io n h a s d is c r e tio n in g r a n
in f o r m e d w ith in tw o m o n th
l b e g r a n te d in m y c a se , a n

n d e rs ta n d t h a t
tin g a s s is ta n c e
s w h e th e r su c h a
d if s o w h a t f o rm

t h e C o m m iss
a n d I w ill b e
ssista n c e w il
i t w ill ta k e

C an y o u p r o v id e th e n a m e s a n d a d d re s s e s o f a n y o r sim
ila r c irc u m s ta n c e s ?
S ig n a tu re :
P lease s e n d th e f o rm a s s o o n a s p o ssib le t o : T h e C o m p la
n ts O ffic e r C o m m issio n f o r R acial E q u a lity E llio t H ouse 1 0
1 2 A llin g to n S tre e t L o n d o n S W 1E 5E H T e le p h o n e : 0 1 - 8
8 7 0 2 2 Y o u w ill rec eiv e a n a c k n o w le d g e m e n t t o t h is a
p lic a tio n w ith in t h e n e x t f e w d a y s .


H ave y o u a p p lie d f o r a ssista n c e e ls e w h e re , e .g . C o m O rg

a n isa tio n , C itiz e n s A d v ic e B u re a u , e t c ? If so , pi
If y o u a re a m e m b e r o f a tr a d e u n io n , g iv e its n a m e .
If y o uh a v e n y difficulty p le a s ec o n ta c t ac o m p la in ts officer a
t th eC o m m is s io n .
H ave y o u c o m p la in e d a b o u t th is m a tte r t o a n I n d u s tr ia
l T r ib u n a l o r c o u n ty c o u r t?

2 a) A rrange a m eeting betw een the

council and representatives o f interested groups to discuss spending on educati
on. b) T h e councils plans explained.
Where your money goes
rway, 155 miles of trunk road, 4,921 miles of other roads Bus and other transpor
t subsidies Design and support services Planning services Road safety, coastal p
rotection, car parks etc.
28 23 10 23
PRIM ARY 149,820 pupils, 6,000 tcachcrs, 621 schools SECONDARY 111,610 pupils, 6,7
35 tcachers, 113 schools and sixth form colleges F U R TH ER 128,000 full-time a
nd part-tim e students, 2,829 teachers, awards, and teacher training etc. SPEC I
A L 5,606 pupils, 573 teachers 35 million school meals and 12 million bottles of m
ilk Share of pooled education Youth, careers, and support services
SALARIES AND P EN SIO N S 1 Chief and 4 Assistant Chief Constables 41 Chief Supe
rintendents and Superintendents 185 Chief Inspectors and Inspectors 415 Sergeant
s 2,299 Constables 132 Cadets 132 Traffic Wardens 692 other personnel Equipment,
supplies and transport Premises and other services
m 43 53
2-5 5 1-5 5
7 15 9
5 II 17
__ 3_
This leaflet shows how the money is spent on these services, and how much of the
average individual ratepayers contribution is devoted to each service. The figur
es only apply to the County Rate. You will, of course, be paying for District Co

uncil and W ater Authority services in your total rate bill. Average Ratepayers c
ontribution 1-25 per week . . . the price of 50 plain cigarettes Average Ratepaye
rs contribution 18p per week . . . the price of a small bottle of beer Average Ra
tepayers contribution 7p per week . . . the price of a small ice cream
F IR E SERVICE 55 fire stations 151 fire engines and other vehicles 1,305 full-t
ime and part-time firemen 167 other personnel R EFU SE D ISPO SA L Incineration,
tipping and pulverising (over million tonnes Consumer protection, analyst servi
ce, registration, coroners office, oil pollution, land drainage etc.
LIBRARIES 77 full-time and part-time, 19 million book issues R ECR EATIONGrants, p
arks, archives and museum services AND
C H ILD R EN 1,511 in residential care and 867 with foster parents, 76 childrens
homes O LD PEO PLE69 homes with places for 3,185 old people plus places for 368 i
n other homes
The County Council has budgeted for inflation to average 11% during the coming f
inancial year
m inm
5-5 2-5
Other homes, hostels, special centres for disabled and mentally disordered Day n
urseries and other day care services 913 home helps aiding 10,600 people 538 soc
ial workers Support services, 665,000 meals to elderly and housebound
1 ;ni
Contributions to Capital expenditure Magistrates Courts and Probation Committees
Maintenance of buildings and other support services Miscellaneous services
Average Ratepayers contribution 14p per week . . . the price of a newspaper and a
2-5 __ 3:5

2 3 1 1 1
F or further information about the Hampshire County Council Budget for 1976-77 .
contact the County Treasurers Department at T he Castle, Winchester, telephone Wi
nchester 4411.
Remember that you can pay your rates by instalments if you wish. Details are obt
ainable from the Treasurer of your District Council who will also be able to dea
l with any other queries you may have about your rates bill. Average Ratepayers c
ontribution 7p per week . . the price of a small bar of chocolate Average Ratepa
yers contribution 18p per week . . the price of a large packet of sweets Average
Ratepayers contribution l i p per week . . . the price of two packets of crisps

E | Social concern
I lu u tti DmAimtt
T v
. . JPEOPLE!________________ AT THE LOCAL CINEMA.
Are five badly needed Polio vaccinations worth the pnce of a packet of cigarette
s? Is a lifetime s eyesight worth the pnce of a seat at the cinema? Believe us,
there are some people who do not need any convincing. Which is why, during Qxfam
Week, we re asking you to share and share alike so that people less fortunate c
an enjoy the bare necessities erf life.
There are many different ways you can share. By giving up some little luxury lik
e the ones depicted above and sending the money you save to us/ By joining m the
fasts that Qxfam have organised through out the country. Or by making a gift of
something you no longer want (china, toys, books, ornaments) to your local Oxfam
Shop. Whichever way you choose, it will mean a great deal to a great many peopl
e if you share this week through Oxfam.
Your donation is desperately n e e d e d So please send your share to Room 52, O
xfam, Freepost Oxford 0X2 7BR (No stamp is needed). We will send you an Oxfam W
eek Fast Leaflet _ _ _ T, , , .. ... ^ ^ f J k F A I R SHARES DuRINu Name/Addres
s m mmmtrmrmm "or further information on how to do your share during Oxfam Week,
visit youi ocal Oxfam Shop, or telephone your local Oxfam Organist ;r.
SEPT.25- OCT.2 .
1 a) How can people be so selfish ? b) A plan for the future: proposals for aid
to developing countries.

Last year hundreds of old people died of the cold. It was a mild winter
To be safe, old people must have a constant room tem perature of above 60F. So pl
ease, visit the elderly regularly and make sure theyre warm in winter.
the Health Education Council
2 a) Living on an old-age pension: a case study. b) The plight of the aged. c) T
he problems of having a granny in the family.

3 a) The difference between blind people and sighted people. b) Raising money fo
r the blind.
H owwell can yourfingers read?
Not very well, we expect. But if you were blind, your fingers could be the key t
o normal living. By using modem methods-including a computer-the RNIB has been a
ble to provide more braille to meet the increasing demand. However, braille inst
ruction, literature and music represent only a part of a wide ranging service pr
ovided by the RNIB for Britains 120,000 blind people. Without your legacies and g
enerous donations, we could not continue to maintain the help blind people need:
Sunshine Nurseries and Schools for blind children, Talking Books, rehabilitatio
n centres for the newly blind, homes and holiday hotels, training and employment
schemes, research into blindness and over 300 aids for use in everyday life. Wh
y not turn a thought into a gift of money now.
4 a)
Children with space to p la y : what advantages have they got?
b) An architect defends the urban environment.
224 GREAT PORTLAND STREET LONDON W IN 6AA Under the Finance Act 1975, bequests t
o chanties up to a total of 100,000 are exempt from Capital Transfer Tax. R egist
ered in accordance with the National Assistance Act 1948.
The sun is shining 1
,but t h e re s no p l a c e t oplaj^m has p r o n e i . ---------------,e a f p f vf o rt h e s e Londonchijdren,
Pressure for a place to

o fan o v w ofbie^ a dash

ora good injusf45
scrub seconds.
of advertising1
T h e pow er
Slow-down.Speed-up.Stop-dead. By remote controL
IV / ir k s o C + ^ r I V ! L ^ U o t C 3i
fe rc u s^ L
T h e r e s n e v e r b e en a v id e o re co rd e r to offer yo u m ore.
All the advantages of a video recording system plus the capacity to slow down th
e picture, freeze it to a T~crisp, clear still, or speed it up to f t i f f H i
cover any ground you dont want to waste time on. And you can do it all in armchai
r comfort with the Ferguson Videostar remote control. The Ferguson Videostar delu
xe isjust what youve been waiting for. And it doesnt stop there. You can build a c
omplete home video system with Ferguson-black and white or colour video cameras
with sound, even a fully port able video recorder are all among the Ferguson Vide
ostar range. And because theyre --- --------------Ferguson, youll know theyre FERGU
SON the best --- --------------Li
Technology you can trust
_ its effect on mo
dern livingVideo equipmen

3 a) W ould you like a credit card ? W hy? W hy not?

It doesn t matter if you re a party of four or forty, ring us with your name and
American Express Card number, and the best available seats in the house are you
Tom Pate, Manager, National Theatre
The American Express Card says more about you than cash ever can. It is recognis
ed and w elcomed ail over the world. You can book your seats at the theatre by t
elephone and sign for bills at many fine stores, restaurants, hotels and car-hir
e companies. There is no pre-set limit to vour spending ~ von set the pattern on
spending limits with
the Card as you use it. You can purchase tickets lor a long-distance flight or a
world The e enrolm ent fee k is 10. Additionally, there is a subscription o f 0
0 , renewable each year There are no autom atic interest charges, but you are re
quired to settle your accounts promptly on receipt. Carry the Card and entertain
in style.
"1 strongly recommend you apply now"
*. P.O . S o n 130. Ssvdnom ony
> o fC K J * o lib tn c iw d w dm
942 930 2226 P
os* oSy n of m y fa *fy a* foihwr*
v n u ts for noit tiitifu ft o f tk* V K ant! Ireland a.
P lease k n o t writ s h o w th is * fo r
P88 <J a Siipi*i*motery C#J ffi
F w s w n t a
[ I,
enfsfs H im *

a true 1co<*vct < fewK A m erican *s>r#*s Com pany a nd <t fapf^seoiatfves to c o n t
c t my empoyf. my Ban*. Of any o#s*j hj*c# to oM as! any o th e r wtomvaSon it may
re q w m i v n tte tt tanci #st A merican ?*** Com pany r*rv* !h npfci to oac&ft# tW
p*>tsca*Kri w.ttwsu? gnrmg a re a so n sm t thas no comw oomfcw tce w * & t# t m io
S w m circum stance* C onditions governing Eh* use of th e A roaocan pr*s* Ca*<J
** a ccom pany tft C artl wfcan isaued
A cc o u n t Ho it &fo* 4 .5 0 0 so u rce am i of any atfdif
The American Express Card Don t leave home without it

We ve nothing against men helping with the housework. But a Miele is much better
at washing up.
There are plenty ofgood reasons for having a dishwasher. And even more for havin
g a Miele.
LThe end of messy washing up.
Washing up by hand is a messy, nme-wasting, thoroughly distasteful job. In fact,
its probably the most boring of all household chores. Unless you have a Miele di
shwasher to do it for you, perfectly.
ZOne days dishes. One Mieles load.
The Miele dishwasher does the lot, all in one go. Washes them. Dries them sparkl
ing clean. Saves time, tempers, and elbow grease. And because you can load dirty
dishes after every meal rhe kitchen always looks tidy.
3. An extra hour everyday
It can take between 45 and 60 minutes to wash up by hand. So, in a year, you eou
ld be watching nearly 50 working days go down the drain. Couldnt you make better
use of this time - with a Miele to help?
4 a) Husbands or washing-up machines? b) Inside the house of the future.
drink and driving dont mix
1 a) Punishment and prevention. b) You borrowed a car and crashed it while under
the influence of alcohol.

Abu Beniamin Britten John Brunner Sydney Carter Constance Cummings Dame Edith Ev
ans Jaguetta Hawkes F H K Henrion Barbara Hepworth CBE Patrick Heron Arthur Home
r Doris Lessing Denis Matthews Spike Milligan Adrian Mitchell Henry Moore CH Iri
s Murdoch John Neville Ben Nicholson J B Priestley Dame Flora Robson Sebastian S
haw Michael Tippett Mike Warren Canon L J Collins Dayan Dr I Grunfeld Mgr Bruce
Kent Rev Lord McLeod Rav Paul Oestreicher Rev Harold Roberts Archbishop T D Robe
rts Rev Lord Soper Bishop of Southwark Bishop of Stepney Sir Richard Acland Fran
k Allaun MP Albert Booth MP Lord Brockway Rt Hon Lord Ritchie-Calder Viscount Ch
aplin Robin Cook MP Bob Cryer MP Bob Edwards MP Gwynfor Evans MP Winifred Ewing
MP Michael Foot MP Lord Gifford John Horner Lena Jeger MP Hugh Jenkins MP Russel
l Kerr MP Lord Kahn Arthur Latham MP Lord Milford lan Mikardo MP Stan Newens MP
Stan Orme MP Verdun Perl Gwilym Roberts MP Caerwen Roderick MP Lord Royle Daffyd
Elis Thomas MP Richard Briginshaw Les Buck Ray Buckton Chris Child Lawrence Dal
y Ken Gill Doug Grieve George Guy Clive Jenkins George Doughty Alan Fisher Alex
Kitson Jack Jones Bill Lindley Harold MacRitchie Ernie Roberts Aian Sapper Hugn
Scanlon Dick Seabrook Bob Wright John Arlott Pat Arrowsmith Dr Charlotte Auerbac
h FRS Prof E H S Burhop. FRS James Cameron Dr Alex Comfort Peggy Duff Arthur Gos
s Stuart Hall Dr Dorothy Hodgkin OM FRS Prof Lancelot Hogben FRS Sir Julian Huxl
ey CBE FRS Prof H D Kay FRS Dr Franklin Kidd CBE FRS Lt Col Patrick Lort-Philips
Dr Sydney Manton FRS Sir Francis Maynell Hon Ivor Montagu Jim Mortimer Dr Antoi
nette Pirie Prof J Rotblat Dr Frederick Sanger FRS Prof C H Waddington ScD FRS P
rof K Wedderburn , Prof Peter Worsley
Affiliated to the International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace United N
ations Association. National Peace Council Chair p r j Dhn cox
Eastbourne House, Bullards Place, London E2 OPT
01-980 0937
Vice Chair
Cllr Olive Gibbs Dick Nettleton Jo Richardson MP
O rg a n is in gS e c re ta ry D u n c a nR e e s .
Treasurer Alistair Macdonald
Dear Friend,
This is a very important time for those of us who are concerned about nuclear we
apons and the threat they pose to peace. On the one hand we have the British Gov
ernment boasting about the horrific nuclear weapons that we still have and press
ing ahead with plans to maintain and develop new ones on the other hand CND in it
s work has made some important advances. However, in order to make these advance
s irrepressible, we still have much work to do. CND has been active throughout t
he year, and especially after major events we have been increasing our membershi
p noticeably. There have been several important events for CND during the year,
including our labour movement conference and the Easter demonstration and one of
the most important of all our forthcoming programme on BBC2 (details elsewhere).
The prospects for CND expanding, and indeed the vital need for us to do so, are
therefore immediate. However, we urgently need finances not just to keep going, b
ut to gain in strength. If we are to increase our influence, and avoid having to
curtail our activities due to lack of money, then we must have 3500 by Christmas

1976. CND plans to be working more effectively and with more support by the end
of the year - but to be able to do this we are depending on YOU responding gene
rously to this appeal. We have just passed the 31st anniversary of the Hiroshima
and Nagasaki bombings and that, plus our forthcoming TV programme, is maintainin
g and even extending interest in CND. However, we must commit ourselves not just
to maintaining CND, but also to advancing it substantially: the need is great,
the time is right. Please help us now in this appeal and get us moving even more
quickly towards nuclear disarmament. Yours sincerely,
^ \ \ \nA<j-oA*~<=^c
Duncan Rees Organising Secretary.
Alistair Macdonald Treasurer.
2 a) The best ways to raise money. b) Answer an invitation to a fund-raising mee

Grandma, can I have $ 20?

S h e s g o t a p ro b le m . At 16 years old She needs the money to support he
r drug habit. As she grows older she ll need more and more and she won t be able
to get it legally. If uncured, she ll turn to crime. Or pros titution. Or both.
That s the w ay it goes, these days. Drugs, a kick, a habit - then descent into
the world of crime and drug dependence. It starts early. Statistics show your ch
ild may encounter his first pusher when he s about 16 years old. 16 y e a rs o l
d ! Not your child ? Not in your area? Don t you believe it. At 16. children, s
ee others using drugs. They try them. And that s just how it starts. Unless you
do something about it now. Contribute to the United Na tions Fund for Drug Abuse
Control. A world-wide effort to clean up a world wide problem. It takes an organi
zation like the U N. to wage the battle effectively. In the rich cities where dr
ugs are used and in the poor areas where they are grown. (And in between where t
hey are traded.) It s an international problem that is difficult to fight only o
n a national basis. It takes the U.N. And it takes money. Money to help countrie
s train police and custom officers to control drug traffic. Money to compile wor
ld-wide experience on drug abuse education and prevention meth ods. Money to stud
y the social cause of drug abuse. Money to educate farmers to grow a cash crop o
ther than the opium poppy. And on and on. You can help. Send the U.N. some of th
at needed money. Help launch a programme that is aimed at protecting your childr
en from the terrible effects of drugs. Please do it now. There isn t much time.
Attach your cheque to the coupon.
United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control c/o United Nations Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland
| Address
| Amount of contribution
Should drug-users be punished ? 3 a) The results of drug-taking: a vicious circl
e. b)

4 a)
O bligations in a consum er society. N ew laws to reduce waste and pollution
5 a)
M ore than 5 m is spent on ciagarette ad v ertisin g : less than is spent on ant
i-sm oking advertisem ents.
vv non a pregnant: woman smokes she puts her unban babys life at risk. Every time
she inhales, she poisons her babys bloodstreamwith nicotine and carbon monoxide.
Smoking can restrict your babys growth inside the womb, it can make him underdev
eloped and underweight at birth. It can even kill him. in just one year; in Brit
ain aione, over 1(500 babies might not have died if their mothers hadgiven up sm
oking when they were pregnant. If you give up smoking when you re pregnant your
baby $ f$ will be as heaithy as if youd never smoked. The Health Educatkxi Counci

AD VANCED W R IT IN G S K IL L S incorporates new concepts for teaching students

writing at an advanced level. Language is treated under the three headings of f
unctions, topic notions and grammar, with the aim of training the students to ex
press themselves clearly and accurately, particularly in writing. The material i
s suitable for intensive and non-intensive courses and a key is provided for the
use of students working on their own. It therefore provides the teacher with ma
terial suitable for many different learning situations. A Resources File at the
errd of the book provides a variety of stimulating visual material for further p
ractice and revision. AD VANCED W R IT IN G S K IL L S may be used independently
or in conjunction with AD VANCED SPEA K IN G SK ILLS. Used together the two boo
ks form a complete course at the post Cambridge First Certificate in English lev
el or equivalent.

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